The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, September 25, 1952, Image 5

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Church | News|
Land At Florin E. U. B.
NEWS PERTAINING TO ALL | Miss Gladys Leaman, of Lan-
THE CHURCHES IN MT. JOY caster, will present slides of her
AND THE ENTIRE Europe and the
SUR- | trip through
| Holy Land at the Glossbrenner
| Evangelical United Brethren
| Church, Florin, on Wednesday,
{October 1 at 7:30 p. m, This
service is being conducted joint-
Mt. Pleasant
Brethren In Christ Church
Pastors: C. H. Moyer and
Graybill Wolgemuth.
Sunday, September 28. |ly by the Young Ladies Class
9:00 a.m. Sunday School. | taught by Albert Kleiner and |
10:30 a.m. Preaching Service. |the W, S. S. S.
7. Ipaveyry | sor i 1 vy . > . . .
7:30 pm. Prayer Meeting. Sharing in the service will be
EL | Mrs. « <. i rt
The Church of God ‘ ars John K Wittle, Alber
Rev. C. F. Helwig. Pastor { Rleiner,Rev. Jno. H. Gable and
Sunday, September 28. Miss Leaman. The congrega-
9:30 a.m. Sunday School
10:30 ‘am. Morning Worship
Special service in charge of the |
Young People, Rev. William |
Toland of Phila, guest speaker.
7:30 p.m. Prayer Meeting.
tion will be asked to join in the
singing of selected songs. The
[offering received will be placed
lin the building fund through the
class treasury of the Young La-
dies class. The public, is invited
to share in this delightful ser-

Glossbrenner Evangelical
United Brethren Church
Rev. John H. Gable, Pastor
Sunday, September 28.
9:30 Rally Day |
7:15 p. m. Evening Service.
8:00 p.m.
7:30 pm. Midweek
Service, W.S.W.S. and
Ladies Class.
Stimulate your business by adver=
tising in the Bulletin.

Choir Rehearsal Salunga
Church of the Brethren
prayer (Earl Brubaker, Elder In Charge
Young John Herr, Supt.
Sunday, September 28
fm 9:00 am. S d scho
Newtown E u. B. Church 1 104 ean. Suid hg
Sunday, September 28
9:00 a.m. Sunday School.
7:00 p.m. Worship Service.
7:00 p.m. Christian Endeavor
and Prayer meeting. St
A welcome to all.

Luke’s Episcopal Church
ike Rev. Elmer A. Keiser, Vicar
Trinity Lutheran Church Mr. John Wolgemuth, S.S. Supt.
Rev. w. L. Koder, Pastor Sunday, September 28
Sunday, September 28 16th Sunday after Trinity
9:30 a.m. Promotion Sunday. | (Eastern Standard Time effect- |
10:45 a.m. Morning Worship ive today.)
7:00 a.m.'Holy Communion.
9:30 a.m. Sunday School.
11:00 a.m. Morning Prayer
7:00 p.m. Evening Prayer.
7:00 p'm.
on Study of
Sunday School

