The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, February 12, 1953, Image 1

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Club, Parties,
Scout, Auxiliaries,
PHONE MT. JOY 3.9661
VOL. LIL, NO. 37
Social, Parties,
he Mount Joy Bulletin
T :
COUN y The Bulletin
Now Has Reached

Mount Joy, Pa., Thursday Afternoon, February 12, 1953
$2.00 a Year in Advance

Dedication Of New Church “Down ToEarth” The “Pretzel Man” Familiar
Parsonage Will Be Held Sun, Is Title Of Play Figure
At E. U. B. Church, F 1, Florin thosen © By Class

The new parsonage of Gloss-
brenner Evangelical United
Brethren church will be dedi-
cated Sunday afternoon at 2:30
with Bishop George
Epp, bishop of the Eastern area
of the E.U.B. Church, deliver-
ing the dedication address. His
assistant will be Dr. David E.
Young, Superintendent of the
Eastern Penna. (U.B) Confer-
The three choirs of the church
will participate in the ceremony
The Senior choir, under the di-
rection of Mr. Gene Sword, sel-
ection will be “My God and J".
The Seraph choir will sing
“Nearer To The Heart of God”.
After the formal dedication is
made by Bishop Epp the Cher-
ub choir will sing “Bless This
Others taking part
ceremony will be Rev.
Ranck, pastor of the St. Mark's
E.U.B. Church, who will give
the dedicatory scripture. Dr. S.
T. Dundore, of St. Paul's E.U.B.
Church, Elizabethtown, will
give the prayer.
in the
Ezra H
In behalf of the congregation,
irustees and building commit-
fee, Mr. Jacob Stehman will
make the presentation of the
key to new parsonage to Dr.
Young, who will present it to
Rev. and Mrs. John Gable, pre-
siding pastor and wife.
The trustees and committee
who served on the building pro-
gram which began last Spring
are: Rev. Gable, associate
chairman, Augustus Shetter, B.
F. Kauffman, C. S. Nissley, Ar-
thur A. Braun, Jacob Stehman,
C. E. Musselman, Mrs. Irvin L.
Edward |

Zoning Board To |
Hold Public Hear-
ing February 20
The Mount Joy Zoning Board
of Adjustment will conduct a
public hearing at 7:30 P. M
I'riday, February 20. The hear-
ing will be held in the council
: i
chambers located in the Friend-
ship Fire Co. building, Mt. Joy.
The object of the hearing is
to take into consideration the
request of the Borough Author-
ity to erect a water storage tank
on the southwest corner of Da-
vid and Lumber Streets.
RE — a
Annual Aux.
“Silver Tea”
Date Is Feb. 18
The annual Silver Tea of the
Mount Joy Branch Auxiliary of |
the Lancaster General Hospital|
will be held on February 18 at |
Paul Little,
this boro from
the home of Mrs.
on Park avenue,
2 to 4 p. m. Decorations will
be in the Valentine theme. Mrs. |
Frank Walter, Jr., is chairman.
Instead of cards or invitations |
which have been issued in for- |
mer years, the Bulletin will
be the medium of information
to the announcing of the date
and place for the Auxiliary tea
for this year. All members and
for the junior
Joy High School has
this week. The
| The cast
{ play at Mt.
| been announced
play, a three-act comedy-tan
tasy by Betty Knapp entitled
“Down to Earth,” will be pre
sented on March 26 and 27 un
| der the direction of Miss Cath
| erine Zeller.
| The includes the follow
ing students: Mae Zink, Charles
Mayer, Bob Fish, Pat Schroll,
| Virginia Brooks,
| Dorothy Brooks,
Owen Phillips, Sarah Garber,
Irvin Nauman, Dick Nissley,
{and Ralph Berrier. Assistant
directors are Shirley Wade
| carol Smith.
| Assembly
In assembly at Mount
High School tomorrow, a
play will be presented in cele
bration of Washington's birth-
day. Written by Helen T. Dar
by and entitled “Truth for a
girls. These parts will be play-
Connie Lane,
and |
Jean Will, Doris
Melhorn, Darlene Schneider,
and Ruth Oberholtzer, all of
whom are in the dramatics club

at the high school. Mrs. Mar-
garet Williams is the adviser-
(Turn to page 4)
| Lan Ao Dag,
Recruiting Jobs
Open To Men With
Prior Army Serv.
Recruiting 7 3050 av are now open
[at the U. S. Army Air Force Re-

class |
Doris Melhorn |
short |
the play has a cast of six |
ed by Shirley Wade, Genevieve!
Temp. League
In This Area For 50 Will Meet Sunday
Years Was Luried Tuesday I" Local Church

