The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, June 26, 1952, Image 4

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ro ( Bu
~The Bulletin, Mount Joy, Pa., Thursday, June 26, 1952 ’ E ree
toe 12 LOW DOWN ngagements MS
Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Stirling, Man-
V FES ener maviiose rom te Ror Sd ne | a
ON L LAFFS Anderson, a voters of 12 HICKORY GRETNA PLAYHOUSE lof their daughter, Jean Lorraine REMEMBER IT'S he

EE ,_n

; | to Elwood C. Shelly, son of Mr. and ever
Today we will devote some time yi L LLL fae [ Mrs. Amos N. Shelly, Manheim R2.
to “money” — borrowed money : | Mr Shelly is attending Franklin urs oe
| not gold money. There .is ne such Now Playing — It's A Smash Hit and Marshall College. = —-
animal as gold dinero — gold mon- Riotous Comedy That Will Make You Howl 1 ——
| ey has gone the way of good old { Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Buller, 'R
corn liquor at one buck a gallor “Three Men On A Horse’ | Square St, Florin, announce the STONY E55
And gold for 3000 years—until | engagement of their daughter,
ves io was the ry and | Minerva, to Clarence E, Wagner Jr. With WILMA LEE { GC
ralu WEEK ENDING WEDNESDAY, JULY 2nd | son of Mr. and Mrs, Clarence E.
ways, item of value
But borrowed money back to Wagner, Wood St., Florin,
that, Evervbody savvies—or hould Roar At Great Cast In This Laugh loaded Show | Miss Buller is employed by the The Clu Clinch Mountain Boys At

avvy that anybody could splurge | Gerberich-Payne Shoe Co.,, Mount
big if money grew on trees and we CURTAIN 8:30 P. M. ® ADM. $1.00 PLUS TAX { Joy. Mr. Wagner is serving in the In
| | | had an assistant to pick it. We | U.S. Navy. No date has been set Nig
: 3 could all bask, ride far and wide, ——————— er. | for the wedding. &
BY i [ eat plentiful, dress nifty like a |
77 = i IJ BEN 3 Bureau guy or Bureau dame, as Y
A \X/ IS E O W L Hs A they roam the land telling us simp- rn | } retna And The ounguns
—— |» adway productions, has” the key | lc workers of the beautiful times , »
t's gonna seem awful funny not le of Erwin Trowbridge, in the! they see ahead for us if we keep EE FEDI & FEDI
to sge the boss in harness afte this | | Rie rious farce-comedy, “Three | on, bon our merry way, and regular see
week! Fifty-one years is a long | Men On A Horse,” which opens the | Visits down to the income tax place GOLF Terrific! That Sensational European Novelty Act, Direct from the Wec
long time. Longer than I'd have | third week of the summer theatre But even so the income tax gent SATURDAY NIGHT. JUNE 28th PICNICS Why Not? Latin Quarter. N. Y. To
——— fee rid
{ " 1 ia Plavhouse, | finds himself short so Sambo
what it takes to stick. Course, then | season at the Gretna
: : do pe Sse Thursdav ig borrows more, and the high and _——
I wouldn't have the good sense, | Mt. Gretna, n Thursday night, 1 1 0 - yu!
{ 26 wide spending keeps people think- TH H A DLI N ERS SWikml N Wow! ===
plus everything else it takes to | June 26th.



