The Bulletin Circulation Now Has Reached 2300 VOL. LII, NC NO. 2 MOST WEEKLY UP . THE MINUTE Mount Joy, Pa., Thursday Afternoon, December 4, 1952 The Mount Joy Bulletin LANCASTER "COUNTY WE WELCOME YOUR NEWS Club, Parties, Social, Parties, Scout, Auxiliaries, Church. PHONE MT. JOY 3-9661 ; ce st EE —_— Police Asked Lenient In The Future With Overtime Parkers ' 118 Violations In One Month Too Many, Says Borough Councilmen It seems that from now on ov- ertime parkers in Mount Joy will receive a much needed break, that is, if Burgess Fish and Chief Neiss can impress on the police the necessity of look- ing for the driver of the car in a store or restaurant before is- suing a ticket. 118 parking violations during the month of November caused the Borough Fathers Monday night to request that the police be more lenient in the ({uture and not place a ticket on the car immediately after the red flag comes up. If the police continue issuing tickets for parking violations at the present rate, it will drive business from Mount Joy stated the councilmen. Burgess Fish stated councilmen that he had asked the police to try to locate the driver before issuing a red tick- et and if the driver cannot im- mediately be located to walk | down the street and on the re- turn trip place a ticket on the car if the red flag is still show- ing. | to the (Turn to Page 7) Deane Prize Money Donated To Remm. Comm. Verlene Harple, 14 year old daughter of Charles F. Harple, Manheim R. D. 2 who won the 5th placement prize in the Bul- letin’s Subscription contest, do- nated $84.30 of her winning to the Mount Joy Remembrance Committee. This is the largest donation ever received from any indivi- dual or factory by the commit- | tee and a mere thanks seems so little for such a wonderful gift. This young lady realizes how | important the committee is be- cause she has a brother Ray- | mond in the U. S. Marine Corps who is on their list. Verlene and her father are both active members of the Re- membrance Committee and now after giving so much of their time they gave this donation. No words of thanks can ex- press the sincere feelings of the Remembrance Committee. etl eee Visiting Here First Time In 38 Years Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Hofl- man and son Bill, of Rolla, North Dakota are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. John E. Zeller, of Pinkerton Road, this boro. Mr. Hoffman left Mount Joy for a trip west 38 years ago and this is his first trip back home in all those years. He is a bro- ther to Roy Hoffman, Delta and School Lane. On Saturday a surprise party was held by the Zeller's for his , 63rd birthday. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. John Lan- dis and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hoffman and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hoffman, Mr. and Mrs. John Zeller and children Gary and Terry. Mr. Hoffman expressed a wish if any of his former friends would like to drop in and say hello hey would be most wel- come. The Zeller family on a tour west this summer stopped to visit with the Hoffman's at N. Dakota. Mrs. Zeller is a niece to Mr. Hoffman ‘reported the police Ty Be More € Snow And Ice Causes Traffic Tie Up Here The first the season, vig of wrich arrived Satur- day night, threw a monkey wrench into the disposition of many a Mount Joy resident who could not arrive home on sched- ule all because of the State Highway Departments failure to respond to an S. O. S. sent out by Burgess Fish. Cars were stalled helplessly on the road leading into the bor- ough from the east and were lined nearly half way to Landis- ville. Burgess Fish stated to Coun Comncll Names FUTURE CITIZENS Paul L. Stoner To Board Of Health Dr. Thomas O'Connor To Replace Dr. D. C. Stoner Who Had Resigned Borough Council, at their regular monthly meeting held Monday evening in the Friend- ship Fire Hall, appointed Doctor Thomas W. O'Connor to the Board of Health to replace Doc tor D. C. Stoner who had resign- ed. At the same time the coun- cilman named Paul L. Stoner to the board for a full term. The report of the Board of Health stated there were no di seases during the month of No- vember. No Action Taken No action was taken on the suggestion of