The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, February 19, 1953, Image 2

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Mount Joy, Pa.,
February 19,

News Items From (Named To Take (18th Annual

vote to elect four men fo
board of directors. The follow-|
concrete dwelling belonging to
directors whose terms ex-
The one and one-half story

o | charge of the aflair, War II
SRE LS aS A eA SR - ~ |
| | (From page ng Mrs. Barbara White, in
THE BULLETIN | wp. C 001 arge ite en es pire with this meeting wre se fertown, was purchased at pub- 4
Published c¢very Thursday at 11 East i»: | policyholders’ committee of the ile Jf R= ie sale Wednesday by Mr, Mi-
Main Street, Mount Joy |p Bure Insurance Com-| Less, ancaster R6; Sam-| A, Mueller, for $7,550.00.
: ' Joy, Mothers of fifth and sixth | or mergencies arm Bureau Insurance Com-| Hei. Bi. Ab. oF
ancaster C r Ph | nel B. Heisey, Sheridan R1; Ab AY Wis YW
Lancaster County, Pa. Ii rade irs wil | enterinibet yanies, by A. C. Bartholomew | ah Walter Dupes was the auction
| grade girls will be ntertaine {| } ner H. Risser RI;
N J y or y nm ol A geht ; wy cer SY
William N. Young, Publisher fl at a Washington Tea Thursday. | a | and Hares I". Brubaker land Howard D. Wagner, Qual | seems semen =
Fred J. Alberte. E "a i i 5 : It was recently announced bp J
red yerte, Editor & Manager February 19, 2 p. m. in the |the Lancaster County Defense In addition to Mr. Lincoln's | ryville R2 be made from the foo prior to
Peat] Roth, Asoc, Pditor & Bus. Mgr. | Magtown. Elementary School. Council that they named Mrs dddress, the afternoon session In addition to these four men, the marking of the ballots dur-
Tt eet: | Mrs. Addie Parker, school : bh wn. | will include informational tall the ating ttee sel- ing the morning session Huns
8 Bom eo] | Charles J. Bennett, Sr., Eas! iationa ne nominating commitice SC 8 ( 8 SEN .
John E Schroll, Bditor : and Publisher nurse, will discuss ‘‘Proble GE ace ne Te AD De by Miss Yvonne L. Cook, Home | ected the following: Edgar M. dreds of farmers in the county
. 19st | of Growing Up” and will show | UF charge of canteens "in this Economies specialist from the | Martin, New Holland R2; J. who own the, Cooperative, de
Subscription Rate: $2:00 Per Year by Mail. a film on the subject and the area in case of ERIE "| county extension service, and| Ross Esbenshade, Mt. Joy R2; termine its policies and share in =
Advertising rates upon request girls’ chorus of the [fifth grade | It ‘will be Mrs Be tHe itv R. N. Benjamine, executive |Veryl B. Brown, Peach Bottom its savings, are expected to at.
7 Nice | will sing wi 26 : IS sennetts duly | of Pa. Farm Bureau | R2; Aldus N. My Viillersville tend the meeting which opens
Daeg he youl} Joys The sixth grade girls will be | with the aid of local volunteer | ov, association R1 at 10:00 A. M. with io
Qa., as nd-class mail under 16 Ac hostesses 10741 | workers, to organize Kitchens, . : i : 5 > 4
of March 3, 1879 1c hostesses for the alternoon | or Stockholder members willl Additional nominations may ment at 3:15 P. M
Member, Per N y and Joan Wenger and Helen |ete. in case of air raids. —— rL da ns SL ——
Me , mnsyloar News 2 i : J |
blithe gh te ati Pape | Felty will be in charge of the | Mrs. Bennett is experienced
shers ssc 0 | : : 13 i p . i
a rye TN tea urn. Miss Sara H. Mischlich [in this type of work having / ’
a= az EA === BY A WIS I OW LL sirth grade teacher, will be in| taught classes during World A & Pp S Foun er S ee eatu Fes R:
“ii }

Let’s Think Clearly A social worker, paying his usual visit t
|e mental hospital, ncticed one patient writing World's Day of Prayer
a A I anatomy ib riskly. He asked, “Oh, writing a letter, eh?” | The Mayle Grae Seliool
clear and straightforward as thinking in | The patient answered, “Yes,” and kept | 3 will attend World Uay of P
any corner of the earth, It's because we | | writing. “To whom are you writing? he} RYeL services Friday, Fepru- |
| worker inquired. “To myself,” replied the pa-| ary 20. Grades 1, 2, and 3 will | | TANCE —
[attend the Brethren in Christ |
" said the visitor, | Church and grades 4, 5, and 6 EVENINGS -—
| will send the Lutheran church &
have had so many natural assets to keep us|
mentally unworried.
But one thing that's been worrying this
| tient. FE RON
“Oh, how very interesting, WEEK-ENDS
‘What ae you saying?”

