*y HE'S GOT | Leg Care If your legs become rough and mottled in cold weather, you can | easily improve their looks. Just rely on the fine soothing lotion you have found indispensable for your hands. An Air Force sarge chum of ours lost 122] every morning. Aen pounds on his tremsfer from Mitcrell Air Force | Base lo @ West Coaét field. Her name's Ethel | and her phone number is 0965-W. 2eThe Bulletin, Mount Joy, Pa., November 6, 1952 | OWL LAFFS. Thursday, * * Small boy explaining broken window to o | ticer Hei sey: “I was cleaning my slingshot and lit went off.” " ee em = (I like that)! | | THE BULLETIN | PUI | Published every Thursday at 11 East I | * * * * * * | Smooth your legs with it after every | ‘ Main Street, Mount Joy, Il 3 A drill sergeant speaking -- “Remember! By the way, Gertie, which one was the pak bath and always before donning | | DID Lancaster County, Pa. I|| = your gun is your best friend. Treat it like you | kin'? glockings. HE JOB VA . William N. Young, Publisher i EE would your wi ite. Wipe it off with ¢ an of oily rag] A WISE OWL | patronize Bulletin Advertisers | - ' Sm ion . Fred J. Alberte, Editor & Manager |] = - Mo WwW : | Pearl Roth, Assoc. Editor & Bus. Mgr I E edn . 2 ! 2 AR Sn. On the : i Schro r ai Yublisher il - pon Ty \ John E. Sch 3h, Eder 1d Publisher I ) at No. 819 Sc ! ee my Il , uta, Lot 24x2| ' [| Subscristion Rate: $2:00 Per Year by Mail | A 5 ig Ii Advertising rates upon request I x ir : in 2 | Entered at the postoftice Mount Joy I \ : Pa., as second-cla mail under the Act | / 4 fontaining Six {| of March 1879 . I all has new | | 3 been recently Member, Pennsylvania Newspaper I Le Publishers’ Association I . a i Property EES I YY TIS EE N Sale toc - mm oI | B \ A W I > I ( JW L. made town | We had the cutest little “tricks or treats x Edito riclly . | visit us on ticktack night. Too bad that only Walter Dupes | comes once a year. You're never too young or { px 7 D. L. Landis, : i loo old to enjoy it! A | > ! on) The Election Bd : | * * * an Prices in This Ad > / ‘ paigns one wonders oo ona ol A car full cf saiiors were headed i Lan- Thruogh Sefurdey, Nev. 8th CS Sept Go, maa btu a sep SS . Everybody 150g, Of $ ! tation things said can be forgotten. But that caster from Navel Training 5 aoa hy ine seemingly is a trait characteristic of Amer- whea one - 89 . IY Rh eographic LUCKY LEAF, MUSSELMAN'S c Today's abil Si icans. We can fight it out to the bitter Line? The dziver replied: “ts M6 APPLE SAUCE or A&P FANCY—SPECIAL PRICE ? Cans 27 today's Best Eggs Buy are A & P's end—and then after the smoke of the battle | division between you-all and you'se guys. r= 5 has cleared, stand unitedly in doing what * * * MINUTE RICE BAEC Bu 12° Ie 33 MEDIUM SIZE EGGS we can to make this a befter and stronger |: “I was so cold last night I couldn't sleep’. Pig nation. | complained a Columbia Ave. woman to her BAN UET CHICKEN WHOLE COOKED 4b $4 6 Kisii NNYERQOK WILDMERE CRESTVIEW And so, now tnat John Q. American has | neighbor. fi SPECIAL PRICE! can CARTONS C c ¢ recorded his decision, we can settle down The neighbor asked: “And did your teeth DRIED ¢ 2b c to being neither Republicans or Democrats | chatter?” SUNSWEET PRUNES sci Puce k 25 vl 45 ia 4 : : ¢ ta £ ICE! pkg pkg in Vas but primarily Americans intent upon mak-| “I dont know" the lady answered: We > SUNNYFIELD BUTTER as 188 nee 80¢ ) ing the next four years, successfully im- | don't sleep together.” CORNED BEEF HASH AR oY 14-02 a3 i On FRID ‘ w Lr 4 Toul $4, . C can . portant ones for the 1 nited States. : * +* * : PARKAY OLEOMARGARINE REDUCED in Ya-lb | 8: For after all is said and done, most of A litile fellow in our neighborhood was ask- HUNT'S In SAUCE ct 3 com 22° NRE pe us are seeking