The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, June 12, 1952, Image 5

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Everybady reads newspapers buf 'o ("hi 1015t ANNIVERSARY INVEST IN The Bulletin, Mount Joy, Pa.. Thursday, June 12, 19524
etna NOT everybody reads circular ads G.K. Wagner sChickery ‘Church News OF FBY'S CHURCH SUNDAY 204 Are Enrolled MUSSER |i — Sn
vertising left on their door sep. |BABY CHICKS - DUCKLINGS| NEWS PERTAINING TO ALL| The 10lst Anniversary service o ® LEGHORN CHICKS
em TURKEY POULTS | THE CHURCHES IN MT. JOY |Eby’s Church (Evangelical Unied | Ag Bible School -, mv AUCTION SALE
Nasu am naw, local Fagtary oi NI | AND THE ENTIRE SUR. | Brethren) will be held on Sunday, { © HEAVY WHITE oi
Terrific! FROCKS | EVERY WEEK ROUNDING COMMUNITY. June 15th at two-thirty o'clock. The total enrollment for the first | BROILER CHICKS | FRIDAY, JUNE 1 3th, 1952
Vhy Not? I will gladly show you these new; O Box 220 Phone 12-342 | am Program ) consists, of German | week of the Daily Vacation Bible | —— 7:00 P. M.
i y ot: Styies =witpout obligation. Cail at ny ELIZABETHTOWN, PA. i The Church ot God | Songs, Musical selections by the | School is 204, this total including ® HEAVY DARK { AT THE FIRE HOUSE AT MASTERSONVILLE
ome or ill call at Irs, che | . A bra ate Jt . im By .
— Wow! Bor you rarer | Phone or write for Price List |. Jv. ©. F. Helwig, Pastor Glossbrenner EUB Choir and the | boty the faculty and the pupils BROILER CHICKS '| Hardware, Drugs, Furniture, Paint, Clothing, Dishes and
ow, MRS. JAY BIESECKER Phone or write for Price List | g,nqay June 15 address by Rev. John H. Gable, | sassions of school i
EAST MAIN 3 T., FLORIN | 18-tf | g.q RY & | 4 Jy ' | The sessions of the schoo! in —— ! numerous other items will be sold. Some are new and
pia ST FT FLO 5. 130] $3 im. Sihday Sehial Serio pastor of the Church. A fellowship | .¢ nine each morning with a Place your order now some secondhand
“w © . ers Jay oer MSR : \ rd 3 : | .
— . . — el it chute of Me Ergatans. The | supper will follow ‘he service. [ ening assembly, followed by indi | for free delivery. | Sponsored by
AILY | guest speaker will be Roy H. Stet- | This annual home-coming servie® | igual class periods, and losing | THE MASTERSONVILLE FIRE COMPANY
WE SPRA Y- | ler, manager of the Evangelical is the only service during the year. | with a brief assembly” bef(e dis- Musser Leghorn Farms Proceeds to go to the Building Fund.
CE hi 0 ol Ha Mr. Harvey Zink is its only mem | missal at eleven. MOUNT JOY, PA. Phone 3-4911 23-2
- :30 p.m. Evening Worship ber. Teach ¢ dar olds 26th
WwW | Wednesday eachers of the four yfar olds 3
i Exterior Cellar alls | 7:30 pm. Missionary Meeting. The day will close with a hill-side | Mrs. G. F. Naugle, Mus.
i ‘ : service with Rev. Gable speaker. | Anna Todd, and Miss Shiney Eby; | cn |
on | With Waterproofed Colas Asphalt Oil | To == eves mea ET or the five year olds Mite Ralph
| CONTACT |. Rev. W. L. Wilson Jr, Pastor | w. C. T. U. MEETING | Oberholtzer and Mrs. Charles Wol- | A
| | Sunday, June 15 JIN ST. MARK'S CHURCH | gemuth; teaching the first and sec- Hp BL Ny
| 9:15 Bible School mi " leaching el fle
4th WOLGEMUTH & MARTIN 10: a Ring Worlip A special meeting of the local | dnd grade section Miss Anna Mae | { a by 4
] 212 West High Street ELIZABETHTOWN, PA. | Sermon: “Why Pray LN wn Women's Christian Temperance | Eby and Miss Bonnie Bigler; the | av 1 =o
| PHONE 119 25 pm. Pri iy Fe owship, . | Union will be held in St. Mark's | third and fourth grad: section Mrs. Fr. TP - eo: 4
3 14-tf My e i Pigg show you to he | Evangelical U. B. Church on Mon- | Walter Brandt, Miss Dorothy Kay- | Ran > MANHEIM R. D. 2. PA.
| yA p. mn Evangelistic Service. day evening, June 16, at 8:00 o'-|lor, and Miss Genevieve Zimmer- | rN iA ’

