Stimulate your business by adver= The Bulletin, Wount Jos, Pa., Thursday, July 31, 1952 £ snes S.-Y Playground News. tising in the Bulletin, EE I LL LAFFS| | THE BULLETIN | | : {| Published every Thursday at 11 East i | The boys were held 4-4 and) | Mah i a Sov 8 '3 3 in recent games with Eliza- NEED Lancaster County, Pa. | bethtown playground SIMONIZ i | : | Oberholtzer and Groff were INSURANCE : i the batteries for the first game. | FLOOR WAX | William N. Young, Publisher Fred Alberte, Editor Marietta |§ FIRE - AUTO . CASUALTY mens NLL we | CUTTING YOUR FOOD BS? their winning ways by defeal- | ing Marietta 24-6. Bob Brown | The boys lost their first game | 41g Main St, MOUNT JOY IVORY SOAP John E. Schroll, Editor and Publisher | 1901 1952 —————— [} Subscription Rate: $2:00 Per Year by Mail. || Advertising tes upo request of the playground season, 6 to 4. | Phone 3-4062 4 Entered at the postoflice at Mount Joy, fl] | Nineteen Mount Joy boys saw : PYRITE I Pa. as second-cli nail under the Act {| action in this game. Immediate- | 2 large 27 of March 3. 1879 I : iv. following « the gome they | | cakes Jd ( ; : LL {| = jvete treated to ice cream cones. | i I Member, Pennsyl nig {| | A Scavenger hunt was he Wi I Publisher Assocwrlion ill [on Tuesday. Five teams compet- | eye IVORY SOAP Re Ee EE =| ed with Winona Markley's team | Heilig JV / A/ S {| NL winning. The members of her | liom Editorially . BY. A WY eam wore sud Fre sie] Funeral Home 3 win | ’ { arr sor R Last Thursday night I was ready to blow my Rohm, Jane Barringer, osie | Williams, Loretta Hornafius and | { { own a coupla guys. After ten inghts | Parking Meter Revenue {Yop and crown play Te Noa [Ruth Loe swen. The winners will | 23 W. Main St, Mount Joy THRIFTY For vears we have felt that revenues of no sleep because of terrific new. along, , treated to a movie of their | JAMES B. HEILIG { from par} ing meters should be used, in a [comes a cool breeze and a drop in tempera: | jpjce by Mr. Houck yn ioe LIQUID STARCH large part at least, to provide off-the-strect | ture and wé all decide to go to bed the minute| Other team captains were | | aE : . parking. In this way, those who {foot the | it gets dark: then ii hoppened! They not only |! Harry Frey, Richard Divet, i vga) c All Prices In this Ad Effective i il € lerive the nel ‘on no wliz > Se - —————— } quar 20 bill will in the end derive the benclil "rot | grin holes in the concrete for the parking me- | Vertion Oberitolizer, Joe Hos-/ bottle 18 bottle 33 Through Saturday, August 2nd this vast collection of pennies and nickel itetter. “The objectives of the | The trouble with our theory is, though, |!ers. but set the Sheree Fp in front of the hunt were as foilows: 3 ants, 3 | Dr. H. C Killheffor meme tment | house going full blast at xp rshworms, Burgess Fish's au- Optometrist IVORY FLAKES that off-the-street parking is almost the score of the first sible due to the lack of suitable sites for | Boy. was Imad!!! tograph, this purpose. Look around and you wil I see | de “Ae * Legion game with Elizabeth- | MANHEIM KELLOGG'S Rice Krispies 5-01 1507 25¢ pkg pkg : how few empty lots are located in the sec- | “ . . owh {fis Vear. : || 163 s. Charlotte St. tion where Duin meters have been in. | [I asked "Mose Stark whether his nose got| OW" this ya RB Po) ne large 28° Y arking mn an } 4 . oe viece of coai, the name of the : Hs stalled. | sunburned at the Automobile Club picnic and De Mit. ov played in the || Mon. & Wednes. 