The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, December 25, 1952, Image 2

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wns Of
December 25, 19,
2—The Bulletin, Mount Joy, Pu.,

one Scrap
Question And [Strange Paradox
Answers For GI's |About Christmas

Tv wR ve













than a
Beauty, charm, even
attract men much less
capacity to be happy.
—New York Times.
$F 8
Fewer Farmers
The state today nas 35,000 fewer
of industries and cities has reduced
number of farms, a decline of more than 9%ily wrapped packdges.
3,500,000 acres, the federal government in-
forms us in a news release this week.
But, the federal
ciency of Pennsylvania farmers and im-
proved methods adopted have resulted in
increased crops to the extent that the state |
ranks higher then ever before.
In 1944 the
earned $26.34 if you can believe
per year,
. federal statistics. In 1949 this had increased |
to $39 per acre.
. “That may be true for an average in the
state. But. many of our readers can shaw
you many a farm right in this section which |
earns for its owner a good bit more than |
qualities | Walter replied:
woman's | bidding against you?”
far m |
i 35 while the expansion |
workers than in 193 he the | | who asked where they were going with
overnment adds, the effi- | ill Thursday!’
average acre in the state |
“Who do you think
| x ox x
WiJma Ealon dressed in holiday finery last
Tuesday to aitend a Christmas poriy at the
church. She called a fri2nd, told her to be sure
and bring a present and soon they headed up
town. On the way they met an acquaintance
“To the church,
And the
"Why that isnt un-
" — — — — Just a slight error
isimas party.” was the reply:”
| acquaintance exclaimed.
x * *
ed a woman standing next to him.
| man” , he said, "have you got
{ won't let me loan it to anybody.”
that was |
studying commerce
A child's persistent sniffling on a bus annoy- .
“Young liberal arts college,
a hoandker-
* * *
Sorry, gotta leave you folks. It's gettin’ too
Mrs. Robert Stevenson and
Mrs. John Vaughn, Philadelphia
were the guests of Mr. and Mrs
Walter Eshleman, 321 WwW. Done-
gal St., last week.
Kenneth Drohan, Mt. Jov R:
arrived hope from college Sun-
day to spend the Christmas holi-
ays with his parents, Mr and
Mrs. Car! B. Drohan
A student at Goshe
hen, Ind.,
n College,
Drohan is enroli-
his senior year He is

and English.
Goshen College is a
operated by
Church. The
568 full-
the Mennonite
present enrollment is
replied the child, “but my mother lime students, of which number
a total of thirty hail from Lan-
caster county,
Stl GF ee ester
There is no petter way to hoost
your business than by local news. |
smail |

tloor for any room in the hous

Age aue 1g wales, ood, eic,
re MN 3 ” Call
QI'S O01 service. Qi us
today !
Open every day & evening except Wednesday
Published every Thursday at 11 East LONG AGO a for your gonvenience.
| i | Rd x
Main Street, Mount Joy, I! . sees Says 0. Messner mr
Lancaster County, Pa. Il ot | 1f you have served in the arm ! J est i paid EASE, t
William. N. Young, Publisher | 90 YEARS AGO ed forces since the Korean fight S——— : __BEEF HIDE FA Ni KITCHEN | GRE od aoc )
= Mp v | eo . Xn : ing ad ¢ lied for a pen- Otto F. Messner, State Sec Se EE —————— NM
Fred J. Alberte, Editor & Manager I'he Junior High School, as 8 and had applic : =
: ) 8 { r wi go to school, {retary venue, today point id I d uo
Pearl Roth, Assoc. Editor &' Bus Mgr I isted by the lower grades, wiil fon, or want to go to chool re 1 ary of Re ven 9 ny Dol The T coba n ustries A
I ni peretta entitled the following questions and an-led out a “strange paradox’ a ELIZABETHTOWN, WW
— a | nesen A Sd xe 2 : + 2
John E. Schroll, Editor and Publisher {| Dr Indian Princess” on Dec, Swers may be a help in deter- bout Christmas season. PHONE 429
1901 - 1952 I | ¢ at d 17 mining your eligibility. “For more than 19 centuries, | - . IV] |
{ 16 an 7 { . i
ie : | The Shining Star class ho Q-—I used up all my entitle- Christmas has been closely link A
Subscription Rate: $2:00 Per Year by Mail I I'he Shining Star class of th d . oc pa yu stm n ;
fai I Florin held a! ment for {training under the ed to the theme of ‘good will to 4
Advertising rates upon request |i U. B. Church, Florin, h re 7 WE SPRA Y— by i
Entered at the posto™ t Mount J | Hallowe'en party at the home World War II GI Bill, then I ward men, he said. Desplee |
“ red a * posto tice at Mount Joy 1 ‘ : : : i .
