The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, January 08, 1953, Image 1

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“for these students.
The Bulletin
Now Has Reached

VOL. LII, N NO. 32

Protection Ins.
For Children
Adopted By School
Policy Covers Child
Between Home And
School And On School
Forms have been handed to
the parents of the students of
Marietta School for application
for Special School Child Acci-
dent Insurance. The cost of this
insurance is $1.25 for a 12
month year.
For many years school offi-
cials have been concerned a-
bout the fact that no protection
in the way of insurance is pro-
vided for pupils injured at
school or on the way to or from
school. In spite of intensive ef-
forts on the part of school ad-
ministrators to promote safety,
pupils are sometimes injured at
school, on the playground,
while participating in athletic
contests, or while going to or
coming from school. This often
works a hardship on the parents
who must pay the bills.
After careful study the offi-
cials of the school have given
this plan of insurance their
To obtain this protection the
parent will enclose $1.25 in the
envelope provided and send it
by the child to the homeroom
teacher. The insurance will be-
gin immediately when the pre-
mium is paid. An identification
card will be issued to each child
to show that the child is insur-
ed under the policy.
The policy covers any acci-
dent while enroute between
home and school, while within
a school building or on the
school grounds, while enroute
between school and home,
while on a school sponsored
trip, while on a required field
trip, while engaged in athletic

a oy fsa RL LE
was taken from a Christmas card received
from WOJ and Mrs. Walter
The above picture
by the Remembrance Committee
“Woody” Woodward and their daughter Pat dressed in Arabic
costumes at French Morocco. Merry Christmas was printed in
French, and the Arabic languages, also in English.

The following message was =~ rr
written on the card:
Dear Remembrance Comm.: ire 0SS or
Thank all of you for the won-
derful Christmas box. The pretz-
els were so good, in fact, one of
our French friends here said
they were just like Strasburg
pretzels. He should know as he
was born in Alsace Lorraine.
Sis doesn’t look much like a
Penna. Dutchman in this pic-
ture. (Sis is Mrs. Woodward and
the former Elizabeth Heilig, of
this boro). The costumes are
authentic Arabic with the ex-
ception of Pat's. Her’s is just a
plain G.I. sheet wrapped around
her, Fatima style.
Year $108,804
During a meeting of Borough
Council Monday night, Fire
Chief Ray Myers announced
that the Friendship Fire Com-
| pany responded to 36 alarms
{during 1952, 19 of the alarms
| were in the borough and 17 in
the county. The total fire loss
was estimated to be $103,804.
These figures, however, do not
include Rheems.
The firemen laid 9.550 feet of

Sidi Slimane.
traveled by the fire trucks and
Thank you : We a
474 gallons of gasoline were
again for the
many fine boxes received. 1
really appreciate them, espec-
ially as I am only an “adopted”
son of Mt. Joy.
Walter “Woody”
A Wheelchair
For Blind Sil
Council F lls
Two Vacancies
Two vacancies, one on
Woogwar d

contests and while being trans-
ported as member of athletic
team, band, etc.
Medical expenses up to $2000
will be paid. There are also ben. |
efits for loss of life, limb, or;
sight. ih
ell eee
Universal Week
Of Prayer Being
Observed Here

Dr. Bela Vassary [fo Close |
Services At Landisville Sun.

Special community services
are being held in Landisville
and Salunga churches this week
January 4th to 11th is the Uni-|
versal Week of Prayer, and the
ministers of the two communi-'
ties have chosen as their preach-
ing theme, “The Elements of
On Tuesday night Rev. Ern-
est Leer, pastor of the Landis-
ville Lutheran Church, spoke
on the subject, “Prayers of Ad-
oration”, and on Wednesday
night, Rev. Pike, from the Sa-
lunga Methodist Church used
“Prayers of Thanksgiving” as
his theme.
(Turn to Page 4)
I eee
Students Selected
For District Band And
Orchestra Festival

