“The New Bib REVISED STANDAR DVERSION Sunday Evenin 7:30 B. Calvary Bible Church NEW HAVEN AND HENRY STREETS MOUNT JOY | lowship. THE ““Diety of Christ’’ IN THE RSV A. DECK By REV. Q. Trinity E. C. Church DONEGAL AND NEW HAVEN STS. MOUNT JOY, PENNA. First Presbyterian Church Mount Joy, Penna. Rev. Harlan C. Durfee, Pastor Sunday, February 1st ¥:30 a. m. Church Schoo. 6:30 p.m. Westminster Fel- 7:30 p.m. Sermon: “Iron Curtain tianity.” Evening Worship Chris- | Mr. John Wolgemuth, S.S. Supt. Sunday, February 1st 7:00 am. Holy Communion. 9:30 a.m. Sunday School. Septuagesima Sunday | | | | | | 11:00 a.m. Morning Prayer | with Sermon. | 7:00 p.m. Evening Prayer | Monday 7:30 p.m. Confirmation Class y Tuesday 6:00 p.m. Wednesday 7:00 a.m. 6:30 p.m. Thursday 7:00 p.m. Acolytes. Holy Communion Children - ages 6-12 | Choir Rehearsal Mt. Joy Mennonite Church | Bishop Henry Lutz, Amos Hess, | i Henry Garber, Henry Frank, Pastors i | Sunday, February 1st 9:00 a. m. 10:00 a.m. Wednesday Senior Sewing Circle Sunday School. Church Service. 7:30 p.m. Bible Study and Prayer Meeting. l - Mount Joy Methodist Church Robert C. Pike, Minister Ralph C. Alleman S.S. Supt. J Sunday, February 1st means extra\dollags in your pocket when you buy a.ear. Save by arrang- | ing your financing at. our, bank. UNION NATIONAL MOUNT JOY BANK OF MOUNT JOY Member of Federal Deposit Insurance Corporalion 9:30 a.m. Church School. Classes for all ages. 10:45 a.m. Worship Service. Methodist Church Robert C. Pike, Minister Miss Alice Strickler S.S. Supt. | Sunday, February 1st | Sunday, January 25th 9:30 a.m. Church School 6:30 p.m. Youth Fellowship 7:30 p.m. Worship Service. Salunga Trinity Lutheran Church Rev. W. L. Koder, Pastor Sunday, February 1st 9:30 a.m. Sunday School. 10:45 a.m. Morning Worship | 7:00 pm. Vesper Service. Wednesday : | 7:30 p.m. Church Council Meeting. Salunga Church of the Brethren Earl Brubaker, Elder In Charge John Herr, Supt. Sunday, February 1 9:00 a.m. Sunday School 10:15 a.m. A Peace Meeting, Speaker Rev. Harold Fahne- stock, of Hanoverdale, Pa. Wednesday 7:30 p.m. Prayer Meeting Trinity Evangelical Congregational Church Rev. Q. A. Deck, Pastor Sunday, February 1 9:15 a. m. Sunday School - 10:30 a.m. Worship. Theme, ‘Praying Power” 7:30 p.m. Evening Worship. Theme, “The Deity of Christ” (In the R. S. U. Bible) |} | Wednesday | 7:30 p.m. 8:30 p.m. Midweek prayer Choir Rehearsal. ANHEIM = ert Fry R. D. 2, PA. Air Comp Rock Drilling, Concrete Breaking, Etc. ssor| Work Rocks and Cellars, Trenches, Etc. Excavating. snd Slading Trees Removed PHONE MOUNT JOY 3-4753 6:30 p.m. Mission Study | Donegal Presbyterian Church |classes, for adults, youth, and| (Matthew 19) never did get what Mount Joy R. D. 1, Penna. children. | he wanted, so far as we know. The Rev. Harlan C. Durfee, Pastor | 7:30 p. m. Evening Worship, | reason is, he did Sunday, February lst |Service sponsored by ‘he Wo- | not want | it enough. 9:30 am. Church School. (men of the Church; Mrs. Char-| The price was 10:30 a.m. Morning Worship | les Hauser of Harrisburg, will] high: nothing less Sermon: “The Secret of Securi- |be the speaker, than everything he ty.” 7:30 pm. Bible Hour; the h 8 a Book of Nehemiah will ad, and hig weal studied this . was great. So he St. Luke's Episcopal Church FY 5 week. [| ‘went away sor- Rev. Elmer A. Keiser, Vicar | rowtul" and that is | Sunday, February 1st. | Sage. BY DR. KENNETH J. FOREMAN Scripture: Matthew 19, Devotional Reading: I Timothy 6:2-11, Poor Rich Man Lesson for February 1, 1953 was young, he was in an execu- five position, he was in vigorous health, he was respectable, he was very rich. And still he felt | something missing. After all this, { what? What was there for him oveér | and beyond the pleasant and pow- | erful life he was then living? He 9:30 an. Church School | was spiritually sensitive; he could Study theme “Possessions and feel that all he had was still not The Kingdom” | quite the thing. 10:30 a.m. Morning Worship.| sermon “Nice People or New| Camel and Needle Men by Pastor Zuck. | The man in the famous story The Washington Street Church Of The Brethren Elizabethtown, Pa. Rev. Nevin H. Zuck, Paster Sunday, February 1, The Church of God Rev. C. F. Helwig, Pastor | ie last we see of Sunday, February 1, { pm, What Jesus 9:30 a.m. Sunday School | Said as he watched 10:30 a.m. Morning Worship | Nim go has caused Dr. Foreman Guest Speaker, Mr. Ross B.