The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, July 31, 1952, Image 5

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    EE tae
NW ey i vag le de VRE WE ed I Rage NP A
show at Steve Hubbel, the man the Pacific, Keyes became an | The Bulletin, Mount Joy, Pa., Thursday, July 31, 195205

Church News upstairs, aide to General MacArthur, a ————————— til television thal in the
\ na Mi . B d Keyes was brought to Gretna Following the war he was given and Warner Brothers. on un & iw 1
1ss10Nn ar for only the first week but scor- a screen test and then was fea Anxious to further his stage theatre, appearing on Ry
NEWS PERTAINING TO ALL (From page 1) ed such a hit that he remained | {ured in several motion pictures | career, the talented pi Former [the a J cus or pl
Terrific! THE CHURCHES IN MT. JOY | cossions. and the talent of the on for the rest of the season. | poleased by 20th Century Fox |came cast but he has been more [in N
AND THE ENTIRE SUR- host church will also be featur- He got his start in show busi- "

hy Not? ROUNDING CO UNITY. ed. | eared both on the stage and "
Voip —— | Dr. Frank, General Sccretary | f Peay the air. "I
- Wow! Trinity Lutheran Church [of the North East India Mission {
Rev. W. L. Koder, Pastor
[will speak at the three services
ness in St. Louis where he ap | Ea ——
After serving with the 49th |


Calvary Bible Church fon Sunday, August 17. Mr. Har- | Sided that some one
ae | ei roduction on the sum-
Rev. W. L. Wilson Jr., Pastor eighth production ou the s
R= Sunday, August 3. lon Sunday, August 3 Dr. Ben-| 125408 TURE: © Samuel Fighter Group, famous air force rt F I
ILY 9:30 a.m. Sunday School ih fr august hn 3:18 OMONAL READING: Proverbs Gretna, has been cast in this =.
b 10:45 a.m. Morning Worship, (fon recently returned from a | 3:12 | unit which saw much action in
Wednesday |tour of the entire field. The | . | |
30 p, 1. Church Council in |Rev. Bob Kostetter represent- | Consecrated Genius > MANHEIM R. D. 2, PA.
'REE the Farish Ws ing African Inland Mission, who | ——— | .
1 (Spent 15 years among the Belg- Lesson for August 3, 1952 >
: Donegal. Presbyterlan Church ian Cone rites will speak MA § ; erni Y
| Donegal Springs, Penna. 1 i S pea oo NCE IN A WHILE vorni | |
i Rev. Harlan CC. Durfee, Pastor | € sessions on undaay, Augus J men are borr | . . bu i . k
J Sunday, August 3, [10. Mr. Kerstetter with his wife | who have more careers than | O God Wo think of lh A Ir C om P ressor or Rocks
6:30 am. Church School. | and children are leaving again | ©be. Thomas Jefferson was archi | less souls that pass away
10:30 a.m. Morning Worship, | on § es ww Tha | tect, educator, lawyer, writer, ex- each. shop ui ye . :
Worship in charge of the pastor; | Ie Atria in Seple mber. The ecutive; Samuel F, B, Morse was a John Keyes To Play Sich short mo Rock Drilling, Concrete Breaking, Etc. and
sermon: What Jesus Has to of- ! RY David Harrison working | painter and also the inventor of the Hn Gretna Drama (§ ent that we live,
fer, preached by guest speaker, [in Chind under the China In. | telegraph; The o- “Street Car Named Desire,” .
4 ’ Jestine np dwell heav-
d Mr. James Resler, |land Mission for the past 25 dore Roosevelt was ° | Tennessee Williams’ Pulitzer | i te re . : Trees
! voara : oR ali = a ‘ ve . pm: . Siku : en or groan e or aye,
| years, will speak at all sessions|@ man so cany [prize winning play, will be oe) " hell Excava t1 ng and Grading
The way to escape hell,
Ba . Hil has written an
and his wife were forced

