The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, July 31, 1952, Image 1

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    oT AR Rd IR I 0. SN SCA et
op ay
ToT ay 5 . va “ wry "na “oN : y oe Ae v v ’
Club, Parties, Social, Parties,
Scout, Auxiliaries, Church.
PHONE MT. JOY 3-9661
For Good,
Don't forget to register.
. Special registration dates:
August 22 at Mount Joy.
Sept. 8 — Rapho Twp.
Sept. 2 — E. Hempfield Twp.
Sept. 3 — W. Hempfield Twp.
Dependable Werchandise At Right Prices, Buy From Bulletin
The Mount Joy Bulletin

Mount Joy, Pa., Thursday Afternoon, July 3, 1952 2 $2.00 a Year in Advance
Annual Picnic Held By
VOL. LH, NO. = %
St. Mark's Bible Class Lot Holders
ee Possibility That Work |
* May Start On Sewer Plant |, suisse cu « Elect Officers RR
School, together with their fam
Celebrate 54th Annivers sary Band Club Announces New
Opening Hour For Festival
Here By Early Next Summer
Authority To Sh To Study Prel-
iminary Plans And Make
Survey This Winter
The possibility that construc-

tion on Mount Joy's sewerage
disposal system may get under-
way next Spring or early Sum-'
mer was expressed here this
weeg by members of the Bor-
ough Authority.
A preliminary survey to de-
fermine the requirements of the
new system will be made this
winter. The Authority plans to
discuss all phases of the propos-
ed improvement during the
Winter months in the hope that
definite plans can be drawn up
by early Spring.
Members of the authority al-
so expressed the opinion that,
benefiting from the experienc-
es of other communities in the
county, that Mount Joy will
not have to have its streets and
pavements torn up from one
end to the other.
(From Page 4)

American Legion
Aux. To Entertain
At Vet. Hospital
The American Legion Auxil-
iary will entertain at a Ward
party at the Coatesville Veter-
ans Hospital next Thursday ev-
ening, August Tth.
All members wishing to at-
tend will please meet at the Le-
gion Home at six-thirty o'clock,
and are asked to bring gift priz-
es, such as ties, socks and hank-
The meeting of the Auxiliary
will be held on Tuesday, August
12th at the Legion home and
will be a picnic meeting.
V.F.W. Soft Ball
Practice Every
Wednesday Evening
The regular 7 resting of the
| Veterans of Foreign Wars Post
5752 was held July 28th. It was
ilies, held their Annual Picnic
at the Hostetter Pavilion on N.
Barbara Street, on Tuesday ev-
ening, July 29. The pastor, Rev.
Ezra Ranck, offered the opening
prayer. After the picnic lunch,
games were played by the
voungsters as well as the grown
ups. The evening ended with a
Hymn Sing. Between 45 and 50
persons attended this picnic.
Attend The
Derr Reunion
One hundred seventy-five
persons attended the Sixteenth
annual reunion of the Derr Clan
held Sunday, July 27 at Long's
Program included group
singing, reading of the minutes
by Lillian W. Broome, secretary
Awarding of prizes to young-
est person, 17 days; oldest man,
78 years old: family coming the
farthest distance.
Game winners were Mr.
Charles Derr, Kathleen Gruber
and Sandie Ulrich.
Persons attending from this

An election of directors and
officers was held at the annual
meeting of the Lot Holders of
the Eberle Cemetery Associa-
tion last Friday evening at the
Lester Roberts store, East Main
The directors elected were
Elmer L. Zerphey, Christ H.
Herr, Jr,, Carl B. Drohan, Geo.
Zink, Charles Z. Derr, Irvin
Swarr, Lester Roberts and Les-
ter Hostetter.
The following officers were
elected: Elmer Zerphey, Presi-
dent, George Zink, Vice-Presi-
dent, Christ H. Herr, Jr., Treas-
urer and Mildred K. Roberts,
Jacob Brown was re-elected
EE ———
Twenty-one Rotarians
Visit Camp Chiquetan
Twenty-one Rotarians and
eight guests made the trek to
Camp Chiquetan, according to
Rotarian Ray Wiley, who gave |
a detailed account of the visit
during the regular Tuesday
meeting of the Rotary Club. A
fried chicken dinner was served
the visiting Rotarians and the
guest Rotarian James Heilig al-
so gave a brief summary of the
rs. Emanuel S. Hen
will celebrate

day, August 3rd.

