The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, January 01, 1953, Image 4

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LHE) rummy wv

[Saturday when Mr. Charles lost

clear that the company through ° continues to give me wv
1953 Ch 1 |its newspaper advertising and Th In Serv news of home. Thanis from me| § | control of his auto and it grash.
el | promotion would give the mod 0s¢ ice to you! HA PPENINGS § | od into a telephone Jol: Whit
0, Of B A t | el unprecedented backing.” | I have been moving the last, ud he tried to va 3 aid,
ie cau y Mr. Newcomer said the pro- Qslo, Norway | two years which makes it hard| —of which his pet Scottie was i
A new Chevrolet that will gram should answer any doubts | Dear Committee and for me to keep up with my| LONG AGO tigating. Public Accountant
create “entirely new concep- | about the future of business. especially “Jackie writing. I'm sorry 1 haven't] Mrs. Charles was thrown thry
tions of automotive beauty and “A company with the mark- My sincere apologies for not! written before . So far 1 have| a ii Aan the windshield by the force o - CS
performance’ was promised by |eting knowledge of Chevrolet | recognizing the “Box 243". 1 been to: Norfolk, Va., Charles-| the compact. Both were treated Bookkeeping ax S
Clarence S$
dent of Newcomer Motors

not reinvest the
Newcomer, presi- | doc
Ine ous capital

for a pro-

should have known as it is quite
typical of the wonderful work
you all have been doing and

ton, 8. C, Annapolis, Md., Cuba, Socal
ici ber of
Portugal, Sicily, Italy, France| A num
Greece, England, Denmark, returned home with deer, they

by Dr. Workman. The Scottie
was so frightened it ran two
miles before he was caught.


