The Bulletin Circulation Now Has Reached MOST MINUTE Ww EEKLY I N LANCASTER EQ uNTY WE WELCOME YOUR NEWS Club, Parties, Social, Parties, Scout, Auxiliaries. Church. PHONE MT. JOY 3.9661 _ VOL. LII, NO. Mount Joy, Pa., Thursday Afternoon, | November 6: I Borough Gives Eisenhower Three-To-One Record Breaking Vote Republicans Pile Up Big Vote Throughout This Entire District The victorious Eisenhower- Nixon ticket was given a more than three-to-one plurality in one of the heaviest poll of votes ever cast in Mount Joy Borough Tuesday. Surrounding townships also accorded the Republican ticket a more than two-to-one plural- ity and at the same time accord- ed Guy XK. Bard, Democratic candidate for the U. S. Senate, a complimentary vote which caused him to run well ahead of his ticket despite that he did not come close to carrying any district in this section. With three or four different groups working hard to get out the vote, including the Jaycees and workers for both parties, the vote cast here Tuesday was above the 1300 mark and a rec- ord-breaker for any presidential vear since permanent registra- tion. Oldtimers here recalled, how- ever, that in 1928 Al Smith- Hoover battle, when all one needed to vote was the receipt for payment of a 25-cent poll tax, that several hundred addi- tional votes were cast. In the borough, Eisenhower polled 484 votes in the East Ward; 466 in the West Ward, making a total of 950 as com- pared with 131 and 171 respect- ively for Stévenson or a total of 308 votes. The extent of cutting tickets in favor of former Judge Bard is shown by the fact that he polled 432 to 819 in the borough or 124 more than his ticket. Eisenhower ran ahead of the Republican ticket although Senator G. Graybill Diehm was (Twn to Page 6) Predicts No Rain Til November 28 Pity the poor sportsman! Majority In Florin Parents To Meet Nov. 20 Robert S. Eshelman, element- ary supervisor of Manheim Cen- tral School District, will speak at the Parents meeting of the Washington Elementary School Thursday evening, November 20, at 7:30 p. m. He will speak | to the group on “Child Growth | yee Emotional and Mental”. Teach- ers and students will have the Joy HS. . abba} ening, November classrooms open for visitation by parents preceeding the meet- ing with exhibits of school work. Dr. J. W. Bingeman, su- pervising principal, will discuss the latest developments of the joint school. A chart discussion by the teachers regarding par- ents visiting school and discus- sing common problems of the school will follow. HAROLD RONK Noted soloist who will be fea tured in “Evening of Music” with the Christiana Community concert in the Mount auditorium Friday ev- 14th at 8:15 The local Jay-cees are soring this concert and endeav or to present a full evening of enjoyable entertainment to all music lovers. Tickets can be purchased from the members spon- | Bernerd Grissinger is in charge of the ticket sales. — § What A Food Sale! $89.48 Taken In By Remm. Com. What a Food Sale! The ens went all out and the Re- membrance Committee had five tables filled twice with home- made goodies. In only 2'% hours a total of $89.48 was made and | all the things were sold. There will be a soclal ‘‘get- acquainted” period following the meeting. The parents’ com- mittee in charge are Aaron Mus- ser, Warren Stehman, A. K. Kleiner, Mrs. Lester Wolgemuth Mrs. Paul Brubaker, Mrs. Geo. Bowers and Miss Romaine Wei- gle (faculty). Mrs. Earl Koser is social committee chairman. OPEN HOUSE IN FLORIN Parents are invited to visit the Washington Elementary School during Education Week, November 10-14. Friday after- noon, .November 14, the pupils will present a recital with Mrs. Walter Sloan as the guest artist. All pupils who play instruments will take part in the recital. EE | | [ citiz- a good feel- people | it's SO Believe me, ing to know were interested. The bank account is going up again and soon there will be enough for another Spring box. No date has been sé for the meeting as yet. many next Nine Prizes In Picture Coloring Contest Offered Some contributors, whom we want to thank are: Mt. Joy Mills, Ed. Keene, Ros- ser Construction, Booth's Store, Murphy's Store, Rotary Club, | Hostetter’s Store and Dr. E. W.