The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, November 20, 1952, Image 2

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) thing) kindly remember the Bulletin
| Publishers’ Association . ES ! :
| : suspicion afraid.” Joe doesn't think so.'rest.


- 7 ; _- at he ¢ right. Having, An sometimes ‘we wonder
OThe Bulletin, Mount Joy, Pa., Thursday, November 20, 195. ( 3 that he could be right. Having and TT re st of our “social ETIN UMMM!
. 0 S 0 lived on crises and emergencies No Sen 3 So THE BULL HO-H .
TE ima mat ex- bee 3 bon ),
il O W A FH S BE involving vast. government we would stack up with those|| 1s on sale each week at Kulp's What This Place
THE BULLETIN The Soviet Union is not going penditures for twenty Years,\ wh, gave us the US, or even|| News Agency and Tyndall's Needs, Folks, Is
mn to attack us. Joe Stalin said so what would happen to our and grandpa, Store. West Main street. Ss,
Published every at 11 East i himself in a 50-page article in cnomy? Having grown flabbier i — A Few Good 536
Mn street o Mount hia I {he official magazine “Bolshe- and flabbier, as a nation, during Co oe Ads In This brie
Mancaster Lounly, ra. ill vik”. In giving his projection of twenty years of higher and | NOT SO CUTE . NEWSPAPER al
William N. Young, Publisho | the inevitable course of the higher wages, shorter and short “Cute” ig another word that I K fF Gro
Fred J. Alberte, Editor & Manager | world into the orbit of Commu- er hours, more and more “feath-|is carrying too big a load. It is n ase Ire
| Pearl Roth, Assoc. Editor Bus. Mg | { nism, he indicates it will be er-bedding”, and federal assur | sometimes used to IER, OX ver, |
| quite unnccessary to fight since ance that whatever might hap-|shrewd and sharp-witted. Web- the
| John E. Schroll, Editor and Publisher (1 we are coming apart at the pen, Uncle Sam will take care |ster’s Collegiate Dictionary de in Mount Joy 240
| 1301 JUS. I seams anyway. To forestall ec: of us, Just how well would we | fines “cute as meaning, At- | and Vicinity of 1
| Subseriwtion Rate: $2:00 Per Year | Mail. || onomic ruin, he pointed out, the stand up under real pressure? |tractive by reason of daintiness | stoi
Advertising rates upon request | capitalistic nations are behaving In a recent speech Governor or picturesqueness, as a child.” | . p.m.
Entered ok Vi like “a drowning man clutching Stevenson said: “We are not, I| Too often. we hear such expres- | D al 1
Entered at the postoffice at Mount Joy, | . . : : "
Pa : Nl vd of et pe let i 1 at a straw”, such straws as the take it, a race of whimpering | sions as “the cutest house, the | i - Ww
d., d§ Ssecona-class mal Ne AC | » ' pd ’" “
Nl of March 3. 1879 tl Marshall Plan, the Korean War weaklings who can't face the|cutest boy friend” and “the cu-! So.
VLE 104: i " TT -
} ’ 4 \ : : Il and general rearmament, truth, but a race of men and wo-| test handbag. It would be a| . tow,
| Member, Pennsylounia Ss pu pet | This might be pretty funny, if men proud, courageous and un-|good idea to give ‘‘cute” a long | When in need of Printing. (any= and
1 {1 .
| fc
B A WwW | S I O WwW L, we could avoid the ‘ ne : i i —————— re eee a - ter |
Ed 't Don't know what happened fo Sl ny oye
l ortally + » | uppotiers, I've not had a single huntia’ stor; : ah Fi
the r ; of this column. What u lage
ae = ten A&P Helps You Get Set for the Best Thanksgiving Yet, with in
A Real Thanksgiving! | Give? db. ia : p g ’ yy Mar
If you really want to get the spirit of Joan Fitzkee said a rooster is the only alarm a ain Auc
Thanksgiving, just sit alone silently for ter 1 3 NN AN
inate and try hat von I clock that has o be ured of by an axe. 2 CNA as: Fr
say were y riting this editorial : pr NN age
"ht i Bing Sn 0 Se that life| There should be some very happy Chris!- a age
right here in Mt. Joy is mighty sweet. For | mas shoppers around. That money won in the iy Oo ir oo Oo Ww o i 0 ol | C a Es oc: 2
in a phrase, we are the beneficiaries of all |subscriptio contest wasn't to be sneezed at. , ———
history's greatest bounties. We can be sure | Boy! What I could have done with it.
that not a person here in town is going * * * ¥ C
hungry next Thursday. we can rest assured local young widow was altending « mm O i © 8 e a VY a ii e & Fi
all will be warm and well sheltered. We | geance and after the usual routine the spiril- 7)
don’t hesitate to state it that way because lis cu d that he had a message from | HW HH
we know that we speak the truth. A 2S send him a package : 200000 TI]
Yet, in no other country on the face of | 4 cigarettes. AL m
the world could one be certain that some-| “Where shail I send them?” she asked. “He hi
one living mighty near, might not be suf- didn't give an address.” All prices in this advertisement effective through Saturday, November 22nd ou
fering from want of food and shelter. In| “Well,” solemnly replied the spiritualist, ASP ‘ot c
fact, in many states of our own nation, there |. “3 idm ad F 9 a 2 "9 41
are still iy sufficient food nd) you natics he Jan oe oe ancy eas GRADE "A cans . tt PANY WH ein ¢
clothing. os i i . » n 18 oi 80
0 te. dos Shr i A Florin s $ ame home from Philadel 29- 33 5 f id Bu er REAMERY Solid, Ib ts, Ib 14
True, our rejoicing is tempered by the | phic Ee I BS 3 a Fruit Cocktail SULTANA i unny ie CREA oli prin —-
thought that so many of our fine young
Americans are facing death in Korea, but
we still can mingle our prayers of thank-|
fulness with prayers for their safety and
“Dear,” she exclaimed: “a plastic surgeon
| has told me he would sew up hali of my mouth
| for $100.”
Hubby unhesitatingly replied: “Here's $200”
= .
Dill Pickles GENUINE DILL ior” 29
mere ” Dated fa "Size dozen ize dozen
Wild Egos Brown and Wf M b C LARGE 19°
Fruit Cake 5 uo *1.29 ::°2.49 ::°3.95

