The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, August 07, 1952, Image 1

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    “Get a Load” of the News I These Columns — Then Note the Spacious Advertisers — "Nuff Sed
ount J oy Bulletin =
$2 2.00 a Year in in Advance
Club, Parties, Social, Parties,
Scout, Auxiliaries, Church.
PHONE MT. JOY 3-9661
: The
Don't forget to register.
. Special registration dates:
August 22 at Mount Joy.
Sept. 8 — Rapho Twp.
Sept. 2 — E. Hempfield Twp.
Sept, 3 — W. Hempfield Twp.

Mount Joy, Pa., Thursday Afternoon, August 7 1952
2 Ls iS;
es More Boys Asked Camp For Rural Jars Pen enny whl, Free Cols, Etc. Offered
mite is unsenty spp || TO Join Scouts Women To Open From Korea Seon Tg Eage Pain Of New Parking Meters;
$37 Already Taken From Meters
for additional funds to con- —
Council Fails To Extend
Rent Controls; Sept. 30 Is
Deadline For Continuation

tinue their work of sending {|| Women’s Camp for the rural Mr. and Mrs. John A. Fletch
some small token of remem- Lancas- | er» Mt. Joy Rl, recently receiv-
brance from Mount Joy to Dauphin, | ed word from their son, Corpor
the young men and women will be|al John Fletcher, that he will |
of the borough and nearby near | [ be home from Korea in the near |
community, who are serving August | | future. C pl. Fletcher stated that
Sixteen Scouts from Troups |
29 & 339, Mt. Joy spent the] women of six counties,
| week of July 20th at Chiquetan, | | ter, York, Lebanon,
| their Lancaster county Troop | Perry, and Cumberland,
camp, enjoying a full week of ‘held at Camp Swatara,

‘Added PressureTo

Merchants Keep Close
| Bethel in Berks county,
Simple Resolution Only
Requirement For The
When the question of contin-
ning rent control was brought
before council Monday
night, members failed to make
a motion in favor of a continua-
tion. September 30 is the dead-
line and council has one more
meeting before time -ex-
In order to @ontinue the con-
trols, it is only necessary for
council to make a simple reso-
lution, requesting the extension
of the Federal Rent Stabiliza-
tion Law because of a substan-
tial shortage of housing locally.
The method of determining
whether a substantial shortage
of rental housing exists. is left
entirely to the discretion of the
local governing body.
Council is not required to
have a public hearing,
if it so desires, conduct such a
hearing, under the supervision
of an impartial Citizens Com-
mittee. It may also request a
survey to be made by the Area
Rent Office, under supervision
of the impartial Citizens Com-
Best Of Every-
thing In Store
For All Kids
Calvary Bible church of New
Haven and Henry streets will
hold their annual Daily Vaca-
tion Bible School from August
18 to August 29. Sessions will
begin daily at 7 P. M. and close
promptly at nine. Those in
charge are pleased to inform all
children that the best of every-
thing is in store for them —
memory drills, contests, games,
sword drills, Missionary stories!
Competent teachers have been
secured for all grades including
Kindergarten, Primary, Inter-
mediates, Junior, High School,
and Adult. Emphasis in all
grades will be on searching the
scriptures, with accompanying
suitable hand work for younger
Recesses will be observed
each evening for the purpose of
refreshing recreation. A special
feature, in the form of a public
program will be presented to
the public by the children on
Friday, Aug. 29. On Sat. Aug.
30 there will be a picnic for ev-
eryone at Long's Park.
— re etl) Cee
New Church Is
Near Completion
The building of the new
Glossbrenner E. U. B. Church
at Florin is nearing completion,
said Reverend John Gable, pas-
tor. The recessed radiators have
been placed, the wiring roughed
and the plasterers began last
Monday. The carpenters expect
to complete the rock lath instal-
lations soon. All members are
anxiously watching this steady
progress of their new place of
Man, 86, Undergoes
Leg Amputation
Mr. Oscar Good, 86, of Mar-
linsville, returned home last
Saturday from St. Joseph's Hos-
pital, Lancaster.
Good was admitted to the
hospital two weeks ago for the
amputation of his one leg.
: |
it may,
Donegal School
Meeting Delayed
At Bidders Asking
A meeting of the Donegal
Joint School Authority and the
Donegal Joint High school di-
rectors, which was to have been
held tonight in the Mount Joy
public school building, was
postponed until Thursday, Au-
gust 14.
Postponement of the meeting,
which had been called for the
purpose of opening bids from
contractors for the construction
of a new joint high school and
gymnasium near Mount Joy,
was requested today by a group
(Turn to page 6)
— ee lA A ot:
Many Attended
Berrier Reunion
The annual reunion of the
Berrier family was held Sun-
day; August 3, 1952 at the
Florin Hall. The various famil-
ies were well represented.
, Following a musical program
and the business meeting games
were played and prizes award-
ed the winners.
The oldest mother present
was Mrs. Alice Shubach and
the youngest was Mrs. Dale
elected to
following people were
office: Mr. George
Berrier, President; Mr. Clyde
Mumper, Vice-President; Mrs.
George Berrier, Secretary; Mr.
Martin Heisey, Treasurer.
To Speak Here
This Sunday
The Reverend C. Ortlund,
pastor of the Latta Memorial
Presbyterian Church of Christ-
iana, Pa., will be guest speaker
at the First Presbyterian
Church this Sunday morning,
August 10. He will preach on
the topic “This One Thing I Do”
at the regular hour of worship
at 10:45 a.m.
Mr. Ortlund was brought up
in Des Moines, Iowa, and is a
graduate of College of Pugent
Sound and the Princeton Theo-
logical Seminary. It was during
his three and a half years of
service in the U. S. Navy aboard
a cruiser and a troup transport
that he felt the conviction to
preach the Gospel ‘of Christ.
The Rev. and Mrs. Ortiund have
three children.
— -—
Special Treat In Store
Wednesday, Aug. 13
A Ham Loaf dinner will be
served next Wednesday, August
13, from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
by the Ladies Bible class of the
Trinity Lutheran church. The
dinner will be held in the base-
ment of the parish. Tickets can
be purchased from the members
of the class.
Pvt. Robert Shank, N. Market
street, is home for several
weeks after completing basic
training at Camp Breckenridge,
Kentucky. Pvt. Shank was one
of two in their group selected
for I. B. M. and assigned for