ih tick witic vol: v | ing that times are grand.
e out on top if I could stick it He received critical acclaim fo ma 4 ct, direct from Super Circus
ut: . his excellent acting in “The Heir- | limes being good on borrowed Sensational Orierttal A P
ee ess”, when it was staged in New | money — what would Washington »
I'his column was riginated by | York. And his fine baritone voice and Jefferson think of us. When P ofe q YY Schnitzel
1 a long time back. It was good | was responsible for his singing in| pay-up time finally rolls around SU NDAY NIGHT, JUNE 29th r SS
g ti { " : : :
then cause he knew who to | three musicals on Broadway we will be a sad and miserable You'll split your sides laughing
- - | ,
Fait how ic do. ft: Now me..] a | people We will not be care free, TH E H EADLI NERS We PrintEverything EATS GAMES AMUSEMENTS
ust fill the column with words NOTICE OF INTERRUPTION | jaunty and happy as we look back ; But Dollar Bills ADMISSION 60c
se TO ELECTRIC SERVICE | and cogitate on how we all been AR CHILDREN UNDER 12 FREE
Can't imagine the editor learnin’ - : taken into camp—lost our vest, and | P. KING FREE
X TE eA bai Electric service will be interrupt- almost oar: Sip : |
to loaf. But whatever he does he'll ed between 6 A: M. and 9 A. M, | ry ou! get y listening ® Sunday family dinners will be served starting at |! C
do it right, you can bet on that. So | = Saving Time, Sunday, | ie strange Dui, ‘Sweet - Palaver of : Sie SEN Ws
e's hopin’ He has Afiv-one vears | +... Ry gia | the past 20 years 1:00 until ? — Steaks, Chops, Sea Foods, Beef, Pork and
heres hopin he has hily-one years | 7,40 29, 1952. at which time chang- | You ith the 1 1
s successful as his fifty- : ; : ours w y m,
ot. loafin as successful as his fifty- | .. in our distribution system will | 1th. the low down Turkey.
one years in business!!! Ovi i ta § JIMMIE [
ye : be made to provide improved whiten colt lO econ |
rie service to our "customers. inj... ._ _ :
Just goes to show——some peo- these areas | RECONSTRUCTION PROJECT |
ple work until they are 70, then In case of rain this interruption | OF P. P. & L. COMPLETED |
retire on top of the pile, while oth- : : wide 3 aw a3 | Mr. G. T. Storb, vice president of } |
Laken tg will be made on Sunday, July 13, | hs Sr pr EVENINGS MATINEE |
ers go through the revolving doors | | Pennsylvania Power & Light Com-|
f lif ; d Rat's: La ' fo SuOWS SATURDAYS
of life without even pushing. The areas affected will be: Some | Pany’s Lancaster division, today ‘ 7 and 9:00 P.M § AND | >
I G50 customers in the North East Sec- | announced the completion of a re-|g SATURDAYS IH EA i RE HOLIDAYS 7 RNA
Gwennie Kramer has been of Columbia Borough, Wisslers | construction project in Centerville|§ 6-8.10 P. M. 2:00 P. M. | al
ng to bribe me the last couple of | between Ironville Pike and | and the adjacent rural sections|l Mount Joy, Pa. \
eeks, even’ sent. ‘we a tuna fish | southwest of Salung: E. Hemp Counan
Kinderhook, the area between Kin- | 15a In L. Hemj C
2 oS a {
salad sandwich ~ + but if she thin 2) derhook, & Newtown. all of the vil-| field and Rapho Townships. Power FRIDAY SATURDAY. JUNE 27 - 28 | ul l 25 Waxtex roll 23¢
: ’ Ine : . | y va
I'm gonna tell the people that her | [lage of Newtown, and that area lines supplying PP&L customers : JOHN LUND — JEFF CHANDLER -in- nso 8 C -
Russell doesn’t know. the | ; rh this area have hee construct - | § |
1 Northwest of Newtown to the ive been reconstruct 44 1 | Am
difference between a Lion “and a Pennsylvania Power & Light Co's ed to operate at 12,000 volts as con- The Battle At Apache Pass 10% POST mei
Tiger, she’s badly mistaken Donegal Substation | trasted to 4,600 volts as in thie past. | . . —-—
: Individual notice has been given | This 3 substantially increases the|g DAISEY Paper Picnic c Bran Flakes
In a nearby boro they were dis- to each customer effected. capacity of these lines, at the same § MONDAY. JUNE 30 C A
cussing the building of a new jail | time bringing them fully up to the * | rooms cd Su lies With purchase of Req.
when the mayor suggested: “We| chin, weak; hair, falling; chest, ! standards of similar recently con MELVYN DOUGLAS — JOAN EVANS -in- PP Post Toasties r
can build the new jail out of the| heaving; heart, heavy; ribs; protu-| structed lines throughout the com-| ‘ ob 9" / J
[ae 7 | : Tiga /
material in the old jail and put the ding; knees, wobbly; toes. corny; | pany’s 9500-square-mile service! On The Loose
risoners in the old jail while we| arms, weary; stomach, gassy; arch- | area. LIBERTY HEINZ
are building the new jail and put| es, broken; cheeks, chapped Be. 2 :
them in the new jail while we are Mocd, black; back, aching; wrists | LOCALS LOST TO MANHEIM TUESDAY, JULY 1 Coffee Ib 13c Ketchup bot 23c
tearing down the old jail!” = - - -| arthritic; pocketbook, empty; ank-| In the County Legion League, JOHN DERFX — DONNA RFED -in- {
hats quite a building plan les, thick; waist, bulgy; calves, var- | Manheim defeated Mount Joy 8 to 3
icosed; thighs. smooth; general con-| while Elizabethtown won from} Scandal Sheet”
We y of po. ‘ ar | ~ :
Heres an odd request: The pa- | dition, darned good for the shape | Donegal 7 to 5 and Marietta downed
tient, a middle-aged man, had been | I'm in. Now run along and quit | Lititz by the same score.