> : earl Bulle went back into service and was that long tradition, this perioc WwW
Pa yas second-class mail under the Act I oy 9 , ear] Bl Deak were! disabled in Korea. Would I be of the year finds more motorists Exte or liar ails i {
of March 3, 1879. ii crys y . i: tan: her 1 . Rt
i Jlanche Kathryn Ressler, 14- eligible for more training un- killing themselves and othel 3 d C i A h 0 | i
Member, Pennsylvania Newspaper | Hie oN d on ea r of Mr. and der the law that furnishes train- people than any other time.” | With Wate roo 0 as sp ait 1 %
Publishers’ Association Mrs. Morris Ressler, Jr., Mari- ing to disabled veterans? | It is scarcely in keeping with ONTACT
set r : . i Sere vt f 5
aa SE SR | | BY A WISE OWL etta | A—If you meet all the cligi- the spirit_of good will, Messner LGEMI TH & MARTIN x
| Adam Fishburn, aged 80, olibility requirements for training thinks. Thoughtlessness he be- RX]
Editorially . | Well with the exception of five more days Hummelstown. Survivors are under the Vocational Re-habili- lieves, is most to blame for the 212 West High Street ELIZABETHTOWN. PA. uv
“ame : eek 5
{ next week when hunters can slaughter sm all his widow and two sons, Frank, | tation Act for disabled veterans, awesome toll of dead and crip PHONE 149 RK]
The Aray Air Depot | ame (providing they can find any) the 1952 of Hummelstown, and Harry, of | you may take further training, pled over the Yuletide holiday 14-tf dM
’ -
| huntin’ season is done for. Believe me ils a Mount Joy even though you used all your “Some of us may become so y
That little editorial last week in which | bout time. Mrs. Daniel Shaffer, 56, wile | entitlement under the World intent on enjoying ourselves
we mentioned that the army air depot, over he * we of Daniel M. Shaffer, died at! War II GI Bill that we forget about the other here R alls fe, be ¥
Which [here was xo much controversy jast) Of all the huntin’ stories which in my esti Ler home in West Donegal Twp Q—I applied for a pension fellow. He has the very same very 0 y, veryw ere, i i
year, has not been located and still may | ust dern lies, we've heard enough W. K. Gerlach, 27, died Fri-|jast year for a nonservice-con- right to happiness that we do
come to Lancaster County, really stirred up | Ml Ce bigger then eny dictionary Web- day morning in the Lanc. Gen- | pected disability, and VA turn-| Just one second ‘ol eles ER 7 AEE PATA TS A TR ET A PK
interest. tor ever wiole eral hospital. ed me down because my yearly ness behind the wheel can turn | a #
/ : | ster '% * * Bobby and Patty Tyndall en- income was above the legal into sorrow. Let's resolve im 4 -
At the Marietta depot, workers openly | Sl he Eh: he - &s ‘drivers es A
3 righ a still} tertained a number of their lit maximum. I understand that in-|that our behavior as driver: n A
we Yee righ Band that there still | Guess you all know Plumber Jay Meckiey: tle playmates at a Hallowe'en {come ceiling wan Lo Won't bring tragedy into the SE }
is a real possibility of the air depot coming | wren he can fix almost enything that's buste party in the basement of their | July. Will VA revie v ease life of anybody this year-end NGL ¥
