The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, October 30, 1952, Image 1

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As You Please


Mount Joy, Pa., Thursday Afternoon, October 30, 1c

Concert Nov. 14
Sponsored By
Local Jay-Cees
Harold Ronks, Soloist
With Christiana Chorus
In Evening Of Music

On Campaign
Collected Here
Pandemonium reigned for a
few moments here Monday ev-
ening when several persons mis

Reigns As Lights
Paper Box Co.
'To Be Annexed
By The Borough |
| Somer Points To Added | |
Facilities Being
Offered Here
Starts; $700

Proves Her Story

Our Future

The Mount Joy Bulletin
i Contestants In Close
I | Halloween Parade

Club, Parties, Social, Parties,
Scout, Auxiliaries, Church.
PHONE MT. JOY 3-9661

————— _
$2.00 a Year in Advance
As Subscription Contest
Goes Into Home Stretch
Many Contestants In
Position To Win The


took the signal launching the |
Lights-On Campaign of the So- ki A petition asking to be an | To Start At 1: 30 | First And Se Second Prize
The Mt. Joy Jay-Cees, in an- cial Welfare Association for a u 'nexed to the Borough of Mount |
other one of their projects, will | fire, and air-raid, etc., etc. Joy from East Donegal Town- | _ With just 16 days before the
present Harold Ronk, featured The shoe factory siren open- ship will be presented to the | I The annual Halloween parade |.jose of the big Circulation
soloist, In an “Evening of Mu-|ed the drive with a loud and borough council by the Mount | sponsored by the Lions Clube ampaign it is only fitting to
sic” with the Christian Chorus {jong blast. Interested in seeing |% Joy Paper Box Company at} { will form in the vicinity of the | say that those who wish to par-
Concert Friday, , November 14, [the drive get off to a good start, their next meeting { § | grade school at 6:30 p. m. Fri-|;. ipate in the prizes should
at the Mt. Joy High School Au: [the fellow tugging the cord ap- I§ Announcement of the inten- | | | aay evening and will move at | make these last few davs count
ditorium at 8:15 p. m parently leaned on the button to | tion to come within the borough [7:30 p. m high in votes. ‘That the race is
Mr. Ronks has appeared as|long. | was made today by Loren | The route will be east on Col pies is no idle statement, and
goloist with the Sigmund Rom- For the siren was so long [| P. Somer, head of the paper box | Avenue to Jacob Street,| when the value of the prizes is
berg Concert Orchestra, Nation- | that before it had ended at least company, who explained that | | north on Jacob to East Main, | {en into consideration, well,
sa! Symphony Orchestra, Wash- |six firemen had rushed into the the move was being made due [ west on Main to New Haven an old statement, but holds
ington, D. C. and Redlands|firehouse before they realized (to the added facilities offered by (to Marietta St., east on Marietta | good here too; “it is better to
Bowl Symphony Orchestra, | that the siren marked the much- the borough. [to Poplar and south on Poplar | 3 oe 4 aes
: . y : e boroug | ws : : I {win by a majority than lose by
Redlands, California, with ora-| publicized drive. At the shoe | “I feel that we owe it to the li The Bulietin bliotograpliee is happy to publish another smil Jo the high school building. (a few” and we say right now
torio appearances at the Nation- | factory, several neighbors rush Just to prove that pumpkins borough to pay taxes where we | ing group re Jount ON on. Dee. daughter of Mi | Four Divisions {that the prizes can be won or
al Presbyterian, Riverside and|ed into the building fearing that|can grow on mulberry trees, | re obtaining so many services” | and Mrs, Jerome H. Kondig: William. son of Mr A The parade will be divided! ; a
. 3 ~ . an, Sid TS. . 8; am, s I and Mrs. Wil (lost, by just a few votes.
