story \rbara public ed by r, and ael A, at the rs but ar ad- tep INCOME TAX ASSISTANCE EVENINGS — > ENDS ROBERT K BROWN CALL Well Drilling ‘Ralph L. Myers & Sons SALUNGA, PA. Insurance - Justice of the Peace | (Lancaster Co.) 320 E. Main. Si. MOUNT JOV| puoNE LANDISVILLE 7178 Phone 3-4062 7-5¢ | 50-tfe | GET IT AT BOOTH’S Go To Booth's — First IT'S HERE 45 in. Nylon Dress Mat Needs No Ironing — Drys Quickly — Will Not GREEN -—— NAVY GREY ONLY 1 69 a yard 13 LTTE For Spring Sewing Needs erial Shrink — COPEN BLUE 36 inch width 50. yard Sanforized — 7 Colors to choose from “Spring Maid” Broadcloth For Spring Dresses, Underwear, Nighties New—Short Nighties Cotton Crepe — Lace Trimmed | | | | 36 inch Cotton Crepe 59c yard. $995 | PENN-DUTCH PEACHES ELMDALE TOMATOES TUNA"... PEARS . sin. ou di IPEAS .. ... te EVAPORATED MILK . { N.B.C.SALTINES . , . .. N.B.C. SHREDDED WHEAT CORONET V-EIGHT FOUR DOOR SEDAN Here is style that is setting the trend for tomorrow, not following yesterday’ s fad. You see it in the low and rakish hood . the wide curved windshield.. travel-planned interior. Today's freshest .the spacious style is distinctively Dodge. C6 Power Packed Beauty Specifications and equipment subject to change without notice. STEHMAN BROTHERS Outstanding Values in Foods an 30c¢ | 3 cans 45¢ can 33c¢ | can 3c, 2 cans 29c 3 cans 41c | 23c MOSEMAN PEANUT BUTTER 33c 16¢ 53 Dodge. V-Eight or Six | | - ww - - ww ‘LORIN | FLORIN | HAPPENINGS Erp Gta ny n celebration of her 4th ¢ birthday Mrs. William Myers, § LONG AGO East Wood Street, was the guest } a aad of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Braun, Florin on Sunday at a birthday| dinner given in her honor, Aj large decorated birthday cake] was the centerpiece, 30 YEARS AGO March 14, 192: Believing that an additional tax on an industry already tax- Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Hegs/ed to the limit will result in and sons visited Mr. and Mrs, Serious complications, members Kenneth Hickernell Sunday. of the Lanc. Co. Tobacco Grow- Mr. and Mrs. Elwood passed a resolution condem- ining the Wm. C. Alexander bill of Highspire were Sunday | quests of Mr. and Mrs. Paul/Pefore the State Legislature Arndt. [which places a three percent {levy on all tobacco products. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Becker lrne tax. members declared, rand family had as their dinner uo 14 work a hardship on the | Quests on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. ‘lcounty’s important industry Clayton Breneman, Mr. and believing it would result in the | Mrs, Ezra Hess and sons and, luse of a poorer grade of tobac- Mr. and Mrs. J. Samuel Shear- leo in cigars and would reduce | er and daughter, Joan. lconsumption. Mr. Landis Hess en- pgyerybody was urged to go tertained the following the Mt. Joy Hall to see a big over the weekend: Mr. and feature, shown by Ed. Ream, Mrs. John Smith of Lloysville, the making of automobiles. Perry County, Mr. and Mrs.| Train No. 54 struck the auto Levi Fuhrman and Miss Esther/ot Elmer Newcomer at Bruba- | Hess of Lancaster. ker's Crossing knocking off a Mr. and Mrs. Arthur McCur-|wheel and a fender. Driver es- dy of Palmyra visited the lat-|caped injury. ters mother, Mrs. Lillian Ham- —-——r 15 YEARS AGO and Mrs. | itton and family Saturday. March 10, 1938 Mr. and Mrs. Harry Frey off The Friendship Fire Co. vot- Carlisle, Mr. and Mrs. Clarenceled to campaign for better rural Frey of Bridgeport, Perry Co. phone service by writing to the called on Mr. and Mrs. George privately owned telephone Mumper on Wednesday. \groups in the vicinity of the Miss Minnie Shelley’ of Lan-boro. caster visited her father, Mr.| The Ground Hog | Samuel Shelly. ways tell the “truth’ Mr. and Mrs. Norman Ma-Saw one eating grass teer and son of Mt. Joy called large flock of wild geese on Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Mumper|flying overhead toward North— la good sign of warm weather. 