2e=The Bulletin, Mount Joy, Pa., Thursday, January 8, 1953 THE BULLETIN | Published every Thursday at 11 East Main Street, Mount Joy, Lancaster County, Pa. William N. Young, Publisher Fred J. Alberte, Editor & Manager Pearl Roth, Assoc. Editor & Bus. Mgr, Schroll, Editor and Publisher 1901 1952 John E Subscription Rate: $2:00 Per Year by Mail, Advertising upon request. Entered at the postoffice at Mount Joy, Pa., as second-class mail under the Act of March 3, 1879, Member, Pennsylvania Newspaper Publishers’ Association rates Editorially iy Visit The Farm Show About all we know about farm life is which end of the cow you milk. Yet we wouldn't miss the State Farm Show for the best show on Broadway. And when the doors of this gigantic display are thrown open to the public up at Harrisburg next Monday—look for us! For that show is a revelation to anyone not actively engaged in farming. It opens up new realms of activities many of us never imagined existed. And the enthusi- asm with which the contestants, especially those 4-H boys and girls, tackle their jobs is eontagious. Several times we have come away from the farm show at Harrisburg with the feel- ing that we missed something in life by never living on a farm. And if anybody is unsuited for farmlife, we probably take our place at the top of the list. So—if you want a real treat, no matter whether you know mueh about farming or noi—take in this greatest of all nearby shows and you'll thank us for having made the suggestion. * * * Small Business Fatalities The next time you walk down Main Street, make it a point to stop and take at least a glance into every shop window you pass. Those fellows are the life blood of our community and it’s good to remember that they are banging away day after day to make this a better town in which to live. That (the above paragraph) is the thought which came to our mind when we read a moment ago that in America today, running a small business of one’s own is a hazard- ous way of making a living. According to the U.S. Dept. of Commerce, there were five and one-half million companies organ- ized between 1946 and 1951—and half of these companies had been liquidated by the end of the latter year. Those statistics wouldn't hold good here by any means. And that in itself is a testi- monial to both the type of town we have and the type of businessmen here. Let’s help to keep it that way! * * * The Dawn of a New Day! If running a weekly newspaper didn’t take so many hours every week of the year, we'd join the gang which will be going to Washington to witness the inaugural on January 20th. That, we figure, especially the ride down and back, is going to be a lot of fun! The inaugural, as we see it, marks the dawn of a new confidence in national af- fairs. We can sense it right here in town in 4 OWL BY A WISE So now it's 1953!! Well, it won't make muca difference to me, I've just learned why I never have any money. An old adage says if you eat sauer kraut on New Year's Day you'll have money all year. I always thought that was an election day dinner, but it seems you- ‘te never too old to learn. x * kx ] Boy. Oh boy! is Henry G. Carpenter in dutch with Russ Smellz, our new printer, last wesk one day. “H. G.” put an “ice” note on the front seat of what he thought was Russ Kram- er's vehicle, parked on Delta Street -— “— — Smeltz, finding the note was pretly angry — — — — — He sctid, he didn’t care if they clut ter up his car with paper, but to think that someone would mistake his auto (a brand new 1940 model) for an “ice wagon.” * * Gwennie Kramer had an unpleasant sur- prise on Xmas Daly - - - the night before she visited relatives and was treated to some egg- noc - -- - = Gwennie thought it was very good. and asked if she cculd take some along