The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, January 01, 1953, Image 2

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u .
Bulletin, Mount Joy, Pu., Thursday, January 1, 1933 ‘Daniel Brandt |" NOTICE! |Elesesle. Welding
Soon a
ym ne mma \ A J | | A F | 'S (From page 1) ae " pln order to collect er Also Spgcialize On rn
2} A | Al outer anges cause
THE BULLETIN I 'O abethtown, and Samuel G., Mt J . [HRY MIAN 5 | other predatory animals We, have 4 FARM MA



ishe WOTY vals Rat [| Joy R2, and a sister, Harriet, This same authority Ww en
Publishe d ¢ very Thursday at 11 East wife of Christ Brandt. Eliza +] 3 S | 3 N T | check the immgdiate b
Main Street, Mount Joy, l CY | for stray dogs nd other d flutomobile
y Surv > com
bethtown, also survive which they som Her you| LAWN

Lancaster County, Pa. .
tase the

There are six grandsons, four F L (eo 0 R hd







William N. Young, P eo I ay i
: Villiam N Young, Publisher | granddaughters. and 14 great Authorities chee the neihborhoo y Sho toute 2, Pa
Fred J. Alberte, Editor & Manager i grandchildren — — overs iy wy Offi
Dai pt Aa ! | s Mur -—— ——— | as | have so
Pearl Roth, Assoc. Editor & Bus. Mgr - ‘Musser L ho Farms Delta and Marietta Streets BR
John E. Schroll, Editor and Publisher T Ww | 18:2 MT. JOY, PA. Phone 3-5931
1901 - 1952 0 eicome EAK teres —— - ¥
a be | WE BR | Daler«
Subscription Rate: $2:00 Per Year by Mail. || (From page 1) Bi
| Advertising rates upon request, | | IR eps OUR NECK LINOLEUM WE SPRAY— ry
Entered ot the postoflice at Mount Joy, ||| purpose. First, the projec LINOTILE . J 1 Corn Fiekoh
Pa., as second-class mail under the Act | welcome new people moving in ASPHALT TILE Exterior Cellar Wa Is an
of March 3, 1879 to the town. Second, it will in- -—t0 keep delivery prom- RUBBER TILE 1 A hal oil need an kin
Member, Pennsylvania Newspaper | | HUGHES he et el ies and to give you CORK TILE With Waterpraofed Colas Asphalt Oi Elia
Publishers’ Association 4 merchants and in turn it wi | JASPE | INTACT Auctioneer
{aa ey. OW I introduce the merchants to the good work. We put your LINOLEUM Q 1 i
AER TT 4 WwW 1 SL 4 new people. Third, it will intro Cine . U Y
di t lv BY A £ > 1 Street asked duce the new people to the In-| printing on Hammermill WOLGE TH & MARTIN Bulletin 2
A young boy on East Donega Io dustries of Mount Joy hi b h | its . ; ELIZABETHTOWN, PA
E r ; apers, which help i ‘| 212 West High Streft, . PA,
i 0 1a y . his father, what's the difference between a When the group decided on papers, wie 'S QUAKER | PHONE 149 P. B. {
How Much Have We gun and a machine gun? o.| the idea, a committee of five set, looks and lastability. . [ Wert
An interesting question to ask yourself | His Daddy replied: "Oh a big Sherence pout to visit the merchants and AT Ti
right now it: What about 1952 will you still | I's just as if I spoke and then your m |industries to see what they * J Chester Sg
remember in a few years? spoke. thought of the idea. They indi- oumnt oy b d F h R d Th B I i off Rq
Nationally, there are several things of a * * * : cated enthusiastic approval of Th BULLETIN Tile & Linoleum Co. | sali 0 Y, rm ere, fd S I p in 100, know
historic nature. The election of General | | asked our new man, Russ, what the boss i}. idea so the project was | ( Open every day & evening except i a TUESD.
