The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, June 12, 1952, Image 4

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d«~The Bulletin, Mount Joy, Pa., Thur:day, June 12, 1952 ( 9 o a," S A REMINDER etna
Ww t t fli)
N I G al LOCALS DEFEATED BY | ce $ c vi 1€ NEXT 0 .
Ww n er MANHEIM IN CLOSE GAME | E D al ETNA i + e’ June 2 = A
€ $ en Manheim opened its County Le-| At ast oneg J | FridayEv 8 GOLF Terrific!
F Fl . F gion schedule with a 4-3 victory | A nu oe | you are planning to attend
rom orm or over Mount Joy in a Section 2 con- IR IRTP PENN he $ the — — Why Not?
: }0) C 00 Ss b Elk 3
[ test It was the second setback for ’ { | FESTIVAL
The Past Week |: a: suns of te Bl] Geagon’s Opening x SWIMMING — Wou!
a | Chuck Weidman and Jere Barto | Donegal High school, Maytown El- | . ra Sponsored by the Home & mmm
Miss Nancy Brooks, wh 4 "hooked up in a pitching duel with | ementary and Florin Elementary | On Stage of Central Pennsylvania's Most Popular School Association. . mem :
oct ey is the decision going to Manheim and | Schools maintained a perfect at-|} Summer Theatre-Week Starting Remember? You have your OPEN DAILY
enj ying a week's vacation at the | Weidman. He limited the losers to| tendance second for the A year Thursday, June 1 2th | calendar marked.
home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. | fue hits while his mates rapped |of 1951-52. In the high school, two |
Harry Brooks a Bard) V Barto for nine its seniors, Florence Lapp and Colleen | Brilliant Cast of Top and
Mr. and Mrs arry Barnhart, o a " or ak . wi avers In
Elise beh oWT visited Mr. and Mrs Manheim won the game in th Ibaugh, were neither absent nor | Hollywoo Y! . 9 "
Paul Shetter on Sunday. | sixth when they pushed over two tardy; Valera Johnson, Anna Roy- “Goodbye Again {
Mrs. Paul Arndt was admitted to | uns er, Thelma Webb, Patsy Wolfe, Au- | tv Hit First Ti At-Crotne | 2 DIAMONDS . 0 oH Ion
it, Joseph's Hospital on | day as | . i wr PRS rg - irs ime | J
op Hospi il on Monday [ Manheim ab h 0 ajurey Sinder and George Rhoads, Smash Comedy Hi st .
Mr. and Mrs. George Mumper and | Rohrer « | 1 i 0| juniors; Joann Fornoff, Ross Bh} CURTAIN 8:30 P. M. ADM. $1.00 PLUS
Mr. A. D. Garker enjoyed a vaca- | Shank cf } 1 2 0} leman and Larry Wagner, tenth a — 0
ticn at Buck Ridge Lodge, in Perry | © Herr) rf J 1 : grade; Carl Lehman, Betty Leese,| — bh | a | 3 SATURDAY NIGHT, JUNE 14th
County. «erphy Ss . [ 3
yr I. B. Gladfelter, of Mount | Evar i 2 1 0 0 | Samuel Witmer and John Hershey, | | ol in 10 TO 1:00 A. M.
Joy, was a dinner guest of Mr. and | Shellenberger If 3 0 0 0 | ninth grade; Edith Raber, eighth; | 19-JEWEL
Mrs. B. F. Kauffman. Longenecker 2b 3 2 0 1lland Ronald Stoner, Sara Gutshall, | '
Mr. and Wee Ralph and | Hens 1b 4 8 § ! Richard Bowers, Dorothy Brown, | a | DIAMOND WATCHES TOMMY COBLE
daughter, Mr. and ‘Mrs enry | Martin 1b 2 ) ; . oY We |
v a 3 : 0 Miriam Brubaker and Cynthia Leh- J
