The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, August 14, 1952, Image 1

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Don't forget to register.


Special registration dates:
August 22 at Mount Joy.
Sept, 8 — Rapho Twp.
Sept. 2 — E. Hempfield Twp.
Sept. 3 — W. Hempfield Twp.
ount J oy Bulletin
Club, Parties, Social, Parties,
Scout, Auxiliaries, Church.
PHONE MT. JOY 3-9661

VOL. LII, NO. 11
Farm Show To Surpass All
Others; New Features Added;
Larger L Lot For Exhibits
School Project To Be
Five Times Greater
Than Other Years

A Farm Show that will sur-
pass all others, was the decision
of the directors of the Farm
Show at a meeting held last
Monday evening at the Mt. Joy
Farmers Dairy.
The matter of the
list and prizes was one of the
main topics. It seems that
there will be an increase in the
classifications and prize money,
however, this is tentative and
js subject to the review by the
County Extension Service.
The school project will
approximately five times
large as previously but this in-
creased project depends on
whether the committee is able
to find sufficient space. Paris
Gruber and Curvin Martin were
named a committee to find a lo-
cation for the school and art
(Turn to page 4)
Return To
United States
From Far East
After spendihg seven months
in the Far East operating with
units of the UN naval forces,
the aircraft carrier USS Philip-

pine Sea hds returned to the
United States.
Serving aboard her is John
M. Walters, airman, USN, son
of Mr. and Mrs. William S. Wal-
ters of 20 David St., Mount Joy,
Penna. and Everett E. Bender,
aviation machinist's mate 3rd
class, USN, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Alva G. Bender of 102 N. Bar-
bara Street, Mt. Joy.
During her time in the Far
East the Philippine Sea sent her
Panther jets, Skyraider attack
bombers and Corsair fighter
bombers on daily strikes a-
gainst Communists supply and
communication lines.
In addition to the “line-cut-
ting” and “rail-splitting” mis-
sions, the pilots concentrated on
gun emplacements, troops, sup-
ply areas, factories and ware-
houses, destroying anything of
possible use to the enemy.
As a parting shot at the Com-
mies, planes from the Philip-
pine Sea, and three sister car-
riers hit the strategic hydro-el-
ectric plants along the Yalu riv-
er and throughout North Korea.
With Navy, Marine, and Air
Force jets flying cover, Philip-
pine Sea planes delivered a
stunning blow at the Red's pow-
er systems.
The Philippine Sea. is the first

V.F.W. Host To50
Delegates In Out-
door Meeting
At a regular meeting of the
Mount Joy V.F.W. Post 5752,
held Monday evening, plans
were completed for the August
meeting of the V.F.W. County
Council. The local Post is host
to the Council for an outdoor
meeting at the Cove, north of
Commander Brown reported
an attendance of 50 delegates is
expected from other V.F.W.
Posts. Refreshments and lunch
will be served. Ben Witmer,
County Council Commander,
will be present, said Brown, to
help present the Lancaster Co.
Marble trophy to Carl Rohm.
Carl, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Jack Rohm, Columbia avenue,
will be awarded the trophy for
winning first place in the Coun-
ty V.F.W. tournament held in
Tentative plans were discus-
sed to conduct a stand during
the town Farm Show. Next reg-
ular meeting of Post 5752 will
be held Monday evening, Aug.
25, at 8 p. m. at Post Headquar-
fers, East Main street.
Aux. Post 185
Donates $25 To
The Auxiliary of the Walter
S." Ebersole Post met Tuesday
evening at the Legion Home.
Nominations and election of
officers took place with the fol-

Mary Jane Rose,
arms and Mrs.
George Albert was elected
Under discussion a
decision was made to donate
$25.00 to the Remembrance. A
motion was carried to write for
another Ward party at the
Coatesville Veteran Hospital.
A report was made on the ward
party the Auxiliary held last
Thursday at Coatesvlle. 3
Tentative plans were made to
hold two card parties in the
Fall, one for October and a
Turkey card party for Novem-
ber. Motion was made to giva
the Veterans Cigarette Fund $5.
A gift was sent to, Pete Young's
small son at a North Carolina

of the four carriers that made | hospital.
the strike, to return to the The meeting was held in
states. form of a picnic.
Borough Schools To Open
Wednesday, September 3rd
The Mt. Joy Borough Schools|School Building on S. Poplar
will open for the 1952-53 term
on Tuesday, September 2 with
a Faculty Meeting in the morn-
ing and registration of new
pupils at 1:00 p. m., the same
day. All pupils will report on
Wednesday, September 3rd at
8:30 a. m. for a half day ses-
All pupils attending the Mt.
Joy Borough Schools this year
who were not in attendance
here last year are asked to reg-
ister on Tuesday, September 2
from 1 to 2 p. m. Grades 1 to
7 will register in the Element-
ary Building on Marietta St.,

and Grades 8 to 12 in the High
Street. Beginners who tock the
pre-school tests in May need
not report Tuesday but any be-
ginner who missed these tests
will be examined at the time of
All pupils will report to their
respective buildings on Wed-
nesday, September 3 at 8:30 a.
m. - Grades 1 - 7 to the Elemen-
tary building and Grades 8 to
12 to the Auditorium of the
High ‘School Building. Pupils
will be dismissed at noon on
September 3 and regular sched-
ules will follow beginning Sep-
tember 4.
Outstanding Operator

