; Oil IN , PA. 14-tf LLL, Pee GFT TE = ER'S Ne EEE TTF TENET TERETE TET i PE TET 1. ee 7s FoF. ory=- the self get ick. be- \rg- cV- ym- ke. ng Xi- pe us- ny, NE a ——— ET Newport, R. I. Dear Remem. Committee: RHEEMS [Those In Service |e, eum | (From page 1) know that I received the can of Elmer G. Strickler DECLARES DIVIDENDS | Elizabethtown, Pa. Phone 117 The Board of Directors of the interview, your employer may feel tha DO IT BY YOURSELF The Bulletin, Mount Joy, Pa., Thursday, November 20, 19521 If you bring a friend to your ec "you cannot competent. ly handle the job by yourself. Church of the Brethren will sl pretucls, and I appreciate them at their regular meeting held |p ching services in the : : rec YOU NEED UNDER MY Thursday, November 13, de- Jane Pra 2 Sunday morn. coming to see me. That noon I|yery much. They didn't last too COMPLETE | long though, especially ‘when “YOU BUY ONLY THE INSURANCE Union National Mt. Joy Bank Cranbrook Club Coupe in Plymouth’s 1953 Line i : ; x (had just finished chow and clared the regular semi-annual rece nday School. had | | . . dividend of 5% ($2.50 jing. prece ding Sun y oY {there he was in the barracks. all the guys in the barracks Family Security Needless to say we had our- | join in and help to eat them. | Fire - - Auto - - Life per | In the evening a two-week re-| Accident & Health - - 2% ($1.00 per share) both pay- | place. Rev. Earle Brubaker of quite a weckend! 1 ¢or- | And I also thank you for the | able November 15, 1952. Assets | Florin will be the evangeljst.| ANY hover expected to see my | newspaper that 1 get every on November 13 totalled $6,- | Everyone is invited to attend|Prother in Tokyo, Japan, of all week from home. The Fest of | { 132,000.00. these meétings. Song Paces! I guess this is a pretty | the guys in the barracks think HD RANE When in need of Printing. {(any- Ing ot 7:08 PT he had joined the Merchant| Armed Forces. Thanks again | etc cline oll | thE) kindly remember the Bulletin | Mrs. Harriet Kaylor and Marines and waited for a ship | for the pretzels and the free | They | subscription to the Bulletin. . Yours truly, | [sme after all. After the it is a swell idea, sendi | re - will be at 7:15 p.m: and preach- small world after all. A the | it is a swell idea, sending out | | Frank Zimmerman | | yn | daughter, Minnie and Mrs, Ida {hat was going to Korea. NOTICE TAX PAYERS | Brubaker visited with Mr, and|¢topped off at [ Mrs. Elmer Engle and daughter, our days. | Bertha at Elizabethtown Tues-| |day evening. lover two years we had a lot to Mrs. Clarence Maxwell of about. My curfew was mid- RECEIVES MERIT BADGE place is a patient in the Lancas-/night and he expected to leave Word has been received by | ter Osteopathic Hospital, where for Inchon early Sunday morn- Mr. and Mrs. Earl W. Garber, of she had an appendectomy. ling, so we stretched it out to Marietta, that their son, Pfe. | Miss Beulah Gibble and Mr [the limit. I got in at 2 minutes William Eugene Garber has | George Gibble of Lancaster and/of 12 and he got the last train | awarded the Combat Infantry Mrs. John Becker of near Man-/for the night to Yokohomma. Badge for satisfactory perform- [heim visited Mrs. Ida Gibble on| The next day I was surprised | 3,00 of duty in ground combat | Sunday afternoon. land glad to get a telephone call | against the enemy on Septemb- A group of twenty-five wom from him. His ship didn’t leave er 27. share) and a special dividend of | vival will start at