The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, October 30, 1952, Image 4

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    ~The Bulletin, Mount Joy, Pa., Thursday, October 30, 1952 sour Cherries mb cs ga —
. ; - Mrs. Andrew Felker AC CORDIONS a AEN ADT OO RUA i ef ers reer vee: |

ed in contest of the Freedoms Daniel Brubaker, Mrs Tih e
3 E. D. lL l i | Fel hy $125.00
¥ : I | |
wp. | St Art Windows | Blackberries | { 3 5149.50
i $75.00
For the second year, the 9I Mrs. Albert Kling, Mrs. Ral- | I
School Neo ion of the high school invad- | ph Thome |

VMavtown to decorate the Plums DEGAN
vindows of the merchants. The] Mrs, Andrew Felker, Mrs. | BY & 24;
Se ( I is divided into competi- | Daniel Brubaker, Mi Re i Cin { ( tan " R/S |
Fwo st i 1 i nD to ocorate thes Shelley \ ydol \ 1 (
high school : Jud will be done Black Raspberrie Popular - Christma REICH
unior high school rece ( October 29 by th Mrs. Andrew Felkel Vin Standard - Vocal X
A e place ¢ | th winning group | Robert Shearer, Mrs Ralph Instructic Books for all
honor 1 in ice-cream | Thome wl
port Cl ! Do ei yw Dr. J. W. Bingeman, } Red Raspberrie: * Lr Q =
Pe Tepe and J : : Rt. Sut ries MYs. Andrew Felker ‘David ness Music hop
grade Te Ne _— (Continued next week { 6 N. N ireet
Patricia Charl an JB 1 i PA
Tear DE at an Farm Show | Bulletin Ads Pay Big Dividend
owalter Eunice Hes and . : PRE
Audrey Musser, grace h Priz Winners TM NA (] 05
Peggy Wolfe, Miria Roland EVENINGS J O Y WR | \
and Carol Ginder, grad ne SHOWS SATURDAYS ]
were from the junior higl PIG 7 and 9:00 P.M AND
Those on the second honor Chester Whils { SATURDAYS TH EAT RE HOLIDAYS 0 @
Ricl i » Bixler, ! 2 P.M

roll are those receiving nothin Richard Shirk, Joanne 68.10 P. M, , Pp
less than a “B I'welveth grad- David Sweigart, Henry Greiner, | Mount Joy, Pa. wo :
ers are Betsy Mumma Avis Elwood Pfaumiller | FRIDAY -— SATURDAY. OCTOVER 31 NOVEMBER
» Nancy Prescott. Laur Berkshire GINGER ROG SG FRED A in :

Miriam Dick Jane Heisey, Walter Swanger,
oh Miller and John Rot rt Pfaumiller Harold Eb- || “We' re Not Ma:
Eleventh graders are! erly, Charles Pfaumiller, Floyd

Ee i

For President For Vice President
and Gladvs Wes: Risser cesses ens:
rs include Ann Champion of Show MONDAY -- TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 3 - 4
Richard Shirk, Joanne Bix-
3 Patricia Sager
- ver. Tenth