Central Presbyterian Churches |the watchman was in trouble. Mrs. Oscar Breneman is shown | np Somer explained. “We re { am Buller: Shelby and Thomas, children of Mr. and Mrs. Char- into four divisions, with four > y
i ; : ! AP | | Do Not Falter
in New York City. He has sung Other residents of the boro] in the above picture beside her | ceive fire protection, police pro ih of i It: Boviom row: Patty. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ar- |bands. $115 will be given tor| my yo! who falters in the
vi : rh re « p . wd | ) larry ¢ Jeffrev. s <Q Mr : bast 3 rt | 1 no talters
on the R.H.S. “Mauretania” and | knew full well what the siren with a full size pumpkin j tection and we appreciate the FR Tey ane Earl Ter il or and ak rt costume prizes. Three prizes of | dl { the stream i t
#Caronia” concerts and was the | meant, however, a total of $700 hanging from it. The “Owl {good water service offered by j Bal wr. ger, ch dren of Mr. und Mrs. Roy | $5, $3 and $2 will be given for| ile - { a oH Ql an
: : . . . Fea "art tata dD «x TT ET te SIA el at J ANT ope to get to e » Ss
featured vocalist with Ringling | was raised by the solicitors Laughed at Gertie several | the borough. —— | the most comical, most origin: lj pe th Nr on who does not
Bros., Barnum and Bailey Cir- | within the next two hours. The | Weeks ago for making the state- | [ also feel that the program | Hi {and fanciest in the first, second | Er :
2 : ct : ‘em shit 80 she Bad 1 ict J gas oi : falter. All contestants are up a-
cus in Madison Square Garden |start was so good in fact that|ment so she had a picture taken |{o install sewage disposal in | ig] C 00 occer eam |and third divisions and $5 will | ainst the same thing re
during the 1951 and 1952 sea- | Postmaster Charles Bennett, |t0 prove her story. She is laugh- | the borough makes Mount Joy | | be given to the fanciest and|.,ntestant who realizes this and
. 5 ind z “ . .“ : . . | < < 3
gons. chairman of the campaign, pre: ing at ‘Mr. OW ov. a much better industrial com- | H B i most comical couples in the 4th |, kes each day count high in
The chorus will include a| dicted the total will reach $3,- ‘munity. Sewers should attract as es [ ensive ecor |division. A $10 prize will be 0s will be the one that prof-
group of religious numbers,|200 when the collections are . | more industry here because ol | warded to the best group of 3 ite Bost at the end. Do ot live
English madrigals and selec- | completed this week. Guild Collects | industry would consider locat {or more with a $5 second prize | 4. later regrets bat keep in
tions from current musical] Bennett expressed his thanks | Ing in a town without sewage In ast even Years jond two prizes of $20 and $10 mind that no contest is ever
(Turn to Page 2) jand appreciation both to the . | | facilities,” Mr. Somer conclud- | for the best floats - on until the final counting of
. . 3 » a
ten We mien | public and to the workers for| rtic es [ ed. es SAMS eis Awards will be made at the [the judges. As Ww have Eo
. ————————————— a a 1 AS © Sé
the success of the drive. He al- The section to be annexed wm . high school followed by free) : .
. I'ne Mount Joy H. S. Soccer the campaign is “not
d that a ne missed in onsists of ¢ ‘oximate , : : ; novies. The Citizens are askec > is
Rem. Committee so urged t nyone misse The: Annual of consists of itely one team under the direction of District Governor 2 avi I'he ( itize ns are asked something for nothing” but
the canvas made out a check to acre of land on which is erected} + ’ {to turn on outside lights along .
i ey : the Mount Joy Branch of the Coach Chuck Day won the Lan | > 5 | something where a person
R Fi . the Social Welfare Association N a "a . | the large two-story paper box caster County Championship T |] R . {the parade route profits a highly for
