The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, January 15, 1953, Image 4

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    tire es on both ice and snow by ona

ve 4 M4) | B ki Di chains reduce Slopping distane. Halt ob more,
7% | Braking Distance | _______ __—
Miss Verna Faus | oom vee Co [Zs ie 2 SS
year period from 1940 to 1950 FAMOUS (EV WAL Son f ay, 4 |
anie k Married To i toi oh 3.45% BET 77 ol J al! Temperature Rises RSH
Am e pointed oul that
#—The Bulletin, Mount Joy, Pa., Thursday, January 15, =e of C Elects Ow i on

‘Joseph Ginder |an unhealthy condition, stated | SUSY SAN FL OR SHOWS

FIN | bs . {
the Attorney and when we sce | | A517 = Baie How slippery is © warm ice] Saturday Night
that only 5 new houses were N /908 un pr | i I 4) cube?”
. 3 : : ("it sT FIRE | |
Miss Vera Faus, daughter of constructed in 1951, something J 4 Ths oer Teac rome Pie Chief of Police Parke Neiss CONLEY'S ORCHESTRA |
Mr. Albert B. Faus, Manheim should be done to remedy this / 4 fs KI PeouTieo explained today that the ques A Y | i
R4 and Juseph H. Ginger, condition, . He alse stated that | 7 7 7 ol Te Sang A rover tion isn’t as silly as it sounds [ “Two Shows Nightly - - 10 and 12 O'clock ( 3 A
i i | / 5. O'LEARY 'S CI c § S SL] | ANTI .
heim R3, were united in mar-| real estate values have not kept | % 7 / 0 SET CHICAGO IN “Temperature has a great 50¢c COVER CHARGE MEMBERS ONLY
T or n Saturday ¢ : '~ | pac i 3 ities | FLAMES, PESHTIGOS FOREST . ; Hc
oO | riage on Saturday at 17:00 0'~ pace with other communities. FIRE TOLL WAS 4 500 deal to do with the slipperiness |
{ clock in the evening at the Mas- New Industries vues RAST AMERICAN EE AN a von of ice.” he said I
: . | i RGU PITCHER TO Win) 30 JA / / y Se . -« ——_————
. | tersonville Brethren in Christ] 4 0 400 haw industries were | Sars 1 2 Salt Senscel FORESTLAND BURNED This fact was noted |
i . I SAA actore > . was Ho8 GROVE THE ol . JUST : « « « : |
Gat! er Church, Mastersonville. __ (acquired by the borough in a rgd Ml fie hy 7 vs by the Committee on Winter
Rev. Henry Becker, of Florin, 2 year period, stated Newcom- ety pean: of Tie $1 cous wy ey Aub Driving Hazards of the National | Don’t Delay - ave our =
Per On 2k ga a brief sermon. Bishop | op , and where can industry lo- | CAROLS Br Ws vrs Ferry Safely Cotneil
2 | Fin 2 tnd a { ol \ a Safet) ; | C I t
A. Ginder, Manheim, of- | cate in Mount Joy at the pres | RS The Committee found that ar nspec ed *
F lated at the ceremony. [ent time? It would have a hard
or 8! The family of Mr. Ginder ser- | time locating, as it has been al- |

' ved as attendants with Grace | most completely zoned out.
The Mit. Joy Ginder as bridesmaid. Dorcas | Merger suggested |
: 3 j -
Ginder was the flower girl. | Attorney Newcomer suggest- | / { ue aot ers
Peay Joseph Ginder, Jr., served as ed that a merger with Florin |
Bulle «In 4 : with i would be a big help to each | MATURE Twig BER IN TAT NE C
/ [') OF 1950-61 HELPER

Ff A

But when ne temperature . EY

temperature is near zero
| gets around the melting point
=~ | (32 degrees), braking distances
— average as much as 250 feet,

best man the following
ushers: Jesse Ginder, Jesse community. This merger would |