| Sunday for Camp Kilmer, N. J
wedding anniversary this Sun-

Lowly Penny Climbs To New
High In Boro Of Mount Joy
| beam. So - -
~~ |To Be Held This Friday

Lieut. Keener Yo Leave Festival To Star Start At 5:30
Sunday For Camp Kilmer | Instead Of 7 P.M. As
Formerly Announced
2nd Lieutenant George Keen-
er, Marietta Ave.,, will leave |
| Quite a number of persons
have contacted members of the
| where he will have two weeks Club festival requesting
tof training with the Army Re- | {ha to start the festival earlier
serve | as they may have an opportuni-
Lieut. Keener is in the trans- ty to buy their lunch there.
portation reserve unit. | With this in mind the commit-
tee announces that the festival
{vl begin at 5:30 p. m. instead
Flying Saucers lof 7:00 p. m. as was previously
| announced.
| For you folk who desire to
Seen Flying | purchase your lunch early, you
will find hot dogs, hamburger
and shifter sandwiches. For des-

Over Mount Joy | sert there will be cake and ice
|eream, and rumor has it there
—— | will be on sale, “walk away
It seems that everybody is: Sundaes”, and if you are thirsty
seeing flying saucers these days. vou will find cold drinks, in-
In fact, if you haven't seen one _ (Tum to to Page 8)
of those disc shaped afTairs you! -
are not considered to be on the
not to be outdone Return From Trip
by other communities, Mt. Joy
{is coming up with its share of Visiting Several
| flying discs.
Bible Class Held lecided to h ftball localit Mr. and M eel | king M To B a on estern dtates
deci ed to have softba prac- ocality were: I. an rs. | visit. M B d | Par ing eters 0 e Roscoe Hassinger and J. M. Bie-| m St;
tice every Wednesday evening Charles Derr, Mr. and Mrs. Ed-| Ope new member was accept- oar S In Operation Soon secker, while enjoying Lx night |
| ; :
C Picnic At Home at seven o'clock. All veterans win Keene, Mr. and Mrs. Clar-| aq and it was announced that a [air in front of the fire hall, saw |
Represented At : Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Ramsey
who are interested come out -|ence Gruber and daughters, directors meeting will be held directly above them two objects]

Of Anna Hoffer bring your own gloves and] Jeanette, Kathleen and Jane Tuesday evening at 7:30 p. m. Those copper I Jat that appeared to be like flying | {and sons, Ronald and Duane, of
shoes. Louise, Evelyn Fitzkee, all of in the office of the Jarnes Mfg. C f formerly purchased a nie b g Christmas ‘trees with red. green | Mount Joy Street, and Miss El-
EH ,-D > L.. - Mount Joy; Sandra Ulrich, of| Company on erence hunk of candy are soma back and yellow Hghis. These objects | Si¢ Ramsey of Long Island, New
Ri con bry . oy oy + , m i orough. | ’ : 4 . .
{ The King's Daughters of the C | b t H Elizabethtown; Mrs. Isaac Res-1 A short report on the coming nm SIR .m lightly, | Were flying parallel to each oth-| York, have returned from a 3-
Church of God held their picnic e e ra es er sler, and Mr. William Derr,| programs was read. Four of the world's largest! 0 little | and had the sound of a mo- | weeks motor trip to Colorado
you now can put them in a little , land Wyoming.
{ tor. What were these objects?
Were they flying saucers or ar-
Mrs. Marion Forry, Mount Joy;
Mr. Jacob Derr, Manheim, Mr.
and Mrs. John H. Wittle, and J 3 L 3
which a delicious picnic edmond Mr. and Mrs. John B. Wittle of unior egion
e eon was served to the follow- Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Shank, | Florin.
ing: Donegal Springs Road, enter-
Mrs. C. F. Helwig, Mrs. Mary * tained guests on Monday even-
‘Walker, Mrs. Elsie Grove, Mrs. ing in honor of Mrs. Shank’s . ° .
Eli Smeltzer, Mrs. Stella Sweig- mother, Mrs. Katie Loraw, who Picnic Meeting


