The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, November 13, 1952, Image 2

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‘ " . " 2 wa RI II rh A IR ASI. ATA Mr REL i
Bulletin, Mount Joy, Pa., Thursday, November 13, 1952 | —— — ——— | PU
; -, . i
J OVW 1, LAFFS |; 1
1 ® | 4 A
THE user | Eicherlys | TH
Published every Thursday at 11 East I Ni in dl U
Main Street, Mount Joy I] ny ‘ A N
Lancaster County, Pa. I 76 = 78 EAST MAIN STREET MT. JOY, PA. | At Jay
William N. Young, Publisher {| 1 LOW
Fred J. Albert Editor & Manager i I} 4 mile
Pearl Roth, Assoc. Editor & Bus. Mgr I DRYCLEANING got that spot [1 AND SEE just of
. ) | |
John E. Schroll, Editor and Publisher I { . HOW MUCH
i 1901 1052 I 75
kK i Where it was | YOU a
Subscriation Rate: $2:00 Per Year by Mail 1 . . | All prices in this ad effective 60 Reg
| Advertising rates upon reque it now IS not! Through Saturday, November 15th 5 !
| i ——— 2
Entered at the postoflice at Mount Jo I ya. ‘
Pa., as second-cla mail under the Act WE OPERATE gible f
of March 3, 1879 li land, LC
| Member, Pewnsytvania Newspaper I | OUR OWN PLANT
| Publishers’ Association ( ~-60 F
= / "IS E ' L : er
Se TT CC a BY A WIS I OW Member National Institute of Cleaning and Dyeing | &
Just to save my scalp, I'll not tell the names, Drycleaning Guild of Lancaster City and County |
Edito relly . ' I'll just cali them Black and White, — At a re- |} nN —10 H
cent meeting of the Ladies Aid Mrs. Black} i
5 i i from |! -
’ | swept in a huff with popping
Good News! Gobble, Gobble! | her eyes as she stormed across to Mrs. White. | A em — | ~~ 58
Theresa's ; . } “Did you tell Mrs. Blue 1 was nothing but a |p" . Br
res g news a Ing, ( ea’
3 Fhere's good ney Toms Sop ossip?”’ demanded Mrs. Black. Mrs. White's
for these parts where turkey dinners pe g I “Wh dy AND... V ¢ FINER, FRESHER Eve
Feady are underway to continue until well] eye brows 4 pre rn yi | FLAVOR . , » a choice of THREE BLENDS , Whi
after "the holidays and turkey raffles 8" he answered “I though Mrs. Blue knew 1 > § ] ! a choice of SEVEN GRINDS! Enjoy it today! high bi
shoots, etc., hit you straight in the poe ket- | — That took the wind out of her sails. §/ a ve 7
book everytime you meet a fireman, lodge | * * * ° 3 Gk bh ' You
brother or companion. | I still contend you can't beat our kids of to- |} : phi Pt
Yep, turkey farmers hereabouts tell us | day. A fourth grader had difficulty pronounc- {| ON YOUR Rich and Full-Bodied 3 Mild and Vigorous and ment s
that the price of gobblers this year is going |ing the letter “R” correctly. Recently, the Mellow Winey 4
to be from three to five cents a pound |{eacher thinking to improve his speech asked |} RED CIRCLE EIGHT BOKAR The
cheaper than last year. All as a result of! him to repeat this sentence afier her. oh! » ’
the fact that this year’s crop in the nation | Robert gave Richard a rap in the ribs for | f 1-18 $ O'CLOCK Sale
is 59,000,000 birds, the biggest the country | roasting the rabbit so rare.” | “LB. aE FES ip. § 53 2 a4. *go! Lunch
bes ever he Sammy was not to be stumped, he said, rap- || BAGS oe BAGS cover
t used to be that the turkey was the/;idiv: “Bobb s Dick ke the side f Pa
3 2% y: obby gave Dick a po in the side for : 1-lb. Bag 81¢
high-priced item on the Thanksgiving able jh cooking the bunny enough.” I 1-lb. Bag 79¥¢ 1-lb. Bag 77¢ 9
but today the thing has been reversed and | ¥ * Y : OF THE MILLIONS WHO BUY COFFEE AT A&P
: : i Betty Barter bought a bit of butter | | AAT of all regular coffee sold by A&P is A&P Coffee, eal
; — A Strasbu

in contrast.
