The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, January 01, 1953, Image 3

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Benj. F. Garber


ELIZABETHTOWN, PA 1.Sal R / [ IE D. Twp. Hi gh If Y |
Phone 702-J € INCGISICT 4 . ou Chevrolet Launches 1953 Drive
FARM BUREAU ||| —— School New (Form page 1)
ELD Mutual Automobile Imurance Co. |B | Saturd: wy, January 24--East 00 S - -
Mutual Fire Insurance Co. | ' 8
NT Life Insurance Co. { Hempfield Twp., one mile north Miss Betsy Musser, daughter house to the reservoir which |
iL | 0 Landisville on the road 1o|of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Musser, discharged the water in the top|
Velding aCe | East Petersburg, a farm of 35 Mt. Joy R1, was chosen the D.| of the reservoir—today another
ENING FARM EQUIPMENT SALE acres of Limestone soil with a fA. R. girl of East Donegal High 8 It. pipe runs from the pump
Rove oh se op Rath ow 212 story frame house, all con-|to be the representative in the ing station down the creek road
Shop Al my Office t Tools venience, barn, tobacco shed, | School. Miss Musser was chosen | in North Barbara Street to the
J as | have sold the Maghinery Auction | €1C., by Emma B. Heistand Es- | Daughters of the American Rev-! alley at Union National Jank
treets On ee 5 2 Oo highway. tate. C. 8S. Frank, Auct olution contest by the students Where it empties into a 12 foot | §
ue 5.59) "35 NE AND USPD TRACTOR | of the senior class and the fami-| pipe. This pipe runs west in| |
a § i i ra i tn
HRI ERS | Saturday, January In the ly [alley to Fairview Street and
awa lary asters, Hay (village of Florin, at the corner| Miss Musser is the editor of crosses Main Street to Lumber,
ers |, Bale is) {of Market and Main Streets, al the high school yearbook, a to Marietta Pike, to the new
HN :
200 1068 2-story brick building, former-|{ member of the Donegal Chapter school house one and one fourth
S Eee rf 0 anv. | 1v occupied by U. S. Office with | of the National Honor Society: mile where two fire plugs are
thing you hs Spring is coming. We | 5-room apartment, by James B.|2 member of the hockey team, | installed and in service.
need all Kinds machinery Now } | hi
Oil “G6. K. WAGNER, Sale Manager | Eschbach Walter Dupes, Auct, | high school chorus, band and In construction at present is a
Ai Elizabethtown, Pa. Ph. 442.J-2/Qale at 2 p. m orchestra. After graduation, she 12 ft. pipe starting from the 12]
+ NEXT Sale==Saturday, Jan, 24, 1453 - — — plans to attend Wheaton Col. ft. pipe at corner of Marietta & |
IN weer | When in need of Printing. (any. | 108€. Mass. Lumber, which will run to the
Sr > >, > Yi a y " |
Bulletin Ads Pay Big Dividends. | thing) kindly remember the Bulletin — Schools to Reopen | Pinkerton Rd. and Columbia, |
N, PA a The Florin Washington it will be jointed with the four |
JP. B.GUERNSEY DISPERSAL |, oyun, and six t. maine aired instal
14-tf and East Donegal Township led. An 8 ft. line will be laid |
ems AT THE FARM of Leo H. and Emily Bell Schowenhofen, High Schools will reopen Mon | from the Union National Bank, |
Chester Springs, Chester Co day, January 5 it was announc. connecting to the present 12 ft.
1 Off Route 401, 1 mile east of intersection of Routes 401 and ed fy the Supervising principal, ne, Fate line will be ald in the!
| e in 100, known as “Ludwig's Corner.” Watch for Signs! J. W. Bingeman alley to Jacob and Main streets. |
\ Play Held by Ninth Grade. | All new 12 and 8 ft 5 ar
ivi . £ 2: pipes are
TUESDAY, JAN. 6, 1 3 12:30 NOON Under the direction of Miss | connected to the present piping |
62 HEAD — 1 BULL — 36 COWS — 2 BRED & 14 OPEN Anne Blecker, the ninth grade system at most all intersections, |
f E.D.HS presented “The! installed i he i { % v > aie
BEEIFERS — 1J CALVES ot $ 1e installed in the modern way, | :
all vaccinated - T. B I sanas Certified!) Christmas Carol” as a Christmas | such as, each new fire plug be Maryanne Carney gamely faces the herculean task of filling out 8,000 news.
(all vaccinated - 4% Bangs Certiliec assembly last Tuesd: re, | paper advertising orders which will be used in the announcement of Chevrolet's