Mission Boards will be repre- |; . ,,.4 cave them for the 200 | | At Boulder, Colorado, a fam-
| ily reunion was held in honor of
sented the first four Sundays Of | row parking meters that adorn % /
August Gling = i the main street. Yes, the buying — arn 3 Boge - ) — ! Mr. Ramsey's mother, who cele-
ational Missionary Conference nny he "ei i bi
national IN |. | power of the lowly penny wg [brated her eightieth birthday.
to be held at Kinderhook Evar , ne 3 y..
) | reached a new high. You can | On the return trip they visit-
eam eS n gelical Congregational Church purchase 12 minufes parking | 0 ice eport ed Mr. Ramsey's. twin. sister;
. YN on Saturday afternoon at the .
home of Anna Hoffer. 80th Birthday
Games were played after

(Turn to page 4)
EE »
outside Columbia, Pa. The host |
for only one cent, 24 for two | Mrs. Louise Van Seg
° Mrs. $ a gan, of
church with its Pastor, the Rev. oto. ‘Three Arrests Hooper, Nebraska. Some time
Gordon J. Leininger, and offici- On August the 4th, was also. Spent visiting Mis.
art, Mrs. Blanche Parsons, Mrs. celebrated her eightieth birth- rn em a ra
Emma Hiestand, Mrs. George day The Mount Joy Junior Legion Gia i | will then decide just when you en ; . | Ramsey's family in Iowa, some
Reigle, Mrs Irvin Kaylor Mrs Guess were: Mr. and Mr € y u eran | b 11 on il ni . ng beqn’completed and We | may have the honor of using| Chief of Police Parke Neiss of whom live in the flood area
eigle, S. I a) , S. Sis ire; 8 S. rasebd am finished strong to | . : ROPES nla Mirae ’
iseba eam hnished strong 10 ence will open Sunday, August those pennies. Until that time |reported Dale Dolby, Elizabeth- which devastated that part of
{ Ellen Lindemuth, Mrs. Garth Joseph Bundel, Billy, Freddie gain second place in Section 2,|3 Sessions at 9:00 A. M. - 10:15 parking is still free. [town R3, prosecuted for drunk-
Snyder, Mrs. C. R. Charles, Mrs. and JoAnne Melhorn and Mr. Women Tuesday of the County Legion League.|A M., and 7:30 P. M. will be | Since the meters were instal- [en driving. At a hearing before the country Bi past spring,

