Ne Bulletin, Mount Jov, Pa., Thursday, Oclober 9, 1952 B-R-R-R-R 1 Reduce Losses of Foals Keter Torah ’ mM “Keter Torah?” A m—— 1 It got cold with a vengence| Some of the horses that are romp- | What is the eter a ET - oe - | AY EY Wednesday morning, just in| ing home ahead of the field today | decorative crown which fs placed on Ee ' 4 Wi we their victories—and their lives | the top of the Scroll of the Torah in i! iu case vou did not get up in time| © e § : It is usually em THE BULLETIN enliven tl And for | —t0 new scientific discoveries, Ac- | Jewish synagogues. usually : te \ to realize t at fact. Anc OT | cording to veterinarians at the Uni | Bellished with little bells, which are P Publishe d every Thursday at 11 East ||| proof, Mrs. Evelyn Miller, of varsity of Kentucky, losses of un- [referred to in the Bible as a deco- Main Street, Mount Joy (l 224 East Main Street, reported | born and new born foals due to in. | ration of priestly attire, Stars of Lancaster County, Pa that carly Wednesday morning | fections have been reduced 20 per- | David, and the Ten Commandments. William N. Young. Publ she as attracted by the din be-| tent in the bluegrass go of Ken. | Fa " fife Hp ort 33 iy Whack od | tueky within the past few years. | Fred J. Albert Editor & Manager I 4p IL Pine hygrd by Better means of diagnosing ailments | THE BULLETIN Pearl Roth. Assoc. Editor & Bus. Mg | pon investigation | oe and improved disease-fight- | . x ) ila din. ie found that the bird-bath| ing drugs are cited as principal fac- [| Is on sale each week at Kulp's John E. Schroll. Editor and Publisher was completely frozen over. tors in the loss reduction, News Agency and Tyndall's — essential lp 1901 1952 {| al ls ‘ || Store, West Main street, Il Patronize Bulletin Advertisers Patronize Bulletin Advertisers. | Subseription Rat $2:00 Per Year by Mail I —————————————————— ——————— \ Advertising upon request I 1 \ Entered at the postoffice at Mount Joy 9 a a i TT Re Big Anniversary Savings of March 3, 1879 I JAY Member, Pennsylvania Newspape (| tS | Publishers’ Association ( 0S re fl SE — te Sr a | y \J J | If () WwW | BY A Wisk 4 v a Edito rially Joe (The Barber) Detwiler, had a strange ” uv | customer one day last week - - - A man w th a . | very heavy beard, riding «a mule drove up to Pennsylvania Week we | his shop, tied his mule to one of the Parking ' des . he eu i is 8 sk Joe it he It is only fitting and proper that we rec- | meters and came into his shop o ask el ognize and observe Pennsylvania Week next | would shave his beard off - - - Joe © 9 ng y week. For too often do we take our count- | told the man to get on the chair. - - - - During | | less advantages here for granted. All one has | the course of the operation, the man asked Joe | to do is compare Pennsylvania industries, | if he wanted to swap his razor for the mule, || Pennsylvania farmlands, and Pennsylvania | he had tied outside - - - - Looking out the win- All prices in this ad effective scenery and one can realize why all of us|dow Joe remcirked: “Your mule is worth muca #iirough Saturday, October 11th -_ A should get out and shout the merits of our | mcte than my razor”, - - - "I know said the Ig commonwealth. gent, but your razor has much more pull. ~~, ° . . . * 9 - It’s your Pennsylvania-—Keep it growing * * * NG » Sa . i Officer Neiss is getling ready for the coming . . : as ® ® a | hunting season, he sent