The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, September 18, 1952, Image 2

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2—The Bulletin, Mount Joy, Pa., Thursday, September 18, 1952 Mortuary Record Esta Ed gd AODEPN’ f TAKE STEPS

’ a | § 6:8 M. IS RIGHT IN
Ephraim Ziegler Hoffman, 92, Starting time is 6:30 P. |
N. River St Maviown. died| The Wormleysburg, Pa., VFW |
Wednesday at 2 a. m. in St. Jos- | Post which captured national HH TE ————————— CE mm
oph’'s Hospital after an illness o | honors at the recent VFW na
several months tional convention in Los Angel- | 5
sorn in Maviown. a son of | Sn Calif, and which has won hh A&P’S LEY.
the late Michael M., and Annie |! additional honors in drum corps eto oly ol ars i L
A {
; competition since, will head the
Ziegler Hoffman, he conducted I
Published every Thursday at 11 East |
Main Street, Mount Joy, I
Lancaster County, Pa i
William N. Young, Publisher |
Fred J, Alberte, Editor & Manager
Pearl Roth, Assoc, Editor & Bus. Mg: If!

John I. Schroll, Editor and Publisher
| parade. Following the parade

1901 1952 /
. i a drug business in Wichita, | {1,0 corps is expected to give a ecia 8S!
Subscription Rate: $2:00 Per Year by Mail | Kansas, several years before re / :
[i Advertising rates wupol quest I hd | concert near the local VFW post 18
i ae ‘fe A 3 ; turning to wi home. The drum section of this /
! wntered at the postoflice at Mount Joy Surviving are a brother, Wi a. ji ' \ Nv 2 \
( Pa., as second-class mail under th Ct liam G., Maytown; also 2 neph ppd trea gL = =) 7% % Sale
| Of Mare. 8, 147 I cws and one niece | On Wednesday afternoon the! Nba If yor
"pp os \ | ot er i \ ol p 7
i Member. Pennsylvania Newspaper Il I rn ral Services Will be held opening day of the fair, thére| Nt man or W
hese Publishers’ Associatior | Friday at the late residence | wi) he a 4-H baby beef show on | \ . 4
A {| with burial in East Donegal |g,,th State Street, near Stan &

E lly | BY A WwW | S I ( ) WwW . cemetery. Paul's
dit ~ Qn iba in © rT There will be free entertain.
itoria Y | Guy Rohrer. of Salunga, would like to see MISS ELLEN WITMER ment every evening, exhibits of
| cn ever blcoming money tree.
* * *x Miss
ty-five of Salunga, died yester-|ed and. canned goods, needle
Ellen S. Witmer, seven- | fruits, vegetables, flowers, bak-
The Passing of Summer