weekly editor for weeks is the terrific effort | “How would I know,” snapped the patient, | at the 2:00 p. m. services.
being put forth to save the lives of the] dont get my mail until tomorrow.” Parents Group Held Meeting
Rosenbergs found guilty of turning vital] * + * | One hundred, twenty-five 5 i the: P
atomic information over to the Commies. won rents attended the joint Parents] - Jusice of the Teace S
We even had the picture of papal influ- | It looks very much to ne. ! that Phy soples Club Tne Troy e420 E. Main St. MOUNT JOY (FOOD 8 Cans
ence being brought to bear in the State | Enck” is the big stockholder at the "Farmers p05" Seargant Harman! Phone 3-4062 7-He
Department, something we thought could | Inn". Last Saturday nite, he sat in one chair| ies, Penna. State Police. was Al Prices in this Advertisement ie
not exist or happen in our time. for several hours, walching the Proprietor, |, guest spenker and the. Effective Through Saturday, Feb, 21st
iv macs I Frank Shreve, — — w= www re ank a mm st \ in Vie
President Eisenhower reviewed their case | Frank Shreve, Everytime Fr choras of ihe Reici's Evdngel: BUTTER - in Vel 15° tb, 13°

and felt that they had had every opportun-| put in, or took money from the cash register. ;..; church, un-

"Perhaps so, his wife agreed, conductor. Posi- |
you for what I thought vou had the most of” tions in the state orchestra will |
* * | be
tough with those who so willingly sacrifice
the lives of American boys!
*x x |

determined by the place-
ity to present their defense. Enck wold! a him" — — — — — -| jor the direction of Mr. George TOMATO J Campbel's gy 13%, 21 g 4 20
We seem to be losing sight of something. | 2 B Shultz, sang. EORC QUIK 7 uice Prices! 2. ns can
Sure, Americans seldom if ever demand or | 32 District Orch. at Lancaster LARGE DRIED 1-1b (C2. c
want a single human life in revenge. But| A West Main St. wile waned io Go some-| Barbara Singer, Ann Young, BIRTHDAY LIMA REANS SPECIAL PRICES! pk. 1 pkg. 92
the Rosenbergs through their action have | thing during the day, so at breakfast she ask-| and Barbara Martin will repre- di
probably cost the lives of many American | ed her husband for ten dollars. sent ED.H.S. in the district or- | ALL A&P MARKETS BIS ih Sus sid for 20-02. 23° 40-01. 41
boys. They at least have placed those| “Money, money. money!” he shouted. “EV-|chestra at McCaskey High on i SPECIAL PRICES! pkg. fg *
American boys more in Sed than they |ery day of the week you want more money. If School this week. February 19, WILL BE ri
would have been otherwise. { vou ask me I think ybu need brains more than 21. Dr. Joseph Maddy, of Inter 7, TIP TOP ALL GREEN CUT SPEARS OF 5
Nope, in our mind it's time we got you need money. ; \lochter. North Michigan, will | CLOSED 48 oo
but I asked pe the guest | hd. di 3 Gz) 4 ASPARAGUS 14-01 17° 9
can eq