SALE UNDER TENT HT LUNCH AVAILABLE! Palor * =» uesday Gary tween the valve and the main| widely discussed 1953 passenger cars. Actually, Maryanne will get plenty of
oO f the most dutstanding herds we have ever offered for Epler, Florin had the leading has a gate valve. All the repairs | help on the assignment, but her position among the stacks of insertion orders
ne o e )S stn rds we have eve red nol rane . . p d a p
sale. Every animal with HIR r ord role of Scrooge. Other members| required should a fire plug be | ©mphasizes the promotion: oral power heliind the event = i
1950 Averaged, all}2 vear of — 889 430F — 3rd high |!" the cast were Stephen Doles, | broken is to close the ve alve et - Sid Hi a TTT
Chester County. ! Joanne Landis, Doris Long, Car- not a single customer is effe ct- ||
This voung herd isyexcenfbonally outstanding in TYPE ol Ginder, Nelson Hess, Jean ed, said Mr. Miller Also, in the | *
PRODUCTION - and H LTT Wagner, Pat McKain, Edith Ra-| modern way of testing stall) e utc 1 0osop er
SALE MANAGED BY: FOR CATALOGS WRITE: | Per. Ruth Ellen Snyder, William | valves where the pipe line eros
PENNSYLVANIA GUERNSEY BREEDERS’ ASSOCIATION Earhart, W illiam Arnold, Bar-|ses the creek leaks can ba de- (1S OVERHEARD BY JOHN BOYD)
P. 0. BOX 491 HARRISBURG. PA bara Sutter, Scott Carpenter, tected in a few minutes
. 0. BOX 491, 4 . "1.10 | Marlene Murry, Pearl Ort, Judy small water meter | Well hello, Mrs. Es shate. (by myself. Which i
ais nnn aetna — a ~ Linhard, Peggy Houseal., Leon | Expense keeps us fro ste vel ie 10, VTS, y myseitf. hich is true enough
) I 1 rom instal-| ~ i . ; till. Y
% 5 | Qi ek igh Sas a : | Come on in and set down. I|still. You know how I hate to
Slick, Robert Swartz, Frank ling these simple testing sta- i
P B. GUERNSEY SALE 1 Good John Brubal ] t i hol = M | guess now with all the Christ- | spend money on myself es-
- | G y x srubaker, James tions over the whole town Mr : oy ’ ak i
: + stuff over we can take a |pecially these Ss -
+ McFarlin, Mae Keener, Donald Miller said, as man holes are) ull Dyer a pe y these days when every
: THURSDAY. JAN 8) 1953 ~ 1230 PM Yordv. Ronald Hato, rarities HE § areirest once before we get all ex- [thing costs so much.
L 3 . : . . I ay onalc awthorne, and needed. | cited about going to New York I know. but then once in a
| Gary 7 | int T Yrs . ’ :
In the heated Sales tr 6 miles east of Lancaster on : a nny. i Mi | Paint To Detect Plugs after New Year's. while a body has to forget |;
2 \ a arrator was iriam Ro-| Fire plugs connected direct] Ves. for a wool we ean chust about saving money. As Chorch
0c oute 30. oo A directors were to 12 ft. lines and will be known Chorch thinks we are |53YS the longer a person holds
Miriam Nell and Judy Smith. as ma : t the less
f 0 i : : jor plugs and will be |erazy to go to New York. He [oD 0 money less a body
gc A fine sel crip Oo 5 HEAD | Costtines were in charge of painted a special color. Fire! ave. what do you two old wo-]580 buy with it. So I say, let's
Bangs and T. B. Certi all vaccinated, fresh or heavy oy gy Wolfe; make-up, plugs connected directly to 8 ft.|men want to go to New York | have a good time and forget
¢ springers. lo? ning; properties, Robert | lines will be known as semi ma- | for? There is too many people about the money for once still.
Swartz and John Brubaker: . T : 1 About how much do you fig-
This lot has been. sel to appeal to evervone who wants A PAKET; | jor plugs. The tops of these will | there already, he says. And be- | ih io a
Qc production during the peri@d Hf high milk prices pn Ing, Carpenter: sound |pe painted same as the major |sides, he says, I suppose you ute hi Wr Rost us? Chust a
yeorge AMS 2 g | . iS
fH Cows have been selling cheap in recent sales. We guarantee ep Williams and Ronald plugs, but the bottom part will! will want a whole new outfit of | TOUBN Buess ike.
) vou will get your money's worth! ; Canal; cur! yn, William Ear-| remain the present color. All| clothes right now when I am Well, there's our carfare on