prayers that that conflict may soon end. { " Ib (
And as a nation immeasurably richer and! * * * Oleomar arineg NUTLEY kgs
more powerful than any in the world, may | As a pretty girl eritered the Lancaster bus, P y k C ff 1b. 17 2 1-lb. 1 53
Ye nobly our responsibilities 0 the he sailor rose to his jest, AA AAA NISSEN IVT, 0C 0 ee bag p bags Ns
rest of the world. “No, you must not give up your seat — I in- \ i
2D RD iD sist,” said tle young woman. FOR THE SHOPPING CONVENIENCE OF OUR CUSTOMERS ¢ Phi li 8 T om ato Juice 14.01 10° W.
i > “Yeu may insist ail you like, Miss,” was the ALL A & p MARKETS WILL REMAIN ¢ p can
Stevenson’s Prayer | reply. “But. I'm getting off here!” — — — — ¢ om tint : |
Here's a Thanksgiving Prayer from the | Mistaken chivalry. Ni RTIL 4 p M TUESDAY Cranberry Sauce t STRAINED 2 cans 33 at Nc
pen of our favorite, Robert Louis Stevenson, | * * * OPEN JB» IVE
which we take from our own scrap-book for | The dignified little individual in horn-rim-| THANKSGIVING, NOVEMBER 25TH hoi
i { oY = i x c
you: : | med glasses got on the train at Harrisburg. He BEFORE ’ A & Pp Fancy Sliced Beets 2 cans 25 i
“Lord, behold our family here assembled. | took the only seat remaining—next to a man AN AA AAA AAAS AA AA CAAA A er Nf Sr 2
We thank Thee for this space in which we | who had evidenily been drinking. The new- NEW DETERGENT Ae int conta
1 C idently e ] . | pin C quart Cc
.dwell; for the love that unites us; for the | comer sct there quietly for a spell, then began 2 large c Ann Page Mayonnaise jar 3 far 5 hall
rg us this day; for os hope | io smell {ae air disapprovingly. OXYDOL pka.
with which we expect "tomorrow; for the| At last he summoned the conductor. “Dos 2 ; 29. p
health, the work, the food, and the bright | you”, he asked in an outraged manner, “Al GRANULATED SOAP A&P Fancy Pumpkin GRADE 'A 2 i 25 S
skies, that make our lives delightful; for our | jou drunks to ride on this railroad. | DuzZ (GIANT SIZE) 65 oi made
friends in all parts of the earth, and our | et ordinarily.” the conductor whispered. pkg. Pre-Thanksgiving Baking Needs Sale Walte
friendly helpers . . . Let peace abound in
our small company.”
2 Ea a
Talk About Spirit!
About every time we make up our mind
that real community spirit is dying out and
that nobody wants to do anything unless
they are paid for it, that’s just about when
we read something which happily changes
But just siay where you are and keep quiet. If
vou hadn't told me I wouldn't have noticed
* * *
A little shaver on Mount joy Street planted
an electric light bulb in {he back yard, then
{ went into his mama and announced: “Soon
| you won't have to worry about the electric bill
[I'm gonna raise an electric plant.”
| * * *
3 vegies 22° FINE GRANULATED ok ; om PILLSSURY
e Bis Se .
Ss SUGAR +10 to @%¢c vy 97c . PIECRUSTMIX 2 J: 35¢
MORSELS Gola: cine 196 © NUT MEATS $5 48¢
bath 32°
bath Cc SUNNYFIELD PASTRY ha 5 ‘ils ¥ al
25 FLOUR 44 £2 3Te 12 Tle dexo 296 2 Tie
FLOUR 3% 89¢ 50 T5¢ ©’ 0.19 © MILK 4 *' 55¢

