The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, January 01, 1953, Image 5

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|| Minnesota Couple
I |
Defect, aon

( [
Calvary Bible Church
Protests A gitinst
The . §. |
isiting Daughter

Mr. and Mrs. F. H, Sturte.|
vant, of Minneapolis, Minnesota, |
spending a two week's visit |
with their daughter and family, |
Mr. and Mrs. J. Bruce Greiner, |
111 Delta Street, this boro
The Sturtevants arrived the
Monday before Christmas and | yep you are losing the affection of
Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Brene-
man and Mr. and Mrs. Abram
Kreider and family,' Mr, Paul
| Greenawalt, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph
{Greenawalt and family were
dinner guests of Mr, and Mrs.)

Old Love

sod Standgrd Version

Earl Greenawalt, near Manheim

the day of their wedding? How . 01 firs
about 't when you try and try to | time, one of the big ‘humps’ is
“drop in" party at their home make yourself interesting to your learning the vocabulary. It's sl
for friends and neighbors as| yshand, knowing all the time that but You San know i
To "a ve wa ci pbe- | rules of grammar down to T | es
ons runment lor Mr. snd Mis. you're gd Josing game footnote; you can pronounce the Church Of The Brethren to Friday evenings
Miller at Rl Sturtevant. Srey ied table lines are | words “like a native; but if you Elizabethtown, Pa. Week of Prayer services.
: - - [ry Miller a | 5 y ng | your hair and inevitable 8 ’ ey win H. Zuck. Paster Wednesday
AQ X aya) P > Among the guests that came |) : : rds mean, Rev. Nevin H. Zuck,
Univer sal \ eek of 1 aycCl Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Hamilton appearing in your face? don’t know what the wo
were Mrs. R. Thome, Mrs. Wil- you are sunk. All this is just as | Sunday, January 4th 8:30 p.m. Church Council of
When in need of Printing. (anys
thing) kindly remember the Bulletin

F |on Christmas Day : ro. ite Natithew 18
x? main) nds Ni . al the end of their visit here the man you love, pre Scripture: auhew 15. oul
wi Christigs should mot} Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Kauffman will begin a four month tour of | difference,” confidently wrote one mal
agus TE TO spent Christmas day at gouth, including Florida, | authority. te TH
Hh ia with Mr. and Mrs. Frank mova Mexico and California Helen laughed bitter A about Living From Heart
: by | Lynn and family ate home to Minnesota | 100ked well in print. But how & MH
a Rie urc { WY before going home to Minnesota | a woman who had
MT. JOY, PA { - ¢ Mase nary Ramin ied ony Entertained Minute been married to a Lesson for January 4, 1953
‘it y 24 u a arrisburg Sa ‘day The Greiners gave a supper . man for 10 years
OR PHONE 3-5103 | YOU CAN FIND | Mr. and Mrs. William Smith! oy on Christmas Day for the| Fiction | and loved hi Tow HEN YOU are studying a for-
Rlizabe ar r. ant re 'e than 2 .
ee cts HA | THEM HERE ae of Elizabethtown and Mu and family. even more eign language for the first
jon Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Hess
iste | G11 Christmas

READING THESE ADS | Mrs. Kenneth Hickernell called On Saturday they held al
eS RR Sn Mr. Samuel Shelley spent
| Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Har