inn | David ee woe |] “The Winning Team”
were Louise Horning, Mirian d Sweigart,






. Nell, Doris Long, Joanne Land-|Floyd Risser, Richard Shirk a
. John Brubaker, Stephen] 4-H Judging : J
. Doles and Barbara Sutter. Those| David Sweigart, Walter Augs WEDNESDAY -- THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 5 - 6
‘ ) € h grade were Miriam |burger, Allen Fisher TYRONE POWER PATRICIA NEAI :
. oe tad] | Y RON | uR iC AL 1
: Brubaker, Dorothy Brown, Ger-| FINAL PLACINGS FOR CLUB o - - - 99 ;
aldine Waters ‘arole tle, | {
j aldine Waters Carole Witlle,| WORK Diplomatic Courier
canne Reynolds and Cynthia Chester White
Lehman. In the seventh grade | { Sweigart, Richard semen 181. 3301
_ Su y 1 - | . ~ oO M y {3 nv
Raber, Dorothy Fle cher, R | PLACINGS FOR CLUB “Un | @ ®
ert Hiestand and Sandra Koser WORK NOVEMBER 7 - 8 “MERRY WI DO
| AES 4 -—-—
Hi-Y Club y ;
Bericshire - ” PF AMINE A
- Eleven members of the Hi-Y Walter St he rv. Jav Heisev.| NOVEMBER 14 - 15 — "BECAUSE * JRE MINI
: Club and their advisor, Stanley [4 4 nicer : i NOVEMBER 21 - 22 — “AFFAIR IN TRINIDAD" {8
- Dotterer, spent the weekend of : C ED FOODS p:
October 25 and," 26 at Camp AN N I Fruit : { |
anned Fruits Ee — :
v "ear Bethel ai _ . 2:
2 Bwaiara, neal meen i Sb na . varietiesQ ©
- NS Ys ousted xo pid Mi Andrew Felker, Mrs 2 :
f the event was a. 14 5 ' 3
. ! Ben Landis, Mrs. Daniel Bru Mount oy for ¥
bakel { ‘ Hl om
- owe'en Party . y A: Fo, J pL
Canned egetables &
A Hallowe'en Party will be 3 ye oe
: Alhree varietiesQ
held in the high school Wednes- EN
pono al .] Mrs. Daniel Brubaker, Mrs
ih ! ir Felker, Mrs Ralph SCTO
been FRIDAY, ¢ BER 31
Li 1 deat h : .
Canned Relishes (
1al of the se | : Rm .
vo assisted two rarietiesqQ ga
i > . Mrs. Andrew Feiker, Mrs. asg ue Fa e rs! 4 5
rans a. | Agnes Weaver, Mrs. John Beck-
i IOP. M. TO1 A M
Dill Pickles
Kai Donald Wolg Anna Flory, Mrs. Agnes) EF RIZES
% ye oi ve Ih 2 es Weaver
he i ling t kets, Sweet Dickies | > 3 Bed =n 5
rE IR Roy Supman & His B:
orist ai £ i f Mrs. Ben Landis, Mrs. Phares | 0 Li an ? i Da
airman otf the {OO
3 sted bv DD Ober: Mrs. John 4B o_o a ea ge.
T 1 Ra i Bread and Butter Pickles
1 I S e, [aymoin
— A le Mrs. Earl Shelly, Mrs. Ralph \ TYRE TD TAD
epfi Phyllis Wolgemuth| Mrs. Earl Shell ey SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 1
1d James Yber Avis Shetter I'ome, Mrs. Richard Drager.
airman of the game commit- Catan All Ch li N i : TY iO
\ To Fria Vitmer & j
ee assisted by Robert Kline rs. Jay Witmer, Mrs. Allen ariie eimer rio
George Rhoac ; {he yresi- | Shearer, Mrs. Mervin Geyer. 1
2 Se 3 5, sad Tomato Juice 10 P M. TO 1 \ '
k S M 10] Vusser, Mi oh | {5
Betsy Musser. cditor of the |Ross Sangrey, Mrs. Amos Shel (
= 1 PUT TD ~ iI
2-53 vearbook staff, an SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 2 {i
- ( I ff. Carolyn Wea- Green Lean { is A
- say will ' Ir Daniel Brubaker Mr Cl Voi PIE )
- vy = i IES io
y Laura Rine.|dohn Becker aon V oriey { 8
- >hetter ana Lynthia 0 TO if
- ) Gerald I A Felker VIrs i iM :
- y 1 v 1 —
- j ) cher. A ( Vi Janie ru | ;
: ry Joanne|baker Sunday family dinners will be served starting at ! #8
- ditors Patsy | . Beets . . ~ vy . 3 v :s bE
: hi SY | "is St apap Mr 1:00 until ? — Steaks, Chops, Sea Foods, Beef k and x
- entfrich, and 1C 3 ie
S 1anag- | B Jay Witmer. Turkey. i
- larvl A 51 19118 a=
- aber, cir Mrs. Daniel Brubak MIS. | am re ow {A
- lervin Geyel Mrs. John Ben- : : A
- {et bE
- LE C 3~ L ad Beans 4
a i mn bv the | rs. Daniel Brubaker, Virs :
school Nov.|Helen Pickell, Mrs Alle
{ Peas
hdl |
n! Mrs. David Brubaker, Mrs
John Becker, Mrs. Edna Kuhns. |


fs Corn
Mrs. Daniel Brubaker, Mrs
r|Jerome Brubaker, Mrs. Ray
[mond Singer
also | out ov | Carrots J
er the weekend in all public | Mrs. Andrew Felker, Mrs. uy ® ar . X |
places. In the Hallowe'en Daniel Brubaker, Mrs. Jerome | ey
ade in Mount Joy, Friday, Oct | Brub: Y |
the grec y will put a float | Tomatoes
| |
Mrs Andrew Felker, Mrs.|
l'uesday, the group will can-! Ross Sangrey, Mrs. Clyde Brill
nertaining to voting.

ass the entire township all das Apple Sauce fl
with a decorated truck and a| Mrs. Raymond Dinger, Mrs. xq .
loud-speaki system; they will | Silas Long. Mrs. Andrew Felker bE
place red cards on all parked | White Peaches 9 3 Es 2
cars which will read “Your At Mrs. Andrew Felker, Mrs ir Oi : 5 3 I. \
tention is ar ted to remind Daniel Brubaker, Mrs. John A 2 n
a J Ee | emocratic County Committee
for the indidate of your | Yellow Peaches gs {
hoice;” and a door-totd #1
es are eo mill “Top Quatity-Low Prices Every Day”
‘ass at which time the students! Albert Kling,
will knock on doors and hand baker =
cards to all which will read Light Cherries | 2 avi re Y Chairman ~
“Have You Voted? Today is -{ Mrs. Ed. Wissler, Mrs. An-
ection Day. Why not now!” drew Felker, Mrs. Jay Witmer. ! 1 wd 2
Following the ¢ aign, ail Dark Cherries |
material from this project, the) Mrs. Daniel Brubaker, Mrs.


“Get Out the Primary’ which Andrew Felker, Mrs. Katie Q
was conducted last spring, and Shirk. |§ PHONE 3-9094 MOUNT JOY, PA.
9 a survey conducted among citi- Pears |
zens of the township will be Mrs. Andrew Felker, Mrs. | §
compiled into a book and enter- Ross Sangrey, Mrs. John Becker foo = ~ .
te As A cg AH. AN HA 0 PO Hl tO Pt Eni hid. ob dn. ae Sh am edad A EG pn gon on a A, ATE Eas
as ep ir a RE ’ II EA nm a a A Sas ge A pe AP ia wR erin 0 hd Sars en APS Aa fn i