ge ) J a er wart and Gary Kinney; and the old plugs will be painted the! wondering how I will get all the train. That will be about
SALE MANAGED BY FOR CATALOGS WRITE: | choir, Judy Linard, Peggy Hou-|same color as before, this will [your Christmas presents paid | fifteen dollars a piece. Then we
)¢ PENNA. GUERNSEY BREEDERS’ ASSN. Seal, Louise Horning, Carol Gin- to] the firemen, said Mr. Miller | for that you had charched, he will have about a dozen meals
. 4 HARRISBURG. PA. | 9er: Jane Gatshall and Pat Me-|just what they are connecting says + |to buy, say at a dollar each.
0X RISB GPA... Just what the; g | says. ? 1
c ?. Ov BOX 491, A I i Kain. es cml nonin ih That would be—twelve and fif-
; 1-1 — 0 and can connect the large en- What did vou say to that? teen—about twent
i is ida - : : a, : — nty-seven.
K ishis of Person gines to the large plugs. [ says, no, Chorch, I don’t| think oe n i
“We ro not oncern Staats . At the present time the loca- | need any new clothes before we 0 you oy R So a he
. d not concern « es! Tl ; or 1 . hi cover our meals, expecially i
uch about rights of property if we | Hon of the stand pipe is at stake, | go, but of course if me and Mrs. . :
; faithfully observe the rights of per- | Says Miller, modern location of Veiss should accidentally see he. have 8 oe. Deltas Wi
' sons.”’—Calvin Coolidge. a stand pipe is in the town and some real bargains in the big yo am. and’ eggs an
| erm |nhot a mile away, in case of a!New York stores it would bel’ :
Drying Lamps __|bad fire the water is close at our bounden duty to take ad-| Maybe not—so we will make
| It taxes the imagination, but banks hand, with the friction loss cut | vantage of them, I says. it thirty. Then the hotel will be
| of infrared heat Jamps are now be- 0 a minimum. In installing. =i What did. he say? about fifteen or twenty—that
ing used to dry water-soaked ath- stalling a will make it—Iet’s sce—about
| letic fields. !stand pipe the foundation is of He savs that's what he was |ea .
reat hoc. A Re aah “2 1 fifty. We should be able to do
{ Hor Comanatton importance, Miller quot- | afraid of. And then he says, for | 1) right on seventy-five or
igh Consumption ed, another is the heig : mee he wouldn't think it w kd hp
INSULIN | ini IC 8 10th i 1¢ helght and | once he we uldn’t think it would eighty dollars if we don't buy
i 2. De : wiaih, so that it will not top-|be such a bad thing for me not! ap he
one-eighth of the mineral fuel and any clothes or hats.
| power used in the U.S. including |PI¢ Over if empty during a|to do my duty. I had to laugh.|™ well Chake says he will give
| coal, gas, oil and electric power. windstorm. If the highest point Then I says serious like, don’t me a hundred dollars and I
| = —— of town can not be used, then | worry, Chorch. Me and Mrs. | hove caved 5
: have saved about twenty more,
U.S. Miner the standpipe must be anchored, Veiss are chust going for a few so I will have enough.
{ Through tion the us which will cost considerable days and we are not going on You will probably have fifty
| miner can produce out as much | ora Sic such nn ing. tri nok | 9
| coal in a day as a Japanese miner ROre money such a shopping rip. In fact, {dollars left over when we get
ins month Mr. Miller stated people in We are so sick of shopping that | back
k . wis we ’ :
| ead ei icy most parts of town should see W¢ Won't want to go into a Well, that could be, but mind
| Auto Tires an improvement in the water Store even to look. We are going ly, 1 am going to do every-
| Sixty-five per cent of the busine flow, it flows faster, even tho !0 lay in bed in the Mornings | ining you do. You ain't going
| of American rubber companies is | {there i- SEV | and have our breakfast carried |, Ane: a :
le 4 : 5 there is but little extra pressure he out alone at night to no thea-
1 in tires ainly for automobiles i y u 1S a wag 1 >
J In wires, MARY Or sve : added to it When the new up tn i on a Wagon ane the ters or opera houses. And by
Zoo Below Zoro standpipe is put into service the We are going 10 way did Chorch get the
Some animals can survive tem- |Waler will be boosted about 20 them big movie palaces and hotel room reserved like you
