The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, September 25, 1952, Image 1

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S58 0,
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20-020 020024
pF ab 000 0S 00000,
Do You Want
$1,000.00 in cash Club, Parties, Social, Parties,
Read full particulars in this Scout, Auxiliaries, Church.
PHONE MT. JOY 3-9661
week's Bulletin,

re | - ho. -
VOL. LII, NO. 17 Mount Joy, Pa., Thursday Afternoon, September 25, 1952 $2 00 a Year in Advance
| Mobile Blood Donor Unit pierces yer | Nl Over $2,000 In Prizes, Special
Gideon Speaker At
IC I te d Ne: t Week
omplele ox ge Calvary Bible Church will | Prizes And Bonus Awards In
Calvary Bible Church |
t t. Joy H. S. Oct. 9 | The inter-phone system that have a Gideon speaker at the
will enable Joan Brosey Hess 10:30 morning service AE Si Ww k C
3 28. Mr. Edgar Bren- | IX €c S ontest

The Mobile Blood Donor Un

| it, American Red Cross, will be | | SPECIAL MEETING OF to continue her education from
at the Mount Joy High School COUNCIL SEPT 25 ||| her home is expected to be com enemah will be the Gideon to]
! on Thursday, October 9, from 1 The special meeting of Il pleted some time next week. present the work of that organi- | . . [11 oo
i P. M. to 6:30 P. M. Co-chairmen council that was Yo he held Clark Berrier, local represen zation to the congregation | Special Prizes $500 Cash 2nd Prize
§ for the program will be Mrs. Monday, September 22, was | tative of the Columbia Tele The Gideons is an association |
Simon Nissléy and Mrs. Clinton posited intl oy | phone Company, who is giving jof - Christian business men, | For First Week | | You are invited to take part
: Eby. Eleanor Brown, R.N. will] ending September 29. : | his time, has just recently com {banded together for mutual fel- | Taek 10: start the-ball voll] in-one of the greatest prize giv-
be in charge of nurses. Dr. Dav- The reason given for post- stringing the wire from | [lowship and for the purpose of | tug swodk i lit. Ill ing events ever inaugurated in
1" of ay . de | sy so to speak, and as a ll | NE : 3
winning others to the Lord Jes- || In8& SO 10 Speak I {his area and share in the dis-
tle added incentive to prompt |
iI | tribution of prizes to be award-
action on the part of Hose J Fort
who intend to participate in | | ed by the Bulletin in a shor
this circulation contest this || SIX week subscription contest
newspaper will award 20 |
special cash prizes, consisting
poning the meeting was that ||| yJoan’s home to the grade school. |
several of the councilmen stated that it takes two |
were unable to attend. wire shield cables for the inter- |
The special meeting was ||| phone system. This is a special |
called in order to read the ||| kind of wire. acter, they are best known for |
their distribution of Scriptures,
applications for the extra | The Rotary Club of Mt. Joy is
which, since 1908
id E. Schlosser is general chair-
man. us Christ as Saviour and Re
The Red Cross requires that |
a prospective blood donor must |
not have given blood within the |
past 8 weeks, does not weigh
Interdenominational in char-|
announced today.
Although this paper already
enjoys a wide circulation in this

, has resulted

s. has or ||| policeman and at that time [| nderwriting the rodact | 2
less than 110 pounds, has never ||| P : underwriting the project and | i ie up Os al. co: is
had jaundice , and is within the make the selection. when completed, it will enable | "She hasn't dared show her face since she tulhed we in the placing and circulation of of ten $25 special cash priges re desirous of adding
. = : " tens : y ar va Q “is area, we are des Ss i
good health, and is within the | It is also rumored that |l'joan to answer questions as] down on ths Community Chest drive.’ almost three million copies of ||| @nd ten $10 special cash prig- £8 11 an ired new subseril
’ . = i agai | : le “early star several hundre »w subscrib-
age group 18 to 59 inclusive | rent controls will again be || well as receive en the complete Bible and more |||€S to aggressive early start |e I sume {ime giving
8 ! : § . : iy —— d i Tove ~ ws” making best showing ||| ers and a € Se >
+ t up. : teacher than fifteen million New Testa- ||| making the best she g
se who are from 18 to 21 brough from her teacher. ht Si ree é ¢ X on New Testa : 2
Those i ments with Psalms. up to and including Saturday | pre sent readers an equal oppor
[{unity to renew their subscrip-
night, October 4th.
These special cash prizes
are in addition to thd regular
20 per cent cash commission,