home “me obligingly her friend gave her some - - - - but wien she opened the package on Xmas she found she had a quart of water. * * Here's a spy’s report to his boss that made me chuckle . ..... “Dear Boss: Have thoroughly investigated Washington or prospect of bombing. Have duty to report it is useless. If fliers destroy one building it is accomplishing absolutely nothing. — — — — For there are two other buildings, staffed with Americans doing ex- actly the same thing.” * * A young father was telling: a group of friends on New Years nite what a bad time he had when the baby was born. Finally a young matron inquired “Who had the baby. any- way?” The young mad nodded toward his wife. “She did.” he answered seriously. “But SHE Tr a NEWTOWN | Those In Service I TE 1952 Kimpo, Korea Committee r the Mrs you lof Mt. Joy Mr. and Mrs. Earl Geltmach and family visited Mr. and Carl Gamber and and Mrs. - Minnie December 23, Dear Rememb I want to thank you for package of pretzels that cent me. I received them last Geltmacher of Kinderhook. week and I don't think that Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Witmer they lasted a half hour around |. .4 family visited Mr. and Mrs, my tent, they were the first oes jon, Kauffman and family, of that we had since we have been and Mr. and Mrs. over and 1 them very much and thank you for the Bulletin too. Conestoga, John Kauffman Sr Fhe Witmer's also attended the reception fo and Mi appreciated I want to here and Charles Kauffman Janet Plaskey wedding Sincerely A/3¢ Abram H. Ditzler Saturday evening visitors of December 31, 1952 Mr. and Mrs. John Grossman Lajes Field, Azores .,.q family were Mr. and Mrs. Dear Friends William Rynier and Miss Mabel Just a few lines 10 express of Gap. my appreciation for the won Mrs Matilda Derr visited derful gifts I've received from Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Gainor of your commitiee. It sure makes | Mount Joy. a fellow proud of his home Visitors during the past week town, to have gifts like them |, Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Fry- coming in once in a while. All| oor and Mrs. Katie Moore | my buddies think it is real were Mr. and Mrs. Havard | thoughtful of you folks doing| johnston, Lancaster, Mr. and] the same. I have never vet in npg, Jay Shirk, Stauffertown, my service life, run across a|nyr and Mrs. Harry Beamesder- | that his home town did <0 much for him. “Truthfully,” [ think that the gifts along with the Bulletin, are the best moral | builders a fellow can ask for. I “Thanking You One & All” Sincerely Yours, Norman L. Witmer a a fellow fer, Ella Sherk, Mt. Joy and Mr. Lichty and Mrs. Sitz, Columbia, Pa. neman., Mt. Joy R. D. visited Mr. and Mrs. Robert Frank and family, Saturday evening Rev. and Mrs. R. H. Arndt at tended the Youth of Christ Ral- iy, conducted by Evangelist Ed- die Martin, held at High School, Lancaster on Sun- day afternoon. Visitors of Mr. Ralph Supplee am 2nd Division Veterans Head) conduc Divi Second (Indian Association is The Division a search for former ting sion personnel who have return- : | . : were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sup- ed to civilian life. snl . : plee, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Sup State representatives in the!’ ‘ A piee, of Harrisburg. Second Anny Arca are as fol 3 . . I Vv Will Lvl Mr. Salem Gamber, Columbia OWS: irginia illiam Lyle : | D. visited Mr. and Mrs. Ab-| R. Ave. | 206 Colonial . ram Gamber. McCutchin, T r T ar “ 1 - Richmond, Va Maryland —Ir J hey i Mr. and Mrs. John Grossman ving Press, 223 Park Avenue, : ey : ; : and family visited Mr. and Baltimore, Md.; Pennsylvania whi ; . : . 