near here. Well, we tried again this week 1 deer A review my case ; i 3
nd couldn't ret any com — from Wash- | IP inetal and he’s right handy at tellin’ deer , 5. Main street. automatically, and pay me the! holiday.’ i ok All £4) b #
ar PL CC me 'C ashn- 1 ye Ts Ne == . by
tho 5 > stories too. TARE Ar pension if I am eligible under!” 4 isima as Wee IN by
ington RS 0 ¥
g . * Yo Yo 15 YEARS AG the new ceiling? Or must I ap | G—I want to learn plumbing puri ng 1.8 rvice siores A hd
i the new ceiling ust I ap-! . 0 i i
All of which confirms our suspicion that : Y ck Ridce to I'wo large tobacco ware-| funder the Korean GI Bill in a ALP Se n be :
a sthing he re f Jay was up in Perry County (Buck Ai houses: (formerly Beamesdert- | 2% 3 4 that was approved by my |i will be ope i RY)
there's really something to the report, after lb 1) and shot himself a nice 6-pointer be- 3 A—You will have to reapply | 5 4 ys br MN
all. Because that's usually the way Wash- 38 DD was a hall our old. After he on the rear lot, purchased for a pension. No automatic = for training under the TUESDAY an bs Yama
y cre > y Mr. Chertcoff for a new mos i wide ce ~ | World War II GI Bill. Does that |
ington works! : re were so PY Mr. Chertoff for a new mov-1 . 00 0 hain | World We A :
the entrails he says there were s ie theatre here. have been raz wi Dension. cases is be NS World 11 GI approval carry over |} 0 A oh: til =
| many half-starved crows and buzzards all a © " ; ld to Alvin Made, in cases where applicants! sr post-Korean veterans? \ Fa oa
or & *7 | i tin’ fresh eal that he ©¢ ey were Sold 10 AVN were titried down: because of . i i i
round him waitin’ on a fresh meal a it Rt ; ¢ { ecause yor Ea we He .
teist, who removed the build : + A—No. Your school must be % x
‘t fi i Pe income limits. | Tz WN i Us
It L i Th 4 Th: k! couldn't find his way back to Cam ings, and Leroy Eshleman, who : | State - approved specifically for All prices in this Ad elective Bum he
§ Laier an ou n Q—I intend to go to college!’ ss | vhrough Wedn2-"1y, Dac. 24i Ay
Christmas is less than a week away—but * * * removed the material for a bun- | jor the Korean GI Bill. The under the Korean GI ¥ 5 Vera aan iN
« © © C 2} see : 1 1 ) T 3111. ine : 3 : N §
3 in Rapho township. . . i yj BIL in order for you to train 3 rr
even if you haven’t much more than started Yep! Sure as you're born, he drug that deer oo ap : > townsh DY Bui. | WE I figure it, I will be entitled ord $ i i
your Christmas shopping. there’s to : ill t alternoon. oy OL QUAY | os tres vears of training. Does J To Qur and Customers A
berhad ot Pi > I S I h arcund in the woods till late that suite was crowned: the en | 2
e had on local store shelves. So scan the Hi i 1d hen he did | NB Py “| that mean I can get only three i i 13 ne 1
’ is brother-in-law Baxter, told me when ae hia Corn NSE tt Dt ) i. FF. 0 REP RD VB fs I
columns of this issue and you'll get many | ~et+ it to camp there wasn’t a hair on its body champion on Ha ker of Peni years of college? Beni. F. Gaz ber % VE RRY { IRS LAE AR a A if 4,
of the answers to your Christmas shopping So draggin it so far Sylvania a He is state wide A Not You Vouk A. fg 0
= . mtest held at rk aly do a [i 5 A
