The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, January 22, 1953, Image 2

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    The Bulletin, Mount Joy, Pa., Thursday, January 22, 1953

: News Items From ‘A Letter From
half way to Japan, we passed a!
| ship today, going back to Cal
now 4195 miles 8
Held Holy Communion servic-|The people appear very pbor,
Dee. 23—Sea very rough. are Drake, in Japan. Got the mail
from Seattle, |today and received 26

an IEEE | \ A J - 'S { shabily dressed and the houses ELI
: jis 4 Dec. 18—Today we turn our es, we have a very pretty Xmas shabily dress hi ug
THE BULLETIN ii O L LA k E. D. Twp. School Harold Musser { clocks back another hour and tree and enjoyed a dinner ol resemble shacks.
: v i lj t i $ ) y Si re roas irk ¢ turkey ww, 28-—Back aboard
Published every Thursday at 11 East Il a 0 Ww T J jon? a day $a 1 will be Salt roast pork and : Qe 28 Back 3 0a
ai 1'e . ay; we expect to spend Xmas Dee, 24 ‘hristmas eve sei-larn aving Jape
Main Street, . Mount Joy, i | Charles Keller, Mount Joy | n ay 0 apan on Lourd expe I ( | Dec } =% hig ” . i ig ind lea Bh —
Lancaster ( ounty, Pa. I | R2, was presented his, first prize Dec. 20- ™ unset is bei Rl ore wg t p ine We dan. | AFfived Ip . Bares,
y » m3 . nf I C sunse 5 aud o'c Kk oservice and a 1 » ln MATES y
William N. Young, Publisher of $15 in the Farm Safety’ Pho- Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Musser, tiful, we are now 3100 miles - " i ; Et al ails 10:30 p | Zero wre, petty.
J So Midd | ow . W . sg Mr, § I Ji i § ' . received sma Sls snow. received heavy clothing,
Fred J. Alberte, Editor & Manager ap nies! a, er o Poplar street, have received in- from Seattle. We enjoyed a m. the Episcopal Chaplain in RH tor the bombed city of
> » Ai 0 ( 8 nis a raste ' . 1 0 { 0
Pearl Roth, Assoc. Editor & Bus. Mgr. | h to students mn ng AS ey Rs teresting letters from their son roast pork dinner today. vited us to his office for coffee |, . sw which we will
rere by R. D. Schrader, chairman of | Harold, who is with the 2nd| p Sura ; ft 4 right satvice Yunglugpo after which we w
3 i od, / 5 a 2 > ¢ ¢ eauti-|¢ 3 service, .
John E. Schroll, Editor and Publisher {| the committee, Michael Grove TA LC batt { Sl. unday, a eau tier the midnigh go to Seoul
1901 1952 | warded a fifth prize of $i Inf. Division now stationed only) day, three services, attend Christmas-—9 a m. Holy, ; SAT
Joo Vas awi ed a 0 Si ie . 2 ving 30
wa 1 v | . , | Hojie Island, off the coast of | aq eve ming service, sang Xmas | Communion for Protestant Jan. 3-—Leaving Seoul
RE " | at the same time. This contest A ) { Hojie Island, along the coast on oO
Subscription Rate: $2:00 Per Year by Mail. | was held from: July 1952 to Japan songs, sermon on Christmas faith. Chapel filled to over-| em BZ H n
Advertising rates upon request | as mn yy > Harold left Seattle, Wash. on Dec. 22—Clear, sea rough. flowing. 1:30 p.m. dinner, cel i the Yellow Sea, where we will
tr bam i \ ' Be mp} | December, , 1952 on a county | Wednesday, December 10 and Today » receive . ad 3 rh a nm | De stationed, after five months -ounty
Entered at the postoffice at Mount Joy, wide basis and was carried onl oday we received our certi- ery, turkey, cranberry, green : : dav’ pest disville
Pa., as second-class mail under the Act lin the E Donegal High School | at the Island about De-| ficates for the ship, will mail peas, candied yams, mince pie, | here we get a ten-day rest in East P
[ March 3 7! : : ember 30th. Each day writing me. 3000 lbs. of kev ica crea rit or « | Japan, A F.
if of March 3, 1879. in the vocational agriculture | i er ye mine home, 3000 Ih of turkey ice cream, nuts, salted peanuts, vi or Jess
Member, Pennsylvania Newspaper department by Robert E. fo% ines as Niele freparel for bi Briss : : Tel perature Tae Maen
Publishers’ Association wv Agric ve teacher | ended. with 1ruit cake, cookies, ete, | dec. 25-—Arrivec at ‘amp are eighteen men to a tent.
B \ Wis I: OW I fer, Agriculture teacher. Appended are notes taken! — — . = 2Y S
TE ETE IEE / oy 4 Advisory Committee Set Up { from his letters: a -