Ta — A +| Sermon: “Why Did God Give the |clock. Mrs, Ella B. Black, former | man; the fifth and sixth grade sec-
| Law? >» state president and presently | tion Miss Alice Marie Nissley, Miss
| Wednesday Midweek P state superintendent of the Ribbon | Barbara Ranck, and Miss Ruth |
00 p.m. idwee rayer Ser- : bmi :
| vie Tying program, will be present| Kauffman; and the junior high | A P WwW k
FUR fa ir Compressor Wor Rocks

speaking. There is a real blessing | Albert Greenawalt, local president, | Nancy Swanson. Ro k D ili c ki E
; ; ' | ck Drillin oncrete Breakin te.
iin store for you as they tell how [ will be in charge of the program., The Rev. Harlan C. Durfee is | 9 9 and
| the Lord has worked in Korea

A cordial invitation is extended al serving as the dean of the school
Mr. and Mrs. Don Kim will be | and will speak to the group. Mrs. | class Mrs. Mary Porath and Miss

p . » -
3 St. Maks all = [od = Blaine Kreamer is direct . . Trees
Evangelical United Brethren rari ge music, . | E Xcayv a ti n g a nd G raain g
Ezra H. Ranck, Pastor Sixty-two fire companies from | NEW ART CLASS & I T h Et ;
i | Sunday, June 15 atom 5. iE wir vee | ellars, trenches, C.
iting at Ww. C. ll So Nay: Be 35 School eastern Penna. and New Jersey | As a result of a growing interest |
Pork and You Phone e a | devoti Sn Po £190 were represented at the Lancaster|in 5 “beginner” class of artists, it
® 9:30 am. Children's Day program, County convention * held Saturday | has heen decided to organize one.
| (taking the hi ee of the wusual|at Denver. | This class will hold its or ganization | P H 0 N E M 0 U N T J 0 Y 3 - 4 7 5 3
| morning worship eet eee tir j ant |
Ee ALSO ALL KINDS LAUNDRY I "7:30 p.m. Evening worship. | meeting on Monday evening, dune

Monday Patronize Bulletin Advertisers | 15 4 8:00, and will consist of eight |
| 8:00 pm. W.C. T. U. meeting, First Presbyterian Church | 2-hour lessons.
| Mrs. Ella B. Black, speaker. Mount Joy, Penna. | This class will .be open to all, any
| Wedienday Mito : Rev. Harlan C. Durfee, Pastor | age and without any previous
7:30 p.m. Midweek prayer service | g ay \ 3 : :
| pra Ju as School | I will be decided at they
6:45 p.m. Children’s Choir re- 10:45 a. m. Morning Worship . | initial meeting which evening to |
hearsal. Sermon: A Singing Heart. | meet and how often per month. |
7:30 p.m. Dorcas Society meeting | 4:00 p. m. Organ and Voice Recit-| The lessons will include char-|
at the cottage of Mrs. Herbert | 4 by Dr. David E. Schlosser and| al pe : : |
Tyndall, Mt. Gretna. { Wr. Williom Gassraan, | coa drawing; mixed and applica- |
8:00 p.m. Senior Choir rehearsal. | tion of oil paints, still-life painting, |

Brook’s Dry Cleaning
: di af Newtown E. U. B. Church out-door landscape painting, arid
The Washington Street Rev. 0. K. Buch, Pastor | perspective.
Church Of The Brethren Sunday, June 15th | The class will be taught by Linn
Elizabethtown, Pa. 9:00 a.m. DST. Sund: wy School.
Ww. ker : i > con-
7:30 p.m. Children’s Day Program | Longenecker and will be Son
Rev. Nevin H, Zuck, Pastor Thursday {ducted in the basement of his
| Sund ay, June 15 7:30 p.m. DST. Christian Endeav- | home at Birchland Ave. this Boro.
9:30 am. Church School, Study { or and Prayer meeting. Each person attending the first

