The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, March 05, 1953, Image 8

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    Te by Ww ww ee

Bulletin, Mount Jov. Pa., Thursday, March 5. 1953] ENGAGEMENTS » BIRTHS [ -
o_o 2 2 Mortuary Record, dis MANA |
Spelling Bee March 13 There will be two spelling | ry Oriental A daughter was born to Mr, | £8 4 | 4 4 he
vera: wali Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fogie, | (Turn to page 3) :
classes, a general information ‘ ! Fogie, | 0] and Mrs, Clyde E. Gerberich,
A spelling bee will be held at | and a Penna. Dutch class to be | WILLIAM COVER JR ; Columbia R1, announce the en-| (From page 1) Jr, 335 W. Donegal St., this
the Rheems school on Friday. taught by Rev. C. R. Longe-| william Cover Jr. fifty-four, gagement of their daughter, | tivity | boro on Thursday at the Lan- % [
5 ™ tndl 4 rw Ha, Th RN esre
March 13th at 7:15 p. m | necker, Lebanon [died at 11:15 a. m. yesterday at Carmen Lucille, to Robert H. The tropical island of Formo- | caster General Hospital. 1e e on Milk
‘ » a | ‘ . | . .
[his home at Pittsburgh after an Funk, son of Mr. and Mrs. Cur- | 5a, labelled “Democracy’s dag A daughter was born Thurs- Your Guarantee of. Satisfaction



[illness of several months tis Funk, Walnut St., Marietta, |#er aimed at the Bamboo Cur-lgay to Mr. and Mrs. James 2
| 23. . . wr : + : : ai » :s 1 J ~ i ar p ¥ .
[ A son of Mrs. Amanda Hawk Miss Fogie is employed by |tain”, comes in for its share of Shank, Rheems, at the Lancas olouclile, 1S Pure Whole Milk FN —_—
Cover and the late William Co- Henry G. Carpenter, Inc., Mt, Footage. The sound film por- {er General Hospital, the moth Ni i EC
| ver, he was born in Elizabeth- Joy. Mr. Funk was recently trays life among the island’s ten or was the former Johanne! Including ALL the Cream Sn y—
a [town and resided there for a discharged after serving two Million inhabitants, concen- Hawthorne, daughter of Mr. - = oniy water removed
g | number of years. A paper hang- years in the U. S. Army trated in an area less in size vg Yi ¢ AND VITAMIN “DD”
KA / | yea i S. Army and Mrs. Jay A. Hawthorne, of | : ENRICHED
Raa + er by occupation, he moved to than half the surface of Lake Bainbridge. Baby will be called ! Hundreds of thousands of folks agree it's the pra’ 66
RA oh ¢ 5 vears ag ichigo: Thee Or ' f st alit .
| Pittsburgh about 15 years ago. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Shank, Michigan. These Hg lude three Jayne Lee Toca of 1001 uses ui Tin Milk is the * EVAPORATED