9.5:30 MINUTE RICE 2° i vy 23° bey 33 And so, in the end, this revenue provides | he answered: “Naw. it gets red like that ate Basketbali finals in 1051, [| Sat 79 P. M. 7A-REX PURE FRUIT FLAVORED pint ¢ borough officials with an addition t the me stickin’ it in places it doesn’t belong.” - -|, ,reizel from Tyndall's store, | a) Tues. Fri, Sat. - SYRUP SYRUP 27 15. borough budget which can help to fill a real IIs ockes an honest person to muke suchline name of oe 130-1:00. 2-5 P. M | | IVORY SNOW sed bringing about better street repair, | Ue aes y pe the name of Mr. Day's birth-| ELIZABETHTOWN | | CHEDDAR CHEESE Wa 49 orp 1» 59 need In Brill 8¢ pr an admittance. the Hea-ise ber Ro And while parking meters should be 9a ise number of 15 E. High St, etc. And € * ye * Mr Day's car, and the license Telephone 24.F large 28 y 8-01 ¢ HUNT'S TOMATO SAUCE 3:22 | | installed for the purpose of regulating tral- | ; . ; ny. : | Here is a conversation I heard in front of [ruinber of Mr. Schoener’s car fic and not for obtaining more money, m eB Oi Of Mr Homer ul nies | Sloan's last night: Wednesday a Penny x {| Sloan's last nig | . RITTER'S CATSUP "isco wie 16° ao there's no doubt that parking meter pennic > : : HP ol : ; and nickels do constitute a sort of painless| “Now I ask you. is there anything be hx. nl pons oS : Joy | than being seasick and having lockjow at the | nics will be viaced throughout | ARMSTRONG'S “a: a form of taxation. es a * * * j same me?” the Park ground The hunt will | RUBBER TILE Liquid Detergent 0 $d CALIFORNIA LUSCIOUS BARTLETT : | “Yea, it's having an itch and being hicld on a team basis Fear of a Victory ed.” tl li ers 7-01 32° Os c rw > bottle = Priced v Ibs Those of us who turned on our TV sets * * * S B d N | ww Higher - - - ! i 7. fi ——————————————————————— Sunday afternoon heard Sir Gladwyn Jebb, | Ajo after this discussion ended a new one enior ban ews | @& se, ih, FRESH TENDER ROUND STRINGLESS of Great Britain, express the satisfaction [on communism began. Bill Beoston says a : RS | AJAX © with the way things are going in Korea | .ommunist is a man who believes you should er p Fl | B None Priced Higher Ib. and to add that in his mind, Britain is car- {{oqn him your pot to cook your goose in All members are asked to be | + rying its share of the burden in opposing | Right SIE p ¥ 9 at the Grade School at seven | er ect oormng CLEANSER CRISP PASCAL communism. | : p. m. Friday, August 1st, for Rubber Tile — the perfect 14-01 25° large c Let's review that a moment: We have | * * * the Band Club Festival. floor for any room in the 2 cans None Priced Higher stalk house. Resists damage due | been fighting in Korea for more than two | I just got my tax notice for 1951 income tax All uniforms will be turned to water, spilled food, ete { years, the United States has suffered thous- | and was I mad. 1 wish it was as easy for|i, on Monday, August 4th at Gives years and years of DIXIANA FROZEN PEAS 2 fir 35° | ands and thousands more cas .s than | pecple to raise taxes as it is for Congress. seven p. m. service. Call us today! CHEER pkgs | all other nations combined, we have been Yo Ye we Bring your dollar and uni M Soapless Detergent Snow Crop Waffles FROZEN 2 phot 35¢ carrying on negotiations for peace for more | The stores in Lancaster have television un-|form to the high school. : oun oy ’ cS | Tile & Linoleum Co. large 30 Old South Orange Juice Frozen 2 29 