! C seman walked into a Lancaster psy- | : : cx phi i Mer . . i .
Summer has gone down, again, into al- Pai big en a snow white duck by Gey at the Myers Rost Home, jajona oh Wark : se Sxhubig All Priges in this ad eon \Y,
bums of photographs, stacks of cancelled | gold chain. “You can't do anything ior me.” a, vile, A our Weel ie a re wep ho iy pr lh as
checks, receipted garage bills, odds and ends | a told the doctor.” Jt's my husband. He pres Wasa daughter of ane 1 oY ne A or
of sunburn lotion (a smidgin in each greasy inks he's a duck.” - - - I always said women | late Peter E. and Elizabeth the rear of the Abe Coher
sand-coated bottle destined to hang around |” pa Strickler Witmer and a member here will be rides, games ‘
the medicine cabinet at least until Thanks- | “9% % * * of th Salunga Mennonite and plenty of eats along the » SUGA FINE GRANULATED 5-Ib 4 25-1b iy 39
giving) and remembered wistfulness at the Dic : I : Park's tice. Flowers Church Surviving are these! midway and exhibits of farm wai SPECIAL PRICES! bag bag bag al
shortness of time in which to appreciate | id you a ESS i i new o He ‘ ee : brothers and sisters: Jacob S.| machinery, automobiles, elect IVORY SNOW : - SURNVELD. FANCY CREAMER. Ib in
that once-a-year, expensive vacation period. | 4PoR Flowers. In fact the one was a weed. * Witmer, Elizabethtown; Miss ric and gas appliances, trailers, PP. BUTTER Continuing cur reduced prices! solid §1c . sive 83
Like all the Summers of the past, it nev | know it must have been a misiake, Everyone 5. Witmer, Saiunga: | trucks and other devices REDUCED PRICE! :
er will be quite forgotten—nor ever again | sent Officers Neiss presents, including a bottle Peter S. Witmer, Florin; and On Thursday afternoon from giant = A&P RUSHED PINEAPPLE 22-43
quite fully remembered. |oi beer to break over the door to christen the p06 wife of Martin H. Eber- | 2 to 5 o'clock youngsters will re- pkg 65
For that is one of the advantages of liv | office. BUT - there were Bo 5% ands ole, Manheim R2, ceive a four-star break through ——— to PIKEAPPLE JUIG DOLE, S SPLCiAl = oF = 25°
ing in Southeastern Pennsylvania vhere [in the neighborhood yet. The question is, was Funeral services Saturday at!|the merchants of Ephrata, who 5 & DEL MONTE PRICE!
seasons merge almost imperceptibly—but |it broken or what. 1:30 p. m. at the Fred H. Koser | will invite children up to 13 LUX FLAKES MOTHERS OATS SPECIAL 20-02 16° 48-02
change definitely, and often with dramatic | * x Ye funeral home with further ser-|years of age to free rides on the PRICES! pkg pkg o rk
impact. Before we have time to dissolve | Parke is going io put little signs around the vices at the Salunga Mennonite | many amusements which will YirGe A&P SAUER KPA SPECIAL PRICE! 2 27.01 27° Sontag
ourselves in maudlin tears over the depar- | walls. All his own quotations, One is, “Give a Church. Interment in Kraybili's|be erected for the fair days on 28° ut cans slectricly
ture of Summer—the Summer of swim- convict enough rope and he'll skip”. Another cemetery West Main Street. Children Pr in Va-lb Ib ~This |
ming and tennis and baseball and girls in |is “To speed is but human: to get caught, « wn more than 13 years old will be NUTLEY OLEOMARGARINE A 2 Te 41 Sale
shorts and sheer, frilly dresses the mage fine. | MRS. PERCY W. SWEIGART | able to ride at half price JOHNSON'S Delrich, Durkee, Nucoa, . | J made kno
of our temperate climate brings the vivid “ x '% A ay vy £1" On Thursday evening at 7 P. OLEOMARGARINE =: ie simi in Velo) 1b of’ Walter Du
ise of full Fall. Electric air b av. the | Viv oroihy | sweigart, 601. : , swee arkay I « a
he Tab, Blot oy Say. a Seriously, Po i by Be office. wife of Percy W. Sweigart, Mt iy 8 aller oF aid GLO-COAT DIVE P. L. Land
Sky, ¢ >» nights inging the fi "st Joy R2, died at St. Joseph's Hos- | ‘2 ¢ Og : ; ( Wi l V l
I ay. 200 he ai the fn | Mushy Good wanted to know where jelly pital at 6:40 p.m. Senate 13 | pete for the title of Miss Ephra pin oo quart a5 { wt a Tremendous Va uel
The garden, the yard, even the city |lish get their jelly. after an illness of six weeks. | Fake, -sTobweco Wueen ol Len CALIFORNIA FLAMING RED P L
streets, smell differently in these first days | Bill Enck told him from ocean currents. She had been a patient at the caste! ouny, I yas 4
and nights of September. Everyone, be he | * * * hospital 10 days ed by the on SWAN
ever so dull in spirit, is conscious of the| Life is what you make it — allowing for| Irs. Sweigart was born in| of the contest. TOILET SOAP
Red McCarthy and his well 3
fulfillment of Nature's inexorable law of | Government regulations. Baltimore, a daughter of the
| 4 ‘ < / ance band, s sored .
change. Yo * He late Charles and Mary Anna Khaw $ Wi 2 ng Mf Es large size Ts
Stars stand closer to the earth, birds seem | Dewey Ir. sent in another poem. | Kirchner Janson: and was ally the xorkiowne Mig. Lo. of cakes
i i pe i shrill 8 in the! IB T member oi . Ephrata and the Shorenson Co. ]
to sing with a frantic shrillness in Willie saw some dynamite, the Assumption of


