The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, December 18, 1952, Image 1

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TO 000

The Bulletin
Now Has Reached

Club, Parties, Social, Parties,
Scout, Auxiliaries, Church.
PHONE MT. JOY 3.9661

LII, NO. 29

Thru Second
Routine Check Up
Snares Burglar
Van’s Servicenter, West Main
Street, this borough, was bur-
glarized Saturday morning be-
tween the hour of 1:30 and 2:00
a. m. The burglar secured entry
into the building by climbing a
2-in. drain pipe in the rear and
entering through a second story
A total of $95 in cash was
stolen, $70 of this money was in
iwo envelopes inside the door
and $25 was taken from a draw-
er in a filing cabinet.
A routine check was ordered
by Chief of Police Park Neiss,
and Joseph Habecker, 25 Delta
Street, was arrested by Officer
Good. On evidence secured at
the scene of the burglary, Hab“
ecker was committed to jail and
held for a hearing before Squire
Brown, Mount Joy.
ee ee tl
Local Couple Weds
At Maryland Church

The marriage of Miss Shirley
Ann Sweitzer, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Henry G. Sweitzer,
Jr., Golden Spring Farm R2, to
Russell L. Erb, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Lester Erb, Lancaster R3,
took place Sunday, December 7
at 2 p. m. in Center Methodist
Church, Forest Hill, Md. The
Rev. James H. Talley officiated.
The bride was given in mar-
riage by her father. Miss Fran-
ces Wolgemuh, Mount Joy, was
maid of honor. The bridesmaids
were Mrs. Joseph Kaylor, of
Rheems and Miss Nancy Ginder
Mt. Joy R1. Miss Glenda Knight
was junior bridesmaid and Con-
nie Musser, Terre Hill, the
flower girl.
Ushers were Charles Knight,
New Holland and Harry Bishop,
Mt. Joy R1. Roy Erb, brother of
the bridegroom, served as jun-
ior usher.
Gift receivers were Mr.
Mrs. Charles Knight,
A reception for 75 guests was
held in the Landisville Fire
The couple will reside in the
Sentz Apartments, Mt. Joy R1.
40 SD.
New Hol-
Rotarians Hear Talk
On Germany
A united Germany is what
the German people want. They
would like nothing better than
to sit on the side lines and
watch us fight Russia, stated Mr.
Russell Kaiscaden, at the reg-
ular Tuesday dinner meeting of
the Rotary Club, held at Hos-
Mr. Kaiscaden had spent a
number of years in Germany as
an officer in the United
States Army. Kaiscaden stated
that he had toured Germany
and that the United States Ar-
my in Germany is in a position
to give a good account of them-
selves. In fact, he said, we are
a lot better off than in 1950,
and, should there be a war, it
is his opinion Germany would
go all out for the U. S. as we
are considered the lesser of the
two evils by the German people
Mr. Koiscaden closed his in-
teresting talk by stating that
the German people have plean-
iy to eat and the children are
fat and healthy.
Candlelight Service
At Florin Church
A Christmas Candlelight ser-
vice will be held on Sunday ev-
ening at' 7:30 p.m. at the Florin

i Church of the Brethren.
The musical numbers will be
rendered by the church choir
under the direction of Mrs.
Mary Longenecker.
The program is sponsored by
the Young People’s Dept. The
public is cordially invited to at-

Servicenter Burglarized On
Saturday Night; Entry Made
Story Window
High School
To Give Play
This Friday
On December 19, the last day
of school before Christmas va-
cation at Mt. Joy High School, |
the play “Why the