peace and prosperity even : ed to define “nonsense” by his teacher. He ih Cans ANGEL SOFT FACIAL TISSUE WHITE ios 0 3° F though we may differ in the best manner | complied by saying: “- - - an elephant hang- CREAM STY iio arm of obtaining these. The means, if honorable, 1 tied d 3 REDUCED PRICE 2 ca 2 ARGE RAINSOW pkg ¢ : is not too important as long as we get the | ing over a cliff with his tail tied to a daisy.” Ps 1 COLORED of 400's results Pam PE * * : To be he dy - | A Marietta woman who charged her hus- Bh a ZERD HOUSEHOLD CLEANER bette 23 way, RO &@ RB | band with non-support. was being questioned Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Week-End Specials! BURNETT'S VANILLA veh © oun c sulai H | by the judge. FLORIDA JUICY 4-70 SIZE THIN SKIN . EXTRACT hele halls In case of Congra lations, unters! | “But you admit that your husband gave you tat MOR LURCHEON MEAT REDUCED 12-01 2 It may seem odd to congratulate sports- | his pay check the first of every month.” i PRICE! can 42 ON FRID men the very week they have been denied Yes, your honor,” the woman said. “But he MY-T- Fi NE DESSERTS : or LEMON 4-01 2 c No.1. Fi the use of the hills and valleys hereabouts never told me he got paid twice a month.” PIE FILLING vi Ino Paster for the hunting of small game. We're not + * y 1 %-0 c BR AL all g mi fe 4-9 other cony congratulating them for what t hey gave! For the past few weeks Myrtle Nornhold has e ok three face up—but for the manner in which they ac- | been taking quite a ribbing about her choice : STARKIST TUNA Chunk Style &/5-01 31° building. 1 cepted the decision of the Game Commission | for president thru Brubaker, Payden and . can fine: front and Governor Fine. | Sweigart, who ect lunch at Benneit's. Day be- NEW CROP—THIN SKIN—JUICY 250 SIZE a pa CLEANSER 14-01 25 Route 22. We talked with quite a few local sports- | fore election it was really hot—almost sizzling, RAN = 2c NG ; ans super ma men over the past week-end and we found | | but Wednesday Myrtle had the upper hand Th a vo ANGUS Eo CLOTHS SO A RTs pig 29 many oth that they, to a man, realized the necessity | with black crepe paper salt and wooden pad- HE — Sra. yon No. 2 Li of banning hunting due to the costly fires | gles to “row them down the river.” The three CRISP CA A . z : twelve roc on our very border. And as much as most were so meek and quiet, didn't sound like the NONE {0 2 Fa Libby's HARVEST of a building + of these fellows wanted to get out into the! PACD Stalk ¢ i ms > same corner. HIGHER ta bathrooms fields, they all accepted the bane in mighty | 2 17-01 porch now good spirit. 4 ik Y % U.S. No. | MARYLAND GOLDEN [NONE PRICED HIGHER) PE, LIBBY'S GARDEN SWEET cans 37 I Yhow 2 : t i As § awn, a ve So here's hoping they all have mighty | For parents of fleas I feel sorry - - {EMPEROR GRAPES 3 2 LIBBY'S 17-01 fronting good luck when they do open up the season | Their life is no perfumed bouquet. Ibs C GOLDEN GORN CREAM STYLE 2 cans 33° Route 22. for them. . mh They know almost certain their offsprings va a fine gift aii rs ras ein be wo na 35 | DEEPBROWNBEANS 2:23 tr QD D Will go to the dogs some day ! ; MARVIN DATES PITTED ie 21 c pig 35 cans Restauran There’ : | —Dewey Hornafius jr. : OLD SO : Ap § J uss 2 18-02 25¢ 46.02 27 No. 3 TI of: ; . | OLD SOUT oz : iBBY'S : «3 re’s Still No Substitute for Victory | *. % * ORANGE JUICE FROZEN 2 am 3 4° Tomato Juice 4% cans ) stave hom A year ago last April, General Douglas | A new proud father was passing out cigars SEABROOK FARMS ow ih : signed bu A e Ie g1as | 4 IM . Cc ve MacArthur, summarily fired by President | ti friends at the Elks Club, and boasting about Baby Lima Beans FROZEN 2 pkgs 43 Libby’ S$ sliced Beets REDUCED PRICES iar 15 in Skyline Truman when he had the enemy on the run | the size of his new offspring. “Would you be- + H . 