i { = Twelve
° | . : An advisory committee has| 7he Seattle harbor is quite
t had a cello with a 2 conven
Editorially 0 0 :» . A man ol Flogin who on it for hours at a been set up in the Maytown' El large, and a crowd gathered to St Hp d St k U BAR
single Bing yead 30 Sa i ts in the same ementary School for the pur-|g.e the ship leave port, to the op in aif OC P on fached
111 time, always holding his fingers pose of studying and making! im; : Ov] ¢ CO SH
Viewin The I r : : this ths, Fin- 2 willl ® aking I strain of band music provided :
g Raugn al place. His wife endured this for mon | suggestions for the general im-| gor us B r OC
Say what you will about TV, it proved to | ally in desperation she said, “I have | provernent. of Awe sciiool ty ali Hird By. Dew. 18 wim e eK S Ce Gi x mes pois
» - inctr ere . | ay, . '
be a truly democratic media Tuesday when |that when Others ploy hel their | Phases. Parents will. compose | (pe i very rough, we are “a A de
it enabled millions throughout the country |are four ge: Srl the prayers the committee which includes | pow 400 miles off the coast. ly Ss | Syston
g : : G43 ontinu . vg. i Charles Folly. ar . p ol arn, ¢
to have first-row seats at the inauguration fingers oy om others four strings and Mrs. Charles Felty, represent-' After breakfast about half the 4, { This
; ow 5 Le . . py ve > 1p | 5 td
of President Dwight G. Eisenhower. What | =o oe fingers about constantly,” he ex. Ng Grade 6; Galen Herr, Grade [fellows became ill. cultiva
: : Son .|9 William Young, Grade 4; pec. 16—Rain. had vat-loal \ cation.
ace ag y IIE first | wine: i " the 5 ec. b—Rain, had meat-loa! on.
1 Sores With the of ie Tn plained Petienly, They are looking for | Mrs. John Richard, Grade 3;|for dinner which was very tas siete |
3 nt o ni ates CW nw ‘I nd it! . : : Ni mtn. Ol E ' : callin
Mest ent of the Unite ates in New York | place. I've fou Mrs. Milton Mowrer, Grade 2:({y. One of my buddies gave me Januar
ity, sO many, many years ago. Mrs. William Bowers, Grade 1.!, hook ead. “The Kevs of \ 241}
. . . . i t the : ! A a book to read, 1c Keys o 24th.
Fpr then, probably a fourth of the nation H A couple oi Jars) higress Doth shows city Che report will be made in the|{he Kingdom” it is very good i Sale
: i arm ow i . ar a { ey =
was not aware that a president actually was Se me I ad Tv te spring to the school board. Dec. 17—Celebrating my 22 Tern
being inaugurated. News of that dramatic iil Tey. Then one said. “I'm hungry. but 1 Career Book Compiled birthday. I bought a cake and
inauguration of George Washington did not | 4on't know how we'll get any food.” Thi, class of East Don ny Bnadies Me Se CS ¥
reach all of the people until well more than| “Come on” said the other, “let's go into this HEH Schoo! Will publish a | : Claren
: ‘ ap | career book in the near future|and Power emonstration by Ooms
a month later feed store. I'll hoof the bill. { career book in Ul ; fut i P D trati by | Loui A
. for the use of the high school the Penna. Power and light Co. :
Last Tuesday it was the privilege of ev-
ery school boy and girl here to sit and view
the proceedings in comfort. They could
hear every word spoken. And through ac-
tually witnessing historic events such as
that, coming generations should prove to
be fine citizens indeed.
* *
Our friends in the service sen! us these——-
The roher enemic looking young man was
taking his army physical. After the physician
had completed his examinafion the prospect
for an Army career asked, “Well doc, how do
(I stond?”’
“Goodness knows.”
“It's a miracle.”
ducted in English class in con- | ¢
{junction with the vocational
guidance program and is under |
| the supervision of Mrs.
Gingrich and Paul Diller.
book contains pertinent infor- |r
mation about industries in this:
answered the medico
students. The project was con-|Stanley Dotterer is
Vera | Florin
The | School and the
of the assembly committee.
Parents Group to Meet
The next meeting of both the
Washington Elementary
Maytown Ele-
nentary schools will be held in|
1 joint meeting at the East Don-


A&P GRAPEFRUIT “2 =: 27:

