The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, December 11, 1952, Image 2

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: i Thur . 32 | where in the area. So the rest Portsmouth, Va., delay. It alsd helps me in the
Bulletin, Mount Joy, Pa., Thursday, December 11, 1952 ~~ 7 a I Th 0 $ e In Service {= the gang sends their thaoks | Remembrance Committee: swell town i wish] Tow Jive.
w= | } El SON A S | | too. | I want to say thanks, for my- Pll be Eel BY one oy
O W L 3 Bo | The following note is for the self and the men in the shop. | SON ul 1 ment out of it as P {
THE BULLETIN “Following several weeks vis- Jacksonville, Fla. | sorvicemen from Mt. Joy and |For the swell can of pretzels re- op JRE qo RR you <lose >
Published every Thursday at 11 East it with her son-in-law and Nov. 24, 1052 | vicinity who may be traveling ceived from the Committee. Be- © SO happening at home.
Main Street, Mount Joy, daughter. Mr. and Mrs. John Remem. Committee, through or visiting Naples on cause everyone here enjoyed Wisi h of a letter writ
Lancaster County, Pa. and family, John and| I wish to thank you for the shore leave or liberty from the |them as much as myself. They 1 mpm. to A |
William N. Young Publisher Chervl of St. Louis, Til., Mrs, B.|can of Pretzels that I received, fleet or from other outfits in the | were very much appreciated as er. | w i re tar {
’ she | co . Furi : He or $v i {hanks to the Committee for
| R. Fink, Falmouth, returned | also T would like to express my area. I am living with the band we were in Cuba at the time, on Ay : |
Fred J. Alberte, Editor & Manager | home Thursday evening. En-|heart felt thanks for the Bulle- | at the Navy Barracks in the | what the Navy calls a “training their kindness. age alk Sa
Pearl Roth, Assoc. Editor & Bus. Mgr. route she visited her brother tin 1 receive each week. It sure Grilli + Hotel. in Naples and !cruise”. We are ‘now in Ports- World ul like to ni { C
3 Spiro. Bdior : > Ww ‘harles Kauffman and family in | makes my wife and I. feel at would be very happy to see any mouth Navy yard for a slight | nee |
John E. Setiyoli, Elf and Publisher | Charles A a | home. So thanks again. (old friends from the hometown overhaul. We are inspected to ee o his ar 13) Hal Coleb:
Alston Orendorf, who resides| Yours Sincerely, who might be in the area. The |leave here December 15 and go hi Hill.
Subscriation Rate: $2:00 Per Year by Mail in a cabin on the Glenn Hemp W. Douglas Bryon 'hotel is only ten minutes ride to Norfolk for the holidays. i LOT ¢
Advertising rates upon request \erly premises, suffered a ser [from the dock area. { I also want to say thanks for THE BULLETIN which
Entered at the postoflice at Mount Joy, ous attack of illness near his Hdgs. Allied Forces Thanks again to the Commit- the Bulletin, it gets around as : Ny
Pa.; as second-class mail under the Act home on Wednesday morning Southern Europe [tee Members, keep up the good much as I have lately. 1 was|]| Is on sale each week at Kulp's : y ,
of March 3, 1879. Mrs. Hemperly discovered his Nov. 20, 1952 | work! transferred September 11, to] News Agency and Tyndall's 4
Member, Pennsylvania Newspaper condition and completed ar-|Dear Committee Members: | Sincerely, ‘my present duty station and the || gore, West Main street. covere
Publishers’ Association aN : rangements to have him sent to | Many thanks to the Commit- | Chas. H, Eshleman MU3 USN , Bulletin followed me without ; 4
ee ee ee ree ee B Y A WwW | > I, OW L St. Joseph's hospital, where his|{ee members and the local citiz- | : 165

Lancas- | condition remains the same. ens for the box of pretzels and
iding on a bus to X
Ed 1 ll One 3 the NE shopping, sudden- The Rev. Herbert Ebersole, [the renewal of the Bulletin sub-| 4
oria y «9 0 far 101 Ie n't paid her fare. go newly ordained minister of the|seription which arrived recent-| = A & g ps ol will S
i she hadn
ty realized Gingrich Mennonite Churel,, Although our band numbers

i it," she declared. A : RL : .
Where's The Air Depot? volt uo pay. her friend replied. “You got Lebanon Route 4, will deliver |24 men, five of whom are from . I ces! Elmer
. i ith it so what?” the message in the Cedar Hill|Penna., there are some “non- a Mahlo
in We Son Enow Whetugt a ound that honesty always pays.” the school house on Sunday evening | Pennsylvanians” in our unit]
8 S or 1 at 7:15 p. m. A warm welcome |who really go for these good
: ; ad : ive 2 ‘o + i irtuously, and went upi front to y 8 se 8
Iasi yogi asked i Me give the ter sad, vie Y F is given to every one to attend.|Lancaster County pretzels and
Arm ir Depot which a ne e was |pay ta . " : — as a result several days after I
scheduled to be built near here, another| “See, I told you honesty always pays!” she aS ES Ps ger
heck aid when she returned, *'1 handed the driver When in need of Printing. (any« jreceived the package there was-
check-u sol : kindly remember the Bulletin’ n't a pretzel to be found any-
1 oo with a fellow in Washington |q dollar and he gave me change for a five.”



