The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, March 05, 1953, Image 6

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    SUBMITS LOW BID the Mechanicsburg School Dis | building,
| Paul A. Martin, Mt, Joy, sub-| trict Authority for construction Serta Scant frases
lof a new elementary school Bulletin Ads Pay Big Dividends.

wdhe Bul n., Mount Jov. Pa,. Thursday, March h 1953 VSR
An en "The Dutch Philosopher |} HAPPENINGS
What. (1S OVERHEARD BY JOHN BOYD) | — of —
WwW | N Well Mrs, umspenshate. Come | people walking across the | aad AAAS
© C ews on in quick. It's a little chilly | streets br . :
a | They would not admit it, but | 30 YEARS AGO
today for a chainch
mitted a low bid of $267,261 to
Do You Know!'??

we {
Ee Saas:

? I Yes and 1 am right glad that I think it is pretty near the | February 28, 1923
Have You Been Visiting J it is because that weather we |truth, | At the annual live bird shoot |
H d Visitors 2? had last week was too warm fer | Now I read in the paper that i for the championship of Penna, | Someone who was drafted ? .
Q Febbiary. It causes a lot of sick- six million new cars “will be | Geo. W. Hansell, Lebanon, won |

they say and besides, the 'on the roads by the end of this

1 ? ness } y 1 | the cup and nearly $500 in cash | . ®
Been Divorced ’ spring flowers and butts come | ye ar. What will it be like in | py killing 20 straight. Scores of | Someone who enlisted?
: out a then gets frozen [another ten years if this keeps | geal entries were Daniel M.
Bought Anything ? Mand i robs too. A body |up? floes « Nome. 14; H Horne) 5 . WwW h d ‘t
S 1d S thi 2 would think in all these years | Don't ask me. They will build | fs. this boro, 10; A. G. Weiler, Any erviceman or oman who oesn
© ome ng : they would know better than to [more of these here turnpikes no | Ne w Holland, 13; P. S. Pyle, of | h B I . 2
H d Party ? fly up here too soon still {doubt. But what can we do Pittsburgh. 17: Jno. E. Schroll, | get t © u etin ’
ad a Far Well, they always do things | about it? | this boro. 18: Ira R. Hershey ®
that way chust like some people | Nothing, except to stay at | ' va
Been To One? that always must learn things home on Sundays and holidays k Sw) 0 Was born io. Wr | © Or a box from the Re membrance Com
the hard way for themselves. 'and travel by the train when Wail. rn Ge en . 2
Got Engaged ? They won't listen to adwice | want to go some place far off | 1 rs, reorge Groff, North | © mittee .
. 2 No-—if people listened to ad- | like Philadeffia. No matter how | Sf ry Da
Been Jilted wice there would not be so l good they can build autos they | Mist Pearl E. hile Wf 4 2 4 C 11 h B 11 ti Offi
| ' rns | turned from a six month visit |
. | many people killed and maimed | still ain't no match for ar train y., ties i Wa - a t e u e In ice
Joined a Club or for life on the roads by these when they come together: af at Cup and roti back "© If SO, call 3 6 1!
autos. They all think it is some- [grade crossing (lemon that weighed onc oud 1S .
Been Thrown Out of One body else that is killed when | No, that's for sure. ond S or send a card to Box 243 Mount Joy.
. they read the newspapers and {what's new that you know of? | wil 1 Ya gemuth, teller of | ®
Had Triplets, Quads or that it won't happen to them. | Nothing at all except all this [the Florin Trust Co. tendered 2
Chorch says he thinks the [foreign stuff that a body can’t | his resignation and Clarence Z. |
Even a Baby ? trouble is that these here mod- [hardly understand at all. And | Musser, son of Rev. Irvin W. © BEFORE MARCH 15, 1953
ern cars is chust too powerful [then all this tax business. What | Musser, East Donegal, has been | ©) Tw
i ? : ; | w
Had An Acci ent : and the roads is too smooth so |does Chake think about our in- elected his successor. Mr. Wol- © Un
i like 1 f t | tax being reduced? lg th is to Calif. o 3)
that the drivers like to go fast |come taxes INE re red? igemuth expects to go to ali P=
so’s they can get their money’s | He thinks that Eisenhower is |by ship thru the Panama Can: al I