The play is under the direction
of Miss Catherine Zeller,
has a musical background done
by the high school chorus under
the leadership of Mr. George |
This is the same play
dent Council will sponsor the
annual Christmas party for the
entire school.
Entertainment and refresh- |
ments are part of the program
after which the school will be
dismissed for the Christmas va- |
The school has taken on an
air of festivity with all the holi-
day decorating. Student Coun-
cil trimmed the tree in the main
hall of the school building. The
Home Economic Qepariment)
made the decorations for the
doors of the rooms. The home |
rooms made scenes for the |
blackboards in keeping with the
Sells Fruitcakes
Members of the Senior class
are selling fruit cakes as a mon-
(From Page 6)
Farm Women
Elect Officers
Mrs. Raymond Heisey, Eliza-
bethtown, was the speaker at
the Farm Women's Society #8,
meeting held at the home of
Mrs. Charles Felty, Maytown,
Saturday afternoon, with Mrs.
Arthur C. Mayer, outgoing pres-
ident presiding.
anne Bixler played the selection
“Hark The Angels Sing” on the
Oboe and “Come All Ye Faith-
The members answered the
roll call by naming a Christmas
Carol. Mrs. Mark Herr, County
President, made the installation
of officers. The officers elected
were: Mrs. Paul Erb, president:
Mrs. Charles Felty, vite-presi |
dent; Mrs. Lloyd Derr, record-
ing secretary; Mrs. Ruth Eby,
corresponding secretary and
Mrs. Alyin Reist, treasurer.
Mrs. W. Scott Heisey led the
group with Christmas Songs.
Thirty-two members and six
visitors were present. The Co-
Hostesses were Mrs. Lewis Bix-
ler, Mrs. John Warfel and Mrs.
J. Brandt.
TET © nie
John J. Schroll
New Fire Chief
At Marietta Depot
John J. Schroll, Pinkerton
Road, this boro, will be the new
fire chief at the Marietta Army
Transportation Corps Depot.
He succeeds Herbert J. “Whit-
ey” Blankenmyer, Mount Joy
R1, who died last week.
Schroll, who has been a mem-
ber of the Depot Fire Depart-
ment for five years, must under
go a 90-day trial period as act-
ing chief before being appointed

Chimes |
Rang” will be presented in the
assembly at 1:15.
and |
per- |

Mrs. Heisey's theme was
“Treasure At Your Feet” and
recited a number of poems|g
composed by the speaker her-
Piano selections were given
by Lorain Felty, her selection
was ‘‘Cascade”, Helen Felty
played “Waltzer” and Mary
Ann Felty, “Consultation”. Jo-
All the ch
present up t
Mount Joy, Pa., Thursday Afternoon, December 18,
1:30 P. M. SHOW STARTS 2:
of the Community are invite
o and including the ag

Children’s Christmas Party
Wednesday, December 24,
:00 P, M.
d to be
ol twelve years.
E POST NO. 18%

Germers Officially Notified Arrives From
Of Sons Death In C-47 Air Tripoli By Plane
Disaster In California
Indefinite As To When
Body Will Be Recovered
At Scene Of Crash

Mrs. Robert Germer was offi-

the 11,000 ft. level, she will be
immediately notified by the Of-
futt Air Force Base.
Lt. Germer served thirty-two
months in World War II and re-
mained in the Active Reserves]
In Time For Xmas
| Lt. Donald L. Nealis, former-
!1y of Coatesville and his wife,
the former Josephine Weaver,
of Mt. Joy, and eighteen month
old daughter Linda Carol, arriy-
led Saturday at Westover, Mass.
by plane from Whelus Air Force

cially notified by the Offuitt Air|{from 1945 until March 1951 B ir. Noth Af
! v . as recalle active | Base, a, -
Force Base that there were no:Wwhen he Was ree Med to ae ve re where. Lt. Neti hat Beer
._|duty and reported at Green- wo y
survivors in the crash of the C- ville, S. C. where he spent three | with the military transport ser-
47 on December 1st, upon months before being sent to the! | vice Since August Sig op
which her husband, Lt. Robert! gar East for Korean duty. He | Mrs. Noun Is he Rumi y
Germer was one of the pilots returned to the States July 1952 of Mr. and Mrs. John eaver
The plane was
enroute from
Offutt Air Base,
Omaha, Neb. to
March Air
teen men a-
as to how much time
required to bring the
from the scene of the crash, at
may be
Candlelight Service
And Caroling Tour
Listed For Xmas Eve
A Christmas Eve Candlelight
Service will be held in St.
Mark's Evangelical U.B. Church
on Wednesday Evening, Decem-
ber 24, from 11 to 12 o'clock.
The pastor, Rev. Ezra H. Ranck
will be leader of the service.
The choir and the congregation
will join in® the singing of tra-
ditional carols, in addition to
special numbers by the choir.
Two readers assisting in the
candle-lighting service will be