Eisenhower will probably stand out as the |ggid to him when he called him in the office It was decided that | Cast ares ls! lv. Sov. Pa A na a
most important. But right here at home, it [qq Wednesday? newcomers must live within the [11 East Main St, Mt Joy, Pa. Phone 3-3492 ; 62 HEA
is not as easy to point out those things of | Russ: “He asked me whether I couldn't |; iis of Mount Joy. Gift certif- | 3 W. MAIN ST, MOUNT JOY
a lasting nature despite that it has been a sandwich in a little more work, as I always ..ics from merchants are limit ih,
busy year. seemed to have a long enouga loaf.” fed to a maximum of $1.00. The SAL]
The past year was one in which our com- J ™ + project will be available to new One.o
munity expanded for homes were built at I don’t know what's wrong with my wife. | families, new wives and new This Week All $210. Ever
a pace somewhat above our local average. ad he bought a new hat, and when | husbands. The Joy-Cees will AGP Self-Service Stores 1950 A
But that expansion was not such that 1952 She? ae wi the kat look ten years supply certificates which will under the Will Be Open Chester Co
will be outstanding. And for that matter, th f th y “Welcome to Mount Joy, Dec. This v
pa ; : rew me out o e | sa - TOT
1053 already promises to record consider. fe Be she lost her sense | This certificate, when presented TUESDAY 30th PRODUCT!
ably more building right here than the past | house. — — ~— — in person, entitles <you, John d os Jan. SALE MAN
twelve months did. of humor. Doe to $1.60 dollars or cents in New A ministration “ae and FRIDAY 2nd PENNSY
Business and industry locally both had #* ¥* ¥ ; Bit | merchandise at The Jones Store. i UNTIL p M P. 0. BOX
a period of healthy growth. And that Over at the fire house the other night Bi Mids project is being made pos : | HEE All. prices in this Ad Effective .M.
p y : : h An E te of what | nee :
healthy growth probably will continue. |Sheaffer was telling the boys. i st there were bY. the Joy-Coes.” n Estimate of wha : aE through Wednesday, Dec, 31st, rice:
No, 1952 was not a year we will readily | 110 hidden taxes in a new pair of shoes. The committee will visit * the . i En iy
recall in 1962. But it was a year of com- Mushy Good said, “No wonder they hut our [new people and present them 130 Stocks will I Sawn i To Ou: Friends and Customers... P.
parative freedom from want. It was a year | feet.” with a basket in which will be . | ’ | “au
2 Jf they gfe Whit We desis. If * Kk x certificates, gifts, souvenirs, a, Earn . . .. Pay in | for f80 RAILS HAPPY NEW YEAR FROM ALL THUR
wasn't a year 0 peace although it did not A b d b @| letter of welcome from Burgess
J Barbara street 3-year old lad ha ecome | letter of welcome from Burges: i...» i T | IES In the
geod the outbreak of the much-threatened very much interested in hearing about the hab- Fish and an information bulle Dividends | 25 i OF US AT fou 30
i og okt soodbve to 1952 with the its of various domestic animals, One day when (i. The bulletin will include 1 65 INDU | VERAGES Plus Sc Deposit 29-01 10: .
hope that the io will be con- his mother was ordering bacon in the grocery church information, club, organ A nationally-known investment rescaffch organization with top { YUKON BE on Each Bottle bottle A f
Ee durin gam: next vear when the |store he asked loudly, “Mommie, does the pig- izations, doctors, dentists, and group of nlted economists —includige specialists in each principal | PEACHES LIBBY'S OR DEL MONTE 29-02 29:
8 os i ight in the A&P? various schedules. The town of ity—is now releasing Annual Forecast for 1953, SLICES AND HALVES can Bangs an
progress already made will be crowned |9gie lay the bacon right in ! type of secdyity Es | Jang
progress rei jill be introduced to the new A concise plture of outlook for- fl: Railroads, 2: Utilities, HEART'S 0) 18-0: 46-02 c springers.