the same Hospitalizalion [surprise wore off, he told ' me | poxes of food to the men in the | Yokohama for After not seeing each other in - FORMER MT. JOY SOLDIER Five Percent (5%) will be added on School Taxes after December Ist. GEORGE H. BROWN, III Tax Collector en of the Aid Society of the Lo-|2fter all, so he came back again Pfc. Garber, a former resi- | cal Church spent the last So we took in the gent of Mt. Joy and now resid- | |day at the Lancaster General did “a little souvenir| ing 44 Marietta, left the States | Hospital doing some sewing. and had a wonderful | for Korea August 13. He is with | | time in general. ‘According t0| the 38th Regiment of the 2nd | Mr. and Mrs. Guy Parmer of [ his Olithe enclosed clipping we also | Division in the U. S. Infantry. Sunday | | Hershey announce » bir | y announce the birth °F had an earthquake on a daughter at the Hershey hos- ; | land we never felt it. ivinie v.14 Livingston, Calif. He expects to keep making | | pital on Monday, November 17, | Mrs. Parmer was formerly Del-|,, : : November 11, 1952 | y € : & >. z ER | this same run, at least, up until Dear Remem. Committee, [la Hoover of this place. " 3 | dd fa So hac Soul hel if Thank you very much for MaKe Vie me passa little fagt-| ur thoughtfulness in sending y : EST BIDDFR len if I get to see my brother i me the pretzels and the Mount "Joy Bulletin. They were cer- Mr. Paul A. Martin, local con-{ery month or thereabouts. May - | tainly greatly appreciated. Frozen Foods YOUNG CHICKENS Cut up 3 to 4 lbs. 64e lb. OYSTERS Stewing — 40¢ doz. Large lor frying — 40¢ for 12 doz. ‘ "me: | Copes: White Corn reve | tractor was one of the low bid-| be I'll even be lucky and come! VIER ie a rn, 9c rs for a proposed additi le : sane shi ; : Whip Topping pe fous ios: ders for 8 qd nfs Jom: o8 the Some ship| They don’t have that kind of | Also Stroehman’s Bread and Rolls |a storage building and construc-next March. Anyway, 1 expect | pretzels. out here. so I had to Herr's Polato Crips [tion of utility shops at the Vet-[to see good old Mt. , Joy in a-| 4 0 neigh- share them with all the Cover i | erans inistrati Spit ‘ rv | Cinocoiate Covered Nuds | erans Administy ition Hospital| bout three more months. My! bors. They didn’t last long. Jas Lebanon. His bid was $50,-/fingers are crossed anyway.| mppank you again 319.00. |Thanks again vine Hd. ICE CREAM 00 |Thanks again and keep up the Leonard H. Johnson, Jr. great job. | Sincerely, Frank Hassinger Hi h 5 h | | November 7, 52 | 19 C 00 2 Qts. for 95¢; Tarts, 2 for 20¢ MOUNT JOY FROZEN FOODS ilu WHITE - WASHING | | PHONE 3-5436 ! AND | N b 1 ti iti 46-1c i ovember 8, 052 A i i DISINFECTING | ome | | [Dear “Box 243" :- SR | LT | : 3 { 700 a | | It certainly is difficult to| On Friday, of next week the HESS BROS. {write a letter of “thank you” to| Social Study Dept. of the Mt. | someone known only as a “Box |J0y H. S. will have charge of | FLORIN, PENNA. [Number”. On Monday we re-|the Thanksgiving assembly in Phone Mt. Joy 3-4930 |ceived a can of pretzles which |the H. S. auditorium. Shirley GET IT AT 39-tf |Kappy and 1 are thoroughly en-| Eby will have the opening ex- | “Tommy” has | €rcises and Tom Kear will be | {ioying - even jtried them and likes them - his| the announcer. Washington's {first taste of a pretzel. They are | Proclamation will be read by {very fresh and were well pack- | Bill Tyndall. Nancy Swanson, | | Rachel Lehman and Charlotte | | | | | { | Dash and distinction