The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, July 10, 1952, Image 6

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> . iy 1 PLAYGROUND NEW Ngo 9 al vanquished on the It. Jo
Bulletin, Mount Jov, Pa.. Thursday July 1, 19. . \ Cl Ta) i ds i \ T ore ¥ | Sil Oo
qu nr 3 - eist Fire LAINGer Leads. lamond. The s sewerly - duverware :
REPORT OF CONDITION OF THE | Other deposits (certified and Last Thursday ti bovs hiked (F . gave u ave ni v af . Applications will be received
INST BANK AND | wehier eck et LI rom ) | 4 . From page 1) ha win 1 x Al Mver 31 hy h Gif x
kin iT, NATIONAL BANK, ANE | Fras red ‘NG {From pa 1 to the Cove where they played 3 ¥ : win Wi \l M atc es - 1 ts for openings at Elizabethtown
ANF oy \ ne nd ih ey Tun Five streams of water were games, went swimming and ate came in ithe 4th b A vo tunsecytive Win of i: gn A | and Mount Joy Plants.
AD mn 11 CLOSE OF BUS . . . Rink are 1 CYS SF d Gantz ollected 3 -—
a i" NE m™ \ ‘ 111,045.63 thrown into the building at the (heir lunch. On the return rads nd Clinger I'ol Kear l r and Gantz coll Watch Attachmemts i AT
Published hn eal ' y GATITAL ACCOUNTS height of the blaze and a heavy the Park they njoved a water unloaded home run d vin A frace in Hus game } 4 (WATCH REPAIRING) i MOUNT JOY PLANT
y Comptroller of the Currency, uns, Capital Sto “tui : In the past six games with the :
der Section 11, U. 8. Revised Sta. | Con he at total pin 08 rain that was falling at the time melon feed he irls eni d | : Fal 1 oh A 5 Complete Ronson Lighter | FRIDAY
ie mT \ ooo an | Aided the fight to bring the fire the same feature i e a | t team to meet d acta ed Repuir Service 10:00 A. M. TILL NOON
ASSETS Su . th x Lhe next eam 1 nee collected 6 hits and Ore Yd ’ Ol, ih
wash. balances with other 1 ‘ Pro under control noon fl | £11 I n 5 un
tbe eserves (and retirement 1 er e hands of the CHIN wir hile holding il COP noser s ewe ry ore
ha | ! 1 I'he fire is believed to have . . vi : 8 nel } AUR <
Bie, nein ron RAYE eh J+ The fire" is believed 10 have priay afternoon the girl on. 1s the, "ite, Of the LEGO] runs, while holding ih ROSEY ere AIRCRAFT-MARINE
| tok) | been started near the elevator, ..i the bos i Soft ball I Ga miley \F rb tac al :
Wor 1 \ Jt 1¢ boys In sOft ollected tw its _— ty rear nl Wednesday s
\ NS, G n t obliga in the rear of the brick build- |, e. los 2 i ! pant | a y yes os t PRODUCTS, Inc.
tions rot or 1 gam nis 15 a Close Hm \ | r ha Ch 1 i Allen Beatt town hacl J during July and ugus { 28.1
1 Ing, sweeping forward through |. (he bo the winners. 28 ; : nin n, 1 92
ligation ta md : i \ "a FO ading | o ~ : AA aha | rivel card withdrawn - - SSR -
Vian i vi " : torage area and i 24. The truth is. the girls w two Tu I : ’ ;
rporate st ( [ Assets pledged or assigned ack into the cement block | 18 runs to star a and de , ile L r W. Lo lorin,
3 | to secure ates and o0 building | 3 ol as : hia yin Everybody Everywhere, pa S l e in
Loar 1d t nin, ty of New Equipment Installed 9 X " I nee 2 nk )
10 1 | er, » visited lariett; lavgrou ro ©] ¢
Bank premise \ 1 i Bowers, eashier of Reist said he had installed | | $ ita YB! se ———————— —— —
; \ { where ball game was
: 1 Vesna ! k olenmly $10,000 and $20.000 | rn ye in
$1 0 Hi an \ v tement is | played by the giris and a base
Real estate owned ofl hy the best of my knowledge and | worth of new equipment in the |, :
than ba 1 | lant veral 1 ntl [ hall game by the boys. The age . a
la several months ago
vel - OW ERE, Cashier I \E limit for the latter was 14 yea 5
\ 1 4d subserihed fore He said there was some grain | oe a |
' lay of Ju he Stored in the front building but rl entre park made \ Ww 1 £ .
3. ‘ “ mm SH Fri \ 1th 1 1
Demand acai { 4 livia Pence since this is the ofl season it tri On Frida th adarietia ‘ : B
uals partnerst ind je veto FAA was not nearly loaded to capa jo vground will visit Vit. Joy
Mime depos) livia 1 K. COI | city when all members may use the pee b For bigger payloads,’ choose a Dodge “Job-Rated’
Is art ! | NAY Several hundred persons were | with the same ap truck—Y2- through 4-ton.
poration hid ] 1 1
so cto Sou NG i ying at the varietta ay i
. - - wm | Altracted to the scene at the pL Lary p b “Job-Rated” engineering makes it possible for you
s 1 Lt E10 1 .
ih greronrtT or or piel heighth of the fire | rou . to haui more with the right Dodge truck for your
; | 4 : : UN J AVEIONA Nn i — —— — { Many of the Pa 1ctivitic A needs.