The butter Belty Barter bought was «a little
gs |
Ss Betty Barter bought a bit of better butter


Yep and the idea of reserving the turkey 4 - Ne MOE Rr NL
for Toa occasions is one passing Tor with]. biter CLARINETS AND CASE, Was 5185.00 Now $99.95 | DREFT SUNSHINE
turkey meat available at cheaper price wh rot able ei Joos
you're going to find Turkey oy Ne And that made Beity Barter's biiter butter a HORTON TRUMPETS, Was 5175.50 Now $99.50 | CRISPY CRACKERS P
: : > c ho . itt | ! i c
every time the gang gets together. littie better. ; {| ACCORDIONS, 120 Bass Childs size $12500 || SUPER goo) 70 i 8
> 2 a A Mount Joy Township Farmer | }| RENUZIT rig
8 3 * * '}| ACCORDEIONS. 120 Bass Childs size $125.00 | onc
lke’s K Thi | A stream that flows through the property of | CCORDe ® 9% C B 59 9 ALL-PURPOSE DRY CLEANER Oth Sos
ke Ss Aorean np ran insane asylum was restricted from fishing GUIITARS, used oor ; : : $7.00 up CRANBERRY SAUCE WHOLE OR LIED 16/52. 37
: | — - ° for the inmates of the institution. WwW
Already a move has been launched by! - reserved ‘ ‘ quart 39 02 e
Former Kansas Governor Alf Landon and |As they quielly loitered, somey of them with no § VIOLINS outfits ; : $15.00 up con CRANBERRY SAUCE RANE 2 po 33°
others to demand that President-elect Eisen | hooks on their lines and some of them with 2°} TENOR BANJOS $15.00 up 0 WS
hower send a substitute to Korea. They at all, Joe slipped among them with his ry re 5 : gellon 1 29 TREESWEET ORANGE JUICE cauiForNia “CN: 33¢ La
»oint out that his going to Korea is too |Hyrod. tan
or a risk at this ait ical time and that it! He had just started fishing when he saw the | BANIO MANDOLIN AND CASE is 50 CHEDDAR CHEESE i RY Ib 59:
might even tempt aggressor influences to jess warden coming through so he quickly 25 GUITARS TO CHCOSE FROM Joy qu nm
try to kill him. sled his line out in the field and stood watch- | & . 125 #1 aL
They also argue that his time should be far: it. The warden glanced idly at him &nd | USED HAWAIIAN ELECTRIC GUITAR LIQUID DETERGENT CUT-RITE WAXED PAPER 25 45
Spent on his government and on both for-| went on. Inch es Neen re
eign and domestic matters. That all may be | * Yr Ye UKELELES : : i $3.95 up iam T0¢ GRAPEFRUIT SECTIONS ORB &W 2 Sor 29¢
true but we still think that President- elect | { This sign can be seen outside Shatto's Bar-| ple Pre
. - | NVI ~~ > - i .
Ike, pledged to make that trip, will do ber shop on Saturday nigrts only: Reduced ||! MANDOLINS . $5.00 up > ~ ve SE § Kip
7 ! ut = made k
actly that! | prices for bald Headed fies. Pres Shines. '| DEAGAN MARIMBA AND ACCORDION JOY Tw
2) 3 2 { ] Walter
@ ow aD { Last night I dreamed I saw Eisenhower and | LIQUID DETERGENT NORTHWESTERN | T
S vin Mone | Stevenson walking down the street arm-in-arm : FANCY ) 21. L
avi g y |e» bots were broken, of coves! Popular. Sacred, Vocal, Organ, Piano music ooo 30° .