C2 |
b= |
= |

“The OLDEST FARM {braking distance from a speed
of 20 miles per hour averages W
A Oe ae about 110 feet on ice when the
pa OF 1 0 a

a ane Peters, Robert Faus and Glenn | enable the residents of Florin oe, Coach John Lichty's Junior i HCH taf Nokes
In Mi. Joy Ginder. (to take advantage of the ice Under The Basket High cagers won their sixth | “ Ses Bone niet | 259 WEST MAIN STREET
: : : i - t: ed, & Ste 2S i
Mrs. Ginder is re turned | department and in all probabil game of the season by defeating ice may be doubled within a UNT jOY, PENNA PHONE 3-5671
APPLY Aria Where she served 3 BIR | ties there Would he large sav | iy Marietta 40-32. This win enab- | relatively short time as the hy | MOR whe
of seven and one half years as a | ings in water rent. | The Rams gained a two-game les the Junior Rams to remain SY " gi :
a" > perature rises.
missionary. First hmprovement [lead in Section I by defeating undefeated in Section I. Joe |: He explained that many driv- | INSPECTION ENDS JANUARY 31
4 & 1 ; T Following the wedding the| The first on the list of COM" | past Hempfield 52-42. Big Jay Weber led the scoring with 17 ers ste a curly on a cold
LE i fiw couple left for a trip to Florida, | munity improvements is the E. | Metzler and Capt. Zimmerman points. | orn and: find that traction re
after which they will reside on Donegal Joint High School, sta- | 1.4 the scoring with 19 and 11 Mount Joy G F They dive 1 cre]
i > | y is quite good. They adjust their |
Mr. Ginder's farm near Master- |ted the Attorney. The School | oints respectively. Barto led Geib 1 0 2 nici : ; IO!
11 S. MAIN ST. Autl p p ii . = driving habits accordingly.
fh sonville. uthority and directors should |) Hempfield team with 26 Frey 1 3 5 | However: a fev hours later the MATINEE om
PHONE 3-9651 1 be congratulated for the many points Gohn 5 " = | How ver a ( i | EVENINGS
| in ti YAR iv i ¥ ! “tempers > ay ave risen |
1! When mm need of Printing. (any. |hours of their time that was giv- | The Junior Varsity won their Zimmerman 0 1 1 si posawre Mm ty a a $ fi IB SHOWS » AND
en in formulating plans, ete. aft] ; Eo Br. Welter 7 3 17 considerably; anc 1e surfac 7 and 9:00 P. THE TRE dona ,
i EEE EE ) |The next 'biz forthcoming im- Sikh Raine ie sh So: Beaston 1 5 7| nat was providing stignily dan. SATURDAYS 2:00 P. M.
| provement is the new sewage J en i sais il dol. Becker 0 0 ig flow Jeon 8 5:53:10 P. M, Mount Joy, Pa. 3
: ayers > 8 5 hi , | very treacherous for Ie un-
BEGINNING JANUARY 1, 1953 syste. This hes: been talked, a- (umn, Zeller led the team with Grofl 1 1 3 wary driver
. |§ [bout for 20 years but nothing | ie | iH r ATURDAY, JANUARY 16 -
has been done about it untill 13. points. Total 13 14 40 Ly addition to reducing speed, ff FRipAY-5 ;
] ' ‘ S ‘ now and most industries de- | Mount Joy CG F a aa G FT) drivers safeguard against | GARY COOPER -- PHYLISS THAXT -in-
