The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, August 14, 1952, Image 6

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Boys And Girls
(Irom page 1)
tor the summer
told no trip this year
Mr. Houck was faced with a
grave problem. What to do: He
took his Robert
Kunkle, deal-
er who in turn felt Kid
dies must have their
costs—the amount needed
£100 for bus transportation and
that was a little the
iwo of them to finance alone. If
they both felt that way, said Mr
Houck, maybe
would too, so, it
start out and ask someone—the
contact started the ball a
rolling—in less than two hours
problem to
local Oil Service
trip at all
steep for
someone else
was decided to
the bus fare was collected.
Then a suggestion came up to
keep on asking for donations to
cover the cost of the much need-
ed prizes, the total sum needed
or the trip and prizes was
$150.00. When that total was
‘cached the seeking of funds
‘ame 10 an end.
Mr. Houck, wishes to express
nth his and of the boys and
irls, their
11 those who contributed so
ladly and willingly in giving
1em this trip. If your name is
not among the list of contribu-
ors, don’t feel badly, said Mr.
Touck, the goal was reached
efore they got to you.
All those who are going must
6 at the playground at 6:45 a.
m. on the day of the trip. Each
is to bring a packed lunch
vith them. Two Newcomer bus-
es have been chartered.
‘roup will see a Little Lene
Vorld Series ball game. For |
those that woud rathler play |
James than watch the ball]
game there will be game equip- |
ment on hand for them. They |
expect, said Mr. Houck, to re-|
turn by 11 p. m. in the even- |
ing, Mr. and Mrs. Mathew Mey-
ors and Chief Park Neiss
accompany the group.
The following made contri-|
butions for the boys and girls; |
C. H. Herr, Ford distributor,
Charles Fish, First National |
bank; Stehman’s Atlantic Sta-|
tion, J. B. Hostetter Hardware, |
Way's Appliance, Mt. Joy
will |
Tile |
A Oy JOY | Mildred Krall. Mrs. Elmer Heis- Bates of Mount Joy: Mrs. Mar- | Mr and rs. Rdward Isler| “Food for Thought” ductory subscription
To : SEI= 1 ey, named about ten. lin Ney and children, Donna, and family and Mrs. Irene Sny- | Tan 2 today—3 months for
vice, Mt. Joy Paper Box Co..| For those who are still éuri-/and Gorden, Miss Lena Loewen der visited Mr. and Mrs. David |©f Millersville; Miss Susie Fla | $3. You'll find the
Mueller Flower Shop, The pus coor the picture, beginning|of Florin I. Landis at Elizabethtown on | lich Miss Mary Lefever and hs MONITOR ""must’’ i
tetin, Wolgemuth, Inc., Carpen- | ;, the back row. loft ny right,| Family Reunion Saturday afternoon and in the | Mr. and Mrs. Havard Johnston, | reading and as necessary a
lors Insurance, Kunkle Oil they were: Sylvia Widman| A family reunion was held at evening they visited Mr. and) ©f Lancaster. | BR as your HOME TOWN EY.
Seiler Printing Co. | ( Mrs. Wm. Lewis. Lancaster), the home of Mr. and Mrs. Nor- Mrs. David Alleman and Myr. 4 Mrs. Edith Erb and Mrs. Pearl | TE i
Greer Jewelry Store, Mi. 30% | Detwiler. (Mrs. S. Will on Sunday, August | and Mrs. Aubrey Boles and |Breneman visited Mrs. Edward | £3 iS
Be aon aes anne! Hoffer, M1. Joy). Ester Wai With the sellowing in at |dnughier of Mariela. J Mr A i
. > 0an's | {ers (Mrs. Clarence Myers) of/lendance: Mp. and Mrs. Howard Gamb- | on Sunday, Mrs. Erb al- |
Pharmacy, Kitty's Dress Shop, | Florin, Anna Eshelman ( Mrs. | Mr. and Mrs. Norman S. er were Sunday guests of Mr. } 80 visited Mrs. Paul Witmer and Fhe Christion' St ! y = 1
Martins 5 & 10, Union National | waiter Sweigert, Ephrata),/Grimm of Mechanicsburg: Mr, and Mrs. Leonard C. Miller at | Mrs Tillie Thums, at Marjetta,| On Morwey St, Boston |
Bank, Mrs. Charles Roth, Frank Pauline McDannald (Mrs. Ab-/@and Mrs. H. B. Wittle, Mr. and Soudersburg. land Mrs. Breneman ai Mt. Joy. ! Please send me an
Aument’s Service Station, Lin-| yep Gingrich, deceased), Helen Mrs. Paul W. Baker and chil- Rev. and Mrs. R. H. Arndt | Master Robert Witmer Spent | Te
Sola Restaurant, Miller Bros., | Stoll (Mrs. Everitt MacConnell dren, Jesse, Jimmie and Joyce visited their son-in-law and | Sunday afternoon with his mo | Ly ates, an
a Roose, Mr. ang Mrs. | Glenolden), Mildred Roberts, and Joel, all of Elizabethtown: daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Calvin ther at Marietta, : | thome)
y ugh, Eshleman Bros., | mt. Joy), Ruth Herr (Mrs. Clar-/Mr. and Mrs. Homer Smith and Campbell and family at Lancas Mrs Edith Eth and Robert] renee
Krall's Meat Market, Gerberich | ence Lutz, E-town) John Rahm,Son, Terry of Harrisburg; Mr. ter on Friday evening. [Witmer visited Mrs. Robert | i
Bayne Shoo Company, Tyndall's| Martin ~~ Secvears and Henry and Mrs. Lawrence Whittemore. Miss Minnie Gamber spent | oods on Monday Son City tate)
= y, 3 ewcomer’s Hardware | pecker, Mt. Jov. of Mount Joy: Mr. and Mrs. Jno. | the weekend with Mr. and Mrs, | MTs. Woods just, recently re i si
Murphy's 3 & 10 and Eicherly’s.| Front row: Martha Heisey|B- Wittle and children, Nancy | Guy Winters and family at turned home from the hospital. + F810
er going an the trip are: | (mrs. Mark Bashore, E-town) and James, Mr. and Mrs. John Manheim. |
J aringer, Janice and | Caroline Nissley (Mrs. Samuel. Wittle, Mr. and Mrs. Howard| Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Halde- |
Joyce Berrier, Judy Frey, Lor-
etta Hornafius, Ruth
Bulletin. Mount Jov. Pa.. Thursday, August 14, 1952) A : Il - - ; RT
months, to be!
heartfelt thanks to
The |
| Greider