Miss Shirley Eby, Clair Wag-
ner and Jay Barnhart have been
selected to participate in the
Southern District Band Festival
at Millersburg on January 15,
16 and 17.
Miss Eby, 2nd Clarinet, Mr.
Wagner, 2nd E flat alto = saxo-
phone, Mr. Barnhart, 2nd trom-
bone. A
The Southern District Orch-
estra Festival will be held at
McCaskey High School, Lancas-
ter in February 19, 20, and 21.
Miss Eby and Mr. Wagner have
been selected to represent the
High School on this occasion.
Congratulations are in order

developed a bone disease
The new chair will
more freedom, as well as sup-| Mother is interested, or other
port. It is of such light struc-|interested people in Mount Joy,
ture she can be wheeled out- [Please get in touch with Mrs.
doors very easily. Vera Albert, 330 N. Barbara St.
A Braille wristwatch is the | Phone 3-5181.
next gift Joan's friends want to
get her. There is a balance left
boro, are the proud parents of a
baby girl born Saturday at the
The little girl will be known as
Suzanne Titus
night by Borough
Council when the councilmen
reappointed Charles Eshleman
to the Zoning Commission and
Grant Gerberich to the Borough
In other business Council re-
newed the Sons of Veterans ac
count with the Union National
led Monday
Bank. This account is used for
the maintenance of graves, and
painting of the flagpole, etc.
Chief of Police
reported $83
violations for
Borough Secretary
ed to the councilmen that the |
parking meter account had
reached a balance of $1,030.
councilmen recommended that
$1,000 of this amount be trans-
fered to the General Account.
Bills amounting to $1,708.88
were approved to be paid.
Parke Neiss;
for parking meter
the month of De
Brian stat-
The above picture shows Joan
Brosey Hess smiling happily
over a new wheel chair, which
was given to her December 12
through a fund which began on
December 5 to raise money for
the purchase of the chair.
A friend of Joan's who “just
wanted to do something for her”
and desires to have her name
Porchlight Canvass For
Polio To Be Held
January 29
In Mount Joy the March of]
withheld, went among the |Dimes annual fund-raising ap-|
neighbors and business places |peal for the National Founda-
seeking contributions to raise [tion for Infantile Paralysis will
be climaxed with the Mother’s|
the amount needed for a wheel
chair. In one week more than | March on Polio on Thursday ev-
enough was taken in for the |ening, January 29 between the
cost of the chair. hours of 7 and 8.
Joan, eleven years old, has| ' Local mothers (and it is hop-
ed more will offer their servic.
es) will stage a one-hour porch-
light canvass. There is a need
for more canvassers and if any
been blind since birth and later
is crippled from the waist down.
give Joan
'53 Class Yearbook
On Sale For 2 Weeks
The senior class of ’53 start-
ed selling The Voyager, their
year-books on Monday. The
campaign will continue for two
weeks, ending January 19. It is
requested that anyone interest-
ed may contact any member of
(Turn to page 8)
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas O’Con-
4 East Main street, this
General Hospital.
We are enjoying our tour Hl . .
joying 1215 inch hose, 3000 feet of 1
here in French Morocco. Thej. 0 RAN any
. inch hose and 2,550 feet of 3; in.
only trouble is that we have to | hose
live 60 miles from the base at = 3 |
mids A total of 154 miles were
Zoning Commission and one on
the Borough Authority were fil-|
The |
Mount Joy, Pa., Thursday Afternoon, January 8, 1953
y Parking Meters
Profit Of $3017.54 In
5 Month Period
That the meters in
the borough are
paving off in
cents is no idle
statement. In August 1952, 194
parking were installed
at a cost of $13,365 00, netting
the borough a profit of $3,017.54
Of this amount there is still a
balance of $1,030
| The parking meters were pur-
chased on the pay-as-you-go
plan. Fifty the pro-
dollars and
percent of
'Boroush oh Given
Bi'l For $30.48
For Car Repairs
The question that came be-
fore Borough Council Monda;
night was who was responsible