heeled into the operating room. | bothering me, I've got some work | TT “TYNE
t before the anesthetic was to do. | GROUNDHOG CONTEST WEDNESDAY THURSDAY. JULY 2 - 3
arted, he asked how long his in- men Mount Joy Sportsmen's Associa-| HUMPHREY BOGART KATHARINE HEPBURN
ion would be. The surgeon gave Once a Scotchman did not go to tion, will again sponsor a ground-| 66 ® 99
noncommittal answer a banquet because he didn't know hog contest. All members in good African Queen
Well, Doc,” said the patient, “I| what the word gratis on the in-| standing are eligible.

ncision is four and a half inches The next day he was found dead! "= oC ICES mm ——— | VARIETY OF LUNCH MEATS Vorb 25:
or Soar by four before an open dictionary. | CONFUCIUS SAY FOR YOU R PLEASURE |} SWIFT'S PREMIUM SHORT SHANK HOME MADE
: Sh th of hen put together, so Ronald gave us this ON « FORGET PICNICS Ib 49. HAM LOAF Vs-lb 2 9.
- won't have to listen to any more The skunk is quite a nifty sight— | MAN WHO :
Lg A tro-tore job In Hack and) REVER The Lancaster County Home-Owned | A
Food Stores again make available NORRIS PANCY PACK 35
N¢ lh can C
and Invite— | FRUIT COCKTAIL
CORN FETTI large package 23 SS
just one request. My wife's] vitation meant.


fio en white;

Germer told me. “A mirror But do avoid, at any cost,
ibout the only thing ip the world The deadly fumes from his ex-
not afraid of a woman.” | hause! |
22 Lp the sv : Everyone - Everywhere |
mall boys were scowling at a

ittle girl who was walking down

to Lancaster County's Famous
Grocers’ Picnic We Have A Complete EGGS i.
k and pad of juvenile construc- Gl GLE
n, lifted his mitted hand. = BY /
Game's called, fellows!” he an- EX ¢ URSI ON ONE STOP FOOD SERVICE SWIFT'S NEW
unced, with disgust, “because As May advances, with thespawn- | able walleyers, Old Hi favors the .