Ii A or OR ES ON | ENTRRT A ING IRIGHBORS | include soft ball, bas all, vo i
: : IT I N ENTERTAINED NEIGHBORS | ce os ball, vol You haul mere economically, too, because of such
ial Hop } ponse to tall made| Having returned from a suc ey bail, kickball, quoits, cro Dodge advantages as lightweight aluminum-alloy
: [| hyo Mr iy rency, un- | cessful fishing trip to Canada, | dodge ball, tennis, bad pistons and others.
) d 1 S. Revised | " m I nt 1 able Annis y
1 Dr. and Mrs. R. © Ye _fminton, table ténnis, and law: i y
YAY | = Dr nN R. M. Thome en | terinie Other vith ; b For smoother power, extra load protection, gyrol
0 : | ASSETS lerlained their neighbors to a) SINS a ve Fluid Drive is available on %-, 1-ton and
$127 x ny anon | nces with fish fry on the lawn of their|¢heckers, cards, hikes, visita Route-Van models.
3125.0 Maa, 1h hips home. | tions, ballgames, and tourna i
\ : ip) reserve fu French fried fillet { Pike | ments b Ceme in for a demonstration—and an extra good
> 1 els 0 IK¢
: i § UN 463.93 | deal!
J. 8S. Government obliga were served to Mr. and Mrs. Crafts inlude articles of
Ari iy Grn he Set ! N | Clarence Heisey and three chil | Gimp, Plaster of Paris mold Better weight distribution. Dodge short wheelbase
x | © ne. of State 1 AST Gren, Mr. and Mrs Martin | weaving decorations with allows more weight to be carried on the front axle.
Assets | olitical divi 8. “I Reese and two sons, Mr. and! Paints and leather article Because the engine is located farther forward and
[ed phn ah ep { le i 1 back haul bigger loads
to secure 2.00 | Mrs. John Greiner and son, Mr, | ——— - & front axle is moved back, vou can ha ngge
other p 82,790.05 | FOI, Vs i rerlonding
State of vatnia, County of | ie 3 nO land Mrs. Robert McGinley, | ¢ without overloading.
.ancaster = > 4 %
: : onc erve hank) 17,200.00 | Paul Fitzkee, Rachael Leamar ° ] i its. I
I, EM. Eomberzer. cashier of thal ' a ‘ee, Rachac seaman, | 65 : ] . i The right load- ing units. I'rame, axles, and other
abov 1 | Lonns and tinelud. tan | > i wh e right load-carrying . Frame, ’S
shove_named hank do soles | ni $256.52 overdrafts) arose 12 | Barbara McGinley, Mr. and] J ovs, IY S We solved oul hauling problems units that carry the load are “Job-Rated” on Dodge.
nat the ahov ate Hank premises ned Mrs. Christ Cover : ol | Rach is engineers royide strength and capacity
the best of my knowled wd helief Mrs. Christ Cover and Dr. and| . i i 7 Each is engineered to Prog e strength and cay 3
A aw allie 8 Bs 23.007.50 rniture and | bres ne J o axa TT
B M wml fixtures $23,258.81 10,256.91 { Mrs. Thome and children Don- | (From page 1) with Dod g foh-Rated frucks : needed to SDP your load. All are *‘-Job-Rated
Ris tir he 1 | Ren whned hay ald i berry. R. Ar Meclkiav B ++. SAYS to work together!
me this 7th day of July, 1952 ' mises 1,000.00 | ald and Barbara. | berry, R. Arndt, J. Meckley, B. 1 . ”
Gertrude P. Helms, Notary Pubs quis 03,712.00 — een | Etse tl. B: 3 Wenlornd A “Our businéss calls for trucks that can haul big loads BERNARD J.
: | Other a ‘ 13,712 ~~ - | Etsell, R. Bates, B. Weal nd, A CARNEY, M q . i ’
c t—At | : | Qe} is owl dav in and dav and we like our trucks to last Ve Segoe The right load-moving units. You get an engine that’s
orrect— test: t = an im Ta) 3 ING ox | schne ‘rr 3 SOY ) dine 1a) yu all Lin L {50 e + i ve 4 . -
oo D. M. WOLGEMUTH | Potal Assel PI #7 TOBACCO BRINGS 35¢ LB eS Ine der, B. Heisey, P. Ri ! That's why yrefer Dodge trucks that are Lusi Job-Rated”” with plenty of power to pull bigger loads
1. W. NEWCOMER | Deming a any es Six acres of tobacco was re-|9: Stettler, T. Bailey, C. Gohn, too! ‘hats wily we preie: uge ue 5 Nh Ape Lumber Yard at low cost. In fact, all load-moving units—such as
"ARIS H STRTTE | Jun depos aE { : : T schofie A ‘Job-Rated’ fi ir particular hauling job. ! Yio ansmissi ear axle—are engi
Phi 1» noe Le Viduals, partuerships, & ported sold in Lancaster Coun- | Schofield, D. Mateer, G. Job-Rated’ to fit our particu jo Rock Island Lumber Co. ne rear axle—are engineered to
corporations 3. \GOG.02 . 1 Zme¢ Dangler G 3 ¢ . . ¢ Pons? ock Island, Hi move bigger ioads.
