The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, July 17, 1952, Image 1

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1901 — 1952
For 51 years our readers
have saved money by reading
and shopping from the adver-
tisements in the Bulletin. Your
weekly savings should pay’
the subscription price for one
Mount Joy Bulletin
OST We Welcome your news items
Phone Mount Joy 3-9661
Club News, social items.
Deadline Tuesday evenings
of each week.

i — oe
$2 00 a Year in Advance
| = Today’s Business Man Stopped Advertising Yesterday
VOL. LII, NO. Mount Joy, Pa, Thursday Afternoon, July 17, 1952
27 tama ett doy, Pau 1
Eo t Council Must Pass | TheRemembrance,
Resolution If Rent Controls | Committee Asks
Are To Be Continued Here | Fr More Support
; - : Need Help To Continue
i Rent Officials “Passing a Work Of Remembering

10 Are Nabbed

Mt. Joy Commuily Exhibit
In Drive On
I he Di To Run Four Days; Prizes
Se Yves 10f red Last Year To Be Cont.

Chief Neiss And Officer| ———mM8M8Mm ————————
Good Seek To Make

LOAF OF BREAD (oN All Officers Re-elected
For Another Year

The Buck” Burgess The Veterans zl Ye Ant. of bread
iomemaae 0a 0 reac
fer |: c
Fish Charges R I ? The R Local Streets Sa © sold for ninety-five cents (95¢) At Meeting
emember us? 1e Remem- |
rr i . ee at an auction sponsored by the en
; ance C ittee! We're the SCS S ‘ :
KX If rent control is to be contin- Dre Sn AT i do x A campaign to make Mount WSCS Society of the Methodist An election of officers was
ued in Mount Joy after Septem- o tht 1 othe rs a jie o oe os Joy's streets safer for pedes- |Episcopal Church on Wednes- [held at a meeting of the Mount
ber 30, borough council must ae Tr po with Why not enjoy the Crossroads Brethren In Christ Daily Vacation {pjgng was launched this week day evening Joy Community Exhibit, Tues-
: . oxes twice a year filled with ible Sc r 21s ous it fr 7 9 P. I 2 : p | ii : : :
pass a resolution declaring that 2a : . Bible School, July 21st to August 1st from ! to 9 P. VI. You Can by local police with a total of The affair was held in the |day evening, July 15, at the Mt.
: : things that make them feel|enjoy the Bible School by attending regularly. There will be : Eo .
a housing shortage exists here, be sane oy 2 asoas We w . ing for v ten motorists receiving sum- [home of Lewis Diller on Det-|Joy Dairy. All officers who
closer to Mount Jov whether |classes for all ages. We will be looking for you.
Burgess Charles Fish disclosed they're 300 or 3000 les from mons for alleged traffic and mo- Avenue held office in 1951 were elected
yesterday. home ; ° (tor law violations. ers for another year.
And Burgess Fish added We only have one trouble, If ou ee mas 19 ts | Although not describing his . . It was decided to hold the ex-
| emphatically - the whole thing we, the Committee” aren't activities as constituting any érican egion hibit four days instead of only
looks like a scheme on the part known. Only the servicemen drive against speeders, Chief of | three days as before. The dates
Parke Neiss reported | set for the Fair are October 15,
| Police
Don’t Blame It On The Heat!
i Jong seven of
Names Seven
State Delegates
of rent control officials to “pass
the buck” to local officials.
| seem to appreciate us. This is
| “I don’t know
really all we care about. But,
we also want the people of Mt
16, 17 and 18th.
The parade will be held on
complaints a
the motorists,
whether mem-

bers of council can tell definite- Joy, Florin, Routes 1 and 2 and With local thermometers till | TREE CHOPPING PLANNED cone of whom paid his fine im- opening evening instead as be-
ly whether the shortage is such A Newtown to keep thinking a- “way up in the nineties, don’t The Men of the Methodist I Li : fore. The Exhibit will again be
that controls should be continu- DR. BOB JONES SR. bout us and send us a dime or a [think you re suffering from a... 1 Church have planned a Complaints against three ad- Delegates to the state Ameris held at the Sico garage and sur-
i ed or not,” Burgess Fish assert- aollar or more if possible. sun stroke if you happen to no tree chopping for this evening ditional motorists were lodged I me ti nich rounding lots, but the show
i : : i : ot : : L0g ‘hic i
! ed, “and it seems to me that] Fil S The Committee wants abso-|tice some new Christmas street | cn. oo 08 5 00 Cc by Officer Mike Good. One of |© 3 Spon Lovey Yon he committee hopes to have more
lL, aie.) tv di : ave ing des rest Mai Jpg these also agree an immedi-| Will be held ne ) -| space for ibi
| those who have been adminis- | | m ermon lutely no credit. The boxes are Lighuing designs on West Main when they will remove a large fe se also an imme di- adelohia. were named at @ space for exhibits than last L
made possible by the citizens, | Street! ds s Terme ate fine without a hearing. x eh | year.
p tizens. tree on the lawn at the rear of meeting held July 10 by Post
tering rent control should be in
a better position to decide this.” Those charged by Chief Neiss
were as follows: Amos F. Bren
The prizes as offered last year
will be continued.
All the Committee does is pack For, despite the torrid weath- Fa
i does is pack the, Comraitice the Church. 185, this borough.
‘To Be Shown