That's News. Please Tell Us So We | worth out of the high-priced right. We shouldn't reduce taxes {to Los Angeles where his bro- | me
i power they bought puntil the buichet is balanced. | ther Hiram lives



3 {| Yes, and Chake says there is He says it is like not buying a | 3 YEARS AG :
Can Print It and Tell Your Friends many drivers that think |tellywisiom set until your new | ua 3% | Tra
| road signs and white lines and | auto is paid for if you ain't got | Rev “> i Sy we. J o| | Bra
traffic is chust put up to be such enough money to pay the in- I Perkasie. conducted Tis first Das
| a nuisance to them. They won’t stallments on them both at the | vic oy is Mm De)
a gh : Sunday. February 27th i
realize that they are put up to same time |as PAHO bf the Trine. Lo Cdr
The protect them. | [see what he means. But then | W700 OF UY eal ie
Ain't that the truth. T remem- | again it would be nice not to | ran chureh, succeeding the | re
| ber when Chorch used to belly- | have to pay so much for the |late Rev. George Kercher, who | Hee
MOUNT JOY Phone 3-9661 something awful when a |income tax. {served the Mt. Joy church for | box
ee ee eee eee eee | light would go red for him. ut | Yes, that it would, but chust | 2! years. Rev. Koder will be | | Trop
{now chust the other day when: as Chake says, nobody and no |formerly installed on March 13. ran
| we was driving in to Lancaster | gover ‘ment can go very ong | Sidewalk from Mt. Joy to Ay gal
SICO and got to Duke and Liberty, i spending more than it takes in. { Florin is now a certainty. The V7 AR A TT gar
he says, look, there's a new | No, that's true. What does he Township will sponsor the pro- | {RT
{light and it was chust about [think about this price control [ject and work will begin March | y 9 2D
PROFITS [time they put one up here, he |business? 3 | 15. and you'l ov ve wile
" | says. He won't say except that he| Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Greena- | *tiqu
| Some day we may get one lis going to wait and see what | walt, Marietta street, this boro. | Copr Advertiser Exchange Inc. 1953 =
{here in Lititz at Broad and | happens. { were entertained at their home | “Kat
| Main. I guess that’s what we all |in celebration of their golden

Probably not “til. somebody is | will do. Well, I must be going wedding anniversary. February
| killed there and maybe not |to the store and get some things (21. All of the couple's children
then. Chorch says the state {before the prices chump. A [were present at a dinner

| and |
: id 1 x
: de a Bt hoi ase body ho a0 fuush Syn |approximately 40 guests celica! Whether you're over or under 35—you need SLAICEPS!
| i interested in eepin rane 0- es 1%. Kr ye, lat the home. : i ha, ; :
{ing fast than in safety for Good bye. | Mrs. Esther Sumpman, this] And we've go} the biggest variety of SLAICEP’S in town!
« Ei

They're on every sheif and table . .. in every casz and
section ...... because SLAICEPS spelied backwards is
boro, was admitted to St. Jos-
Impressive [Lowdown From cv: fom or imines ii