theme: The Obligation to be Truth- | [ ‘ Lo .
ful. Eo. | meeting is requested to bring along
u : J Trinity Lutheran Church
10:30 am. Morning Worship, Rev. W. L. Koder, Pastor
Service led by the boys and girls Sunday, June 15 | any) and of these there will be
| exhibit. PF M
If you are interested, but cannot > %
frre the first meeting drop a line
or call Linn and state which even- LUNCHEON MEAT
Evang=lical 7:45 p.m. The Womens Missionary
ing is most suitable. ~
g A) Mii ris Broadcast: May 24, 1952
United Brethren Church Society at the home of Mrs. Bruce 1Y; cups biscuit mix 2 teaspoons lemon 1 2-03 can C
: | 1 Tablespoon sugar juice
| Rev. John H. Gable, Pastor |E. Wolfe, Landisville. E pif ted
| St inday, June 15th Wednesday | ngagements for oor lemon ne
V3 cup ice-cold 2 cups sweetened,

| his best drawing or painting (if
of the Primary and Junior Depart- 9:30 a.m. Sunday School.
ments of the Church School. 10:45 a.m. Morning Worship.
| 7:30 pm. Evening Service; Rev. Monday
| Paul Alwine will preach the ser- 7:30 p.m. Brotherhood in the
mon. i Parish House.

to Sew Children’s Garments

® Learners Taken
; ® Steady Work
89 ® Good Pay

Father's Day 7:30 p.m. The Young Ladies Bible
: : . | Mr. and Mrs. Walter F. Young, Pet Milk mashed strawberries,
{ : 30 Class will meet in the Parish House f 4 teaspoons granu- fresh or frozen 1/,.lb
| ns a hi Ting 8 00) i | 851 Martha Ave. Lancaster, an- lated sugar e anon 0 da /2 ¢
Dr. O. T. Ehrhart, speaker. : Donegal Presby.erian Church [nounce the engagement of their Mix biscuit mix and 1 tablespoon
7:15 p.m. Evening Service. Donegal Springs, Penna. | daughter, Marilyn, to Elvin W.| sugar i boul, Sue in a ol Ya
y 7 on ag | 1 . cup milk and water. urn ou on
Tuesday : Rev. Harlan C. Durfee, Pastor | per son of Mr. and Mis. Norman{l floured board and knesd & Ham Loaf Vs-lb C
8:00 p.m. Senior Choir rehearsal. | Sunday, June 15 :
. 30 arsal. | 3 ay, . 5 D. Herr uarrtyville. few seconds, or until smooth. Roll V2
| Wednesday 9:30 a.m. Church School { » Q
6:30 pm, Cherub Choir 7:30 pm. Evening Worship Ser-| Both are graduates of Millers- |] inch thick. Cut into 4 rounds with ERR
v : as : . -inch er. ake -
4: I 5 i ids Children’s Day | ville State Teachers College, Miss outed :
7:30 p.m. Midweek Service. mon: In the Midst. greased baking sheet in hot oven

— | (J. Greenberg

137 NORTH POPLAR STREET ELIZABETHTOWN, PA. —— Program | Young is the librarian at the Mount | (425) about 10 minutes, or until
] | Mount Joy Methodist Cnurch ————— [ Joy High School and Mr. Herr is al brown. At serving time, put ice-cold
C ¢ 16-1f Rev. Robert C. Pike, Minister Trinity Evangelical Cong. Church | atl satici it the... Proving milk and 4 teaspoons sugar into
i So lo eo of oo ol | Ralph C C. Alleman, Sun. Sch. Supt. Rev. Q. A. Deck, Pastor mathematician a ne oying small, cold bowl and whip with cold
- | anda. June 15 Sunday. June 15th | Grounds, Aberdeen, Md. The wed- beater until fluffy. Add lemon juice
[ 9:00 am. Worship Service. 9:15 a. m. Combined Service | ding will take place in August apd rind. Wiis until sf Break open
bh C | 10:00 am. Sunday School. Observing Father's Day. Speaker, | ar ae shortcakes while warm. Put together
x vig . with strawberries. erve wi wil eC
— Rev. I. E. Johnson of Lancaster i h strawberries. S th whipped
EAE ey TT ' Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hipple, Fal- topping. Makes 4 servings. Y
Salunga Methodist Church No evening service { ti the Frvers fully 1
Rev. Robert C. Pike, Minister Wednesday { mouth, .aphoulice the engng | 1C ens FYCIS pressed LO C
es reg [Miss Alice Strickler, S. S. Supt. 7:30 p.m. Prayer Meeting. | of their daughter, Evelyn Jean, to | HERSHEY'S
{ Sunday, June 15 ! James E. Craun, son of Mr. and | >
es 5¢ y