| One member of council indi- and send them. We do need|er, members of — ee fod i eek
C cuted vesterday he will nol nel | help! We need more people toon Christmas Lighting, this iser, Bareville, too fast for con T'hose Raves Nete irvm fra It was decided to have anoth-
GC oice ir ini sc «| week decide give residents itions; Ir: "ickes., Lancast- [post commander; ee ollis . p wa : :
or passing the resolution unless | “Vou Can't Win” is a film! voice” their opinions at our|Wweek decided to give residents Walter ir ditions; Ira D. F ic kes, Lancast pe a ler board of directors meeting in
. | . «. | meetings. They are really only|a chance to preview what they er, improper passing; Louise M.|Charles Bennett, Jr, Harold | | two weeks
real proof of the need for con-|sermon by Dr. Bob Jones, Sr.| s ‘ Hi : : ; 3 2 a . id
i . To . Jo | discussions but a lot is accom-|have in mind for yuletide dec- . Risser, Green Castle, R3, im-|Bender, George Albert, James eee
tinuation of rent control is|which is based on Numbers : : i ations her tt D ber R Aft . right tur 11 / Shaeffer and Jack Germer,
| Shown. | 42:23 “pe sure your .sin will} plished at a discussion. Why |orations here nex ecember. | | ecoverng er proper right turn, all of whom | é é
tor 1 . tis dl find vou cut.” and will be dhown| don’t you Mothers or Fathers or According to Arthur Sprech- have been summoned to appear commander elect. Phayzround Host
ar Qt 23 2 re als In it,” § J > § 1 : . :
R | roa estate ea’‘ers a > t Hostetters Pavilion July 19 Younger sisters or brothers|er, member of the ommittee, | Hit R n Accident before Justice of the Peace| Alternates are: George Lieb- |
alled atte » fact that| at Hostetter’s Pav i . . - a cs
| { called y ention to the fact that come and meet with us. Everv|two designs of candles were 1 u James Hockenberry. schultz, Roy B. Sheetz, Ammon
properties under &ontrol here|at 8 P. M. and at the St. Mark's ; :
i | citizen who is interested is wel-| erected on the street on West ps Charged with reckless: driv-|Hoffer, Gerald Hostetter, Benj. 0 anetta
rade rent for as little as half what | E. U. B. Church, Sunday, July | Maiti Stra i ST J Grofit i
ot . > pe [90 at 8 P. M { come. Our next meeting will be | Main Street at a point near the Walter S. Eshleman. 68. Sa-jing John Harvey Carriger, of Groff and P. B. Heilig.
LK wy hg coming | gr Su Eb in September. Murphy store. The candies who had aid in agony Rheems, asked for and was giv- During a joint session wit}
| Within ale Sn rol limitations,| In forty minutes of fast mov-| po committee wishes to ex-|measure 50 inches , in heigth,| = ©. : FT 9807 len an immediate hearing before [the members of the Ladies.Aux-{ Lhe local | playground was
ro y ace TIE are NX 5 - . : for 2 ro after r . .
are en or. ing action, there are SIX 8IIP- | press their sincere thanks 1{o|and eight inches in diameter. | for 24 hours after being hit by| of the Peace Hockenber- iliary. Miss Maude Schneider | host to Marietta last Friday
(Tum te Pate 3) ping dramas unfolded. Each of {John E. Schroll for donating The candles will be left up for | a hit-and-run driver as he cros-|ry and was fined $10 and costs. |the president, informed the Le- when a soft ball game was play-
| them illustrates a different the inches of advertising and |several weeks and the public is | sed the road last Saturday is re-| Jonas Y. Zook, Belleville, was gionnaires that the auxiliary ed with the local lassies win-
G | R d F t al paint in the sermon. printing all our cards for the |invited to write in their impres- | ported to be on the way to re- charged with ignoring a red|had purchased tableware and|™"& 24-12. Z. Markley and N.
IW an es V | “You Can’t Win” is accurate | boxes and never saying no sions to The Bulletin, or to men- | covery. light; Richard M. Geesey, Mid-|toasters for use at Social func- Miller were the battery for Mt.
in its statements on the conse-| when we ask, to have any items tion them to any member of the Mr. Eshleman suffered a frac- (tum to page 3) tions. Joy. The local boys also won
To Be Held Here jis of sin, and it gives|printed. This alone would have committee. [tured right collarbone, a pos- Dinu - a = their baseball game 9 to 7, with
Oberholtzer and J. Beaston the

| ple ainly the plan of salvation.

