The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, August 21, 1952, Image 2

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2—The Bulletin, Mount Joy, Pa., Thursday, August 21, 1952 EE fi evening. linger at Ronks, R. D. and Mr. | —
— wo” mm 7 Mrs. Edith Erb and Bobbie and Mrs. Charles Weidler
A pu — NE W TOWN itmer visited Mr. Theo. Mel- Lancaster on Sunday. |
Published every Thursday at 11 East \
Main Street, Mount Joy
Lancaster County, Pa.
ower eve | Buller's Beauty Salon $i = 1,098 Readons Why 4
Smart Homemakers
Mrs. Paul Falk, Mr. and Mrs { Cold Wave & Machineloss ou, 1
Claude Hemperly, of Lancaster, {
and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Miley Permanents \
and family of Mount Joy
Visitors during the past week | $5 - $8 - SS 1 0
William N. Young, Publisher
Fred Alberte, Editor


John E Schroll, Editor and Publisher I

1901 1052
—— — of Mr. and Mrs. Aristice Wittle “nn ee
Subscription Rate $2 00 Per Ye: wy Mail, | [were Miss Nancy Wittle, Mr | EAST MAIN STREET. FLORIN. PA
Advertising rates upon request [ Charles Wittle of Columbia and avi
Entered at the postoffice at Mount Joy, || Mr. Joseph Wittle and daugh | Phone Mt. Joy 3-4339 Maude Buller, Propr. ¢
Pa., as second-class mail under the Act || ter, Judy of Columbia — RS — =
of March 3, 1879 Il Mrs. Mary Lefever who has]
Member. Pennsylvania Newspape I [her home with Rev. and Mrs |
Publishers’ Association H. Arndt is spending 2 weeks CONESTOGA
| as am et : I {with her son-in-law and daugh- |
Ey | ter, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bar-
‘ @¢ | . | Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fogie of As
| Maybe I'm being contrary, but I sure dof = °° = 3 Tow dave] LS het and’ dinners C
For Your Scrap-book |like the parking meters. I had five stops to Peas iy a Announces A New - reli, hs year. And V
make on Main St., the other morning and dog- | fos buck | for every meal smart homemakers
and family { want fine food values. So they have
I don’t know much about the tariff, o: b
= i : gone if I couldn't park at every usiness : va wl All prices in this ad effective
Sho ive! rahe, But $s I do row ; i we place, all 1 needed was a couple pennies. fe Py ii 8 jsecher, ge | Saturday, August 23rd 1,098 reasons for shopping at A & P.
ouy steel rails from foreign nations, they ois : ’ kages af Caio kett, Va., an Mrs. |
] ] Ordinarily I'd have carried the packages Minnie Geltmacher of Columbia between SULTANA TUNA Fl AKES 2 Su 4 ¢
| S
have the money and we have the rails; but
: con 5 Or more. . :
ouple blocks or mor visited Mr. and Mrs. Earl Gelt-
if we buy the rails here, we have both the | * * >* : :
money and the rails. | I'm putting some of this cool air in the deep) "1" oe Sunday ‘od LANCASTER & ELIZABETHTOWN STARKIST TUNA REE LhBeL $ret 34° i
Abraham Lincoln The visited Mr.
” . | freeze, so —come a hot, Rand day come on... Geltmacher. Mr. and EFFECTIVE er : Je
over, I'll give you a bagful. Mrs. Ralph Keith and son, Clif PINK SALMON Cold Stream Ah 45 cl
Those Good or Days ii | Anna Mae 3 re ko has a new ford, o Lins, B. DB. Mr. aud AUGUST 25, 1 O52 | FAUST SALMON Red Sockeye $0: 49° n
Stick your head in the school building] | Mrs. Lewis Farlow and son,
i | use for Scotch tape that she oughta send in |Tv. Hopeland, Rev. and Sen