aE - { He is survived by his wife, ppeems. : " (million refugees from the Chi ay y feeding, on your
| Mrs; Aranda Cover: his 4 theems, announce the engage- ; : : : LT A son was born to Pfe. and | table and in your favorite cooking recipes ILK
: COURT OF ss Amalie oyer lis ‘nop ment of their daughter, Norma hese migniand as well as sever- wp. james Aller of Falmouth, | You'll appreciate its uniform, dependable qual Wage a
R Be Hye Nl dren, ‘0518, wile Ol. Jean to Raymond E. Good, son al hundred thousand National on February 17 at the Veterans | i Rb yet is goodness costs - 4
John Mann, Eyelyn and Harry _; : : ’ ist troops. The film champions we) $s than other popular brands. —
8 : | es of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Good, h Hospital at Indiantown Gap. |
; re © BRADLLY ADVERTISING, Ine { Cover, all of Pittsburgh: Mary, Marietta. Miss’ Shank is em- Madame and Generalissimo Mrs. Aller. the former Darlenc E va M N L FI V
wire A ar on ployed in the office of the Mari- < ign Kai Mr Dick By Schaffner, came home with her Dp
2 tu 3 i caster R2, ert, erre | i, re ats . 1. lis, 39 year old missionary to _ ia Na slot : CRED
Public opinion speaks highly of the mon Hill, and 10 grandchildren. A oa ation Corns De. China and former prisoner of hr ames Ir ue yg tall Cc 4 baby cans
: é Ir. Good is a senior a 1er grandparents, bf Mrs, |
who knows how to save as well as earn sister and two brothers also SUr- | po. oa xfer. the Reds, serves. as Formosa 1. Wr. cans 27¢ Ti
: 6. Anni ife Willi Franklin and Marshall College, Chin hide Harry O. Troup, of Falmouth. brin
money. A small sum deposited every NRE IAM | where he is a member of Lamb- | ©" commentator | Pfe. Aller is stationed at Wash Homogenized! Enriched! American Med. Ass'n Seat Mt.
. Shank, Elizabethtown; Christ | Alpha Fraternity. The The customs and costumes of | j y
pay day can grow until you have finan- Cover, Mount Joy, and Harry A pha Fraiernity. The ington, D. ( The
. 2 wedding will take place May the peoples of India comprise — | IDEAL FANCY Reg. 2 cans 3§¢
cial independence. Current Rate of re- Cover, Lancaster. 23rd pla iy a colorful backdrop in the | Co fi mati At % P cand 2 an 3c eme
« . » Ir cans
nfirmation weet Peas 11:0
i plight of “The largest free na
turn 114%. a .
4 RG ii f tion to remain in a world al | St. Mark s Church Ideal Fancy Semi-Sweet Peas, Ji hand 2 303 cans 354 Scho
| cg, 2 7



