The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, September 25, 1952, Image 4

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d—~The Bulletin, Mount Joy, Pa.. Thursday. September 25 195 learly action. are Bob Fish at London Always Bright ng Wisher Math eros n
. : wing, Harold Milligan and Ir-| London has not been in the pa o work ou —
| H. S. Rams be uman. half backs, and | of a total eclipse of the sun for more | need to add love, subtract hate,
i Joy League | vin WA an he 4 od li than 150 years, nor will its people | multiply good, and divide between
ii. by | (From page 1) |Pinky in the front line. see one in the 20th century. truth and error.
PERETTI [Berny, Jery Thome, although
2 h 7 A | " $y ad" Ty Ed | th a | - y 1
| ye a“ 5 small, have shown some clever
gh have been shifted from
Bowling Scores AE [slush hy NE ibacks to re-foot work and can be expected NI
Hs y rata Donald Thome lost by|to steadily improve. The fresh- EVENINGS | AEE
¥ | graduation and Charlie Dracejmen “have three YER Promising 7 ory ye " A 8 AND
bw as transferred to East/candidates in Joe Weber, ac : t LIDAYS
Tankini? rang [Beaston and Charlie Gohn. The [f°] SATURDAYS THEATRE Nok P. M.
i : { Jerry Miller is back at hisrems iinder of the squad is com- B. Ms Mount Joy, Pa.
Foot .d/posed of Charlie Rovenolt, Jay 7
post as center halfback flankec 4 : SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 26 - 2
¥ by Bill Zimmerman and Toby| Young, Gene Grove, Ronnie | FRIDAYS
| Weber who has béen converted Schofield, Harold Krall and Jay DEAN MARTIN — JERRY LEWIS -in- Su
Snook. Russel Kuhn aided by
the forward line where] - ’ 9"
[om il last year. |Clyde Ebersole and Asher Hal- ‘Jumping Jacks
hi The front line finds four of/bleib are handling the manager
{ PN er ————————————————
c 14 133 fh [last years starters back with(post. The le ague schedule for 29 - 30
oer 1 fs a 4 Captain Ben Clinger at inside Mount Joy High School is: MONDAY — TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER
16 x | L-aple ’ > 3 ys . Q
vol 70 140 11 | right, Tom Kear on the right/Sept. 30 Mt. Joy at New Hollan ANTHONY DEXTER — JODY LAWRENCE -in- su
lsbaug 115 xT | wing, Duck Germer at ce Sept. a Hane a 66 4 9
i Br ax Fer su z ct. 2—East Lampeter at home.
| I re fod hente ler 2 in- 20482 7—West Lampeter away. The Brigand Sp
ola t 649 | side le anc 1a €e 4 adie .
- [ newcomer to the varsity, s{Oct. home, To
Po holding down the left wing. (Oct. 16—FEast Donegal at home. WEDNESLAY, OCTOBER 1
| : : Ted Williams is a capable 21 arbor away UMPHREY BOGART —ETHEL BARRYMORT -in-
ya Beh | front line player and is pushing| Oct. 23—Easthempfield, home. HUW 4 + — 2 a HA
Creir + 1H > i, —— TE ——
ro 134 14 5 BR { hardhard for a starting assigns “1 dli U A " I
ne I 3 Va ie ‘nt as is Lee Hess in the MES ea ine * S. . Su
12 -Q { ) 4 | back line and Edgar Breneman| Ths is the 1952 schedule for :
1 t % 2
4 rock dren were killed “help Pureau of Highway Safety urg- | at fullback. : girls hockey at Me. Joy igh, THURSDAY — FRIDAY — SATURDAY, OCTOBER 2 - 3 - 4 Tu
: a lly the The starting 11 will be pick-/Sept. 17-—Manheim Twp, away x,
tal y % )4 IFAS A y | ht at {es all motorists to drive safely [ed from Jay Metzler, Lee Hess, Sept. 23—Manheim, C. home. BETTY HUTTON -— CORNEL WILDE -in- We
Lote { »,000 { [ic t i 11 « feath and injury on the, :
nD 1 I 3 I'l : Hh Ponnevlvania | by observing traffic laws. and the above. pt 30—Tast Donegal, away. nn Sai
Dillinger 132 0 170 482 Pennsyivaniy ty 9 4 Others who have shown up| Oct. 7—E-town, home. “Greatest Show On Earth Ia
Ryman 133 81 159 4731, = flicers of the general society,{ patronize Bulletin Advertisers. well in De and should ii? Oct. 14—Manheim C., away TWO SHOWS EACH NITE 6:15 & 9:00 P. M.
ia 190. ADA i YY : jo fost 21—East Dénegal, home
Vieckle 3 142 la : OC "AE WY en Board and Staff members, de- : Su
Hurst 150 178 196 524 4 GRR 3 24 er, and Nov. 4—E- town, away
Keener 114 138 156 403 (From Page 1) Lresidents were presented io] .
: cies Vir Raymond Gilbe { convention. | |
Total 672 819 801 2292 yp viary Charl Vii iil : and
es ired Zinl nd M W.L K Of the 1955 women registered | BACKING THE /
Ne 3 ot ond 3rd m1 4 . ate ‘ ) 1 opening session, 366 V R WIN 5
I Lo 50 156 112 418 t ir y. 2 unday, | wel ere voting delegates "| Carnival CWE nets : Su
Risser 138 97 142 377 per 20 and 21 and delegates came from 2 ; if ¢
Gerberi’h 127 116 381 "Thea formal. of i 1 nited States, Canada, the ( ar- | Ve
Barnhart 148 183 147 478 (onvention. which in the ibbean, Argentina, British cui- | $8 ° 9 i °® onthe
Reem 143 149 166 458 paliroom of the Bellvue-Strat. ana, Hawaii, Japan, China, Af- Ri
Doc 138 138 {ord Hotel lude { rica, India. Membership of the | Su
= of the president of t ! ciely is 104,000 women in the | E
I'otal 706 723 683 2112 Mrs. C. W aker. J United tates, Canada and the | THE 3 y Cx
Team No 3 Ist 2n¢ 3rd rl Wi Veiz I 1 ts nev organized synodice SO- | . v \
Team No A. 2nd 2 os 2 Dugues Cor organized svnodical go splendid group direct from The ARTHUR GODFREY \ ; fy % Mr
W. Brandt 137 96 112 #4 n Way B : Pp er Talent Show ps
E. Funk 147 149 163 459 Known U wat the receipts for | rr ser
Wilson 145 141 113 99 kevnote of th residents the three-year period just end ox
Gillam 162 138 130 430 gag s well as worshi? amounted io $1,551,680 i AWSON'S BUMS Fe
MeLau'in 144 144 113 401] meditation ind addre r Full port is given to 70 wo- | : a 4 NORRIS FANCY De
2 Sui cut the conventic onari wen missionaries on the foreign | These grand old favorites are returning by Popular demand. n
Total 735 668 631 2034 nd nationals fr 1 all the al field and 18 women workers in KIDNEY BEANS Pe
erved | the Luthe Church. home mission work, We
1 m No. 7 1st 2nd 3rd Ti .
Tam No. © Ist 0d Ord er ean | HHCPINAN Hyde & Co. 2 2[25¢ i
Heilig 44 113 128 3853 a ag A sensational Novelty Act direct from Billy Rose's Diamond we
Neiss 56 71 185 Horse Shoe NORRIS FANCY Compete 1
1 140) (7 |
wn 167 129 1 ARNO and ZOLA PINEAPPLE CHUNKS |;
—— irv
Fotal 831 668 753 2252 h th ob ted. No 2: Be One A
8 Ist 2nd 3rd ed On School Taxes After October 1 A terrific act t at mus 6 Seen fo e appreciate ; Sui
139 163 159
a sconce mon vf GEORGE MARABITO Sw E01
(rainer 40 33 129 Fax C oRector | HEINZ KETCHUP op Ch
3] 36 16 Grand prize winner at the Reading Fair 25; We
1 150 This terrific Kid won over 115 contestants. y ; Food
‘ ’ Me
f'o 654 "761 arma | 9 HEINZ BS / Th
| a La BABY FOODS T° Seni Ra
ADMISSION 60c 10 jor 95¢ !
| Mi
SUI 1 4
th a car operated by | | trawberry a
Li a | i No. 303 2 cans 39¢ . 2, g :
25 3 Jar "
e $250 ¢ 1 ar [
0 C | ¢ Bik
elephone Con property |§ : 7:00 p. m. S 3 85 31 Me
a REC ART in To | SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 27 pry ib tex
: ated at 53 RED McCARTHY A ID HIS BAND i1- ames
WALL'S paricn i 1 w—— — — A - | M
1 re 4 4 v + |
i] rar x | LEWIS WALTON
ieller car were treated for Lot MBER | wan 0ap ¥eg b Ra
or injuries at the office f Di JRE HINGE ) AM ONY KINGS i . a
Schlosser RE N RALLY | And His Joy Jumpers Lux S i
Lp ; SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER | V2 Soap = | 2
G Q ih de Wf AR d 9 : 2 2% | on
id a 11 cre farm in twent: os ENQOOI | SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 28 Lif b 2 pi
minutes at & sale this week. TI 101 RAN NCH "PALS | €DUoy res 3 3c | Local Home Grown | -—
rm went for $34,807, aver Additional Entertain: t Unannounced) | : ’ . a
$3 Her arlie IS 1110