“Old Timers” Will Sponsor
A Midget Baseball Team;
Will Seek Contributions

| On Monday evening, Febru- I I ES —
John E. Bloom, ecm. known in this A tl G . arv 16, the Men’s Christian A Gi At a meeting of the Old Tim-
"county by young and old as the ur remer Temperance League of Lancas- egion ux. IVES ers on Tuesday evening at the
‘pretzel man’ passed away on ter County will meet in the Legion Home plans again were
Saturdav at his hone, 4i0 8. Addresses The First Presbyterian Church at $20 To Brownies discussed to sponsor the Midget
Prince St., Lancaster, after an 7:30 P. M. The League is an base ball team. The committee
illness of six weeks. . . organization of about 600 men The Pebraary. meeting of the lon base ball will distribute
Bloomie, as he was called by Florin Lions representing the churches of Americar 1 eion Auxiliary | cards throughout the town in
many, made his last appearance Lancaster County, including a oh uy evening the next few days for cOfitribu-
"in Mt. Joy during the holiday The Florin a Lions Club held | leaders in business and profes- al the Lewion Homie. with 22 | tions to help keep the kids busy
season. A member of his family | io preoular meeting Monday ev- sional life. Meetings are held Bk ie ne and Miss over the summer months.
said when he came home from | hing. Feb. 9th, at 6:30 P. M. monthly in different sections of Muude Schneider presiding. Seventy-five boys from Mt.
| his last trip to Mt. Joy, he re- at the Keystone Diner west of | the county. Final plans were discussed Joy high school will be guests
"There was 100 WARY |myorip, Zene Chairman, Arthur| The Rev. Harlan C. Durfee, | Monday's card party and a|at the annual banquet. They are
bake sales to compete With and | iver of Elizabethtown, ad- |Pastor of the host church, will $20 donation was given to the|the High school basket ball
| BUESS I'd better wait until the | the Club on Lionism [bring greetings. Brownie Troop. which they | team champions of Sec. 1, the
| holidays were over.” Shortly af-1,,4 gave organizational advice! The speaker will be Dr. R. W.| snsor. an album of History | Junior high champions of Sec.
{ tierwards he took to his bed.|(, the new Club. | Schlosser, head of the Depart- NAN ot A nu sted ‘o oy 1 and the high Soccer team
Doctors diagnosed his condition Following Lion Greiner's ad- {ment of English at Elizabeth- DO ae Hn the Ward | champions of Lancaster County
to “old age” and expressed SUr-|qress, the club filled the sk ite | jrown College. He is a former el t the Cont sville Ho: bit and runner up in the PIAA
prise he kept going as long as|,¢ officers and elected its board (president of the college, and a hid Mi 19th for one hun red play-off
{he did. He was seventy-four| ¢ pirectors as follows: served as the moderator of the!’ ay none . :
veurs of age Or om 1 RY iio. Confefence of the fifty veterans were discussed. Other guests include, Max
: Ca 1st Vice President, Benjamin * : he # aR em Hannum, Assistant to President
He was a familiar figure on |g, dey: ond Vice-President, | Brethren in 1951 and 1952. .
the streets of Mt. Joy and vici- : : | Well known as a minister and . . of Franklin & Marshall College,
. © I ice-Precide as ste © v 2
| Martin Ney; 3rd Vice-President; : Justis - Rice who will be the speaker, Miss
nity and at the sales with his | paul E. Hess. | Bible teacher, and a past dis- | ry aie
eps ag . Kit Klein Outland, who will
| tray of candies, gum and the Directors for 1 vear: Clar- trict governor of Rotary, Dr. :
we hic | a ae Cat te ing : show movies of her past per-
soft pretzels” which gave him | Hollinger, Elmer Ginder Schlosser is well informed on u t1 S n p Kat Uncle
. " ’ : . ance on skates c
the name of “the pretzel man.” | rectors 2 vears Harvev |the temperance problem Ile p : :
b | Directors for 2 years, Harvey | Charlie Mayser, of Lancaster,