* Bq * | vicinity and will be used by | egal High School Thursday ev
: : " : of: stuae S / are seeking & j | ening ‘e ary 2. PBELL'S 16-012, ror
Small Town Planning “Man alive!” exclaimed the officer to the Sigents Why ax seeking a job | ening, February 1 BEAN CAMPRU oop 25:52 23a: 335 In
ea it, i ing? Ev- After graduation. pC ing
The other day we stood on Main Street recruit, where ae all your going The seniors spent two weeks | NIGHT Pie APPLES coMsTocK siced | Be 215 Spring
discussing borough affairs with a friend. i Bag missed tne gel: te di during their. English classes) ; Yet LC
i i » lo ow, sir,” replie e soldier ner- 8 asses 14.02 GL
What any community needs, he informed vous! They left here Ps right “ {learning how to interview and HUNT S CATSUP bottles 9 of 180
us, 18 long-range planning. Sure we get a y be interviewed. Then each stu- J UNIT iL PRESERVES TR AwBERRY 1 ’
good council and a good school board, but Th x > a) if dent was assigned an industry / STRAWBERRY b dar | ;
each is so busy with its present problems gre cre free things that any wile cami ~~ oo so 8 Or re JAMES B. HEILIG 2% ann PAGE BY 24-01, c Wilks
they never or ice: get to the point of [make out of practically nothing—a salad, a Vi W ek he was to get the PEANUT BUTTER CREAMY SMOOTH on 35:
IT: | ce o ei. | ‘ . es wl > wl at .
really long-range planning.” hat, and a quarrel. 1 Sig Jos Funergl Director P M PIE CRUST MIX PILLS3URY* 1 5 hh J
: ons for gh sc graduates . ou AREY kgs. 4 .E. e
There's a lot of truth in what he said. * %* Xx nen TR mh od niin Hound soy. PENNA Avert Ca Rm, %
In school matters the situation is a bit dif- You know-—these days it takes ail a man’s : with a member | I » PENNA. AE oy yoooth igs ed) prot: phot. Th
: . . . . . . . ). 0 NPE r. Ju receiv tle toward:nu ots nkoc¥ot ter .
ferent in that local school boards are guided | time to keep his business running and his wife ©' the company. After receiv JELL-O PUDDINGS and PIE FILLINGS give in
to some extent by state educational heads | still {ing the information, the student QA Paul M
~ a ? | submitted an article containing 5 a :
and they have worked out a long-range plan * * * } Sybmiti ainmng ie Aer ne Sa
for developing more efficient educational And when a mon says he hasn't made up [1 information to Mrs. Ging-| SV BLUE BORNET U.S. NO. 1 "A" SIZE MAINE will be
units and facilities throughout the state. his mind about something, you can bet I iat EE MARGARINE TAT ] Walter
But too often, hard-working councils are | bottom dellar it means he hasn't had a chance ' An editorial staff, consisting WANA | D.S. V
kept busy with current problems which
persist until those fellows are about ready
to retire from office. The pressure for econ-
omy, too, seems too often to overshadow
and present steps which might prove bene-
ficial in the long run.
But you can take the thought a step fur-
ther and ask what are we doing to bring
new industries, new businesses and new
residents here? Towns don’t remain sta-
to talk to his wife yet. Io |
> * frich, Judy Martin, Robert Mil-
My newest heartbeat (the ones I dream a-| 1°": Viriam Dick, Luke Dreseh-/
bout when my wife isn't in view) looks like a ©" Betsy Musser, John Waser, |
million dollars ————— all in loose change. Shirley Leedom, was appointed |
* ok 4. a
Here's a conversation from the Farm Show: ! editor. |
Si and Hiram were talking shop. “I have|the articles into the form in
| what is without a doubt the laziest rooster in| Which they are to be published.
the world,” boasted Si. The purpose of the book is i
and John Musser was appointed |
The staff has rewritten
jof Jane Landis, Raymond Gouep- | Quality Meats
& Negetables


of 3s 03


err i oN A
__+These potatoes are the finest for
2 x 29%

tionary. Like human minds, they go for- “Just how lazy is he. Si?” make known the requirements KRALL'S pat Market NONE FRICED HIGHER Sat
ward or backward—never remain where “Well, he ain't never crowed in his life. He needed for positions in the var- | CARROTS WESTERN ry go SB
- ' Y . er a fo i Sn : STE LRM) 1b polyihe
hay we. get back to our friend. “What Waits for another rooster fo crow—and | ious industries WEST MAIN ST. MOUNT JOY pen bags Os
“BB ge. nang Lond. | | then he nods his head” Directors to Visit . ize” r
we need,” he added, “is a meeting of minds . * SAM | Del Monte Prunes Meum i Gi
Yr uesday, January 27 has | ~- Sl Lo
from all of these groups, the council, the
Com- |
school board and the Chamber of
merce. Or if the heads of such groups could
or would get together just once in a while
and compare notes as to the future, maybe
from that would come the long-range plan-
Bill Enck was standing in front of the Mount been set as School Board Visi
Joy Department Store when a stranger stop-| tation Day for the three town- |
ped and asked: “Where is the Department ship schools. The directors will!
Store?” Bill siudied a minute and then re-| Visit each school with members
plied: “I'm not sure, I believe it's Murphy's the Student Council
as guides.