cost us a great deal but through

ee © a: [sible fractured right hip and a-

Come Shifts

Rotarians Here Report

\ — ee — Nv thrall? : [ i lof
On Au t 1st Mr. Schroll’'s kindness never | brasions of the left leg, and had On Mexi Gi Tei
gus . ° cost us a penny. e ans | been admitted to the St. Jos- n exico ity rp. V. Oberholtzer won the
The Servicemen’s column in | eph’s Hospital. | ————— Checker tournament while B.
the M in i ; 3: 'INEW ce 0S lotariz ‘lar | Groff took the honors in the
The annual Festival, spon- | Ye Mount Joy Bulleth is going wimming arty Eshleman told police the car totarian Clarence Greider | rol
rs ’ to be continued, thanks to Mr. Ay . | that hit id not stop 1 gave a report on his trip to] Quoit tournament.
sored by the Mount Joy Band | u 0 u orgs 1 m did not stop and h
Club oil] be held Friday even. William Young, the new owner | . | was unable to get the license t eeting on. | Mexico City along with colored J. Pennell and V. Oberholtz-
igh oy a os the ound ns | of the paper. Watch for vour 18 atur ay pictures of Points of interest|er were the finalists in the Ping
| Ea grounds The rain date 0 € u y 24t son’s or daughter's letter. aii | According to the police he' Af 1 ting of 1 [throughout his trip in an ad-|{ Pong tournament, Oberholtzer
Sol g is. am. oe The address for any sugges 2 . : oN in or a special meeting of pefore the local Rotary {| won. Mrs. Myers has announced
will be Saturday, August 2. | ; : eo 2 I'he Call of Mount Joy, which | said there was no one in sight, ough council called Monday! 3 ;
: : : . | tions or donations is Box 243,|.. sed of young people and knowing that he was hurt nig , vi ri} club Tuesday noon. a Pet Show will be held Friday
Music will be furnished by | An elaborate program, begin- | Mount Joy, Pa. 15 COMPO on 1 dt BE 3 Ih dl | if led fot > | night, council rescinded the mo- Rotarian Greider was a dele- jafternoon at 1:30 p. m. The
Vox I )é » crawle arby ade = » las
the High school band and there | ning at 9 A. M. and continuing| Don’t let your servicemen from Ture } mn : an { De: it I ray x " : A on Jo a the last Meeting gate to the Rotary International | public is cordially invited.
will be games for old and the dav and even dowti. Thov sven ie is sponsoring a swimming par-| tobacco shed for shelter After that the Joy Company pay : a Sl a J
voung. Refreshments will be EO on a for ix (Hons ey Jotting wou ty to be held Saturday, July 26 laying in the tobacco shed all thirds of the cost of paving] vention M Fhe os] Playground wa
. 8: 5 g, has en arrange 1e | . hoes Iq. hint. 2 : An ic 7 : : 4 > ) Lo Mexico by his [visil Eizabethtown next Wed-
served. | annual picnic of the Lancaster | T=. #W-—.._........ it the He Pe yl > S14 nay and Sund y his Frederick street and two-thirds wife and son nesday morning and Marietta
| m : : pid. : In case of rain it will be held cries for help were finally heard of the cost of High street. : sda) B £ a
The committees appointed for | Automobile Club at Hershey ; oll : Sat av. A a t 1 Kirkl i Ss : Plans were made for the Ro- | Friday afternoon
dd i ring Saturday, Aug y a workman ¢ 2 kl After reconsidering - : . :
the festival are as follows: | Park, on Thursday, July 24. A- Tom Mariner Speaks the fo] owing Sa urday, gu I 1 W of man a 1e Kirk nC After reconsidering it, coun tarians to visit Camp Chiquetan a ————————y
a 5; mong the outstanding features . 2nd. The meeting place will be | Labor Camp, who was passing cil passed a motion that they], guests of the Lancaster C
hairman, Anes eos S| Before Lions Club at the rear of the United Breth- close by and investigated. The only build Frederick street af-|m.. ec... ( LO, :
| Pennell Festival Treasurer, Will be morning and afternoon : hl | : ca Boy Scout Council on Wednes- res en