will lead a brief open discus-
sion period after his address.
Dr. Henry G. Bucher, dean of
He had been selling them for | 3ohnson, Warren Stehman.
Ti pap 50 years. : | Following the regular meet-
In his youth, the family said, ling the Board of Directors held |
(he was a boxer and competed in jis first meeting. The board de- Elizabethtown College, will
marathons as a fast walker. | cided to close the Charter mem- preside. ;
He born in Germany, a bership at 30. The board also Special music will be provid-
son of late William ed by the East Petersburg A
: ; and | qeemed it advisable to postpone I
Margaret Peitch Bloom. Survi-| Charter Nite from March 9 to Cappella Men's Chorus, direct-
children: ed by Mr. Willis S. Nolt. Mr.
ving are these Cather- March 23rd.
ine, wife of Frank Laube; Mary | The following Committee Nolt will also serve as song
E., wife of Ernest Rissinger; Ed-|chairmans were appointed: leader for the program with Mr.
Anna M., wife of John Attendance, Robert Smith; Walter R. Fickes of Lancaster
Margaret, wife of] constitution & By-Laws, Sidney accompaning the general sing-
Frederick Rineer; Helen E. wife Smith; Convegtion, Woodrow ing.
{of Robert L. Wakefield; Eliza- Fitzkee: Finance, Martin Ney: The Rev. Leslie L. Van Dine,
beth, wife of Afrled J. ions Information, Rob't John- pastor of the English Presby-
Timothy D., and Richard C., all| cone Membership, Miles Robin- terian Church of Marietta, will
of Lancaster; also 21 grand-|ggn- Program, Benjamin Staley: conduct the opening devotions
children, 4 great grandchildren Publicity, Jay Kulp; Agricul- and the Rev. Ezra H. Ranck,
and one sister, Mrs. Mary Kolb, |{ye Norman Strickler: Boys & minister of St. Mark's Evangeli-
of Lancaster. Girls, Jay Snyder; Citizens ana |cal U. B. Church of Mount Joy,
ward J.,
mma se AD Me ma mae Patriotism, Wallace Rider; Civ- will offer : He closing ‘prayer
ic Improvement, Ohmer Kling; and benediction.
Dental Health Community Betterment, Donald | All men, whether members
of the League or not, are cordi-
and Welfare,
John Hess; Harry Shonk
Health invited to attend this meet-
Sunday Feb 15 Everett Hooks Mylin, foot ball
. {coach and star foot ball player
of yester-year, Dr. J. K. Poss
The marriage of Miss Doris Miller, former Lebanon high
Jean Rice, daughter of Mr. and | athlete and star on the U. of P.
Mrs. Hubert M. Rice, 146 New foot ball team 1924, and for-
Haven Street, Mt. Joy, to Clar- | ward of the Mt. Joy A. A. Bask-
ence M. Justis, son of Mrs. etball team of 1919 and who
St. | played center for the team in
Florence Justis, 620 George Si.,
Lancaster, will be solemnized 1915 and is now Athletic Direc-
Sunday, February 15, at 2:30 |tor of the Frederick, Md., YM-
o'clock in the Mt. Joy Church | CA: Rev. Keiser, of St. Lukes
of God. {Church of Mt. Joy. William
The bride will be given in (Tiny Parry, sports editor of the
marriage by her father and the | Lebanon Daily News, George
Reverends C. F. Helwig and C.|Kirchner, sports editor of the
H. Lefever will officiate at the | Lancaster: New Era, Harold

| Eager, sports editor of Lancast-
iv ry lam
given Dy |er Intell, Dave Brandt, sports-
Mrs. George Broske, who will caster WGAL-TV.
play the traditional wedding| The Old-Timers invite you to
music and Mrs. Clyde Mumper | become a member, join now
will be the soloist, She wii sing jand help the youth of town.
I Love You. Truly”, “O Perfect, Contact any member and sign
Love” and “The Wedding Pray-| yp, a life membership costs but
double ring ceremony.
A recital will be

Poster Contest
Sight Conservation & Blind, E.
Stanley Booth; United Nations,
i A Ct
Placques Awarded For