Mr. Newcome nade his gram of this nature unless it is : "
at aa rie a meeting firmly convinced of sound sales | éveryone receiving your boxes |jand. New Foundland, Scotland, Were: Non iin Last Tuesday thieves stole 5
With company representatives possibilities,” he pointed out. enjoys and appreciates them as | and Germany. George Er A. D. Garber, the chickens’ from the hen house o
in Hershey where 1953 plans “It is quite apparent from the |we do, The pretzels were thor- | Of all the places I have been,|6 pon oslo 8 point buck. John Snavely at Lancaster
were revealed to an enthusias- product that the largest auto- {oughly enjoyed and a very orig- [I still without a doubt, like Mt. Posin San Jr Bast Domes Junction. The next night fey
tic audience of dealers from this mobile company in the world is |inal idea—but it does make one Joy best. © a us at Boek. Meze returned and stole 35 more and
area anticipating one of its biggest a bit homesick! Thanks for everything, Ly hop A > John Kover 15 ducks. : CE HOURS:
“When we were invited to at- years in 1953.” 1 never thought you would George Ford lof Mt. Joy, Huges Fitzpatrick,| . Franklin Sprout, eight year 00 A. M. TO 9:00 P. M.
tend we were told that this Although the date for show- [Print my last letter but Just { Elizabethtown brought home | ©ld son of Mr. and ‘Mrs. John Sonn B 10 9:00 B. M
would be one of Chevrolet's ing the new Chevrolets has not | heard from my “sister’ _ Helen December 13, 1952/0 Noa weighing 150 pounds Sprout, 59 W. Donegal Street, AY 2:00 P. M. 9: «av
most Important business confer- | yet been announced, Mr. New-|and she had received their copy Newport, R. I. WA shot by Fackler and Fitz- this boro was taken to the hos- , v, in 1
ences,” he continued. “This was comer is already making plans |©f the Bulletin and I am as she|Dear Remembrance Com. Sr both sons-in-law of | Pital Christmas Day, having PHONE: 3-61863
conclusively borne out by de- | for a display of the car here. He | called me - a dope! I wish to thank all of you for Sa Raver. contracted pneumonia. er call. 35803
velopments. Not only were we [is confident that interest in the] You and the people in the|the box of pretzels and also for deer stories| Wills filed at the courthouse If no answer, call 3.532:
shown the most exciting pro- | new model will draw record. |community - who make your| the Bulletin which we recieve, Among the TARY doer hos [Were Eli Brubaker, Rheems,
duct in my experience as a breaking crowds to his show- [Work possible deserve our week. The Bulletin makes|told of the Soe a zie Mes- who died Dec. 1; Henry Foss, of
dealer, but the speakers made | room. cere thanks and our Best Wish- [us feel much closer to home. them beaten to a frazzle — 4 | Donegal township, who died on
es for a Merry Christmas and a| My wife always looks for it|srs. John and Carl Zeager an Dec. 4; and Jacob Hershey
0771 1 2 9 0 7 2 PO A 0 2 A Happy 1953, and thank you|each Saturday to see how the/Abe Waltz, of town, with sev- Young, this bore, who died -on
J 3 mostly for the Bulletin! great town is doing. The pretz-|er others were deer hunting in Nov. 13. y
# Sincerely, els were very good and I know|Perry County. Waltz Spey 5 Sixty-four marriage. Teenses EVENINGS ) O MATINEE
NY] M/Sgt. and Mrs. M. J. Kaplan |all who received them—were. as/buck, shot it and the deer fell. were issued in the County. OWE SATURDAYS
: (Kappy and Harriett) pleased as I was, or more, if He ran to it and as De Ne $00 dag licenses Were. said ai 7 and 9:00 P.M THEATRE wollo
3 P. § —Have read in the Bulletin | that was possible. animal tried to get up. e la the 'reagurer's office SATURDAYS oy
ov where several boys were here| I want to thank you again his rifle aside, pounced upon, the 6.8.10 P. M. Mount Joy, Pa. 3:00: M+
during “operations Main Brace” [from the bottom of my heart, |deer, hn SOL 10 YEARS AGO ’
i | —all Navy boys and should any [and may God Bless you All [neck. As the animal stru Brews of roasted cereal
o of them ever 5 into port here Yours sincerely, |Abe called “Carl, Carl, bring | grains, long . substituted for FRIDAY — SATURDAY, JANUARY 2 . 8
8 lagain we do wish they would A. G. Tanis [the odes Carl | irre Je coffee in Europe, soon will GENE TIERNEY — RORY CALHOUN -in-
looq us up! Our phone is 5567- —— scene and assis in 1) make their appearance in Am- TT
Rico: Make a note of that you December 22, 1952/rope tightly around Barley and rye will be “Way Of A ucho
i JOINING 8 fellows! Orleans, France Meck that its tongue hung out. the principal ingredients of
os Dear Committee, (The other end of the rope they | the ersatz drink.
OUR : Kelflavik Air Base I hope you will forgive to a tree. Daughters were born to’ Mr. UARY §
¥ Iceland [delay in the offering of arid The animal in its struggle and Mrs. Paul Erb, Mount. Joy MICHAE]. RENNIE —# DEBRA PAGET -in-
wn a ~ i "are ing tore the rope and was off into
Wd - Dear Remem. Committee, for the work you are doing|tore p! R2, and Mr. and Mrs. Webb
Christmas I want to thank all of you|there at home. I want to thank the woods like a flash. Both men Ginder, Manheim R2. A son was bb serables”
i people who have given your|vou most sincerely for. the can|grabbed their guns and Waltz horn to Mr, and Mrs. Melvin
¥ // bh ¥| much valuable time in remem- (of delicious pretzels that STV Succeeded a hy ou Perers, West Donegal St., this
§ » | bering the boys in the service. |ed here in wonderful condition. but when he ran owar *| boro. :
Cli A It's ES to know there are peo- They didn’t last more than a/Deer got up and ran a little far- 250 employees of the A. S. ESDAY, JANUARY 6 a ;
ple in this world like all of you. | week after they arrived. Bither 2: Soy 39 re, Son Kreider Shoe factory at E-town ANN TH — EDMUND GWENN, -1n-
§ “The etin has finally caught | now they are a sweet memory. (the last time by a dea mar an ai i
i) iain LIE ei Rr Doi Rigo Wl Age a when he fire sur wr mi | **Sally And Saint Anne
Degsit Weekly Receive in 50 Weeks never have thanked you before, | the present time it is adorning walked up and remarked; “Well taken for an air raid signal. jE 4
¥ Join now—and at Ghrist- $5 hg: * § x but I take this time to thank | my room as a handsome waste- It's your deer, loser. On Saturday night's 9:50 to
mas give those Be $3.40 R|vou for all the nice things Was rps Hag Wim THE of “No fer | 10:30 p.m. surprise blackout WEDNESDAY — THURSDAY, JANURAY 7 - 8
x oo a «s a0 receiv since ave | ed at the condition they arrived|/good sportsman, said: Js a J . :
# the “special thiggs' 1f 200 15000 ee or Yau Sine 1 av in. There wasn't a dent in the/low, any gunner that can rope a SE! Tey io ond GREGORY PECK »— SUSAN HAYWARD
they've always wated. 5.00 + 250.00 joy reading about the people of can and there Wasn't a Xe Sn jee She efficient work by members of “Snows Of Kilimanjaro”
§ : Florin ‘and Mt. Joy. Again] pretzels in the can that Were| Wiese wi I; The | saw you the Civilian Defense Corps had
yu thanks a million. broken. It was a fine job ofida with this one, deserves to them all sheltered until the all
UNIO p ATIONAL Yours sincerely, packing. They were as fresh ds get it—the deer is yours. | clear sounded ,.
yg sd J. B. Wolgemuth [the day they were packed. Abe and his party were one | Levi M F os
i MOUNT JOY BANK 2 | I was hoping that I might be happy crowd. Mr. Schuler and a ar Ty lorin,
i U. S. S. John W. Weeks | to spend the holidays at{State policeman, were eye wit. oo US Je holes when a mm
4 OF MOUNT JOY A Deas Committee, 3 [ home this year, but I wasn’t too/nesses to the above and will | oh a He hg Vas Sane i Nn
Member of Federal Deposit Insurance Cornorati I wish to thank you for all | foftunate. 1 may be able to/vouch for the story. ; him 1 pe sround ra row 01H y
vember ol Federal Deposit Insurance ~orporalion n ol have sont me The Bulletin | make it by the middle of next! Coasting was <o good the kid- | : 8 .
iis iba bichon ait tba i it J i a month, and I sincerely hope Idies, and even the grown-ups | Miss Ruth E. Breneman, Lan-
{can. It doesn’t seem like near-|couldn’t resist the temptation, |disville, suffered head injuries,
lly three years since I was hav-/Burgess Keener came to their|and Harold T. Kauffman, Man-