29nd the Mr. and Mrs. Fred Zipp, of doesn’t al- '. A farmer and a were on Saturday evening. On Sunday, March ] Ladies of the Fire Co. Auxil-|{Marietta was called to a Lan- jary will hold a Baked Ham|caster Hospital on account of the death of their son. Thgy en- dinner from 11:30 till 2 p. m. gaged an undertaker, made the | at the Florin Hall. Sally Ann Hollinger and Kit- trip only to find their son very |ty Buckwalter, who appeared| ‘much alive and improved. Mrs. on WGAL-TV Talent Time last Zipp was the former Mae Walk- | Saturday. morning as a of this boro. | duo, were informed on Wednes-| Births—a daughter day as th winners of last week's/to Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Bru. was born La and will compete in the baker, Landisville, and Mr. and | finals on April 4th. Mrs. John D. Roland, Donegal | Fire Co. Meeting Springs, had a baby daughter | Eighteen members attended, also. the March meeting of the Florin] Mr. and Mrs. Christ Metzler Fire Company with William moved into the remodeled prop- | Mateer presiding. lerty on W. Main St., this boro, | ! The Company forwarded|recently vacated by Metzler's | many thanks to Mr. Clarence|store. Greider for the tower which] 10 YEARS AGO | will be used for the Siren. _ March 11, 1943 > Four new mernbers were ac-| Julia Brandt Edwords, 202 S. | cepted into thel company. They/Market St. was one of four girls | were William Witmer, Clyde M./to be awarded the degree of Wenger, Clarence Oberholtzer|doctor of medicine at com- and Eugene R. Leber. {mence ment of the Temple Uni- VOT SLY. [ Farmers in Lance. Co. were |asked to materially increase their acreage of food and other [vital crops. A survey of Rapho Twp. was completed, showing [farmers will aid the Govern- |ment’s “Produce more food” (program. | Mrs. Henry Musser, Mt. Joy | : is temporarily filling a va- [ecancy in the East Donegal H. S. replacing Mrs. Briant Sando. Michael Lauber, York, was [found dead lying along the Lan- | disville-Oyster Point Road, a [short distance from Landisville. | He was employed by [ Tout, farmer, and it was learn- | ed he walked to Landisville, a- | gainst a high wind and was | stricken with a heart attack | from exertion. The new RCA plant recently | completed at Lancaster cost | $6.063,820.00 At public sale 100-acre the | nurchased for $17,150 by J. | Ross Esbenshade, Lanc. Completes Test | * Brattleboro, Vt., — With an | average of 380 pounds of but- [terfat and 10,012 pounds of milk testing 3.8%, the 32-cow herd of registerted Holstein- |Friesians owned by J. Mowery Frey, Lancaster, Pennsylvania, [completed their test year re- |cently. Their production aver- laged approximately 16 quarts lof milk daily for each cow in the herd for the year. | Testing was carried on under [the official Herd Improvement |Registry program of The Hol- [stein-Friesian Assoc. of Ameri- lca. | Milking was done 2 times |daily, and testing was supervis- ed by the Pennsylvania State | |College, in cooperation with the national Holstein headquarters. ADVERTISING Salunga, Penna. Took The Tom Cat Out Of The Cracker Barrel Mi a kA ed Wal TRG Bo i AL al oh AR SR A { farm of the late Arthur H. Zieg- | | ter, East Donegal township was | Albert | Lowdown From Hickory Grove I doff my chapeau today to the police of the land-—and the highway patrol. Last night here at Hickory a misguided and AWOL marine, loaded down with heavy artillery, held up a cigar store. A night officer corn- ered the tough egg—told him to drop his shootin’ machinery, quick. The hold-up guy decided it was best to do so, but he might just as likely have start- ed shootin’. All day long night long the police and the patrol devote their time to making it safe for Mr. and