his gun away to have Kauffman T. Keller, internationally-famous native of this bor IVORY SOAP KARO SYRUP Ue pan Vl 21¢ 59s : : lit cleaned and told them to repair the crack in |... who asain was singled out this week as one of the four ; 5d F Community Chest Drive ! I duvs| who again Ww ingl { as one of the four Sa > Haz g foor arn g ns iy . Sie tor 1 ws | the barrel > r Boog got a reply o coup © ays outstanding industrialists of the nation. Personal c TOMATO JUICE SPECIAL PRICES! cans 2 can 24: Sure, all of us are sick and tired of ap-|later informing him they would clean the gun is . | : = Site Cos EDUCATOR CRAX scm ma Ib age ses pkg 4 ee, peals aimed at our pocketbooks. There are entirely too many calls, especially upon the business man of the small town But once a year the Community Chest, (put the crack he thought was in the barrel, [was where the gun was put together. * * * One hot day last summer a litle boy was PERSONALS | Mortuary Record fr a fam IVORY SOAP GRAPEFRUIT JUICE. siti 9° A &P GOLDEN CORN sue 2.5310 | the pivotal center of our whole way of liv-| = GEORGE W. ECKINGER ing, comes to the public for its annual sup- | walking along behind a very large woman, $0 Mr. and Mrs. George Gring, | 000 Fog oo oo 38. El A & P PUMP NEW PACK 2-01, 29¢ i ~ . . 2 } orge f. BCR ger, ob, 5 . 3 : port. Community Chest, it is good to re- closely mn her footsteps as to be annoying. Fi- and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Gring Bed] ed Te —~ : Large Size 27° KIN SPECIAL PRICE! cans : v, : : 1 : PY zabethtown, die I mind ourselves, includes a whole group of nally she turned on him, demanding why and | of Berkshire Heights, Reading Ww eq, Aloncay. ofa Cakes ' 1-1b 6 i 1 | heart attack. Chester Eckinger b pkg vital and worthwhile institutions aimed at making life more pleasant and suffering threatening lo call the police, “Plearse don’ do that” the child pleaded. the Jacob Arndt family of Fairview street, Saturday. visited as : ¢f this boro, is a son. et WHITE HOUSE EXTKA GRADE DRY MILK SOLIDS cn 39° less and less. { “It's just tha® youre the only real shady spot Mrs. Je » Stutzman, Pal Support to the Community Chest keeps jo the street.” my oy ved Mr ad Ms CLIyX 3 g STRICKLER IVORY SOAP ANN PAGE TOMATO SOUP ju 29¢ Charles Bailey, West Main St., Myton Ln. < these important services alive. More sup- * * * two, of Salunga, died suddenly Medium Size 3 Cakes 2 Week-End Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Specials port will mean that more of the institutions, | ve i inka : over the weekend. : : : : | pe ied man tricks shooting, SE 4 : especially the hospitals will be back in the | anes ame nn 5 ape, a The following were guests of | 8 noon Saturday at the hone of 1 3 a ie, J or - iis i alyat} 2 AJ a kid fold and, with this added support, the — chanical devices have @ Party Saturday’ in honor of Miss Elizabeth S. Witmer, with CALIFORNIA LUSCIOUS dream of one important drive a year will all sorts of mechanica evices NAVE ne Bailey's eighth birthday, | Whom lie resided. ee . { bean tried in a effort to frighten birds out of : Sol ot Dr. J. 8 Kendig, Salunga namely: Lillian Good, Ronnie ? Wr Hay tisk GXYDOL become an actuality. | : the cornfields. He ti a So—when the drive starts here next Mon- | © 1° » Lo Lass le about Arndt, Barry Coover, Judy Nis- deputy coroner, said death was d diz bret} Pecause it's mighty | Harold Newcomer used to spin a