| Garber. more Some pans and plates are at 11 East Main St. and if the own- | ers will call for them it will be all you kids up to twelve get out your cray- Hey, vears of age, In his weekly weather predic- tion submitted at the regular; meetings of the local Rotary Club, Sam Miller, weather prognosticator deluxe, reported | that the month of November is: devoid of any real rain signs— up to the 28th! Should Sam’s prognosticating | prove correct, hunters of the' state, now awaiting a half inch of rain in order to have the state lift the ban on all gunning will be all but cheated out of their annual small game sport. DAVID MORRIS ASSOCIATED WITH FATHER David Morris now is associat- ed with his father, Isaac Morris, in the operation of the Mt. Joy Department Store, East Main Street. Morris spent the past! several years in Hartford. He is | a graduate of Mount Joy High School. | 86-Year-Old Former Resident Wants To Hear From Friends [ She may be addressed at Ham- | Mrs. Amos | lin, Kansas, care of Mrs. Arthur [that bunch has been Pictured here is Wolgemuth, who was a resident | of Mt. Joy over ago and is now residing her daughter, Mrs. Arthur Heise | at Hamlin, Kansas. ( Mrs. Wolgemuth failing in health the years and was almost bedfast until recently when she has re- gained some strength. She will celebrate her 86th birthday on | the 17th of November and! would be surprised and pleased to hear from old acquaintances. She still speaks of Pennsylvania as her old home and until two years ago was able to make al-' most yearly visits sixteen years | with has been past two! { Appliance Store, 'is a portable record player to relatives ' ® and friends in this community. | Way's Joy, you because Mount to ons and pencils is appreciated. want to say thank the Rememb- food sale Again we for rance Committee big success. offering ten prizes voungsters who show the best ability in coloring the Santa Claus pictures that will appear in the Bulletin each week for the next seven weeks. The first will be found in Way's advertisement ap- you making | a to we We want to apologize the Catholic Ladies because had our sale the same as theirs. We had no idea they hav- ing one. picture day Appliance pearing in this newspaper today. Look it over and then see what good job of coloring you can were Remembrance Committee Matoney, Chairman Eade - a do. The esting picture | . | Jacquie | inter- | contest | fol- | lowed by nine other nice prizes. | So all you youngsters up to 12 vears of age, join in the fun and | at the same time you may win | the record player. Judging will be done on indi- vidual pictures and not on the entire set of seven. You can en- ter each week if you wish to. first prize in this coloring ‘Woody Sponaugle ‘Addresses Rotary F. & M’s winning streak i football this year is not because | the college has one of best | teams—but solely because in its this more fight | year’s squad has opponent they yet have faced, Woody Sponaugle, famed F. & M. coach, declared in a talk before the Mt. Joy Ro- | tary Club Tuesday noon. than any “In five successive games outplayed |in almost every department, yet they came from behind to win jall five games—I never saw a {bunch with more fight than those kids have,” Sponagle as- serted. | Prior to his talk, J. Shobar | Barr, of Franklin and Marshall, predicted that by 1961 colleges {and universities of the country will have nearly twice as many | students as they have today. | “This does not necessarily | mean that athletics will be on a much bigger scale because the important thing in college ath- letics is to keep the athletic program in perfect balance with all other phases of college life” he declared Heise, her daughter Naomi. MRS. AMOS WOLGEMUTH old pipes we I ter Eliminating Leaks In Water System Pumping Same Volume Of Water As Two Years Ago Despite 50 New Customers additi up to than fifty hooked With customers more onal the being water is | than head svstem, no more here today two years ago, Sam Miller, of the borough