Mrs. Citizen to venture forth. Their pay don’t hold a candle to the pay of many jobs that carry no hazards such as facin loaded guns. A patrolman stopping a speeding driver does not know if the driver is com- in” out blazin’ or what, but he stops the guy. It is his frequent chore. He deserves high praise —he is your friend, even if you don’t know it. He don’t flag you down for his own pleasure when you hit it up to 70—he just postpones for you the day that such kind of fool driving will put you in the mortician ante room. Before the city manager or the mayor or a 100 other cush- ioned chair jobs have their sal- ary boosted, some heed and thought and more dinero should come the way of the men whose job it is to tame the unruly. Yours with the low down, Jo Serra er I rm er — ro — Rheems To Install 29 Street Lights The installation of 29 lights for the community of Rheems was the result of the efforts of a committee appoint- ed by the Rheems Fire Co., ov- er a year ago. The report, given by Max Ricedorf, at their meeting Tues- day evening said the committee, made up of residents, circulated a petition which was signed by approximately 95 percent of the residents. Negotations were made with the Penna. Power & Light Co., and a contract was signed recently to install 29 lights. etl ee MOTHERS CLUB DONATE £500 TO BLIND AUXILIARY At the recent meeting of the Mother's Club of Salunga in the Maple Grove School house $5.00 was contributed to the Auxiliary of the Blind. Mrs. Hallie' Walters, presi- dent, presided and Mrs. Char- lotte Hiestand was in charge of devotions. Colored slides of the Holy Land were shown. Hostesses were Mrs. Sally Smith, Mrs. Edith Wenger, Mrs. Mary Jane Aument, Mrs. Vir- ginia Bishop and Mrs. Grace Davis. EE Methodist Men (From page 1) ——— street Church. The speaker of the evening was the Rev. Robert Byerly, Professor of Bible, Elizabeth- town College. His subjects was based on the expression pecul- iar to this section of the coun- try, “It Wonders Me!” Warren Shank and G. Norm- an Linton, Sr., were in charge of the refreshments. Everybody reads newspapers bud thing) kindly remember the Bulletin In Case of Fire in Mount Joy and Vicinity | Dial 3-3431 CLASSIFIED Rates for classified advertising in this column are: 2 lines or less. minimum ...... Me Over 3 lines, per line .......... 10e Fach add. insertion, per line .... Be SALE un ta 1 dise, storm windows and donrs. Aleg dier. on Roofing & eidine (Free Esti.) Write ¥, G. Rohrer, Rl, Phone Mountville 5 5-2924. 10- 4p WANTED: Man {n agsiect py ener on Fetate in Doneeal, Write to P. O. Box 462 Harris. burg, Pa. 10-3¢ FOR SATE: Qemi-hungalow f rooms. all conveniences, hrick veneer, insnlated thronohnnt, farced hot niv hent, Int TRvI87, SPRING alone Rte, 230 between Florin and Rheems, Call week davs only. Clark 7 Keck, nrhone Mount Joy 3-6101. 10-2p Tndividually Aagionad SPENC- FR SUPPNARTS for men, woame and children Far annnint. Mrs, FAvthe ® Rrn- en ment call haker Florin, Phone Mt Jov 3-4949. 46-tfc MEN WANTED TOBACCO FACTORY Full Time. Good Wages H. ROY NISSLY & CO., INC. Florin, Pa. 11-2 LOST: Pair of girle glasses, brown plastic frame. Return to Mt. Joy High School office. 11-1 LOST; Boys signet ring, initials R. W. About 6 wks aro. Return fo Mt. Joy Grade School office or Miss Ibach’s room. 11-1¢ We wish to thank our neigh- friends, and relatives for gifts and cards, during our re- cent illness. Mr. and Mrs. Man- rice Frysinger. 