Bishop and Park Shetter, : : ; ith : ; 214
K on and sites: Jon their friends are cordially in- | cruiting Main Station, 216 Lo-
ath tre lees : > vited. Mrs. Little’s home is lo- cust Street, Harrisburg, Penna.
Under ia, loadershi > of hi j cated in the new Schock devel- it was announced by Lt. Col.
; ; agora US| opment. | Stanford Randall, commanding |
Huston and the | DM officer of the Harrisburg Re-
mari: | 4 view cruiting District.
church school unit was bui R t A d LL C BRA: ani .
: . Col. Randall said the re
and dedicated November 23rd, | 0 arians war | eruiting jobs are nt o
1952 j cruiting jobs are open to men
ji ‘ | with prior Army service only.
The Colonial-style| ag e a € 0 | Those men who apply will be
brick parsonage, adjoining the | | interviewed and if fouhd quali-
church, completes the building | 5 Ni ] fied will be assigned as U S
rogram d : cout ISS cy [Army and U. 8. Air Force re-
Li onze, modern In every er ci | eruiters in Harrisburg or at sub
detail, has three bedrooms and ; A || stations in the Harrisburg Re-
tile bath on the second floor and| Boy Scout Day was observe ater
a complete attic. The downstairs | at the Mt. Joy Rotary Luncheon Prior Avriy service meh Who
has a spacious living-room, din-| meeting Fuesday in heaping | ate. Interested in this type of
ing room, modern kitchen, pow- | with the 45rd Anniversar 0 i duty are urged to apply without
der room, and pastor's study. the founding of the Boy Sous lor Wi ae uy
The walls in all the rooms ave when the Fagle Seow Badge For further information and
soft pastel shades of Beautex [Was awarded to Peter Nissley. | letails. contact M/Szt E. J Me
neler TT as Ta | son of Mr. and Mrs. Simon P.| Cetalls, contact M/Sgt. E. J. Mc
plaster. The basement is Gurran, U. 8S. Army and U. S
i Nissley. an, U. oS. y £ . 3
equipped. J : ih Ww
m rit tA Bross Air Force Recruiting Station,
More Plans Made For The. nerd a Woe present. P. O. Building Room 217 Loh
Renovating ed to Scout Nissley by Mr. Rob-| ot Astor, P 2 Rone got a
The Brotherhood of the [ert Hamilton, Field executive a. +. op 10116
Church met Monday evening to
formulate plans for the renova-
ting of the basement of the
church. The meeting was presi-
ded over by Mr. Cloy Hoffer,
president, who called upon vol-
unteers, and all the man and
Jady-power of the church to
help in the new project, which
will consist of painting, damp
proofing, new light fixtures.
and later on the walls will be
done in knotty-pine.
The planning committee are
Jacob Stehman, Jay Brandt, in
charge of procurements, Mrs.
Martin Ney, Mrs. John K. Wit-
tle, Rev. Gable, Victor Brooks,
production and Park Shetter,
el lose
Monday, February 16th the
monthly card party will be
held at the American Legion
Home beginning at 8:15 o'clock
This will be a Ham party and
bridge, pinochle and 500 will
be played.

Fire Co. Meeting
Friendship Fife
No. 1 met for their
session at the Fire House
Thursday evening.
Plans were made to entertain
the Lancaster County Firemens
Association at the March meet-

of the Lancaster County Coun- |
cil, and was pinned on by the
youth’s mother, Mrs. Simon
Rotarian Walter Sloan was in
charge of the Scout committee
Prices Slashed At
H. S. Newcomer & Son
After Inventory Sale
They say that ‘money saved
is money earned” and anyone
can save a lot of money by zo-
ing to H. S. Newcomer & Son,
Inc. big after inventory sale.
Hundreds of articles from
household goods to TV sets have
been marked a way down for
quick sale.
When a

merchant finds, after
inventory, that he has bought
too much, his next step is to
cut the inventory and when
that is done Mr. and Mrs. Pub-
lic can save a lot of money.
Turn to the large advertisement
in this edition of the Bulletin
and you will see the tremend-
ous savings accorded you.
William M. Workman, Jr., of
this boro, is seeking to divorce
Kathryn S. Workman, 561 Ju-
niata St., Lancaster, on charges
of indignities. They were mar-
ried Oct. 10, 1942