Sunday, August 3. : amusing article | [mer theatre schedule at the | Rom. 109 = If thou shalt gorge Cellars, Trenches, Etc.
“9:18 am. Bible School. out of China because of the showing that sev- | Gretna Playhouse, Mt. Gretna, | fess with thy mouth the Lord
10:30 a.m. Morning Worship. | Communists and experienced | eral thousands of starting Thursday night, July 31. Jesus and believe in thy -

| 7:00 p.m. Prayer Fellowship | forty air attacks, one of which | years from now, .
AGE | Way Fan. Evening Service. {demolished their church. On| Scholars might eas.
dnesday :
ednesday Sunday, August 24, Miss Mae | LY conclude that T.
| Roosevelt was not py, Foreman
heart that God hath raised
him {rom the dead thou shalt PHONE MOUNT JOY 3-4753
be saved.
Producers Gene P. Otto and
[Charles F. Coghlan, in continu-
ing their policy of offering one

8:00 p.m. Midweek Prayer |


Service. toyer, a native of Lancaster | one man but sev. | serious play each summer, have 21-20p —-
ys County and a missionary to| eral different men with the same | selected one of the most he | EE a “ =
. Crossroads Brethren In Christ | Mexico for the past 13 years | name, ly dramatic shows to appear on
l Church | will be the speaker in all ses- | Ly |Broadway or on the screen in |
| Irvin W. Musser, Harry L. Bru- | sions: Miss Royer is a mission- | Many-Sided Man | many years. CON FERENCE
| ser paul 2 Jess, Pastors. | ary under the Board of Missions | SAMUEL WAS ONE of these | John Keyes, tall and good WORLD - VISION MI SS IONARY
ats | 9:00 a.m. Sunday School. {of the E. C. Church and has] s Manysijed men. We eall him looking actor who has caused |
[ON | 10:30 a.m. Morning Worship | done pioneer medical mission- | po uel the prophet, but we could many a feminine heart to skip | FOUR GREAT SUNDAYS — AUGUST 3 - 10 - 17 - 24
. re just as well call him judge, priest, .
7:00 p.m. Young Peoples and | ary work. She is founder of a preacher, general a Ed Ey a beat this summer at Mt.


——) Children’s Service. | 4 ich cores tev. Sal . a
8:00 m. Evening Worship. [range which i? i a) es a prophet, for the people | THREE DAILY SESSIONS AT 9:00 a.m. — 10:1 5 a. im. 7:30 P. m.
Wednesday [¢ n. tures and curios | Sa et, for the peo
7:30 p.m. Prayer Meeting. |Will be displayed from the for- io knew VE Yves to Him Wien PLENTY PARKING — COOL & COMFORTABLE SEATING — AMPLIFIED ROOMS
I [eign nations throu shout the | Wanted lo Show what Gu - } El L
i | Newtown E.,U. B. Church | conference. 5 We san oe him a preach- | INTERDENOMINATIONAL — EVANGELICAL — A NIA
| A; » or we Know of one very suc- i
Sr to, Big | Sessions of the Conference | cessful revival which he conducted AFRICA CHINA... INDIA . . . MEXIC
lare open to the General public. | (I Sam. 7). He was also what we

9:00 a.m. Sunday School. DR. FRANK BENSON, GEN. SEC. NOI


NO WORSHIP SERVICE = '*- | sil | call a circuit judge, going from | * Sun. Aug. 3 (All Sessions) qygNED FROM TOUR OF ENTIRE FIELD. UP-10-THE-MINUTE CONDITIONS
7:30 p.m. Christian Endeavor | 9 oly vik I Sessi ) NEY SRS YC WITH FARILY TO AFRICA IN SEPTEMBER.
: var We . he not only advised military lead- * Sun. Aug. 10 (All Sessions CONGO TRIBES, WILL RETURN WITH FARIL
and Prayer meeting. Chicken Corn Soup ers but took the lead in raising an |

| | army himself and directing it in a : TPACK
St. Mark's Supper, Aug. 16 y iy " Sun. Aug. 17 (All Sessions) AND LIVED THRU 40 Al ATFACKS.
successful campaign.