i Ww B each day and evening in the
Throw Snowballs ies MEST Eats! ill e { main program tent, It is here
. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Hershey, | Sunday visitors of Mr. and that explanations in both
‘While Swelter- of New York City spent two Mrs John Miller were Mr. and Watch Word { humorous and serious vein will
| weeks vacation with their par- | Mrs. Raymond Geist and daugh { be offered for many of the tra- |
: I 90’ H ents, Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Her- [ler of Lancaster and Mr. and | ditions and practices of the
ng n S ere and Mr. Harry Groff and Mrs. Clyde Shumaker of Eden Koom essa! Let's eat! will be | Pennsylvania Dutch
| etn family in Columbia Mr. Donald Miller left on a the most popular expression in | From an overall standpoint,
Word has been received from Mr. and Mrs. Carl Werner of week's auto trip to the New | vogue with Pennsylfawinsche the Folk Fair will add up to an
Mr. and Mrs, Andrew Zercher,(Doylestown visited Mr. and England States Deitch and outlanders alike, | intensive effort to touch on all
215 Marietta avenue, that theyv!Mrs, N. E. Hershey on Wednes Visitors during the past week at the Pennsylvania Dutch Folk | phases of life in the home,
are having a wonderful trip inday and also called on Miss of Mr. and Mrs. Aristice Wittle | Fair, Aug. 29-Sept. 1, at Selins | church school and community
the Golden West, The Zercher Maria Hoffman and Mrs. Annie were, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wit. grove, Pa : | of the good Dutch people of
family left Mount Joy June 26 Brubaker and Miss M. Melling- (ile and daughter, of Columbia Aware of the almost univer! he good Dutch people central
and the following week arrived er. Mr. Charles Wittle, Miss Nancy | sal appeal of traditional Dutch | pennsylvania
at their son Jacob's home in Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Mur Wittle of Columbia R. D and | food, the sponsors of the Folk | - . wn |
Colorado Springs, Colorado. phy of Berwyn, Mrs. Mary Sa-| Mrs. Ragner Hallgren of Mount Fair, the Pennsylvania Dutch Insurance Service
Stating that the weather there pinash and daughter, Mr. and Joy. Folklore Center, of F ranklin | At Fire R 1 and all tvpea
was very cool, they were amus- Mrs. Walter Rife and daughter, Me and Mrs. Stanton Fogie College ae akg a . 4 : : Al TY PX
» y th while their friends/of Lancaster sre guests of Mr, | and daughter, of Braddock vis reparations to provide for the x insura A
a i in the 90's back Mrs ye Sunday ited Mrs. Serena Fogie on Sat serving of vast quantities of fa-| ELMER K. WITTLE
home they were throwing snow Mr. and Mrs. Norman Kolp, | Yrday. i a ene Dipeh dishes ont] Y FLORIN, PA,
balls in Colorado Mr. and Mrs. Clavion Breneman Recent visitors of Mr. and | $ date, women of eight Phone: Mt. Joy 3-9546 na
[ Mrs. Wm. Fogie were: Mr. and | ¢hurches 30-13
Their journey was continued yigited Mr. Edward Hassler at : . :
Mrs. Harvey Barton, Columbia:
. gifts were received and every- | Marietta. | famed
1920 ra uating one had a wonderful time. Visitors of Mrs. Katie Moore | sours” of a traditional Pennsyl-
all of
because she was the seventh injand Betsy Rothsville; | Ginder and Mr. Bud Herr spent | be
the back row, known then as/Loretta and Warren | Sunday at Baltimore