is ‘nings: \ gre: Scene Shifte ne: Bia | Ro if | Brownstown, will be é
misty mornings; the great Scene Shifter | Couldn't understand it quite. the Blessed Mary Church, Mt. ? mow, on ro hang) SUPER Suns On ih
has ig Re ard and hae logons of | Curiosity never pays: Joy, and of the Rosary Society ore e contestant: Reis S40
ato ds «ts oadv 0 ‘aftr a - . £ 11 5) - alents. ’
elerna Slogehan 'S Stand ready io V sy 1K€ It rained Willie seven days. of the ¢ hy rch Additional auf REDUCED PRICEY NONE PRICED HIGHER Rh
the set and erect a new one in its place. | - ”% J J In addition to her’ ‘husband Additional contestants may eems, cl
But now—now, indeed— before the scene | . ; he i raed Hoa TU apply for the contest and oo "Bh FARM (
. Ba or ’ Sy i i ; ife is the one w she is survived by three sons it
is fully shifted, comes the loveliest time of | in ion says, A wile on the one who, wid a d whi vi Ei eo son application blanks are available CALIFORNIA ICEBERG—48 SIZE of limeston
¥ . 5 ana aughler; kdwarc ow VIL y 2
vear in Southeastern Pennsylvania. Who |enerally speaking. is generally speaking. Joy R2: Paul J.- Moonachie. Teauest from the Ephrata LET PRICED large =a |
first called it “Indian Summer” must hav e| Eady * Xx ; * ev] b di Quentin Philadelohia f od Junior Chamber of Commerce, SWAN HIGHER heads C
known how much the original inhabitants] =GCh morning ne ig > ny a OF | wile. of Robert Hu telor P. 0. Box 24, Ephrata. : -
of these rolling valleys loved their land. | towed three long books from the library, .re- Brida, wite of Haters Huth] 0 LO ea, 110] TOILET SOAP NORTHWESTERN FRESH. FREESTONE (NONE PRICED HIGHER)
The white men who followed him, raising | them the same afternoon. One day the ov . es ey ns AT winner will receive a trophy PRUNES ¥ bus $2.49 2 lbs 19
' . . seve a . . 1 . .
up generations of small boys to remember [iain 9 gave him he ony Seco Bp oa Way Yen, iin 4 donated by William W. Good | medium size 23° basket
with gratitude and affection the lazy Sum- |!¥- en he returned with it in the afternoon 0 Ang sisters: Lr | ¢ s ; Fresh ange
| Jewelry Store and the Ephrata! CAULIFLOWER gp ange 27¢

le J: : Mp EEN
i 3 ou've ‘¢s Janson, Mrs. Margaret : ‘i ,
{Hie librarian exclaimed. "Dont tell Mey Jaycees, a $100 War Bond, and
mers, “also came to know. when they them- I
The main h