ial desk. And for that reason, we have a | Post Office corner talking to a boy in the Air|<pent the weekend with their |
Force. When he made the statement he want-|son-in-law and daughter, Mr. | U. S. No. | ELBERTA FREESTONE
this week and you will be greeted with : | I of ! \ .
scene of much activity and the orders of |for the TV Commercial. She repairs her bi-| vrs, Jacob Earhart and son, | New schedules can be obtained from your bus operater special ©) 17.2 ¢ 2
soapsuds, ammonia and an assorted bevy cycle with it!! Ronnie and Mrs. Sarah Smith, | or at the ticket office, 19 South Queen Street, Lancaster, DELMONTE PEAS PRICE \cans 35
of aisinfectants. And, boy oh boy, can those * * * gman | Of Lebanon, Mr. and Mrs. Nor- Penna.
ix 5 carry you back over a long| owe i Poet gave us| man Musser of C nbie WESSON OIL pint 34° quart ¢
mixed oders “cal ry y Ove i Dewey Hornatius Jr our new g man M 1sser of Colu bi oo CONESTOGA TRANSPORTATION CO. bottle bottle
span of years! : id his one: Mrs. Martha Fogie visited | {
It's hard to believe, but in another couple Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Altland | 34-1c }| CHEDDAR CHEESE Real : c W
of weeks, the kids will be traipsing back to If “Mouse Myers” should run for President’ and Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Bar-| — Sharp b 59
classes. And it's this time of the year - ai-| He wouldn't be a dope: ton at Columbia on Saturday. |
it every year - that we get the idea |He'd only kiss the babi h Mr. and Mrs iver Witmer | 29-02 ¢
most every year too - that we get the idea Hed cnly kiss the babies who, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Witmer Halves or Slices In
we would like to be getting ready to teach| Were old enough to vote and family visited Mr. and Mrs. |
a class of kids. | Paul Myers and Mr. Amos Wit- RICE KRISPIES Kellogg's 94-02 25°
We're bright enought to admit, though,! Pretty good Junior. mer at Columbia on Sunday ev- | BY292 hg 190 Pg
that after a week of that sort of thing, we d Hass * * 1 1M RH A vn
y get back to our editor- Roscoe Hassinger was standing up on the ev. and Mrs 1 . Arndt |
be more than glad to get k ( ec Pride 0 the Orchard’ " “
respect for that army of school teach- e i j
lot of resp ol to be a flyer the Air Force pilot ask Why". Mrs. Habet Khelghatian of |
ers who stick it out week after week. e ‘ : ia ;
{ The answer was quick and direct as Roscoe | Ridley Park. The Khelghatian