our mind back again. Bi ex Lie ; i ‘
) aj I “% Vocal Eros io 5 rorld's : 15-0 . 2 1b
And it was like a breath of pure, clean £ Socal fro th identified the worlds most FOR FINE FABRICS AND DISHES COOKIE MIX Fig 3i¢ . MILK sous cn can 32¢
air to read how Rev. John Gable and a lish as the piano tuna.
t a WwW . JONI rapie ana a re ular C
* small group of his flock up at the E. U. B. x x x ' LUX SOAP x High |
One of our High School boys doesn’t know cakes
Church in Florin donned overalls, rigged
up scaffolds, and in less than a week’s time,
gave the interior of their church three coats
- ’
| whether to resent a remark a Lancaster clerk
made or not. He asked it they had any blue

giant 5 J
of bright new paint. (neckties to match his eyes and the clerk re-
2 1 1 1.» . | ’ 3 vz
Rev. Gable tells us that this is the |glied: “No, but we have some sofi hats to L 0 > ‘6
first coat of paint the interior of his church | match your head.” — — —- — I don't believe FOR DISHES AND LAUNDRY RIDA Juicy 72 or
received in twenty-five years. But more I'd of liked that either. RINSO large 27 THIN SKIN Zz piping
important, he tells us that the group, which So * Yo pkg. = and su
ine dis y : ; ; * ; . 4 x £
included hi own daughte r and a woman Sam Dock says “You've reached middle- HOUSEHOLD CLEANER REGULAR SIZE = ( Ra
Teer Vi 0 So had the hme age when your wife tells you to pull in your [$11 i-lb. c = papere
OE a Ives climbing about the top of the stomach———and you already have!” SPIC N SPAN pkg. Z Pr
Hard work never hurt anybody. And hard *x x x : SOAPLESS DETERGENT GIANT SIZE = Ss
work for a real cause where monev isn’t A mcn got off a train back at the station, c Ib m h = made |
even considered, is mighty good for any- |9'een in the face. A iriend who met Him, ask DREFT pkg. 70 a ig = a
body. Trouble is few of us ever find that | ed him what was wrong, Train sickness, Ln A lr rr, 9 =z Que
out! said the traveler. "I'm always deathly sick L772, A) — Z Ly
aD D Ps | when I ride back-wards on a train. Zz Zz
«2 i "Why didn't you ask the man sitting op- 7 BN i |
This 'N That! posite vou to change with you?” asked the z a» - e =
Do you ever tune in on the Mr. Peepers
TV show? If you do you can readily under-
stand why the public elamored for his re-
turn when he went off the air at the end
of the summer schedules. Every town has a
friend. |
“I thought of that,” said the traveler, "but
there wasn't anybody there.”
* * *
When he sneaked in ci three