problems. A cones A 2 : would be entitled to three years ul OF Us AT A P 0 Plan
Ye and don’t forget that a subscription * * x While hunting in the vicinity Ly 8 Durer 3 s| FARM BUREAU i i & vs
Pb: Se hue Th o many, many hunters squawk- | » neg : . | of actual training time. If your Mutual Automobile Insurance Co. |§ | RL »
to this paper makes a mighty nice Christ- | are were g 7 : of Midway School Gerald] 2 C1 tay ere il : otual Automobile Ins 1 hn
pal i f dee d when a a chool, for ¢ Xampie, 1s on a 9- Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Wt n
mas gift—one that will show up each week | ing about the scarcity of deer an Grove, Amos Wertz ‘and Dr N. 100th basis. vou conid train for TT ol CRA MBERRY SAUC "
of the year. You give it, and we’ll do our: |Jang of riflemen did see one, everyone want Newcomer, ‘Jr. had a very un- at sel . Lh OL Todd tram go Vi vi Slug Ww
. Seanad : ur schoo ars on 7 pode ] n HN
durndest to make Tt a worthwhile gift! ed to shoot first—result, they all missed. pleasant experience. From the Sith entit 2 your : Balin AG IR u OCEAN SPRAY £) 16.c2 Yk JERSEY DELI 0
is viele lus nitieme ulletin Ads Pay Big Dividends. | » Whole or Jeilied cans Bd Strained Xo ]
: woods a man walked briskly it don Ww ts
And right now we want to remind all of * * * ; ER RB SG - - | is buye
tow: them and spoke Penn: Ve on UY
fap readers nai 1 takes mighty little 10) 4 one comp in Perry County $81 putch putting hie reed on rool] ANCA \STER COUNTY P <Q ¥ Bell's Poultry Seasoning mo 10° 8
; Jut putting his hand on his £ N ya x
Sa Ena He js Plating ores, | locked like a laundry. There were half a doz: heart then fell over The trio ul (V4 COUNTY PARADE 113 PROGRESS EB J Pa ! Stuffi Bre qd Rios 21c i made
els a e carelu len leng clothes lirjes full of shirt tails swing: | made immediate efforts at re re soe ane rarer 4 ing reat Ios} 3 0 Walt
Here are a few simple suggestions te |ing in the breeze. | suscitation which failed. He was - RY Fruit Cocktail poles, Nor, 35e 4 D. L.
avoid a Christmas catastrophe which we * * * .. .. |pronounced dead from a cere- Am g { Ie R hr C 4 By q PX
clipped from our copy of The Rotarian this We know of one guy who helps print the Bral hemorrhage by Dr. Mar O O raineg [da A&P Apple Sauce 9 er SI 2
month: Bulletin, that was real lucky. If his pais would tin of Manheim. The man was 2 Prem S i Tr i Mo 12-02, 41c 3
Keep ithe tree. outside = few lays have followed the usual custom after missing Clayton Hershey. aged’ 77. who | Silo Contra t ¥ ’ pai 3 eet or mor J Can i 4] SE
before’ Chives, When a ite it in, | & buck. this fellow wouldn't have had any of jived on an adjoining farm | AER Cio 3 Cheddar Cheese "i. 45 | i ——
> id 3 Sys Fang Cb aw 3 Ww ww th. Va A
keep it moist by cutting the trunk on a | his shirt left. * 0 oy where me h Fie Is were passing. Recognition as a leadiro equirements. i Olives SULTANA LARGE OR 107:-ot. 48: Plain 10-0z, =
"ip He NE ey cv efrigerator oy
diagonal and placing the base in water. | A truckload of coal was en- | builder and contractor Also the Vandale = Silo Un- | ¥ SMALL STUFFED OLIVES = Queen Jar os C
~ . + x . 3 dangerec en tire aug . ! 3 Ph