| porary temperatures as low as 100 |lbs., this added pressure will be the evenings We bie going 19 said?
I decrees below zero added by a fow 1 : : til the theater—or maybe even to Yes, he got it
\ Pr a : v4 le 3S. a day unul|, a if there is a good one. Walcorf :
| High Schools the maximum is obtained. All a Je i a Bong ons Not at the Walcorf-Astoria
Schocel ha Pe. a . ir cial 2 Suys, Ina a4. “thotel, I hope.
| At the outset of the United States customers Will be notified, said ping trip would cost me less N at ope Ne Yorker. It's
| Civil war, there were about 100 high Mr. Miller : , : i 9:3 Ae ow. yoraer.
iv a 1 re about 10 g ty than what vou {wo are planning right near to the Penn Station
| schools in the nation. I'ne old reservoir will be to do. he savs. Then he says oe ' x
i ldrained and left int: : nt CP rand right near Gimpels and
alned and left intact to be | what does Chake Veiss think of Macy's. too.
a Sale oh gi In an emergency. all this gallivanting around? So Vos. but you said we ain't
— i Re ak ER —_ ee n ‘losing the i srview Mire al 1 ne y Sa 2 , +
: Ts 9 as fe 1H rview Mr. | I said I would ask you. going to Gimpel’s and Macy's—
9 1 IF YOU HAVE SOMETHING TO SELL, BUY, RENT, oor stated the old reservoirs| Why, Chake thinks it's all and such stores.
Can t Use It! TRADE OR LOCATE, ool not modern enough for to- right. But he says to me, you| We could walk over to them
: A for the reason that water know how much money you in the mornings and chust look
. eaves the pumping station | have : ’ t ’ got |.
1 a. r 3 ation | have and it’s up to you to ge round—-
H SELL IT THRU THE U Th Bl kit 0 de WwW tAd Len a
se 1S an 0 r ra an ready "for human consumption | by with it. And I says, don’t No— I wouldn’t trust myself
, MAIL TO: and should not be open for any- worry because I will probably |in them stores chust to look.
: ant S 3 thing to contaminate it, for | have some left when I get back Well—let us chust wait and
: . “BULLETIN” 11 E. Main St. Mt. Joy, Pa. good health depends much onto Lititz. You know me, I says. | see, There is no sense crossing
THE : the water we use and Mt. Joy is, Then he savs he wouldn't |, pritch ’til a body gets there
: blessed with a good source ry alk » if I was going ‘mi a it’
> a good source of ry about me 8 and that reminds me that it’s
MORE Iu TELL YOUR NAME ....... dines, desirable water from the gravel! alone by myself, but he says, |{ime for me to go home and
hills. t with that—uh sets f Chorch. I
¢ get supper for orch. am
MORE YOU SELL ADDRESS = 0... rir sieges Go on, what did he call me? | feeding him up good nowadays
poe 7 SEES Oh, he didn’t call you any-|so's he will miss me while I am
ive your ad a chance to n > | ’ :
ig resalts. © Write POST OFFICE a PHONE PF RS thing. He chust meant that Ijaway and be glad when I get
vour ad below. Minimum Charge - 3 Lines for 35c¢ (5 words to line) | I ( WN ALS | would spend more money i | back Yll see you tomorrow.
: sss i {| somebody like you was with {Good bye now.
: | me than I would if I was alone Good bye. {
eer eee - TT = Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Rutt and | =———-=
) daughter, Gwendalyn, Lancast- ]
J — A — a - -— - re tm re cree — & t
er, spent Christmas Day visiting WHY Not Send The
ee rrr . — - eH Ea at the home of Mr. and NV
FULL COST OF ADV. ABOVE (35¢) BIEL 2 ri Weak I Home Paper to Your
OVER THE ABOVE 3 LINES - 10¢ A LINE this boro. Sa P| Absent Son or Daughter ?
i —— — | It Helps To Cure Homesickness
Ri ~ Sa dE pi |
i al mn = S——————————— Mr. and Mrs. Roy Shuman, of | OH, BOY!
be la 2 Florin, had a wonderful sur-| UST A
——————————————————————. EA Nnrice Cive . ¥ =, |
EACH ADDITIONAL INSERTION 8c PER LINE p? 15¢ given to them at 5 a. m.| LETTER
Christmas morning. Their son, |
( ) 1 ENCLOSE §........ IN FULL PAYMENT OR I WILL MAIL ( ) AMOUNT FOR { Corporal Ray K. Shuman arriv- |
AD WITHIN NEXT 10 DAYS ( ) mark X in choice fed home from Germany where |
A @ Be sure to count your name. address or telephone number as “words”. |e has been stationed since Feb- | 2
> v