overseas duty in Austria.
camp life, and learning craft. i .
Most of the boys parents visited | 2% to 26. Arrival at camp will
the camp and witnessed the P. | be late Sunday afternoon and
|G. T bY will be after lunch on
Indian tribe.
in the armed forces.
Judging from the scores of
letters from camps through
out the country and from
foreign lands that are pub-
lished weekly in the Mount | The local Troop sponsors,
Joy Bulletin, these packages, !| | | Rotary Club of Mt. Joy,
representing “a bit of home” | the camp July 23 and had din-
have been received with | ner with the troop.
mendous approval. | Scoutmaster Earl V. Shelley |
In order for the Remem- said the troops will reopen third |
brance Committee to contin- ||| week in September and would
ue this outstanding project, |||!ike twenty more boys to join
the support of the citizens of ||| beside their regular scouts. All| ac a lecturer and we are de-
Mount Joy and community scouts being notified | lighted to be able to get her for
is needed now. Send a liberal Who have scout equipment that part of the Monday afternoon
contribution to Box 243 and || It must be returned soon as pos-
show these folks who are | sible or a charge will be placed
away from home that we ap- ||| against them, double the cost.
preciate what they are doing Scoutmaster Shelley,
for their community and||'39 and Post Adviser
their country. { Hawthorne, Troop 339
CHARLES L. FISH, ||| that this equipment must
Burgess || | brought in.
| Tuesday.
One of the outstanding
oy i ures this vear will be a demon
visited | 40h tion-talk by Mrs. Ruth Pat-
, rick Miller Norristown on,
[ table settings and flower ar-
rangements. Mrs. Miller is a
true artist in flower
ments and an inspiration
. watch. She has been in demand
ceremony put on the
Another feature
travel talk by
Troop, of Manheim who spent
Robert summer in Switzerland
urges | other parts of Europe.
(Turn to Page 6)
— Cs meee
‘Wins Gold Watch
At County Picnic
Martha Williams, 15 Lumber
Street, was notified July 28 that
she the winner of a gold
watch given at the Lancaster
County Grocers Picnic held re-
cently at Atlantic City.
Other persons notified
they had won grocery orders
are: Marie Jackson, Florin,
Kathryn Paules, Landisville,
Pearl Brenneman, Mt. Joy Rl,
Charles L. Fish, 240 S. Market
street,, Mt. Joy, Eugene Fish,
W. Donegal Street, Mt. Joy, and
Eva U. Kauffman, 389 N. Bar-
bara street, Mt. Joy.
Will Attend Old
English Reunion
Rev. and Mrs. Elmer A. Keis-
er, St. Luke's Episcopal church,
will attend the Simpson re-un-
ion at Bethlehem, Pa. over
cord with the old
will be a