Sheaffer drove to Shamokin Sun- | Hammer 3b 0 0 g 0 | UNE 1 5th |
day. Weidman p 3 1 2 2] man, seventh grade. SUNDA Y 9 J Only ELGIN has the DuraPower AND HIS ORCH ESTRA
Ys. Ear] Gerlitski was admin. is i Ss | In the Washington school, Florin | Mainspring. Guaranteed never to break!
ed to St. Joseph's Hospital Friday Fotals 30 -9 21 6! there were three students, Charles :
as a surgical patient Mount Joy ab h o alg bold, Ardis Wolgemuth ard) Vi gil N al SR GHT JUNE 15th
Mrs. Ephraim Arndt Sr, is now | Ashenfelter rf A 1 0 o GIS se ul 1Irgl e SUNDAY NIGH
1 1 y 4
srending some time in Philadelphia | [,owder hs 3 0 1 1 | Ronald Eichler. In the Maytown | TRADE IN YOUR OLD
with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Arndt | Krady « 4 1 11 1| Elementary, the children are John] WATCH 9:00 TO 12:00
Sire Peifer of Harrisburg, | Sen 311 David Greer, Robert Raber, || ANd Oklahoma Travelers |
WLS. 0 . 5 3 } Ee
is spending some time with Mr. and Zo if ih a 1 1 A Edward Barnhart, Albert McCow- | ALSO Warren H Greenawalt TH . H EADLI N ERS
Mis. B. F. Kauffman. hillics 3b ? 2 | in, Robert Deppen, Linda Felty and | ALS | »
Mrs. Makcl Herr of Elizabethtown | Gantz i 3 53 0| Tricia McCowin ye 209 West Main Street
sent the week-end with her sister | yo. cf 1 0 0 0] : i ; | Cody & Cody | MOUNT JOY, PA
RE a [Be p 3.0.0 3 2 Xr 4 Week ot} i J SRE ol Sunday family dinners will be served starting at
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Blain oy... eT eT | yet Joys and 'Wo teachers ©) Whip & Knife Artists | Open evenings Phone 3-54 1:00 until ? — Steaks, Chops, Sea Foods, Beef, Pork and
Gantz on -Wednesday evening in | Totals 20 5 2 8| the high school left Tuesday, June |
he of Miss Florence Gantz and | MANHEIM : 010 012 0-410 for Penn State where they will | PLUS Stimulate your business by adver= Turkey.
Mr. David Merkey, wiao will be NY Joy Longen Jw Joi 3 attend the annual F. F. A. week | . | ising in the Bulletin.
NAGI var future. -Zerpny, Longenecker 2, Low- | ~ ~ . |
A the very Rv i. j der, Krady. R—Zerphy, Longenec- | (Future = Farmers of America). | The Blue Ridge Boys |
and ‘useful gifs. ©) ker, Hammer, Weidman, Krady, | Robert Swope went as the Lancas- |
Thirteen members attended the | Kear, Barto. BB-—Barto 1, SO | ter County representative; James Continuous Shows From 2:00 O'clock {
1 f the | Barto 11, Weidman 7 { {
Fon. Ngo a the | YOber and. Bruce Betnbart, as PF. PAL. 40c tax) CHILDREN UNDER 12 FREE
; Sine 'GION NINE NY 03 Ae | A. chorus members; and Robert
Borin on Tussday W Hem LEGION NINE LOST CLOSE Caries po Bogor) Lots of parking space, picnic tables, amusements and refreshments
ne n 3 va © 2" | GAME TO MARIETTA 3 » : {
ilton, Yas hte ie com | In the Cot iy Cotton | Thome and Norman Kreider, as aaa
pany, the purchase o ive flash a A 8 .eague on |, ORB: Tks Erm ——————————————— co
lights was ordered and the month- | Tuesday Mount Joy lost a very | last Donegal representatives. Rob |