Shut off nearby radiators. Elwocd Martin, the milk peddler, told me : 1gered : wh n a ure caught|corded Amos G. Rohrer | loader which loads the hardest WEVA = =A
Never use lishted candles. { he met two hunters dragging a heavy log. He fre and the flames spread to junga who is ‘exclusive o e|grozen grass or corn silage and | 3 \ Florida New "cle Natural Color i
Check the electric wiring for worn spots | qsked them if their fire-place would burn logs '¢ body of the vehicle as it was| fan Craine Silos line Wich |is paramount in its’ field. You | 3 ( Ea i
Q i Js | ’ x won: er) traveling throuol Se n Yea 3 Fa i Ny 3 Br . a
and loose connections. Don’t overload the | that long. When one of ‘em said: This ain't a le on a th aga Salunga.|includes the Nateo, Korok,|can call on Amos B. Rohrer for | ; h QO :
circuits. Be sure that none of the electric [log it's our buddy. "“ Se 0 : Sh opie; who Woodstave and Triple models! Sales and Service with confid- § ( : : :
bulbs touches a branch. | 1 asked: “Well what happened. Was he was following the truck, noti-|w hichever meets your specific | ence. ( \ ¢
Turn of the tree lights when vou leave | shot?” Reply: “Heck no, just half shot.” fleg the driver and summoned|.________ rr ta ee |W ( 200 - 216 J n
the house or go to bed. : the Salunga ompany. The | .. .. "| NONE PR 22 wm
ir § 1 E12 4 d n 2
Remove accumulations of gift wrappings | * * * blaze was extinguished before % i. TM K Re on ul i HIGH
from around the tree. Use only fireproof | ¥ cimost forgot io tell bout three Te2ched the cargo | C onl ly AEC i i ? | py
decorations, never cotton or paper. | mos: 10 ‘sll YOu oboul lee le 2 cALWORNIA Chis ba c
> i 3 , ; New | lows from town were huniing up state and they 10 YEARS AGO x7 ° 7 . 4 0)
And finally, get rid of the tree by New | ag hod o5 Vh i | F F , 5 i PASCAL go iS od
Year's Dav. I Jn on waich the owner had sev ry Card party held at WY 10 esa e ruil Im 3 ( T NGERIN FLORIDA LARGE 150-176 SIZE 28c Be Si
: | eral hundred geese.. h ashington School. Florin 5 / . ) NONE PRICED HIGHER dozen i ge
io & 7 One of the hunters asked the farmer how he realized $119 and the proceeds Wholesale and retail fruit and) larde trade and supplies, hotels, | D LICIOU APPLES WESTERN RED | A 3 yo
{can tell the geese from the ganders. He replied |... given to the War R Tens | produce is featured by H. F.|inys, stores, markets and res- 4 FANCY # kd
. . ture i . x M for aa : b tts ons 8 RT Tau aly 4 IDAHO BAKING U. § A
Don’t Let Fire Ruin Your Christmas! |"We cant. We pst ne hem all loose and let Committee. Mrs. John | McKonly of 318 Cherry Stiect, |! pg in a whole bain 13 ( POTATO nos ait mmo 10 ob i
Fire, which humans need to live com- | em figure it out for themselves. Bender won a floor lamp and!in Columbia. Pa } f Broa oo are ) GR WIT INDIAN RIVER 3 for 5: 0"
fortable lives, can, when uncontrolled, be- | * * * Oliver Snyder, a Vietory Bond, Established in 1936 the Me A a bi . o£; ic 2 ¥ ( ih, i
come man’s most destructibe enemy. And: : ; as door prizes rors ne : Arm hoteg for ‘excelent. pro- ff \ Sweet Potaioes FANCY JERSEY ws. 286 va
. ; : { h ‘or m Konly Firm sells a full line of! 4d ‘ts and pr NPV OH qa
