ble, including ow being in- small as Pi- truthfully say button trans- at last, Advertisers. PI DONT LET POOR NESS OU DOWN ERFUL Wy y oor fale 80.8 a 2a all este sled « 0 0 CR) Cala ala Xa 90% . > 7 8 A TE SR > >, > boo LR) a, 9, Ca’ > 9S, 9 POON » 9, $0. 0. 0 0 0 0 $000 Oe 0S 0S, + = > RR WINS a? 9a? 00% 94 +05. UR > » 0 RR ete n S 0 9, > 9, > 3 9, ($0.00, 0 * 9, 0 0 0 ot a 9%, 9, > weed 2 x You nope not. But hoping is not enough! 9 050 9 Xa Xe Last year— the worst in 10 for traffic vv eile sled » 37,500 people met death on the highways. They, RR > too, had hoped that life would not end for them abruptly. 90 9. 9 i There is something you ean do to avoid this needless tragedy — KNOW AND OBEY TRAF- 9 9 90, » FIC LAWS. Such laws are common-sense rules 9 * of hur:an conduct, plus expert engineering ex- aXe Xa > » nerience—and they are designed to protect YOU. 90 4%. ar * . 9. 9 $00, o> 0 0 po od 9, 9% 9, * Or SaaS. 26 009 John §, Fine, Governor 9, ® 0. a 9 * 9 9%, db OR ry i WS - > * / A SPB UESDAY - WEDNESDAY- THURSDAY - FRIDAY - Drive within posted speed limits. Come to a halt at stop signs. Don’t try to beat traffic lights. Note the highway markers and follow their messages of safety. Don’t pass other cars on curves . . , on hills . . . or in no-passing zones. Signal when you are going to turn or stop suddenly. Slow down at sundown. Make allow- ances for weather conditions. Above all, be guided by the great “unwritten’’ laws—cautton . .. self control...and courtesy! This message in the interest of highway safety is one of a series pre- pared and disseminated by the Pennsylvania Newspaper Publishers’ Association and the Pennsylvania Department of Revenue. COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA Otto F. Messner, Secretary of Revenue 9, & odode hyo! bye o% 6% 4% 450 4% 42 420 420 420 204 20% oo oo stn ale 420 42020 420 420 420 41 Pa 2, 0% 0 0 Bs 8a i e800 4% +00 00 620 o 2000 o 00 00 o%0 oo 20 400 42 420 42042 Sedo loads § oon 50030 fo og ods adr ae aie ofr fe nie ale trae Kate tr AG INNIS RII HS II II II PR AF HIN IIS INIT RII WRT SIL f ey Poo 0% 4 > 0 Kg) eile * > ®, * LW) LI) Po, 5, oe" %' 9, CPW RE RE EE EW) 9. $00 ASA SASA SESE ENE Kg Kg Kg) ® ». a’ 9, > 04204 * 9 > \/ 0 ho” a’ +, & / * Saba 0% 2% %% o>. 9 9, * oO 9, ho” 22% 9%, > 9, OP 9509 > J * J 0 9% 0, O00 oP a ye ho” * >, 9, * a Pe v 3 9 9 9 > a Sabai bo” % * Pap 7