*' W.C.T.U. To Hold
Joint Meeting
The Women's Christian Tem-
perance Union local meeting
will be held in conjunction with
the meeting of the Men's Temp-
erance League, which will be
held in First Presbyterian
Church, Mount Joy,
evening, February 16, at 7:30
p. m. A separate business ses-
sion will be held during the
evening. All members and their
friends are cordially invited to
A 2/c¢c Ralph Brubaker,
tioned with the U. S. Air Force
at England for two years re-
turned home on Monday even-
son of Elder and Mrs. Earl Bru-
baker, of Florin. A 2/c¢ Brubak-
er will be transferred to Texas.
actA lie sme

A meeting of the Social
Welfare Association will be
held on Thursday, February
19th at eight o'clock p. m.,
in the Boy Scout rooms on
North Market street.
The public is cordially in-
vited to attend.

ing on a 30-day leave. He is the |

A Dental poster con- > Raker
test is being conducted in the D8. Brubaker. a Work Performance
Mount Joy Borough schools, | |
under the supervision of Mrs. In a ceremony conducted at
Beryl Be art instructor. Free Concert Marietta Transportation Corps)
Each child in the schools has Depot for the purpose of paying |
been urged to compete for the At 3 S d y recognition to personnel ren
prizes x be ashi in the as- P- m. un a dering highly satisfactory work |
sembly programs to be held in Sr performance records for il
the High School auditorium on The Lebanon Valley College | month of January, the follow-
Friday afternoon, February 13, Glee Club, sponsored by the ing members of the Storage Di-
1953. This annual poster con- | Rotary Club, will hold a con-|yision were commended and
test is conducted to help im-|cert Sunday afternoon _in the |presented with an appropriate’:
press upon our children the im- [1 Mount Joy High School Audi- | plaque; Florence Miller and]
portance of better dental health | torium. There will be no charge | John M. Yassick, this boro;
The judges for the contest | for admission and the public is | Miles Robinson, Jr., Florin;
are Mrs. J. Bruce Greiner and | invited to attend. |fohn Horn, William Wichen-
Rev. Robert C. Pike, Methodist| The concert starts at 3 p. m. heiser, Jerome Fisher, Fred
Minister. The prizes to be a- | (This should be of special in-|Bigler, all of Columbia and
warded were donated by the|lerest to all music lovers.) Charles Musser, Lancaster.
Rotary and Lions Clubs of Mt.| : ay Major Dale C. Hotchkiss,
Joy and by Sloan’s Pharmacy. | Channel 61 To Send chief of Storage Division, made
the presentation. i
etl Nimes
Furniture Sale To Con- |
tinue For Another Week
George Keener, of Keener |
Furniture said today that his|
big February Furniture Sale
has been drawing large crowds,
and said Keener, people are
certainly taking advantage of
the large savings that can be
had. He also stated that the sale
will: continue for another week.
Another big bargain announc-
ed in a large advertisement in
this issue is the Eureka Roto-
Matic Cleaner, where a savings
of from $20 to $30 can an be had.
se be 1]
| These posters will be displayec Test Pattern Next Week
{in the Grade School building
from February 10 13 1953.
The public is invited to visit the
school and what the enti] pected to send out a test pattern
have ave Yished. | early next week, according to
ren have accomp ishec |H. B. Grey of WHUM. Howev-
A survey of the summaries of | ir 200d reception is
ar, Ace s expecte
the dental examinations con-| Pp ! p
: - | stated H. B. Grey, it will be
ducted each year in grades 1, 2, |
5% 0. and 11 - shows a steddy necessary to have an antenna
i x < $ S a sles : x
Trt Eh . “land a tubular lead in. This is
increase in the amount of den-|° ; :
: ; especially necessary in wet
tal care given to our children. Woather *
The correct rate for children A: test patito :
examined in 1950 was 48.7%, lost pattern will 1be sent
that for 1051 was 82.1% and for] out for about a week before the
C Je « ~~ .
1059 it. was 54%. In the regular programs are sent. This
afd eleventh grade 92 pupils | is being done in order to give
examined this year have a to- TV owners time fo ge theirseis
tal of about 2760 teeth. Of these and adjusted.
Channel 61, WHUM-TV is ex-