Patricia’ Schroll and Miriam
Tyndall. Several other young:
people will assist in this portion
of the service.
Following the service in the
church the Youth Fellowship
will conduct a caroling tour of
the community, and periods of
fellowship in several of the
homes of the church.
Makes a Fine Gift
Please your friends and at
the same time save time, en-
ergy, worry and money. Send
them the Bulletin one year
for a Christmas Gift. It will
recall you and your present
fifty-two times thruout the
year and is a gift that is far
more appreciated than the

Although it is ga,
bodies to their home
after serving one year
He was assigned to Offutt Air
Base at Omaha, Neb
an Air Base weather
where he piloted official weath-
ermen to other stations through-

Force B a s I the States on inspection
near San Ber- tours, each trip requiring ap-
pardino. Calif | one week
ornia, when the Lt. Germer was a member of
plane crashed the Evangelical United Breth
on Mt. San Gor- | ren Church of Mount Joy.
gonio with thir- : Mrs. Germer, who was Mar
Itha Greider, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Rea Greider,
and her son, Michael,
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Germer,
parents of Lt. Germer, returned
at 121 North Bar
bara Street on Monday
Mrs. Frey Marks
94th Birthday
A large number of friends
called on Mrs. Martha Jane
Frey Tuesday In celebration of
her 94th birthday.
Mrs. Frey, who is in excellent
health, is the daughter of the
late Mr. and Mrs. J. Hoffman
Hershey, Salunga, and resides
with © her daughter, Mrs. J.
Clarence Reist at Landisville,
She is a member of the Lan-
digville Mennonite Church and
attended the first campmeeting
Grounds over 75 years ago.
The young people of her
church enterained with Christ-
mas carols at the Reist home in!
the evening.
Christmas Cantata
At Methodist Church
A Christmas cantata will be
presented Sunday afternoon at
3:30 p. m. in the Mt. Joy Meth-
odist Church, by the Senior
choir, under the direction of
Mrs. G. Walter Sloan.
The three-part cantata includ-
es many fine choral, solo and
vocal combinations. This is the
annual Christmas cantata and
the public is again cordially in-
vited to attend

which is |
of Salun
at the Landisville Campmeeting !
ja sister of Miss Lois Weaver,
bond a niece of Mrs. Alice Heis-
Donegal Springs Road,
She joined her hus-
1950 and has not seen
| her homeland since that time
The daughter was born at Trip-
' oli and will be the first time the
| parents and relatives of the
"couple have seen her.
| Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Nealis,
| Coatesville, motored to West-
l over to meet their son and fam-
lily and to bring them home for
i the holidays.
Lt. Nealis will have a 30-day
before being transferred
to Tacoma, Wash. Prior to re-
tand, of
f his boro.
I band in
turning to the States the couple
enjoyed a 30-day tour of Eur-
— A —
Oid Landmark Building
Damaged By Fire Sun.
The Grubb mansion, a histor-
ical landmark in Columbia, was
threatened by fire Sunday, be-
lieved caused by overheated
pipes, at 6:45 p. m.
The mansion was
use of the manager of the old
St. Charles furnace, located
nearby and operated by the es-
It is: tenanted by Howard Ga-
ble family. Mr. Gable said he
was awakened at 6 a. m. when
smoke began filling his second
floor bedroom. He
checked two heaters on the first
[floor of the building and
found timbers smoldering un-

der the floor of the rear bed-
Firemen on the scene were
the Keystone Hook and Ladder
Co., Columbia, Shawnee, Vigil-
ant and Susquehanna Fire Com-
panies. The cause of the fire and
amount of damage was not de-
A 1950 Oldsmobile, owned by
James Krall, Marietta St. which
was stolen from in front of
his home Wednesday morning,
was recovered in Hummels-
The car had been wrecked.

built in;
1870 by the Grubb estate for the |
said he
later |
The Mount Joy Bulletin