ine > ati . | Needlework Guild of Americal ., as : t a Je rope, &
eport nancial or briny hs donarien to him at I 2 the , plant. ie With the best defense of ells otarians Arthur Sprech r. Shae an of efforts, and the mofe effort a
S ie post o I a. church Tuesday. any team in the last seven years. : Xe Vie ath CAmpait | person puts into a thing, the
: This year’s team won their A hd announced thal ne has 500 | more they get out of it. If
a emen . Total number of articles col- F w » chivities nA : 8 you
Rr . : pennies to date and that it face Si
John Way Predicts 1 ; or Ih 20 T arm omen 0.8 first seven games and were held . . do not work hard these last 16
po ected this year were 1829, The : i : . se la
D I h Betfer TV Reception directors ni from 8:30 a. Ba 1-1 tie by East Hempfield ark > nies tor injle. {days . . . well, all we can say is
nations Are Soug m. to noon gathering the items Hear Dr Moore In their lagt game of the league Rotarians should feel proud you cannot hope to win.
® seas . .
For Nov. 1st Food Sale Mount Joy listeners soon will | from the members and at noon 5 hson : : of the fact that they have been Jo Lees After November 15 it will be
RA | be able to get a much greater [time they served a delicious I'he Rams got off to a good | sked to participate in United y- too late to make up any differ-
All bills have been received! variety of good TV reception, luncheon, followed by a busi- a Bam rouse, of Ephrata, plan ren wag Lan-| Nations Activities, stated Dis- | ences in votes; the campaign
and paid by the Remembrance John Way, proprietor of Way's [ness meeting, headed by the A the Society of Farm i q Sun yy ; Ye ha 4-0. | {rict Governor Mark Herr, who ponsor New will be over. Make up the vote
Committee and because it is the! Appliance, predicted this week. president, Mrs. S. A. Horton, No. 8 at a recent moet ie ot R traveled | the Rotarians at their | difference NOW while you ean.
money of the citizens the WSBA-TV, York, will be tel- | who welcomed the directors | "8 held at the Donegal Church Lo Yow Holland lo open their yegular dinner meeting Tuesday i ° T All votes take another drop on
: | : . se gal Springs ague season, g 3-1. East], dottor’s tvtiavdn is ’
amount paid out and balance ecasting on the ultra-high-fre-|and members. als ’ pong il Springs. J fake Season wim Su pi at Hostetter’s rownie roop Saturday and votes are the de-
| HE e rave : sple 48 ‘ter was » nex 3 “woo a in s. ‘notivitias i S : Er
left to spend is here for you to quency, channel 43 by Novem-| New directors introduced | ;. I oor ry A ol diy fall pe Sore fe OS > im (0 Herr spoke on the activities ciding factor for the major
see for yourself what this small ber 15 and should be received | were: Mrs. Wild Carter, Mrs daiscourse on: "Ihe areman Wo > Ie hams and experiences of the Lake A new Brownie 'Twion. was dards
i : : — : bid yo | men and their Problems She I'he Ram booters hit the road | | Placid School for District Gov a i ;
group is doing with your mon- here clearly, he said. Use of the | farold Zimmerman and Mrs. | : atid. » : 1 | org: nized in the borough re- Work To Win
sy ultra-high frequencies ~~ will : ‘ {had with her three Arabian wo- | Once again and traveled to West | ernors at New York, which he | { Ll ie As in all life's games—be it
ey. : 1 S Dorothy Graham. men attired . in their native. (Turn to page 3) attended. Over Afty nationalities) 'ntly sponsored by the Joy § al S game:
117 - 2% 1b. cans of pretzels make possible the reception of | Mrs. Alfred Hamme, a mem- headed sc ; It ab en attended. Ove ifty national jes | So the ladies auxiliary to the sports, business, politics or con-
tas . . gd « ©c ot gowns & *X & ( ® ye . arts p . OY at 3 3 x . a +