The Washington Street The Lord's Supper


[ « SOT “unning yp iro0 Helen . 9: am. C ch Sc Administration.
‘OR THE CHURCHES {and son, Miss Naomi Cunning | yan. Workman, Mrs. M. Reese, | From ho a that | true in trying to understand the Ly M, Church School Thursday
. | - ge 1 tes ’ MP "nn she . " n C see da 3 oT . | DLE J Le fH Hs PE
FOR [ \ 3 : {Lv na ( Hay les \nningham Mrs. Joseph Germer, Mrs Ed- | surrounded the lodge, down as far | Bible as it is in understanding any Sunday School! : 7:00 p.m. Children’s Choir
SPONSORED BY MT. JOY MINISTERIAL ASSOCIATION of ' Mount Joy, were dinner... Brown, Mrs. Irvin Hostet-| a5 the lake. And suddenly she stif- |" thing else. ci | 10:30 am. Morning Worship. Rehearsal. wis
al - guests of the former's mother |. npg paul Hipple, Mrs. Wal- | fened! Roger was coming up the . |[sermon, “Pagans Have No 8:00 p.m. Scnior Choir re-
MAVINEE : (|| Mrs. Lillian Hamilton Sunday. | {or Greiner. Mrs. Simon Nissley, | path, carrying a canoe paddle and | “Heart” Means Many Things | Hope” by Pagidr Zeek, hearsal.
SATURDAYS 1 }Y O52 30) Mrs. Viola Bricker spent fr : OF NF Ig shi + down at a slim girl by his Bibl ord “heart” is one | 0:30 p.m. Youth Fellowship. ;_-rb-r-PPPR.Fpo
/ ARY 4 to 11, 1955—7:50 p. m. Mrs. Viola Bricker spent Irom | zip joseph T. Breneman, Mrs. | laughing down 5 The Bible w 5 | 7:30 'p. m. Candlelighting Crossroads Brethre li
AND J ANUAL tt | Christmas to Sunday with Mv. john TT an... Mrs. James] of those that can be easily misun- | or ne Crossroads In Christ
HOLIDAYS . and Mrs. Ross Ammon and fam- | 1» berts M 4 1 I Wi Hi: “| The lines about Helen's mouth | derstood. It speaks often of the theme “et Your Light Shine.” jyvin W. Musser. Harry L Bru-
2:00 P. M. “Spl Toward Spiritual Progress” iv ‘at Gap. Robe is, Mrs. tobe rt | hardened. The girl, she knew, was | heart. “Out of it | Monday through Saturday or Paige He BY
: Stehs tardy op ye "Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Rein-! thorne, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Lif-| guy Burton, She was staying at the | are the issues of | Week of Prayer Services each gunday. January 4th
ND TANUA hed eu a i Bai os 1” tle and daughter Veky and Mrs. | Jodge with her folks. life,” says the ‘evening at 7:30 in the churches = 9.00 A.m. Sunday School
-3 oh mV N EACH CHURCH Mr. "i aa i 1d John Booth | Watching the carefree progress of | proverb (Prov. |of the community. 10:30 a. m. Worship Service
CR > IN 1 Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Reinholc ; A Pes 0 an- | the h th, she . “ 7 i ——— 7:00 p.m. Evening Worshi
‘ Another party has been plan-| the couple coming up the path, 4:23). “These peo / p.m. Lvening Worship
-in- ] , . i i : FQ
VEN AAS ITT RISA at Mount Joy. N trap : | said aloud: “How can I stop it, be- ; [The Landisville Church of God Wednesday
IANUARY 6 | : ned for New Year's Day at the | said aloud: ple honor me with | A ry a tas
hh 99 > Ee ny and 3 . GREGATIONAL CHURCH | Mrs. Lillian Hamilton spent Greiner home fore it's too late. How can I combat their lips, but their { E. T. Tillett, pustor 7:30 p.m. Midweek Prayer
0 EVANGELICAL CONGREG/ NAL Saturday at Lancaster with her . | youth?” There wasn't any answer | oo..." 0 from Paul S. Baker, C. S. Supt. Meeting.
ev. BE. H. Ranck, speaker taughter. Mrs. Ruth Pierce > | even in the story books to that one, "save - {iG Sunday, January 4th |
0 gaughier, mrs, uth Pierce. ih hae inti el me : 4 ma 8 9:15 a.m. Church School. Donegal Presbyterian Church
. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 7 Mr. Martin Rutherford, Mari When in feed of Printing (any | | Five minutes later Roger tame | prophet Isaiah. 10:30 am. Morning Worship Mount Joy R. D. 1. Penna
WEDNLODA EC a) AN CHURCH etta called on Mr. and Mrs. Mar. | thing) kindly remember the Lulletin | into the room. At 34 he had lost | Jesus says that it 6:30 p.m. Youth Societies, HA iit Joy EDs Shad.
SB x I : J i Reon ¥ . s. Me om meee _ | pone of his good looks, nor his boy- is what comes from Di¥Foteman id Se vay a rv da ’
ina Sav Koder. speaker Jdggins, Sunda | sage , po | * IR ers hi .
in Rev. W. L. Koder, speake ig y a « George Mumper on | iShness and eagerness of manner. | 5 man's heart that | St. Mark's | 9:30 a.m. Church School
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Liggins | and Mrs. George I “Hi there, kiddo! Say, look! We're ; h acts | | . : y :
9 HURSDAY, JANUARY 8 vit S v after 1, Mr. and Mrs. | yO xr : : makes him unclean. What, exact- | Evangelical United Brethren 10:30 a.m. Morning Worship.
JANUARY SST CHURCH had as their guests on Christmas Sunday afternoon, 1 a dl planning a picnic up at Birch, Is- ly, does “heart” mean, in the | Church Sermon: “A New Year's Wish.”
METHODIST CHURC Mr. and Mrs. William Brian and Herman Hartman Jr., and | Bible? Tt could mean a number ‘of Bore. H. Biel ca
Rev. E. A. Keiser, speaker children of Mt. Joy and Mr. and | daughter, of Pleasant Hill, Leb- | things that it does not mean. | Sunday, January 4th First Presbyterian Church
: FRIDAY. JANUARY 9 Mrs. Martin Liggins Jr. and son. |anon County; Mr. and Mrs. It is seldom used, in the Bible, | 9:00 a.m. Sunday School Mount Joy, Penna.
ack ‘harles Kell ¢ laughter, of |
CHURCH OF GOD Jack Charles Kell and daughter
{ in the literal sense of the physical 10:15 a. m. Morning Worship |
Rev. Q. A. Deck, speaker Mr. and Mrs. Walter Welfley | Carlisle; Mr. and Mrs. David
organ that pushes the blood around. |celebration of the Lord's Supper
No ancient peoples knew the true 6:00 p.m. Youth Fellowship
Rev. Harlan C. Durfee, Pastor
sunday, January 4th

