2—The Bulletin, Mount Joy, Pa., Thursday, ( ee ee ee eee x THE BULLETIN | : mT I Published every Thursday at 11 East | Main Street, Mount Joy Lancaster County, Pa. | William N. Young, Publisher | Fred J. Alberte, Editor & Manager | Pearl Roth, Assoc. Editor & Bus. Mg John E Schroll, Editor and Publisher 1901 1952 Subscription Rate: $2:00 Per Year by Mail Advertising rates request Entered at the postoffice at Mount Joy, Pa., mail under the Act of March 3, Member, Publishers’ upon as second-class 1879. Pennsylvania Association Newspaper = I | Editorially Shop At Home! Last week we walked up and down . Main Street. we ran up to Florin, even took a quick jaunt down to Salunga - and what did we find? We found that your local merchant is offering the best in modern merchandise at prices from 10 to 30 per-cer’t lower than in Harrisburg or Lancaster! Add to that the cost of transportation, which is not taken sericusly these ddys but yet is one of the costs of living, and you find that you save even more by giving the local merchant a chance first before yow begin to look else- where. Qur stores here have everything you could want. The whole trouble is they have not been shouting about it loudly enough. And so, we made our little junket into many stores as we could cover in a couple of days, just to prove to ourself that we were right - and to enable us to start shouting! Yep. consider your local businessman first! He's your neighbor, he's your friend, and his volume of business will help build up your community.. And that makes your interest in your community much more valuable, The Community Exhibit It is only fitting that the Community Exhibit open with a Pennsylvania Week parade for the very things Pennsylvania is famous for are the very things we here are so proud of. For ours is a far-above-average community typical of a far-above-average state. All you have to do is travel around the country to realize that. We compliment the Community Exhibit for a fine show and we for one intend to enjoy it thoroughly. See you there tonight! ® © © Who's Going To Win? In less than three weeks, the question of who is to be the next president of the United States will have been decided. And the campaign, which has been a hot one for the past several weeks, probably will get hotter and hotter—as far as the candi- dates are concerned. There are several things which have im- pressed this gullible weekly editor, who has guessed wrong for the past four elections. One is that among those we find sitting be- side us sipping our mid-morning cup of coffee, few feel the need to put up heated arguments such as marked previous cam- paigns. Sure, everybody is interested but more folks than ever before are quietly discuss- ing both sides and the middle. More people we meet are seeking more facts than ever ! before. Add to this the faet that registration of voters everywhere is larger than at any time in the past. And say what they will, none of these so-called experts can tell any of us where this huge slice of new voters is going to go. If General Eisenhower wins, it this vast army of past non-voters who will overcome the labor-farin bloc. Labor, we feel, isn’t going to budge away from the | Democratic column this year. Where the farmer goes, is something else. Nope, we're not going to make any pre- dictions. We're just going to be glued to our TV set election night so that we can find out as soon as possible. 16, 105. OWL LAFFS BY A OWL Here it is, Farm Show time again! This is the week I fill up on hamburgs, hot dogs and tay apples. | got a punkin’ entered. Had a handful of good oid fashioned chestnuts but I had to cat those. Remember the good old days when we used to go for claestnuts as soon as the frost had opened the burrs? But | getting back to the Exhibit, drop around to the Remembrance Committee stand, drop a coin in the donation box. Dimes and quarters still add up to dollars no matter what. * * On Wednesday, during the air raid alert, a local hubby was chasing around the house like mad, while the rest of the family took chelter. His wife cried: “Hurry up!” “I can't find my false teeth,” called the hus- WISE band. “False teeth!” returned the exasperated wife. “What do you think they're gonna drop. sandwiches?” * * * Food for thought . . ..... It takes girls longer to dress because they | have to slow down for the curves. Seven days in a jeep makes one weak. There are several good five-cent cigars on the market today, but they sell at a higher | price. Reno is a great dairy center—the cream of society goes there to be separated. * * * “Well, dear,” sighed the head of a Landis- ville home after viewing the crumpled