The above picture shows Mrs.
Florence Miller of R2 Mt.
being presented a plaque desig-
nating her the outstanding
Operator of material handling
equipment at Marietta T. C.
Depot for the month of July.
Wh Mrs. Miller are the 3
4 New Toahors
Elected For East
Donegal Twp.

The first day of school for the
East Donegal Twp. schools will
be Wednesday, September 3rd,
at 9:00 a. m. The busses will
follow the same routes as last
vear and students are asked to
attend the same school as last
year. An overcrowded condition
is expected so reassignments
will take place after the first
day of school.
First grades will be on a half
day basis. Busses will carry
both the morning and afternoon
session students both to the
school and home again. Stu-
dents will be assigned to either
session after the start of school.
There are an expected 380
pupils for the elementary
schools of Maytown and Wash-
ington School in Florin and an
expected 390 students in the
junior-senior high school.
Four new teachers have been

lowing elected.
Miss Maude Schneider, pres-
ident; Mrs. Ruth Rineer, vice-
president; Mrs. Gwendolyn
Grable. secretary; Mrs. Harold
Bender, treasurer; Mrs. Lor-
raine ‘Crawford, sergeant-at- Rachel
one transferred and
there still remains one vacancy.
Due to the resignation of Mrs.
LeCates, a vacancy re-
mains in the Spanish and Eng-
lish departments. Mrs. LeCates
(Turn to page 6)
pp —
Pfc. Jno. A. Grubb
Serving In Korea
DIV. IN KOREA—Pfc. John A.
Grubb, whose parents Mr. and
Mrs. J. G. Baltozer, live on
Church St., in Florin, Pa. is
now serving with the 25th In-
fantry Division in the eastern
Korea sector.
The 25th, famed for its stand
at Pusan and the breakthrough
at Taegu in early . Korean fight-
ing, has recentely been engag-
ed in probing Communist con-
centrations northwest of the
Punchbowl area.
Private’ Grubb is an, assistant
Browning Automatic Rifleman
in Company L, of the 27th Reg-
April 1951, and arrived in Kor-
ea June 15, 1952.
Chicken Corn Soup Main
Treat At Church Supper

Everyone who likes chicken
corn soup should keep in mind,
this delectable dish will be-
available when the Young Ad-
ults of the’ Methodist Church
iment. He entered the Army in
August 14,
New Group Plans
Charter Banquet
Mount Joy, Pa., _Thursday Afternoon,
At Marietta T.C.

“Joy- Cees” Orgurized
| July 30 - First Of Its
Kind In Lanc. County
| “Joy-Cees” will hold a meet
ling in the local firehouse Tues
7:30 p.
which time plans will be made
banquet for the
(the wom-
| day. August 19, at
| for a charter
new group. Joy-Cees
len’s group for the Jay-Cees)
was organized July 30 and
[the first of ‘its kind in Lancaster
| County. There nine
| Cees organizations in the coun-
Manheim, Lititz, Ephrata,
judges who selected the Driver |ty,

fat 7:30 p. m. will have a special |and vicinity between
attraction with Miss Mary Her of 21 and 35, single or married
shey, a missionary from India
'| members of the new organiza-
speaking of her work there and {ion
showing picture slides. Miss| The purpose of the
Hershey is on a furlow from her | will be to plan for
. . . . |
duties. The public is cordially | banquet and plan
| invited. (Turn to Page 6)
Boys. And Girls Given Trip
Through Generous Donations
By People Of Mount Joy
On behalf of the boys and

Collections Needed Was
Raised In Two Hours girls, Mrs. Meyers, directiress
— of the playground, ‘and my-
The boys and girls who at- || self, playground director, we
tended the summer playground ||| wish to try and thank all you
tegularly are going on a trip to | || wonderful folks for ‘making
Williamsport, Pa., August 29th. || this trip possible—you cer-
What made this trip possible? ||| tainly came thru with flying
YOU—the people of Mount Joy. colors—and since I am not
Without you. these kiddies [| too familiar with the rules of
would have been very disap- ||soliciting for Civic funds, a
pointed this year. list of all donators and their
Each year the playground contributions has been made;
takes a trip, but, due to the lack [{anyone ig free toscheck this
of funds the director, George ||list for the use of the money
Houck, and Mrs. Meyers, the for our trip. Please
directress, knew the sadness in. || contact me at anytime. Again
may we thank you from. .the
bottom of our hearts.
Playground “Director
boys and girls who
have worked diligently to
gain points for the big trip
when playground days are over
(Turn to Page 6)
store for the


