[Br » near future. Watch Ironville. 1 LANDISVILLE (group in the near future \ ile, ee and VR SPJ The Bulletin, Mount Joy. Pa., Thursday, October 30, 1952 | C : : 1 7 1 | “TN a e egister oncert for, the dates ih tits column. |e Fisher, Landisville, Mr. : EE EE IRN ETT _ O 1, F E (Form page 1) | By Mrs Paul Diffenderfer i The Constitution and By- and Mrs. Benjamin Painter, of . THE BULLETIN | . 29 44tl | comedy successes. Phone 4501 Laws were read and : adopted lancaster, visited with Mr. and - niblis Thur ' I Friday, < "The chorus is an independent The P.T.A. of Landisville and Guest speaker was Mr, Hoham- yp. pred Smith, of Landisville Published every Thursday at 11 Fast ||| Keystone Sale at the Sales Barn | : ter. who gave an interesting Mai Street. Mount Jov | | wry NY 1 group organized with a dual Salunga was held Monday eve-| Water, who gave a SUIS recently. { T] Main Street, Moun JOy | on Route 230, just east of Mt. | ® ies wf R he [ig] talk on “The Power oi Your —— © - ' Lancaster County, Pa f | 4 ' . Pe 1s | purpose- enjoyment to be de-!' ning at & p.m in the High oo : wa ’ ll Joy, 45 Holsteins from Penna's TUF Ch of the group School. The regular meetings VO lhe title is one thal we ny ARRIAGE LICENSES A lian I r 2 ? her LOVS 54 Ss 4 1 to i 3 William N. Young, Publisher i herds by Keystone Sal and as a civic project, contrib- will be held the second Monday should ail keep in mind at this Clvde Hinkle Jr., 111 E. Done Fred J. Alberte, Editor & Manage Co. luting to community life and of cach month instead of the | time coal St., Mount Joy, and Jean F. Pearl Roth, Assoc. Editor & Bus. Mgr | ; eT. 1 [gpirit, It is self-sustaining thru fourth Monday. Everyone is in-| After the meeting refresh- Bainbridge R1. 1 Jobn E. Scin n E os |p : | : Saturday, Novemner Iw hy its concerts and other benefit vited to attend these meetings. | ments were served Harold Richard Holmes, Hope our L. WN or anc ) or i 1 vy DreMmises » VV ’ . . A > Cw 4h de "re 1901 ; 1953 ; i (1 \ he pK oh oo I; » oN i projects. Its 45 members come Please come. i Visitors at the home of Miss well St, Mt. Joy, and Shirley ors a 8 — i lage of Fiore, on hy i y from ten communities in Lan A card party and cake sale | Amelia Helman were Mr: and Ann Gehman, 64 N. Charlotte Thi Subscristion Rate: $2:00 Per Year by Mail, || enue, a 2’: mn M In caster and Chester counties are going to be held by the' Mrs. Harry Diffenderfer of St, Manheim. Lies | \ , miences Samuel | - Advertising rates upon request Il Wil Sonwe ne I ¢ Be 5 gop i The chorus is directed by ere ET . %A ngle, Walter Dupes, Auct, | 1 : in Entered at the postoffice at Mount Joy, | Sale oy D Ry [Dorothy Hilner Breuninger, o SAL | Pa., as second-class mail under the Act | pale h Sf: Coatesville, former supervisor . . p I March 3, 1879 i gree . lof music at Scott Senior High, A ~ XL of arch 3, ! Saturday, Nov. 8 — Al 34 W bl Yat c TN ille \ > Member, Pennsylvania Newspaper | Main Street. Mt. Joy Boro, real School at Coatesville — Publishe \ssociati I Eo : ; : Richard W. Wright, accom Publishers’ Association (| : y . \ r estate and household goods by | ist for the chor ill offer ere sy Hl BY A WIS FE OWL W. L. Koder & Silas K. Stoner, panist for the chorus, will oiler Z pi gen 4 : organ selections beginning at 3 gy “Indiana” Miller, the big wigs didn't Executors