fender. “did the officer scold you for hitting one of Lancaster's trees?” “No, he was just lovely, John,” explained | just to keep lady drivers from getting upon | people's porches.” { * | William (Honey) Enck said: “Did you ever | stop to think that more noses are red from | sticking them into other people's business than | will be ! from hitting the bottle? * * * Up at Newcomer's garage today while wait- | | ing for our car, I noticed a mechanic pick «| | piece of paper from the seat of another auto- | mobile He gianced at it and began to chuck- le, then he handed me the paper. It was a long list of repairs the owner wanted done. Penciled across the boltom was, this note: “Please stop when you reach $15.00.” * * While I was there several of the mechanics | were arguing as to who could guess weight | the best, when Roy Carroli asked young Dew- | ey what Jim Krall weighs. - - - Dewey being on | the bcil exclaimed, meat! - - - - Roy's chin was | ' close to the floor the rest of the day. * * * Joann Funk told me she just loves charge | ‘accounts because they go farther than money. I often wendered what a double ring cere- mony really meant. Now I know. A young bride told me it merely consists of washing | | two rings out of the bath tub instead of one... | * * »* Bob Metzler told me A gentleman is a man | who holds the door open for his wife while sne carries in o load of groceries. | * ¥ # { ANI got to say is we either need wider higa- ways or longer weekends. The way things are |it takes three or four hours for city folks to get |iato the country and two days to get back. i A WISE OWL Public Card Party For Terry's Benefit A public card party sponsor ed by the American Legion Auxiliary will be held Monday Snyder, Mrs Mrs. Eli Kaylor, Mrs. Ma Lindemuth, Miss Wilma Eaton, Mrs. George Reigle, Mrs. Garth 100 Attend Reception Kate Smeltzer, Elsie Grove, Miss Emma Shook- Barnhart, | vrs. vin Held For The Helwigs ry Walker, Mrs. | | The Church of God of Mount evening at 8:15 p. m. in the Le- ers, Miss Anna Hoffer and Mrs. | Jov held a reception for their gion home. Pinochle, 500 and|(C. R. Charles. ini... Sh Bridge will be played. Two erat Woe ier j Pastor the Rev. C. I". Helwig 3 i708 i y awe lust evening, Wednesday door prizes will be awarded. , 2, ednesday in the Proceeds will be used for the Birthday Party For {Sunday School Room. The Pro Terry Young Fund Mrs. James Neal gram was in charge of the La- a Mrs. Charles Hostess Mr. To Kings Daughters tertained guests and Mrs on New street Mrs. C. R. Charles, this boro, honor of Mrs. Neals birthday. Son dies Aid and included Special es J James: Neal oh B a 10 Music by Mrs. George Broske, Tria, “In a Monesterv at their home Qar ym . rarden”, Trombone Solo by Ja; on Sunday In! Barnhart. two readings by Chas. | Hershey, Duet by Ruth and Da- was hostess Tuesday evening to} Guests included Mr. and Mrs. | vid Weidman. the Kings Daughters Bible Clarence Craley of Shillington, Greeting of welcome to Rev. class of the Church of God. Mrs. Arthur Hendrix, Mr. and|and Mrs. Helwig for their re- Devotions and business was| Mrs. Ed. Hendrix and sons, [turn were brought by the fol-| transacted then followed by |James and Billy of Lancaster; Mrs. Harvey Haw- games and a delicious luncheon | Mrs. Sadie Martin of Oyster |thorne for the Missionary So-! was served. The class decided |Point; Mr. and Mrs. William | ciety, Mrs. Hazel Shenk for the to have a rummage sale Oct. 24 and 25 at the parsonage of the church on Henry Street. The following were present. leman, Mrs. Llo John Hendrix, Sayders, Miss Mae Mrs. Stella Sweigart, Mrs. Ellen of town. Mateer of Florin: Weldon, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Esh- yd Shank, Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. C. F. Helwig, Mrs. Lillie | nath, Mr. and Mrs. Abe Summy Shreiner, |and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hinkle Mrs. William |l.adies Aid, who also presented Mrs. Helwig with a lovely chair for her writing desk. Lester | Eshelman spoke for the Sunday | School, and Harvey Stoner for! the Church Council. There were | about 100 present. J Millie Cro- the new driver. “He said the city planted them | _ Quality Meats FROSTED Fruits & Vegetables KRALL'S Meat Market WEST MAIN ST. S FULL LINE OF ALSO A AND BIRDS EYE FOODS FLORIN, PENNA. Phone Mt. Joy 3-4930 MOUNT JOY WHITE - WASHING DISINFECTING HESS BROS. a 1 39-tf | Contest | preme efforts now | subscriptions nows from pected sources very ones lead for the coveted first prize his is mass a vote total that hard for anyone to overcome, pride [PERSONALS | few days is the personal langle that is becoming so ticeable. One contestant [that