B. Titus Rutt, lo- cal insurance representative, that a survey be made of all in- \ + 4 Fak Fa The group of alert and Ea children read’ng left to right: Dennis and Donald, Sam Engle, Mount Joy: Bobby, son of Mr Mount Joy: and Randall, son of Mr. and Joy R. D. Bottom row, left to right: Barbara, Robert McGinley, Mt. Joy: Mary, daughter of Mr. Thibeault, Mount Joy; and Doris, daughter of Mr. vey Shoemaker, of Florin. and Mrs Mrs cil Monday night that he had immediately contacted the State Highway Dept requesting ders be thrown on the road as| they were under State supervis- | ion, but as of Monday night, he| "had not had any response to this | request. The Councilmen in turn re-| quested the Road Supervisor to | contact the Highway Dept. ask-| {ing them to place a load of cin-| ders at each hill so that the lo- cal road dept. could immediate- ly take care of any hazardous conditions that should arise. Even though it is the States job to cinder the hill, our Road Dept. will do the job, if the State furnishes the cinder, stat- ed the Borough fathers. ee One Motor Violation And A Larceny Charge Reported By Chief Neiss Police Park Neiss had made two arrests, one for failure vield the right of way and for larceny. Amos H. Gantz, R2 Mt. Joy, {was given a summons for fail- {ure to yield the right of Way. John Erby, Elizabethtown R. D, was arrested for larceny on a complaint signed by Patricia Erby, Hummelstown. Erby made restitutions at a hearing before Squire Hockenberry. Chief of to one —— Cantata To Be Presented Sunday Night At St. Marks The World's Redeemer,” Christmas cantata by Fred B. Holton, will be presented by the combined Senior Choirs of St.! Mark's Evang. United Brethren | | | a ! Church of Mount Joy and the First Church of God of Eliza-| bethtown at the Mount Joy | Church on Sunday evening, De- cember 7 at 7:30 o'clock. The program will begin with the organ prelude, followed by | the processional by the choirs singing “Angels From the Realms of Glory”. The devo- tional period will be in charge of the Rev.’ E. H. Ranck, pastor of | St. Mark's Church, and will | congist of the Invocation, Scrip-! ture reading, Congregational Hymn “It Came Upon the Mid- night Clear”, prayer and offer- tory. Lester Mumma will sing ‘He Shall Feed His Flock”, by Handel. The cantata consists of num-| bers dealing with prophecy and fulfillment of Scripture con- (Turn to Page 5) a laine NURSE ESCAPES INJURY Esther M. Arntz, Mount Joy R.D 2,1 nurse, escaped injury when her auto skidded into aj car owned by William Ward, of Williamsport, which had struck] a bridge abutment on the Har- risburg Pike, two miles east of Mt Joy at 7 a. m. Sunday | Elizabethtown. | This music of Christmas is sel- | Kay , will ‘be lal, "from each group, 1 Youth, { voices will join in the “Tell Me, {You See!” "er. Cordial invitation is extend- | AT SALUNGA CHURCH jer a short sermon to the young surance now carried by the bor- ough to see if the coverage was adequate. Box Factory Annexed The annexation of the Mount Joy Box Factory covering a section of East Donegal and Mt. La daughter of Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. Mr Arnt Lt. Germer Believed To Be Be On Missing C-47 Airplane i 14 kill AON pictured above sons of and Mrs. Ervin W Gerald and Mrs. Donald Barrel Of Toys | Mount Joy Foss To “| For The Crippled Conduct Water Survey And Kiddies At Xmas Make List Of Water Fixtures A barrel has been placed in t Way's Appliances, 48 E. Main Street, this boro, for a collec toys of Joy while Ave Llovd RD was trailer Marietta driver, tractor south on the , i” I'he day. baugh, Lancaster jured The tractor Benard wick, Vermont fing the the and splitting a tree Shoop property Damage to both at $500 —— — Tues Cor- unin to make at County trailer new Posts. by Guilmetto, jack knifed cement truck, are, barrels opposite direction caver on the B z, Mt. trucks was estimated Har | and cess- a : co-operation or in by employees of Joy Joy Township, was completed Monday night and taken into the borough. Receives Insurance Check The Boro secretary reported No Official W Word Has BeenReceivedByFamily | It is believed that Lt. Robert | Germer, son of Mr. and Mrs. | Frank Germer, 121 N. Barbara | ed amongst Street, was the pilot of the