14 icc Be ea : OTR “hil p : . : —
)c Lillie Sauders, Miss Mae Shrei- and Mrs. John Myers, and chil After getting off to a slow start|held each Sunday. Pictures and! a good: many persons have | Squire O'Neil, Florin, he posted
9¢ ner, Miss Emma Shookers, Miss dren, Terry, Jolene, Koren and The WW % With $ by losing one run games to Lit-|glides of the representative d Sito thinking the meters | bail for Court Fi fth Webb Reunion
Anna Hoffer. Candice, all of Palmyra; Mr. ne omens Missionary So-|j{z Manheim. Mariett: and | f CL . | i ’ is = 4
| ¥ . : ig y & , Marietta and| fields will be shown in the eve whe Svoti rrr ives . : . Min
90 Guests were: Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. Harold Stehman and ciety of the Trinity Luth-|naytown. ning sessions. All parts of the 1 pi M bo ag i h empl I ih ee gc bar He Toke Held September 7
Spt | : " oe ok v . pis Pe 4 BLE ay, ‘oug oy- | be / 13, was arreste ia
{ Harold Albert and son, William children Jerry, Teddy and Su- 'eran Church, met at the home They won the neXt ten out of building will be amplified -for| | ; 1 ony xy Doron J al by frown 3 h Woe Ie stec Mis : . ; ;
and Mrs. Mary MacDannald of san of Lancaster; Anna Orchid |of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Eshle-{ . ° ne V0 (688 began painting 0 9 30 foun Clar. The fifth Webb reunion will
: eleven games. In fact they won |the convenience of parents with |jines which designate just how ence Herr's Gas stat He | 1 : s Dini
i New Cumberland. Pa of Hershey: Mr. and Mrs. Roy | man, 24 Poplar Street, for a To : | signe Jus S ras station. e be held at the Rheems Dining
’ . yi . their last eight games of the|children, and the main auditor-|,, cn space you may have for| made restitution and paid the Hall S
)e BT Loraw and daughter r, Sylvia picnic supper and meeting on salon This TIVE them a ium will. be air cooled | Y Spe ) / a) ¢ arg paic 1 a eptember 7th. All Webb
FARM INCOME UP and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Loraw | Tuesday evening, July 22. The = ooo" nn 0 00 The vision. Con. of nickle, ests, : descendents are invited io come
- Farm incomes increased again|and son, Danny of Elizabeth- | members of the Young Ladies’| x, Mve rs 16 be thal torence will be under Hic direc Levi Mumma, Elizabethtown | and enjoy the afternoon and ev-
1 on, ly 08 Ne ov ke yy vers 6 ( >» ‘the nce y 2 : R. D. issued a worthless check | ening of games and fellowshi
during May, OPS reported. town and Mrs. Eva Hoffman, Class 3d other oon iron man of the League. After of the host Pastor. Mr. Har- | Scouts Sponsor to Howard Yellets to the a-| starting at 2 Robert in
Farm living costs were higher| Mrs. Jack Pigford and Mary 16 congrega ion Were vie In- losing his first two games, he|0ld Lehman will be Director of Food Sale mount of $29.50. He ade re ona a : A
Iso. 35 , vited guests of the society. Ts Te fhe ine || ol $29.00. He made res- | thorne of Mount Joy is presi-
als Pigford of Mount Joy. sn . :
Following the supper on. the) 20 the next 10 straight games. | Music for the Conference, and en titution and paid the costs. dent of this group.
C awn of ng yer home He also had the most strike-outs | Mr. David Shickley will serve { ‘The local - Explorer Scouts Sir wis eae.
in Section II with 59.
7 ° C ° ° R a Was entertained with as pianist. Many musical groups | will sponsor a food sale to be
\ ac awder ¢ ‘harles { Lancaster 3 I /i "0-.| he 5: raay iL 2 '¢ >
oning Commission Requests: we mist Wi "SELLE 2 pes Eiht Sri lh ins 2 | Thanks A Million, Says The
Berioth, who With her parents Ashenfelter finished with .457 vide the music for the various | Titus Rutt Insurance office.
: Co To Throw Out A eal Mr. and Mrs. Jahann Berleth, grum to 5) sale i bg i” b C
. ul i pp and her sisters, Magdalena and HOPE WE DON'T RUN oOuT OF THESE! emem rance ommittee
Hilda, recently came to this : . (
: ¢ Last Friday the Board of Ad- Trophy Will Be St. Tn fle their homme Fg TG ol re i Local Men Fly
To England
justment and the Borough ask- in Yugoslavia eight years ago.