10:00 a.m. Sunday School Salunga { Mrs. J. A. Craun, Mt. Joy R2. { / °
11:00 - Bb Worship Ras. Church of the Brethren | fs. 3 3 Cn st oy tad ob Chocolate Syrup 2 33c 3 Chickens Cut Up
—— Earl Brubzker, Elder In Charge |

Thursday evening from EBElizabeth- |
Mt. Pleasant John Herr, Supt. | y = ; Gy gar ~~ Je ey "vs Re
7 Oe Brethren In poe Church Sunday, June 15th | town High School. Miss Hipple is | Jell 0 3 for 25¢ YOUR CHOICE AT COMPETITIVE PRICES
Pastors: C. H. Moyer and 8) Woy a. Si Stuy School employed at the Masonic Homes, | KUNZLER'S
| Grayhill Wolgemut} ):10 aim. Church Service | . 5 | . a
PAR 0 Everybody is invited | Elizabethtown, and My. Cran, by || King Syrup 8 ths 63¢
9:00 am. Sund ; S.hnol ] vem Joe the Motorist's rend iza- | ran 5 skinless Seite C
3 c et Sa SE bethtown. | FLORIDA
d No date has been set for the wed- | 1
| 02
| ane Oranges ls doz: 4 9c B : isn O.
Qa : Armour Sliced ) 4
: oy Ny | ERGATAN S. S. CLASS MET | Celery 2 stalks 35¢ acon
of The Ergatan Sunday School Class | ae

of the Mt. Joy Church of God held!
| their monthllly meeting at the
[ \
| home of Betty Jane Charles and |
Margaret Mackinson on Tuesday |
, evening. June 10th. |
} : cima
| Following devotions a business |
| meeting was conducted and games COLORED OLEO
b D4
Chuck Roast = » De
T-Bone Steak »9O5-
All Our Meats Are Sold On

| were. played.

A delicious lunch was served |
. SOMETHING FOR NOTHING? | to the following: Kathryn Mumper, |
A N op en etter Ga i : ive tint it Grace Hawthorne, Isabel Kistler,
Our Gov ernment has nothing to give that it doe: | Hilda Weidler, : Dock. |

} not, first or last, take from the people who pro- Mary Graybill, Patricia Huston] Wits Ssupon toe
» ry . . * a 3 oo . i e
to Teen-Agers. duce’ or earn. Taking from some to give to | Violet Sprout, Doris Rice, Thelma | Money Back uaran
ul. ; 5 Of free | Eshelman, Alcesta Erb, Pauline |
. oe i others can be the beginning of loss o ree. [Fry Hazel Shenk, Betty Helwig |
School is out! You're all busy with a million dom. It is only by working and saving as indi- | Ruth Helwig, Myrtle Mowrer, and |
plans! Most likely these plans of yours involve viduals that, we can produce lasting benefits | Helen Schroll. Slo
some telephoning. Now we know that every time for all. A growing account in the bank, built up | A RUMMAGE SALE BY Just all a
the telephone is busy, a teen-ager isn't using it. by systematic deposits out of earnings, represents | THE KING'S DAUGHTERS
| The King's Daughters Sunday
i : ; 4 i | School Class and the Ergatan Sun-
i a busy signal in a teen-ager’s home, someone's | thrifty American citizens are constantly striving. | day School Class of the Mt. Joy |
. 3 | Church of God will hold a Rum- |
sure to say: “Those kids are always on the phone!’ : Hy ;
? 52, J ; ; | mage sale in the building east of
So if ‘you'll ‘just be careful about sharing the : ; ; ) | the ‘Church’ on East Main street on |
line — teens and everyone else will have better | UNION NATIONAL Friday evening, June 27 and all |
. 4 | day Saturday, June 28th. Ie
telephone service. . / MOUNT JOY BANK -—

Buf, in summer especially, if a telephone gives the kind of security for which industrious and
And We Will Be Glad To Give You

The writer can well remains] SE F- iY 3 IRA Le = 0 a 3 K E T
PA. COLUMBIA TELEPHONE C . Member of Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation in the old days, the man who sav- Rd 432 od hol - FLO RI [BN at Ma (Za A IL-1
ed money was a miser; nowadays |
he’s a wonder. | =