(especially packed for overseas many additional stations in the, =~ ¢ (he executive board of | how gs . a Rin L from all parts of the world are| =... The troup will meet |tests like this— many persons
shipment. Each box weighing near future, he predicted. | divdetors. @ very interest | Po. ne Wy i 37 Susan, | Men’ Ss Club Card represented there 2] Herr is the cach Monday after school in the | make a fine start, but with that
6 pounds) were purch-| Installation of additional ing of the groups’ work. | women Tor hy did Party November 10 second youngest District Gov Scout Hove their race is run. So, no matter
ased for $216.45. equipment needed to receive including the conference held | Turquois he 2 sng Sapp ernor in the world | Mrs. Eric Olsen was chosen | where any or all of the contend-
i =k S¢ re 5 The IN [SSE y Gg S | i iy . . .
115 one-year subscriptions to | these stations can be done com- | to page 3) u a 4 Pl 3 Ie 8 ones v 3 T'he UN Essay Contest, spon tender snd Mrs. Clvde 1 ripple | €rs in this subscription contest
da ts 5 . Ce Se ioalty he un §) stones are the favorite in gems The Men’s Club of St. Luke's sored by thw Rotarians, which |. ) . ts . ; An lu aE:
the Mt. Joy Bulletin (2 men | paratively economically, n€ - and colors + Win las troop chairman, of the fol-|stand NOW, no race is ever won
a en : : mR : | and colors allowed. ipiscopal Church will sponsor | officially started Tuesday, ia trees Sgt A
were discharged so only 115 concluded. { . I . T A : ET = : lowing committee until the finish line is crossed.
were needed) this price at $2 00 | i 'Unicyc e Artist 0 A teenage Arabian girl was'a public card party in the Mt. points to a large number of | Mrs Fadl Stohma v ~t—————
§ ¢ .. YAR | | of . > Su : ary iJ Vi ea ons 1 al ole an IT'S
a year was $230. I MARIETTA FAMILY BUYS AMHS Fou fou me mber of the party. foy Fire House on Monday, No- | contestants. The theme is “What | Myrtle Nornhold. Mrs. Albert! HARVEST HOME SERVICE
Te tor ithe boxes! HOME IN MOUNT JOY . . Dr. Moore described her life ; ve mber 10, beginning promptly | the United Nation Means To D Soir : i Be i“ SE
hit one ott Ee { meet and habits in her homeland in at 8:15 P. M. Plans are under Me.” | Pies iler and M1 iristian oA og
Sle ; 7 Hiles. k »| Southern Arabia. ay for a very fine evening of{ The District Conferene an ory. e O e L
the man’s new address was not| Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Eshleman | Mr. B. W. Hiles, known in th Dr. M Yana. che Wa tos } fine oy ning of| Phe District Conference will{ qv, Brownies are: Patricialof God held a Harvest Home
given the c¢ ittee was $61- of West Donegal Street, recent- entertainment world as Mr. r. Moore served six years!entertainment. For door prize'pe held in Harrisburg, Novem- | n .. ! : . A
given 1 committee was § 1 o es onega e rec : 7s * will pre-|as a medical missionary i } and higt sorer a Turkev: will by Nornhold, Wendy Olson, Ger-!service Sunday night. The pro-
0. '1y sold their dwelling at private | Wheels’ or “Wimpey,” will pre-| as 8 dic 5: ary im a 4 ugh scorer a lurkey will per 30, Dec. 1 and 2. | Aldine Barric Cynthia. Tp} wa ic) th w had displaved
This gives a total of $508. 15 sale to Mr. and Mrs. Gerald !sent an assembly program on |hospital in Arabia and at the [be awarded. Refreshments will a —— i PArTICH, ynthia Trip-|djice which they had disp aye
g , 2 2 his unicycle before the student |¢Xpiration of her furlough re- be available during the entire | ple, Linda Shields, Janet Ber- | will be taken to the Church of
spent so far for Xmas presents | Sheetz of Marietta, who will iE : gay Nik fil | rier, Catherine Harnish. Lois! God Old Folks home in Carlisle.
(Turn to page 3) | take PO; session April 1st. i body of Mount Joy High School; mained in this country. |* vening. ome C ool | : {
2 « 1 i: , ar The ‘CGY / y <Q -