14-02 5 Bo 18-02 tiful well | . > . i i . : re . 4-0 (5) 2a 3 A A and wanted to bomb their Manchurian bases | lieve i?" he said, “The nurse had tc use sheets : Birdseve Chopped Spinach FROZEN 2 pkgs OO” Libby’ 3 Pineapple Juice 2 cans 23 \ The above and chase them back across the Yalu said: | 81 inches wide and 108 inches long!” SLICES AND 29-o0z wonderful “There is no substitute for victory.” | "Eighty-one by a hundred ond eight is the LOR AND Duc CHESS STEAKS Phy Soc ( Yeliow Cling Peaches LIBBY'S HALVES can 29 price on lil This month, after fifteen months of | standard size,” quipped a buddy. “That's no Ne AAA AANA AANA needed on “truce talks” have utterly collapsed; after | large: sheet than any other mother uses.” Ss fifteen menths of continued American losses, ; The father smiled and threw out his chest DRY mil K SOLID EXTRA GRADE Pree You 32° ON averaging 1,000 a month in dead, wounded | “For diapers?” he quipped. 3 IRA GRADE Prige i : = | MAKES 5 QUARTS OF NON-FAT MI i and capt tured: after 15 months of enemy | * * * ) os AT MILK. IT'S REAL MILK WITH FAT AND WATER REMOVED build-up in which Red strength has been | H : ; : x 1s aa En carry Troutwine said from now on he will ’ j reported as more than doubled, the enemy fou ck 2 his order brand. The other yi a SUR ALL. PURPOSE ) BEVIL'S FOOD CAKE CHO TARAS oh 6-inch 49° No. 5 Fa os pene his fanatical mass attacks. { bought a pack of and alter smoking DETERGENT Y= 8 ; Regularly cake farms in t the first 29 days of October, enemy dead, lp. o3 of them. he wont home. = - - - = Maldon Coupon on the top of BALL POINT PERS § SRB JANE PARKER SPECIAL ine} Nine and wounded and captured were estimated at|_ St : § each package worth 20¢ =i PUMPKIN PIE REGULARLY 4c PRICE! i 39° west of H 32 885. Our own battle casualt ies for Yaci gaia le wasn't ooking too good, he must o (toward the purchase of in each package of J An ple productive Ears array 1 | been sick. one pound of your fae TOM — week ig ported at 1 278, over 500 ore % % *< (vorite Gotten your Giant Size SHORT BREAD. So f° RED CHEEK APPLE JUICE 46.01 29¢ large toba han the week before and making a tota ? a ~ i San barr with a0, 8 Recently 1 Rag to oo 0 og bud: AAA AA Ae Ae Ae A AAA ANS Mil FORD PICKLE FRESH CUCUMBER quart 25° two extra . 1 v i aq 1 i VEE Sa SHE . And this week, all the top UN command- Ress and When I at my usual hotel, ps PREM or TREET REDUCED 12-02 Me KOSHER STYLE jar house, gar ers in Korea were reported as anxious to [Pe Clery expuangd: PRICES! can WJ : 7 MILD AND ¢ 3b additional take the offensive, but only General James yang there Mr. — — — — —, I'm certainly SPECIAL pkg ¢ Qc 8 0 CLOCK COFFEE MELLOW bes a 11 bag 2.25 trances, he A. Van Fleet, commander of the US 8th glad to see you again. How's everything in i SUES PRICE of 200's 13 Pre 19 A ni 28-02 ¢ "hi : 3 1 300 This | Army was willing to be quoted. He said: | Mount Joy? Shall 1 fix you up with the same oh WHITE HOUSE RPPLE BUTTER far 19 dove mn ul quo vad 1 3 4 ah 4 : = home deve “We need military victory. We must defeat Fm You had last year? There's a new fan in RUIT SECTIONS P.W rs 9 in 29° REST LE’S MORSELS SEMISWEE7 19° a good fru the Chinese armies in the field. Korea is |B now-—much better than the one you borrow- 2888 ¢ 84 the key to Asia. Beating them is the only | 2d on your last visit. HEINZ TOMATO SG FY) loz 4 ANN PAGE BEANS i 10 Zh 27° No.8 way to get back our prestige. We don’t have Are those two hand towels wearing well? we) cans ~~ PAAR A i) Ing house to go all the way to Yalu, but we must be , And the bath towel? And tae two ash trays? PY-O.m1: Buy 2 Packages . { : { § if purchas prepared to