Birds Eye Peas FROZEN 38 3 2
Birds Eye Broccoli core 2 ton

ping hs smal, Fhoh as our 33 ont § Hod BPIOWAL" or er ee =v) odie 1h 5a Shin iki 7 i b Birds Eye Spinach Gomes 8 14-ox DJ
ack today—and have lacked for years anc ge Snown bs | RDS EY 4 i 5c
years i Yo +* * The East Donegal Township HE BROS. Bon f 32° 3 89° Green Beans REN ir OR cur 2 iti $ first De
: x {1 ‘1 : {he n v Ss
“In fact,” he concluded, “if right here in| A Maylown man and I were discussing High School will present the ORIN, PENNA. JR a Peas & Qarrois ‘foi 2 10-0 i hell on
town we had had such a meeting of minds |salaries when I asked: pilgrimage play, The Life Story \ 3: 42 ¥ ‘NIAGARA Birds Eye Succolash 2 1) to heat
and a bit of long-range planning thirty or Did you say your salary runs into five fig- of the Life of Jesus Christ, Jan-| PLANS RY Joy 300 39-tf | | Pp — = P80 po
forty years ago, problems facing us today | ures?” uary 26 and 27, 7:30 p. m. in| SPL | ' SNOW CROP or MINUTE MAID FROZEN Ar
would be a bit different.” “Yeah” was the dry rejoiner, “My wife and | the high school auditorium. Ad-| = i LAUNDRY STARCH : or NOE nT 22 Hous)
There you are, we're handing it on to|my four daughters” — — — — [ can under | mission prices are adults $1.00 | = 4 NEE c ORANGE JUICE 2 cans 29 6 poet 1% ( Ate
you as a hit of good food for thought. stand taat. and children 75c. Students! 3 4 19° OLD SOUTH) 6-0z 5 |
> 0 * he dr will have an opportunity to at-! ! - ( ORANGE JUIC FROZEN 2 ly 1 6 ml 3 | Walter
My idea of a monologue is a conversa-| tend the 2:00 p. m. matinee on ead relieble i LINIT A nn D.1.L

2 23
. - 2 » Ee Je ary 26 : 07 ~ 300
Another Investigation ton, between a real estate man and a pros-| J muy 26 ng 2 ? for 0c. answers to your “crisis Prom BEST PURE LARD
People who have wondered all their lives pect, “Wi 0 ¢ Presented questions” this year! § | jLAUNDRY ; STARCH IONA CORN GOLDEN 2 1657,
what would happen if a train hit that bump- * + * : 102, : Auntie”, a three-act : ves get them in § ah 2 Mud CREAM STYLE cans 23 P 1
er at the end of the track found out the io the scene of a traffic _accident comedy will be presented Dy {3 io 14: PICKLE STRIPS oven DOUBLE 15.02, 29:
other day in Washington. And now a Sen- | the officers found only tire skid marks, some (he Junior class in the high THE: Besos iy Sweet DILL Lor i
ate committee, and various other boards of
inquiry are trying to find out WHY.
With its whistle screaming a warning,
broken glass and a note that read: “Every- school auditorium Friday ani
| thing setiled satisfactorily.” Saturday, March 13 and 14. |:
* Ye Yo Mrs. Mary E. Llewellyn will be!
Here's one that happened to “Sparky” up|the directraess. Try-outs for the


CINNAMON BUNS sm, os 29¢
Coupon on top of each giant
the Pennsylvania Railroad's Federal! Limit- |
i ph i c Sat
} fom 2 is. boitls 4
ed from Boston, roared into the Capital's {at Chet'’s. A pleased customer announced: cast will be held this week. Often referred toas a
SU RE SAVE 20 Pkg. worth 20¢ toward purchase ' A 9
C| of 1 pound of your favorite 92" 5 8
coffee i a