4 My Mrs. Wm. Geltzenlichter, Gor- Edward Anslinger, 1914 Tifth|’ ; . J lonville, Sunday afternoon. Street, Altoona, Penna Dela dh Ag ' ; om Visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Ir- ware—John Conant, 2701 Bay : : . : vin Witmer during the past nard Boulevard Wilmington, | 1M vil : week were Mr. and Mrs. Wil- Del.: Ohio—Paul Johnson, 19- dh : ia v liam Kauffman and family, of 105 Southgate Ave... Cleveland : . 29 Oh Ironville, Mrs. Pearl Jrenne Sada nio, “ Contact With the national. or man, Mt. Joy R. D.' and Mrs. ontact with the national or- : ‘ : Wilbert Witmer and sons, East | ganization may b made thru], tard ee : Petersburg. Robert C. Barr, Second Division 8 : Rev. and Mrs. R. H. Arndt Association, 116 North Third St . 3 9 visited the following during the had an anesthetic.” - - - - That makes a differ- | Camden 2, New Jersey. aE Taine : : ey i are ele : past week, Maria Hoffman, and ow : houschold, Mt. Joy R. D., Mrs A local man returned to his office Monday Lowdown From Annie om gs. Laum morning after New Years, showing signs of « y ; Eds el ot MP amt very strenuous weskend. Oné of his friends Hi k G Mr Wor Yi so hy jn - - - ne 'S. n ames were Mr. and found him hunched over his desk with his, IC ory rove | Mrs. Henry Rollman, and chil head buried in his arms. “What in heaven's name have you been do-| ing?” he asked. “Fishing through the ice,” groaned the sal fered. “Fishing through the ice?” For what? “Cherries,” was the answer. * * > Friends of Nancy Shupp are still chuckling about the nightie she gave to a girl friend for her five weeks cid baby’s Christmgs present. Seems when the Mama opened the gaily wrapped gift and lifted out the nightie it unfold- ed yards long cause Nancy had accidenily | mixed the boxes and given her the size 48 nightie she had bought for Grandma instead of the infant one. * x > A Columbia landlord called for 1 ! his rent | many weeks overdue. He was naturally very | annoyed when his tenan: explained our talks with local industrial and business- | men as well as workmen. Just how far this confidence will carry us—especially the happy state of affairs. “I'm really very sorry.” said the tenant, “but i I just can’t pay you this week.” I “But you said that last week!” cried the stock market—is something to ponder over. , landlord. “And the week before and the week We're hoping it does not take the stock | before!” quotations to unreasonably highs for that, | to us, is the approach to a danger point my word?" ---.--. What more can he ask? which can effect every man and woman in the country, rich or poor. For, confidence or ! not, we still have mighty perplexing prob- cclumn: lems to solve and we, for one, do not re- gard General Eisenhower as any kind of a miracle-worker. A good, solid, deep-think- | sailor was draped weakly over the rail. | 2 - | captain came along the deck, and with one “Well,” said the tenant, “and didn’t I keep | * * * This one we loaned from the Service Men's It was the first kip to sea, and one voung The ing man of considerable intelligence, yes, last at the sailor, said, “You cant be sick ere.” but not one to bring back the day of miracles. For example, continued aid for Europe then wita all the dignity at his command, said, The sailor looked the captain up and down, | is demanded, lower taxes is demanded, a|“Waich.” - - - - - - The captain was wrong balanced budget is demanded, peace in Ko- rea is demanded and a substantial defense | against Stalin is demanded. A feeling of | self-confidence will help us to solve these many problems providing that feeling of dream world. “op * * For Your Scrap-book * Mose Stark told me the one about the fire chief who fired his new efficiency expert be- | cause he put unbreakable : : | alarm boxes. doesn’t carry us headlong into some sort . | glass in all the * * * A local boy applied for a job during the iidays, however, he was rather young for | the job, so the garage foreman thought he'd | | humor him. Good intentions are very mortal and per- | ishable things; like very mellow and choice | icr a job like this,” the “There's a lot of things you've got to know foreman said. “For in- | fruit that are difficult to keep.