11-1¢ EXECUTOR’'S NOTICE Estate of Joseph R. Gibble, late of Rapho Township, Lan- caster Co., Pa., dec’d. Letters testamentary of said estate having been grant- ed to the undersigned, all per- sons indebted thereto are re- auested to make immediate pavment, and those having claims or demands against the same, will present them with- out delay for settlement to the undersigned UNION NATIONAL MOUNT JOY BANK, Mount Joy, Pa. Arnold. Bricker, and Beyer, Att'ys. 9-6¢ EXECUTRIX NOTICE Estate of Erwin J. Horn, late of the Boro of Mt. Joy, Lancas- ter Co., Penna., dec’d. Letters testamentary of said estate having been granted to the undersigned, all persons in- debted thereto are requested to make immediate payment and those naving claims or demands against the same will present them without delay for settle- ment to the undersigned MARY E. KODER West Main Street, Mount Joy, Penna. William R. Howard, Attorney EXECUTRIX NOTICE Estate of Benjamin H. Em- enheiser, late of West Donegal Township, Pa., deceased. Letters testamentary of said estate having, been granted to the undersigned, all persons in- debted thereto are requested to make immediate payment and those having claims or demands against the same will present them without delay for settle- ment to the undersigned MARY G. EMENHEISER, R. D. 2, Mt. Joy, Pa. Samuel S. Wenger, Att'y 42 N. Duke St., Lancaster, Pa. RHEEMS The weekly cottage prayer meeting of the local Church was held on Wednesday even- ing in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Aldinger, near here. The Ladies Aid Society of the Church met in the sewing room of the Church Tuesday, where they did relief sewing. The Fire Company held a meeting in the Hall on Tuesday March 10th at which time they decided and signed a contract with the Penna. Power and Light Company for the installa- tion of twenty-nine street lights in the village. These lights will be highly appreciated by the citizens. President Robt. Krea- dy also announced .that fifty- three members have been add- ed to the company in the first membership drive. Miss Beulah Gibble of Lan. caster spent Saturday with her mother, Mrs. Ida Gibble of this bors, 9-6¢ 8-6¢ place. The Bulletin, Mount Jov, Pa., Typewriters, Add, Registers, Check Writers, Mach’s., Cash | Safes, | PARTITIONS, Chimney repair Thursday, March 12, 1953==3 BRICK AND BLOCK CELLAR New & Used. J. M. Engle, 411 Fast | and General mason repair work, E-town. Ph. 14J. SEWING "MACHINES SALE: New and used. for all makes of sewing mach- ines, J. V. Binkley, 111 N, Mar- knot St., Elizabethtown, Pa, Phone 688, TROPICAL fish, High St., 8-18-11 | FOR GOLD fish, | Matoney, Mount Joy 3-4621. Repairs | | inery and 1-tfe | SUPPLIES. Monday thru Satur- | to 9 P. M. Closed STAUFFER'S AC- 112 N. Poplar St., phone day 10 A. M Wednesdav, OUARIUM, Elizabethtown, Visitors welcome FOR SALE: 1950 2.14¢ Mercury 2. 373-J. | | 3 | eription, | <1C | | lotte St, No job too small. Phone Jno. E, 49-10 HELP WANTED: Farm Mach- Tractor repairman, unexperienced. Experienced or writing to P, O. Box 86 « Joy. 36-tf ANTIQUES will pay high prices for niques of any des- Mr. Hart, 151 N. Char- Manheim, Pa. Phone 5-2163. 2-24-Af FOR SALE: While it lasts, all wall and ceiling paper 20c¢ a door sedan, R&H OD, Phone roll, was 30c to $1.50. Open ev- Mount Joy 3-4185. 7-tf | ery night except Wednesday. | Mt. Joy Tile & Linoleum Co., FOR SALW: Used FURNITURE | Mount Joy. 8-tf See Rea Tw Greider, to Allen Keller, Landisville 2401. FOR SALE: Cobbler potatoes. successor Nice mealy Irish sound & clean. No. 1 - $4 ner 100 1b. No. 2 - €1.25 per 100 1b. J. Norman Rohrer, Manheim R2, Pa. 11- de JUST RECEIVED * T. D. C. MM nrojectors $34.75 up. Others $96.10— eight to select from. Vietor Klahr's Little Shop with the big stock, Middletown. 11-1 FOR SALE: 9x10 ‘Brussels 1 rug, colid color. 46 W. Donegal St., Mt. Joy. Phone 3-6174. 11-1p FOR RENT: Modern Trailer, all conveniences, Lanc. & Mari- etta Pike. Bus stop. Phone Col- umbia 4- 8212. 11- tfc FOR SA SALE : : Farmall H Tr: actor, | with loader: good condition. Harry E. Derr, Mt. Joy 3-5798. Call after 5:30 p. m. 11-1p FOR SALE Truck, running condition. Mt. | Joy 3-6304. 