Union Station at a speed estimated from 50| Bariender, you mcke the besh martinis for] Assemblies To Be Held newspoperman’s news- ¢ | Al Prices in This Advern : x o
to 60 miles an hour—through the safety | miles around. Tell you what I'm going to do, Eugene Saylor will hold a! paper” the MONITOR § i isement Effective Through Saturday, Jan. 24th i 1
stops at the end of the rails, through the |I'm going to give you Ethbert.” song assembly January 23, for covers the world with a | \ ; bethtow
Station Master's office and the concourse| He reached into his pocket and piunked the | the senior high school assemb- network of News Bureaus § | Yo Te = KINGSFORD GERBER’S \ NO
newsstand. A few feet from the crowded world’s saddestlooking lobster on the bar. 1v. At the same time, Robert | & and correspondents. 5! : ANGEL SOFT f 76x140
waiting room the 420 ton electric locomotive | Thank you very much,” answered Sparky Shaffer will show pictures of! # tye 5 on . BABY FOODS LING c
i hi Parley : Order a special intro- | “FACH CORN STARCH wv partly t
crashed through the coneourse floor to al I'll take him home for dinner.” [the Fall Frolic (held last Octob- 8 ductor b criptio i ¢ C AL TISSUES STRAINED y 10 ers 95g IB storm d
baggage room below. The brakes had failed, “Oh, don't take him home for dinner, he's cr). The junior high assembly. | & fod YS 5 2 in WHITE OR f CHOPPED 4 6 iors 890 NO
it was said, but by-standers reported flame | aiready eaten. Take h‘m to a movie” exclaim- Will feature a basketball game 2 53 BY ou “I pa 3 i i RAINBOW of achs 23: Ne 1 1 CEREALS ns Pia: {To
and sparks from the driving wheels, as | ed the customer. with Hempfield. Miss Vivian! ® MONITOR 8 COLORS 4, 4) MEATS op union 3%-or ean 2lc taining
through the brakes were set. As yet, there Yo Hr * Eby, a missioiary home on | Bo reading ANAS Te gr “UFERUOY co gt). A
i nswer, : | leave, will t: i | 34 x: i i is also i
is Le AvStery. IS Why 10 she) We know & ii Who was so active that 5|k ave, will talk a the groups as your HOME TOWN &5 i5 SWAN SOAP SWAN SOAP NO
i ter q ww, 0 UF | years after he die is self-winding wrist| January 28 and February 6 will | PAPER. 7 1 /
was killed, and but 36 passengers injured, | watch was still running. “Making of a Geolo. | i SOAP | erosted
most of them only slightly. As for the Sta- | gist” by the F.RM. G THE Curis ome a gins BY vise sis rrr contai
tion Master's crew, the newsstand attend- | * * * by the F.&M. Geology De- dln aan (Foot sine c he oo 3 lane 22° pt
ES Bat : When a woman puts her hand out of a car|Partment. Instrumental Music| on ea a a” ah i 3 i cakes 32 wat i oil heat
ants, and travellers who thronged the con-| o : lot by ‘the F: os | Pe is i Hig Propert
course but a moment before the fantastic it means one ‘thing — the window's| the Facully Trio under the) he Civation Scionce Monitor PP Sm S The
5 3 13 Tor | open. (direction of Mr. Saylor will be| ©ne, Norway St., Boston 15, Mass., U.S.A, AE) 4. A
erash, their lives were saved by Engineer | : [3 | LIFEBUOY Each a
: . ThA | {held February 13 and a Wash- | Pl d me troductory Mont LUX FLAKES os AIR WICK
Brower who signalled a warning to a tow- | . Cx * ! ] a Wash- | case send me an introductory Mont LN
erman in the TE . kept his whistle biow- | We were discussing gardening last night] ington and Lincoln “ program | for subscription—=76 issues. | enclose $3, | SOAP DEODORIZER! ) He Den
ing, and together with Fireman Moyer, | 90d my neighbor told me he always plants, Will be shown by the eleventh : large 21 7 should |
sthek to his cab. | his seeds two ieet deep because it annoys the February 26, Jim Lynch "700m ns: 3 Tegties ing 22° Eon 59 {
“For all our ingenuity and technology, we | birds. (will give a talk on archery. > cakes bao 2 abethto
shall probably never build machines hat | Whe * * Xr ; : ; Te vast ve weeks’ assemb- | (address) | = aaa
are faultless. But may we never be without |. # 4 Women gels & ticket lor speeding, | '® ‘ealured 2 lecture on thei ... . .... |
men who can place duty to their fellows ! her tongue is probably included. | history of science by Dr. Thorny {zone) (state) | 87 EAST MAIN STREET MOUNT JOY, PA. Walter
above life itself. ; | : A WISE OW.’ as Mariner and an Electricity! : P8-10 | DLL