[tion at the special reduced long
| * .
[term rate to be in effect during
the six week subscription drive
years of age must submit a Joan is the eleven year old
signed permission from either . in who has been blind $150 Recdived Farm Women (8) ) Meets
parent. Lions 0 ponsor birth and is now crippled by a At The Nissly Home
Registration cards may be {bone disease in both legs from F X Gif Aux A buku
rer hips down. or mas ts The Farm Women Society . m ance uly : Eon
yu 0 Show g00C ath a min-
obtained at any doctor office, P d | {
Sloans Pharmacy, or from eith- oween ara € When the project is complet- No. 8 held their first monthly : Hs : : Iw i i i
b : en meeting since summer vacation e t S al [{| imum of $100 in subscription With this end in view, we
» i [pave planned, and today an-
just starting . ..
| ed, it is planned to hold a cere- “pe
p One hundred fifty two dollars recently at the home of Mrs. [| collections (both new and re-
t nounce, the most interesting
(Turn to page 6)
eel lilies. messin {mony at which time all equip- : 4 vid i ary ali
’ cto er {1nent will be turned over to the' has been received from citizens! 1 oyi Nissly, Donegal Springs -—_——— newal) is necessary to guali
Te Youn % school board and public recog- (by the Mt. Joy Remembrance | Road, Mt. Joy R1. WILL SOLICIT FOR | fv for a special prize, and, af- and altogether attractive award
ITy g iti iv . ‘ ; . ; Miss Alice Strickler. gave UPKEEP OF AMBULANCE |! ter all, this is a comparative- ||| offer imaginable in which $1000
Ala special s meet-| nition given to all who have | Committee during their latest Miss Alice Strickler, gave an blo : nd Easily + cash will be the first prize
. a the helped to make the program a|drive for funds for the Xmas interesting review on the book ARE : Iy small amount and easily || |in cash oe the Jan DP 28,
F d It d ing held Monday evening a success > “Cassy The Red Cheeks of At a recent meeting of the! obtainable. the second prize will be $500 in
un emize High School, members of the tens lA eins boxes. It isn’t very much con- Coulity.” Ladies Auxiliary of the Fire Co. | Then, too, there's still an- || [cash followed by four- nice
local Lions’ Club voted to again sidering the big job it is to send Twenty seven members were | this boro, it was announced the ||| other extra special $25 cash|| [placement awards and a verti-
: new ambulance, is paid for. It||| prize on top of the above of able shower of money in the
gifts to 100 or more men in the! present and two new members, :
esults || [form of extremely liberal
. Ti ~ itv c y
F F sponsor a Community Hallowe- S Gi F
or rst Ime en Parade on evening, upper IVen or service. The Committee hopes Mrs Curvin Martin, Mrs. Paul | Was put in service for Mount ||| fer and substantial result: ) 3
‘ Pe icini 51] i . the first|] commissions, payable each day
Joy and vicinity March 8, 1951 || obtained during
Se — October 31st. Preliminary ar vou will do as Bob Germer says ; :
» " - . ms says! Witman were taken into the
TERRY S CONDITION NOY ransements have heen. nade Holland Visitor in iis letter: group.. One visitar was present and has been of great service in ||| week of the contest—as more |||or as desired.
I AVORABLE--MOTHER with Lion George Dear Committee: Mrs. John Eshelman, mother of | this area. fully described in the an- Four Periods
RUSHED TO HIM. Centers} Chairman of the event. Please accept this small con-| ane of the members, Mrs. Robt. The ambulance was paid for ||| nouncement elsewhere in this This subscription contest is
through the effort of the Auxil-|[f issue. It is easily possible, ll | into four periods, each
1t was decided to continue the| Doctor and Mi Mrs. Robert F. | tribution as a token of my ap-| john Eshelman, mother of one
“NTs p ioc" - « - p donCoway ar . . 1s ry 1 1 or i | p . P . y ar
Miles of Pennies” cards and to |Eshleman, of Peaceway Farm |preciation for your thoughtful-|of the members, Mrs. Robert In Serving dinners, holding ||| therefore, for anyone to earn ||| the votes given on sub-
carnivals and selling different $100 cash, or more, during scriptions decrease in value
i ‘ §