Here in this section of the Garden Spot | * . Yr .
the old-fashioned virtue of saving money: (Hourly rates as stated by a babysitter in| ® ‘ | Vv |
always has been a popular one. Ask any | our neighborhood.) m) TIDE
local banker and he will tell you that more { “I charge 50c for my Every-Weeker's: 60c for
and more money is going info savings aC- {my Once-in-A-Whiler's, 70c for my First-Tim- DAVID HESS MUSIC SHOP dB giant 0 T0°
Soe: Denton a er 3 16s er's; 80c for Stay-Out-Past-Midnighter's and! 3129 ( Ibs.
3 cause Ol the 1nilaion there 1s 1esSs | gy gp § the i-Senser’'s } < in 106 MARKET STREET aT YT YET AT > Coupon on back of each pkg. worth 10c¢
buying power in the bank book. For ex Sle lor the Ni-Senser's who stay out all 06 N. MARKET STREET ELIZABETHTOWN, PA. Seward, purring of 1 giant a large pkgs. ( | -
ample, it is estimated that liquid savings | : > * * 46.2 Fric
in the nation have increased some $70,000 ~ ou | THIN-SKIN
000 iy Sh Don rs a jump A hi “colonel: Tell oe now, why do you refuse er eter ee rem TIDE a FLORIDA ORANGES aay 2 45: Or
$219 billion in 1945 to $290 billion today. | ‘his opportunity for officer’s training? We 29° ax Ki High $1
But if you consider only purchasing pow- Sergeant: “Well sir, I've been in this army | pks ri FRESH CORN GOLDEN KERNEL 3 cars 25° Lot
er that $290 billion is equal or worth only | ong enough so I don't mind saluting officers— : EMP . C
about $198 billion on the 1945 level. So the ‘but I'll be darned if I'm going to associate with To ap, £55 M EROR GRAPES il 3 tas. 29 Va
effect is a drop of approximately $21 billion | | them as Sau * * giant or 3 large pkgs. of Tide. ) covered
in the past seven years instead of a gain. ! ) hall on
2 3 2 2 The guest watched with dismay as the 8 OXYDOL WAFFLES © 3 Aon 35° floor. Al
Fe Rh A small boy of ihe family amused himself by ¢ WEEK - END DETERGENT Tv . ns piping 1
Then, too! driving nails into the furniture. Recovering him- Ros! Dixiana Strawberries 5: 200) in
ey . ois self, he exclaimed to his host. “Isn't that an ex- lerge 29¢ Frozen French Frie SEABROOK 9-01. “pn : 1 ?
[ake the argument Advanced in the shove * | pensive pastime your son has? How can you Pe Bird s FARMS 2 pkgs. 31) PApETO
editorial one step further and you will see | afford to let him do it?’ Aj F Fi irdseye Green Beans Rage 10-01. be
that the thrifty fellow who seven years ago "Oh, it's not bad.” said the father ea asily.’ 1 | ir ern nest Filled pDuz Ca y hn 0 OLN orci @ pr 3h Pay
decided he would save his money and not | get tae nails wholesale.” and Hard \ SOAP p’n John Ocean Perch Le She rato ke
buy his new home until he had it all togeth | - + ee % ie ¢ Zr a at SP eS A eA Pe Po At Aer William
er so that he could save interest, probably BnR 1} tl Lives without CANDY CQ eg FINE alter
E gh ! . Ain R. D. 1 yodth went io N York Ne cue 25-1b Jos Walter I
would be firmly planted behind the proverb- | first time and wandered re Ne on i 2 soil er water L 73 Teo bik jo Tee SUGAR Suan 2 bes 43° weg 87
ht a oda il | — == | CHIGHEN oo rod
For right here, homes went up a lot more | How much for @ good T-bone steak?” he DUZ KEN COOKED CHICKEN * on™ 1 65
than that amount of interest in the last| a. R Pl ® ’
d the waiter, t th SALMON COLD STPEAM 14
oor, Cc PERFECT STRIKE 16.07.
as 1C a e oO 5 GRANULATED SOAP PINK ean 47 CHUM con 39:
seven years.