| A tentative date for the S
game at Lawn will be set
| last week of August.
the |
| Bp
Lions Club
Holds Picnic
In lieu of their regular meet-
ing, the Lions Club held a fami-
ly picnic at Hostetters Tuesday
Hostetter served the
and families hamburger
wiches, potato chips, pickles,
fact everything that goes with a
os After the hearty repast,
The total
Thanks to all who
donations to
Committee are
have do
nated, and to those who
not, send it at once to Box 243, |
have J
Mount Joy, Penna.
etl ee.
Joint Picnic To
Be Held This
Saturday, 1 P.M.
The joint Sunday School pic- (one had an enjoyable time.
nic of St. Luke's Episcopal, The Lions Club will attend |
Church of Mt. Joy, and St. Johns the Phils and Dodger game in
Episcopal Church of Marietta, | Philadelphia Friday evening.
that was scheduled to be held | a -—
last Saturday at the Cove, was Barbara Ranck On
postponed because of rain. Committee For
The picnic will be held this
Saturday, August 9, from 1:00 Church Student Work
FP. M. on the grounds of St. |
Luke's Church, Mount Joy. Ex- |
cellent facilities are: available
here for a pienic, with. very
beautiful surroundings and am-
ple space. Plenty of tables will |
be available:
In case of rain on this coming
Saturday, the picnic will
games were played and every-

Miss Barbara Ranck, a mem
ber of the Senior Class of the
Lebanon Valley College has
. been named one of the five Ev-
angelical U. B. students to|tom of Mrs. Keiser's family
| membership on the Committee | many years in England and the
on Church Student Work of the Simpson family has carried out
General Board of Christian Ed- | these traditions in this country.
English cus


ucation. Miss Ranck majored in| within the past five
English and the Dean's The Rev. Elmer
honor list. She is the daughter |
of the Reverend and Mrs. Ezra
held August 16 at the same time
and- at the same place. N6 more
notices will be sent out in case
of rain this ‘coming Saturday.
Plan then to come August 16.
is on H. Witmer,
be in the pulpit Sunday while
Rev. Keiser is away.
EA =

This picture is the graduating |1920. Last week quite a number | office to identify those appear-
class of * Mount Joy High for |of people came into the Bulletin |ing in last weeks picture. The
feat- |
Miss Jean Singer |
the |
This reunion is in ac-|
| he would be held over in
| for two weeks before
Corporal Fletcher
| March 26th, 1951,
in Korea for the past year.
enlisted on
and has been |
Delayed Recep,
thon To Be Given
a August 10
A reception for sixty
will be given by Mr. and
| Jay N. Rowe,
Sunday afternoon at
in the Landisville Fire Ha
| The occasion is a
Jay Robert and his bride,
former Jean Gerlach,
August 19 of last
Robert, a Sergeant in the
Force and at the time of
marriage no celebration
of his duties.
is a tradition with the
family to make
tive occassion.
Presque Isle,
home for a two
(Turn to page 3
Replaces Signs

5752 a
W. Post
the safety sign on North
ter repairs were made.
The Post
these signs in order
motorists to be especially
| ful the
| playing at the Park.
| ular meeting of
! held at the
Lad street.
requested to attend this 1

because of
| Attend Encampment
i The Commander and 3
Wars State
i ment at
names are published
Main street,
4 o'clock |
August 11th the
Post will be
Headquarters on |
Members are
guests |
on | heavier
delayed |
She has | wedding reception for their son | Chief Ray Myers to order
the |
of Eliza- |
who were married on
be held due to the uncertainty
A celebration was |
promised the young couple as it
weddings a fes-
Sergeant Rowe is stationed at
The young couple have been re-
V. F. W. Post 5752
Commander Brown of the V.
hnounced that |
bara now replaced af-
has erected two of
caution |
recently ordained minister, will gates attended the Veterans of
‘Water System Will
Assist Firemen
| That
| completed to the
| will result in vastly improved
| fire-fighting facilities due to the
| added was emphasiz-
ed in reports submitted at the
| monthly meeting of borough
council Monday evening
The 12-inch mains with fire
plugs connected directly to the
flow water, should
it was
: .
| triple the pressure, as-
| serted.
Council Fire
also directed
removal of
rubbish from
| Henry Street owned by Mrs.
Andrew Brown. The present
condition of the building con
stitute a fire threat, it was an-
Work on the annex to the
fire hall has cost a total of $9,-
212.50 to date, according to a
bill submitted Paul Martin,
local contractor. An addition-
al bill of $437.42 was presented
for items such as roofing and
tearing up the sidewalk.
Council approved a motion to
re-macadamize the two north
tennis courts in the boro park
at a cost of $2,162.40. It also
was decided to widen Pinkerton
Road an additional width of six
feet at a point where it joins
Marietta Avenue and to erect
no parking signs from the east
corner of Chestnut Street on E.
Main Street.
building on