C-47| onthe C47 Air Force Transport which dis- | : appeared Monday night during | a storm from Offut Field Air Force Base, Omaha, Nebraska, to March Air Force Base, near (Turn to page 7) ed today by te — — To Present Two Xmas Musicals vivors. The plane has not found as yet therefore it can- not be established as to sur- Late Bulletin It was definitely establish- legram Lt. Robert Germer was list- the personnel been the Day” for | | | | | to school that of 4 San Bernardio, Calif. Lieut. Germer has tioned at Offut Air since his return last July. Germer is the husband of the presentations the Christ- Washington Brethren, Two musical will be given over mas season in the Street Church of the ingly, said Mrs. not known plane is her son’s After receiving tion from her Mrs. Germer said husband called Tuesday and learr been sta- Force base from Korea On Sunday evening, Decem-| rs ber 14, at 7:30, the Elizabeth- former Martha Greider, daugh- town College Choir and the J Ye. und Mrs. Rea Greider, og: 5 Senior Choir of the Church will | oo png 7. The couple have ay join in presenting the Cantata, {© ph i for. “Come, Let Us- Adore Him. , YTS. fran Germer, of the veteran stated ected from the classics of Wag- | that she had y ner, Brahms, Beethoven Shu- | 14 word of her sons disappear bert, and Schumenn. Galen W.|2n¢e. The information re- "ceived, she sai re s Moda Herr will conduct the combined ; : me said, came Tuesday ry : : rom her daughter-in-law voices. Lorraine I aughter-in-law who choirs of 175 : the organist | said she was told that Lt. Ger- one mother | due. last night not received offic- she The G. C. Murj held “Open Hous and guests. Famili phy Store's a ty, planned for ti The Main ting for a holiday Murphy decorated fashion. Refrest served and additi Stehman will be and soloists will be: Matthew Was reported missing on a and Barbara Meyer, Paul and Alwine, Elsie Ziegler, Wal ter Gingrich, and Marian Meyer 13 Year Holstein On Sunday evening, Decem- ber 21, the three Choirs of the] C N I Church will present full ev ow ominee n ening of Christmas music. There | ° a candlelight procession- | Nationwide Test and in addition to numbers | the Junior,| A three vear old cow Vanlure | and Senior Choirs of 90 | Posch Wayne Boone No. 29616 anthem, | 58 owned by Joseph A. Hook What Did | and Herman Ginder, Jr. of ’enns Peaceful Meadow Farms] was provided by 1as been nominated by the Hol- | for door prizes. stein-Friesian Association of | is an Annual Eve America for the All Three-Year-Old. She | six cows chosen from the entire of the | United States, The special | Champion 3 year-old and Re serve Champion of America will be chosen from these An of the winner will] next month. As a 2 year old in .365 Vanlure Posch Wayne | Boone had 12251 pounds milk, | rs Wednesday evening ae} 30d is pounds of fat testing 3. {oF st Main and 7:30 p. m. a special missionary | . I%. The Holsteln, was champ. | Ban Main Hi will bo given with Ei | ion 3 year old and Grand Cham- announce! gay | mer Baldwin, returned mission- blon 3 Year old at ‘the Penna. paren uf Farm Show in January this lary from Africa, as guest speak- Sear Shepherd, Pe h et EAD Two Special Programs At Salunga Church due to both of | able | efforts one, of | Pe | | is one The Salunga Church Brethren will have Sunday evening service at 7:30 p. m. with the Chiques Male ounce | Quartette rendering the music! ade and the Reverend Robert 0. Hess, as guest speaker. This |, * program is sponsored by the C. re | ees. a Six. days Jere D. took over ing a of only 8 This offer, chase oline. will be 6th only. Besides the — ed the public for both these meetings. tl) Cen. conn MALE QUARTETTE Buy Christmas Stamps Early, Says Bennett Christmas time is fast draw- ing near, and I cannot stress too much the importance of buying your stamps early. The postage requirements for cards are the same as last year, and as a re- fresher are listed below. Unsealed Cards - Bearing no writing but your signature - 2c. Sealed Cards or Unsealed Bearing any kind of written (Turn to page 4) suckers. For | full page 6. of the The Young Peoples Class page the Salunga Church of Brethren will sponsor a pro- gram by the Chiques Male Quartette at the Salunga Church on Sunday, December 7 at