| ceeds are taken by the meter|for the hole that was left after
l company until the parking me-|digging at the corner of Man-
ters are paid for, in this way |heim and Hopewell Streets. i i
the borough was not obligated Paul Martin, Jr., Mount Joy, Shown above is Cpl. Marlin
| to meet the cost if the meters] presented the councilmen with Force Base, San Antonio, Texas,
i did not pay. a bill for $30.48 covering re-| ling trophies for Base Champion,
Although there are a good | pairs to his car when he recent. Same Series. The )
many complaints about the | 1v ran into the hole in the Nhe is representing the Comma
{parking meters, it seems that!street. The councilmen, after He is the son of Mr. and Mrs.
the borough ‘is securing much | deliberation, decided that the; this boro.
| revenue at this time
| Mount Joy is the most
borough in the county to install
[ meters. In September 1948, Lit-
itz installed 155 of coin
operated devices and for the,
vear of 1952, the receipts am-,
ounted to $8,240.12. FElizabeth-!
town installed its parking me
July 1948 and the re-
1952 totaled $9,910.37
It seems that parking
are becoming a “must” for cities
boroughs and are,
here to stay and are raising ad-
ditional revenue as borough,
city or town owned public utili-
ties do.
ters in
ceipts for
towns and
a —_——
Club To Hold Open
Meeting On Resolutions
On The Opening Of
Deer Season
Mount Joy
| ciation will hold an
meeting at the
Sporismens Asso-
Fire House on
Monday, evening, January 12th
|at eight o'clock concerning the
resolutions on the opening of
Everyone is cordially
to attend. After the
meeting pictures will be shown
(by Mr. W. Z. Braley, of Lititz,
Route 2.
Be sure to attend and
the pictures
Rotarians Hear
William Beckner
Governor Wil-

| Past District
| liam Beckner spoke to the
tarians at their regular Tuesday
dinner meeting at Hostetter’s
| Beckner spoke on the
fellowship of Rotary, what it the national Girl Scout Camp
meant and it’s ideals. at Washington, D. C.; and Con- | tne
On January 13, Mr. Michels, |nie Lane gave a report on the] Anita Myers is among those
Philadel- | ranking on the Honor List at
| Borough Authority Engineer,
| will again talk on sewage.
| The Rotarians will be
of the Lions Club on
20th. This will be an evening |
| meeting. The regular dinner
! meeting will not be held that
| week.

Home: & School Group
' To Meet Jan. 15th
The Home and School Associ-
| ation will hold a meeting on
{ January 15 in the Elementary
School building at 7:30 p. m.
Speaker will be the Rev. El
mer Keiser, vicar of the St.
Luke's Episcopal Church, who
will give a discussion on “The
Rights of Children”
Good Reception From
Channel 43 With
Proper Installation
There has been some com-
plaints that the reception from
Channel 43, USBA-TV, York,
has been poor. Proper installa-
tion will overcome this difficul-
ty, said Mr. Way, of Way's Ap-
pliances today, and this will
give exceptionally good recep-

the class of 1953.

| Borough of Mount
| group met at
Ro- ham dinner
good- perience at
awards are being made

The Mount Joy Bulletin

Lackland Air
O. Frey of the
being presented with three Bow-
High Scorer and High in a 3-
by Colonel Feallock,
nding General of the Air Force
Oscar Frey, 116 Columbia Ave.