hit the Manchurian air bases And the desk pen set? There's a lovely new FFEE CAKE MiX a Com. Baking Tino Get Comb, Be 0 im ¢ 3b ¢ sale as thi H we have to.” chenille throw rug in the room, 4x6, that really Extra Cost, Prd WHR can can E {i} someone al No, that’s not MacArthur talking. That's! ought to catch your eye. NABISCO Fi NEWTONS REDUCED O's Thiit ; ’ 3 2 "ay qs . A%P's Theifty All Purpose 100% Pure V bla Shorteni : No. 7 Ter Van Fleet, the field commander who took = I You decide taat youd like to take it along i PRICE! ian I a ening Route 22 s over from General Ridgway when the latter | ¥ ge we hose draperies that pleased you so 5 Thi . was sent in to replace the ousted Magc- Much last time, and it you find that you con't J i 3 iis trac under wraps for eighteen months, who for Your = squeeze i! into your suitcase alone | WORY SOAP LUX LUX CRISCO Sizes « Arthur. That's Van Fleet, who has been let me know and I'll send up the house detect- | i gi : Sizes ( fifteen months has watched the enemy iv ... — — — - You know-—I don't be- By motion sire Bp TOILET SOAP 1 10.00 Dif BATH SOAP ng 22 . 83¢ and 390 fe building up an overpowering force in his I I'ke him, After ail, they were only souv- 3 cakes 22 a regular 29c i L ci ku 13 bash. site 20 Coupon on 3-ib can worth 10c mid on, Manchurian sanctuary across the Yalu. anirs. ¥ sire coker fa SPR Yo i Rese ; wher dg 0 inthe pase « fers Mort And at the Pentagon in Washington, the x X* Xx IVORY ph ig : a 59 signs of rebellion against continued "domina- F Ee Lim bisa ’ : 3 A PLE pay tion of the military by the State Depart- A fellow frem Salunga told me he'll never Diz LAKES 4 CHEER SPIC N SPAN ny ment are beginning to show. We look for get used to modernistic furniture. It continu- DETERGENT MORE FUI some new ground rules—perhaps before the ously confuses him, The other night he was clon large 27¢ Tih 23: WILL BE new Commander-in-Chief is sworn in. visiting a friend who had nothing but modern- bg 65° pkg "5 AND SAT SD i» oD istic furniture in his apartment. He couldn't tell a $4 Special In ; a chair from a table until he asked his friend J Joy ~ ‘#4 homes or | Times That Try Men's Souls where an ashijay was and his host said he's CAYDOL Iq office any « “We need more time for reading, relax- been si'ling in it for the past half hour. NEW DETERGENT LIQUID DETERGENT [T= i ing and singing in the bath,” says Dr. Her- * * * bd SK bert E. Alden, assistant professor of clinical ! R 9g 29¢ betty 30 | medicine at Emory University in Atlanta, Rexsember way back when the higgest : = Ga. “Present day bath methods and man- from your pay envelope took place after § Metzger ¢ ners,” he continues, “are such as to take Y°4 got home? . . .With taxes what they are, 7 EN TIDE GIBB’S ji] Attorneys- away from the spiritual and physical com-|°2€ doesn't have to pass a civil service exami- | buzZ =) T ) i forts of the lazy, timeless, restful immersion nation to werk for the Government. f 2 1 to 2% mate Neichup. 11; 19¢c} tl of our bodies in tubs of warm water.” * + Ye large 97¢ weg te ,| Spinach ______3 28¢c \ G From which we judge that our continual | Home from the honeymoon, the preity bride ry Fi 10¢. ravers the ou | Cut Green Beans eo 10 Fi A on immersion in hot water is doing us no good. | rom the city was helping her pouliryman hus- 1. Voie or foe ozs 7% rN" \ Skyli And then, too, it’s not so easy to find someo- baad from R. D. 2 gether up the eggs. a | | the s: thing to sing about and the way they! “No luck here,” she called from the fi : i All . . e first nest willb write songs these days, even the notes are |she visiled. “Theres only the $99 the hen usos 87 EAST MAIN STREET MOUNT JOY, PA. ees 0 too high! : for a pattern”, If et. iid | All t] : deed