Printed today for the first
me a Fo ae 5

time is the list of contributors | operate a concession during the| Mount Joy R. D. 2, entertained | ness while I was in Korea. 1 am | Eshelman, Co-hostesses with
for the Terry Young Fund for local Farm Show to provide the at a buffet supper Sunday eve-|gsure others feel as I do that | Mrs Levi Nissly orc Mrs. E items. The group members de- ||| his or her very first week inj [thus giving the early starter a
the public's interest and much funds to finance the project.|ning in honor of Mrs. Lois P.|your cause is a worthwhile one. |W Rroude and “the Misses Rose cided to solicit donations in the ||| the contest, while at the same decided advantage FT
credit goes to all those who are | Cards for the collection of pen- | Colin, of Maastricht, Holland. I know your organization is| abd Ania Mae Eby = [community in the near future ff time accumulating a big to- Each week In : the contest
giving generously of their time | |nies will be available from | Mrs. Colin sailed Tuesday onlsmall in number so let us hope | ee reer for the upkeep of the ambul- tal of votes toward winning fl|those who are participating,
and money to keep the small ¢ | Club members during the com- |the Nieu Amsterdam for Hol-|that the people of Mount Jov ance. [|| one of the major prizes. will know exactly the position
year-old Terry, with Bright's | 18 week. | land after a five month visit | open up their hearts and their H S Rams 0 en The Auxiliary donated $5.00 are in, whether first, sec-
disease, under specialized treat | rere ll 4 Mere with her son-in-law, anf ough Pocket Books in full support of . P both to the Terry Young Fund | ond, third, etc., as standings
ment at the Durham, North | PENN-STATE FOOTBALL tex Mr. ang J Mrs. Luke W. Roy-| your efforts to let your service 9 and the Remembrance Commit- Two Injured In will be published weekly in the
Carolina hospital. | GAMES SPONSORED BY per, of Denver. men and women know they are 52SeasonSept 30 tee. : Bulletin.
Before going on with the list NEWCOMER MOTORS INC. | Other guests present were | peing remembered. . Their next meeting held in A A id t (Turn to page 9)
the latest report on Terry is not | | Mr. and Mrs. D. Mark Royer, Lt. Bob Germer | aaa the basement of the Fire House uto CCl en — ee —— -
too favorable. The little fellow Play-by-play broadcasts of ah and I Mrs. Luke W. Royer (Turn to Page 2) | The Mount Joy High School Thursday, October 16th. a
is not eating and is very, Very| pen state football games will be Mr Se 3 gh ig Denyer, | Rams Soccer Team will open I Chief of Police Park Neiss re- 9 Will Vi F
oT Bu ’s.'S. B. 'Wol, Mr. the 1952 season on September | Rotarians Hold Father ported three traffic prosecutions 1€ or

homesick. His mother, Mrs. El- | this season by New- 1M
wood Young, left Friday nite to| . ar Motors. Inc. of Mt. Joy ane 's L. W. Rettew, Mr. Twins Born On 20 at New Holland. Coach John And Daughters Day At Two for ignoring a red light and
i i Tobacco Queen