* * * | looked back ot the Fire House roof, “I'd lke to children returned home after | [ A a J
| | {ly over a pigeon just once.” spending several weeks with | 4 =. 4 4
The Farm Show ‘ * * * their grandparents. | { NONE PRICED i Hi
Yep, and it’s hard to believe that already, | ; Mr. and Mrs. Wit. Foie | | IGH
we're within a few weeks of this year's| [I was thrown ou! of an antique shop the| is visited BE hi oh 1 HIGHER ibs 0
BD. y < = = 1 SONS visited ver. ang IVITS. ar
farm show. Already the committee is he ard | 3 ner day. All I did was walk in and say, ry Fozie and Priseill: i ait | 50-1b BUSHEL BASKET $2.98 {
at work planning a lot of new stuff for the What's new?” — My feathers are still ruf in ge On Prisc i a Fogie of om | R
farm show crowd this year. And getting fled. Phila Sie on Soaday. | i YORK STATE (NONE PRICED HIGHER)
. , Fogle and sons, 1omas anc | ;
back to the subject of oders, there's nothing | * * * : | Richard also visited Nr a ‘PA ) EXTRA
better for the imagination than the f familiar | Cpl. James Markley, who is stationed inf" Johtt. of ee : LERY LARGE C lo
whiff of hotdogs and coffee, saw-dust an errs. Sas It's no wendy: the Both we RN oy Suymak 8th A SENSIBLE STALKS found ;
dust of every day variety. always borrowing money. They spend it by| oc. 4 Mr | A i a
v A > . . Ss Mr. and Mrs. Ma-| |
What we would like to see this year is | the pownd.” urice Frydinter ana Mes oe] AUTO LOAN . és | Fine FROZEN FOODS 3 ] ch
good, record-breaking revival of interest | A hog * = x x a | Moore during the By week | : | OLD SOUTH ORANGE JUICE 2 Sot 2 ¢) se
the farm and home-making exhibits. They ve os ous on a flight wes said 0 e pes were, Mary Seutz. of Florin: | | cans
truly the backbone of any farm show and | sengers: Fasten your money belts. please. Madde Shanti. White | hel h
real, red-hot competition among a coupic {dont know how true the statement is, but Jane Gleay Shame Miss Kathryn | ps you enjoy your new car BIRDS-EYE SPINACH owed ou Leaf 2 Hor 39:! o
Testi eaver, of Lancaster, Mrs. Ida! xX
apple-growers or a couple of our local var- | (Funk) Tanis told me. Pehle of more." Finance ur next cz F
ity ot ve bakers, can pr "0 e just as exciting * * * an Hog ” Salungs ang / ¥9 t car | BIRDS-EYE LIMA BEANS Ai Hue 29%¢ =
| a} Mrs. Minne reltmacher | o
as any horse race. { Iknow a guy who can't sleep. Even Hi elunacher, - Col-| with a low-cost bank auto loan. WELCH’'S GRAPE JUICE FROZEN + bor ¢
Se : 3 ike | it's time to get - - - He'd bette doc- | Pa. : : —
So you farmers’ wives and daughters and | ! get up. SQ belier sec a Vr» pm tos ; i
J Mr. and Mrs. Paul Shires of SNOW CROP LEMONADE FROZEN 2 5-oz 39°
i 3 makers : S _| tor. .
you home-maker: Sn Agi , start pigs: | % 9 %* Mount Joy R. D., visited Mr. | cans
ning to enter something In this years snow and Mrs . os INA
ing g ) > Russell Gantz told me when he was a kid, [and Mrs. Robert Frank and | I A c A AAA AAA AA NATANA AAA we
. :
Those ribbons look mighty nice hanging be | ed Len na a Et family on Sunday evenin
= a dining r yicture! ey calle im flannel. He used to shrink trom |" - iid 5 8 | A MOUNTAIN BEAUTY 19-
neath a dining room picture | washing. Mr. and Mrs. Salem Gamber MOUNT JOY BANK spara Us ALL GREEN SPEARS—REG. 8c can
+» 4 3» | J >* and daughter of Columbia. and OF MOUNT JOY dit
| I think I'll sit a new business. I'll make|™M!: John Gamber and daughter : ALL BRAN pv 16° bo 25° hid
PXg Pkg Jel
Turnpike Safety f Columbia v
We drove in over the Turnpike the past | Square marbles for kids wio'd like to shoot!" “Cumbia visited Mr. and
e drove i rer the Turnpik as . Member of Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation {
ot re pall li OK It id I lly | Mrs. Abram Gamber during the i r
woek.e z oT ] > oe sion | dice. was only an idea. I usually 8
week-end and were delighted to see a sign | yY weekend { BEST PURE LARD 2 Lb 27° —
which read: “Don’t Drive if Sleepy. Sleep | Get plenty of these brain storms come Septem-
: Aa py: Mr. and Mrs. Willi: finde
in Comfort.” The sign was erected near | ber. eR Is as. William Hai | eee ——— .
Yo yo * A J reunion held at £33 b i " i A . ? TOMATO PASTE CONTADINA 3 > 29
shady spot where a truck was parked and | : Sis Par i :
the driver already was sound asleep in a| Cappy Mumma told me he’s getting richer als Yh bars on They : Ae
NS Es hoi ani of The | everyday. He discovered a wonderful way to Gon visited Ms and Mrs. Harry | TOMATO SOUP CAMPBELL'S 3 : 32
We also noted the new speed limit signals, | Save money.. He said, “1 just forget who HY ig iy Manheim. iit a ; LF Nl : d OR HEINZ cant
the added signs to prevent persons from borrowed it from." Mrs. Edith Erb, Bobbie Wit oa :
A&P GRAPE JUICE 2 {2-02 2 C 24.02 25°
bottles bottle
crossing the turnpike at the restaurants. | * * * ind ad Mrs. Breneman visited | i ye
Finally, it seems, some thought and at-| A fellow on Mount Joy street told me and Mrs. Norman Brosey | f ;
Lars fie chek » DAI hiv oreat hich. | wife didn’t exactly lose her figure, she family at Silver Spring on|
tention i= going to be paid to this great high- | i Y g SU | OLD DUTCH 2 lon 25°
a: : RM | BLUEBERRY PIE uns. = 45° 3
otato Harvesting § Sh

way safer. ir Mis
It is a shame that one of the finest high-| * * * Mr. and Mrs. Edward Isler |
ways In the nation should be ruined by ex-| Speaking of families my mother-in-law has entertained at a doggie roast |
3] { the following Mr. and Mrs. |