PERSON I qQ Miss Edna May W over hil by! . 2 cans 37¢
A engagement to Jay Harold over hal enslaved Dy givir
’ FREI i rH ah tew, son of John Rettew, CATS The of The Rt. Rev. John Thomas CHOICE ALASKAN Res De 1a) san tall Cc lo «
y & . on a 5 Vike 41a, | Russia's designs on India in re- vistand. Bis : » Diocese | a
aa iLL RL 6 eo. oro. and. the late Mrs. REUeW. | ation to the rest of the world is of Harrisburs wil make mis an.| DANAE Salmomn = only
ie I Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Rice, | has been announced by her par-| i ie world 1s of Harrisburg will make his An- | only
: 1 = ¢ Washington, D. C. were visitors |ents, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph startling. nual Visitation "to St. Luke's Ideal Fancy White Meat Tuna Fish 7°zcan 38¢ { be ti
A IVA in the boro over the weekend | Sumpman of Marietta. { Humor, tragedy and drama Episcopal Church, Mount Jov { same
MT. JOY, PA.== with Mrs. David Shonk, 126 W.| Miss Sumpman is ‘employed are through out. Hindu snake on Wednesday evening, Mar. 11,1 OLIVAR SPANISH Res 35¢ | to x
™ oR 3 od \ Donegal St. on Saturday and |by A. Werman & Sons, Inc, of | ¢harmers and fakirs add inter- at which time the Sacrament of ! ® 4Y-ox pers
777, 2d A A spent Sunday with Mrs. Anna | Marietta and Mr. Rettew by | €st: The film reaches a climax Holy Confirmation will be ad-| fu fe Olives jar is as
Loewen and Mr. and Mrs. War- | Inter-State Trucking Co., Lan- Pathos at the Hindu’s burn | ministered. The largest class of | Ideal Pork and Beans ©" Vegetarian 2 16-0zcans 93, are
ren Bentzel, of New Haven St. caster. {ing ghat on the banks of the candidates for Confirmation in| ever
———— ——— _ eee theta mesa rn | sacred Ganges river. There an the history of the Parish will be| IDEAL RED | by t
¥ oe Bi an TY ! Indian son is shown cremating presented at that time for the » 16-02 C Th
HM ¢ D) | 4 § i FE hs ¢! A 9 | his own mother in religious rit- | Apostolic Rite of the Laying on Kidney Beans cans mini
9 A; ® (® y O : | ual. Billy Graham, internation-of*hands. ; int i scree
’ . ) - di i 8-0z jar int jar %
|ally known evangelist, hails the | Bishop Heistand will also Fresh Hom-de-Lite Mayonnaise $2: 18c pintlr Sie agno
new movie as ‘One of the Bet- | preach the sermon on that oc-| made
ter Missionary films of our time casion. The time of the service “ T films
. containing up-to-the-minute is 7:30 P. M., to which the pub- B ig 2¢ ea Bag Sale come
| : .
{ records from three of the most lic is most cordially invited i
strategic spots in the So | : iy : x # You geta 16¢ pkg of 16 ii
Sire § 5 oo i |
| “The Cry of the Orient” has | Railroad Raitos Orange Pekoe Tea Bags for only 2¢ is
| been seen by hundreds of thous-! The average revenue received by | with purchase of £0 pkg at study
| ands of people in Alaska, Cana- Class I railroads of the United the regular price of 43¢-BOTH PACKAGES will
da, Fngland and the United States for carrying a ton of freight | TEA to he
| States. As a res Soa . one mile was only 35 percent greats
fl ro Y tesa ol seeing this | o "i 1050 than in 1938, while in | BAGS © tases
| i i ent of {AOR young Great Britain there was an increase and
yeople re S.C ches o ¢ SION ir : s x . , iri
r ople in rallies, churc les, high of 71 percent in the sanje period. Don’t Miss this Sensational Value! quirl
| schools, colleges, seminaries | ment
[and bible schools have dedicat- native workers have been help- physi
| gh Y Ai ’
[ed their lives to the supreme ed also. Souls have been saved | PRINCESS MARGARINE Golden i's 2 108 43c ceive
{ task outlined in this missionary through the ministry of this! PANCAKE MIX Gold Seal 20-0z pkg 13¢ ! case.
[Plctire. Multitudes of God's film. Some permanent (some IDEAL GOLDEN SYRUP ,24-0zbot 234 X-ray
| people have been awakened to short term) missionaries are on | FACIAL TISSUES Fairest 200 pkg 10e by th
give, and thousands of dollars | the field—others are n the is
[ have been collected and : py way, rol tre res- | PREMIUM SALTINES pap ec Joie
| . . . )
nelled to the mission fields of ponse to “The cry of the Ori- | GLENDALE LUB LOAF CHEESE 2 89¢ | infect
| Japan, Formosa, Okinawa, Kor- ent.” Missionary boards are us- IDEAL TOMATO SOUP 3 core 29s { ment
> ve . nD. i
| ea, Hong Kong, Philippine TIs- ing the film story to stir up PURE INSTANT COFFEE Ideal Jar 50¢ early
| ands, India, Holy Land, Africa their constituents here at home. chang
| Europe and South America. In (See advertisement on church ACME MEAT PRICES DOWN less c
{addition to helping missions,—- page in this paper.) AND QUALITY ALWAYS "TOP" lies a
| . SL = =| | for tu
| oH y 5 |
i i .
{ Shank end, Kil
| C some slices lel
Ib removed IRA