{fered in an automobile aceident| SPECIALS! And that's exactly what we're famous for —
| Graren : | near Me SPECIAL VALUES in the top quality foods you prefer for
3 yr Hickory Grove ite Savas a a wai the finer flavor that makes every meal a delicious, nuiri-
Ds rrr. as I delve today into the law. | Miss Mildred Wav. Pini tious treat. Buy all your lood needs here and you'll be
lent of the Home for the Aged | This is not to be a poppin’-off | was the first prize winner in the | convinced that our SPECIALS spell SAVINGS for you!
lat Myerstown, told of the work “happus cappus,” to-wit, | Brown Derby Quiz sponsored]
whereas, “corpus cristy” and | by Gunzenhauser Baking Com- |
of service at the Church Home. | hocus-pocus type of legal ver-!pany. Ammon Bucher, Man. |
‘A similiar work of commenda- | Pac that sound as if the great R. D. placed second.
{tion came from Rev. C. J. Yod- | Man using such, really was| 10 YEARS AGO
‘there” and knew what he was| February 25, 1943
1 of Pastor Deck during his years
Rib Roast vs cues 1h @Fe
Chuck Roast ih @Fe
(2 Rump & Round Steak ©» 8§e
V0 SEIS. Fresh Ground Bed th Qe
SVN Vy Bologna 4s wih Ge
JELL-0 Armour Sliced Bacon ir Qe |
Ee Delicious Flavors
: igo | Sens is TRY VALLEY
; ~ AR Royal Anne Cherries
er, the church publisher.
Official greetings from the lo- talking about. The angle I am| James Hockenberry and his |

cal Ministerial Association were | Messin’ with is, how can we wife, Maybelle. East Main st, |
| brought by Rev. E. H. Ranck, afford so much law | this boro, were admitted to St. |
pastor of the Evangelical Unit- Now, to put a finger on the | Joseph's Hospital under obser- |
led Brethren Church of this bor- | Sore spots. The paper says that | vation for head injuries rece iv- |
the “wise men of the west” —~!ed when their car struck :
{ The local congregation was |}aW enthusiasts——there in Sac- | truck on the Harrisburg Pike,
represented by the Sunday | Calif, in 12 days of | east of Landisville. Their year
| Sehool Superintendent. Mr. | their legislative rodeo, dropped | old son was injured about the
{ Earl Kaylor. As Mr Kaylor j into the law hopper 5405 pro- nose and another oc cupant of |
{brought greetings he presented | Pose d laws—1000 the last dav.|the car. six month old daughter |
ia history of Pastor Deck’s ach- | Those sunny Cal. folks must be of Mrs. Thoda Wagner, this bor- |
{ievements, and then handed :?® rough and tough bunch if it j ough, was cut’about the face.
{him a gold wrapped gift box. takes more than 5000 new laws| It will be interesting to know |
| This gift proved to be a surprise each 2 years to keep ‘em in line | that the parents of Dwight D.|
| present from the congregation | land out of jail or in jail, Either | Eisenhower, four-star general |
| of fifty dollars, representing the | that or they are letting their!in command of all Allied fore-!
[fifty vears of service. Several | State Congress make monkeys | es in Tunisia, is a native of Mil- |
| other gifts of money were open- of ‘em. Any citizen of that Miss | [lersburg, Pa., his parents hav- |
led in the social hall, but the gift | Lsemon Juice land who could | ing resided there prior to mov- |
Take off for
to see the

| ough.

Heavy Syrup
1-lb can 28¢
Ritz Crackers LUX Serra
29c¢ REG. SIZE
Apples 22: 1 |

of the congregation remained a |find time to read 5000 new|ing to Abilene, Kansas. Mrs. |
secret until the moment of pre-; measures, let alone paying any | Samuel Brehm, of Elizabeth- |
| |

| sentation. | attention to same, he is a wiz- | town, is a first cousin to tha
| In addition to the music fur-|ard. | Gene ral.
[ nished by Miss Mildred Way. | How you gonna fix it, says f The Senate confirmed the
“Jackie” Rohm. marimbists, | Henry. Easy 1 says. Make just ‘appointment of Miss Maud E. |
{and the choir; there was spec-|2 laws. One law to repeal 100 Culp as postmistress at May- |
ial music by Miss Ethel Barto, town. Miss Culp held that pos- |