pag S on Monday, November 3. Mrs. Arthur Mayer, presi- | Tickets can be obtained from | Bn Flos: ns Mop, Jar iy to 4 Wighe fo thank
tl ot Lilac dent, presided. The hostesses any member of the Men’s Club { bara Stehman, Rickie Hummer, all those who made 1ihis pro-
° Pl Born in Swansea, Mr. Hiles : Jr and Jean Hartm: rye
: : rere: Mrs. Henry Heisey, Mrs or at the door on the e fl bit friman
came to the United States in| , vening o ves r i mee
Senior H. S. Class ay 1949 with a flying trapeze act (Turn to page 5) the Card Party. The public is 0 | IF =
| . > |
| in which he clowned forty feet Fr cordially invited. .
ill Be Gi On Next | NTL t 3 3Y
e jven n ex above the ground. Popular as a M & M e€cora ons ill
1 ‘clown, he also became famous ts re. Is. eisey | Lanc. Co W CT UT — a a rer
ja lecturer. Besides de monstrat | Hold Regional Institute | The October meeting of the : —————————————
! h r da And Frida Eve Ing trick cyeling, he will relate W ed 60 Years Lo... Mount Joy School and Home | | Virs. John Miller has moved up to third place this week,
| anecdotes of his travels and of bo Association was held in the EI-| [ dfollowed closely bv Mrs. Edith Erb who held that position
circus life, give a make-up dem | The Lancasier Counly WC TU |< ES. I 1 \ Id 1 ; [1 hoi } Vrs. Erl ot nly a tern ned to regain the
n i Miz : i i > a ’ 5 - , at yi cin : ementary schoo yuilding ast | [| ast week iT: rb 1s not oni ¢ u te am
| —— Ted Williams, Bill Zimmermz Nef onstration. and display his art Mr. and Mrs. Aaron. Helsey regional institute will be held |, 2 a : [ll 10st ground, but is determined to move up in the big primes.
The senior class of Mount Joy| Programs and a Co an pantominmist will celebrate. thelr 60d oq. a . the First Presbyterian] Thursday evening with Mr. || Pon d\n has taken over the leading position will be
High School will present ‘“‘The|Ruth Oberholtzer and Clair ara din et 2 iy Church, Mt. Joy November 12. | Charles Chunko president pr | hard pushed to hold it as the vote andings are unusually
; ; on g | pen ; . ding. lose. Mrs. Paul Burger still holds second place, and has
> i »d,”” a three- | Wagner, chairman; Shirley Eby, . . here w » two ses 5. at Siding ( ! ! and, has
Little Dog IL wighed ) ¥ 8 AU TO VIOLATIONS House” next Sunday from 2 to I i Te ‘will ‘be two sessions, . aot Mrs Rubican Policew an | her sights for the $1,000 prize
act comedy, at eight o'clock, | Mg" ne Schofield, James | 4 p. m. at their home on Done- 5:40 a. m. and 1 p,m. ut Woman 1) Irs. Paul Diffenderfer, who has been getting a lot of
next Thursday and Friday in| Lucille Thome and Wil- Charles Serr. Cogper ave, gal Springs Road. The couple | The Rev. Norman Detra, ot; Loneasior Was the gue Y | new subscribers in Landi isyilie, is very oplomistic and we
the high school auditorium. Ra- (Turn to page 8) Landisville, was prosecuted for re atrial oven ny Jd lice the Annville Men's Temperance speaker and spoke on Juvenile expect Mrs. Diffenderfer to ¢limb right on up the list.
chel Lehman will play the lead- tm ees tl Np reckless driving Wednesday by | LY ‘ fg thas 5 on Will be’ oro. of the | Court The vote standings are so close’ that We
by : = ae ine | at the home o ie bride by the | The Association decided can say, in a way, there are no leaders. Many a ballgame
ing roll. Miss Catharine Zeller,| OPEN HOUSE FOR Lancaster police. I Rover x . | speakers. Associa ide ) Ys Fe De] a, X
: . > re ae wwverend Jacob Engle. She wa Naor : has been won in the ninth inning and this contest is no dif-
English teacher, will direct the|40th ANNIVERSARY Elmo Figuerva, Rheems, Pa.,! the’ deughicr. of hy 3 x AS) A ve ry interesting program purchase Bicycle stands and | ferent
production. #4 i of td was prosecuted by State Police| J CRUE OTE BEC CH (has been planned and an invita- (have planned a Food sale for|ll NG CONTEST 1S EVER WON UNTIL THE FINAL COUNT