authority reveal ed today Reason for pumped | | this is that many through has been pouring been eliminated. With the work installing | new mains continuing rapidly, | more leaks are being discove red; each week, he explained. “It is surprising how many | have found which are no longer in use and have rusted away and through which water leaking,” he declared “Most of these where old | buildings no longer are “In most of these instances wa has been turned off at the curb stop but not to the main in the street. Leaks which have ‘been eliminated more than ‘make up for the water being consumed by more than fifty | residences hooked up to the sys- tem in the past several years.” Another improvement being added to the local water system | is the building of several man- holes through which leaks can be detected and repaired easily. The first of these is be- | ing constructed near the Man-| heim bridge. Another will be| placed at the pumping station | and others will be built thru- out the borough from time to | time. It | underground leaks which water for vears, have of is are in use. more | recast Ge emer E. D. Twp. Nears $1400 Drive Goal East Donegal Twp. buted $1380.05 in the recent | Red Feather Drive. It is expect- | ed that the township will go ov- er its goal of $1400 when the fi nal amount in. The canvassing was done by the fol- | has contri- | is handed i lowing persons: Lip- Mrs. Ammon Smith, Kimber piat, Mrs. Donald Staley, Hazel Crankshaw, David Mars- chka Mrs. Wilbur Allison, Al- bert Nentwig, Mrs. Anna Haines Howard Sutter, Mrs. Joseph Keener, Glenn Forney, Mrs. Geraldine Showalter, Rosene Musser, Rev. George Shultz, Jr. Mrs. Alvin Yingst, Helen Hol- ienbaugh. Mrs. Cynthia | Nellie | Betty James James Mowrer, 3randt, Albert Kleiner, Neiman, Elsie Lefever, Waser, Warren Stehman, Johnstin Roy Greider, Houseal, Theodore Trone, Les- ter Roland, Levi Nissly, Harold Ney, Lester Wolgemuth, Lewis (um to page 5) C—O ne Holstein Ass'n Annual Dinner Set For Nov. 18 The Lancaster County Holstein Association will hold its annual dinner meeting on November 18 at 6:30 p. m.,, in the Landis ville Fire Hall. The speaker for the occasion will be Dr. M. A. Farrell, Vice Dean of the School of Agricul- ture, State College. He is also the director of the Pennsylva- nia Experiment Station. Dr. Farrell will discuss “The Re- search Program of the Dairy Industry.” A cordial invitation is extend- ed to come and enjoy the fel- lowship with the progressive Holstein breeders. Tickets may be secured from Lloyd Derr and Clarence Lyons, of Mt. Joy and Harvey Rettew, of Manheim. The committee are; Henry H. Hackman, Harvey Reitew and Clarence Keener. Earl | | | ler ol | son n of Mr Church Kitchen Our Future In another of our smiling future Dena, daughter of Mr. Mr. and Mrs. John A. drren of Dr. and Mrs. Bottom row-—Cory, son of Mr. and and Mrs. son of Shower Given To Furnish Ladies Aid of the Gloss- Evang. Church, Florin, a The brenner issued 200 invitations to “kitchen shower” to be given next Thursday at 7:30 p.m. in the Sunday school chapel. This shower is to help ish the new Kitchen at church and suggestions are made on the invitations what items are needed. The commit- tee are very pleased with the response to their need and are looking forward to next Thurs- day when the gifts will be pre- sented. They will be on display the following Sunday at church for everyone to see. Mrs. Leaman Hurst, of Lan- caster, will be on the program to entertain with her recita- tions. Refreshments will be | have furn the | the | | served | — A Celebrates Golden Wedding DINNER AND OPEN HOUSE HELD FOR MR. AND MRS JOHN M. SHEARER OF MT. JOY R.D. 2 | | John M. Shearer entertained | home Mr. and Mrs. of Mt. Joy R2, were at a dinner Sunday at the of their daughter and son-in law, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bain] Mt. Joy R2, in honor their Golden Wedding Anniversary. In the afternoon “open house” was held for the immediate family and friends. Sixty-five guests were present. The couple were married on November 11, 1902 at the Franklin House, Lancaster, by the Reverend