than a year, our men still are dying in 2 | derwear on tie market now - T. V. D's. All arg stalemated war which sees enemy forces | ory. Gay. & SVN ) : . | sizes. COME SEE Open every day & evening Sunkist Lemonade FROZEN pn 35¢ : except Wednesday becoming stronger month after month. * * Yet Britain's leading diploma) informed AUTOMATIC DEFROSTING | 2s w. man st, mr Joy CRISCO Birds Eye Orange Juice ron 2 55 33 our ross that he's sais We don't get t | Goring anys tha dhe with soo msg Die oS mm fo) Convention Bushwa! ia Sn “ % WITHOUT ii he : 1-ib 31: re 85 IONA TOMATO JUICE “x 21c 3 x 20° We predict that if future conventions are The only way to make a killing in the stock ! ~ A A can sa YUKON CLUB bi Fann toe 10° IDEAL KOOL-AID “Sails Ma Gone vessenrs | © 23° ix televised, much of the crazy antics which | market is to shoot your broker. predominated this year’s conventions will * ” * be eliminated. We doubt that the public . Jerry Sheetz says that in order to become a D ELMER'S CORN 5%-0z DOG FOO CHEE-WEES “fis wa thinks too much of that sort of thing. 16-01 44: 1 Ju CHEESE RITZ Zi ii 26 ha | Why. we want to know, must delegates | Coroner you have to take a siiff exam - - - - - . . : . Hl y - lose all sense of proportion and act more He'll never change. I like college Freshmen as soon as they reach | * * pe £ 1 speaker id i a i ich they ® ~~ ov. mh the convention floor? And one speaker Jane said that Hollywood is so rich had confined has talk to facts alone and |hqve drive-in unemployment offices i had eliminated the foolish exaggerations : VK (Former President Lovet came i. * x x CLAPP 3 Buy Your HE i H Z Foods al AEP. ! attaining that goal) he would have stood Lowell Sumpman, just discharged from the BABY FOOD Boston Style Took : out above all others. Navy, ig oy the Navy Se a A TEN Shapped mame wns 5 Bis OVEN-BAKED BEANS 2 29° jwh And when speak srs trv to shout that the | an out. —— NO one can bend over in those ed) EER) BREE 8 TTT Va 4-0 A the Democratic con ET as not pants. Cereal ooo so: piglle COOKED SPAGHETTI ‘od = the by the big bosses in the smoke-filled rooms * * * P 4-01 downtown, they are ridiculous. Anyone Jack Breneman's definition of a Paratrooper PUSSY CAT TOMATO KETCHU yoy c AL ens to TV es fale gual 3 i — a soldier who climbs down from trees he FOOD WHITE VINEGAR bottle 13 bole 19 was going on just before the food sweptl|never climed up. — — — By the way, Jack. 7 in var c to Stevenson. * x x are you still a paratrooper? boos ¢ CIDER VINEGAR Er 14 om, 23 I * J sk 3 cans 23 (7 AN Ne a ee eee NCA Ne St ae ae Ne ee ND 0] One Truce, At Least Marriage is just like a raffle, only some- A APPLE PIE JANE PARKER 8-in. SPECIAL 39: [ORI Smoke will be rising again from the na- times you win in a raffle. Right gals? | FLAG REGULARLY 55¢ size PRICE! ; tion's steel mills, no doubt, as you read * > * I this. The victorious steel-workers, with We got a guy in town that is so ugly that SEE THE SMABIE | DOG FOOD SULTANA TUNA FLAKES pas 45¢ ' A | their 16 cents an hour wage boost and their | when he won a medal overseas they couldn't SELF- fringe benefits, Nill NAYS pane Up len find a French general that wouid kiss him. KELVI NATOR 3 1h 25° be GUM and LIFE SAVERS of 20 59 Wns 8 ages by . of 1954. More than a f million other workers, laid-off by the steel * * * Patent applied for. CAMERON ( MASON JARS PRICES: wine 63 won 79 Use hortdea wills tio lies Fal shortage will soon be trickling back to Salunga