ert a griculture |
Eugene Saylor, miusic teacher, was |
chosen to direct the F. F. A. chor- |
ly bills ordered paid. President |
Staley made an urgent request to | Iv
the members to come out and take: : only 4
part in the carnivals which are | Druck, allowed the losers only one
scheduled for Jane 21, July 12 and | bingle by Zeller. Score:
good game to Marietta 2 to 1. The
: -—
winners had
7 and 9:00 P.M
: | teacher Troup. |
hits while = grour
_ | us for the second year. The group | A



August 2nd. 1 it Jov H A |
ie — Yum da rf 2 th 0 h > o will attend sessions until Thursday | SATURDAYS T E TRE HOLIDAYS |
VFW IS CONSIDERING Lowder 3b . 2 0 1 3 | evening. 6-8-10 P. M. Stount Joy, Pa. 2: . M. |
PURCHASING PLOT GROUND | Brady cl 2.0:0. 0 Summer Program {
Mount Joy Post No. 5752, Veter- | aD. i : 4 A summer instrumental music| FRIDAY — SATURDAY, JUNE 13 - 14 | a To
ans of Foreign Wars held their reg- | Zimmerman 1b 1 0 5 ( | extension program began in the WALT DISNEY'S CRACKIN’ GOOD Pirin Pan
ular meeting Monday evening at Zaller If 3 1 1 1| Florin, Maytown, and Marietta | J vy S| Fi B a
8 Bo Meow 30 1 | Monday, June 9. The exten- | § 44S White And The Seven Dwarfs” §1 Fig Dars : Peanut Butter
Main street. . oe | sion program is open to anyone, Pillsbury Cake Mixes
There was much discussion on | Tothls 19 1 18 13] adults or children, who are inter- | 33
the purchase of a plot of ground, | Marietta ab h o a ested in taking instrumental mus- | MONDAY, JUNE 16 pkg Cc CHCCOLATE. VANILLA, GOLD lg jar 49.
in the future. A committee was | Sargen if . 2 0 3 0 lic lessons. The course will run ap- | !
formed by Commander Brown 0 Amie io Tas as : : Proxies six to eight weeks un- | WALTER PIDGEON — JOHN HODIAK -in- \
werk on this project as soon as! gan cc 9 i der the direction of H. Morreil| | ¥
possible. Other plans were also | Johnson rf 5 : 4 Shields, Mount Joy and is free. | “The Sellout” ! \
ing made, which cannot be made | Jones 3b 2 1 0 0| Any persons interested in taking |
public at this time. Ossie 3 : : : lessons may get in touch with Mr
The Post decided to hold two pick 5. 3 0 1 | Shields in Mount Joy or at the | TUESDAY, JUNE 17
meetings a month, because of the | McFadden 1b | 0 0 3 o| Marietta or East Donegal High | - .
business to be acted upen, and] Sharp rf 1 0 0 0 | Schools. In addition to the lessons, | ALL STAR CAST -mn-
Cemmander Brown urges all Vet- | Seaman 3b 0 0 0 0fband, dance orchestra and junior | ® ® 29 SUGAR 100 LBS $8.89
crans to attend these meetings when | Totals 19 7 a1 ~ | band practices are tentatively sch- | eof ¢ A Big Country .
possible to give their ideas and to!

MOUNT JOY ........ 010 000 0—1
eduled for once a week at each of|

The Beacon Class of the Evan- | : EL
gelical Congregational Church held | OUR LOCAL TENNIS TEAM
their monthly meeting last Thurs- | TOPS LANCASTER BLUE
day evening, at the home of Mrs.| Diet and
Dorothy Gish. id their
After the business session games|"
were played and refreshments were
served to: Miss Ethel Barto, Marie |
Heeter, Evelyn Daveler, Doris
Kaylor, Dorothy Kaylor, Mrs. Ber-| .
support to the many important] MARIETTA 200 000 x—2 the schools | ° .
now bei plonned. R—Clinger, Armole. E—Zimmer- ible Sc 3 id AY, JUNE 18 - 19 N F P J bot
projects now being planned | 3. YR Bible School WEDNESDAY THURSD J Orris ancy rune uice C
Next regular meeting will be | Druck 5. Myers 7 i One hundred students attended | PAUL HENREID JOHN SUTTON =ine-
called for June 23rd at eight o'- Other League Scores the first day of the community daily | a Fon : 09 ° N ov, c
clock at the Post Headquarters on| Reamstown 14 Christiana 7 [vacation Bible School Monday 66 9 Oo $ i | Silver Floss Sauer Kraut 0. ~7/2 can
ams 4, stiana 7, ay, D BER |
East Main street. Refreshments. | Maytown 9, Lititz 3. | June 9 in Maytown. The sessions | Thief f a ascu :
- en — |
Manheim 4, E-town 2. will be held each morning for two | * h AS 35
BEACON CLASS MET AT Fphrata 3 Columbia 0. | weeks from 9 to 11 a. m. Following | en Orris ancy meapp e un S No. 2% can C
sane |a 15-minute worship period in the |

| Grace Lutheran Church, the group |
will hold sessions in the East Done-
gal Elementary school in Maytown. |
third The closing session will be held on |
| Sunday evening, June 22 in the lo-
Inter- 14
eT cal iChurch of God
competition |
with 1 Post Toasties cg
1 Post Bran Flakes 5c¢
3» TO