Calvary Bible Church
Rev. W. L! Wilson Jr., Pastor
Sunday, September 28
9:15 a.m. Bible School.
Classes for all ages.
10:30 a.m. Morning Worship.
Mr. Edgar Breneman will be the | Church.
speaker of the morning
Adult Study class.
“Worship of the |
senting the Gideons. ion - St. Michael and All Ang-
7:00 p.m. Pre-Service Prayer |els.”
Fellowship. Tuesday
7:30 p.m. Evening Service. 6:00 p.m. Acolytes.
Sermon, Outrageous Sinners. | Wednesday
This is the third of a series of 7:00 a.m. Holy Communion.
messages on the Book of Ro- 6:00 p.m. Children, ages 6-12
mans. 7:30 p.m. St. Mary's Guild.
Wednesday At home of Mrs. Ira Schultz.
7:30 pm. Midweek
Service. Our new study
meeting night will be
Prayer | Thursday
prayer 7:00 p.m. Choir.
“Soul ar
The Washington Street
Church Of The Brethren
Elizabethtown, Pa.
Crossroads Brethren In Christ
. : Church Rev. Nevin H. Zuck, Pastor
Irvin W. Musser, Harry L. Bru- | Sunday, September 28.
baker, Paul Z. Hess, Pastors. 9:30 a. m. Promotion ,Sunday
Sunday, September 28 in Children’s Depts.
9:30 a. m.
10:30 a.m.
7:00 p.m.
Sunday School 9:30 a.m. Church School
Morning Worship | Recognition and installation of
Children’s Service. ficers and workers: Sermon—!
8:00 p.m. Evening worship. “The Old Book Becomes New” |
Wednesday by Pastor Zuck.
7:30 p.m.
Midweek Prayer 6:30 p: m.
7:30 p.m. Evening
installations of Men and Women
7:30 p.m. Special Service. Cabinets. An address by Mrs.
Ralph Palmer of Denbigh, Va., {Hiram J. Frysinger,
will tell How God Has Blessed | Dist. Pres. of Women’s Work.
the Tract Ministry ee
Everybody invited.
St. Mark's
Evangelical United Brethren
Ezra. H. Ranck, Pastor
Sunday, September 28
Salunga Methodist Church
Robert C. Pike, Minister
Miss Alice Strickler, Sun. Sch
Supt. 9:00 a.m. Sunday School
Sunday, September 28 9:40 a.m. Sunday School Ral-
9:30 a.m. Sunday School ly program: Mrs. Pearl Wolge-
muth giving an illustrated lec-
Worship Service. |ture: music by the Blue & Gold
Bible Display. Special speaker: ) Trumpet Trio of Lebanon; sel-
Mr. Charles E. Jones of Lanecas- |2ctions by childrens choir.
ter. 7:30 p.m. Revised Standard
a version Bible publication obser-
Methodist Church |vance in St. Paul's E. & R.
Church, Lancaster.
6:30 p.m. Youth Fellowship
7:30 p. m.
Mount Joy
Robert C. Pike, Minister
Ralph C. Alleman, Sun. School Wednesday :
Supt. 7:30 p.m. Midweek Prayer
September 28 Service. :
Rally Day Service.| 8:30 p.m. Meeting of Church
\ Poe era | Administration.
9:30 a.m.
Celebration of the
of the Revised Standard Versi-
on of the Bible. Bible Display.
Special Speaker; Mr. Charles J.
Aument of Lancaster.
7:00 p.m. Children’s Choir re-
8:00 p.m.
Senior Choir re-

Mt. Joy Mennonite Church
Bishop Henry Lutz, Amos Hess,
Henry Garber, Henry Frank,
Sunday, September 28
9:00 a. m. Sunday School.
10:00 a.m. Church Service
Afternoon Sewing Circle.
If any man among you
seem to be religious, and
bridleth not ‘his tongue,
but deceiveth his own
heart, this man’s religion
: . 5 Friday
is vain. Jas. 1.20. 7:30 p.m. Bible
Prayer Meeting.
Study and
Even. so faith, if it hath
iy depd, being Trinity Evangelical
i Congregational Church
Rev. Q. A. Deck, Pastor
Sunday, September 28
9:15 a.m. Sunday School.
10:30 a.m.
mon by the pastor.
7:30 p.m. Evening Worship
with Evangelistic message.
not works,
alone. Jas. 1. 17.
Therefore to him that
knoweth to do good, and
doeth it not, to him it is
sin. Jas. 4.17.