Bet you can’t name everyone |whos, when & wheres. We will

will hold their chicken corn
soup supper, on the lawn of the
church grounds, Saturday, Aug.
16th, beginning at 4 p. m. Mr. |
Ralph Rice, president of the
class. is in charge of the com-'

mittees. ; =}

give a years subscription to the
Bulletin to the person who can
identify the youngsters in the
above picture. You have until
Tuesday evening, August 19th’
to figure it out,
on this picture.
It looks like a boys brigade
dating back when geronimo was
running loose on our western
plains. There wasn't any date
on this cut to signify the whys,

Jay- =
the ages
| who are interested in becoming
projects for
» | The
Falls, Coopertown, N. Y. to the

\ 3
. )
nan A #00 cr te A Bt cob on IN
' John R. Miller

Selected For
of the Month. They are: Mr. | | Terry Hill, Denver, Lancaster, y
John Horn. left, congratulating | columbia, Elizabethtown and | Ad al’ $9 ff
: | Mount Joy. mir S ta
the operator; Mr. Daniel Hoop M act
. : ount Joy's new group elec
rt, he award t » riv .
ert, handing award fo the Driy Lt officers for the year 52- 531 Norfolk, Va., August 14-
EF and Mr. Albert Beatty look- {and Mrs. Nicholas Leitner was'John R. Miller, yeoman seaman
ing on. oh | chosen president; Mrs. Michael apprentice, U. S. Naval Re-
Pricio, first vice president; Mrs. |serve, son of Mr. and Mrs John
[India Missionary will John Getz, second vice presi-:D. Miller, High Street, Mount
i eak At f dent; Mrs. George Albert, secre-| Joy, Pa., has been selected for
Sp k Church O God tary and Mrs. Gerald Hostetter, |duty on the staff of Admiral]
2 treasurer. Mrs. Leitner called a Lynde D. McCormick, USN, |
A meeting at the Church of | for next Tuesday for Supreme Allied Command At-
God on Wednesday, August 20,|all girls in Mount Joy, Florin lantic.
Before being called to active
duty last December, Miller
graduated from Mt. Joy High
After his recruit {training at
the Naval Training Center, in
Bainbridge, Md. where he at
tended Yoeman School for 12
He works in the Personnel
Division of Admiral McCor-
mick's international ocean com-
SACLANT, the newly form-
ed international naval com-
mand under the North Atlantic
Treaty Organization is located
at the U. S. Naval Base, Nor-
folk, Va., and the command in-
(Turn to page 8)
ae Gr
To Our Men In
Korea, It’s War
Have you read
/bloody battles” in
week and last? Of
of dead and wounded?
be called an emergency,
our men over there its
Here in Mt. Joy we are still liv
ing our quiet lives with only a
few different things popping up |
here and there, such as parking
meters and flying If
only Korea would be as calm as |
It may
but to
Mt. Joy and as peaceful.
Remember, the job of the
membrance Committee is he
send a “little bit” of Mount Joy
all over the world to our ser-
vicemen, so stand behind the
committee and do your part.
Donate by sending your money
to Box 243 Mt. Joy.
Last week only $5.00 was re-
ceived. The new drive for funds
is almost a FLOP. The total re-
ceived so far is $43.00. Can't
we do better than that?
Coach Honk To

Take Five Day
Vacation Trip
Mr. George Houck,
al the
summer, has planned a five day
auto trip at the close of the sea-
son, when he will be accompan-
ied by the members of last
years varsity basketball team of
Mount Joy high school.
trip includes Niagara
Baseball Hall of Fame, Sarato-
ga Springs, Vermont and then
to Boston where they will at-
tend the Yankee-Red Sox base-
| ball game.
Making the trip with Coach
Houck are James Metzler, Hen-
ry Klugh, Tom Kear, Bill Zim-
jmerman and Ben Clinger.

was |
the number |
“ - |
Playgrounds during the |
$2.00 a Year in Advance

_ Don’ t Lose Your Right To
Vote! Special Registration
To Be Friday, August 22
2 Arrests Made
By Chief Neiss
Chief of Police Park Neiss re