Looks as though in these days, after you
5 go : “Well, maybe some Tih chops.”
save a few pennies for a rainy day, you “Ty
. L Pdi hree dollars a e 6." aod
better keep the rest of that folding stuft wai oy nd seventy-five cenis,” said
in action.

SE Yana IY OF | 7 I / Cc | sian 65° MAYONNAISE ANN PAGE 31 wen \



Er, Bn much for a hamburger?”
Ny an QD We don't serve hambur S, i } NN A Nr TRA
% shitiod he 8 tor: ger : said the | 0X XYDOL NUTLEY VIE Sat
e waiter. “but a sandwich will cost PURE SILK ! DETERGENT J
Folk-Lore and Facts vou a dollar and twerity five cents.’ BIER TY OLEOM In
The old belief that farmers toiled in their, The country boy arose from his chair, hand- gion 69° RINE . 2? 16 35 No. 534-
fields from sunup to sundown was deflated ed the waiter a quarter rid started out. Head Squares pkg Ry w
by figures released recently. In the old days, “But whai's this for?” asked the waiter. ” { FANCY CREAMERY 2 ;
it seems, farmers spent considerable time haven't served you vet.’ TTT BUTT “
i off i 1 i i | i contain
working off the farm while in modern times The boy aaswered over his shoulder. “A Size 33x33 C RED HEART ER ig 1% gn 81 i onl furn
long hours in the fields are more of a tray of food passed my table awhile ago aa Hand Rolled Hems DOG FOOD BARN O
reality. I inhaled twice.’ I | SUNNYBROOK ALL-WHITE LE Imm
Department of Agriculture figures show * LINED | 3 1-lb 44° FRE H PHORN Por
that in 1939 only 62 cents ot ev ery dollar ~~ A six year old girl went ifto a local bank | wnt S EGGS MEDIUM 5128 dara n 61 ING HO!
earned by farmers was earned on the farm. and asked to see the & ated carton VM Elec
president. A coorteuus | 2 PN A re AA An oe
The balance was presumably earned by odd clerk showed he 2 oy gS Nato small tak
jobs or part-time employment elsewhere. pigined that I er Tate ie office S un arees M & M's CHEER SPIC 'N’ SPAN Ry
By 1945 the income from crop sales jumped for a new house, CANDY COATED alking |
€ and FT DEN
to 73 cents of every farmer-earned dellar pute? would he please contri-| BLUE SEX $B d “3 CHOCOLATE DETERGENT Se
and last year this rose to 78 cents. The bank} i WAR] giant 1b Nout
Best guess as to the reason for this trend "ype desk hi ia 9 Sols bill and a dime on § SUEDE LINING | i 21° fie Po 10° pkg 23 ANT
is that farmers have less need for outside Sre picked sa e choice, Miss.” AND TURNED UP CUFFS TO MATCH. ALL SANFORIZED | ble. 14 ft
> i icked up tae dime and said. "M h- marble-tc
income because of increased profits on in- y mot
creased farm output. The So fate ar | wal laucht me to take the smallest GERBER 3 CHEER SPiC 'N' i ji
who could just break even in 1939 by takin | Blase, - Seine il Js dollar bill also she ad- BABY FOOD DETERGENT SPAN ware.
outside work probably finds now that ig is doe u go won't lose the dime, I'll take STRAINED 10 jars 95¢ Coal
putting money away just hoeing his own piece o PED to ep it up in.’ ~ ment resets 89¢c large 29° ened 15° Rui) he
i kg. : Pig set: May
Xow: All right — — — so they - are lous : — i. - oi | mower; |
* 1 #4 or 9 —= 1 ! articles t
BD aR @P — Ti ts what youll read from now on, if 14 - 16 WEST MAIN STREET | Sale
Everybody has his or her own conception | on't send something in fo fill this column | MOUNT JOY. PENNA. 87 EAST MAIN STREET MOUNT JOY, PA. este at
of Heaven. Ourd is: 1952 wages, 1926 divi- | ot ea hte | : ’ Walter D
dends, 1932 prices and 1910 taxes. A WISE OWL Landis &