| . yf § Tri Lhe : 4 ren Church at 4:30 p. m.-Trans- | workman, through identifica- ter the Joy Company furnishes! ;, , 90
Raymond Gilbert: Membership | concerts by the Pottstown Band yortati will be provided | tion cards found in Eshiemon's : day, July | 23.
Table, Curtis Reisch, Ch.. Jav|a twilight concert by the War- Thomas Mariner, Longeneck. Wi. be provided. J ara oun a = Sion the borough with 3 deed. ‘ Tr 3
: is » Ch, YL rr er gs : 0 er Road. addressed : ei All the young people of the | pocket, notified Eshleman’s son I'he Joy Company then will rive rom
{ Sherk: Publicity and Signs, Jos. | WiC k Township High School road, addressed members of | . ve . : ta at : .
| 2 4 IB: wills or trap hase. the Mount Joy Lions C _. | Churches of town are invited so | Clarence, who also lives in Sa- pay two-thirds of the cost and
[ Shaeffer, Ch. Norman Linton, Band of Rothsville, a free base- Joy Lions Club at a y v ; ; : Irs ra ers
a Yi A meeting held here Tuesdav ev. | OMe out and support the Call, lunga, who telephoned his sis- the borough one third.
Paul Diffenderfer, G. F. Naugle ball game, an exhibition by g held here Tuesday ev- Snr : : : : : : : :
)S¢ Lighting, Willi: B: 2 1 Penna State Police trained |€ning. which is organized for your ter and brother-in-law, Mr. and After the deed is furnished Fifty-two Fresh Air children
igang, iam Batzel, Ch. ay it 2 i His talk was base benefit. Mrs. Elias Young, with whom the borough will complete High A Problem At from New York arrived here on
Charles Barringer. Clark Ber-|dogs and a big free vaudeville S taik was based on thel "\ i —— is f ivi T ; i
He Calvi K : S {show in the evening subject of Physics and Acoustic | his father was living. The two street from Frederick street to Thursday morning and are
C Ser, alvin ramer; ound | ; Materials His talic wis illu Blue, black and green inks are |men and a neighbor took Eshle- North Alley. The borough will E D | spending a two weeks vacation
. GQ lor | Oe me y ar ~ < as S- : : v : " : v 3 .
Eel nt, James Spangler Ch. | Musical clowns will perform trated with a motion picture 1 used in printing U. S. one dollar | man to the hospital. State Police pay full cost of widening a sec- ast oneg in homes in Mount Joy, Mariet-
Charles Heaps, Harold Kulp. | throughout the park in the mor- leased be Se bills. were then notified. tion of High street. ta, and Landisville.
Cold Drinks, James Pennell, | ning and afternoon. An aerial Co oy the Armstrong Cork | meee a a : The next group will arrive
2le Ch., Alvin Bigler, Paul Diffen- | trapeze act will be presented in| “(PROV GOSH, LOOK WHAT WE FOUND! 2 Jonge July 25 for their 2 weeks
: ithe after peated : Staff Sgt. Jay Newcomer : |the problems of housing, 2 : >
derfer, Charles Eby; Punch! the afternoon and repeated af-| =< >% Neweomer, Who . dmc p) al ous : f stay. Anyone interested in hav-
29 . returned home f East Donegal Towns} School
Bowl, Nedra Rol Ct Mrs. | ter the vaudeville show at. e from the fight- le Be se chi
3 edra Rohm, Ch. rs. 'e ing front in Koren. this’ wee Board planned tentativelv ing these children please con-
Te J. Nelson Newcomer; Ice Cream night. = ren... tis week tat ps entatively "tof ac Mrs. Harvey S I M
’ ibid attended the bolting ne 5 ova hold half-day sessi 3 f , gg | tact Mrs. Harvey Spangler, t.
A e meeting as a guest ( d half-day sessions for the 93
Mrs. Bernard Kear, Ch. Mrs.! One hundred and seventy- and. wag tor: oy | enroll yo Joy RI
Qc Ation Shelly. Mee: Paul five cath ‘prizes will Be awarded and was formally introduced. ents Jed first graders. ye
: y 11s decis as made ¢ g
cand thorne, Mrs. Clinton Eby; to members of the .club who Barb irae saan SS le i PHEW!
Cakes, Mrs. A. G. Bender, Ch., register at the park on picnic arbara Grace Ranck made Hr oo an Fin Clarence Lyons reported an
Mrs. Jos. Shaeffe rs. George day. For children 12 years : fas 3 Es ecause 1e os oy