cessive speed and recklessness. And for that | a nice open i is Sper id and night. Theo. Salter J )
matter, with all the great engineering which | _ : Sor «I. and family. CLAPP'S 1
went into the construction of the turnpike, There's a guy in town who is so cheap, that} nd Mrs. Amos Reigle I GIBBS 3
we never could understand why they placed | Vion he serves highboils he puts knots in the|V!sited Mr. George Reigle Mon- |, BABY FOODS i
the two separate double lanes so close to-| Straws. Na a ...... [i=
gether More space make | * * * ® Chews Vines STRAINED ____10 jars 95¢ LL
BS rnp! rs | But just remember girls, a tight wad is FIRE-LIFE- AUTO §| CHO a i SPINACH 3 Sn 28 |)
the turnpike the safest instead of the most | 8 girls, a tight wad is be - To a Mulch PPED ____ 6 lars 89¢ el SN 206 tf Pa.
dangerous speed highway in the world. { ter than no wad at 3 * FARW Jnsurafce | CEREAL 8-0z pkg 17¢ } GREEN BEANS sor 10¢ | off
| -_ — can
* * * Dot Garlin found that naps can be most con- SE BEV. 2
By Dint Of A Vote | fusing. Last Sunday she was visiting friends Elizabethtown, Pa. Bt sp BR = ry
3 d d : . i 4 Es pen =
For want of a nail the shoe was lost. For oh shes her A i ——— BE ee Bh ; Specially Reduced
want of a shoe the horse . . . the battle . . ont a air of RUN'S 1 Te Sys an NJ 3 > ANN PAGE k | \
the kingdom was lost. We all know that p S socks on her lest, when : Ld ea PEA
story 2 Pa 3 Y ©" | she woke she wasn't shure she had put them NEED { a ae SMOOTH NUT BUTTER
Boy - > fe gi nly { on before she left her home or not. : va 20s in 93g 57¢ Is
But the Bureau of National Affairs, Inc..| * * * eo, i Xi, : glass glass glass seta
in Washington, has brought out a leaflet en-| gin pommel unm of the cand 0 INSURANCE ? | * Ends vine tangle 77 ¢ Xx Speeds the harvest | ann pace SALAD DRESSING lad
titled “Just One Vote!” which tells another | yor ot Newcomers Motors would rife | * Assures maturity ¥ Builds the soil | Prt 9c Quart c ac”
story (borrowed from the Rotarian Mag if someone could tell hi 9 vil * AUTO - SAsUALTYE ; : ~ | jar jar 45 ws
azine): Te sau lo} Xn where Jie SEE Are you still battling a vine-tangled, bogged-down | “oa AAAS RAS Ma
A 19th-century Indiana farmer hesitated | gor, Gee pole a Ls Boe B b B | harvest? Roto-Beater owners from coast to coast say | Jobe
y 5 or take his cor ' | Jy aie |
whether to go to the polls or take his c IN| i scems that Reve dev Ih dock, Oo FOWI || this modern method speeds the work as it improves
to the mill. Civic duty won. By his vote vou know Bill, that felt is hard to] 3!8 E- Main St, MOUNT JOY | quality and builds the soil Sha
© Democratic member was sent to the Indiana get during war times? | Phone 3-1062 y kerl
i pk 2. VV > are i > - i | ’ - -
Legislature, By a one-vote margin the Leg * Xx | 24-15¢ §| Roto-Beater’s mile-a-minute rotating rubber flails | pex
islature elected Edward A Hanneg gan to the R : ivf. § : | Tec vd
United States Senate. When a vote on the | girs, if you want a strong silent | whip vines and weeds fo a mulch. Rolls up and down | 2
of Texas wat taken i resuits ed| 2 Jet They | Dr.H Ki lh | the fields without lost time. Makes a perfect path for | Incl
in § bie, and Hannegan, as president pro tem * P a mes q year. r. C. I effer the diggers to work with nothing in the way. His
of the Senate, cast the deciding vote. By Some . : | as c
: Th : one has wr : S > . J . alii: ,
dint of one farmer's vote Texas was in. | that it is not the Optometrist Come in Now— Immediate Delivery to Your Farm} 87 East Main St. MOUNT JOY, PA.
Anyway, the vote helped. And millions ears us out, It 1s the MANHEIM y
; y y: We AN J hin of sand in our shoe. The little disap- || 163 s. charlotte st. |
of other iarmers and mechanics and busl-| pointments, the little troubles are often the || Telephone 5.33576 e ® DIEM SONS
nessmen and housewvies who asked “What | toughest ones to lick. That's why this motto || mon. & wednes. 9.5:30 i
differance will my vote make?” should Te {carries such an inspirational punch. It in- || Tues. Fri. Sat. 7.3 P. M. | 400 East Lincoln Ave, Phone: 6-2131 Lititz, Pa. | Ba
member that whether or not their vote|spires a man to be bi & m
=. gger than his prob- CFM. Sat RIG OF THE D
marks the difference between victory and | lems. Write it in your mind: “The DS re 9:30. 1:00; Fo o MODERN ROTARY SLAILING MACHING |
defeat for a particular candidate, it marks|of a man is the size of the thing it takes ELIZABETHTOWN ]
a victory for the sense of individual respon-| to get his goat. 16 E. High st. | | |
sibility on which democracy rests. A WISE OWL. Telepitong 24-F || i