* * wi au i AP
with an end of the Korean hostilities. * citizen by way of an article in 3: Industrials. 1953 Earnings andl Dividends for 130 leading DELIGHT #= cans can This |
9 2 This will never come to pass: Better i stocks in thee groups are estimaffed 16-02 c : 1s lo
7 7 A back-seat driver, out of gas: The Bute, 3 ; : . ot i (Ve including A&P GRAPEFRUIT SECTIONS ain 29 production
The ardes ar 0) - n addition, complete round- onom tlook
Politics Isn't The Answer Homans od ro er hn lation fan income ail tgde, plant and equipment outlays, | SUNSWEET PRUNES 2h 45 he > 25 y a
3 vil > ame: 1am] ba. Lay analvsts you will ge
Farm Journal recently ran a thoughtful * * * ei .,. |0f new people moving into construction 4 hes Sey 13 TS a a yey | BEEF STEW ARMOUR'S 16-01 39¢
editorial on the claims that politicians make Ciyde Nissley told me “Men still die wita |, = qc is where the people the DO Ere Rony No the hs year. BIG PRICE REDUCTION! £31 SALE MAN
er, i aa Jas i boots on—-but one boot js ofien on We of the town may help make the! es ration f iy mths and has BLEU CHEESE IN SALADS OF COOKIE BITS b 65°
enefit agriculture. In the course of it, that | gqccelerator. x pi preparation tor > montis anc oi
GATING 1s hot the politicians whe project a SUCCESS I at yone | e stafl of analysts with tar flung CHEESE Kraft's or Borden's Pimento, Sez 25¢ ?. Ov BOX
: . : 3 * * * knows of anyone new moving . A Ife probable factor... the attitt I Je { Relish, Pinsapple or Olive-Pimento glass 3
have provided farmers with the power An indignant Scotchman sent a letter to our | into the town, they may call or : administration dnd Resublican ) Le oe Be
machinery, the new chemicals, and the in- itor i ing “I'f don’t stop writ-| write The Bulletin 3-9661: Mrs domi nated Congress® cen angled. All the facts asser bled BANQUET PEARS can 21
numerable new methods which have trans- | Editor last week Sy You i " op en-| Geo. Albert. 53-5181: Mrs. Nich have been studied “. evaluated by prominent investment ot DEL MONTE, 30-0z 35
formed the farm business. The progress |ind about Scotchmen sing so wi b alas: Loitner. Ph. 53.3933. Miss | authorities. This Forecast will be a valuable aid to every business | FRUIT COCKTAIL LIBRY'S & SULTANA can
which farmers have made for themselves, ned. I'll stop borrowing your paper. | Wilma Dommell. 3-6751: Mr man and investor. If you would like a copy, simply fill out and | ~~
and to which industry has contributed, * * * : Ye ir mail coupon—-There's no obligation. os :
» that l H hav rofit- oi a . Paul Stoner, Jr., 3.6581: Mrs. er a a Rt a a a a ip; | . fox, CALI DRNIA Juicy
promise that agriculture wi ave a mx Mount Joy street conscientious faiher WOS | Zimmerman. Jr. S40: T 4 i ne
able and self-reliant future, even without dispensing advice to his son who was about is Bid": Walston, Hoffman & Goodwin | | Aire
the supports guaranteed by both parties.” and Mrs. James Roberts, 3-4273. | | ¢ fog
N \ sople had to be married. iy When the Joy-Cees have com 205 Locust Street, Harrisburg, Penna. | ‘ : &
oe a ye A Re id. "Co-operation is the foundation of SUCCESS" | pleted their first visitation, a Please send me my free copy of 1953 Forecast | x
to give all their time and effort to provid- [ful marriage,” pop said solemnly. “You mus complete list of articles which | 3 (360-SIZE C
ing themselves and their families with do things logelher. For instance, if your wife I st of articles el os tum el ae NE PRICED dozen
food—and it took the most arduous kind of | 9° = ge ge “wall go for a With Jer. are included in the basket will I ~ HIGHER
work to accomplish that. Today a small | Wants to go lor a 4 be listed in the Bulletin with the | a0 0.05. AEA AAR 4 INDIAN RIVER
: . . v= | . : | c
portion of the population is able to produce |'f she wants to go to the movies, go to ie Be {name of the first people to get | G APEFRUIT Shot SITE for 25
; : _ lies with her. If she wants to do the dishes, do Donalt of the rr a $ |
enough food to take care of the entire na a the benefit of the project. BB. Chr. omnes SIE et ha NE PRICED HIGHER 8