[the heart of the
{ in. what
central Penn

; went
'K Ess! Let Ise” discussions voill.. ti
such discussions will take
oom 8S: € § place continuously throughout

in Snyder County |

the | =
| answers to your ‘crisis
seven . ’ .
questions’ this year!

sweets and seven |


uninitiated !
» explained to the
may be termed Order a special intro

N es Given B Mss ar » Snyder, Mount Joy Nite Se an 5 j row out of a myth, it is one 3 rye
am y (Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Warfel, Mr, Midc elown; Mr. Elmer Givens | myth which will receive a tot | a: Uo a
| and Mrs. Norman Wartd] and and Jon of Bone: N Y., and Mr. of popular support whenever it 3 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE
Mrs. Roberts son, Ronald Mr. and Mrs. Rap | 0 I rs. Sente and chil | is mealtime which will be all| 5 Hg MONITOR: 5
ry Barto and daughter, Judy, {dren ol Mount Joy. | the time—during the impend i ea SSG
an Mr. and Mrs. Victor Zerphey | Mr. and Mrs. Giles Urban and | ing Folk Fair. iB "
Again Mrs. Lester Roberts/and daughter, Vickie, Miss Nan- | Son, Billy and Patsy Rollman | When fairgoers are not eat-|% Often referral i008 g
came up with a complete list of ¢¥ Warfel all of Landisville; Mr. of Lititz, visited Mr. and 1 is Just such interesting | i paper the MONITOR
the 1920 Graduation class/Alvin Charles of Manor; Mr. | Wm. Haines. [facets of Pennsylvania Dutch pope fe oi;
printed in last week's Bulletin. @d Mrs. Roy Sweitzer and| Miss Betty Lou Frank, Miss | folklore as the “seven Covers frond with o
It was simple this time for her/children, Ray Jr. Patsy, Jay Betty Ann Haines, Mr. Robert and seven sours” myth that will el raion ous