event ies Breve | | He was a priest, not only in MISS MAE ROYER, MISSIONARY TO MEXICO FOR 13 YEARS IN PIONEER AND
wrch ay Sa 01 : AIG Bu YH a | ; * CARING FOR 24 C {EN
Ezra H. Ranek, Pastor | The Young Adults of the Bun] YY: ig So ‘Sun. Aug. 24 (All Sessions) yppicaL WORK. FOUNDER OF ORPHANAGE CARING FOR 24 CHILDREN.
‘ A. ’ yl ; : : various places; but he
Sunday, August 3 | Mcthodist Church will sponsor | 1 : : 1 QT ALL REPRESENTATIVE FIELDS
300m. Sunday [a chicken com soup supper on| ew, oT S44 2 memorable | PICTURES AND SLIDES SHOWN AT EVENING SESSIONS OF
10:15 a.m. Morning Worship | August 16th, starting ar fo lect § 4 — ee. x {STAR HICKLEY
Tuesday | Auus ,» Starting * a Out priest in the truest sense: ‘Ye st EHMAN, MUSIC DIRECTOR—-DAVE S ’
a, m. The monthly meet- | ©¢leck. It will be held on the| have done all this wickedness, LANCASTER COUNTIES BEST MUSICAL GROUPS gov LER
ing of the Women's Society of | }awn at the Chucch - in case of yet. . 1 Su Torbid that 1 Soul | 3 ¥
World Service in the Prayer | rain, indoors. Sih agains you in ceasing to | + OCATEFD ABOUT
Meeting room of the Church. | —_—— ae pray for you.” (Chap. 12.) Kl N DERHOOK E E. Host Church aca ;
en Mrs. Carl Krall will be guest | He was a writer, for though he 3 oo. THE AT NORTH NINTH STREET AND !RON-
speaker, presenting the Bible BIRTH could not have written both books UNE Sule OUTSIDE PA, ROL OW THE NS Eg ARRIVING 2 NOR NT SI MARI-
ot HE ar. | Mr. and Mrs. J. Wilmer Heis. | a, his name, he did write | AND SILVER SPRING. EASILY ACCESSITLE FROM LANCASTER, MT. JOY. YORK,
Wednesday { r. an rs. J. | «the manner of the Kingdom’ — KITA AND SiLVER S ie ISS a ea SD a,
ind 7:30 pm. Midweek Prayer |ey, Mt. Joy Rl, a daughter, at| perhaps a kind of constitution. And | WRIGHTSVILLE, AND ALL ADJACENT TOWNS.
Selvico. Medi mn | Lancaster General Hospital. | next week's study will show him as
RX p.m. eeting o 1e | = a king-maker,
Church Council of Administra- | Lb «ee
—_— tion for the purpose of election | |
~~ V :
of Departmental Superintend- | 10 000 Gallons Oil No Dictator : |
ents of the Sunday School and | ’ HE MANY-SIDED MAN, the mag’ |
ay Teachers of classes: also to dis- of many talents, always has one
cuss the method of election o I t h d | [arent temptation: to be a dictator.
officers in the Congregational N ole e Nn It isn’t bad people who become dic-
L. LE meeting.
tators; it isn't the weak; it is the
eerie J 1 : strong and able.
i Mt. Pleasant Trucking Co. Fire ir oo pny president, for in-
Brethren In Christ Church stance, will take it on himself
I agiors; = 3 oy oF ang yr to run the State department and
Sundays 3 gemuih, Ten thousand gallons of high- any other departments _ that
9:00 am. Sunday ly inflammable motor oil were| specially interest him; in a
10:30 a.m. Harvest Meeting | untouched last Friday as fire small town a many-sided man
: | broke out at the J. U. Baker may be superintendent of the
mill, chairman of the school
v ’ In A Modern Plant That Offers Mciny Advantages Anr Benefits. 2} {
Learn a Well-Paying Trade