PE Tel deposits of individs | ty yesterday for binder DUrPos- 1 oit a, an, oJ. pag r, G. Good “We recently put in service two Dodge ‘.Job-Rated Reck Island, Hi OV £8
REPORT OF CONDITION OF THE[ 'waln, wartnersbivs, and {es at a price of 35¢ ; ting, J. Nissley, George Max lels 1 t! re haul big loads the
FIRST NATIONAL BANK Oo or ‘ sida . DE Hh bE soc a pound. 1 . Gv > ps 1!15-ton models . . . and they sure haul big loads the . .
NDISVY N 2 SATE] Corporatio 190,251.47] mp : well. R. Schofield ( wl 3 : i
LANDIS ILL > IN ; TE = FATS Deposits of U.S. Govern- | Fhe tobacco was purchased | PL oe dy 5 GI off,” D way we want them to! For instance, the 170-inch See us foday for the best buy 171 fow- cost fronsportarion. ..
CLOSE OF BUSINESS ON JUNE| Ment (including postal (from Titus H. Martin, New Hol 1 . J. Baugher, R. Walker, W. wheelbase models allow for a 14-foot body. which is
2 | Ss of Nate and land R1, by the W. M. Gemmill| Be : : egar, J. Coover, ideal for our business. And Dodge easy-handling ad- "op Fp
(Published in response to call made | al subdivisions 63,771.17 | Tobacco Co. of Red Li mi... [J- Brian, R Hopple, H. Dorsey > 1 A
by Comptroller of the Currency, un- | i ts ¢cortified a ¢ ea Lion The | Sy me ; ' : vantages enable us to maneuver these trucl 1 th
der Section 5211, U.S. Revised 'Sta- | checks, ete.) 6,835.17 {81X acres had been cased by} > George Cody, Tom same space as some other trucks with 12-foot bodi ~~
ites). ) t 24.070 ‘ Y 1 Cod AY Wil} mn r oe as sul wa lr A A WR end Ts A
5 Jodo 1 pe 1 | 1440 | Martin and the purchase price | ody, : \] W il] ns, I. L. Zink
Cash, ition other otal Liability STE considered the equivalent of |J. Phillips, K.. Watkins, and D
vanks, including reserve J Posh nid Ne 30 c . id. Phillips, K. Watkins. D. Hal
balance, and cash items | CAPITAL. ACCOUNTS {20 cents a pound for Pare fen ral . Pp
in process of collection § 603,170 ul Stock | tobacco { bieib, B. Pennell, L.. Laughman nga, enna.
uU. S Government obliga mn ( total pm | nm v1 an )
tions, direct and guar- ) $123,000.00! ii —- — by pas mat J Brown, I
ed .. 768,495.7 25 000.60 th J > n ivi 1. J Waltz, Darrenkam;
tions of States and led profits Hi #1 Bulletin Ads Pay Big Dividends a
political subdivis i 5 1136.49 | =—— -
Other bonds, notes and : 1
debentures Pe 1,008.04 1 portal Capital Accounts 14
Corporate stocks (including | Mott Liabilities ang |
$6,000.00 stock of Federal Capital Yunis 2s 0 0)
id din 10, 20, 30, 50 YEAR OLD HOUSES LOOK
Loans and discounts (includ | MEMORANDA ' ’ ’ 7 4
$7.96 overdrafts) 1,040.138.28 | Assets pledged or assigned \
$72, | to secure liabilities and t
il fixe {for other purposes i -—
32.1 | State of Pennsylvania County of i »~
J | Lancaster, ss: | rd
. Carl S Krall, cashier of the / y
Total Assets | $2,675,7 ) ve-named bank, do solemnly aflirm
LIABILITIES | above statement is true to / ro
Demand deposits of individ- | of my knowledge und helief i 2
ny ern, and { CARL 8S. KRALL, Cashier
corporations $1,204.92 i Sworn to and subscribed hefore me cosis
Time deposits of 1ndivia { this Sth day of July, 1852 al
uals, partnerships and | ga ie (*. Blensinger, Notary pu
corporations 1.001.802.87 ] commission expire fan. 26 55
Deposits of United States orrect- Attest . saves SL Ne
Government (Including pos- HARVEY RETTEW No other method or material but \ 4 t0 6 -~
Bs L44d.42 CLARENCE NEWCOMER PROTEXA.WALL can make an old, { ermanent \ ar
States and pol HENRY H. KOSER oH ye j Be paint jobs
iSior 125.513.20 Directors house look new, NEW. NE W ! oF ethion | d
— - Oo HoT
PROTEXA-WALL alone contains pro} | recuces
~ ACRYLIC... combines this wits street
wonderful discovery with special iid ' noises
minerals and chemicals to form one of painting?
ME, |
/\ ye E ’ i

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