The Bulletin, Moun! Joy. Pa,
Thursday, January 1, 1953-8

Cg pos

kinds in stock.
shipment of slide
$26.10 up. Movie mgfas and
projectors reduc Victo
Klahr Camera Sk Middle
town, Pa. 1-1¢

PARTITIONS, Chimney repair
and General mason repair work.
No job too small. dv E.
Matoney, Mount
FOR SALE: Fon chains,
5.29, 00 & 10.00. Jag. . Strick-
ler, Mt. Joy, Phone 3#5641. 50-tf

hule house trail-
Reasonably |

er. Good condifiop.

priced. Mount vy 3-9050 or
Charles Fogie, ewtown. 51-tfe
Type .writers, Add. Mach's, Cash
Registers, Check Writers, Safes,
New & Used. J. MgEnale, 411 East
High St, E-tow h. 147.
Korean War veteran to take
training under G. I} bill in Tile
and Linoleum worlf. Avnoly Mt,
Joy Tile and Linolaum Co. oud
3- p

FOR RENT: Offices or business
space. Center of buginess dis-
trict. Call Mount Jaf 3-9681 or
see Dr. E. K. Tin 5-tfe
SALE: New and used. Repairs

for all makes of sewing wmach-
ines. J. V. Bin hi 111 N. Mar-
ket St.. Bh thtown, Pa.
Phone 688. 1-tfe

Used Pianos, $30.00 up; Cut-
down Pianos, $95.00 up; Small
Upright nianos, $95.00 up: Netw
Pianos, $345 up; Bass Violin,
reduced, $270 value, $175: 3
octive Marimba $35.00; Clari-
net and as used, $35.00;
Trumpet a se, used, $35.00;
New Trum and Clarinets re-
duced as ch as 40% Large
stock of Accordions, 12-32.120
Bass. new and used.
David Hess Music Shop
106 N. Market Street,
Elizabethtown, Phone 605-J

1 be consid-
nt wi ing conditions
ang’ unusual
ompfany Benefits
Qualified women
ered for immedi
at our Mt. Joy
Apply fin ferson Monday after-
noon, )dcember 1st, between
1:00 and 3:00 P. M.
Aircraft - Marine
Estate of Drew W. Hiestand,
also known as Andrew W. Hies-
tand, late of East Donegal Twp.,
Pa., deceased.
Letters testamentary on said
estate having been granted to
the undersigned, all persons in-
debted thereto are requested to
make immediate payment, and
those having claims or demands
against the same, will present
them without delay for settle-
ment to the undersigned, at
Mount Joy, Pa.