{Every Person of Voting
Age Should Register
To Vote In November
Have you registered yet?
That's the question the Mt.
| ported two Joy Junior Chamber of Com-
| drunken driving and one for as | merce is asking every eligible

arrests, one

sault and battery. Those arrest- voter this month. It's all part
led were: George Brower, 127 0 yi wyoter Registration
East Main Street, prosecuted bY | Drive” to increase the vote
‘hief SS an run .
Chief Neiss on a hit and turnout here this year.

and drunken driving charge, If you haven't registered for
when he struck a car driven by
| Clyde Shaud, Columbia RI, on I would strongly urge ev-
| Friday evening, on West Main||| ery qualified resident of this
Street, this borough. borough who has not voted
Earl Wanner, Manheim R4, || during the last two years to
was charged with assault and ||| register at once, so that you
battery by his wife, on a com- |} may exercise your legal
right to vote at the crucial
national election this fall.
For your convenience the
registrars will sit in Mt. Joy
on August 22. Please do not
fail to register on this date.
plaint filed by Squire Miller of
Wanner posted bail for a
hearing Monday night but fail-
ed to appear and was later ar-
rested by Chief Neiss and jailed
for a future hearing.
Parking Meters

Although the parking meters
have only been in use a few |the coming Presidential election
days, the total amount of nick-jyou my register at H. S. New-
Inc. property, on
East Main and North Barbara
streets on August 22nd. Special
registrars will be on duty from
10 A.M. to 3 P. M. and 7 to 10
les and pennies collected was|comer & Son,
$131.88. This total includes the
$37.00 taken in before the me-
ters were in operation.
—— el

d : i,
F I Michael J. Pricio, Jaycee
armers nvite president, said figures compiled
‘ . by the American Heritage
To Sept. Meeting Foundation show only 44 per-
cent of the nation’s eligible vo-
ters went to the polls in 1950.
‘We believe one of the para-
mont reasons for the scant vote
turnout each year is that people
forget to register,” he said.
(Turn to page 3)
Rotarians Hear
Lt. Robert Germer
Of Sportsmen
sponsor a
The Mount Joy
Association will
Farmer and Sportsmen
night at their next meeting
September 8th to be held in the
Mount Joy High School at 8:00
p. m. All farmers within a ra-
dius of three mile of town are
invited to attend this meeting.

Mr. Donald E. Miller, Con-
servation Education Assistant S k 0 K
of the Pennsylvania Game Com- | pea n orca

{ mission Field Service of Read-
ing will show a film, “Our Wild- At the regular Tuesday din-
|life Heritage”, and talk on|per meeting the Rotarians
| Game Commission activities. heard Lieut. Robert Germer of
ye Mt. Joy, who has just returned
| from active service in Korea.
Local Teacher speak on the activities of the
Air Transportation Unit.
Lieut. Germer illustrated his
talk with colored pictures of ac-
tual scenes taking on the fight-
Receives Master
Of Arts s Degree ing front. The pictures illus-
trated the way the wounded
were evacuated by helicopter
Miss Catharine G. Zeller,|and the vital part the Air
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. {Transportation Unit plays in
Zeller, 309 East Main street,|getting supplies and medical
Mount Joy, and teacher at the|equipment to the front lines.

He was assisted in his talk by
Captain James Zeller of Mt.
Captain Zeller is in the 187
{local High School, will -be a
mong the 122 student candi-
dates for Master of Arts degrees | Joy.

lat the Middlebury College for | Airborne Combat Team and has
the 1952 Summer Language|seen much active service in
Schools. { Korea. Approximately seventy-
Miss Zeller will be among a|five slides were shown.
group of thirty students who Rotarians should not forget
will receive advanced degrees the clam bake to be held at Hos-
from the Bread Loaf School of |tetters Wednesday, September
English at exercises at the|17th. The bake will begin at
mountain campus on Saturday,!6:30. Watch this paper for fur-
August 9th. ther details.

Again Pigeons Cause Boro
Fathers To Lose Sleep
(The trouble with pigeons 1s that
in Mount Joy. Burgess Fish and | vou can't serve them with an
members of Council are staying | eviction notice, they just coo at
awake nights trying to come up,you. Isn't there some one that
with an answer to this trying, can come up with a bright idea
pigeon problem. [that would discourage these
in | feathered neighbors of ours and
Pigeons are again taking over
Complaints are coming
from all directions. They are|cause them to move to other
being shooed, chased, and ev-|home sites?
erything that should discourage] If any one has any suggest
a reputable pigeon from chosing |ions to offer, they would be ap-
a home site in Mount Joy is be-|preciated by Burgess Fish and
ing dong, but the feathered gen-| Borough Council. Send your
try can’t be discouraged, they |suggestions to Burgess Fish or

still move in with their families. [to the Bulletin office.