11-1c¢ | Married Counle... MIDDLE AGED For Position in Private Estate of Man and Wife. NEAR LANCASTER Woman to do cooking, house-. | work. Husband to take care of | premises, auto, etc. Furnished apartment, bath, Tel- evision, space for private auto. Social Security. One Day off during week and every other Sunday. Nice home and attractive proposition for right couple. WRITE P. O. BOX "753, LANCASTER, PA. Giving age, qualifications and address. Replies held strictly confidential HELP WANTED” R2, or Ph. Mt. Joy MEN AND FIREMAN FOR NIGHT WORK BachmanChocolate Co. MOUNT JOY, PA. 8-tf RETAIL APPLIANCE Salesman Wanted Excellent opportunity for reliable man SALARY & COMMISSION Only Write stating experience to A. W. Box 85 Mount Joy Bulletin Experienced Man | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Salunga. Phone | LOT FOR SALE: 80x180, Don- 7-7p | egal Springs Road, ~ | Price reasonable, John A. Char- Mount Joy, les, Phone Mount Joy 3-4183. 37-18 AUTOMOBILE PARTS for Sale, I buy old cars, all kinds of scrap iron and also sell stove wood. Guy D. | Spittler, Phone Mt. Joy 3-5573. 40-t4 WANTED TO RENT in vicinity of Mt. Jov housing facilities to raise 5.000 or more broilers. Write J. S. Box 86, Mount Joy. FOR SALE: Restaurant Stock and eauipment, good reason for selling, will sacrifice. Art & Skips Luncheonette, Main St., Florin. 9-4c {FULL OR PART TIME to sell fascinating line of Jewelry. No experience necessary. Our wo- men average $10.00 per even- ing un and commission. Apoly 1936 “International | P. O. Box 86, J. N.,, Mt. Joy, Pa. { WANTED TO RENT: 4 or 5 room Apt. in Mt. Joy by couple with two children. Reasonable rent. Call Elizabethtown 443-R or at 153 N. Hanover St. 11-1l¢ WANTED: Woman to learn to operate a linotvpe. Good pay to |etart, Full or Part Time Apnly | THE BULLETIN OFFICE, Mt. Joy, Penna. 11-tf GENERAL OFFICE WORKER: shorthand and tyving not neces- sary. State previous experience references and galarv expected, | Write M. G. P. O. Box 85. Mt. | Joy, Pa. 11-1¢ SPECIALS RE-BUILT WASHER _. $59.95 $79.95 USEPp IRONITE { WAY'S APPLIANCES 48 W. Main St., Mount Joy, Pa. 11-1¢ FOR RENT: Furnished room. 220 E. Main St., Mt. Joy. 1l1-1lc¢ LOST: Large black Tom Cat | with white ring around neck, fate face and breast. Please notify Roy C. Aument, Mount 3-5258. 11-1p I would like to express my | sincere thanks and apprecia- | tion to all my friends, relatives and neighbors for the lovely cards, flowers and gifts I re- | ceived during my long period of illness. Mrs. Margaret May. 11-1p "OR RENT: Modern store room heated, 36 W. Main St., Mt. Joy Possession in few month. Apply S. H. Miller, 46 W. Main Street, Mount Joy. 11-3¢ | FOR SALE: Baby coach, good NEED A BABY GIFT, OR A POLLYANNA GIFT, One for Mother, Sister, Brother. Margaret - Jean Shoppe 19 W. Donegal St., Mt. Joy, Pa. Dial 3-9373 IDEAL Magazines, Buttonholing Toys, Games Alterations 9-tf WANTED: Sewing Machine Operators. Permanent job, good pay, excellent working condi- tions. Apply Hesteco Co., manu- facturers of children’s dresses, 443 W. High St. Phone Eliza- bethtown 431. 10-tic Bulletin Ads Pay Big Dividends, can be seen at Christ Sts., 11-tfe cond. $15. [ Cover’s, Delta & Marietta Mount Joy. FEMALE HELP WANTED Sewing Machine Operators On Single Needle Light Work, Good Pay Apply oo BOX 86, MT. JOY wr 11-1¢ WANTED WAREHOUSE MEN Wolgemuth Bros. FLORIN, PA. 4-tfe PAINT INVENTORY SALE: Prices reduced 334%. Green enamel only $4.00 per gal. Reg. Price $6.00; Pure Raw Linseed Oil, only .45 per qt. Reg. price .70, 25c per pt. Reg. price .40. Also many other bar- gains. Come in and look around Open Evenings. Jack B. Moss, Paints & Specialties, Manheim R2, Opposite Mt. Joy American Legion, Phone Landisville 6152. 9-tf FURNITURE REFINISHING BEAUTIFUL KNOTTY PINE REPRODUCTIONS LENHERT'S Cabinet Shop MARIETTA, PA. Phone 6-2581 8.f 4-Hour