Brown & Zimmerman,
Attorneys. 49-6
Policyholders of the Mourrt
Joy Mutual Insurance Company
are hereby notified that the an-
nual meeting of the Company
will be held at their principal
office, No. 23 South Market St.
Elizabethtown, P4., on January
12, 1953, HE the hours of
2:00 and 3:00 '\0¢lock, P. M., for
the purpose of electing Direct-
ors of the Company.
Estate of Emma B. Heistand,

late of the Borough of Mount
Joy, Penna.
Letters testamentary on said
estate having been granted to
the undersigned, all persons in-
debted thereto are requested to
them without delay for settle-
ment to the undersigned,
ROY S. Heistand
c/o Clarence C. Newcomer
14 S. Duke Street
Lancaster, Pa.
Louis S. May and
12 Different | | pe nt call
Color films. New |
prpjec tors |
OUR ar ADS 70...
'HELP WANTED” Farm Mach-

|inery and Troa#for repairman,
Experienced unexperienced.
| Kpply writing to P. O. Box 85,
WANTED: Yhung’ man to drive | D. L. D. Mt. Joy. 36-tf
truck and wgrl”in warehouse, os
eh a 1. | Individually designed SPENC-
Reist Manheim St. | pr SUPPORTS for ash, wom-
len and children.’ appoint-
Mrs. Fd#the B. Bru-
baker. Florin, "hone Mt. Joy
1.4949. 46-tfc

dl or FOR SALE: 80x180Q, Don-
egal Springs Road, t Joy.
Price reasonable, Joh A. Char-
les, Phone Mount) 3-4183.
! 37-f
Eg. | buy old cars, all scrap iron
and also sell sto ood. Guy D.
| Spittler, Phone Mf Joy 3-5573. 40-t4

| Antiques Restored
| Firniture Shing
Phone 6-2581
Call For and Delivery

Shop early for

The Margare
19 W. Donegalf S t. Joy, Pa
Dia 9373
Alterations - Buttonholing
WANTED: Young for gen-
eral purpose jgrgfery. Apnly
Hess Food Sto ount Joy. Pa.
FOR SALE: Choice Capons, live
or dressed. Wilmer Kraybill,
Mount Joy Route 1, Dial 3-3763.
FOR RENT: Two rooms and
washroom, suitable forgBeauty
Parlor (formerl an) Ac-
ross from AcmefSto Could be
used for office op—inquire
Phone 3-9681 e™14 E. Main St
ANTIQUES: Will pa gh prices
for antiques of apy
Hart, 161 N. C
heim, Pa. Phone*407. 2-24-tf
FOR RENT: Small ideal
for newly weds. Ya t January
1st. Sentz Apts. ne Mt. Jov
3-4525. 8
FOR SALE: 3.000
phalt tile, assorfe
piece. Open ev
cept Wednesday,
Linoleum Co.
for Stoker. Phot

colors, 7c a
Vv evening ex-
Mt. Joy Tile &
5 vin Mo-
Mount Jov
FOUND: Male dog. blg
white stretk under Vv.
Harry Herr, Maig#8t., Florin.

WANTED: Experienced
ber. Good wages,
holidays with pay.
Box 113, Mt. Joy.
WANTED: Working
with child, desires Apt.
house. Call Mt. Joy
6p m.

or small
3-5033 after
WANTED: To do washing and
ironings. Phone Joy
3-4513. "4 1-1c

GOGD conpfrion $175.

The regular annual meeting”
of the shareholders of the Union”

National Mount Joy Bank will”
be held at said bank # the Bor<
ough of Mount Joy# Pennsylva«
nia, on ‘Tuesday,
1953, at ten ©’
the election of
such other
come befy
January 137
ock A. M. fof
ectors, and for
fasiness as may
he meeting. v
Notice is hereby given that
the annual election will be hel
at the First National Bank and”
Trust Company,
Pennsylvania, o
uary 18 1953 b
of 9 a.¥m. an
election, of

rectors, and the
make immediate payment, and |!ransaciion such other busi
those having claims or demands | SS as y come before the”
against the same will present |Stockholders meeting.

Clarence C. Newcomer,

Attorneys 50-6

Squade St, Florin


a Sa a