Joy was not
resnonsible for the condition
and that the responsibility was
the Borough Authority. Tt was
recommended that the bill be
sent to the Borough Authority
for payment.
Board Of Health
Reports No Com-
In Borough
| There is a definite need for
| more stop signs in the Borough |
{of Mount Joy stated the council- |
{men at their regular monthly |
| meeting held Monday night.
placed at various intersections

Clyde Brill, Secret ot ts] after an investigation of the
Board of Hea 9 he bot oy a} borough is made by the street
Borough X ounel ay or committee to determine where
month of Decem oer ere were | the signs are needed.
no communical disease in the | nb me ites
borough and the Board of
Health had issued four permits. Maytown Man
Brill also stated that for the Found Dead
vear 1952 there were 44 cases |
of ; German measels, 10 of] Anthony Concordio, 58, ‘was
Chicken Pox, 2 Whooping] + dead in is abartrRERL |
Cough.’ 2 Measles. 2 08365 OF found dead in his apartment on |
ee > Ml [S atl t F 1! | Wednesday, December 31st by
y UIDs: Re Fever 1 Columbia State Police. |
pulmonary tuberculosis and The Rev. John Hiestand.
32 permits and 22
were issued for the year
by |
| led police to the scene
Concordio hadn't been seen
{the minister and his wife for
and 13
nuisances corrected. |
corrected | some time. Dr. Edward C. Kott-
— ee ee 1 3
camp Jr., Marietta deputy cor-
was summoned by police. |
resided in an ap-|
artment in the rear of 25
High street, Maytown. Police
[said the body was found lying |
inn a pool of blood and it was |
not certain if death
from natural causes or
autopsy has been ordered.
Police learned Concordio is]
survived by a son, John Con-
cordio, U. S. Army, stationed in
Virginia. Ti
Girl Scouts Enjoy
Ham Dinner
The regular monthly meeting
of the Mount Joy-Florin irl
Scout Neighborhood was held
Monday evening, January 5 in
the Lutheran Church. The
6:30 ppm. for a!
prepared by the
Shirley Eby, Senior
gave a report of her ex-
Camp Rockwood,’
not. An |

Anita Myers On Honor
List At College

Scout convention in ;
the William Jennings Bryan
phia. ey
re es - University in Dayton, Tennessee
Mrs. James Spangler was | the fell which ofa
named Juliette Low chairman | or Bb 1 2 band er ‘whica enq-
and Mrs. Simon Nissley was | ec Det : 1
named cookie chairman. It was) Miss Myers, the daughter of
| Mr. and Mrs. J. Guy Myers, of
announced that a fat collection | S ile’ Road “tis boro. i
will be conducted throughout | pringvi € Mond, ‘this boro, is
a freshman at the College.
Mount Joy nd Florin Saturday, .
etl Ae
February 28. March 7 is the
time set for a training class to Attorney Newcomer
To Speak At C of C
be held in the Trinity Lutheran
Church for all Girl Scout Neigh-
borhood chairmen and troop Banquet Monday Eve
committee chairmen in this sec- Te
tion. The next meeting of the The Mount Joy Chamber of
Commerce will. hold a banquet
at Hostetter’s Monday evening
neighborhood will be held Mar.
2 it was announced by Miss An
na Mae Eby, neighborhood |a' 6:30.
chairman. Attorney Clarence C. New-
comer, Lancaster, will be the
speaker for the evening. Attor-
ney Newcomer is the son of Mr.
and Mrs. Clarence Newcomer,
South Market Street, this boro.
el We
1st National Bark
Adds $25,000

0 urp us Clayton F. Eshleman, Rheems
was injured recently when at-
The Board of Directors of the |tacked by two men at the Am-
First National Bank and Trust |erican Legion Home, Lancaster.
Co., Mount Joy, at a meeting
held Tuesday, decided to trans-
fer $25,000 from the undivided
profit account to surplus.
Four sutures were used to close
a wound over his right eye and
five sutures on the top of his
| Military
participating was
. | bugler also participated in
More Stop Signs Military Rites
To Be Placed Conducted For
Russell Good