s. Jos. Shaeffer, Mrs. George | day ) dren ye irs and Named On Deans List [board is unable to secure suit- [Unofficial - but just ‘as hot as
Cc Shatto, Mrs. Warren Bates, Mrs. | under there will. be free rides able housing close to tl hool. | though it were official - ninety
5 Favs tna. resins - A é sing close to the school. | “945 : A re
Alvin Bigler, Mrs. Carl Drohan, | ice CTC am and toys. At Lebanon College This would mean that some |€i8ht degrees farenheit at his
Mrs. Harold Krall, Mrs. Elwood | I'he baseball game will be a lof the first graders will just { Keystone Holstein Sales Barn
Martin, Mrs. Re srt, | scheduled Lancaster City-Coun- is DF 80 Jus WoL > 3
Mrs sony Gilbert, [ty League contest aeons or Barbara Grace Ranck, of this [in the mornings and some, just|€ast of the borough, yesterday
33¢ Man Lint pan or IL itz nd Millersville teams borough, was named on the lin the afternoons. Both sessiong|afternoon. This is the highest
ah Linton, [nite : ¢ AMS. list - for the second| |of youngsters will be transport- | temperature reported here in
29¢ Shifter Sandwiches, Mrs. Ar-| This will be played on the new = |
% : . . | semester of the 1951-52 term at (ed -both ways by bus. the week-long heat spell.
25 thur Sprecher Ch., Mrs. Clyde | Hershey Park diamond adjoin- ( : - ee
Cc Mumper, Mr G F Navel ing. the stadium Lebanon Valley College. | A contract was awarded the
3, 'S. x. . Jle 1 Ste Nn.
29¢ Mrs. William Brian, Mrs. Curtis| The automobile club picnic, In order to be included on the | 3 2 Be 9% ind Sons Nursery to Bomberger To Attend
Reisch, Mrs. Claude Stark: Hot which annually attracts up- Dean’s list a student must main- Po 3 pp lonal Ly at .
Cc Dogs and Hamburgers, Mrs. wards of 20.000, is open to the tain an average of 90 or better] Lo | Er Seno] and Florin Swiss Conference
Jacob Zellers, Ch., Mrs. Simon |pubiic. Club oflicials announce '" his studies. ag on “lementary School —
Nissly, Mrs. Wilbur Beahm, that all are cordially invited to . 4 { G is Sum of $166.50. ; E. M. Bomberger, cashier of
Mrs. Lewis Diller, Mrs. Jay attend. GIDEONS TO CONDUCT | (General repairs which in-the First National Bank and
15¢ Sherk, Jr., Mrs. Henry Becker, i SERVICES HERE FRIDAY clude painting the high school,| Trust Company, Mount Joy,
19¢ Mrs. Robert Schroll. Mrs. Ed. CORRECTION, The Gideon Society of Lan. Plecing new in the|will leave Saturday, July 26 to
: rs . : sirls lavatory, creating a dark|atte i a
19¢ ward Lane, Mrs. Jay Barnhart, The Board of Directors of the |caster County will conduct the | 3 y room in the lab boy WW 2 ark atieny the Mennonite Interna
Mrs. Lester Hostetter, Mrs. | Union National Mt. Joy Bank|Gospel Meeting at Hostetter's | % refinishing art aid 4 RES oom Hons] Conference to be heldiin
27¢ Robert Stoner; Music, George | have authorized the transfer of |Pavilion this Friday evening at| ERA mics “tabl 1010 Scone: Switzerland. :
20¢ Houck; Entertainment, Alvin d profits |7:30. The speaker will be Irving | «| fashioned “bi at ro or io? NE Wil pushes Ge
i 5 iller. of Q - . £ 3 oards green a ip b é i
[ Bigler, Ch., Lloyd Myers, Ben | to surplus and not $5,000 as|Miller, of Lancaster. Services at; Here's an old photograph| can remember, unless we check [fy? We'll have another old- | in the high school and painting I Dave 2nd VL be Sons
Funk, Lewis Diller and Irvin H [stated in this newspaper last|the pavilion will close Saturday which appeared in The Bulletin | the files. How many of those |time picture for you next week, {the rooms of the Washington El i isit 0 Son
iB ) | Smith, Jr. week. evening so many years ago thai nobody | pictured above c¢ y identi- | t S } Waghington KI- Jove le will visit other Eufopéent
{ C years ag Yip ve can yeu identi- | too. —... |ementary School. countries,
ni i ———— i . —