are combined in the flowing lines of the Cranbrook Club Coupe, one of nine outstanding body styles in the new’ 1953 line of fine Plymouth cars. The new styling is combined with increased power and improved performance to make it more than ever the big car value in the low-priced field. Power has been increased to 100 horsepower with 7.1 to 1 compression ratio tor finer response and efficiency. New suspension gives virtually gyroscopic stability under varying road conditions. Engine and rear axle relocation, coupled with easier riding, angle-mounted rear springs, provide the utmost in comfort. Plymouth engineers have designed more headroom, legroom and hip and shoulder space into the 1953 models. ELI AMENT DELTA AND HENRY STREETS MOUNT JOY. PA. PHONE 3-4264 GC. Robert Fry PA. (1 we i MANHEIM R. D. 2, Rocks and Trees Air Compressor Work Rock Drilling, Concrete Breaking, Etc. Excavating and Grading Removed Cellars, Trenches, Etc. PHONE MOUNT JOY 3-4753 (of us way over here and please | |identify yourself. mn - FLAME PROOF A WASHADLE COLOR FAST WATER PROOF i i i i AT] soring a clothing drive in the | H. S. from November 17 to 21. | ill nt fed. , - | ON YOUR | We all sincerely thank you | Feeser will recite a Thanksgiv- | : : | j - NT } 3 : and we are having quite a gues- | poem. ferrets - a Emm ee car whe IE Bie srg HEF GAR We Give And Redeem S & H Green Stamps | AUTO INSURANCE Ising game as to who the send- The Junior class will present NL TT PETE TT TT TT TTT TG Te TT BT a A ZS i FE PET ET TE FE RR rE 5 Lowsates ler is so won't you please answer | @ skit “Modern Thanksgiving”, : A New “ie v Sass 100 goad [this thank you note then I can | Clair Wagner will read the IN » Da a Walco {write a longer and more inter- | Thanksgiving proclamation. Mr. EF » . y a p . Pi . . Yoorge F soske is fae roe | All Plastic Window Shades § ric bine fosting letter - 1s “no fun 7 Broske is tuculty a 2 WARREN H. STEHMAN Way” as I don’t know your in-| Visor. & $ 25 SCUARE 7 SCO terests. Crusade for Clothes i / ; each Phione Wt. Joy. 5.5547 Thank you again for thinking For Needy Children ti 3 The student council is spon- |¥ { Sincerely, Re Automobile Insurance Co. | COLUMBUS, OHIO | Ivory - Green H | The drive is the ecleventh Na- | tional children’s clothing cru- November 5, 1952 | sade through the Children Fed- | Harriett Kaplan Jean Alan Bathroom Sets HOME OFFICE: Ee | ; | Kaiserlantern, Germany eration. | Dear Friends, *{ The people of this vicinity are | | I 1 would like to thank you for | invited to join the crusade. | Corn Fed Turkeys .. package I received the other| Clean, wearable adult's and | lday. It was very thoughtful of | children’s clothing are needed | |you to send the pretzles and the | ad they should be wrapped in| newspaper. I sure enjoyed them | Paper and tied. Good shoes | land appreciate them very much, | Should be tied together in pairs. { I guess I will close for this | Baby clothing is urgently need ‘time and thanks again for the | ed. Bob Schroll is president o { the Student Council. | Sees Ivanhoe | The sophomore class saw the [ movie “Ivanhoe” on Wednesday $37 Bath Rug and Seat Cover Assorted Colors WHITE AND WYCHOFFS RRR RRR ATLL package. | Sincerely, i Ray K. Shuman Sumpter, S. C. morning. November 12, '52 | U. N. Essay Date Changed Dear Remem. Committee, | The United Nation essay con- | You really must be mind | test deadline has been changed | readers. I was thinking of how | !