—C. Simmons | stance, can you take a yard stick : This is what I found out about religion: | ure the exhaust coming ye iy i em It gives you courage to make the decisions | over there?” you must make in a erisis, and then the “Sure,” replied the boy. “if you'll hold one | confidence to leave the result to a higher | end of the exacust for me.” - - - - - - . I've often Power. Only by trust in God can a man | werned you about our nobodys’ focls. carrying responsibility find repose. Dwight .D. Eisenhower. | Fullness of knewledge always and neces- . sarily means some understanding of the | depths of our ignorance, and that 1s always "conducive to both humility and reverence. | excuse,” —Robert A. Millikan. younger set. They are | * * A question much debated over the holidays! was finally settled like this - - - Is mistletoe a vine or a tree? Bill Enck said “neither, it's an A WISE OW. | the un-| dren, Mr. and Mrs. Giles Urban I am such a burnt-in-the-cork and son, Lititz, Mr. and Mrs believer in free enterprise that Lloyd Nentwig and children, of sometimes I reckon 1 make Florin. some kind of a nuisande of my- Mr. and Mrs. Edward Isler élf. But as I gaze back at and family and Mrs. Irene Sny what has happened here in our der and family of Elizabethtown fair land, and due to too little {on Sunday. attention as to what is going on Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Witmer all around us, I haul out a new |and family visited Mr. and Mrs. | sharpened pencil and break out Rufus Landis and son, of New again against Gove. ownership Holland Sunday afternoon. Vis operation of things that ups itors of the Witmer's on Sunday! and pulls the rug from under evening were Mr. and Mrs. | the citizen who, when he wakes | Aaron Landis and Mrs. Sher- lip, is a surprised baby wood Deitz, Lititz. Vednesday evening Rev. and Mrs. R. H. Arndt were dinner guests of Mr Mrs. Calvin Campbell and family, Lancaster Visitors at the ‘Arndt Home" Look today at that grand Pa cific Northwest wherein will find no you sweeter raspberries, and plumper salmon, redder apples and what happens when they Jowered their guard. The Govt. ! were Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Lefev- power boys breezed into the er, Mary Lefever, Mr. and Mrs. country there with calliope on Havard Johnston. Lancaster, top volume, saying, stand aside and Mrs. Miriam Herr, Millers- girls and boys—you sit down in | ville. the cool shade-—I will make the Mrs. Dorothy Sload and son power and lights—and cheaper. | Marietta visited Mr. and Mrs. | The folks, sucker-like, sat! Harry Weaver. down. Govt. dams ‘and power Joann, 8 month old daughter | stations sprung up all over and | of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Wit- | slowed down private develop- mer, has returned home from ment—and then what I'll tell | the St. Joseph Hospital, Lancas- you. A power shortage there is NOW upon them the Christmas trees are dark. Those ter, where she spent a weeks as a medical patient. Rev. and Mrs. R. H. Arndt! few even nice people there now lick their | were Sunday supper guest of | wounds. It has done one good Mr. and Mrs. Elam Kreider. of turn through for the rest of the it shows ’em what to the Govt. calliope Eden, West. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Weaver, | visited Mr. and Mrs. Raymand | Weaver, of Columbia, Sunday evening, Visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Jac- {ob Erb, during the past week were Mrs. Pearl Brenneman. of | Mt. Joy R. D., Mr. and Mrs. Nor- | man Brosey and children, Sil {ver Spring, Mrs. Mary Lucas. | Mt. Joy R. D., Mr. George Wit- | mer, Marietta, Mr. and Mrs. | John V. Witmer and son, John- | nie, Elizabethtown R. D. Mrs. | { Erb who was on the sick list is {improved at this writing. { —— etl FROPERTY SOLD SATUR. country 40, when barges into town Yours with the low down, JO SERRA — a Stimulate your business by adver. asing in the Bulletin. RR A 8 TA J J Nd AT ~ gh, A = $7? (= > The home of Mr. and Mrs. canes, AS £2 { Daniel Musser, 108 Poplar St., |! SY = this boro, was sold at private! {terms to Raymond Keller, also of Mount Joy on Saturday. The! fnew owner will take possession | | April 1st, | SAVE MONEY BY READING THE ADS family | , of Ironville | and Mrs. Roy Hubley, Mrs. Cora | Mr. and Mrs. Hathaway Bren- | McCaskey | 1orge pkg. giant pkg. S0A large pkg. GRANULATED SOAP GRANULATED SCAP SOAPLESS DETERGENT / sf giant 8 / 4 pkg. nt SILVER DUST Dish Cloth in Each Package large 28: pkg. SILVER DUST Dish Towel in Each Package WE SPRAY— Exterior Cella With Waterproofe c WOLGEM 212 West High Street PHONE 149 FOOD 21° RINSO 93° SURF PLESS DETERGE 29° Ny # 4 giant 5h phy. BREEZE Face Cloth in Each Package large a 1 C pkg. wd giant pkg. Dish Towel in Each Packag BREEZE 60° J CASHMERE-BOUQUET SOAP regular size cakes 22° | | | | 3 | CASHMERE BOUQUET SOAP bath size cakes 32° 6 BRIDAL BOUQUET SOAP regular size cakes 25° joo | large pkg UX FLAKES 21° J a 3 — LUX SOAP 22 LUX SOAP 32 | regular size cakes bath size cokes S giant pg. GRANULATED SOAP H & MARTIN Electric and Gas Welding Also Specializg O17 alls F MAC WELDING AND. EQUIPMENT | and Truck Welding | LAWN MOWER SHARPENING Cover's Welding Shop Delta and Marietta Streets MT. JOY, PA. Phone 3-5931 ELIZABETHTOWN, PA. 14-tf / QR SUNNYFIELD BUTTER ou. 2 +1 FANCY CREAMERY prints FRESH EGGS SUNNYBROOK LARGE dozen in ALL WHITE LEGHORN dated carton LARGE EGGS WILDMERE BROWN & WHITE >’ CRESTVIEW LARGE E BROWN & WHITE JUIG ORIDA ORANGE 2 18-0z. weetened or Unsweetened cans R Al MON SUNNYEROOK 4 C 16-0. = 7%-0Z. CAN can EAPPLE DOLE OR 20-or. 2 € 29-01. od DEL MONTE SLICED con con RITTER'S CATSUP ASPARAGUS cv WHOLE SPEARS SAUERKRAUT - 33 CHUM SALMON PERFECT STRIKE 16.07. 35° SPECIAL PRICE! can or. TREC DATE = NUT BREAD «xix 2: 35 HEINZ KETCHUP ue PF bottle ~~ WV. C 1m. oh 1 67° bo’ 61° 23° 69° 32° 17° vie BF dozen in dated carton dozen in ated carton d C 46-02. can SPECIAL PRICE! 27c 9 14.01. bottle 27-o0x, cans 19-02, tans NONE PRICED HIGHER ae py GOLDEN RIPE BANANAS PASCAL CELERY CRISP CARROTS 0.53 2 Ige 17¢ PRUNES + copes 1 OB 2. MIXED FRUITS swore 01, 330 OLD SOUTH FROZEN ORANGE JUICE 2:23: 6: T3e SUGAR wor 45°: 97° PABST-ETT CHEESE SPREAD NONE PRICED HIGHER CRISP—NONE PRICED HIGHER ran stalk 2-1b. NIN NNN NSN 6-or. cans 6-012, cans 25.18. BAG $2.41 bag 6-01. 27° pkg. JUICE . seas. 2 2704 20 dexo 100% PURE 1-1b. ge 20h 1i° VEGETABLE SHORTENING can can -0r, c SPAM, TREET or PREM: 41 PIKE SOAP JESCO—WITH Li] 23° CHLOROPHYLL WY CRACK'N GOOD 16-01. 2 BITE SIZE 4 IN 1 pig. “+O! pe or, 0 o & ’ TER 21°50 39° TO EVAPORATED MILK: 4 - 55 COFFEE © 79:3: 52.91 GOFFEE CAKE eons DF All Prices in This Advertisement Effective Through Saturday, Jan. 10th | CRISCO Vegetable Shortening 32¢ i 89c LIFEBUGY SOAP 32 1-1b, bag JANE PARKER JELLY STREUSEL SWAN SOAP 3 rumen G0 SWAN SOAP 2 ne Oh 3 1.1b Can 3-1b, can bath size cakes UPER SUBS SUPER SUDS SPRY GRANULATED SOAP VEGETABLE SHORTENING lorge' pkg. 63° 21 | = ge wn BO 87 EAST MAIN STREET MOUNT JOY, PA. RRR ge 3 | PIN end ai A Es Th Spri; of 1¢ A mw 5 bd with G.E give Paul will Sa bethi 76x 1 LINC partl; storn i there tainir bath. is als erect conta and | oil he Prop: 3 Each the p shoul Ar! abeth Q made Walt D. IL.