Surf «30 | Potatoes 100.59 |!
enk, Mt. Joy R. D. Five w re NEW HOLLAND VICT "ORY BAND
or e bid for this propert: —
ie ut ! DEM | |
ned by A. R. Mumma ii DEMOCRATIC RALLY Sunday family dinners will be served starting at


Rapl 0 Township i = Every Evening wm | 1:00 until ? — Steaks, Chops, Sea Foods, Beef, Pork and Local Home Grown
Evers bly in this locality reads | Midway - Rides - Eats - Entertainment - Exhibits
he Bu I TY = dan mena cs on wo ME — — Celery Large fancy stalk 1 Sc
| Funeral Director New Cake Thrill rid Home Made
; i a | MOUNT JOY, PENNA. for Peanut-Butter Lovin’ H L of Wn 2, O
FRIDAY, SEPT ° 26, 7:45 p.ii, TUES., SEPT. 30, 7:45 p.m. | : Kids of All Ages! 0 i ¢
é D .. = $3 ge Di »” - Our Own — Home Made |
€ C i S 1 0 Il reat ISCovery | Electric din , S ) \
@® 50 Minute Sound, Color Film : @ 80 Minutes - Filmed in California! | and Gas Wel g SWANS DOWN alsage Ib 6 O. |
@ Gripping True Story of Life's Greatest Decision! ® Catisen Towasend, Holywood | Aso a “WHITE CAKE MIX rks 3 Lk \
© Filmed by Producers of “Mr. Texas" @ A Awarded Film Trophy As 1951-52 | DR ne ; ]
| : 7 y |
- es 2 |} | Automobile and Truck Welding HES S F 0 0 4 ST 0 R i i
v | = y .
SCHOOL AUDITORIUM | SCHOOL AUDITORIUM | /bover's Welding Stop § 3-9094 MONT 0%. PA.
: ; MT. JOY, PA. Phone 3-5931 EFFECTIVE SEPTEMBER 25, 26, 27, 1952
————— Delta and Mariella Streets i
f -