(Turn to page 5)

Three Persons Give A
i Total Of $28 To Help
Cause Along
ed the Lancaster County Court | The program centered around
Je to throw out the appeal made | Given For Corn the film. “The Women’s Mis-

| : . sionary Society at Work,”
recently by Stoven K. Estock. ° showing the work of missions Good News - - - One wonder-
. They maintain in part that Es- us g t ow in the various fields. Assisting ful citizen walked into the Bul-
David E. Hess of E. Donegal|letin Office, Tuesday A. M. and

pe tock waited too long before fil- ¢ in the-program with readings
ing his appeal. The Estock con-| woo 0 of ‘the Mount and poems were Mrs. = Robert Township and Elam Bomberger Zave 310 00 bo the Rememb-
3c iroversy has been a lengthy J Cc unity Exhibit met on Keener, Mrs. Robert Hawthorne left Mount Joy at noon last Yah. Cotfittes on a Ve
9¢ borough and court battle dating oy Lomnu fies Mrs May Charles, Mrs. George Saturday for Idlewild Airport, | wan 30 ray % a. Million?
Monday evening at the Farmers Keener, Miss Elsie Lefever. | Also Tuesday A. M. The Bul-
| where they boarded a plane for | letin received a check from an
England. |out of town subscriber saying
Jomberger will | it is to pay her subscription and
the balance goes to the service-
men’s subscription. This left
$8.00 for the Remembrance
Committee. This is the 2nd time
9¢ tobe 5
= back to. October, 1951, when | py io office with the following |The program closed with a
the zoning commission ruled brief candle-light devotional
(Twn to Page 6)
— ll ©
members present, John Roland,
“ Estock would have to return his| who presided over the meeting,
building permit and remove a|Jos. Shaeffer, Secretary; Titus
dwelling he is constructing in| Rutt, General Supt, Charles|{To Hold Tent
the borough because it flict- | Ricedorf, Curvin Martin, Paul .
B ecause it conflict Meeting, Aug. 3rd
Hess and
spend one week in England and
one week traveling through
| Holland and Germany. It is al-
so their intention to visit

i : ilding com- | Hess, S. A. Horton who is the :
je 2 Win 38 Loos: handing om Dr. E. W. Garber, — Switzerland, taking about a his women sept the Committee
Estock and members of the Harold Endslow and Paris Gru- The United Zion Church will Wook to Ro this picturesque ns Wishesto Tou
i issi ended | Per ld Tent meetings on the farm country. They intend to leave|'* :
Zoging. Commission attended | Several changes were made bo 3 Tout Sanble. formerly the Paris by plane on August 21st. | Want to extend our thanks a-
the council meeting at that time | lin the catalogue, some were el-| Rev. Irwin Wenzer form. three Mrs. Hess and Mrs. Bomberg- | Also when we deposited
and council indicated it could | iminations, plus changes in ites of Mastersonville er accompanied them to New |'he money a gentleman in the
: : , York City. bank gave us $5.00 and told us

take no action until November | some committees. The show, starting Sunday, August 3rd.
19, which was thirty days after | which will be held four days in There will be different speak- |
the decision was issued. It was | October, will open with a par-|erg every night from various
reported at that time that coun-|ade on Wednesday evening.|churches, also special singing — There will be Harvest Ho
3 3 : : ’ $ a - me ike > a
cil could over-rule the commis- | Full details for this event have| Opening every night at 7: 130] It was filed under a graduating help up out? . 4 lL your! would like to know the year | services at the Sporting Hill Hie oe auld oe
sion if the members cared to or|not as yet been worked out. p. m. and Sunday at 7:00 p. m.}class of the Mount Joy High| guess is as good as ours. Maybe | these graduates got their sheep- | United Zion Church on Satur- Hove and girls. in hohe .
el Ml to keep up the good work,
Thanks to him too. If only more
; Mount Joy people would donate


else fine or imprison Estock for| The term of six directors ex- Everybody is welcome to at-| School but we are not sure it is| you are on this picture, or your { skins day afternoon, August 2nd. Ev- To all busi iti
failure to obey the decision. (Turn to page 3) tend : a graduating class. Can you|mom or your pop! We certainly 9 eryone is welcome va Se an eitias
; : ALY ’ : : om page a
£ A w