* Up in the woods near Hammersly Forks an ments in the district orche stra |
Bailding New Homes old mcuntaineer and his son were sitting in|these three days. FEBRUARY 23rd PINK pA JSD Pies, ? C 16.0: 45° ny
! front of the fire smoking. After a long period of Chess Tournament a 4 on pre
If you would ask this editor what one | rs Te .
silence, the father said, “Son, siep outside and| Robert Miller and Betsy Mus- | *
thing this paper eould work toward inl... if its raining. so : Ang sus 1 PRICE SALE PARKAY 2 pa 45°
order to boost this community during the | NV Iockiog upithe son replied. "AW | ser, both members of the senior | 2” Re MARGARINE comb
coming year, it would be to do all in our |p ed i 1 in th d W.iclass, will enter the Lancaster, IVORY SOAP * Buy | package of PARKAY af regular price of 30 2
power to encourage the building of new | op, Way oon ‘t we just call in the dog and see County chess tournament in| y Vs orien oF IEE Tate) ciel at Price Js} 30c 90d ov) I
powes i he's wel? Class C division for /3 price of 15¢c. Total cost 45c,
The need for new homes here is just! * : * x | Driver Ed. Demonstration | Pe a"
abut as acute 8s It ever was, despite alll. At last mon'h’s fire meeting, Asst. Chief] A driver education demon- | WESTERN 07s
the rumors to the contrary. Many homes | Mouse Myers suggested the Company pur- | stration will be staged at the { Ll
have been built, taking this section as a | chase several dogs. — — When the Chief got| high school Tuesday, March 24 | WASHER a= ho
whole, but we've never really caught up YP and asked “Mouse” what the heck the Farm Bureau Ins. Com- LO Only $2.00 WORY SOAP —
with the shortage of ten years ago—not | Company wants with dogs, the Asst. Chief ex-| pany. The demonstration will PER WEEK Bi
to mention the demand which has developed plained that they would help the firemen loc-|inciude an assembly program | Altar Sr 11 iy a fa NONE PRICED ua A"
since then. | ate the ~ — — -— motion lost. {and movie and an actual dem-| Down a at J medio ve 22° pigs bogs
It costs plenty to build anything these | * * |onstration in the front of the | $14.95 EYE LEN : -
days and it is just as important that young | Senator Derr says life is a very vicious cir-| school. A boy, girl, and teacher | EXCELLE! a EATING—FLORIDA TEMPLE
people obtain the best of advice in order | cle “We go to work, To earn the dough,| Will be tested to point out- the -_ ; ; ( RAN 5 PRD wisi BO | =
that the build something worthwhile. One | To buy the bread, To gain the strength, To go | actual number of feet required | : i TR Aon IWORY SOAP Ui ay | WY
local builder tells us that we would be |to work! - - - How richt you are Earl. to stop an automobile after the | able Wringer ® One-year War- SLORDA gc)
doing young people a favor to point out the | * * * ral 1 | "oh Sie ig
brakes are applied. John C.| : TREN 1 (Gl J
necessity of’ building small homes which| But I can really appreciate money. Why [Hart is driver education in. | 1 And lots, lots more— 2 legs 4D POTATOES FLORIDA RED BLISS. NEW 5 20°.
opty be ded hg ally. t Wii I was a boy my family couldn't afford structor, You'll have to come W here v -
18 can be done, and economically, 100, |to b h th Tea i 7 RESH REGAL dic cits =
if planned that way from the start. And | Sony rs ba SY pine my feel ° inard SEE! IVORY i FLA vw ES { COLE SLAW NONE PRICED HIGHER 2 pkes 19
it's planning of this type which will make | Rh R d 3 SAAB. ALY FOR Ul
Ba ee Wl mae! * x * ~~ Resi ents suv c. & wasamss ( SALAD MIX 9 so 9G
Corns. J | Jim was driving along a healthy-looking (From page 1) WHERE YOU GET =e GHE PKs
| highway upstate on Sunday when he came a ARR FACTORY TRAINED leva i IN-A-MINUTE FROZEN
Let your government help you too. Write | cro55 a big, home-made sign reading “Detour.” | in the Marietta ambulance. De- | SERVICE | i :
for a ‘mighty fine booklet: “Planning the | g. ice — ga 6 VIAFFLES IN ¢!
Fevansible H Hotel bv the U. S| “Phooey.” grunted Jim, looking at the nice |shong, police said, suffered | AT Re Sarasin és
Booting od ey Finonoe Arr Super- tees roadway ahsad, “Some farmer wale mafehest Iuhvics and WAY’S : N
al knee Ss )
intendent of Documents, Washington ou a of 2s main road so he can sell me Heh ne ig re- APPLIANCES CAMAY SOAP BIRDS EYE FROZEN FOODS
D. C.—but be sure to send twenty cents | So € uffered head injuries 48 W. Main Street, Mount Joy ( Mixed veg 12-02 YOUR CH !
f Forward forged Jim for half a mile. Then, the | and lacerations to the le ft knee. pi ‘ ixed Vegetables ery UR a
along. If you're going to build, it'll be well] lis cufved and croand th Ji me | Beste) 3 tegular size 22 ( cut Groen Beans 10-02 pkg 2
worth the small pr oun cyve, mm : i in 4 > Pkgs