to accept defeat would be everlasting disappointment and | Mr, and Mrs. Lester hap- | man and son and Mr. and Mrs. ne 2. ve] ‘ unex pen to Another ares | John Zerphey spent Saturday at that they owe it to their friends Atlantic City, N. J. who have responded so prompt | Mr, and Mrs. Lester L. Ber ly and wholeheartedly, thus far, | eman of Elizabethtown Ry or: to put forth their efforts | Jesse Cassel of Dayton, 9 ic hereafter and call upon every Were Sunday guests of Mr. and from now until the|Mrs. Lester Breneman, Mariet- ta Avenue. says (From page 1) y Brene- In fact, just a few “full term” she doesn't want that to might be the her. decl needed to take the vour opportunity to a will be best Enter Personal Pride resource A striking {eature of the past end, | STOP AT THE JOHNS - MANVILLE BOOTH At The Community Exhibit ASK ABOUT FREE GIFTS 109-111 N. Market St. Beat The Rush! You'll be needing Fall clothes you think: — so get into the closets and dig them the sooner than out now for cleaning and: pressing before rush begins. . Eicherlys 76 - 78 EAST MAIN STREET MT. JOY, PA. WE CALL YOU PHONE SEE THE ithe NECCHI THAT STITCHES AND FINISHES WITHOUT ATTACHMENTS AT MOUNT JOY COMMUNITY EXHIBIT BINKLEY’S SEWING MACHINE AND REMNANT SHOP Phone 688 Elizabethtown, Pa, | LOW-COST AUTO LOANS: and you can place your car insurance locally. Get all the } advantages with a BANK loan. UNION NATIONAL MOUNT JOY BANK 1” OF MOUNT JOY Member of Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation —— Big Savings at A & P's 93rd | Anniversary Gelebration Ad Effective this Through Saturday, Ociober 18th. CHEF BOV-AR-DEE All prices in 16-02 cans PHILLIPS, SALEM & SHER VIC 1952 NEW PACK TOMATOE 27¢ SPANISH SAUCE et PAY HEINZ BEANS 2s 9 ne 35 BEST PURE LARD "2° 2b 25¢ VEGETABLE V-8 COCKTAIL COCKTAIL 2 23: HARVEST MIX worth more ae 0 PREMIUM SALTINES NABISCO pig. 23¢ Go) 1b Heo BITESIZE 1 C 6-02 34° There is a coupon in each package WORTH 10c toward the purchase of 3 con Xen packages of either Lipton Noodle or Lipton Tomata Vegetable Soup Mix! emer ~~ / LIPTON Bi, i¢W eck-endFresh Fruitand Vegetable S Specials! TEA BAGS CHICKEN-OF-THE-SEA aa), TUNA FISH CALIFORNIA CRISP ICEBERG LETTUCE +; Jed 21 Bas LT LIPTON TEA ats, Mf) terse ¢ Age ga: HIGHER gg heads - rd | i NN NSN NEN NNN Vib 65° D GOLDEN RIPE (NONE PRICED HIGHER) JUNKET QUICK BANANAS = Tc CALIFORNIA JUICY (NONE PRICED HIGHER) = BARTLETT PEARS 2 25° SOLID SLICING (NONE PRICED HIGHER) 19° TOMATOES a clon FUDGE MIX 12-02 i 32° paki 3 3 tig SNOW CROP frozen food Sale E] i | (| ORANGE JUICE “35:2 6 & 85¢ 25° it Frozen Peas snow croe 2 20 3ge GIBBS | (|Snow Crop Waffles Frozen 27° 33¢ wey. | [Snow Crop Spinach Siozew 2 hi 35¢ KETCHUP Snow Crop Fryers rrozen “5 1.29 § ‘JUMBO SHRIMP 20" 1: 59: LEMONADE = AN ANNA NNN NINA NA Cut Wax Beans 2%: 21c DICED BEETS 3°): PLANTER’S COCKTAIL vip SALTED GOOD LUCK OLEOMARGARINE PEANUTS Each Package of "GOOD LUCK" Contains a Coupon worth 1-18 c 10c towards the purchase of | dozen eggs at your A & P. pkgs 59 8-02 35° Vv There is a th 15 b. 3 EGETABLE ne i 2p wort! ¢ on label 3b SPRY Sieve bcm sri sr: 320 8G SUNNYBROOK MEDIUM, FRESH EGG: ALL WHITE LEGHORN BUTTER 8c 80c CHEDDAR CHEESE "> 49x. Sia = 8% ANN PAGE BEANS... “10° 222 2T¢ DONUTS JANE James regularly 35¢ SPECIAL GLAZED RAISED + 29 SPECIAL PRICE STARKIST TUNA Sein smite fe QV INV INNA NAAN at This is Pennsylvania Week! Here Are a Few of the Many Pennsylvania Produced Food Products Which You Will Find at A&P te Apple Butfer wmusseLman's Un Heinz Catsup sonia OC Heinz Baby Foods srraineo 10 is 95¢ dozen in dated carton CASHMERE BOUQUET 63 BATH SOAP 3 vu 34 SWIFT'S CORNED BEEF = 49° 1.89 OSCAR MAYER CHOPPED HAM (with Raisin Sauce) 55113 In 14 Ib, Prints 1.1b solid box of 12 , Cherries MusseLMAN's Red, sour Pita we 910 SWIFT'S aS. Spaghetti Dinner cuer sov.ar.oee wb A9g wif Contains Pkg. of Spaghetti, Can of Spaghetti Sauce, Can ef Graled Cheese and © coupon worth 10¢ towards purchase of one package of Chef Boy-Are-Dée Raviel'. SPAM 20 MULE-TEAM For economical eating. Get Spam ai your BORAX 33 ASP! A fanst for 4 from the thrifty 12.01. c 2-1b box om 41 i SWIFT'S BORAXO 2 PEANUT BUTTER | HAND CLEANER SORA 4 Cc = 5 +18 BEECH-NUT BABY FCOD CHOPPED... .6 jars 8%¢ All varieties STRAINED. .10 jars 95¢ All varieties 17¢ All varieties 87 EAST MAIN STREET MOUNT JOY, PA. A F East Mot This to f. HF with erni equi Stra with for | opm Don Peck be n Char Clare P M. E'tov er C AUN wih 141 all n BAC POU waite G. K Walt P Sa F Type dress hurric living ton R rag c andir Hoowv:« Wash and c ooble chest: lot of S made Walte) Pp. L. P Saf C late A I contain air he: TWO-( roof. T Premis will by Walter D.L1