books full of present laws, and |


New, distinctive styling ol
Mrs. Paul Hostetter, and Mrs. | On€¢ law that would slap into] ition for some time. | BATH
by the dozen! ) y nil anv 10 € STAYMAN WINESAP
ong Y ees | Walter Brandt. The officers of|J2il any political gent who After being frozen over solid | STAYMAN WI ob
{the church served as ushers, a) Would even propose one ne wifor some time the ice on the | large 2 Ibs 25c¢
Timer! [number of the young women)concoction. Sounds simple, says| Susquehanna river broke and | gleasing 3 for 3 2c
® Huge New Master Oven! HA : : Henry. Quite so. I savs VE . : ] and | fragrance!
® Big 6-Quart Deep-Well {assisted in floral decoration, y. He so, 1 says. | started moving off quietly on | P k Ol
Thrift Cooker! tand many of the women served Yours with the low-down, Tuesday. : | ar ay €0 ot
. Fourth Raistble Surface jat the social hour in Hostetter's JO CERRA RE | 2 lbs 49¢
® Three Big Storage Draw- | Dining Hall : Fra. 5
ers on Quiet Nylon Roll- Pn : a nies, to mark the fifty years. “| Ronnie Garlin Shoots | 1 New with Puralin! "df ,
ers! | The Social Hour, following andl 1» Jurca Bi 3 Perf 2 Stops “'B.O." C
® Full-Width Fluorescent lthe service, was marked by alo large Bible concordance. | erect 00 In Match | |

Lamp ; : i Many greetings, letters, tele-
| number of surprises. Delicious :
® New tre Hi-Speed Cal- | prises grams, and gifts were received Ronald Garli |
rod® Cooking Unit! {refreshments were served by By stor Deck d 5 rarlin, a member of
Imembers of the congregation pas 4 oF Sung the past | the Mt. Joy H. S. Senior class,
land as donations from them. i ay nis the surprise Fits feaprured the District 3, PIAA |
About two hundred guests were ds oh is work at Mount Joy | rifle championship during the |
lin attendance. The tables were - i Sharad by the title shoot at Ephrata H. S. on |
decorated with floral arrange- | ion and Pastor Deck | Saturday with a perfect 200 |
| : expressed his present | Jay Barnhart ame in |
ments, the gift of Mr. and Mrs. 25. the of “fifie >
| Eli Hostetter. A committee con- 8s the climax of “fifiy happy | fifth to win a third place med-
| sisting of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Years." His many friends join al.
| Brandt, New Haven St. Mr. Ds ning to i and 2 Mrs Other marks are as follows:
ja Mrs. John Zeager, Man- re e ) es WIS eset © and | Landis, Manheim Twp. 198:
heim R4 and a number of sub-|" pes for happy years a-|Stark, Ephrata, 198, Forrey, of
| committees had arranged aay a Manheim Twp. 197, Barnhart,
[many of the features at the Mt. Joy, 197, Ay, Ephrata, 197:
{church and the social hall. Al bop Cover Marea ova Marin, Ephrata 196; and Sch-
feature surprise was the 3 ics for slip covers because they nelder, Manheim Twp. 196.
tation of a beautiful RCA radio, | give greater protection against dust,
the gift of the officers of the Mt. | hold their shape better, wear longer | Everybody reads newspapers but
Joy congregation. Two fellow | and tailor more easily than do loose- | NOT everybody reads circular ad-
minister jokingly gave 50 pen-| I¥ woven materials. vertising left on their door step. |

+ No. 1 Maine | Sea Brook Farms HAE
| Frozen Peas
Potatoes | 100: lec Pure, mild .... the 2 25.
| best soap afloat!
50-lb bag | Rite Wax Paper SWAN =
$239 28 |mmum 3-22
125 FT. ROLL

# According to impartial tests of
standard units of 5 leading
makes of electric ranges.
and SONS

17 981]



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