entertained to dinner on Christ- | Mumper and daughter of Mount

cocutive moet v:30 a. m. Church Schoo.
nne"’ SUNDAY, JANUARY mas, Mr. and Mrs. Oakley Vor- Joy: Mrs. Frank Singer and physiology of the heart. Also, the [ex Et Worship. | 6:30 pm. Westminster Fel-
LUTHERAN CHURCH is of Harrisburg and Miss Mary daughters of Maytown; and Bible writers seldom, if ever, use pa J = | ening. WostH
Rev. C. I'. Helwig, speaker Barnhart of tow "| Miss Mary Keck and Mrs. Jon. | Pm the word in our common Hguraiive { . | | : P.m. Worship.
nev. : Ye lig kik nd shin 2 ; Cana ; { sense of emotion, or the emotional |
7 +8 anal oy st cosa a The following callled on Mr. ! Grosh of Mount Joy. life. If we today say that a certain Weddings | Newtown i. U. B. Church
: EE a - ed person’s heart rules his head, we | n 16 Rev, 0. Buen»
-in- pe mean by that, that his intellect is | bi | 1 JR School
9 not as strong as his feelings. A | KROW — OBERHOLTZER | No Worship Service :
aro smart and lawyer Ao The marriage of Miss Phyllis Fhursday
gl a, their eb | E. Oberholtzer, daughter of] 7:00 p.m. Clulstian Endeavor
| m say) ‘“‘go ¥ "hearts, i. ; wv. and Prayer meeting.
“I'm sorry, Roger, she said, | ROY for their heads.” That is, he [ Mr. and Mrs. Kermit S. Ober-| y 8
4 “I've a dreadful headache.” | expects them to be swayed by |holtzer, of Lancaster Ri, to Wil-|
eet 9 ~ ne | Mt. Pleasant
nas a i > » liam C. Krow, 562 Walnut St., : : .
land tonight. Two canoes of us are prejudice and emotion, not by the |liar ) | Brethren In Christ Choreh
-w 4
arting at
Pork end

should be bought as an investment
designed to accomplish some definite
purpose, whether it be used to stim-
value to you lies not in what it cost,

but in what it accomplishes. |
was fear for Roger.
Phone 3-9661 Mount Joy
Do Your Printing