—— yy = =

1001 are already decayed; only A Si —
446 of this number have been FOOD SALE HOME AFTER 28 MONTHS
(filled. Three pupils in this Elwood Rice, son of Mr. and
| group have perfect teeth. The Senior Class of Mt. Mrs. George Rice, Detwiler
“Don’t look now but—your | High School is sponsoring a| Ave. this boro, is home on a
teeth are showing.” Teeth are|Food Sale in front of Titus|30-day leave after spending 2
important to good looks. They |Rutt's Ins. Agency on Saturday |years at Pearl Harbor. This is
help you chew your food well; | February 14th at nine o'clock. [his first visit in twenty-eight
they help you to speak clearly. Pies, cakes, potato salad and | months.
Teeth are important for your |other foods will be on sale. A As sas teste
health. Proceeds from the sale will| REFUSES TO PAY TAXI FARE
Teeth decay may be reduced | help finance the year book of Refusing to pay taxi fare
of the class of 1953. caused the arrest of Paul G.
teeth, reducing the amount of mT Heisey, Mt. Joy Rl. He was
Mr. Earl B. Myers, New Hav-
en Street is a surgical patient
at the General Hospital.
prosecuted by Richard W. Getz,
driver for the Yellow Cab and
Baggage Co., before Alderman
Hubert Miller, Lancaster,
sweets and pastry carbohydrate
foods eaten daily, the use of
sodium flouride, and regular
visits to your dentist.

: properly cleansing
Tr. { one dollars
The bride will wear a gown|
of heavy white satin with long
sleeves pointed at the waist.
The bodice is a cape effect mad te |
of lace while the skirt full |
and has long insertion of lace]
in the front. The skirt terminat-
es into a long train. Her finger- |
tip-length veil is attached to al
lace cloche and she will carry a |
bouquet of white
The matron-of-honor,
Hubert L. Rice, Mt. Joy,
in-law of the bride will wear a
green strapless gown with net
led Brethren Church,
Mrs. | will be
| Rev
| of
| Church,
Conclude e Revival
At St. Mark’s Sun.
Revival Services in progress
St. Mark’s Evangelical Unit-
Mount Joy
concluded Monday nite.
Charles R. Beittel, Pastor
Otterbein Evangelical U. B.
Harrisburg, is speaking

| skirt and satin bodice with a|each night this week. Friday
matching bolero. She will car | evening the Children’s Choir of
ry a hand bouquet of hyacinths | the church will sing several
and carnations and wear match- [ special numbers. On Sunday
ing flowers in her hair. night the Men's Chorus will
Miss Kathryn Strickler, Lan-|sing, and a volunteer choir of
caster and Mrs. Donald Rice, of | approximately fifty voices will
Mt. Joy, sister-in-law of the lead the congregational singing.
bride will be the bridesmaids !A cordial invitation is extend-
Miss Strickler will wear a hr to attend these concluding
(Turn to page 8) | services of the of the canal

Don’t Let Those In
2 In The
Armed Forces Down; Special
Meeting February 25th
Attendance Asked Or
service men and women appre-
ciate the thoughtfulness of the
No Boxes Can Be Sent | [Committee in sending boxes to
A special meeting of the Re- operation and assistance
Committee will be
Mount Joy
held at the
from 7 to 8 P. M.
Families and friends of ser-
vicemen from Mt. Joy, Florin,
Newtown and Mt. Joy R1 and 2
are urgently requested to at-
This meeting is a plea for all
those interested to come and
voice their opinion and give
suggestions for the next box to
be sent. If the people of the
community do not turn out,
those in the armed forces will
not receive a box.
Letters received and publish-
ed weekly have shown how the

but it is only through co-
all that this good work can be
High | continued.
School Wednesday, February 25 |
The men and women in the
armed forces are fighting for
vou, leaving their families and
possibly their future behind.
They are not in camps, on ships
or laying in fox holes because
it is their desire, they are doing
it so that your home may be
kept from being destroyed. The
least anyone can do is to give
the little time necessary to that
little group that is doing so
much to keep boxes going to
the men and women who are
possibly giving all, so that you
may be safe. Don't let them
down. i