(Turn ope 6). and other Chevrolet dealers of A am bh Day in his seventh session at T dav Di M . lone for failure to yield
[this area. | Mr atid Mrs Sohn TE tet 1 d M $ o Mount Joy expects this year's uesday vinner eeting| of way. Those prosecuted
| The first game scheduled on of Florin. anh : ues ay orning squad to give plenty of trouble = - for ignoring the traffic light A E h ’ F
Rally Day |a 14-station network will be, nic Colin eniove Chae mm ene to all the teams in the league. [ It was “Father and Daughters” | were James Wright, Brandt t p rata S alr
the Penn State-Purdue contest! Yi sin enjoyed her first] | Graduation and injuries have|day at the regular Tuesday din-|City, Florida and Ernest Jos
P A 5 {at State College on Saturday af- Vis) 9 America and visited Local Couple To made several major changes|ner meeting of the Rotary Club eph Tate, E-cambia, Florida -
rogram. t ot. | . Sept, 27. ~The ony places of intstest includ 1p Free Laundry [necessary, but Coach Day at Hostelters. {jean E. Fogie, Rl, Columbia] Nine beautiful and talented
ing the Tulip Festival at Hol- well pleased with the spirit of| Mrs. Austin Fellenbaum, of eas prosecuted "for failure to |contestants will vie for the title
via of “Miss Ephrata Fair”, Tobacco
| games to be broadcast on suc- :
dand, Michigan. She is also look-| Mat And Clothes Dryer the squad and hopes to return Lancaster, was the guest speak-|vyield the right of way, causing
- : “| Queen of Lancaster County at

| cessive Saturdays through No- xr. : Jo
Marks E. U. B. { vember 22 will match Penn ne bora to the reunion with| — the county championship to)er and gave a very entertaining | (Turn to Page 4)
Rally Day and Youth Re- State with Williams & Mary fe and two sons, Yoke | [ast week it was announced Mount Joy High School for the [talk using Odgen Nash’ Poems, ~~ the Ephrata Farm Show, tonite,
’ and Guill. Numerous freinds | through the Leaman Electric fourth time. as her theme. Mrs Fe | (Thursday) at 7 P. M. The con-
Birthday Party Held test will be held in front of the
treat will constitute special fea- lw est, Virginia, Nebraska, 4 + of the family ace) crs ;
tures of the program of St. ligan State, Penn, Syracuse, Rut- | com anied M rs. C Ba | Store that a Laundrymat and | So far the squad of twenty-|stressed the point that man, | :
panied Mrs. Colin to dryer would be given |nine shapes up in the following frustrated, should not | For Charles Bennett, Sr. Owl's Home on East Main St.
Ephrata. In the event of rain,

Mark’s Evangelical U.B. Church | gers and Pitt. ; : :
here, Sunday. The Rally Day | The Chevrolet dealers net-| x ~~, ree to Snyone having twins manner: take his daily frustrations out embers : :
program will be a combined | work includes these local sta- ‘NOTICE | born on September 23. ; 1 Jay Metzler replaces Owen of strangers or the wife and the A surprise birthday party the contest will be held mn the
service including the Sunday | tions: WCHA, Harrisburg, ke Well, it happened, and in Mt. Phillips in the goal; Phillips is|family, but should dig in the; was held Sunday, Sept. 21, in Ephrata High School auditori-
School period and that of morn-| WLAN, Lancaster, WETU,| Due toa religious holiday, | Joy too, and a Laundrymat and | sidelined due to a knee and|garden, clean the attic or do|honor of Mr. Charles J. Bennett | 4m
ing worship: It will begin with Reading, and WSBA, York. the Mount Joy Department clothes dryer will go to Mr. and |back injury. other useful things that will|Sr., Mt. Joy. The party was held The contestants are: Miss Jo-
a session of the Sunday School re —-— Store will be closed all day |Mrs. Marshall Gemberling, of John Hendrix and Henry |take his mind away from his|at the home of his daughter and | hdnna Raunick, Ephrata, spor.
Monday, September 29. (Turn to page 5) — (Turn to page 4) daily trials and tribulations. | son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Aldus sored by Ephrata Lions Club;
a sc — Dorothy Grubb, Elizabeth-