of Annie B. Rickseck- mn, Saleatl1 pm. C.b," { I'he Mt. Joy Jay-cees are en » » Sorry. ' . Edi torially “oo { like your poem. — — — Either they don't have cr or they must be staunch | Frank, Auct. | deavoring to present a full and any sense of humor, WHAT IS FREEDOM? = —v == wm Neo Re Favrinm enjoyable “Evening of Music” “J * Saturday, Nov. 8 Farming with this concert. Bernard Gris What does Freedom mean to me? Times certainly have changed !! Forty Implements and singer is in charge of ticket It's living each day as I want 1t to be gears ago the only reds known were red flan- goods in Conestoga Twp. be- | tes. It’s sending the children to school each day | io. were more interested in the con- tween New Danville and Rock i ee Yo To learn to live in a guided way. tentment of each other than they were in Hn 5 les Sone Slee Everybnly reals viewspapers bul : by De » Shenk. Edgar Digs i It's going to church or to town or to the | cows: a candidate had to be ecopomy minded OLE A - Shenk. BABA) JOT everybody reads circular ad: "store io get elected to office; neighbors asked about!" hn vertising left on their door step. i It's owning the key to my own front door. | your family and meant it and when a man Wednesday, Nov. 12 The | = | All Prices in This Ad Effective t | | conti air | It’s voting, it's Christmas with candle bright dressed for the evening he put on a night shirt: Fairview Orchiirds located He: | SIMON P. NISSLEY Through Saturday, November Ist TWC ” | Pe these things dre my ow! ; i ife time. Ns And knowing these things are my own |und men made fe sake Wize a life ti tween Mt. Joy Boro limits and | MARY G. NISSLEY : birthright. he Tlorin, North of U.S. Highway| FUNERAL DIRECTORS’ A OL. 13: ony : ASPARAGUS SPEARS can Here oj couple that should have gone in t Pren : It's choosing my grocer, my doctor, my |. us ' : Sr A 280. 77 acres lime stone soil, Mount Joy, Pa. : y i Ys M Col but I got it first. 5 ; ; RI ple RL IE I CM PR EME KEEBLER CRACKERS 1b 31c o ge to 0 ) 0 ( 3 : 3 house, 5 rooms ommercial Pkg / : The privilege to work or to play or to duty in Hawaii, was caught speeding. Decid- : Co | OCTAGON ; will . 3 read. el wa ing to outsmart the cop he gave his name as coud storage plant, 13.000 lit M LAUNDRY SOAP FAL ST RED SALMON Bor age Walt : It's knowing this beautiful U. 5. A. “Kamehameha Haleakala Laupahochoe.” The | cabacity, Common slorage bldg. | y eats ! LIMA BEARS SEASIDE LARGE DRIED I-1b 17° 2-15 32° D. L. Is mine to enjoy the American way. voliceman asked his name again and receiv- of 4000 bu. cap.. Bank Barn, | ALSO A FULL LINE OF 4 REDUCED PRICE! pkg pkg Iv] Lo Selina Gorton Cox | "wo same answer. shed, poultry houses, irrigation 5 cakes PANCAKE MIX SUNNYFIELD 40-01 925¢ lo 39: "1, Lk bud,” th oliceman said, “"Kameha- system also orchard equipment | pkg kg Ss Bs = EN kin, eRe is a oy YR 2 110 243 be CARDY BARS 6 for 25¢ ost Ohe U Laupehoehoe is a town and, 1 was an MP A. iC Ran, guce vi. PROSTED P-FOODS fo v wk oz | 4 Political Predictions fol, Now. quick, what's your name?” — | ie F it & V t bl DREFT CHOCOLATE SYRUP HERSHEY'S 8 15¢ After listening to some of the dopesters}™ — Boy. wos he let down! Winners Of Conrest i runs ege Boles c BEST PURE LARD 2 ee 3h / ing ster : eh . on TV who convey the impression they Th dB Xo x ny ectits At Eshleman Bros. y