‘Rotarians Hear
Levi Hershey
Speak On History
Rotirion ) Levi Terihey.
thtown, spoke
it reflects in the
| of today, at the
dinner meeting
Club held at
ian Hershey
on history as
modern homes
of the
also spoke
on the
having the his-
of each club recorded in a
book, the front page of the book
will carry the pictures of the
| presidents. This book, said Her-
shey, would record the history
of the Mount Joy Rotary Club
from year to year. He asked
that be named to
take this work.
guests will be
possibilities of
a historian
Wives and
cluded in the clam bake
held by the Rotary Club at Hos-
tetter’s on September 17
ning at 6:30 P. M.
ee Cee “se
Wenger Reunion
To Be Held At
Lititz Springs
The twenty-seventh annual
reunion of all the Wenger fam-

ilies will be held in
Springs Park on Wednesday,
August 13, 1952.
The Reunion opens with pic-
nic lunch at noon followed by al
program at 1:30 P. M. Spe aker |
will be John E. Fetzer, Kalama- |
zoo, Michigan, operator of Sta-
tion WKZO, who will speak a- |
bout his recent trip to Europe |
to revisit the original Wenge r|
homelands in Switzerland. The |
President, Samuel S. Wenger,
will report on plans being made |

to publish a Wenger Genealogy.
to be)
begin- |
| contests will be
Lititz |
| deposited in the
Watch As Meters WillGo
Into Effect Tomorrow
Tomorrow is D-Day for
Joy's new parking meters!
And to help the public to
hurdle the necessity of having
pennies or nickles handy every
time you pull the ol’ palopy in
the curb, penny bowls were ap-
pearing in the lobby of at least
one local bank; one business-
man had several hundred pen-
nies ready to keep the red flag
out of sight in the meters in the
of his store; and other
were figuring similar
But as far as the borough is
concerned—it starts the meter-
ers with an unexpected profit
and money in the bank. Chief
Police Parke Neiss re-exam-
(Turn to page 3)
tt etl fname
Fire Destroys
Barn And Shed
A fire of undertermined orig-
in leveled a 30x50 foot barn and
adjoining shed yesterday after-
noon about 3:15 p. m. at the
home of Arthur Gingrich, at
Milton Grove, Mt. Joy R2. Only
prompt action on the part of
neighbors saved the Gingrich
home. The loss is estimated a-
bout $8,500 by the owner.
Other losses beside the barn
and shed. Gingrich lost a tractor
tobacco planting equipment, 2-
wheel trailer, wagon and a
quantity of lumber. There was
no grain in the barn and just a
(Turn to page 3)
a ——
Food Sale To Be Held
In Florin This Sat.
The Shining Star class of the
Florin E. U. B. church will hold
a Food Sale Saturday, August 9,
on the porch of Lloyd Vogel res-
idence. The sale will begin at
10 m. consisiting of pies,
cakes, candy, bake beans, pota-
to salad and coleslaw. Everyone
is asked to please bring their
own containers.
Women’s Republ.
Club To Hold
Picnic August 14
The Women's
Club of Lancaster
hold its annual summer picnic
at Ephrata American Legion
| Park, Thursday, August 14. The
public is cordially invited. Ac-
tivities have been planned for
[all ages.
| Gaily decorated sales booths
| will be a feature of the event.
| The Junior group will sell Sur-
County will

prise Packages. The cake table,
| ice cream and lemonade stand.
| the fancy work booth and the
[ membership table will offer
their wares.
Cards and other games and
an attraction
(Turn to Page 6)
re - ——
Parking Meter Fee Will
Be Paid By Bank
The First National Bank and
Trust Co. want to reimburse
their customers for the money
meters while
doing their banking business.
A glass bowl will be found on
the front desk containing pen-
nies. The customer is asked to
take out the amount deposited
in meter while transacting
banking business