$2. 00 a a Year in Advance

Notice To Readers
The Bulletin will go to
press next Tuesday. All
church notes, and news items
must be in the office
than Tuesday morning at 10
o'clock. Advertising Monday
Noon. The same goes into ef
feet the following week for
New Year's holiday.
Yule Play Sunday
At E. C. Church |
A play entitled “Christmas
Comes To Hampshire Road”
will be presented Sunday even
ing at 6 o'clock by the Evang
elical Congregational Church
by the Young People.
The story is a reminder how
dependent we are on
countries for the many things
we enjoy at the Christmas sea-
son. Those taking leading roles
are: Mary Anna Gish, Shirley
Wade, Jerry Berrier and Ralph
Berrier. There will be others in
the cast to represent
| nations. Special musical
tions will be on the Program.
sn mms Ul Res sons
Christmas Pageant
Sunday At St. Marks
A Star Shineth in the Dark-
ness, is the title of a Christmas
Pageant which will be present-
ed in St. Mark's Evangelical U.
B. Church, Sunday evening, at
7:30 .0o’clock. The pageant will
be presented by the youth group
of the church, with a number of
the young people
in the program of
addition to those who are
bers of the cast. Shirley
will serve as narrator for
no later

worship in
clude Clair Wagner,
Zimmerman, Thomas Zimmer-
man, Ruth Kauffman, William
Eby, Darlene Schneider, Jean
Will and Susan Knorr. Charles
Mayer will be leader of the ser-
vice and prayer will be
yy Fayne Wickenheiser.
Kuhn will be
the program will be
Mrs. Clifford Schmid,
in charge of ush-
sung by
Soccer Team
Enjoys Dinner
At Bennett's
entire Mount
team at a
tained the
High School
dinner on December
Mr. Joseph Dodge of
bethtown College spoke,
remarks were
John Day, soccer coach; Mr.
George Houck, Mr. W. I.
Ben Clinger, captain of the
| team, and Henry Klugh, cap-
tain-elect for next year's team.
Mrs. Bennett talked to the
group, explaining that the din-
ner has been and will be an an- |
nual affair to promote
manship and fair play—
whether the team
or losing one.
The dinner, a most appetizing
one, consisted of fruit cup, ham,
french fried potatoes, corn, ice-
cream, cake and milk or coffee.
The high school boys who at-
tended were Thomas Kear,
[ald Lutz, Charles Rovenolt,
William Zimmerman, Edgar
(Turn to page 5)
A “Thank You”
For A $50 Gift
The Remembrance Commit-
tee received a Christmas gift
last week. It was fifty dollars
given to them by the Mount Joy
Lions Club.
The committee extends their
thanks to this fine group for
helping the servicemen in this
community and assures the
Club the money will be used to
the best advantage,

Eby |
the |
Other members of the cast in-|
Genevieve |
numbers on!
15 at the;
made by |
Beahm, |
is a winning |
Ger- |