tale about * SE TR caused by a coronary occlusion i ay, dig deep, brother, because it's mighty |,. . aE s lifelike scar ws Sly, Jerry and Judy Barrick, . : kasd i : 2 Cc (None Priced : ' | his invention of a marvelous lifelike scarecrow. =“ : x son of the late Ephraim and Giant ¢ Ib f . important! |e Hor 3 maha vp. | Cora MeGowan, Jimmie Bang BLE ghee ai 3 $ « . Higher) | It was made of tin, he said, and not only wav- : 5 ie P| Swen Cresiy. Strickler. he pativ. Pkg. f it S ee) 8 |ed its arms at irregular intervals, but emitted '“! and Bon and Terry Bailey. | 4 severat yours ago. after worl a A 3 ( . PUES f . Nadine is the daughter of Mr. ; : sini i wd CALIFORNIA RIPE £ | a loud yell every few minutes. r nw “harles | v ing many years as a carpenter = . . | Did i > and Mrs. Charles Bailey, West = a. Casein i ise Fire Prevention Week | “Did it scare the crows?” We asked. ne Ne Cure 3 ¢ he Was fia Fist oF Hie Early ig ok op | ge, 3 rer a PY a > 4 iain Si., i 0 . : > ra Scare the crows’ he cried, “I should say it Grit BE Wepre rolurned and is survived by a niece and 0XYDOL size each Cc Or A few more annual weeks and we won't | did. Why gentleman, that contraption scared ts, vi, MOTHS On veral coysis pr . i] H : i ; New York after! S€vera cousins. at Peac have room in this editorial column for any- | ike crows so bad that some fetched back} tuesday irom New York altel i ; Lv . I an exter ' Hip 9 werd Large c WASHED AND TRIMMED (None Priced High thing more. But, oddly enough, most of | corn they had stole two years before!” —— — “lt buying trip loi MRS. EDWARD ROACH Pkg. one Priced Higher) ,. Three t these annual observances are reminders of | + + * Fall dresses, winter coats and Vi Elizal rs 10-01 ec hree Ie vo ro J ceessories Mrs. Elizabeth Enterline X REGALO BRAND Cello three p something we are too prone to forget. | Tr host i B pe y Roach, eighty-one. widow of Pkg. ¢ ress ref : sts sa Vir; fp Roach, ghty-one, i ) — This is the week that the local firemen | Two ghosts sal upon an overtarnea tom Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Breneman ao 7 Roach. of 11 8. Mar [TE MARVIN PITTED DATES 7: 2f¢ 3Te¢ ¢ : remind us that our careless habits, to a |Sione to taik shop, “By the way. pal. asked und son, Lester and Mrs. John Kit dl o ofl! § Map ty DREFT Hb, Peg, months large extent, are the chief causes of fires | one. do you believe in human beins? Zerphey, spent Saturday visit-| JCF Dv Mt. Joy, died at 4:20 p. H | 2s Food Week-End S . ’ floor, bo v . BY . | n. al Sr “ a ? 3 ’ \ which destroy hundreds of millions of dol- | * * * ing Mrs. Lee Stehman in News|" =f Has a I Columbia ret Je 30° rozen Foo eek-End Specials } of four Ove at ver) wey 2s rele . "Ey eve | {a v. ~ . tiospital. She had been a patient tia = arge i S each ¢ > be he ar. { mid ville, Cumberlan ( pauen Sy ORCHARD lars each and every week of the year. A young Marieiia St. blonde gave her tall ille, Cumberland County. at the 26 tere. Wook a] : ZEN PEACHES PRIDE 9 10m. 29¢ gas slo For example, every day there are 849 | young hubby this bit of advice before he left Vir and Mrs. Homer S| € nospiia i oF | } wees v on back of each pkg. worth 10¢ acy cans | home fires, 34 deaths by fire, 79 store fires, |; ji Te EY “_tand daughter, Geraldin [ Mil She was asdaughter of the! the purchase of 1 Giant or 2 Lorge | RE x ° K 120 9 utensils Br ae HG oral Bros Be | for work: “The night before last you came | jer, Geraidine, of Mii inte John and Christine Ente figs. of _DREFL. Birds Eye Lima Beaiis « FROZEN ne 296 88 factory fires, 39 church fires, 8 school |, CY i oe home this afternoon | spent Sunday with Mr ang. Janie 7 Sal Bnd. rnd Fie frac aus 3 _ | home ioday. If you come home this r ! Mr. line Hoffer and a member 12. x De fires and four hospital fires—believe it ox | tomorrow 11 go to Mother!" nd Mrs. Lester Breneraan and ne : ; oe 4 member ) ORY FLAKES Birds Eye Frozen Peas 2 Be 385 will be not. ar a on, Marietta Ave oa. “Murch, V S c Ww , ‘ Fb alter 1 eo a, ; an * % * J : - pethtown. Her husband died in now Crop Frozen Blended Juice 2s 25¢ Sr] And statistics provided by the local fire-| : : Mr. and Mrs. Almer Tanis o ; cans Landis ¢§ None. 15 wv vied | 932 + only survivors are men also shows that a big majority of these . Sogn : ‘Sony When Youre or Newport, R spent the week re “, nly survivors ar CAP'N JONN CoD FILLET ror 35¢ : : $ 1: | Your leet nur. nephews fires were caused by carelessness and negli- | " : A end with her parents, Mr. and; gence. And piling your attic with old, worn- AL : x x . * irs, Oliver Funk ty out stuff ve u will never use again but stuff | Next year they are going to make a car! —o HOWARD E. EBERSOLE Stull you ne Se age ) St . co ’ which can burst into flame “comes under | with a glass bottom so you can see whether or Howard E. Ebersole, eighty 1 SUNNYBROOK ALL WHITE ‘hick burst into flame, comes under |" ik a gla 59 you ; BOF ET DONATES. | E. ig FRESH EGGS ‘ ths heading of negligence. [nol you know the pedestrian you have just ** dal 2 BLOOD one, of Niblick Ave, Media LEGHORN—MEDIUM $IZE a $3¢c At 5 ais | run over. \bram S, Koser, seaman 3/c, | Heights development, died at SPAGHET Tl ANN PAGE 15!/3-01 25¢ 22-ox Route 3 @ 5 © | x ¥» Xx l BN. son 0 Mr. 5 I Mrs. Irvin {9:45 a. m. Monday in St. Joseph PREPARED cans cans 33 | TIT ve R2 Mt. Joy was among | Hospital. He became ill Mc 3 JANE PARKER 3 ! chnny Dillinger asked Dick, “Daddy, can : Z . > . came 1 Monday pe special The TV Blackout Sunday bois nN m 2 1 y 1 crewmembers of the submarine and was taken to the hospital Coupon on back of each pkg. worth 10¢ RONAN 35 price 25° | you te 1 me way telephone operators are al- It I H 1e hospital, toward the purchase of 1 Giant er 3 Large REYNOL AUMIUM 6 daught 5 : Vom = escue vesse SS Kittiwake te le was born i ynegal Two kgs TIDE DS WRA ye Sunday night we were all set to gaze | WIYS women? blood: for 4 i ; ig , : hy A Donegal Twp pa foi, 3 43 GOLDE]! » —~y pt < | tle 1: Ba . Wal ) ( or the Al Wi a Son e late No: . at Donald O'Connor, about the only come-| Dick replied, “Certainly son. It's because no- = 0 : i he ol ; Noah and La- 8 O'CLOCK COFFEE MILD AND 3.15 25 I-1b 171 VALDOI . . Se Taf SMV : 1 torces blood Bank at » Sub- i vina Eckman Ebersole and has pe dian of any merit left on TV since they took body but a bunch of women could keep so marine base at i ie i : % rsole and has Biz MELLOW poo 2. ' bag ($3,300) off Mr. Peepers, when bingo, a strike of many conversations going in the same room iii Jase a: Nong, Va Ti ex n employed by the Standard RED CIRCLE COFFEE: avo 3-Ib 2 3 ¢ ; engineers, deprived the ewiire nation of Ep K has earned her “well- | Furniture Co., for the past 15 FULL BODIED hag Ls bag 79 Milk pr! this enjoyment. * * * fone” from the Artic Circle to? ears php 28 BOKAR COFFEE VIGOROUS & Je 2 37 I-lb fe ror : . Be a