who knows what he is talking about and we be by gs
he tells me it's still to come fo Lancaster! on the way up to Lycoming County hunting 8
County, opposition or no opposition,” me local fellows stopped at a small cafe a- $y 2 All. Prices in His wd elective L
source asserted. And then when we went long the road, asked for a cup of coffee and i Ha ; through Saturday, Dec.
to the trouble to check, we found the vast ine proprietor put a cup of some strong concoct: i al Sy 4
air depot has not been placed in New Jer- tion on the counter in front of them. After snif- | {¢ the way { =
NY) “4 a
H ARMOUR'S, LIBBY'S, 16-02 2Gc

sey as we had supposed. li th a silently for a few moments KEEBLER ;
ing the aroma! si TOWN HOUSE | MUSSELMAN’S PIE CHERRIES 2 “x 39
Our informant in Washington admitted t the owner and said:
that it still is a possibility that the air de- Clygs fenced bo AY I coffee, isn’t HY” i rier
pot could be established in Lancaster| ay. Lis is Drevy 3 i the cule i él mer
County. But that's as far as we got. Allf,, It ee Screed he oe 8 3
other questions went unanswered. Around here the boys say Wl
hav $e | ,@
Could be we'll have the whole contro- stir. They claim that you have to crank it i Chris tmal

We gbe | A&P PUMPKIN 97 258
= VOGT’S SCRAPPLE rwumeiown a 23°

— so” tt i eat that.
versy over again! My wis bea * ti
RU & :
“Wes” Wittle, the shoe repairman, decided to yl