© Monday, November 24. The | Pennsyl- | contest is sponsored by the lo- DISTINCTIVE Stationery $ 1 00 per box ws iit, Norman Becker TERRE ARTERIES {I'd like some of those vania pretzels and a few days cal Rotary club and the subjeét MANHEIM ROUTE 4 : Near Becker's Gas Station later I receive a large can of [15 “What the Union Nations FOR YOUR ei Ria PHONE MT. JOY 3-5639 (them.I as well as many friends, | Means lo Me. | 44-8c|enjoyed them. Thanks a lot for a | thinking of the boys away from | WILL WED NOVEMBER 30 ass TE ¢ HOUSEWARES ¥ ; : 4 HT (= = oy gu: +51, Le x Z - » 3, : . (ne. i YE ) gi go, / : : : Relax and enjoy this festive occasion . .. by using these new work-saving housewares. SPECIAL ENAMEL ROASTER roaster, Heaviest type steel triple enameled. Has self- basting lid, 18-inches long— will bake 16-1b. fowl $7945 , CARVING SET AE A TR RP TR TT TT TP TS ST TT TT TT TE ST RE TT SS SS SET TE 50 TT TT TT 0 PS BS ES CREPE » ° D1 : h k oO (home. Invitations have been issued | I'bree piece set of fine stain- 1 an sgiving 1mner ; Sincerely, Ho the marriage of Miss Ruth M. | Jess Mg Lous black 58 | Wolfe, daughter of Titus R. | andles. Pack ‘ Td P me Lo 1 D D | Sgt. John M. Abel 5 gs { ro TY y + ~~ box Der MOOS + vv eserves can 3lc on t e ay ro = | Wolfe, 426 Spruce St. Lebanon | § THANKSGIVING SPEC IA L NR ROM. 515.00 Olives ri re eds tv rvs a eave 37¢ L It A November 8, 1952 | 4nd bie date Mrs. Woe, to 4 Paral large ay-1t-aAaway Remembrance Committee | Far son of Mr. - and{s re Pedchoes i. ii large can 3le - * lof Mount Joy: | Mrs. John Henry Hollinger, mt. 8 . ° MEAT ineaoole Chunks ........... con 3c . { I want to express my appre. R2, which will take place 3 J b D Pine 0] 2 3 INKS oe 27 Only (28) more shopping ciation for hd yn TY ew 2 p. m,, November 30 in Sal- | 4 u I ee innNerwa re Frult Cocleladl oii ge. can 37¢ days leit tll Chiistmas. that was given to me by your|®™ Evangelical U. B. Church, | : BASTER ~ FOR ; le ittee Hy hi | Lebanon. Made by the makers of Fiestaware. Four beauiih ranperry BARES. ci i aa can 19¢ i . |committee. Aboard our ship we" : Le ; | y ye . i 1b. 15 Use oui Lay thave an agreement that when al The Rev. Nevin H. Zuck, pas ¥ Red Grapes iss «1D. loc away-plan and shop while | gift is received, and when it’s| tor of the Church of the Breth- ki C Bosoul Coffea i 86¢c the selection is still good. [opened everyone eats. So in less | $7 SATE thw, assisted by Ni a Sollee ithan one hour pretzels were|th® Rev. C. C. Hollingsworth, | 1 tle Shuriine Coflee ........7 0.005... a ein 83c - caten and liked by all the el.| Pastor of the. church, will oft- | PRICE REDUCED Co fo) Py feos, A Libby Pumpkin SSE eae tere Ee lge. can 23¢ i cetricians aboard the Wright. 3 . i meat, roasts fowl, FRITNPR think it is very nice for people | Miss Wolfe is employed by | Separates, ; Gwin 'back home to think of us boys, | Hershey Chocolate ' Corp. and | # from soups, stews. YH that are away from our families Mr. Hollinger is, associated with 8 ORDER YOUR CHICKEN |and loved ones. So keep the | M- Garvin and Co. good work up. We apprecjate it | By ey ot te S N Inc ’ AH EE ST | ewCcoO : NOW Koser’s Jewelry Store | very much. | LAKE ST. CLAIR! |i . . 1 Phone 3-5404 | Yours truly, Lake St. Clair is an expansive | ; THANKSGIVING ES 3 Nort J Herbert B. Shelly | shallow basin through which | § MOUNT JOY, PA. FOR . Main St., ount Joy || | Lake Huron discharges into % | Bulletin Ads Pay Big Dividends. Lake Erie, i TR TT PB RR TRE HU RAT 6 TN A A PH PP