Amos S. Hotten- stein, of East Petersburg. They were attended by Martha Shearer and Allen, sister and brother of the bride and groom. Mrs. Shearer was the former Fannie Becker, daughter of the late Daniel and Catherine Beck- er. of @ PASTOR TO ATTEND NEW YORK SESSION The Rev. W. L. Wilson of the Calvary Bible Church will leave Monday to attend the In- ternational Congress on Proph- ecy at the Calvary Baptist Church at New York City, which will be held Nov. 9 to 16. | Mrs. Wilson and will accompany her and visit with relatives their stay in New York. Wilson expects to return day. daughter husband during Rev. Fri- RE ee AS H. S. FOOD SALE The Sophomore class of the Mount Joy High School will hold a food sale, Saturday, No- vember 8 at nine a. m. in front of Rutt’s Ins office. group pic citizens reading from left to right top row and Mrs. Eshelman; Robert Walker, Mr. Mrs. John Kissinger, Maynard ‘Robinso n of F Flor in. | School Band, as follows: 952 Citizens tures, shown above, the are: happy, | $2.00 a Ye ear in Advance Subscription Contest Now Entering Final Stage; Only One Week Remains To Win To Start Paving Dug Up Streets sing November 15 Is Last Day Of Competition | the past weeks, this Sat- November 8-—has been importantly on the horizon and every tick of the clock has been bringing the end the big “third period” of the contest just that much nearer, hour of every day being full of opportunities {or those who really want to be declared a winner of first hon- ors and of finally realizing what heretofore might have merely been a wonderful dream. | pleted some time next week. | , Next week is the last week of Work of laving the new main [this thrilling race. Time will fly For | urday With work progres well looming ahead of schedule of now in the laying mains, emphasis water ol placed on re-paving have | new will be allevs which 1 and dug up, streets every reported [grammed been was today. The n completed has bet St. | Blacktopping will be started to com 12-inch main to Fairview new day and is expected to be daugh chil Kenneth Leib; Linda, Robert and Deanna, Mount Joy Warren Funk; John, and Donald, | all of and Mrs. from Mount Joy: Prize Winners Listed Of The Halloween Parade Prize winners among the sev eral hundreds of participants in the Hallowe'en parade held on + Friday evening, and sponsored | by the Lions Club, were the | following: The first division, of children up to and including fifth grade was led by the Mt. Joy High School Band. Priz es were given as follows: Comical Danny and Derr, 1st; Glenn Funk, Ralph Ditzler, 3rd; al—Richard Becker, 1st; Haines, and Suzanne 2nd and William Barbara Roberts, 3rd; Fanciest—Pamela Lyons and Deborah Wolgemuth, 1st; Sandra Gebhart, 2nd; and and Marcia King 3rd. The through 12, Donegal compose dl age, Larry 2nd; Sherill Reiner, and grades 6 the second division, accompanied by Marietta High had prize winners Most Comical—Tim Stohler and Tom Schroll, James Ronald Williams, Darla Kulp, East othy ist: Most Original 3rd Ist; { David Halbleib and Ronald Got 3rd; Sandra Mateer, Fanciest—Peggy Smeltzer, zabethtown, 2nd; and (Turn to page 6) walt, 2nd; Eli Dilly ‘Wedding To Take Place Saturday Invitations have been issued Mr. and Mrs. Paul G. Marietta R1, to the wedding of their daughter, Doris Paul ine, to ' Donald D. Peters, of Mr. and Mrs. Earl C. Peters, Lancaster R2. The wedding will take place Saturday at 2:30 p. m. in the Mount God. The Rev. C. Helwig, tor, will officiate at the ring ceremony, assisted by Rev. W. R. Weaver, pastor the Manor and WashingtonBoro Churches of God. Miss Bradley, who will be given in marriage by her father, has chosen her sister-in-law, Mrs. Ralph Brad ley, Marietta R1, as matron of honor. Bridesmaids will be Miss Colleen Ibaugh, Miss Janet Peters, Lancaster R2 a sister of the bridegroom-elect; and Miss Jeanette S. Elizabethtown R3. by ley son w F. pas- the Ginder, of The flower girl is Linda Hess, and Ralph Brad-/ Bloomingdale, ley, Jr., the bride-elects nephew will be ring bearer. Earl K. Peters, Lancaster will serve as best man for brother. Ushers will be Eck, Columbia; Carl