I'Local Woman And Girl Have
Narrow Escape From Would-
Be Assailant Sat. Evening .
Christmas Story
Told By Music
| From Possible Attack
| Police Make Arrest
A local woman and a local
h h Of G i girl (names withheld) escaped
t urc 0 possible injury Saturday night
| when they were chased by a
>. i i negro while walking on New
The music of Christmas, a A
: , | Haven Street.
carol choir cantata, by Ira B.|
: I The would be assailant was
[ Wilson, will be presented by
routed by Jay Shirk, Mt. Joy R2
who was driving by at the time.
Shirk, on seeing the negro chas-
evening at
the Mt. Joy Church of
choir on Sunday
7:30 p.. Mm : ; i
ed [ing the woman, immediately
I'his cantata takes the listen- stopped at the scene, but the
er along the old Christmas road f would be assailant, on seeing
to Christ of Bethlehem, reliev-|gpirk disappeared in the dark.
ing the scenes of the Christmas| The police stated that the
story, through the realm of mu- | yagro first gave chase to the
cic. The strains of the old loved | girl, but on seeing the woman,
numbers very
carols heard throughout gave up the pursuit and started
cantata make the | after her.
| beautiful | Shortly after the complaint
Special parts will be sung by | was made to the police, William
‘Kathryn Mumper, soprano, | Johnson, 38, 428 Mercer Street,
Mary Jane Graybill and Theda | Lancaster, was arrested by Offi-
Sherk, altos, Marvin Kaylor, |cer Good and Chief Neiss and
tenor and Ted Weidler, bass. | charged with two counts of dis-
Other members of the choir orderly conduct. Johnson was
participating are Betty Burger, committed to jail and held for
Marian Nauman, Ruth We Iman [8 hearing before Squire Brown.
Mae Zink, Betty Jane Charles, | -te——"
Ruby Helwig, Betty Helwig, |
Ethel Beamenderfer, Mary | Yule Activity
Graybill, Walter Stoner, Ds: wid |
Weidman, George: Broske, Les-
ter Eshleman
osm: Buy yess, and Plans Listed For
Preceding the rendition of the |
cantata, Ethel M. Broske, organ- Mt. Jo H. S.
list and director, will present al y
fifteen minute organ me————
— © - - |
{ The students of the Tri Hi ¥
| Club of the Mt. Joy high school
Buy An Extra | are sponsoring a Christmas
!semi-formal dance Saturday,
| December 20.
Toy For Some Jimmy Scott and his High-
{ landers will furnish the music.
Crippled Child or will be from 8:30 to
| Miss Kitty Wittle president
[of the Club and Mrs. Jane Me-
Gary is adviser for the group.
On Friday afternoon the Stu-
formed for the public last night
in the high school program at
Mount letting
the crippled children down. The
i barrel in front of Way's Appli
is still practically
Joy seems to be
ance empty.
| Why not spend an extra dime or | which time the musical groups
quarter this Christmas for a toy | also presented a separate pro-
and drop it in the barrel gram of their own.
The barrel was placed in this Following the play the stu-
| community by the Voiture 42,! dents will hold its annual Xmas
of the 40-8 of the American Le-| party at which refreshments
gion Post 185 in a toy campaign | _ (From page 8)
{ for the Crippled children’s Hos- | . SY
{pital at Elizabethtown, the Christmas Program To
siah Orphanage at Florin, the |
Christ Home at Paradise , and | | Be Held Sunday Eve.
{the Lancaster County Children’s
rvice Posts. Toys are being| A special Christmas program
will be presented by the Bible
school of Calvary Bible Church,
Sunday evening at 7:30 p. m.
There will be special recita-
| tions and songs by the children
| of the Bible school, musical sel-
dg N d | ections by various members of
Judges Named |:
Young People’s class, and a
collected thruout the city and |
county by Legion Posts by plac-
ling these collection barrels in |
stores. |
| ~~ {
1 Ww P; treading by Miss Ruth Ober-
holtzer, Rev. W. L. Wilson, the
n ay’ $ icture | pastor will deliver a short mes-
C l C | age
(Coloring Contest |“. of tue nigntignts of the
| Program will be the manger
| scene by
Way's announced today that |E
| Saturday, December 20th is the |the
deadline for turning in pictures |
the children. Mrs. Roy
Wolgemuth is chairman of
program committee,
ee ——

| in their picture coloring con | 44 " .
| test. In order to be judged, sn Caravan Of Cars will
t pictures must be in on or Make A Tour Of Towns
fore that date.
| On Monday,
To See Xmas Lights
December 22, the |
will take over and an See the “Christmas Lights”
nounce who will be the winner |, participating in the ‘Cara-
|of the record player.
The judges for the
are Burgess Fish,
lice Park Neiss and
| van of Cars” that is being or-
| ganized by the Glossbrenner E.
Chief of Po-|y, B. Church and Sunday
James Phil- | school at Florin.
lips. | The purpose is to share your
The last picture in the con- | ear with a friend, neighbor or
test appears in Way's advertise- | elderly person who does not
ment in the Bulletin this week. [have a car to tour the surround-
This last picture may be just ing vicinity to see the Christmas

the one that will produce the Lights.
| winner, so get busy, vou kids, Following the Sunday Ves-
it’s your last chance to win. | pers, the Caravan of Cars will
RAE rib fy orn proceed to Elizabethtown, Her-
Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Heilig and | shey, Palmyra, Annville, Leb-
two sons, Bill and Bob, of Wal-|anon, Manheim, Lititz and Col-
lingford, Pa. were recent visi- | umbia, the trip will require ap-
tors with Mr. and Mrs: James proximately ‘two and one-half
Heilig, this boro hours
Malorich “Saves WomanZ
A R555 API titi 45

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