Elizabeth Kline and daughter, Joan,
King and
Mrs { man of Mount Joy R. D., visited!
(Mrs. Huber Harnish, Max W.
daughter, | Mr. and Mrs. Howard Gamber
i ary McKain, | Conestoga). Laura Strickler Marcia, Mrs. Roy F. Baker and | Visitors the past week of Mr. |
ay Fear oY om 101d, | (Mrs. Frank Witmer, Mt. Joy) |daushters, Dorothy and Joyce. | and Mrs. Abram Gamber were |
Tos ier en, He! Ie Jiehm. | Beatrice Hawthorne (Mrs. Er-| Carnival Saturday | Mr. and. Mrs. Salem Gamber |
“iy “il Rang Kay [nest McClellan, deceased). An-| The Florin Hall Association | and daughter, of Columbia: Mr. |
Ther Sree. pa ean] na Brubaker ( Mrs. Clarence Will sponsor a carnival at the land Mrs. Guy Winters and fam- |
RE ar 2 Pi Ene ugh, Grissinger, Mt. Joy), Mary|Florin Hall Saturday, August!ily, Mr. and Mrs. Mark Winters |
Rowe i pore chroll, | Engle Lindemuth ( Mrs. Samuel|16. with the 101 Ranch Boys | of Manheim; Mr. and Mrs. Hav- |
Ror Her $n “ iki Elliot, Kraybill, Manheim), Ruth Eng-[furnishing the entertainment. [ard Johnston, Mrs. Minnie |
wiv Be s Flory and Pris-|le (Mrs. Maurice Frantz. Lan-| : ~Lessens Mortgage {Hahn all of Lancaster and Miss |
Bow. os A ths ns { caster), Mary E. Lindemuth,| Nineteen members of the Louise Rhoads of Middletown. |
or oh On ip are: Ver- | (Mrs. Guy Musselman. deceag- Florin Fire Company met n | Mrs. Blanche Bankus, daugh- |
erholizer, Richard Divet, | ed.) [regular monthly session at the | ter, of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wit- |
Jon Bender, Ronald Williams, |
Harry Frey, Joe Hostetter, Rob-
ert Hopple, Ralph Rice, James |
Nissley, William Chinn, Bill
Pennell, Robert Funk. Jay Kay-
Tr, Ronald Pennell, Ronald
-ear, John Harnish, James Ben. |!
ett, John Funk, Ben Groff, |
harles Derr, Charles Zimmer- 1
an, Bill Ditzler, Mike Mumma,
illiam Vogel, Ken Watkins,
larry Watkins, Walter Chinn,
harlie Snyder, James Collins, t
-arl Rohm, John Wealand, Jef-
'Y Mecley, Bernell Heisey, | t
Terry Schofield, Gary Maxwell
Ronald Schofield, Jeffrey Brian, t
Richard Nornhold, Asher Hal- |
Lleib, James Pennell, Robert
Buchenaur, David Halbleib. |
Christian Miller, Charles Gohn,
Barry Stohler, Jamie Phillips, |!
Charles Groff, Dennis Mateer,
Barry Etsell, Robert Keller, |
Sam Harnish, Paul Snyder, |
Randy Mateer, James Brown
and Edi Flory.
iy eee
The Florin Fire Company
wishes to extend their thanks to
the community for their patron-
age during the Fire Company