going, There'll be a moen and we'll

facts in the case. But this too is
| Columbia, took place Saturday

| not the Bible meaning of “heart.”
ook steaks. How about it?"
SR vie Certainly it is never balanced off
Helen’s blood froze. He acted
almost as if he hoped she'd re- | against the mind or the intellect.
fuse, vet was resigned to having | ¥ kw
her with him. | Bible Meaning of “Heart”
“I'm sorry, Roger, I've a dreadful | yen in modern times, with all
headache. You run aleng with the | our passion for scientifically ac-
others and let me stay here and | curate terms, there is no one word
rest.” which means just what this word
“Do you mind if I do go?” he | “heart” means in the Bible. There |
| said, “It’s the sort of thing I like | the heart stands for the center of
doing, you know.” the personality as a whole. If we
“Of course not, darling. Now if | used such words as ‘‘core’”
you don't mind—I'd like to go to| “root” or “mainspring” of life,
It is not emotional, though it af-
fects the emotions. It is not in-
tellectual, though it lies back of
thinking. It does not quite mean
character, rather it means the tap-
“He wasn't even concerned about | oot of character.
my headache . . . He was thinking | Let us try to illustrate it. Tell the
only of the chance to be alone with | same piece of news to several peo-
until the sound of picnickers |
had died away around a bend in
the lake did Helen give way to her
| Sally Burton . . . Oh, what's the | ple—say the report of some acci-
ulate sales or enhance prestige. Its |
use? What's the use of trying to | dent or disaster, and see how they
cling to something you know you've | peace, One will be quite indifferent,
lost?" one will burst into tears, another
How long Helen lay there she had | will laugh, another will say
no way of knowing. She must have | “Can't we do something to help?”
slept, for when she opened her eyes Now what makes the difference?
it was to have them blinded by | All have heard the same words,
lightning. Sharp, deafening thunder | put the words have different ef- |
followed. Rain lashed against the | facts. In Bible language, the rea
building. son is that they have different
Terror seized her. Ever since she | hearts. The inner makeup is some-
1 child she had been afraid | thing deeper than what the eyes
in electric storms. By now, even | see or the ears hear, it is deeper
greater than this instinctive fear, ! than the brain, it lies at the bot-
. tom of the feelings. When the
She slipped from bed and ran to | Bible speaks of a person's heart,
the window. A flash of lightning | it is not speaking of the way he
showed her the lake in a wild tur- | acts or talks or feels or thinks; it

+ moil., She thought of the two frail | means the way the man is.
canoes that had left earlier in the ®
| evening. She thought of Roger and | God Sees Through Paint
| Sally Burton... If there was one sort of per-
A sound at the door brought her | son for whom Jesus had no use
head around sharply. The room was | whatever, it was a hypocrite, A
suddenly flooded with light. | hypocrite is a person who has
“Roger!” learned the fatal trick of short-
He stood just inside the door, drip- circuiting his heart from his out-
ping wet. ward actions. The hypocrite turns
“Hi, kiddo.” . | a smile on and off as he would turn
“Roger—you didu't---not in this | 5 «water faucet, not because he

¥ storm?" feels like smiling or frowning, but
He nodded. “Ihc others are safe— | hecause he thinks a smile is called
| at Bailey's camp. They decided not | for; he will say one thing and
to risk the storm.” He came toward | think another. His apparent emo-
her, placed a hand on either of her | tions, language, actions, have no
shoulders. “I—knew you were al-| more relation to his real inner
| ways afraid of ‘hunder storms, and self than the actions of a clown in
{ —and it was the first time you'd |; A clown can act very
| ever refused to go any place with funny with his painted smile,
me. It made me wonder.”
though inwardly full of bitterness
Helen knew she was trem- | or grief. He acts comical because
bling. Even though she wanted he is paid for it, not necessarily
she could not have stopped her- because he feels gay.
self from asking the next ques- | Jesus liked people who live from
- tion, { within, who have no short-circuit
“*And—what of Sally?” | between what they are on the out-
He stared at her blankly, sige and what they are on the in-