| a great deal of discussion, both Witmer. at the time and ever since. Accord- Monday | ing to Matthew, Jesus said that it 7:30 p.m. Council Meeting. 1s harder for a rich man to ente: God's Kingdom (that is, to have Calvary Bible Church | eternal life, or to be saved) than | Rev. W. L. Wilson Jr., Pastor | eral to get through a needle's eye. 9:15 a.m. Bible School. All sorts of efforts have heen There are classes for all 4g8es| made to show that Jesus could not THE MAN had everything. He Pvt, Mowrer Graduated 4 At Southern Germany | ——— With the 43d Infantry Div. in Germany--Pvt, Earl B, Mow- rer, whose wife lives on Choc- olate Ave., Florin, Pa., recent- ly graduated from a 43d Infant. ry Division Non-Commissioned Officers Leaders School in Southern Germany. He was selected to attend the school on the basis of his {military bearing, leadership po- tential and proven ability in |the line of duty. Its graduates insure the unit of the highest caliber of non- commissioned officers. Pvt. Mowrer is a squad lead- er in Co. B, 118th Engineer Combat Battalion. He entered the Army last January. His mother, Mrs. Ella Mow- rer, lives at 225 Chestnut St., Columbia, Pa. pa ASO MARRIAGE LICENSES Franklin Sprout, M. Joy, and Geraldine S. Kiehl, Manheim. Wilmer E. Dick, Florin and Jane B. Walters, Maytown. The Bulletin, Mount Joy, Pa., Thursday, January 29, 1958s Eicherlys | 76 - 78 EAST MAIN a Te MT. JOY, PA. DRYCLEA G got that spot here it was it now is not! WE OPERATE QUR OWN PLANT Member National Institute of Cleaning and Dyeing Drycleaning Guild of Lancaster City and County Reads The Bulletin Cope. Rn Sag gy in am. on Bg possibly have meant this. The | Truth’ words translated “camel” and | 7:00 p.m. Pre-Service Prayer| eye” could possibly | Fellowship. | mean something else, but they | 7:30 p.m. Evening Service. | probably don't. We may as well’ Sermon, ‘The New Bible” of| face it. Jesus meant to say that | God or Men? If you wish to|the only way a camel could get | know the facts concerning the| through a needle’s eye is by a mira- | | sponsors and the teachings of| cle; and it is more of a miracle | this New Revised Standard Ver-| for a rich man to enter the King- | sion of the Bible, hear this mes-| dom of God than for a camel to | { pass through a needle's eye. He | Wednesday a ; did not say it was impossible; he Serial. pm. Midweek Prayer) did say it was possible only with | Will continue our study on Soul] This is as shecking in 20th | winning. [century America as in first cen- | [tury Palestine. The Landisville Church of God| a | T. Tillett, pastor Riches Are Risky | Paul S. Baker, C. S. Supt. | Actually there are many more | Sunday, February 1st. | warnings against wealth, in the | 9:15 a.m. Church School. Bible, than against poverty. The 10:30 a.m. Morning Worship| are in more spiritual 6:30 p.m. Youth Societies. [ peril than the ‘“have-not's.”” Why | this is, can be shortly stated. A | minister who had had many con- Falmouth Pike [ t v 3 Rev. Wm. Longenecker, Pastor| Fis Anson the super-sich Bf one : | of America's Gold Coasts remarked Sunday, Fobriary 1 Ww {to the writer that wealth makes 7 iy Je, This Lae A Ie Live) the first generation hard, the sec- Class 1S Rie a vi it [oud generation soft. The man of d a vi program of home talent music| Wealth may easily trust in his pos- and songs. | sessions and not in God, in short Wednesday to make a god out of his own prop- 7:30 p.m. Every Wednesday | erty. He may test right and wrong the Bible School course will be| by what the effect is on his hold- Church of the Brethren continued until March. | Ings. tn Because his friends are mostly St. Mark's | among other rich people, “he is con- Evangelical United Brethren j Stantly tempted to habits, diver- | sions, recreations, customs which Church Ezra. H. Ranck. Pastor | are not Christian. Further, the pos Sunday, February 1, 1953 | session of wealth tends to make 9:00 a.m. Sunday School | the owner near-sighted; like the 10:15 a. m. Morning Worship| rich young ruler who