2 ww irst time since 1947. His
The S OdT go for deer for the first time since 1347.
[he dame A raman ; . wife dug out his hunting clothes and in go- | i¥ 4 BEST PURE LARD 2 1.1 25¢
On day President Truman for the ing through his clothes Wesley di scovered | i =» 4 18° da prints
reporters and, linking arms with Governor thing, I lled to his wife and said: § 3 cubes isons
Stevenson, tells the public he's going to Somginme. ie cal hat i found in 5 8 CAKE MIXES Chalo aid & Yellow ne 33¢
forget politics and help President-elect Ire! d bot you II never guese What 1 ‘oun i 3
x, ies 7 i hunti t aler all these Yj : 0
2 i Story Dottie hay I Re a re gad Our Christmas Club members en- SWAN MINESTRONE SOUP PROGRESSO Ba 41c
He even claims he’s trying to act in Ike's |: : il i o tees | 35 Sp pales : ithe oht
behalf when he sells out his own Price imagine Wha jt ke and Wee" 8 joy their holiday unshadowed by the thoug it TOILET SOAP DUFF GINGERBREAD MIX te 97s
Stabilization Board and grants the miners | e sandwica you gave Mi of January bills. They are getting their checks i medium
$1.90 per day, causing five in the board to lunch five years ago. ui now from this bank. Their Christmas Club # 3 cakes SEE OUR SPECIAL DISPLAY OF
resign on the grounds that the president's * * * : aE. i” i ASV and pleasant BR | 4
brand of politics is too low for them. Recent news report of a man dropping dead. i checks make gift buying easy . . . and picasa. = | ] Christmas Gift ;
But the nation doesn't seem to be too|while shoveling the walk should be a lesson | 1 bis Blan 1 y SWAN 2 <
much alarmed, come what may. For into all men not to do their wives’ work, — — — | Why not follow t us p an to Assure Bye #| BATH SOAP \ SUGGESTIONS FOR EVERYONE os
January things will be different. g Higa on Mt. oy (eee Ta oman! : happiness next year. Join our new Christmas, A full line of gift wrapped fruit baskets, candy, fruit cake, cigarettes,
is wile a lawn mower for her butaaay, and 1| J yw forming arge ¢ tobacco, cigars, and canned hams are now on display at your A&P.
day <r wouldn't be afraid to bet he'll buy her a snow i Club now forming. i 2 cakes 25 vn 3 play ety g
shovel for Christmas. i = ok 4 : i ;
A Lighted Candle *x Kx x 0c each, weck for 50 weeks, — § 540 i FER CALIFORNIA ICEBERG A
i 3 cach week for H0 weeks S$ 12.5 fy vem (Ay Se ak ¥ pr ’ om -
This vear, more than ever, let's not for- On the way up to Oley Bull you drive thru Ee [ : ol $ 25 i 3 MAZOLA 0lL = ge (oi jd :
’ 3 ’ . rr wn?’ : a oUC¢ each week 10 ) WCCKS D> «0.0 . na 3 a Sd
set to place a lighted (electric) candle in |& town so small it has “Visit Us Again” paint-| 5 {00 cach wesk for 50 yeeeKe ='S 50.00 pint 37 ji is wie
every window. There’s nothing more cheer- ed on the back of its “Welcome” sign. Ny B10 Sach week for BO — $100.00 bottle a PI 3)
ful than the yellow light of a candle shining * * * 5 : 0p halk for Bove] 150 ’ ust 0 N A
x - 1 3: i. Wo $ 3.00 each week for 59 weeks — $150.00 PN qua C gailon $ 29 2
from windows all over town. Did you hear about the litile fellow who 4 $ 5.00 cach week for 50 weeks — $250.00 0 bottle can : $
And it might be a bit comforting for that raised his hand in school and when the 10.00 cash "oh ir 50 rocks 2500.00 "| 48-SIZE “large ¢ |
boy way off in Korea to realize that back |er asked if he wishes to leave the room he an- 4 ve CR TET To Haake: re ODORLESS NONE PRICED heads 3
here at home, there's a candle burning in|swered: “Well 1 ain't hitch-hiking.” 3 1 5 . . pA) HIGHER : a 4
his honor. Or, from another point-of-view, * + +“ 4 T ; i {
it won't hurt all of us to be reminded this Many a man who boasts of being self-made i ne irst Nationa A RENUZIT 3 J is =.
coming holiday of the great sacrifice some! must have never gotten past the apprentice B & T gl quart c ANJOU PEARS NO 2 Ibs 25¢
must make in the interest of world peace, | stage of his building career. ‘8 an < Fu st ki 4 59
while so many of us go on enjoying all the Ye * * MA a
comforts of modern living. Gerald Estock, who works for a Lancaster Com ain
fire, asked a man who was approaching his 4 2 Y 3 MARCAL RED
: ee yd seeki nt. T i £0
Fe eToys Te iE Mount Joy, Penna. 5 TOILET TISSUE | { EMPEROR GRAPES “ine 2 « 29° 4
The Art of Reading re What Ss ote do with those Had 13 gi 2: lone Qf suvnalp seus En
: tae t se kind. nN all gc c
If every month we read all of the maga- * * * | 5 colors 3 rolls 2 RAISINS REGULAR 5c PACKAGES 6 pkgs 19
zines which cross our editorial desk (we{ John Matoney has the fastest, easiest work- 4 ni
can be talked into a magazine subscription |ing cigarette lighter in town. Hz picked up the y..
by almost anyone) we'd have a hard time | wrong can aad filled it with 3 in 1 oil — — :
getting the paper out. In our weaker mo- | Remember, I didn't say it lights. I just said it
ments it seems, we get the idea we have to works.
Snow Crop Week at AGP!
HANKIES er 30g

— br

FRESH BROCCOLI izes iz 19° 4: ©

ig up on just Aoi Io order to! dy + A pkgs Sliced Peaches ron LQ Bor 49¢
do our job of editing this weekly to your The other morning the boss sent Ronnie 2 of 100's 17 . ie
satisfaction. ; | Garlin for gasoline to wash off the type etc. Orange Juice Fore 4
And so we added to the list a little book- | Five minutes later he came back without any KITCHEN CHARM Lima Beans 9 13: fo
let of 80 pages published by Gasper Lee | gas. and cne of the fellows asked him what Tre
Co., which tells us of The Great Books as | was the malter — — — Ronnie said when he WAXED PAPER POTATOES BIRDSEYE FROZEN 0 150: 45¢
drawn up by all sorts of authorities. And | got to the gas station he discovered he had no | WHIPPED MAINE © pkgs
what do we find? | can to put it in. 125.4 6 AAAS : A AAA NA)
Well most of the authorities (at least the! * * roll 21
ones we accept) like Will Durant and Chris-| The boss was questioning a prospective RANBERRY SAUGE
topher Morley pick books almost all of |; 3 Laut
which were written before 1800. Will py 1150 OF conte You undenmnd dob
rant lists a hundred books such as Aristotle's » tn ; . 4
Politics and Ethics, the Bible, Lucretius, Certainly,” replied the applicant, “Nothing
Dante’s Divine Comedy, Rabelais. Shakes-
peare’s plays, Tom Jones, Gulliver's Travels
and the Iliad and Odyssey.
Three notable exceptions are the writings
hols ot SIRAINED & on
Jellied 3
| MARCAL OCEAN Spare 16-02 37¢ JERSEY DELIGHT fo 16-01
(to it. Fact is that on my last job I used a triple
| entry system—one set for the boss to show
| what the real profits were, another set for the
| stockholders, showing that there was no profit,