e small price. | found himseli confronted by a river. And the Stimulate your business by adver- LEE G5 Aa {front Steen Bours iy fo
* * * bridge was out. | 4sing in’ the Bulletin. TCA bi hin ]
. | Jim turned around and drove sulphurously |
The Revised Bible | back. Thus he approached that “Detour” sign | MAY SOAP SNOW CROP FROZEN FOODS : P
Much discussion, public and private, has trom the oher side. On that side Jim read: STOP RUSTY 3 beh ie 32 2° S44 Sora Insts OR
been made since the release for sale of the | Ha. ha! I knew you wouldn't believe me!” | oe - Sheaped Yorn ous Pkgs, ¢
new Revised Standard Version of the Bible. | %x * = ise od =
We shall not attempt to elaborate or en-| Mose Stark told me, some girls are public | RED WATER IVORY SHOW Leat Spinach bili —
lighten anyone on this subject except to, | Egures, but they're populated in the wrong : c |
say that a lot of the furore could have | places. MICRO | GRANULATED ALLSWEET eis as : oR |
been avoided with a proper explanation of | * * * ad Q) a |
les 2
the RSV. | My co-worker just told me not to feel badly | 21 PIE CHERRIES 44 21 |
It is in actuality merely a revised print- because we were poor at one time. He says pi
ing of the King James Version of the Bible. | when he was a kid his family was so poor they | SYRUP LOG CABIN OR 12:01 C240:
Many persons, we believe, have been under | couldn't afford a sied. so he had to slide dowao.| See your, plumber LAVA SOAP VERMONT MAID bot! . 25 bottle a7
the mistaken impression the Revised Stand- the hills on his cousin. wy
ard Versicn is a rival version. * + Yr ot pany aealor CHEDDAR CHEESE me 49° Se 5g
Experts undertook the ticklish job atl You never know how the human voice can | medium size C
translation in order that the Gospel as] | change until you hear a woman stop iia) * un OLEAN RAY 1) CALGON, INC. 3 2 CHERRY PIE Res each 39 |
taught in the King James Version would | out her husband to answer the phone. fi DING; PRTSIURGH 39, » PENNSYLVANIA —n id
be more easily understood by the reader. | Se vr + he ot BARTLETT PEAR DOLLY MADISON 30-01. C
On this score no one can deny they have | : i JXYDOL FANCY, con
Sete . A Marietic St. husband was right proud of || WHEN |
| himself after maki 3 P 5
ns, th toot ow paves LIE shor or sound om, fot Yl soapLess DETERGENT | TUNA FISH wuss wm Pe 3 |
ages such as the 23rd Psalm, seem to have | nim. “Wh or large c giant c |
suffered in the changeover. Bini it ante Joe matter?” he demanded. “1 | THINGS ww 29 70 SUGAR Wm sb. 48° 10-1. 95¢
This is due in part to the literary superi-| “Yes “ she declared "bat if ’ > i |
3 : : you'd played it| |
ority which most critics generally concede | the way you should have. you oat on. LOOK ii TENDERONI CAMPS 2 So: 21 : |
to the old version and also to the individual |... _. You just can't win. it 114 on : pigs
reader, who, familiar with those highly in- | * * * nl BLACK | ANN
spirational passages. finds any change, mod- | I | forge TOMATO SOUP PAGE J hi 29¢
ern though it may be, a disturbing distrac.| 12 opinion alimony is like paying install- ||| CAL hi 27¢ yi 65
tion from the message contained in the on a car after ihe wreck. i. TOMATOES STANDARD QUALITY 16-01. c
wording of the King James Version. | 3 x. * * il ph 0
Generally though, it is believed the clear | We heard of a fellow who paid a psychiatrist | {| 3-407 1 TIDE
phraseology of the new version will induc: | $100 to cure him of an inferiorty complex, and ||| SPIC and SPAN DREFT
many to read the Bible, who previ- jhe next day was fined $25 for cussing a traf- || ° SOAPLESS DETERGENT
ously fai to, simply because of the |%¢ €OP- Hl
arehaic style in which it was presented to | > xX * 1 IC er Ys toro 9 Qc sen Te a 240 11 20 ont
the present day reader. i Wii fellows from Salunga were discussing | | pkg
| the vicissitudes of hen-pecked husbands. [3 76 - 78 EAST MAIN Pap ; :
LC 1 Pec | - 78 EAST MAIN STREET MT. A. |
* * * But let me tell you,” said one, “I'm boss of | {| Rin, CHEER
One trouble with our way of living is | my house. LLast night I found there was no | {| WE OPERATE lj ba BLU-WHITE JOY
that we have a different standard for men | hot water. So I raised the roof. Believe me, I {| OUR OWN PLANT SOAPLESS DETERGENT FLAKES LiQuip
than we have for women. What looks cute lt got hot water, too— and in a hurry!” 1 Member National Ifsti Ce 4 DETERGENT
in a woman makes a bum out of a man.| There was a pause and he added: “I hate {| ant onal Inge a and Dyeing 1 we 29° sen 70° wnomy site 0) 8g Lin 30° vent 706 !
Ror instance, a big foe sticking out of a [to wash dishes in cold water, don’t you, | les 8 ancaster City and County | 9-01. pkg. bottle bottle )
shoe! ) A WISE OW Te
. HS