tion, and it does the job more easily and the dishes with } her. itll I Red: | The merchants and >> --p — L TUCE ALIFORNIA ICEBERG heads
quickly. In the last 20 years alone, our pop-| The son listened dutifully, then asked: | have cooperated nearly one hun . REGALO 1008 19
ulation has increased by 50.000.000 people | Suppose she wants to mop the floor?” — — ~ (dred percent. The list includes Fr h Spina Mia & Trimmed cello pkg
—yet our farm acreage h as not increased, the answer was delayed as mother walked in Eicherly's Dry Cleaning. Gar- 39¢
and there are actually fewer farmers. the room. ber Oil Company, H. S. Meck | ? SA ED P NUTS LUMMIS lla pkg
The politicians and promises were * * * ley, Plumbing, Harold Zimmer- a 1 ? MIX S EXCELSIOR BRAND 6-01 29¢
not respansible for this. What was largely Bill Enck told me a banana skin is what a man, tinsmith, Union National / ? ASSORTED cello pkg
responsible was pe me of sits on the side-walk and talks to — — Bank, First National Bank, | > N
stantly proved aor. Save jam Ee — — I seen Bill taiking to chairs over on the | Grey Iron Casting Co., Bachman » OLD SOUTH FROZE
chinery. 1e tractor is the symbo Ol an ide-walk of the fire house. Chocolate Co., Gerberich-Payn. e a ews ; ORANGE JUS bo Be © i 13
| cans

agricultural revolution that has made farm- | Shoe Co. Kunkle’s Oil. Soller
ing into a highly efficient industry—and N i * * * B d ei Cin es Ni lyin 13
along with the tractor have come hundreds| A New Haven street man told me he, and ’ he Kite toa rors goods cas al Gold Lemonade , sor 78¢
of other machines and attachments which | his wife have a troublesome problem. and Hse Sie : : oA Have You Been Visiting ? i! Re : : 2 en, ¢
have brought more progress to the farm in| Her problem's to keep her figure, Leer Jewel ; . Dole’s Pineapple Juice se 390
gh e prog ry, George's Gift Shop and Tri H d V ?
a comparatively: few years than occurred; And mine is to figure her keep. Ne D1 di a isitors 7 Brock’s French Fries 10:0: 988
during all the preceding centuries. On top | * * * a Gara 5) w i i $ B Di 42?
se t { jarage, Walters’ Service Sta- ivor : | gig
oI ne machines, do thie work fat Line Junior was bragaing to Pop about his or “coven nose 5, 5 | esn Divorce Buttered Steaks sn 5 dS
. er 4 ~ - v - i | ir 8 OF z
ee dial, snare at school that day. Stehman's Gas Station, Eli Am. ||! Bought Anything ? >. Frozen Peas Sor aor pier 356
The farmer's best friend isn't the politi- Why. I was the smartest boy in my class,” | ent’s Garage, Newcomer Motors, Na ud
. - 4 AALS lt
cian. It is, instead, American enterprise, jsid Teacher asked how many legs| Newcomer Service Station | Sold Something ? | BUTTER ., Sunnree in | Te 1» c a
American ‘inventiveness, American ingenu-|% Be 3s Sd : i three. uc Proctor), Rubl's Flowers, Had a P FANCY CREAMERY prints Ib 1 solid 15 ’
ity. | : at's of rig. 1. : Mueller’s Flowers, Detwilor's ada a art ! mild ‘ C
& Ww go Mave nol. replied Junior "but 1 was the Barber Stop. Baro v CHEDDAR CHEESE 49: 50° an’t
. . | closest one to it.” Shop and Scopie's i J
Churchill Coming Over * x x Shop | ad Scopie s Barber Sho. Been To One ? SPAM, TREET, PREM or MOR nor Aq SELL 1
10 s' Ele al, Ways|
President-elect Risenhow er must be doing | Bill Zeamer told me “Regardless of jae Electrical, Wolgemuth's Electri Got Engaged ? Sultana We ss
allright for the American people, judging | cal, Acme Si | Largs or Small refi 49¢
from Churchill’s plans to rush over for a|World situation, a good round steak wiil glia Ao ore, Hess" Food| ysis al
series of conferences. From all we can! make a good square meal. — —- — You don't! iy Pood Store, ack Been Jilted ? i IVIN'S SALTINE CRACKERS es 23°
Keener Furni-
learn, Churchill fears General Eisenhower [suppose he’s gi fo’ boost een? ture Store, Kulp's Confections Joined a Club or | EIGHT O'CLOCK, SoFFee 77: 32.50% MORE
may be thinking too much of the American | * ery. Bennelt’s Rest: 2 bags $1.53 bag
people and too Tittle of Britain's hopes (for | Irvin Fritz told me Saturday nigh! thai he Restaurant, John {| B !