heim, neck injuries when their |
car skidded into the side of al
covered bridge on the Ronks
ling my last look at Mount Joy|rescue by adopting the first saf-
{from a car window. {ty plan for sledding. North Jac-
| I suppose there are so manyjob and Manheim streets had
| changes and so many new faces guards placed SO everyone | road.
[in town that T won't recognizelcould enjoy the sport. Irving Swarr, son of Mr. and
Saturday noon the large wa- | Mrs. J. L. Swarr, Jr.,, Mount Joy
{the place when I finally do get,
9 |there. I noticed in today’s main which crosses ac- | Rl, was painfully injured when
{ 3 sses the Jac y 1}
W hat Advertisin per (Nov. 20.) that Ralph andiob street bridge ahd supplies |the light truck he was driving NO MINIMUM - NO INCREASE
: (Frank Hassinger have to the residents in that |Collided with a coal truck driv-

[lucky in being able to
locate section, burst at several places [Nn by Carl Haines, Newtown.
{each other in Tokyo. I
| haven'tion the bridge. Supervisor Smelt- | Accident occurred near Sny-
{been quite as lucky with myizer cut the rope and plugged | der’s Mill.
jSearches. 1 have tried severallpoth ends until after Christmas| Lancaster county War Bond
limes to contact 'one of the Boyd It was discovered the babbit | Purchases for the first half of
boys who is stationed at Fon-icorking had slid out of some of | December were $2,054 less than
| tainebleau. Since Fontainebleau to Joints, due to the vibration [the assigned quota, War Say-
11s only about 100 i
Does “ee And His Joy Jumpers