selves were J I the brief week | c r v | Smith, Miss Cecelia Janson, and |: "> = > 9 PU
selves were men, that the brief weeks of | finished that big book. already.” “1 certainly Gertrude roof I on 20% the opportunity for a special RINSO SEABROOK FARMS ig oe LI ath; oil f
transition between Summer and Winter | ave.” replied the inmate. The plot was lousy, “¢rirude, wife of Herbert Grif-| dition by the staff of Ted! Frauen oi pay Se
1 : pe { . cyst” fin, all of Bal © au i Ne Bie - of trees.
were the days if their childhood that stood | but. oh, brother, what a cast h, all ‘of Baltimor Mack and His Ori REDUCED PRICE!
“. x 3 + Mack and His Original Amateur| ine } at ¥ A
out in perfect, nostalgic clarity above all | * * * me Hour. If suitable, ‘the winner! SHOW CROP Frozen Food Week at Your A&P! J a oi
others. Fat Wertz told me there are two kind of GEORGE B. ZELLER will be" {for orem ee) Fort 53 ORANGE JUIC snow Crop 6 53 age co Hag |
1 1 . 1 1 . r 3 at Lg ¢ } - care e | zer § © 2
Harvest, school—new clothes, new |lishermen; those who fish {or sport ana those George Brown Zeller, sixty-|on either ion i radio em disks ) DAIRY
friends and ne ies—all were compound- | who catch something. | five. of 300 1 Winin a a ha > 5 : — C > ey 12-02 SE att:
€ oe nd new duties—all were compounc 4 x ot ng five, of 309 E vam St, Mt. Joy, | Second and third prizes are $50 Snow Yop Strawberries FROZEN pk 35¢ House ati
ed, and still compound, iffto a great part of | X * * Cied at 7:10 p. m. September 13 (and $25 War Bonds. A number! PALMOLIVE 9 age and imj
life in these Northeastern United States | A widow and her money are soon married. | ni Lancaster Gener a) ey «A hHumoet pkgs Well of
of Americ stern L e 5 V i oe yY Fy © I ba aster General Hospital of other gifts will be distributed BATH SOAR Snow Crop Frozer Waff! ¢s 2 of 6 35°) electricity a
pros : ! ] shortly after admittance. Under | « such. 6 veh vi is This is
So, let Summer go without regrets; she | Jimmy Markley sent this one from England: | {he care of a physic he So. taf ech Contestant will re- | ( Snow Crop Frozen Fr ers 24 1 43 Ts »
Hi con: asa 2 cls GUE anus : ar ree i the ca a physician, he had | ceive a prize. bath sive a0 y pha. . remise
will com: again. And, meanwhile, enjoy | Last week our Commanding Officer had | cy sor ww ; Ad - 7 town Phone
£ Wie. 7 sul a coronary attack at A be: , OO ot Nt Nat Nal ae at Naat el a ail tl atl aut ad ot ot oN a ede owl €
+4 eauty pageant stand on cakes Sale to
these few perfect days of natural peace |a very hard time with the troops and he said his home asi Moin street i'be d
l« A TER . i . a" vo. . 33 . Li ast Mz: stree Az
upon the land—the fairest land of all in |angrily, “No man in the regiment will be given Zeller .was a : HI}: Sires! Wil 0g decor)
‘beri $ a school director {ated by the Seidel Photo Studi 5
early Fall. {liberty today. for 15 years at Mt ¢ Ee ol : De Joo uo PALMOLIVE
ANGEL SOFT TISSUES WHITE Phy of 19 made know!
% x x | Somewhere a voice rang out: "Give me lib- it one time was a an hay Spb. Saturday nights | TOILET SOAP A&P GRAPEFRUIT SPECIAL PRICE 2 tent 27°
Link With The Past SHY or give me deh!” cilman. He retired last