will teach in
Myers, Mt. Joy R. D. who willlMartin reported two fires anq a | Phils at Philadelphia
Mrs. Mary Martin, Marietta R.[zabethtown College.
D. who formerly taught in Dau-|
phin County,
who formerly taught in Mount
Joy Twp, grade 5 in M:
Miss Lily
| grade 5 in
the junior high school.
of 71 percent in the same period.
thing) kindly remember the Bulletin| Joy-Cees,
BS Hall on Monday evening and mer will leave Friday to visit |
[voted to pay off one thousand |her sister, Delores of The Great |
dollars on the mortgage. Other | Lakes. |
business included the purchase! Messrs. Daniel
of Wire cutters and 50 feet of 2 Darvin Rodgers Howard
The 4|and one-half inch hose. ball game |
Alice and the]
(From page 1)
are Mrs.
Witmer enjoyed the
Assistant Fire Chief. Richard | between the Dodgers
1ew teachers
each grades 3 and 4 in Florin;|practice pumping relay at Eli- | evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Witmer |
accepted two | visited Mr. and Mrs. Horace |
Henry Siegrist | Walters, at Lititz R. D., and Mr.
The company
grade 2 in May- new members,
own; Mrs. Kathryn Alwine, of and William A. Ebersole. jand Mrs. Paul Myers and Mr. |
| Elizabethtown, who formerly, TTT Ye... | Amos Witmer at Columbia R.D. |
ig in SL County,| | Sunday afternoon Rev. and |
ade in Maytown and vat Naw G | Mrs. R. H. Arndt and grand- |
, Mevers re y : i YF i
hew Meyers, Elizabethtown, roup | daughters, motored to Penn |
(From page 1) | Grove, York County, to attend
ytown. the coming year. The primary [the Bible Conference conducted |
taught/purpose of the Jay-Cees is civic | by Ralph Boyer. In the evening |
Simm Bui will beland community work and the | they attended the closing exer- |
erred to grades 7 and 8 in|purpose of the Joy-Cees will be |cises of the Daily Vacation Bib- |
REE OM al the same. The group will also |le School at the Gospel Center, |
|assist the Jay-Cees in any large | at Lancaster where two of|
The ave eda Bae 15 [community projects which they |their grandchildren had part.
Clase 3 rear Te aay undertake. Misses Frances Maurer and
States for carrying a ton of freight | If anyone is interested in be- | Shirley Witmer spent Sunday at
one mile was only 35 percent great. coming a member but cannot be | Maryland.
er in 1950 than in 1938, while in|at the meeting Tuesday evening| Miss Dixie Lee Frank is
Great Britain there was an increase | cOntact Mrs. Nicholas Leitner, | spending a few days with Mr.
Detwiler Ave., phone 3-3933 so|and Mrs. Wm. fogelsanger of
that you may be considered on | Wrightsville. ’
the charter for the Mount Joy| Visitors at the Arndt Home
were Mrs. L. C. Rees and son, |
Martin, who

ie meat Be
When in need of Printing. (any.