1 in the regular departments and di ol po maa
d classes. After a forty minute Local Women a Hannas, Maytown Miss
A period including Devotional THIS PICTURE WAS TAKEN BACK IN 1933- A picnic supper was served |town, sponsored by E-town
service and short lesson period, A d C and Mr. Bennett was presented | Business and Professional Wo-
the entire school will assemble tten onven- with a very nice birthday gift. mens’ Club; Miss Hilda Huf-
in the church auditorium. The [ Those who attended the party | ford, Akron, sponsored by the
Pn wil include 82 UU tion In Phila were: Mr. and Mrs. Russell Es | Ephrata Rotary Club; Miss Cas-

terline, and daughters, Ann, Su- sandra Leiphart, Ephrata, spon-
trated message by Mrs. Pearl | |
Wolgemuth, music by The Blue san and Betsy, Mr. and Mrs. |sored by Ephrata V.F.W.; Miss
and Gold Trumpet Trio of Leb- Among the 2000 delegates Jack Bennett and children, Jim Miriam Beck, Rothsville, spon-
anon, and selections by the| and visitors attending the Tri- pan my and Jeann, Mr. and Vrs by Warwick Twp, Lions
wn Juno Robert Williams and daughter, { Club; Miss Donna Lynch, Eph-
Children’s Choir in their first! ennial Convention of the Wom-
Peggy, Mr. and Mrs. Henry |rata, sponsored by Lincoln Car
appearance since reorganization! en's Missionary Society of the
this fall. United Lutheran Church in Am-
At 2 p.m. the young erica in Philadelphia, Septem-
of the church will gather at the | per 20-24, were six members of
church for the beginning of a| Trinity Lutheran Church, Mt.
(Turn to Page 6) (Turn to Page 4)
Chubb and son, Eddy, Mr. and “art; Miss Erika Neidhardt, of
Mrs. Charles Bennett, Sr and | Denver, sponsored by Reinholds
Miss Betty Dennis, of

Sally Hannan, daughter of the|V.F.W.:
| Reamstown, sponsored by Zinns
Diner; Miss Rita Rupp, Tal-
madge, sponsored by West Earl
host and hostess. |
[i Club.
cert li 5

Arrangements have been

ri The school board and faculty {made with the Fair Association
of the High School and the Ele-|to include the contestants in the
mentary School in Mount Joy | Fair parade last night. Entrants
held a corn and hamburg roast |and judges were invited to a
at Hostetter’'s Monday evening. [dinner immediately preceeding
Games were also played. the contest. :
The social committee in Judges are: Richard Giles, as-
charge of arrangements includ- {sociated with the Reading Fair
ed Mr. H. K. Schoener, Mrs. Al-| Ass'n; Tom Godfrey, of Lancas-
meda B. Griffith, Miss Irene [ter Advertising Agency and Ben
; Free Vote Coupon
(Must be cast within week from date of this issue) '

Mr., Miss, Mrs.

ACROSS lim assis sites sass :
(CLIP NEATLY, DO NOT ROLL OR FOLD) This picture is only 19 yearsold so it shouldnt be a hard job to pick out some old schoolchums. We don't know whether |Ibach, Miss Edna Charles, and|Weiss, with the Allentown Port-
Le this represents an overgrownclass or is the entire high school for that year. We leave it up toyou to decide. J Mrs. Barbara Myers. land Cement Co