lic: .. De Panama area. During fleet There survive a ik ag das ba That comes under the heading of high- A local gentlemem went to Guy Spittler junk | hc in the Artic, she op. |W 1ST Survive a sou. Demand DEL MONTE PEACH SLICES & Fy : pressure banditry. But let's take it a step | to buy a trash barrel and was charged |, (cd within two degrees lane. Lancaster RT; and a sister, ES HALVES can 29 LR 1 Pa a ~ ue | | : rr ‘ ad ow os within t aegrees souls Mrs. Mar Ternsl wR 7. further. Unions in California are protesting | $1.03 for it. “That three cents couldn't be sales; (10 Circle. and in the Par Ul) Mrs. Mary Hernsly, Aidie, Va, FRUIT COCKTAIL DEL 17.0t f Rg 30-01 35¢ THE . <1 3 . 2 ter. co 0 x HU i , and In the Panama | ay { or: vhildre against films made abroad by American tex, could it?” he asked. Guy shook his head. Aven a divine: record : bo re na lwo grandchildren SILVER DUST MONTE 2 cans 45 can . . . | 2 $n Seu om “tr . ”" ee v 5 recora ot o feet Cut " SOIVICOS OVD . . producers and are threatening a strike of | The deliar is for taxes.” he said glumly, “I. 4 from hel deck a Lun: ral SETVices Yore held | DISH CLOTH IN EACH PACKAGE PINEAPPLE JUICE oN Siar 34 450 25¢ BA projectors. Considering that the minimum |9et to keep the three cents.” —-—— today (Thursday) at 1:30 p. m. Mo cans ean PENN : : 2 Whig —~ ai e Fred F ‘i x daily wage for a cameraman is $87.50 and | ir Yo Yr o the Fred F. Groff Funeral large ¢ 1c CLEANSER SALE WILBERT'S DOT 3 er 24 P. 0. BC gt hie agcistoy 1 me sete a is \ © os } Home. with interment “ber PKG. i : that Js i a w i has ete to do ar | A number of Main Street housewives got in- Air Raid Iv's Cemetery. th in lever Pre “Buy 7 cans at regular price of 23c. Get Ire can for 1c. TOTAL COST 24c. SAVE TTc, $26.25 a day, a show down may be overdue. |i : : Jia metery, this boro “ Y, to a neighborhood row, and Officer Good ar- ~~ oo : : @rom page 1) Y — M&Ms MORE THAN 60 VARIETIES OF CHEESE IN 3 ® © 8 Gotta Hurry These Days rived in time to prevent a free-for-all. Immed- iately the women begar®* simultaneously, to {tell Mike what had happened. Officer Good | to just how the alarm will be { il sounded here with a number of OUNCI CANDY COATED CHOCOLATES October Cheese Festival DDAR CHEESE | AE Ps HE CH | silenced them, und said sternly, “Now I'll hear | individual plants reluctant tc Federal ¢ Het ove king for a lazv | fee a Suc Siem. Iv di : Eo th a ri © (From Page 1) 7- asl hon ies are kre tor a lazy | from each one of you in turn, starting with the Use whistles and thus bring op-| sk For Ser ae 23° MILD ¢ REAL SHARP “ I Be el vi . year o aC bellhop cldest.” ‘erations at a standstill for the | Tl 3. { i fr gn Pg POUND Aged bar Cen Pound 59° at as been nabbed as a “passer” of some ex-| Not a wor ko tHe. si seven Ce of Tesidents of ; Dy Vou, 3 30 3 4 a word broke the silence seven-minute period. A similar |e , ? Th ceplionallv “cueer’ five dellar bills. a) . Yom ; A |¢ omtort Alley and David Stree S ™ e pL dh 3 ee ea lar bills. On ex dr + Ww lack of interest is being shown. Ag ea : vid Street PAB T-ETT CHEESE SPREAD 9 ih 80: East Don amination, President Lincoln turns out to . ni . ‘ .. | Mr. Bennett reve: [1oF a slow or stop sign at the CHEER ¢ Mount J be General Washington . . . with a beard, |, Mart Robinson, of Florin was telling the iel- +B PAE revealed, by per- intersection will be studied by CHED-0-BIT CHEESE FOOD © 2 Ib. 95: 1 and the