J} 49 Rilemoter of the bridge when heavy | "85 Staff officials announced.
; : Ly rom Orleans (approx. 40 mis.), trucks pass over it. ons were born to Mr. and | A
When someone starts advertising, {so I have tried to telephone him Among the sick were John | Mrs, Warren Bates, this boro TY DLI NERS
Someone starts buying; times ba ze no avail. es Booth, merchant, and Clijef December 18; and Mr. and Mrs.
. may be successful on my nex of Police Elmer Zerphev w Aaron Tyson, Manheim R2.
“ : | rphey, who '
When someone starts buying, JER es... (Te confined to their homes. | Fourteen cases were reported NDAY, JANUARY 4
Somdone starls selling; | Well folks, it is getting a Lit- Winners of the doll contest | in the smallpox outbreak in the
te late and I must prepare forgiven at Garber's Rexall Dryg [Amish section of Mifflin county, .
When someone starts selling, | General Ridgeways visit gore were Nancy Germer, 1st | State police are guarding the Charlie Neimer Trio
Someone starts making; CAR Suppose ib Js vest Others winning dolls | Toads in the infected area. |
| close for this time. Give my re- were: Anna Martha Strickler,| Alice and Mary Strickler
When someone starts making,
a million Sarah
for the gift. You can never ims-

| sards all = c .
| sards to all and thanks Brown, Florence Erb, Eli- (held Open House from three to

An endless chain, so to speak, and
—= ON the farm of David Miller, a-
the merchant who doesn’t advertise | Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Weid. Pout 112 miles north of here on ‘og
| man, Mount Joy R1, a son Mon- {he Mastersonville road at 6:30
and advertise regularly is doing noth: [day at the Columbia Hospital, (P- M. The fire was believed to
ing if he isn’t breaking links in this | Mr. and Mrs. Harold L. Koko hans foe stunted by a piece of |
er, Mt. Joy R1, a daughter, yes- Metal or stone that passed thru |
endless chain. {terday at Lorcaster General the fodder shredder. The loss
| Hospital. ergy ves estimated at $12,000, and
| Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Kers.Partly covered by insurance. |
(fetter, 12 W. Main St., Mt. Joy, 1Win daughters were born |
a daughter, yesterday, at Mr. and Mrs. Lester Groff on |
caster General Hospital. December 4th.
i Boro Council adopts new re-

Someone starts working; | agine how much a gift like that © Metzler, Elizabeth Mum- [Nine p. m. December 26th at Symeme WII 1 devel gain of
: | ag low nue a gift like that, Dorothy Stauffer, Claudia | Walnut Tree Farm, west of 1:00 until ? — Steaks, Chops, Sea Foods, Beef, Pork and
When someone starts working, [fom es ands ot hoite Wvanwe Scr | Flavin. Turkey
: (mean when you are thousands y : AR) :
Someone starts earning; of miles from your nearest por Yagner Amora Skip- i sid
When someone starts earning, | friends. Keep up the good work Mabel ie ne ree SIMON 2.
: [folks and may God Bless you ay - ers pas |
Someone starts buying: One and All for the fine work. js i Bslenes of conlegts
Siricoroly, {an § received a box of candy.
Bill Baltozer : | 15 YEARS AGO
Th | 67 head of livestock were sav-| — yg ; ee er re ee re re
| BIRTHS led when fire destroyed a barn vem

C. Robert Fry
jt MANHEIM R. D. 2, PA.

? Wor
Air Compressor Rocks

MARRIAGE LICENSES {location of Apple Alley and “1s :
Glenn Harold Staufler, Eliza-Will consider improvements at Rock Drilling, Concrete Brea ing, Et and
ial 3- . Joy. and a skiled ad writer of The Bulletin, a newspaper bethtown R3, and Phyllis Stauf-|Feservoir. : |
Simply Dial 3-9661 Mt. Joy ; : 2 fer Gainer, Mount Joy RZ. The automobile of Clarence T
brimful of reader interest—about everything that happens in this community-—w Henry Bernard Greenberg, NeWcomer caught fire Saturday rees

5117 N. Marvine St., Philadel. "ight in front of the "home of | d | ng
phia,” and Nancy Hirschfield, of Earl Myers when the anti-freeze | J
Landisville. mixture leaked through the ra- |
Raymond John Pennell, 125 diator hose and dropped on the
W. Donegal St., Mt. Joy, and hot motor. Front door was
Betty Julia Frey, 201 w. Main|damaged.
St., Mount Joy. Mr. and Mrs. John Charles,
————— erent (this boro, suffered lacerations of |
Patronize Bulletin Advertisers. ‘he face and shock at 2 p.m: on
be glad ‘to place your merchandise before the reading public.
Excavating and
Cellars, Trenches, Etc. Removed


Ne Teele Yip : : :
a Si in - i ou iy \ i a4 a i : { :
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