prised, puzzled. How should 1 know? | side. He’ did not care much for:a
She wasn’t: with our bunch.” | tig:tree which was really nothing
“Not wifh—-" ~Helen broke off |b stugklon a thorn bush. This
abruptly, feeling suddenly very fool- is why the Bible has so much to
ish. Then Roger's arms slipped | say about the heart. If God has a
about her, and the old familiar sense | man’s heart, he has the man.
of security swept over, her as he | (Based on outlines copyrighted by the
held her close, | Division of Christian Education, Na-
i | glanal Council of the Churches of Chrisé
“There's no answer to this,” she | ln’ the = U.S.A. Released by WNU
whispered half to herself. ‘Np an- | Features.)
swer at all—except veal love.” |
we should be getting at the idea. |
lat 10 a. m. in the First Church
| Pastors: C. H. Moyer and
Graybill Wolgemuth.
of God, Elizabethtown. The January 4th
[Rev. J. O. Weigle officiated.
The maid of honor was Miss |
Shirley Barr, Columbia R2 and |
ithe best man was Donald Man-
lley, U.S. Navy, Bainbridge, |
| Bishop Henry Lutz, Amos Hess,
| Maryland.
Mr. Krow is employed at Wil-
| :
| the home of the bride.
[30 Cottage Avenue, Elizabeth-
[ ment of their daughter, Dolores
(ville. The couple will reside at |
9:00 a.m. Sunday School.
10:30 a.m. Preaching Service
7:30 p. m. Prayer Meeting
Mt. Joy Mennonite Church
Henry Garber, Henry Frank,
[ton’s Products, Ine., Wrights- | Sunday, January 4th
9:00 a. m. Sunday School.
10:00 a.m. Church Service
7:00 p. m. Cottage meetings.
| Teams meet at church.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Shank, |
Senior Sewing Circle and Jr.
| Sewing Circle.
{town, announced the engage-|
7:30 p.m. Bible Study and
{Ann, to Kenneth P. McMillan, | Prayer Meeting.
son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Mc-!
Millan, 164 River Street, May- |
| town.
| Elizabethtown and Mr. McMil-
[lan of the First National Bank, |
| Marietta.

Miss Phyllis Gainer, daughter |,
There are classes for all ages
[of Mr. and Mrs. Maris Gainer,
[ Mount Joy R2, and Glenn Stauf-
(fer, son of Mrs. Earl C. Brubak-
ler, Florin, were married Sun.
| day at 6:30 p. m. in the Florin
[Church of the Brethren.
Howard Bernhard and Earl
| Brubaker officiated at the cere-| . a
{Class in Pastor's Study.
| Wednesday
| Erma Huber, Manheim RS.
Church of the Brethren
: { Earl Brubaker, Elder In Charge
{ Miss Shank is an employee |
re : “ |
{of S. Risser Garment Company.
John err, Supt.
Sunday, January 4th
9:00 a.m. Sunday School
0:15 a.m. Morning Worship
Calvary Bible Church
Rev. W. L. Wilson Jr., Pastor
| Sunday, January 4th
9:15 a.m. Bible School.
10:30 a.m. Morning Worship
[Sermon : “Christian Love”.
7:00 p.m. Pre-Service Prayer
7:30 p.m. Evening Service.
Sermon: “Servants of Right-
| eousness’’.
{ Tuesday
7:30 p.m. Basic Bible Work
7:30 p.m. Midweck Prayer
{ was maid of honor and Marie!Service
| Hess, Manheim R4, was flower |
| girl.
| John Witmer, Mt. Joy RI,!
| was best man and the ushers]
were Harold Hollinger, Eliza-
| bethtown R1; Bruce Bernhard,
| Mt. Joy R2; Bernard Parrett, of
Elizabethtown; and Walter
| Bernhard Jr.,, Manheim R4.
The bride was given in mar- |
| riage by her uncle, Guy Stauf.
| fer.
| The Chiques Male Quartet
{sang and a reception followed
{the ceremony in the Rheems
{Church of the Brethren, After
[couple will reside at Elizabeth-
{town R1. The bride is employed
{by the J. S. Risser Garment Co.
{and the bridegroom by Eliza-
| bethtown Building and Supply
| Company.
| i

a wedding trip to Florida, the |
We will continue our discus-
sion on Personal Soul Winning,
The Church of God
Rev. C. F. Helwig, Pastor
| Sunday, January 4th
9:30 a.m. Sunday School
10:30 a.m. Morning Worship.
7:30 p.m. Holy Comumnion
| Services
| Monday
7:30 p.m. Council Meeting
Community Week of Praver
Services 4th. 11th
Church of the Brethren
Falmouth Pike
|Rev. Wm. Longenecker, Pastor
Mt. Joy Route 1
Sunday, January 4th
9:00 a. m. Young Peoples
[Class of the Bible School is pre-
paring a special program for the
dedication of the new Bible
10.00 a.m. Preaching Service.
Rev Longenecker’s theme is
| "God Wants You To Be Happy”
The Girls Trio of Florin will
3 ‘render several selecions at the
Everybody reads newspapers but service >
and the dedication.
| NOT everybody reads circular ad- | Wednesday
| vertising left on their door step.

Stimulate your business by adver=
thing) kindly remember the Bulletin
7:30 p.m. The beginning of a
{Bible School Course which will
{be held every Wednesday even-
ling, with Mr. Longenecker as