en a te
the street with a very snooty

a chubby lad with peaked
n backward, and in catchers



its there just autographed the ing of northern pike, pickerel, and | Ranger glass fly rod and an auto- P d D
ball for his lady friend!” w over, it's gad ime to go | matic fly reel. . | It ¢ venient money saving and ar 0g ea
alter these species before the water Besides an Oneida Lake pike spoon T A } N J Th J | 17 | Ss CO ,
. : becomes so warm as to make the | ith worm, a June Bug spinner with 0 t antic ity, .' urs. u y 15¢c CASH REFUND
Coming down from E-town today fish listless or drive them into the pork rind strip is vesy effective for ; ; | : saves you time when you send Top to Swift's
truck driver stopped suddenly on dept drift trolling; also one of the wriggly (6 Trains) ’
the highway. The car behind him Walleyes, of course, are mostly | Get-Fish lures. This last bait, in \
i A night feeders, so you'll make your | orange color, seems to be fatal for a 100 p
3 yo Modern Steel Railway ache Assure Everyone !
crashed into the truck. When the best c: itches long after dark. The | variety of game fish when trolled or { R a Coe fos to Everyone Complete | HESS STORE
nighway patrolman got there he water is cooler then, minnows are | c: ast, and the smallest size is excel« Comfort and Convenience ;
ked: Why didn’t vou hold t crusing along the shores, and there | ent for spin fishing, |
hy i you hold ou is less disturbance from boats and| Some more worth while wrinkles Ls : ai ;
ycur hand? anglers. So you select a quiet Spot | on taking walleyes will be found in D = \ a v !
Well, replied Pat, indignantly. and cast pop St fist for Hine Old Hi’s free booklet * ‘Fishing For 3 in
’ : tasting members of the perch family. | The Millions d it's s sted
If he couldn't see the truc W ; e 0! an ugge ed .
ul | 1 ar ruck, how You have to know your shoreline [ you drop me a postcard, in care of GOLD WATCHES — BATHING SUITS . Top-Stove Rice Pudding
ould he see my hand?” - - That's and have some idea of the depths, | this newspaper, and ask for your f . { Life Savers Vicupsuzar 2; cup Pet Milk
food for thought. but it’s exciting sport casting for. | copy GROCERY ORDERS 2 teaspoons flour 2/4 cup water
yal] : 3 . le nf 1 1, g Athi
- 3d Playing, walleyes ii Hho dari of Along about now the striped bass | G pkgs 1 O¢ Fo teaspoey salt § Zo vanilla
At a recent festival a crabby old the moon. You still lish with min-| op roc kiish are moving alor 1g the sea- .
At a recent festival a crabby olc nows, crawfish, or angleworms; or | coasts in big schools, so it’s a good (CUT OUT AND KEEP) TICKETS ON SALE AT Mix sugar, flour, salt and egg in
kinflint had won a’new car in a you cast with light Spoons or shal- time to exercise vour skill at surf TRAIN SCHEDULE & FARES | an Y ars saucepan Stir in milk and water.
bi wes BE hes ; 7 low-roving plugs. sasts fl hine I * RAILROAD STATIONS | 3 Cook and stir over medium heat until
big raffle. But instead of being hap- It Eto} I ag The y fishing fo These Fares shown are for tne Round bars C mixture coats a metal spoon, or about
5 CME “ ide : you are able to be on the water | tellows wey provide aood rn a, | 4 1 T: % .
py he was glum. “What's the mfat- only during the day, your best bet | along both the Atlantic and Pacific rip and F are STARTING JULY &. ! 78; 8 minutes. Remove from heat and
ter. aren't you glad you won a usually is to let the boat drift with | Coastlines.» Lv. Elizabethtown . 6:45 A. M. $6.3 | RTO stir in vanilla and rice. Cover and
cir?” “Sore. .I-um” he answered. the wind and waves, going Sve 8 So great is the interest in catching Lv. Mount Joy 7:00 A. M. $5. a BUY YOUR TICKET IN | i before serving. wg 4 A
: : gravel or sand bar in about 8 or : 1) : and rm a se Y4 cup uncooked rice to make
but Tll never forgive myself for feet of water. You use a very light striped buss that, hile the eq Lv. Bird-in-Hand 7:35 A. M. $5.30 ADVANCE & AVOID 1 cu ny rice.
4 2 runs are In progress, many anglers Lv. Leaman Place . 7:55 A. M, $5.05 | Pp
buying two tickets.” - - - Tough spinner with a long-shank hook, come from far-distant points and Lv. Christiana 8:00 A. M. $4.80 LAST MINUTE RUSH.
luck again baiting with either a worm or stay in tents, trailers, and cabins to - -
minnow. be on hand for the peak of the fun. Gv Blidge 5:00 A 3: 26:50 | Si x, 2 as : !
: In this type of fishing, your lure | Armed with a “Glass Caster’! tubu- Ly. Columbia : A. M. 196.05 MONEY R y :
Acfriend of mine who dislikes for must move along just ahove the bot- | lar glass surf castingirod; witli 7-foot . .. Lv.“ Mountville 6:50 ‘A, M. $5.90 f | | : i =
people to inquire about hiss health tom and your speed be neither too | tip section, a 250-y: ard line? “Alby- Uv. Rohrerstown 7:00 A. M. $5.80 REFUNDED i !
135. a printed: card “wi oh ‘he’ hahd fast nor too slow. A few trial*runs | core” ‘surf casting recl, and ‘some
Fa pruiled; car whlch Je ands will put you wise to the right speed. | Skirr surf and squidding nylon line Bc Last Train . 7:25 A. M. $5.60 By P. R. R. on
to anyone who is indiscreet enough, For this shallow water trolling or | of 27 pound test, you're in shape for + ‘Advance sections. will leave. Lan- : . MOUNT JOY P
to offend him in this manner. The] Wrifting, you can use a split bam o | tough battles with the stripers. {§ caster as loaded, starting at 5:25 D. tickets not used. PHONE 3-9094 9 A.
card says: live bait rod 914 feet long, a Solid Send today for yourfree copies of |f S- oh a Sy i
ak glass bait casting rod § feet long, or | “Salt Water Sports Fishing” and | yrs. of age and under 12, You Can't Lose ! EFFECTIVE JUNE 26, 27, 28, 1952
Head, dizzy; eyes, circled; ears, a “bass action” tubular glass flv rod | “Pacific Coastal Fishing” Por full | ? |
Lg — ————
clean; nose. runny: neck, bristly; 9 feet long. For brisk sport with siz- | details on taking striped "bass.