it seems everv vear right befor Christmas| A certain farmer in Rapho township recent The Tower Room My story” on i abt ask ducts and prompt service in the i ( Red Emperor 2 ms 23 i
We Heat of 50 many: terrible fires. ‘ly had some of his prize pullets stolen. Next was presented by the: Senior resh iruits and vegetables to a| Lancaster area it serves so well. 5% ( up " OV
Ih Lit i Ste Suttle out i day he posted this notice. class of the Mt. Joy High Schooi | rn rr |B Imported Fancy Chestnuts ws. [90 a
i 8 ce fr > S 0 1e i hi ol This red a : 2
In Liti no be 4 om fre ut the | Anyone found in or near my chicken house Thurs: . Miss Catharine Ze Large Diamond Walnuts iw. pkg. B80 i»
life o small child. In another county
€ OL & sma . € at night will be found there the next morning” ler directed and assisted by En as e It 1 1 Sun-Glo F Mi TH ve. §9 i
town a child is burned seriously. In Phila- | 25 Relat 5 { un-Gio Fancy ixed Huis mw. ra ¢ ) i
C oz +1 TE ma heigle, a studen Nf . aps . ) ,
delphie. Saturday, 230 children were TT % x Three i Hallowi Pitfed Dates orn = 26
i ol i t] 11¢ woh fir li 3 a Wo bu To y TA
wagered whe theatre caught lire during. " 3 : Ni y : { § ;
ash I A a. | Overheard (lwo gals talking about a third lied for hunting leens ounty Fa ers vi [OLD SOUTH FROZIN } i) -
=p ff Has, { who spent more money than her husband were the oid said offic ints ORANGE JUICE "Gz TY \ fa
oe made): “She cuts om awiul thick peel rom~<a to apply in the count for sev.) When your barn is prgperly lmfik, greater milk poaduction, | \ 3 4
{0 a'i seo. ral vears. The , Be . fve lated by automatic &quip 11 s teed fe. DE Te- { on < >
~ y | Snel palo. Vel Adina. $ MOR Were mont sold by toma F. x ity | HS ae i x ot Strawberries SNOW COP SLICED yo 2%¢ 0 ®
For Your Scrap-book J * * Lig AAcams, negro, 98, Landis- f S I. Relty | ghirs and a host of other ad- o Frozen Peas Ba 9 39¢ #
He gives not best who gives most; but | ville; Samuel Walker, 83. Lan Se on you can be surg of fantages accrue and Mr. Felty 5 SNOW CROP pkgs bn amas
he gives most who gives best. If I cannot! Auctioneer Dupes, from Elizabethtown, re- caster R5: and John M Sweig- | lent results that more is glad to answer all inquiries A AAA eA Ar er AY i NG
give bountifully, yet I will give frecly, and | cenily sold, among other atlicles, a parrot ai! art, 83, E-town RI pay tor the investment inve and give a free estimate to p Brown and White
what I want in my hand. I will supply by | a public sale. After spirited bidding the bird jr i ; farmers anywhere in the entire 4 IE} %
my heart. was knocked off to a farmer. = lealthier herds, better grade] area. Call Marietta 6-3205. R »
—Warwick.! Phe purchaser asked Dupes if the bird talks, = 8 3 MEDIUM LARGE
dozen in dozen in
or _
dated carton
Sugar i PE
Butter suite "in
Desserts & Pudding
dated carton Se
49 10» 97
wii 175°
Jo 2


Nutley Oleomargarine aw 998 CE
Eight 0'Clock Coffee 77° 2) 23
Fruit Cake 0 2%52.49::53.95 4
3] A
CTHIN MINTS © 33° «a2 §
CHOCOLATES =» 39,15 = 2,719)
HARD CANDIES cones. wr 28° § oo

A WISE OWL advertising. iE EE
$150 per acre a year. And that ain't the galders close lo Christmas.
kind of cabbage you eat, either!