Mr. Peepers and a Mrs. Guerney and faculty With guilt in his eyes, = =
members just like those in the skit. Just She asked him no questions——— 7 JARS Cc IZ As VC = I
goes to show you that to stir up real humor She knew cll the lies. 7 = ES Frozen 2 Ke 2 = N So
you have to get right down to folks real —Dewey Hornafius Jr. 7 CEREAL = R FiL 3 , sve ¢ = ©: YU
level. Or right up to it, we should say, con- 4 * Y | Z ~HOPPED 6 JARS 89 17° = LETs rozey Pia 33g = 21/4
sidering some of the low-down stuff they A local Momma tells that on the first day of 7, Zs a Tha ne =z op J; Phy 49 Z 2
- y ys : wie > hd > 7 A SS / » - \ ai
push at you on today 5 TV offerings. scheol her little boy started bravely out the 2/2/7222 22 ek q =
od aR ed gate then came back to his weeping mother, | : = BARN
A TY Ve we Yi a . put his little arms around her and said, “Don't } Im
A Baltimore bacteriologist pointed out in cry mom, maybe Ill be deierred and not even Pro
the Sunday Times that it’s safer for men to Ee © ro ay a Jin A AL
kiss women who are wearing lipstick. Not “ove © 9° * 7X y ING Yi
if you get it on your shirt sleeve, it ain't! Ch : * 14 / Wa
2D 2 = While watching a construction job I over 7 A
A : heard this conversation—— Rc : LRG OTT ThA olin
4 . : h rl A {5 PACIFIC TEA (COMPANY. 5 Talking
Bits OO’ Business Poss: How cone you're only carrying one ‘tHE GREAT ATLANTIC Le PA ‘i i carpet;
Forni akers! ‘orders. during Oc sack, wren the other men are carrying two? : three b
hos urniture J el $s 9 ers yur ing ‘ oo Workman: “Well, I suppose they're too lazy eye Ma
er were up Per cent over the same 1401 | yo mole two. trips, the way I do.” — — Could ble 14
period and the highest since April of last |. ral
: OF Teter iy ! REY ; 8 >
year . . . Bad news for kids: the ceiling | * vo » JOY SPIC SPAN 0XYDOL JTW LUX FLAKES TIDE tary; tw
prices on bicycles has been raised 7 per Al bobby. is : te a NEW DETERGENT plan SOAPLESS DETERGENT room st
cent . . . Prices paid farmers for their| ocal hubby is having this inscription LIQUID DETERGENT A FOR LINGERIE AND DISHES ware.
produce declined 2 per cent during the |Piaced on his wife's Xmas cigarette lighter: olant ¢ giant 15° a 4 Coa
month ended October 15 . . . September in-| 10 My Maiciless Wife." — — — — Clever, bottle 10 Pig. viel hae 69: large 27° giant sire 710° Radio
dustrial production went to 225 per cent of | eh what? 8 Bey. plo. Nn
the 1935-39 average on the FRB’s index-— | * * * articles
the highest since 1945 . . . Sales by manu-| As for Christmas, I live in consiant fear that | : Sal
facturers jumped $1.9 billion during August j= better half will want to start shopping most | 87 EAST MAIN STREET MOUNT JOY, PA fuse
| »
: : Walter |
Landis &
to $24.6 billion during September-—greater
than the usual autumn increase.

any minute,