Trinity E. C. Church -- Mount Joy,
WEDNESDAY, OCT. 1-12, 1952-7:30 p.m.

of Reading, Pa.
Wilbur Deck, Asst.
Q. A. Deck, Pastor 39.2

Colored Slides Of Holy |
Worship Service. |
[Installation for S. S. Teachers &|
| |
repre- | ers and Officers. Holy Commun- |
Young People’s and {Church and Church School of- |

Youth Fellowship. |
service - |
Eastern |
Evening Junior Sewing Cir-
Rally Day Sunday |
AtE.UB. Church

the Glossbrenner Eve angelical |
United Brethren Church, Florin
on Sunday, September 28 at
9:30 a. m. Dr. Charles E. Kach-
el, superintendent of the East]
| Penna. Conference will be the
| guest speaker.
Prior to the address by D.
| Kachel, the various S.’S. classes |
will meet in regular session.
The lesson will be taught by the
classes respective teachers. Mr. |
C. E. Musselman, Supt. of the |
S. S., will have charge of the
adult department. {
The “program in the childrens |
department will include a full
teaching period. The children’s
department will include a fuil |
teaching period. The children
will then enjoy a 45 minute mo
vie entitled Tammy. This is the
touching and sometime humer- |
ous. motion picture story of a
| little girl named Tammy, who |
succeeds in winning a stubborn
| and embittered father to Faith |
{in God and active membership |
{in the Church. John K. Wittle,
supt. of the children’s division,
will be in charge of this pro-
| gram.
| At the close of the Rally Day
DOR the children and adults
will join in laying the accumul-
lated monies of a half-year upon
| the altar. The money will be |
placed in the building fund.
— ee —-—
Religious Films
ToBe Shown Here
| ner

Two outstanding Gospel films |
| both produced in scenic Calif-
| ornia, will be presented in this
area during the week.

Friday night, September 26,
lat 7:45 p. m. the sound-color |
film “Decision” will be exhibit-
fed in the East Donegal High |
| school auditorium.
Tuesday night, September 30. |
at 7:45 p. m. an 80 minute pro- |
duction “Great Discovery” will |
be shown in the Mt. Joy high |
school auditorium. Miss Colleen
Townsend, noted stage and |
screen star, has the leading |
role in the
The program is sponsored by |
“Great Discovery”. |
the Cathedral Caravan, Inc. as |
part of its 5th anniversary cele-
The public is invited to both
film showings. Free admission.
EO |

Mr. Ney Delegate
Lutheran |
-— |
Mr. Samuel Ney, Church!
councilman of the Trinity Luth- |

| eran Church, this boro, will |
represent the local congrega- |
{tion at the Annual Lutheran |
| Layman Stewardship confer-
Americus Hotel, Al-
September 26 |
{ence at the
|lentown, Pa. on
{and 27.
This conference is an annual |
gathering of delegates from 565 |
congregations of the Minister- |
ium of Pennsylvania Lutheran |
le churches. The purpose is to ac- |
| quaint the delegates with the |
| program of the church for the
| coming year. It is expected 750
| delegates and visitors will at-|
tend the conference. |
| or Eee
| Using World Wide Commun-
| ion Sunday, October 4th, as a
| definite day of Commitment to
| Christ and His Church, Trinity |
| Evangelical Cong. Church will
|conduct a 12 day revival cam-
paign beginning Oct. 1, with the
|pastor, Rev. Q. A. Deck in|
| charge. Rev. and Mrs. Paul Ly- |
| kens and daughter, June, . of |
| Reading, Pa.; secured |
[to furnish the special music i
| direct the chorus singing.
Worship with ser- |

| State Police charged Reist R.|
| Mumma, Mt. Joy R2, with
| speeding in a truck. |

land Mrs. Oscar Ryder spent the Mr.
Fall Rally day will be heid in| weekend at New York City.
Mr, and
Frye spent the weekend at Del Rev.
aware with Mr,
ert Mumper.
Mr. and Mrs, John
moved into their home they re- Mr
Melvin Ryder Mr. and Mrs, Benjamin Ulmer.
ang Mrs, Harry Frye of
Carlisle, Mr. and Mrs. James
Mrs. James Mort of | Berrier of Milton Grove were
Perry County, and Mrs. | visitors of Mr. and Mrs, George
Mr, J. John | Mumper on Sunday.
Gerald Marzolf, former
Pastor of Maytown Church of
God visited friends at Florin
Charles | and Milton Grove on Monday.
and Mrs. Homer Ott and | 1951,
Mr. and M rs,
Kautz and
and Mrs. Rob.