numeral “5” used to be a “1” | lows the other morning, that when he worked a asked to assume some ofthe borough volice committee . loot Con : i wh 3 1 : te : 10 various ecivi poste) » : r is far: Bpsheuld be remembered, however, (hut { for Garth Snyder, they put their tobacco in the rious civil defense p StS request. has been made for ik 30 KRAFT VELVEET roop 2 fot 95 i even the most skilled steel engraver would | ee Or maybe he meant corn, "I": | Stop signs in other paris of the | Pe BLE i Eby require a long time to turn out a set of he said tobacco, and I didn't wait to The theoretical period of ut-|town, members of council as. | a u CHEESE as on wt ie © 69: ; Imp plates from scratch. (Not a pun, just an { hear the story. on will begin some time after | serted. as LIPTON’S la : . i z er NY adlai,) Before he finished, a fiver might be | * * * ing rN ih fhe usual intermittant Open Bids CAMAY 2 worth no more than a one! | Two Mount Joy St. men were discussing > or NO attempt will be made| pigs were opened for the pur SOUP MIXES on with slat | they quit drinking. to simulate conditions . of an shoge of 900 feet oy bur. Noodle Soup Mix BATH SOAP liquid detergent ernized | hi 3 actu: > wn ste = al : ee of 12-inch i Ss Ist man: “I haven't touched a drop in over tual raid, as marked tests per- corrugated pipe for the P aot c Giant 6 : wo months.” formed during World War II. ton Ro. d pine 20 tho. Pinker pkgs at Size Bl. i d . os : The + . sigwe 0 oad and a contract was a- Sa ail site i ; equippel Time Fer a Moratorium 2nd man: “Neither have I pal, but don't you 2h ui cle _ signal wil. belo to Lancastor Valite I elon SVP 11; oz pkg 16€ c Toe ree du ot uch gackas Straw ar A rouune announcement from the De we better knock on wood?” at er Pad will endo; Lancaster, for $1.38 per foc - Ee TR A A 2 | 1a ne "Bard: . at: i257 P. 1 hae R08 Per. lool, ¥ —— - partment of Agriculture may prove more | 12+ main: Absolutely. Let's go. pound on a Me ms i | A contract for painting = the 18 BREEZE CAMA i 2 RINSO for Ci devastating than the atom bomb. While or- | Se oc, — — — No it wasn't Russ and his Dalian | Fire. Hall was awarded to II Ww a i Y Tis dinary 2.4-D chemical weed-killer injures | neignbor. Who. were ay : Av bs Du | Buller” of Flori ns AW, dish towel in each pkg. TOILET S p Large tube of Pepsodent Chioro opment, bid, Lo Sen ee inj | * * Who were the Latitudinarians? A (PUL€r, rin, for his bid of | phyll Tooth Paste Free with each Donegal ato plants, the Department reports, | \ party in the Church of England in | $445. giant c . giant site package. Farn modified forms are beneficial and “caused | A sweet young thing (at her first baseball the 17th century which strived to | Burgess Fish announced that i pkg 61 3 reg. size 0 giant size i Peck fruit to set’ ”, and tematoes developed | game)—"Oh, I like this; Let's stay and see that fd 8 theological basis broad |he will LCDEGSERL. this Tie wo cakes package 53: Sale without pollination. | pert over again where he makes the home| for men of different views te | 14 acting of ih re yn A . : be tease That's all ri hi for tomatoes B pve TARE " | uinte upon and thu put) an end fo. a 1 mg of e Pennsylva- A n : | bi 31s roughs Sd . 1 rles S g 2 But science the embittered controversigs of the | Pid Boroughs Association in|§ 87 EAST MAIN STREET MOUNT JOY, PA a 8 . has gone just about far enough. A WISE OWL time, Norristown this Saturday,