Booth's Store, Wasl at i JANE PARKER 4/501 9.
Th ders fo a it is {hae been having such lovely dreams lately | pigs, S : Cintong| een Thrown Out of One POTATO CHIP Von bor 72: yy 25° hy 47° MORE
: ns sSals w (that he is now wearing glasses to bed every & Toor cb : :
sald for America’ to: devalue. the doles) Foret : g = are! & Jean Shop, Marian Had Triplets, Quads or RAISIN BREAD JANE PARKER 17¢ Give your
abroad. But don’t worry. From all indi-| > % Ba.) ua Shor, Stoan’s Phar. a nn Wo ! Filed wine ay lous get better
cations General Ike is master of the situa. i 4 macy, Tyndall's Store, Hostet Even a Baby : MAN S DAY monly Frat, & each 1° your ad b
tion and from the start he has made in his | Coppy Mumma says: “If you want to see how fer's Hardware Store, Newcom.- 1 SN nm —_—

appointments to-date, hell be able to |1a’ n shrinks things, just save some money for or 8s Hardware Store, Krall's | Had An Accident ? | I
handle Winston Churchill a lot more capab- | a rainy day.” eats, Martin's 5 & 10, Mt. Joy 1 ' F 0 li HEINZ F d 3 iH
ly than his two predecessors did. | * * { Dept. Store, Kitty's Dress Shop. || 1 amous ua ity 00 S: { ——
CF a +9 Here's one Jimmy Markley sent from Eng- | lo Eby’s Bread, Elwood |} That S News. Please Tell Us So We il 5 Bsn with» HEINZ SOUPS }
New Year's Resolutions land (I should say Sgt. Markley.). | Mar if Ss a, Hallgren’s Milk, | i ! re CT oe a oa wit at
tus Rutt Insurance. O. K. Sny- | : . 1 ory, Green Pea, $plit Poo, Chicken, Chicken with
be , 5 | A young soldier lost his rifle. Brought before Vegetable with or with. es, Clom Chowder, on /ER THI
dire th be 8 sport lo Haake a the colonel he was told he'd have to pay for it dep s Insurance, Snavely's Lum- | Can Print It and Tell Your Friends with or wi Riz. Clom Chowder, ond OV
We dort hea oo oY teaay. | “Suppose 1 lost a tamk, sir?” asked the sol- fo Darrenkamp’s Candy Store, 0 Je gi 25¢ 2 1-02 33¢ es
Perhaps folks no longer have to turn over |dier. “Surely I wouldn't have to pay for that.” B Mae Beauiy Shop, Eberle | HEI y ° Alot np. Qui
a new leaf, now and then. But like Emer- | "Yes", replied the colonel. “Even if it took | B Sar and Dor-Jan ! NZ TOMATO Soup Fi 32¢ $ SH
son said, “a good intention clothes itself | | the rest of your army career fo do it.” Op. Jen Groff Real] l HEINZ TOM 14-01 ¢ oe
with sudden En | “Gosh.” said the soldier. “Now I know why | Silk. Heilig Funcral Home, The Th 9 470 wits 25€ $ FACH AD
Yet there’ ws another old saying we never | a captain goes down with his ship.” Bulletin, Joy Theatre, Melhorn e { ( HEINZ BEAN VE rr. EGET fi OO, al leon. 2Tc
forgot. It is that “only a weakling breaks we Sr Beas and Stanley Brushes. | 1 SI AANA A dod Pn lt atria ({
a resolution — and only a fool makes one.” | Well that’s the last time I must write this | Hose Who are contacted dur- | | MOUNT JOY Phone 3-9661 | Al
Us, we'll resolve right now to try to make | column for this year. ing the remainder of this week | | 87 EAST MAIN S @ Be st
this column a bit more interesting during "Happy New Year folks.”. | will be listed in next week’s| MAI T. MT. JOY, PA.
1953. ET A WISE OwL Bulletin. fo... : Em