[conducted Tuesday
for Russell R. ‘‘Pete”
boro, who was fatally
Friday afternoon when
Services were conducted by
the Walter S. Ebersole Post 185
| American Legion in the Sheetz
Home for Funerals, Lancaster,
with further rites in the Legion
plot of the Mount Joy cemetery.
The Rev. John H. Gable,
tor of the Florin Evangelical U.
B. Church,
the Legion Post,
Jack Germer and the vice com-
mander, Harold Bender.
Pall bearers included:
Ellis, P. 'B. Heilig,
Brown and George Leibshultz.
The Legion firing squad
rites at the cemetery.
Driver Exonerated
At the
ert E. Ginder,
of the car
Police Chief
poor and recommended
ence with District
{John W. Beyer.
Fell Crossing Street
hurled onto the hood.
told police he did not see
(Turn to Page 6)
funeral services were
3 1 | It was decided to purchase 18
munical Disease stop NT Tote oe be bY an auto on West Main street.
who is chaplain of
officiated. Also
and | 4
investigation resulting
in the death of Mr. Good, Rob-
that struck him was|ol
E. Neiss said it was raining that
resulted , evening and visibility was very
[not be persecuted at the confer-| ter,
The accident occurred when
Mr. Good fell while crossing the| HOSTESS TO W.C.T.U.
street the first block of West ——
Main street. As Ginder's east- A meeting of the W.C.T.U.
bound vehicle approached Good |will be held at the home of
got to his feet and was struck|Henry Bucher, 350 Donegal
by the front end of the auto and | Springs Road on Monday,
Ginder |uary 19th, at
the clock.
Club, Parties, Social, Parties,
Scout, Auxiliaries, Church.
PHONE MT. JOY 3-9661
$2.00 a Year in Advance
Feast Of Lights
Pageant To Be
Held January 11
St. Luke's Church
To Present Colorful

St. Luke's Episcopal Church
will present the Epiphany Feast
of Lights Pageant in the High
School Auditorium, on Sunday
evening, January 11, at 8:00 P.
M. This very colorful and dra-
matic portrayal of the mainfes-
tation of Christ to the world
will be presented by a cast of
thirty-five men of St. Luke's
Church, under the direction of
the Rev. Elmer A. Keiser, Vie-
Included in the presentation
will be the prophetic accounts
in the Old Testament, dealing
with the coming of the Messiah,
in a Chronoligical account to
the Birth of Christ, and the ev-
entual establishment of His
Church, including the Orders of
the Ministry, and the great mis
sionary movement of the early
Apostles and their successors.
Appropriate costumes and
lighting will enhance the beau-
ty of this protrayal.
The High School Auditorium
is being used this year . for the
pageant, since St. Luke's
Church is not sufficiently large
to accommodate large attend-
ance which is manifested at that
The public is most cordially
Surprise For
Sandra Gephart
party was given
for Sandra Jane Gephart’s 6th
birthday by her mother, A Mrs.
Catherine Gephart, 128. South
Barbara street, this boro. A
The party was from 6 to“8
p. m. December 29. The Christ-
! mas trimmings help to add an
ir of festivity to the ' occasion
and games, gifts and refresh-
ments were enjoyed by’ the fol-
Connie Jo Germer, Linda Lou
Mumma, Patty Fisher, Jo Anne
Bennett, Eleanor Hartman, Car-
Anne Ebersole, Gregory
Stary, Lanny Ebersole, Kenneth
Gephart, Sandra Jane Gephart
| catherine Gephart, Mrs. Dar-
win Loraw, Mrs. Paris Hostet-
Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Ma-
teer and Mr. and Mrs. Noah
i Gephart. :

A surprise

| seven-thirty. o'-
Everyone is invited.

right, Robert, son of Mrs. Donal
Connie, children of Mr. and Mrs.
Bottom row: Scott and Kat

head at the General Hospital.
This transfer makes the pres- Police said he declined to
ent surplus $275,000

prosecute his assailants,
Wade, Mt. Joy;
Mount Joy

The good looking youngsters pictured above are:
Deborah, daughter of Mrs. Laverne Sager, Mount Joy.
Nicholas Leitner, Mount Joy; Philip, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald
and Vickie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Little,

left to
d Grant, Mount Joy; Sharon and
Harvey Farmer, Jr., Mount Joy;

hy, children of Mr. and