pi 29 [: JELL-0 or ROYAL DESSERTS 3 pkgs. 23¢ know just how the nation will vote next | serge P wemely hot de rrr KRALL'S Meat Market through their paces on an ex re Y ¥. Winners of the two contests} OUR OWN TEA BAGS oe 3G: ; Tuesday, we are convinced some never s Yr : | As they flopped on the ground panting from arn. Us re can’t forget the experience 413 4 PP : rece re ected at Eshleman | WEST MAIN ST. MOUNT JOY 7 eu learn. Us. we cant re 1 {ine the sergeant looked at his watch recently conducted at hleman VE 1A N ST. ( U NT JOY DREFT NESTLE 5 MORSELS SEM. a 18¢ four years ago when everybody and his g Bros. store were ‘announced. | rr le, fr down, was convinced and said. The nl guessing contes es \ ~~, fi { MANNE A ASA A A AS SA ET gio dead duck > “We've got amoiner half hour to go and I The 1 Hg Ce 3? : 2 | SPECIAL PRICE! ? FRESH FRUIT AND VEGETABLE WEEK-END VALUES & as ¢ a . don't know what to do with you.” was won by Mr. John F itzkee 2 al ¢ { CALIFORNIA RED EMPEROR ERE The only prediction we're making this One perspiring private had a suggestion: pie : ho Re Soap I) nails Y Wh AW | Sr 69 3 fs = year is that President Truman will be | "There's some trees over there, Sir.” 2 ie Jar, Hi foal ‘umber In en omen ( LC NONE PRICED thrown out of the White House, come| “Yee, I know,” answered the weary instruc- Vio jor wis 1508. Mr : Fitzkee | L k A H Sk 1}. HIGHER January 1st. tor. “But there ain't any ropes.” received @ pair of Wolverine cooks At Her | ge RY * * Jc dress shoes } Wg 3 lb $ be] = © On the audiencereaction cards passed out Robert Beamenderfer WOR | ch Engagement Te ; FLAKES S |at a movie preview, one question read: | melting contest with a guess] &r Hunt In Safety “Should anything be cut?” One orate movie- of 423 hours, the number, large 271 REGALO TRIMMED AND WASHED CE) < Saturday morning at one minute after goer wrote: “Yes, several things should be cut, | x gh aa ol we ' SPINACH "None ices 2 2% 2 Dd a d © oy bess: eX | was a pair serine org ICED cello. > nine the hills and 2 alfovs hereabouts will [De throats of the writer, director, producer and Se pair of olverin Work | NE pai lo 27c resound with a volley of explosions which star. * * * i VEL U.S. NO. | will sound as though the rebels are back : . ; : ] im in Wrightsville. For Saturday morning, pro- |. A West Main Street man opened an account Florin Parents Form Ir Is in any water drags I viding the weather is clear, will find a rec- for his wife at a local bank. A few weeks later A Parent Group SPECIAL giant ¢ GC ord-breaking bunch of hunters going into the cashier asked him to inform her that she a | PRICE! pkg. U.S. FANCY RED STAYMAN 8 the fields in search of the elusive cotton-tail. | pd overarawn. } A group of parents of Florin! APPLES NONE PRICED 2 on, 23 The man told his wife the news, and the fol- this wiek 15. . . % net nis CeK C clae ¥ lowing morning she handed her husband a . hit dene wheth So er to be affiliated with the Na- {etter to deliver to the cashier. tional P.T.A to BC | 1 2 ong il hy § » K mn as The cashier opened the letter, gromaced, a Paboiit GF ot fh) as «and honded it back to the husband. It was «| Sa le meelny BREEZE, Free dish towel in each package giant 61 Cc pkg. Here's hoping that the bunch of hunters | who go out for a day's sport, will take their | common-sense with