cece | | REGULAR $6.95 VALUE | Slices of these Hams 99¢ Butt End ©» 39¢ hog


~ FREE Cn Sale Friday and Saturday Only | FRESHLY GROUND BEEF -39< | no
JUS? 4s | Fresh Killed, Ready for the Pan =~ Cc I
=: Frying Chickens -49 hg
WW Eo | Fancy 8 to 10 Ib Hens--Ready for the Oven-- 57 Cup's
‘Small Turkeys °* ao §
| Pan Pudding Ib 35¢ | Fillets of Pollock Ib 25¢ Dut
CONTEST CLOSES | “"v!a Scrapple [Fancy Perch Fillets '™ 35¢ Ekart,
MIDNIGHT | a 2 vs 25, Fillets of Haddock Ib 35¢ or
y yn | LA 2? 20¢ gi
ab Green Beans &- | i%

Crisp, Pascal Celery 2:25 E.C
Cole Slaw, Soup Mix or Salad Mix ceo Pkg 15¢


| |
1.1 1ST PRIZE THIS BEDROOM PICTURE. CAN YOU 1, This contest 13 to every 4. The judges of this contest, |
| — on o m y Ss, W
| $125 Modern NAME 107 Smploy es of bis sore and comer lebih Fresh Fla. Strawberries rx 29 |
I'l Managem va Br 1 ER | : fe SS
BEDROOM SUITE That's all there is to itl Just test your \ : Ag Ng 5. In case of ties, duplicate | JUICY FLA. J J
observation and WIN your share of Jour Joltinns to Sur Store piss wal Pe ayarded, and ® H
1 { 2ND PRIZE Fa $1000 in prizes! Fill in 10 errors Jas sit oat use ihe sent addidional prizes Por { ; | i 5 2 § ¥ 1} } i for Lt i At a
2 $345. Heywood-Wakefield p ny 8 entry blank below... . and 2 8. Only ONE eniry will be ae- 6. Any person by entering this Large 221/,x34Y/, inch | évenin
| 3pc. SECTIONAL SOFA either bring your answer to the store or Jopicd ftom any Person, or Somes agrees to abide by { { Pp a of the
i a rt in 5 7]
%1 3RD PRIZE Jail the coupon below to Contest Manager. contest. i a A oi TL a, nal the 1: Fla. Valencia Oranges doz 33 ¥ tional
51 $208 silver-Tone Oak AUBIN SENSE WEEK OF MARCH 9th IN THIS NEWSPAPER | Winesap Apples Western 2:29 © ing ye
a i . : 1 | - ul ea Abner
4TH PRIZE P-R-I-Z-E-S! Fe USE ‘THIS ENTRY BLANK Choice of Flamingo or Egret Design! | 2-Year Field Grown Sur-Gro Rose Bushes 149 § fone
He 4 util Seabrook Farms Extra Fancy Green Peas 2 '0czpkes 39g J tetter,
§{ 316 spc. chrome Credit Merchandise Checks ' RTS UF A 1 : : | Seabrook Farms Spinach LeaforChopped 2 14-0z pkgs 43¢ § lor, sex
| BREAKFAST SET Worth $50 Each reo 3a | Ark: Sta A So or To ly You'll like this large mirror as a | retary;
| 5TH PRIZE 100 Credit Merchandise Checks Room?” contest. | agree to abide by the decisions of the judges. | decorative addition to any room. FRESH, DELICIOUS VA. LEE BAKERY TREATS i
Worth $40 Each 1. erm - 1 { A eee orenc
$59.50 Simmons | 2 Smart over Be Aer fur | Here's a New Bun You'll Like - - (pkg 9, 43¢) c Ruth I
i INNERSPRING 100 Credit Merchandise Check 1 3 niture. Large 15,x3415 Inch size { e pkg 1
Hl MavTRESS Worth $30 Each | t 1s ‘ BO enna) Cocoanut Sticky Buns suger
: 3 os pm 1 5 ! i with a protective back-frame. Wait till you taste that chewy caramel and cocoanut. Sa :
: i | HOT CROSS BUNS rkaof1239¢ Mrs. M
: - ’
# FURNITURE Hours 1 8. | Brown 'n Serve Hot Cross Buns Px91239¢ and Sa
T ale) 3 io Enriched Supr Bread int
Hl » ) Fri. and Sat. 0 \ | preme Drea or -
i STORE TYE. MW. NBME ars oestrogens. £8 | add kd | LOUELLA BUTTER BREAD 25¢ EASTET
. | White, Whole Wheat or Protein. Thin-Sliced, dated loaf. An I
206 S. Market St. ADDRESS : ! Sissons Nini
" S Elizabethtown, Pa. : This Form Must Be Mailed by Midnight, March 7, 1958 1 | 14-16 W. MAIN ST., MOUNT JOY. PA. Prices Effective March 5-6-7, 1953. Quantity Rights Reserved. held at
ed TT — — ma - - Friday,
- .