Glossbrenner Evangelical Trucking Co., Landisville. | board, chief deacon in the
Breton | J. U. Baker, Jr. son of the | church, superintendent of the We Have Openings For
Sunday. August 3 ' | ewner, credited the Landisville | Sunday schoel, major and post- 4
9:30 a. m. Sunday School and Salunga Fire Cos. from| master besides.
10:30 am. Morning Worship | keeping the blaze from spread- It is not alone in public that the CUTTERS ROUNDERS
Followed by the Annual Con- ling from a shed adjoining the | dictator flourishes. Sometimes in a
gregational Meeting. | one the oil was in | home the father, or the mother, will
7:15 p.m. Evening Worship. . os : be so energetic and brainy that he
Tuesday The fire, blamed on sparks (or she) finds it much easier to do
8:00 pm. Senior Choir re-|from a rubbish fire, burned an | things than to wait for the children |
hearsal. eight-foot hole in the roof of| to do them, or to teach the children |
the first shed. Claude C. Wit- | how it is done.
Now the prophet Samuel, who
7:30 p.m. Midweek Service. | 5 £ 1 i
Regi : : “onfer- | Man, company foreman, plavec :
Be sinning of Bible Confer- pan, : S pa hi towered high above the average man
ence and Adult Camp at Mt. | hoses before the firemen arriv- |
Tee . a» we | . | of his country, must have been
Gretna Tuesday evening, Aug- | ed. The fire started at 10:05 a.| tempted to be a dictator.
ust 5 thru the 14th.
m. and caused an estimated Samuel perhaps could have done
S I | $300 damage. [ it all, but he knew when to retire | k A by
alunga l » foregr d | £48 Nn
A Church of the Brethren fom iho fore foun . [ | 00