year as'there will be political speeches Walter Dupe

The C. O. turne and barked "WHO! ois : CLO r 3.1 2 hi andi
aid 268 urned red and med, Who Jk perintendent of the textile! from the band platform with | regular ec 8 0 CL CK FFEE Pp boy 20 bag DL Land
If, in this rush-around world of ours there |". °° 'department of Brown's Cotton | both t rats : ize
SR ee 3 a > or s brief: “Patri AY." A : 4 th the Democrats and Repub size cakes EDUCED
rernains & Tink with the more sedate era | The answer was brief: “Patrick Henry. | Mill after 50 years service licans ‘given an opportunity to BEST PURE LARD REDUGED 2 i, 25°
of our forefathers, it possibly lies in the | Cappy M * ; * * He was a son of the late John air their views. ’ SURF prints
annual community fairs, currently in prog- |, on oN told he he RIS Donon B. and Emma Brown Zeller. Fair officials say that more, CAMPBELL’S or HEIN ie J con
88 thobd from a pessimist———he never expects to get 0 member : Lgl Ro : > ;
ess thoughout the county. ; It me gel and a member of St. Lukes Epis- | space will probably be sold for | REDUCED PRICE! ; i ¢
Theirs is truly a homey flavor of small ¢ anyhc copal Church, Mount Joy. He stands and exhibits this year| LIBBY'S PEAS Dug 3° 2 fe 35° |
townness. The time of year when everyone | ie * * * Was also a veteran of World| {han at : tid 1, i Et. } giant $5 C im Z Tans
Dot Morton said the latest style wedding! war j 8% al anytung To, he past, | pkg
congregates “in town” for several hours, ot Morton said the latest style DG | War 1, serving as sergeant i wt = Lara 51).
. : . Soya Tc . { hil 15 as sergeant in the | Farm equipment exhibits are SPAGHETT AND ‘MEAT BALLS 150% ¢ 7
enjoying what fun there is to offer, and re- |~9nds ore thin and narrow She Seid the old-| 516th infantry of the 79th Divi- | also os er to be lars ’ oe | CHEF BOY-AR-DEE Tah 2
: ey | also expected to be large an 4
newing acquaintances with persons not | faskion wide bands wero mado to last a lf son, | ever ‘and there is every indica. | DUjZ SULTANA TUNA FLAKES "22° 9 t= 43
seen for some time. TP rr J
Zeller was a niember and past | tion that the 1952 event will be