lady was asked her age and she There is a better refrigerator. a eas RANGER JOE BRIGHT SAIL SOAP FLAKES pi 19¢ mite will recoup strike losses, no one can say. |figured it like this: Now, lets see. When 1 national economy and ‘he defense program married | was 18, and my husband was 36. |; i's, | Rings enlarged to show details a i | hice Honnies 17c [8 O'CLOCK COFFEE ..'s., 1» 77 Ca their jobs. But, when and if they and the |iust double my age. Today he is 50, and since Prices include Federal fox === phy bag ® % 0% he is double my age. must be 25" — — — — || acter EK, Roberts | clyde m. Tripple Wheat .......... ws 14 | OUR OWN TEA BAGS in. 9.0 =. 49¢ S Not bad figuring. Much To Lowe * * = MOUNT JOY. PA. | JEWELER : Vth the passage of anxious days follow | Some people believe in divorces, Me? - el HORMEL Si W ne se severe ear thquake in| i 3 i iyi x the Bistore of the 0 S., Californians finally | believe in a fight to the finish, What an Issue! . “pr . . i * decided the terrifying tremblor that killed * * Bull ’ B Sal eleven people, devastated the town of Te-| We got a lady in our neighborhood who's | ers eauty on 1508 38: 22 Featur hachapi, and rocked 100,000 square miles, | bankrupt and don’t know it, she thinks her can es would not return. As Red Cross disaster | face is her fortune. | A « 90 Ch ‘units swung into action and emergency | dy Se Yo Cold Wave & Machineless | LIB Y’ ristmas Gis ! Frew Hoag ull Mies Som Sukersiely to Met a fellow down at Roots sale last tues! Permanents | tl 8 * 3b Fros Drinks give Ee ee fi for dav that introduced himself as a big produc || G5 | BB . $10 SWEET PEAS four hours: 8 ‘expe man during the war. You know those | $ - $ - $ 0 AUGUST WOMAN’ S A ; Jou The fact that none occurred is as mys- E-29's? He made the clips that held the blue- | AGH I r 2 pi toy 23° ENE D Y Sen terious as the reason for the first shock, Frints together.’ BAST TAI PLORLY, PA. == TI = and as far beyond our scientific knowledge * * * (| Phone Mt. Joy 3-4339 Maude Buller, Propr. || 453 rT, ms =~ as the prediction of het Where and if i Believe taere’s something wrong with ol 4 LIBBY’'S LIBBY’S LIBBY'S another violent shift in the earth’s.crust|member of our family. “Every time he passes | EEE HE RO will occur. os a the medicine cabinet he walks on tip toes, $0 | TOMATO JUICE CORNED BEEF DEVILED HAM Are we unduly superstitious if we won-|he doesn’t wake the sleeping pills. | WE SPRA Y— 18-02 C 46-0x c 12-02 ove ger, in Zits atomic age, whether we have * * * E ° ns con 32 bi 49 2 Sor 35 een rebuked for our destructive curiosity? pet WwW Sans Scientists assure us these quakes are caused Wision yeminds ne young Dewey Hornatfius | xterior Cellar alls | by “faults” in the earth. But there still [Vs geiting imself ail spruced up on Satur- i il | might be some faults elsewhere. day night - - shave, shower, and all the trim- With Waterproofed Colas Asphalt Oil * * mings, with a dash of hair tonic to attract the CONTACT | EAC] ~ .. (opposite sex, - - - but something went wrong. J = he Rt ye instead of hair tonic he grabbed the Airis WOLGEMUTH & MARTIN 87 EAST MAIN STREET MOUNT JOY, PA. | £3 guarantees bottle - - - - he spent tl reni i | | all the others. —Winston Churchill. | ry; pent the evening at home 1 212 West High Street ELIZABETHTOWN, PA. {| As a cure for worrying, work is better ying to get the odor from his hair. ; PHONE 149 , ® than whiskey. —Thomas A. Edison. Popo 4 , A WISE OWL. | liu | hi a lh.