turned his World Service Day program in| back on Jesus, he can neither see charge of the Women's Society| clearly his own best interest nor of World Service; Mrs. D. [ the needs of men and women in the Dwight Grove, Branch Secre-| shadowed ways of life. | tary of Spiritual Life, guest| Th | speaker. on't Be Ruined by Riches 6:00 p.m. Youth N it i ot true that Jesus Executive meeting. ow. Is ho 7:30 p.m. Opening service of | taught that all first-class Chris- Yevival meetings: Dr. Joe Wil- | tians must be complete paupers. lard Krecker, Editor of Tele-| It is not true that Jesus taught that scope Messenge r, preacher. | no one with property can be a Tuesday through Saturday | Christian. It is not true that Jesus 7:30 p.m. Revival service. it down as a rule for all his | Wednesday followers that they must give 8:30 p.m. Church Council Administration meeting. Fellowship D [his best-loved disciples was John, revival service at 7:30. | can all name Christians who have | served God and their fellow-men B. Charen | with their money. When a doctor Newtown I. U. Sanday ooh ae: Buch [tells a patient he must get rid of | 9:00 a.m. Sunday School. his appendix, he is not saying that No Worship Services [all healthy persons must do the Thursday | same. But when an appendix is a 7:00 p.m. Christian Endeavor danger, out it must come. Now | and Prayer meeting. wealth may be a danger, a source | | of moral infection, The one best IN SPEEDERS COURT | way to keep from the dangers of Listed among drivers possessions: (and these begin as | were given hearings in Speed-|soon as we have as much as one cers’ Court was Marilyn Heller, : : | of them, and to use them, East Main Street, Florin, for| ist trom God. speeding on Route 230 on Sep-| tember 17. | 1 nd acquiring of what we have; | TY | to be Christian in the using of it; Reduce Losses of Foals to spend what we have as if Christ | | | as a To be Christian in the earning | Some of the horses that are romp- | vere spending it; to remember fng home ahead of the field today | that of him to whom much is giv- | owe their victories—and their lives | en much shall be required; to re- tor news scientific discovepies, #Ac- | gard what we owas. go much op- cording to’ veterinarians atthe Unf: tor. doing 200d, instead versity of Kentucky,¥iosses of ‘un- born and new born foals due to in- fections have been reduced 20 per- | God. ATI cent in the bluegrass area of Ken- |, (Basis sn ulin (ons Shier veg tucky within the past few years. | tional Council of the c hurches of Carla, Better means of diagnosing ailments | ie sre. U.S:4. Released Shy of foals and improved disease-fight- | ships: this calls for ‘the grace of | Meeting. 4 a : : { who owned a home of his own. We | 6:45 p.m. Children’s Choir re-| : a hearsal; choir will sing in the|®*" recall Lydia and Barnabas {/ | among the early Christians; we |} surplus dime) is to learn to think {| of so mugh’ ‘against hard- |] There's more good food in more —the market that gives money. MAXWELL HOUSE | ARMOUR BUTTER your savings for you in your purse— do ALL your food buying here—a happy combi- nation made possible by our policy of making every price a low price every day. reason that more low prices mean more savihgs for you. So load your larder . . ... pack your pantry . fill your freezer . and fatten your piggy bank by shopping at STEHMAN'S you COFFEE vacuum rack 2 1b can §1,69 basket—and when you It stands to more for your + Hi Suds ||| 1 Plastic Bottle Free Now 32 PEANUTS Fresh Roasted Jumbo It Quarter th, box Joan of Arc Kidney Pet Hi-H ik Hano er Pork & Bean Butter Crackers cans 29 ¢ Si 2/35¢ tall cans 46¢ bh 29c¢ Beans NESTLES Instant Coffee BUY ONE GET ONE FREE Get bo*h for th 2c —— | S6¢ LOAF 29¢ of | away everything they have. One of ( Hamburg-Cheese Scrapple SELF - ing drugs are ciled as principal fae. | 4, tors in the loss reduction, jis | 1 | Ground Beef © 59 oto, curs KUNZLERS 3 pkgs 22 | KUNZLER'S Bacon Ends © 28¢ | Olive - Spinach POTATOES Cut from U. Round Steak ©» 95¢ ParkayiMargarine 2 Ibs Spreads smoothly even when ice cold! | UIE | i 7 |Last FREE DELIVERY - F Royal Gelatine [| eth 9c Desserts PENNA. | 2 loons ll S. Choice KRAFT'S Get LT RL for half- i LLY RVICE MARK "LORIN, TNA