Perhaps it would be well if this feeling! * * *
SUS = Lule > et y y : co er of American Leg ioral sitar v SIT ! * Rt 1
of friendliness and good spirit could be he also asked if I heard the one about fe Post 185, Friendship “ol op and peter fhm ever. 1} REDUCED PRICE! SCHIMMEL'S GRAPE JELLY vA, ibs 19: 47 1H
communed to residents in and around the | who stood and snapped his fingers | ang Lodge 277 I00F all of Mt. | giant ae PENNA. ON
community at all times, instead of merely | on the Fourth of July. - - - Boy was she «a and it rs DLT A 1 I kg i DOLE'S 20-02 c
tor several days out of the year. { week. y 1 V Soy ue the Hanae En oo Girls rs : pkg Tre SLICED PINEAPPLE REDUCED FRICE cans yg
This however, is only wishful thinking * * * ee A Ap NO. 0 sunny Lalifornia N ¢
3 y ) wishit INKINg Heiss Avad ae = 1 JANE PARKER Special c
For in the hustle and bustle that our From far back in history comes this story of Aare vs Rd pp Yas or CASHMERE-BOUGUET ANGEL FOOD CAKE REGULARITY Oe
daily routine demands of us today we are Jonah and the whale. It seems {} w ovat : er. & SON.) voung girl this boro, | NM NN NV NNER Ny
yrone to regard our neighbors or acquaint- | =o nerv ms that Jonah was | Capt. James R: Zeller, stationed Two young air Sra this oro BATH SOAP ( Red d P T
i > to reg i eighbors or acquaint- | ous aiter he was swallowed thet he at port Sill, Okla: o daughter | 2° left September 6th for sun- | ar educe rrces for HEINZ SOUPS . / )
as Just another automaton in the | { kept pacing back and forth in the whale’s! Miss Catherine Zelle ST, at AB ny California have arrive! 3 hase 34 Baan soup with pork, chick- 3
highly i system of current ing. i stomech, Finally the whale go! very | one grenade Co iar hy Dol there, after traveling’ the dis-| cakes - conzomme, creem of fete Beat with vegetable, best woe.
: ye thing of Jim ot as a fe son, with | and sc'd, “Youll have to stop that, Jonah, You | ers and sisters: Mrs. Sarah Bh tance by: bus, and, like every- \ ball ag da A
eel’'ngs, may they be of sadne or jov, | are i : - 1 > roas Woe > irs beef, tr ‘
bt RE Zi aor. > ba ee: % 10%: | | are hs ng me indigestion.” ; Corll, Mt. Joy: Mrs. Marie one who goes West for the first CASHMERE-BOUQUET d cream of musk . y This very ac
I uj oure a fine one to talk,” jonah replied Schoo, Philadelphia: B time, are agog over the beauti- I-02. c I-02 ]
It’s really refreshing to be able to recall | bitterly. “If you had only kept your big mouta Rane pas al scenery, the citrus fruits| TOILET SOAP cans 2 33
that life is something more than living. Our | ghut, ‘neither one of us would be a fixe Lars Sster, und IRM and flowers 1] )
community fairs are truly a link to the past | oy re Ta ; wi regular c ; )
when neighborliness and good will were| a | — joe ails ane Miss Jopn Wi size cakes WEIRZ CUCUMBER PICKLES 7 25: She is a da
prime requisites of ( ’ ©, aaug! cr . T, an hn Dui ot AAA A NA AAA NANA AP “Aa y, whose 3] He
Prime rou being part of a town or | gn Bennet says that when a bunch of “Blessed Event” Day | Wesley Wittle, and Miss Marian | ob a rir) on oe
Mav these gatherings continue to: reflect | women gel isgether. the Lord pity the first Sept ember 23 A , Oberholtzer, the daughter of] TIDE AJAX BREEZE A Wo vear
: . 1s Bs Covi one wo leaves, — ; — She's ' . - | Mr. and Mrs. Huber Oberholiz- | mie Ay
that feeling among our townfolk of all ; . so right! 24a roi : ACE! i 6
hat feeling g y < of all wu TR * 3 Leamon's Electric ore for. nar Beil. | REDUCED PRICE! CLEANSER Dish Towel in Bech hans
: { riere are five secreis of happiness: Eee flower fter month of "leis- +
It is one of the few things that in our| | na | Pp er, Alter, aT of els gan ERC i 5 lar 8 } it
-lade ngs ox omaine | 1+ Money, 2 Money, 3. Money, 4. Money ine Westinghouse Electric | urely California living”. pkg ay 1 S80 Ormsby will
pressure-laden existence of today remains |. .4 cs Monev Supply: Company is. To li : i cans A 2 year ol
of the old America. . i LR gy s having a ey wi ive in a newly ol v
{ : * x w | “Blessed Event” day and all you | built. redwood guest house in CCTAGON pe with 10811 M
dy * The newest slogan of the Senior girls: A | have to do to get a Laundrymat | the backyard of Mr. and Mrs. | CRISCO CHEER Twa doughs
F Y S book | thing of beauly is a boy forever. — Oh, Well.|and clothes dryer absolutely | Robert Kindt's home. The) LAUNDRY SOAP REDU we Medal” Dun
or Your dcrap-boo | when they grow up that slogan will change. |iree is to have “twins”on Sep-|Kindts and their daughter Lin- | EDUCED PRICE!
Those who trust to chance, do not trust | XX * * tember 23, 1952. {da met the girls at the bus de-| 5 large 34° 21 +b ot Ae 1 |
themselves. —N. A. Reiten. i You know, it s best not to take too much in-! If the “twins” should arrive | pot upon arrival. Z| : cakes by a 5 EX
You can overcome anything if you don’t | terest in the affairs of your neighbors, six per-| On that date gel in touch with| A steak barbecue and patio! & mc . |
ring aed Rie cont will do. % * > |Se orge W. Leaman, 208 E. Main | breakfast are being planned for |
othing can be truly great which is not treet, Mount Joy, the Westing- | the girls entertainment. |
ht. : ~ —Johnson. One last word of advice. “If thine enemy house dealer, and he will ly A eee | 87 EAST MAIN STREET MOUNT JOY. PA CERTIFIED
Less shirk means less irk in work! { wrong Yhee, buy each of his children o drum. | that you receive your Laundry- Stimulate your business by adver | ’
—Alonzo Newton Benn. A WISE OWL | mat and clothes ‘dryer. - Jusing in the Bulletin.
: Phone: Moun
| \
A \