Others in the cast are: Barry A large huey of for operating on a learner’s per- | i o ile a Ji 3 ant Tosi | tion is cordially extended to the Saturday, November 15th, be- || OF THE JUDGES
S ast are: Y [and relatives called on Mr. an : is Ania a licence. | €d 2 miles west of Mt. Joy. i seid : sinning : ‘clock at Rutt's || 1
Barnhart, Mary Bailey, Gene- [Mrs Edward W. Cover to help mE unaccompanied by a licens They were farmers until thei | A Pox lunch will be puny at on Beings ar Rn || Lois Rutt. Mount Joy 4,045,000
vieve Zimmerman, Jay Barn-|celebrate their 40th wedding ye a retirement in 1920 and since RL noon. |to be $e ao ney. roca: | Mrs. Paul Stoner Burger, Mount Joy 4,040,000
hart, Charles Rovenolt, Nancy |anniversary on October 22 at then have resided at the present | Tye | The pe Sands Mrs. John (Eps) Miller, Mount Jiy 4.030.000
: 8 y on ] y y vr | > Col ee name or the | i
Swanson, Charles Braught, | “open house” in their home. ANNOUNCE EW LOCATION address for the past 23 years, New Song Books At [sale is, Mrs. Warren Foley, Mrs Mee 2a £2 Newiswa 9 4.025.000
Thomas Kear, Gerald Bender, |The couple were married in|AND OPENINGS THIS WEEK | except for one year spent in Calvary Bible Church James Schatz Mrs, Jamies Phil Bp 500 Be 4.010.000
Elinor Lane, Toby Weber, Dora|1912 by the Rev. Harvey S - California. | 7) hat 3 Fo s i Mrs. Paul Diffenderfer, Landisville 3.299.000
ih > ) 3 : = ” Te A abi : reat sme i lips, rs. Ralph eman, Mrs ; :
McGarvey, Cardone Feeser, | jlershey, and sailed for India| The Dor-Jan Beauty Studio] They had four children, | The Congregation at Calvary|J. R. Miley and Mrs. Charles The contestants listed above can place in the prizes. Those
7 y : i 3 - ite 2 ati ‘ . wy | oO fade . 4 « > isted below are striving for : sition \ rizes
Vivian Metelod oi oy oy, as missionaries of the Church of | Will ope n at its new location at| {hree of them living, two sons | Bible Church will be singing Buchnauer. [5 ted below are striving for a position in the prize
Betty Lou Frank, Beverly Boyd (God October 31 the same year.|48 E. Main Street, on Saturday,| and a daughter: Steven, Center “old, old story” from new| A flity dollar donation was | James Pennell, Mcunt Joy 2,935,350
and Clair Wagner. While serving there they were Nov. Its Read the ad for open-| Hall, Pa., Mrs. Paul Oberholtz- | song books starting next Sun-|given to the Mt Joy. Planting Parry Stehman. Florin 1.784,000
The Committees are: personally acquainted with the ing hours. er, Manheim R4 and Warren, By the help of an anomym- for Christmas ac.) Judy Miller, Florin 875,000
Assistant Directors — Jean [late Mahatma Gandi. The Cov- - Mt. Joy. Ten grandchildren and | ous giver from among the mem-|orations in the town. Raymond Heisey, Mount Joy 245.000
Braught and Nancy Swanson. [ers have been retired since| Mrs. Gladys Kear, will open | six great-grandchildren. bers, the church has recently| The group was entertained by | Ruth Oberholtzer, Mount Joy 195,000
Stage—Charles Rovenolt, ad-|1947 but still speak at various new Tropical Treat Frozen| All their friends and relatives| purchased one hundred new Teresa Bertleth, 7th Grade stu- | Mrs. James Schatz, Mount Joy R2 170,000
viser; James Drohan, chairman; (churches and clubs, on their|Custard at her store 41 E. Main | are looking forward to congrat- | “Inspiring Hymns”, published |dent, who played seversl scl. ||| Mrs. Charles Shank, Rheems .. 80,000
Size: renga, Donald Ger- Nor at i Mrs. Cover: gives | Street on Friday at 4 p. m. Read | ulating Mr. and Mrs. Heisey on |by Singspiration Sacred Music |ections on the ||| “WINNERS NEVER QUIT AND QUITTERS | NEVER WIN”
mer, Peter Koder, Clair Wagner lectures on temperance. the ad on another page. Sunday, Publishers a ?
Ps (From page 8)
J (