of Lincoln, Whitman and Emerson. Morley i ond a third set for the income’ tax people.| & i RR 1 <A A&P APRICOT wHoLE is ey.
adds a couple of our favorites, Mark Twain, | @ net loss. | CLEAN ER PEELED Be 33
Conan Doyle, Jack London, Kipling, Bret - : x . %x * REYNOLDS ALUMINUM WRAP 50 HO:
Harte and good old Samuel Pepys. Those. Bill Enck told me “Money has stopped ialk- Payi h f 2 quart : oil. £0”
lists sort of bear out Emerson who once ing and gone © Sumy aying foo much tor Auto Insurance ¢ bolls 23° : FAUST RED SALMOY 8-0 40c
said: “Never read any book that is not a emt | con
year old” and “never read any books but! For a whole week, the new hired man work- COMPARE YOUR RATES WITH JUNKET QUICK BREAKFAST ROLL UNE TARGER Tbs reg” SPECIAL 2 0c
what you like.” ed hard, and the farmer kept him extremely "Red Circle Coffee 1s 70 Te po (
: busy. When the farmer handed the new hand FARM BUREAU AUTO INSURANCE { FUDGE MIX | bas ¢ 2 um S131
ab ch or us pay at the end of the week, the new hand ! L-Art Sauerkraut a 33¢c > n
{said “I'm quitting. I tt job, | " i
Local Works of Art orion fet his oly eee rian Eh Efficiency and careful risk selection keep yy 32 Hershey's Chocolate Syrup 30
he = by Soh hie enjoying ‘prised farmer. Ferm Bureau rates low. WHY PAY MORE?" WARREN H, |
, ze : 3 SO ve ONT =" sid STEHM 1
ws nti 3 BO red Be No responded the man, “there's at least Policies are standard, nonussessable, with ! OSCAR MAYER TIDY HOUSE MODESS
which were local. One might justly be SU ve ous every night that [ have nothing to, ~~ automatic renewal each 6 months. Friendly squade St., Florin Sandwich Bags 2 we
rised tat in this day of TV radio. ete. | 0 bu eep. * x nation-wide claim service. Over $19 mil- Ph. Mt. Joy 3-5547 | CHOPPED HAM Lunch B gs nis | SUPER OR REGULAR (
at folks he si Ww rl a bi 4 . : : : : | is pkgs
hat Boks here wit flow with 2 bit of can t A milkmoan was brought before the local fons in dluims eid lac year, Check iodey ® 8 $1 43 H Bas 2.55.45 | boxes 17°
Our first thought was “how do they fing | SOU 1 answer to charge of walening Lis With pee (ETN Sauce San ousehold Bags | of 12s £.4
the time?” And then we suddenly realized | Milk: “You are charged,” said the judge. "with i; : | CLAPP’'S !
that all of us have time to spare for worthy |< ‘most serious offense of selling adultered } a ; P EXCELSIOR FROZEN ST a
hobbies such as painting but so many of milk. Have you any thing to say for yourself?" 1 AGENT SuNAME a —~— | BABY FOODS BUTTERE AR KiST
us just don't dig in and accomplish any-| . ‘Well, your horr.” replied the man, “the § on cms FARM pn | Strained.....10 fers §5¢ D STEAKS TUNA FISH
thing. The persons who produced those | Right before it was raining very hard and the pt on yiun WODEL is BUREAY Ln | | Chopped 89¢
paintings had the supreme joy of creation |only cause I can give is that the cows must I EE CLT: INSU Al i | Cc : Pe a bar 16 8.02 55° CHUNK ¢
and something lasting to show for their have got wet clear Tro 8 1 Wome. 5. COMB ams Ld; 4 | 19¢ pkg STYLE 12° 33°
forts. : * : isa TT 3 2 2
Say, how much does a painting outfit There are two well known finishes for auto-| I dg ie i WY
cost, ennaway”’ | mobiles — — ~— Idoquer and liquor. a —— 87 EAST MAIN STREET ‘ MOUNT JOY, PA. |
( . - * - . . “©
# 5. Esp