McEllhen ny, Lancaster R2; and Paul Shenk, Washington Boro RI. Miss Ruby Helwig, Mt. Joy, will preside at the organ Mrs. Paul Burger, Mt. Joy R2, will be soloist his =| ed Team Adds Most | Most Origin- | Brad- | Joy Church of double | of | Marietta; ! R2,| Elwood and | to th Donegal Joint school | around and there will be scarce- building has been one to catch ones breath be- [ fourth with | fore Contest will be over, than 1.250 feet of 12-inch main pe named and the [1aid to date, begin taking This stretch of fruits of their | 6,000 feet Already [has been signed up with at new p i already [Ty time the winners completed more contractors report- than proud possessors more | enjoyment on the effort. customer Mindful of the fact that the the | remaining time will pass quick- ad My because of the excitement at- [tached to the close, the manage- this newspaper wishes the question, whether or not hard work now will be worth more than all the regrets (Turn to page 7) sell th Mime JAS. MILLER TO SPEAK AT WASHINGTON ST. CHURCH when completed one new along least 15 received new main | [ditional applicants 0 Mt. Joy Soccer ment of [to put Another Victory Over Dove High O Score James Miller, Jr., a Sopho- more at Elizabethtown College, will speak and show slides of his summer service experience in Europe, this coming Sunday evening at 7:30 in the Washing- ton Street Church of the Breth- eve- (ren, Elizabethtown. Mr. Miller [spent five weeks in an Interna- tional Work Camp in Gmunden Austria, which | Wins | School By 1 | we School mov- District 3, | High finals of Wednesday Joy { Mount ed into the soccer playoffs they scored a goal last 3 minutes of play | them a 1-0 victory ov- [and High School, the | was sponsored by the Brethren of York-Adams Co. Service Commission. The speci- |fic project of the Work Campers build Protestant In addition to these § service. Mr. Miller spent additional month in travel on the Continent. He will try to interpret this program of international friendship and un- derstanding, in his presentation. The High School and College Youth Fellowship of the church attendance at ning when within the that gave |er Dover champions Ebensee, League The Charlie last the uled for to victory on was to a goal in the Church Rams rode Ashenfelter’s period. The in the playoff is sched- with an 1 next game for weeks of Rams an next Thursday opponent to be named on a net 1d team won the tral fi The Championship with the Lanc. Co. best de- fensive record of any team in the last First SOV jare sponsoring Nn years of the season with |this Day Clinger scored after 1 the 2nd peri second game service . ei County school Ben goal Lanc C CARD PARTY MON. card party will be [held Monday evening in the | Mt. Joy Fire Hall, beginning at [8:15 promptly It will be sponsored by the Men's Club of the St. Luke's Episcopal church. Turkeys will awarded as door prizes and to the high scor- 500 etc. The pub- invited. aptain t 45 seconds of he added the later Kear PUBLIC min. | {the { Ram | A public and od: min goal 5 period min. in the same after 9 Tom sored 2 3rd period Coach Day freely so the squad 4) 33 seconds in the there | and and from on, be started that every (Turn to page substituting ers in bridge, s cordially player on STANDINGS OF CONTESTANTS “EVERY ONE A WINNER” SUBSCRIPTION CONTEST cut deep into vote leads, mak- of conjecture as to wha Several contestants have last 8 days of the contest one $1,000 and the $500 prize ing the will win the It to the finish and we are watching to be a battle Who Will Win? THE FINAL COUNT will IS EVER WON UNTIL OF THE JUDGES NO CONTEST 5.015.000 5,010,000 5,005,000 . 5,000,000 4,665,000 3,551,350 3.551.350 1,784,000 921,000 577.000 383.000 195,000 Lois Rutt, Mount Joy Mrs. Paul Stoner Burger, Mount Joy Mrs. John (Eps) Miller, Mount Joy Mrs. Edith Erb, Newtown Verlene Harple, Manheim R2 Mrs. Paul Diffenderfer, Landisville James Pennell. Mount joy Barry Stehman, Florin Judy Miller, Florin Mrs. James Schatz, Mount Joy R2 ||| Raymond Heisey. Mount Joy | | Ruth Oberholtzer, Mount Joy i “WINNERS NEVER QUIT AND QUITTERS NEVER WIN” I