The Sico Service tation mand sewage service. | Zimmerman 4 3 1 Bry > 9 {this unexpected difference in |} 6b id Ri ie*
M S Attorney Newcomer closed | AShenfelter 2 2 4 ar i 1 15 the slipperiness of ice by using ‘Springs ie
| Pp 9 } Gorme 7 s oWiof ont 3
ount Joy tregt | his talk with the statement that | 1 E : 1 : Klien 3 1 7 | [tire chains, the chief caution d, | eau
Mount Joy cannot afford to sit| Se oF 5 1 19 B. Blymier 0 HoH I i
IS MANAGED AND OPERATED BY ||| around complacently any long- Ia Shaler 0 = Shelly 3:8 3 SIMON P. NISSLEY M T
er and that a Community De- Cin : if MARY &. NIgS-EY. PETER LAW -in-
[Cling 2 Terrie | 3
ARTHUR G.fZERPHEY | yelomment Council is urgently Totals 14 4 32| FUNERAL DI I “wy
. needed. Ta Size Mount Joy | Ss
3 ale 59
; | Bailey relates experience Totals 19 ie Ie H hili res TET sr | uy
: : Jl Mauri iley, Secret: East He 1.6 Fm cmophiliacs | = — “| Le
AND WILL Bf KNOWN AS Ji}, 2’ Bafley, Secretary of ry SF Til Hemophiiacs cin bleed to death TR
he Chamber of Commerce stat- | Nima 1 “| from minor wounds because the | i TUBBDAj ARY
ed that he had sent letters to in- | Peffley 2 1 ? hemorrhage may continue for many Dr. H. Cc. Killhetfer |B | :
"ee 1 [§{ dustry and some business firms | Barto 10 6 26 days. The disease first came to pub- J GUY MADIX RAY MALA -in E
Zerphey 8 Serv ICC Station Ain it. Joy Borough requesting | Risser 0 5 5 lic attention as an inherited disease Oo ometrist °
employment figures. Although | Habecker 1 2 4 of the male members of the former MANHEI “Red Snow ?
| s ay ; Spanish and Russian royal houses
° [| the returns are not quite com- Allison 0 0 gy Span sof the Saxe-Coburg line 163 S. Chariptte
|}! pleted, Bailey stated he found | K. Mumma 0 0 Br, ie any > , hink | | Telephone 58376 | i
{ fp se 1 ) ersons think oh | ;
| | that 1098 persons were employ- | | it is limited to such lineages. Nene ew 3 3 WEDNESDAY -— THURSDAY, JANUARY 21 - 22 A
+ Watch for Grand Opening Announcements ed, 651 of these were male and| Totals 13 16 47 - |] PRANKIT LAD ILLY DANITL )
447 female. 452 of the total | The string has finally been | Electric ° 9:30 Tues, Fn, 5a LAN BILLY DANI 5 l=
2-2¢ |§| number lived outside the boro. | broken The Rams los 1 their W Id SAT Ed fey |§
: ams 5 ! ELIZABETHTOWN { | &
Foe Patience Needed | first league game to Marictt; 1 in| (and Gas € Ing 15 E. High St. “Rainbow Bound My Shoulder”
Burgess Fish stated at the | an ove rtime game, 51. After | Also Specialize/On Telephone 24.F | |
meeting that the borough is go- jumping off to a 127 score in| FARM MACHI LDING i - me
ing through a transition and |the first period, and 25-18 score TF |
| everyone should be patient. We!lat the half, the Rams lost a six 3 I
GET IT AT {know there are inconveniences | [point lead in the last three min- | Automobil and ruck Weldinc 0 e many Feasois Ww y gse
now, stated the Burgess, and |utes of the game. Marietta out-| AWN MOWER SHARPENING
these inconveniences must be | scored Mount Joy 5 to 4 to win|