seven-thirty o'clock. Rev. Robert Hess, will deliv- The Committee will December 8th at the High School folk, flight to March Field. in typical Proctor, the Newcomer's Service Barbara Streets, is giv- good Dece glasses, dren will be given balloons and! Companies program on the safe further details advertisement Germer, if the missing C-47 plane. the she ied that sons plane was ten hours over- | cember A ‘Family Night’ At G.C. Murphy Store hy e’’ last day evening for their employees | es of the personnel were vited to attend a Christmas Pa em by management and employees. Store, Street was a perfect set- | - being | stmas 14-1 party Chri iments onal the ple “Family Night” | nt, and American | year's affair was a most enjoy-| mous feats of magic. the the com Free Glasses, Balloons And Suckers Dec. 4-5-6 | St that he six Libby erald Swirl Glasses with a pur- gallons of gas- Proctor, mber 4, 5, said the sme tA imag re men REMEMBRANCE COMMITTEE TO MEET MONDAY NIGHT Mt. Joy Remembrance Monday [it seems that your job hunting, meet 7:30 P. Accord® informa- daughter-in-law, and her March field on Company asure drawings | Hostetters. Reidel Murphy Grand | Store Management and employ- who recent- management read the | schools. it is approximately (Turn to Page —— © her and its | day Is-| rael. ‘Santa Gives Terry Young Xmas Present Tues- { crowd some estimated | of five children, with their who had to town. last Saturday af- Santa Claus into Way’s little Terry Among an 6 W.| | hundred parents, N. NISSLY | come HARRY to see ladder was : | ladies ternoon 9, have 3 at climb the Pian I'oyland Accident Causes [Co-operation OF All | uitee | Persons Asked So tion of for the cripplec { | children this vicinity to be $500 Damage | Records Can Be distributed at Christmas. | | Completed The kaze] ay hisced n His] A cement truck owned by the . community by the oiture 42, i [riya Cg of the 40 8 of the American Le Ready Mix Cement Company, | pgpgineers employed by the gion Post 185 in a toy campaign Lancaster, was siruck "by a Ingo Borough Authority for the Crippled children’s BONE 1 will call on all water consumers oi : a list of all water fix- Hospital at Elizabethtown, Messiah Orphanage at Florin, | tures in use. The information the Christ Home Paradise {will be used in the design of . 4 : ois |] the sewer system and also (Jind the Lancas T f il, operated | as a means to bring customer dren's Service oys are . . Hard | being collected thruout the city | Service information up to date. 'and county by Legion Posts by hil} The names of all persons oe- placing those collection Kalil swung nf each home will be tak- in. Stores. ng to acquire current popula- il A. data upon which sizes of | In addition, the groups are | contacting manufacturers for | Sewers cal) be based. Informa. LF a: [tion will likewise be taken as to donations of clothing and shoes | ti { present septic tanks and they expect. to be able to! cation of present septic tan provide every child at Messiah | i pools and the Manner and Christ Home with new St d t G th j in which they are functioning. pair of shoes this Christmas u cn $ a er Me. Kk > 11 of st per. Any toy, new an old onc [Sone ised 2 Jat he oo tis 3 . | ‘led records wi ye shortly In tS "seve 15 Bags Clothes [1 RHE i al hel ags 0 es { the hands of the authority. SS 8 3 C >SS ™ 1 Sr : tunate than some at Christmas, D hd The Yn or eS so, don’t forget when your shop- n rusa e rive . fie I he 5, : : Basi engineer, under whose direction ping to remember these kiddies memes (T to P. 4) Loo. Help fill the barrel! Mount High School took Uh lo fate —— -_— part in Save-the-Children | “Bundle drive collect | E. U. B. Youth Elected ‘Spealker A clothing needy children { President For East from November 17 to 21 under | p C f | [the sponsorship of the i enna. on erences a vary urc | student council. Fifteen bags | ia ; . ———— of clothing were gathered for ls Clair L. Wagner Jr., E. Main ; . | the drive, which is part of the | Street, was honored by his el- Above is a picture of Mr. C. R. ' Rleventh Annual Children’s i ection as President of the Youth Weber, graduate Moody Bi- Clothing Crusade. Fellowship of East Pennsylvan- ble lsum 8nd , mer iil Two and a half million pounds | 12 up of the Evan- Sionaty ‘to Centra. ALFica, WNO! wearable clothing have been | £ gelical United Brethren Church. will be the speaker at the con-| (op. ional goal. Last |The election occurred Saturday, ATEONCO i Sev ir di Se do . ex ference on Prophecy and the vear in the Tenth National Chil- [in the annual convention which Jew, which will run from De- dren’s Clothing Crusade, nearly | Was held at Shamokin, in the enh jon 3 the Cal- three million pupils collected a | F rst E Us hereh there, ry Ie Tut y AS Doro, total 1,636,993 pounds of cloth- is the president of the Youth The program will be as fol- Line. four million | Fellowship of St. Mark’s E.U.B. lows: Dec. 7, at 10:30 a. m. The 4) | Church here and was accomp- Jew and His Divine Mo {anied to the convention by a Dec. 7 at 7:30 p. m. The Jew] fs group of ten others from Saint and His Return to Palestine; De | ! ! {Mark's Church including Gene 8th at 7:30 p. m. The Zimmerman, Nancy Mus- | Jew in the Tribulation; Dec. 9 r, Faye Wickenheiser, Margie ‘at 7:30 p. m. The Jew and His; Herr, Mary Schneider, Ronnie |G lorious Future; Dec. 10th at| Jean Reese, Bill Eby, Richard 7:30 p. m. the film “Three Min- | Schneider, Clifford Schmid, lo- {utes to Midnight” will be shown | jcal Director of Youth Work, and lon prophecy in the Bible Ezra H. Ranck, Pastor. fulfillment in present 4 ES Mer Public is invited. —— Mur- | in- | To Entertain Ro- a] t T d Clint Reidel, Nationally fa- | mous magician, will entertain were | the Rotarians and their | Tuesday night December will two young ladies and him his fa magi ‘Harry Nissly To Be Honored On «| 30th Birthday will { bag 0d |{P. M | Young Terry, assistants, boy, to assist the was anx- glancing up and down Street for the car that was Santa to town with his Shortly after two Terry's eyes lit up with joy Santa had arrived in full ali: and good word to all. Glancing a- the Santa noticed and the excited look on his face, crossing the street with 5 bag of Santa presented daughter, Terrs with a drum. And so end- and son, Mr. and | oq a happy not only B. Strayer, and] for Terry, but hundreds of oth- Strayer Villers who had waited to to town. is the little boy battling against Brights Disease in a car across toyland, in The bined | cian stated that he will furnish ! music throughout his act. Dinner will be served at 6: and at 8 o'clock, Reidel have the audience sitting on the edge of their chairs, amazed at | the things that seem. to come come from nowhere. Each Rotary Ann will be sented with a gift. No Regular There will be noon meeting of the Rotarians | and it is hoped that there will [ be a large attendance in the ening. At the regular meeting of the Rotarians held Tuesday after- noon at Hostetters, William Mec- Fadden assisted by Joe Moffet, outlined the Atlantic Refining this | a street from | icusly | Main bring ilo of toys Jos honor at a Hostetter’s December of which he N. Nigsly of Mount guest of Harry be for will the jovial smile family Friday The dinner, Nissly’'s 80th will observe reg dinner at on evening 5 street Cross pre in honor Mr birthday, December 9, by ry Meeting i { { | | is be regular B ation, no his toys, arranged his husband Samuel N ing her Mrs. Samuel ville. A program be presented Mrs. Starr, the Misses Anna May Vivian Eby, Vera Nissley, May Nissley, Ruth tha Keener, Marian, ) afternoon, Em- ev | ol fer children Santa come Young who has been the the dinner by af will Ervin | Eby Anna Mar Jane, Ferry and ravages of Spring chil- oe INISSLY, A Wen driving course presented at the i 2 Get out your Snowshoes! (Turn to page Mr. Joseph Michels, Engineer, gave a very interesting talk on the progress made so far regard- ing the new water system. — NO PACKAGES An armful of packages makes If your car won't run and you need transportation to get some- a hurry-—your out of Monday-—MLt. Joy's Taxi Service will be discontin- ued from there Too bad, a taxi plays a big part in any pro- gressive town, whether for em- or just to get some a hurry on | | A FLASH! basketball § | where in luck after There will be a be- and game Friday tween the Mit Wrightsville H. The 8p. evening H. S S. First game J. Vs.'V Joy on, at? p.m ar- M. in | sandwiches between shopping |] sity game at n tours, is only incidental. ergency place in