Earl Brubaker, Elder In Charge Baby-Bottle Container Public Spirit { Gis this i
I TT, Supt. - arrier makes il riod, is tected b is insur-
Sundae ToD Herr, Supt 3 SUS makes a | (EOC Ol himself is a model for 1. Group Insurance—Every employee, after a three months period, i proecies SY a ug
Suda August 3 | pandy Dbgbyleiile container. Six i | is i 1 their dependents, and consists of the following:
60c 9:00 a.m. Sunday School | bottles can be carried to the re- | all the many-gifted men who ance. This insurance also covers their dep j i)
I 4s An Service | fmigerator at once, and the carton | reach su Positions o a. $1,000 Life Insurance Policy (Employees only.
wv, wwerybody 1s invited. is easy to move so you can reach { power. ie never mi Ked the people Employes only.)
A behind bottles. | for Js own Severs he never ned b. 13 Week Sick Benefit 3 } : 1
The Church of God public office for private gain. ith 2 (Employees & Dependents.
Rev. C. F. Helwig, Pastor | St. Lukes Episcopal Church | one sad exception; he kept his c. Up to $75.00 For Surgery ¥ } ploy A
Sunday, August 3 {| Rev. Elmer A. Keiser, Viicar | worthless sons on the public pay- | d. Up to $50.00 Laboratory Expenses | I" 4 (Employees & Dependents.
9:30 a.m. Sunday School | Mr. John Wolgemuth, S.S. Supt. | roll.) He was a man of true public Windy (Employees & Dependents.)
10:30 a.m. Morning Worship. | Saturday, August 2nd spirit. : | e. $5.00 per day Hospitalization Pp
Monday Joint Picnic at Cove - St.| This means two things, and Sam- | . ; sal Sol. Une dor
7:30 p.m. Council Meeting |Luke’s Parish and St. John’s| uel had them both. One is a wide | ® 2. Advancement-—After an employee's training period is over he, or she, Boas WB hi
Wedngsuay : [Parish Marista , 1:00 p.m. | Visio: aia to Ses 911 fides of | | a better position. Many times an employee has the opportunity of doubling his
A Farewell Service for Miss | Sunday, August 3rd Sa | a question, and to see not only his | prices [
Betty Helwig, who will sail to| Eighth Sunday after Trinity | own advantage, but how decisions | present pay.
India_as a Missionary for the | 7:00 a.m. Holy Communion. | and policies affect all kinds of per- | | : ' : : i+ eek's vacation with
Churches of God in the near fu- 9:30 a.m. Sunday School. a f | 3. Vacation—Every employee with one year's service is entitled to one i a
ture. | 11:00 a.m. Morning Prayer | . 83 { pay. Those having five year's service are entitled to two weeks vacati RY.
Sunday, August 10th. Annual | with Sermon. Most politicians will have at | | : Je |
: Ys | W | politicians will have a { 3 J a a5 : is 3
Meeting at the | Tussdsy Vestry sting | heart the interests of their own 4. Christmas Bonus—This is a two per cent bonus, paid annually to our en ploye . is !
Services Weta. COM MECH | little pailiwick; how many have not a set bonus, but up to the present time has been paid to very vear since 1941. {
j Vr or Ira . ; | the interests of the nation at | ger | : ;
‘ The Washingt Stree | Transfiguration of Christ. : | : “hristmas Party. ot which time
Church 7:00 a.m. Holy Communion | heart? el 5. Recreation—Every year we hold a Halloween Party and Christmas Party
Elizabethtown, Pa ro | Public spirit means wide vision, | | prizes are given.
! Rev. Nevin H. Zuck, Pastor Mt. Joy Mennonite Church | it means a wide pis vii : . oo > | :
| Sunday, August 3 Bishop Henry Lutz, Amos Hess, | seeing but iit 14 an | 6. Steady Employment—Fifty-iwo weeks a year, plus overlime, §+« | \ 4
9:30 a.m. Church School, Henry Garber, Henry Frank, | year, When po icles are clamor-
study theme: Samuel, Judge & | Pastors ing at us from all sides, we may | | a
1 Prophet. | Sunday, August 3 | well induire about every candidate: APPLY TO OUR PERSONNEL MANAGER AND SUPERINTENDENT. RAYMOND L. PETTYJOHN [W@
i 10:30 a.m. Morning worship, | 9:00 a. m. Sunday School. | Does this man have any resemb- | | -
i sermon: One World - Without | 10:00 a.m. Church Service. lance to God's man Samuel? Does |
i God, by Pastor Zuck. | Friday he have a sense of responsibility | xg :
| 7:30 p.m. Community Out- | 7:30 p.m. Bible Study and | to God? Does he have a wide vision, ”~
i door Vespers, Town Park. Prayer Meeting. a wide concern? Whose side is he : ‘ + ¢
| ’ 1 d - ®
! ¢ | - . gx en : |: on? Is he-out for himself, or for § ne ® A Be 4
Mount : Joy Methodist’ Church’ | Methodist Church God and the whole people? J
| Robert C. Pike, Minister © | Robert C. Pike, Minister (Conytisht 1031. BY the. Divisioh of St h B | rr -
| Ralph C. Alleman, Sun. School |Miss Alice Strickler, Sun. Sch. onrisfian” Education pth, Counc enman 1'0S. KLINE STREET LITITZ, PENNA.
! Supt. i Supt. States of Ametica Released by WNU
Sunday, August 3 | Sunday, August 3 ; : | Features.)
{ 10:00 a.m. Sunday School. |_ 9:00 a.m. Worship Service * Salunga, Penna. 28-tic
" 11:00 a.m. Holy Communion. Sermon: Christian or Casta- Stimulate your business by adver= —— :
his is an “open” Communion. | Way’ op : | = ——
| All Christians are welcome, } 10:00 a.m. Sunday School, | in the Bulletin, !