than the respectively.
Es | average man puts in at his live- In the preliminary game, the
| Ivhoed, some without remuner-|Junior Varsity came through
» | ation except community spirit. | with a thrilling 48-46 w >
’ ¥ T: T 1 { ) ing 46-46 win over
It S Time 0 urn oO Booth Ss {These men should not be cen | Marietta. It was win No. 6 for
sored, but should be rer Juniors. Zeller led the sc
3 : Tt | taken in their stride in Mt. Joy |a close, exciting game. Zimmer Cover's elding Shop BE ml” a 37.4
i 0 ! H 8 E23 lis to move ahead. The men |man and Jay Metzler led the | J -
5 Ng 7A) PS | working on these projects are | scoring with 17 and 14 points Delta and Marietta Streets { 3
| butting in more time i MT. JOY, PA. Phone 3- -5931 pC ra ng
Help Wanted should be seen by every truck owner

{ated for this spirit.
| Decoration Committee
Ing with 21 points.
More Powerful Engines! seven

! | Mount Joy G F Tl brawny engings with hich horsepower and
| x . rawny engings with high horsepower :
Arthur Sprecher, chairman of | { Zimmerman 8 1 17! ATTENDANT high comprafision ratios, three of them
JANU RY Cl E RANCE 1S sistas Decorations | Clinger 3 0 6 brand-new. fireater cooling capacity, in-
A A Committee, gave a report on|y; ler creased difblace ment, twin carburetion
e8d c im Metzler 2 0 4 i } )
[the cost of the decorations and | | Klugh i 1 : FOR MODERN available gh larger trucks. PLUS proved
i | the effort put forth in on en | 3 Rein : 1 o STATION features ce {-ring pistons with chrome-
3 ay Metzler 7 0 14 plated t ring, exhaust valve seat inserts.
eavor to have Mount Joy's | Ashenfelter i 0 2 [| Man with Gargge experience 4
| Main Street carry the Carietmat | Ru ar 2 1 5 § Capable of mgking light re-
| Spirit. oe pairs preferrg
PLAID S EET BL NKETS Sire $1.69 each Te pening of the commit. Totals 24 3 51 \
at served with Sprecher | : PPLY
MEN'S RK S CKS 2 PIs . ..... 45¢c | were, Burgess Fish; Lester Hos- | Marietta G F Tl
|tetter, representing Borough Metartand 3 6. 12 NEw! Extra- Powerful Brakes! Stop
EXTRA GQOD NNON TOWELS é5e-79¢ | Council; George Albert, Ameri- | Grove 6 0 12 oi 0 SERVICE easily on steepest grades! Super-safe
|can Legion; Richard Leitner, Jr. | DeArmitt 0 1 1, brakes give Snooth) Yop Foduesd driver
> | Johnson 6 1 17 fatigue, greater load protection . . . New
81 X 99 SHEET yom doe $2.59 each | Chamber of Commerce; Alvin Baker 1 3 5 increased stopping power on 1- through
A 4 | Bigler and Bigler Mumma, a € 0 0 ol 215-ton trucks! PLUS oversized braking
CH RAYON CREPES .. 59¢ a Y Lions Club; Warren Foley, VFW | Jones : | a surface with rivet-frde Cyclebond linings
79¢c FREN | Ralph Eshelman and John | Sareen 2 0 22 WEST MAIN STREET [I on all hydraulic brafes
| Booth, Rotary Club, George |®auders 2 9 MT. JOY, PA.
49¢ YARD WIDE COLORED OUTING Tot club, George Se ii) otal) pe
FLANNEL SALE PRICE . .. . . . 3%¢ | Myers and Steven Supper], the| Totals 20 Iz 7 me cme sec 5 1 ARR y
| Sportsmen Club. — SAE 4

rior init
Lis | e C. of C. was represented | 3 | Si a : 3 iad
25¢ CANNON DISH CLOTHS for 45¢ || The C. of C presented LH fie o: NEW! Truck-o-matic Transmission!
by Edward Lane, Arthur
Sprecher and Simeon Horton. if i J Le ion | :
Officers Introduced { Te
$3.25 MEN’S GREY WASH SWEATERS { Michael J. Pricio, Ou oy g J
{of the Jr. C of C. introduced |
WITH COLLAR ride eae ie $2.95 each |the officers of this body to the
Chamber of Commerce mem-| i
’ bers.
to i cere SATURDAY, JANUARY 17
$0.50 MEN S ALL WOOL i laced tor NEw! Bier 50 Features! £0 wavs new! Reinforced From fon through
- - . . - ®
es 0
cab construction, larger exhaust system, extra-capacity ther “TRUCK
| District Band i TH E H E D Ll N EF RS i radiators. Tinted glass, heaters with stepped-up heat output DODGE Job-Rated |

1 New Truck-o-matic transmission available
on '5- and Dodge
trucks. .. saves shifting, cuts driver fatigue,
lets you rock out of snow, mud, sand. Only
- Dodge offers shift-free Truck-o-matic!
3 Ww 5 ¥i

PLUS gyrol Fluid Drive, famous power
cushion that prolongs truck life.

available. PLUS moistureproof ignition, high-torque capacity fo fit yout Job!


$8.95 MEN’S HEAVY BEACH JACKETS Miss Nancy Groff, a senior of | Siariing motors, ability features. See the new
NOW 56 95 Marietta H. S. has been selected | g Py is
Fe to participate in the District See us today for a real good deal on
Band at the Southern District | SUNDA JANUARY 18 AFL
. P.M.E.A. Festival, held this | . . n of i"
year : She will | Ch N T : -
‘NEXT WEEK oly 9rd clarinet. | arik/Neimer 1 HO Soo
The first public concert will |
REMNANTS be held Friday evening at 7:30 |
A BIG SALE 0 p. m. and the second will be on | Sunday family ‘dinners will be served starting at STEHMAN BROTHERS . Sal P
Saturday evening at 8:00. 1:00 until ? — Stectks, Chops, Sea Foods, Beef, Pork and me" unga, ena.
ER HE AD —— eee | |
WATCH THIS PAP FOR T When in need of Printing. (any- | Turkey. { i
Ls EEE, thing) kindly remember the Bulletin | SRR