them. First of all, we | hope they will respect the rights of the] | SEEDLESS RAISINS 67 19¢ ( DEL MONTE DRIED PRUNES 1 39¢) Keep an extra Supply on Hand in your Freezer farmers upon whose lands they are hunt- was held ii the classtoom of | ing. This year we sold hundreds of No sheet of paper on whi Wo aan “Sneak!” Mrs. Euphemia Fassnacht. Mr SPECIAL PRICE! MIT Hunting signs—but we'd be happy to give Hor : as S48 re 3 OLD SOUTH 6- ¢ png sig po e Davie Shelley says: “Above all, don't wor- Mervin Brandt acted as temp-. ORANGE JUIC FROZEN iy 25 ) up this business if hunters, by their actions, orary chairman and also was | could convince the farmer it is safe to let! them cross his lands. RANG Peas ii 2 Ihe 35¢ Spinach dios 2 Lio 35¢) J. NGER JOE Frozen Butiered Steaks exceusior oe. 49: ry about money. By the time high prices and | £1: : the speaker | | higher taxes are paid you won't have any to er { | worry about.” | Officers elected were Jacob RICE HONNIES We can’t find it in our mind to disagree | Stehman Ws | 3 i : : 5 t Stehman, president; George | : 10-02. \ with the farmer who tells us he’s going to| . * * * Mumper, vice re dent: ik Adam H. Greer c Mixed Vegetabies SNOW CROP, FROZEN 2 oo 3%¢) | At the stroke of twelve an irate Donegal St. : MIS. ; : pkg Snow Crop Frozen Waffles 9 vo. 33g) Jeweler of 6 w { | . ——————————————————————— Ne eae” ae ata at” at at at at at” ae ae a at ae ea ed ea fr== By ARMOUR’S SUGAR GRANULATED Bh pio 49c a5. a7: James Klinedinst, secretary and Mrs. Lloyd Vogel, treasurer. The group planned to hold post his land after some hunter has threat-/ € [father stomped to the head of the stairs and ened him with a gun, or shot his chickens | n shouted: “Young man, haven't you a self and turkeys, or sent a volley of buckshot | MOUNT JOY, PA. Phone 3-4124 to 1:32 directly into the side of his house. Sar? fod thelr fist meetin 1 frst TT Ted io Tel Tae young man replied: Don’t ne $a an gelngs lhe . hrs aE TER roy CReAMErY Paice dom [8 a Uk Sure. it's the unthinking minority (which fi€ young plied: D need one G8|... of the month Mr | WEIL LG 78a lie 80c long as there's a crank in tae house.” — — — a e montana, Irs. | Sm tl : comma he prints Mary Olson, Mrs. Klinedinst RU iba NUTLEY OLEOMARGARINE 2 1.b 41c 4 prints B includes the don’t-give-a-darn group) wio That'll fix him! ause all the tr y for the rest, but that’s | +09 1X hm: : ; cause all the trouble for the rest it’s | * and Mrs. Vogel served on the the Te of us oan Keep ro A Kansas farmer was asked how good his refreshment committee. EVAPORATED MILK Hous: 4 id 55¢ And by the same token, "let s all XEEP IC [op oot was, “It harvested a Cadillac in the ey. PIEDMONT PICKLES WHOLE SWEET 15-02 25¢ ar minding ourselves that while hunting we he said { Balitin' Ads Pay Bia Dividends : EH iz must guard against accidents—both to our- heads ’ * 0,98 ens, 3 i Bi selves and to the other fellow. Don’t shoot | * * * SWIFTN'ING STRAWBERRY PRESERVES pet 25¢ until you see the whites of their eyes (the | They tell me one of our Senior girls told an | ; ; : bunnies. that is) because that stirring ardent boy friend she thought a double wed-| : : 3b 719 LO MEDAL, PILLSBURY HE men can FLOUR AND CERESOTA Leib Bie bi 3c around in the bushes may be another hunt- | ding would be very nice. “You marry some-| FRUIT COCKTARL os 2