on to Bloomfield, New Mexico, Allentown on Thursday :
: a. rr rs Ad: Maia sylvanic Jutch-speaking .
crossing the Continental Divide rs Sarah Schlegelmileh and Mr. and Mrs. Adam Fogie and Syly ah Dutch Spe Ring coun SIMON P. NISSLEY
lat an altitude of 18,500 feet Edward Henderson ro | daughter, of E-town R. D., Mar {try, are looking forward eager MARY G. NISSLEY
< © « « ‘ 4 rar DM SC are . vis QETVing Vip nis cg
hove sea level. A month Was spending some time at the for. |! Orio, Priscilla Fogie, Harry (Iv 0 serving their specialties FUNERAL DIRECTORS
spent at the Brethren in Christ ets Carp in Huntingdon Co | Mammino of Philadelphia, Mr [to the largest gathering of ap Mount J6y, Pa
Mission where their daughter] Miss Mary Hamilton pent | 21 Mrs. Stanton Fogie and | Preciative diners in their years ry
S51 IVES vary 1 spe a. a . { Orv oC vy re ee say
| Ruth is stationed as nurse tOlseveral davs at Mt Gretna | daughter, of Braddock. [Sa supper: . om
minister to the needs of the Na-/Camp | Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Reigle, | ot Yous Fa f So gal y
. Losers ns <a practitioners + fame a. :
vajo Indians. Mrs. Zercher said, Mrs. Lillian Hamilton and |©f New Jersey, visited Mr. and precy a re oo Ji WHITE - WASHING
Kove Wal ro a % (IL : ary are are now |
they really saw the Indians “as Sandra Buch spent Wednesday Mrs. Earl Geltmacher and fam | preparing menus and placing | AND
(they live in their primitiveat Lancaster with Mrs. Ruth | their orders for provi in :
state Pierce and was accompanied Rev. and Mrs. R. H. Arndt | of hd Ek 0 DISINFECTING
| The sightseeing Zerchers arelhome by Connie Pierce who |@nd granddaughters attended Folk Fair Certain. of 1 Sil |
: . 6 : Te ines alr Jy pecerving I} oo oo
now with their two daughters, spent three weeks with her the Communiiy Yeni Serylces at | savored places on these menus a
| Mrs. Willard Stump and Mrs. mother Bainbridge, to see the picture will be such tr adit n 1 del HESS BROS
| "he 3 { > 3 "¢ ( i a
| Jacob Brubaker at Upland, Cal. A bequest of five hundred | MT: F'exas on Monday evening. | Ces gs chicken ™ Aen .
i Rev. Merle Br aller wn. Meni Visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Edw Pa 9 hoy, Sanligg
be ke Pe ie Bow Neste a Soins Wop Niven Mw Mewian Isler and family durin th — in gneoD, instuachis, spareribs PENA,
aker and family also reside anage wi p LAF € : 8 the past |, AGP ;
Pe ie LY 8 through the will af | Cok were. No ak tov Sas sauergrout and string heany Phone Mt. Joy 3-1930
(there. He is Pastor of Brethren Mrs. Emma G. Earhart, Man- ©: Mu. and Mrs, Lero) baked with ham | 39-tf
lin Christ Church at Chino. heim. | Lindemuth, of Marietta and Mr. | Other Dutcl ar lit | { So
Planning to be home in a month First Birthday land Mrs. Wilbur Hairington and loving SAE el
A HD rw . : is : . wi. | SON of Hummelstown. ba : : five 0. 0b
ithe Zerche rs will stop enroute Donald Snyder, son of Mr. | eg > | forward to are homemade bread !
to visit their son Ray and fami-jland Mrs. Jay Snyder celebrated | Miss Janet Witmer spent a shoofly pie, rivvel soup, and]:
y = I. SE 2 Nie ia so ei Fevor Ace Ls “i oe | : : SO € =
Iy at Napeanes, this first birthday with lots. of tow with Mr. and Mrs. | various other dishes. And while | : .
— cake and ice cream. Beautiful| Warren Sload and family al | authorities point out that need reliable

! For Athlete's Foot |
Use T-4-L for 3 to 5 days. Hl
not pleased, your 40¢ back, Watch
the old, tainted skin slough off to |
| be veplaced by healthy skin, Get MM
instant-drying T-4-L. from any
druggist, Now at Sloan's Pharmacy.

Martin J. Wolgemuth
Mt. Joy 3-18GS FLORIN, PA.

—to keep delivery prom

30-1c {| ises and to give you
| (a ow. | good work. We put your
| EYES EXAMINED BY printing on Hammermill
ATE apers, which help ifs
DR. S. MILLIS : sabi
OPTOMETRIST ooks and lastability.
| Hours:
{ Daily: 9 to 1 and 2 to 5
| Evenings: Tues. & Sat. 6:30 - 8
No Hours Thursday
PHONE: 334)
| 11 East Main St., Mt. Joy, Pa.
Patronize Bulletin Advertisers.

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Cause Flexalum’s fabulous new vinyl plastic tape won’t shrink,’
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“My first Dodge truck cost me only $54.00 of repair
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Boost gasoline mileage with features like high-com-
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Save on oil. All 8 Dodge truck engines give
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Save on maintenance. Rugged engines and chassis
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Save with long life. Because Dodge trucks last so
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Long life and dependability are result of such features
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See us foday for the best buy rn low-cost transportation...
--- Salunga, Penna.




1, P
A fi
en n
has 1
and |