Mr. and Mrs. George ¢
called on Mr. and Mrs. Se
Mumper at Neffsville on Wed- fe
Cost of Eye Care
The cost of taking care of a pair [ the second
of eyes,
preseription, and glasses, increased
only 32 per cent belween 1940 and
cently purchased on Pinkerton Mrs. John Dunham of Avon andy The Bulletin, Mount Joy, Pa., Thur sday, September 2. 195
I “FLORIN Road, Mount Joy. Mr. and Mrs, Arthur McCurdy | - - SRE ra :
. 2 Inches across e ches
Mr. Samuel ‘Shelley spent|of Palmyra were guests of Mrs T . Fain
hv ; y ith | Lillian Hamilton and family on with the arrival of the two ex-
Sunday at Elizabethtown with wins |amptions. Dr. David Schlosser,
(From page 1) lof town, was the attending phy-
Marshal Gemberling, the fa=-
ther, is a well known athlete
and will have to hand out two
—— - on Tuesday morning. The first | cigars instead of the usual one.
[ona was born at 6:45 a. m. and | A for each twin, but
what's two cigars with two ex-
{tr 1 exemptions!
alph . |
Ralp | ntz Apartments Mrs. Gem- |
[Dering gave birth to twin boy
arrived 19 minutes
at 7:04 a. m Latest re
twins and |
including examination, | later,
ports are that the
mom are doing fine and pop has

Patronize Bulletin Adverusers.
Lancaster County’s United Red Feather Campaign
Needs $502,268 — 129 More Than Last Year!
Here’s Pequea Pete

‘Pequea Pete’ Says:
“Be heap-big Indian Giver. Give plenty to Community
Chest get plenty back in Community benefits.
Many agencies under one tepee this year—takes much
wampum to keep ‘um strong. Every squaw, every brave,
and every papoose should dig 'um deep and give
'um share.”
Association for the Blind
Crippled Children’s Society
Lanc, Osteopathic Hospital
Rossmere Sanatorium
St. Joseph’s Hospital
Visiting Nurse Association
Salvation Army
Shelter Home
Family & Children’s Service
Guidance Clinic
Social Service Exchange
Y.W.CA. bh. 3
Boy Scouts
Girl Scouts 3.
Social Welfare Ass'n of Joy

Lancadler County Boy,
with a "Red
in His Hal!
"Pequea Pete’ is a typical American Boy—born right here in
Lancaster County. He's a healthy, happy, lovable kid, the kind
you see everyday on the lawns or side-walks of your town.
pas gata in PG cave Re ee aie ra
Pequea Pete is 8 years old—goes to third grade and Sunday
School—1likes fishing and baseball—plays on city playgrounds
—is a Cub Scout
Actually, Pete represents a lot more than meets the eye. He is
the living symbol of all the 37,000 people of Lancaster City and
County who benefit directly from the many Red Feather Services
of the Lancaster County Community Chest
Pete particularly symbolizes those thousands of local boys and
girls we know and love—youngsters who are growing strong in
body and mind through the Health and Character-Building Ser
vices of the Boy and Girl Scouts, the Recreation Association,
the Crispus Attucks, and the Y.W.C.A. And he stands for those
children who are being restored to physical and mental health
through St. Joseph's and Osteopathic Hospitals, the Cripy led
Childrens Society, the Blind Association, the Family & Children’s
Service, the Guidance Clinic, and the Visiting Nurses
You'll notice that Pete is a laughing, happy-looking child. But
many of our neighbors, right here in our town, have little reason
to laugh. There's nothing happy about a family crack-up, or
haunting sickness, or having no home
Pete asks your help for these children. They need you. Your
money through the Lancaster County Red Feather
give them the love, the care, the guidance, the protection they
want so badly. When the Red Feather volunteers ask for your
pledge, remember how lucky you are to be able to help. Give
enough to feel good!
C -
Yervices, cat
For Pete's Sake,
—Enough for All Red Feather Services of the
Lancaster County Community Chest
This Announcement Sponsored by The Mount Joy Bulletin