at. Night, June 1
the school and teachers and assis-
{tans are Mrs. Wilbur Allison Miss a oa
8 oz.
5¢ Sale on ::* Posts Bran Flakes
Frank Zink, Dick
> Crider
ty t singles matches
{ Count Te Le
Satur as they paced to an 8-1|
the Blue




ue 3 1
The Revs. Wilbur Allison and
William Wagner are
co-deans of

& Mary Lee Taylor
Double Fudge Sundae
victory over Lancaster

tha Rhoads, Mrs. Mary Minich, | Dick Blankinger scored the only Hazel Crankshaw, Primary: Mus. | |
Mrs. Almeda Hostetter, Mrs. Ruth | Wn for Lancaster defeating Bll| joseph Keener, Beginners; Ms. | 1 Broadeast: June 14, 1952 0CO- 0 d c
Brandt, Mrs. Bernice Becker and | Dale Watts and Miss May Keener LUCKY LEVEN CLUB SH Fe mia oe
he } ener, | Vic i i : rT
Mrs. Esther Longenecker. The summaries: assistants; Miss Esther Straley, Ju- | few gains sale 1Y> pints vanilla PLUS DEPOSIT
————— Singles Loi , es ir oe ; yl 5 2 1 cup Pet Mill ice cream
i Frank Zink, def. Elwood Snyder |S Mrs. Helen Barnhart, Begin-| The Zaniest Most Hilarious Audience Participation Show You | Mix sugar, cocoa and salt in small
AND 6-4, 4-6. 6-1. ners; Miss Mary Ann Felty, assist- Ever Witnessed. heavy saucepan. Stir milk in slowly ! 1
. /IDENDS Gene Crider defeated Clarence |ants; Mrs. Charles Cunningham | a until smooth. Cook over medium heat 1
Directors of Pennsylvania Water | McCue, 7-5, 6-1 Primary; Miss Patsy Houseal ‘assis. | PRIZES — WORTH HUNDREDS OF DOLLARS — PRIZES until mixture comes to a boil, stirring C a € on a rance
& Power Company, at a teeing Dick Divet defeated Jim Liven- Te Ih Se AWARDED FREE all the time. Stir and boil 3 minutes,

- . }
tant and Rev. George Shaltz, inten- |
mediates. Churches cooperating are |
thickens. Remove
add vanilla, Put a
of 4 dessert
or until mixture
from heat and
slice of cake on each
| geod, 6-3, 6-0.
held today (June 5, 1952) declared |
dividends for the second quarter of |

Harold Fellenbaum defeated Al


Kegereis 6-3. 6-4. | the Church of God, Lutheran and | i
= RE Sg Ter radeon i Nil wv - y v plates. Arrange ice cream on cake.
Tong oF fifty ens OW) per Sa See Ba ber, defeated Ken Dal- | Reformed Churches of Maytown | x rie 1C ran ah a 1 Top each serving with 2 :
on tne common stock, one dollar|Py, 12-10. 6-1. and the Reich's Evangelica f A a WW a & >| spoons of sauce. Cover and chill rest
and twenty-five cents ($1.25) per fe Di k A de- Marietta R1 ch’s Evangelical of| A ah A a o of sauce for. future use. Makes 1V4 AND GET COUEF ON W ORTH 10e¢
J : ; eated 1 easton, 6-3, 3-6, 6-3. ans . 14 | cups sauce.
share on the $5.00 preferred stock Doubles School Board Meeting . Pulchritude Galore : |
; & Th t ntire show itself
and one dollar and twelve and one-| Zink and Crider def. Snyder and| The regular monthly meeting of | han Als ac is on ne ! i | :
half cents ($1.12'2) per share nj ol 6-2. of Li the East Donegal Township School! iE S i ° Hi 1H C ] 3 4 : Bia)
A y Jivet anc lenbaum det. wven- |_| 1 { hn ‘
the $4.50 preferred stock, payable good. and Kenoreis B.3. Gos. District will be held Friday even~ DOPEY DUNCAN & His Cow Hands uns € 1- 0 ra erst C rag
ing, June 13, in the library of the |
July 1, 1952 to stock holders of


wy 16.1652. The 4 3 Barker and Beaston, def. Dalby
record June 16, . e dividends | and Blankinger, 6-1, 6-1. school Th : STI] . . .
bn e best in Hillbilly Entertainment.
are for the quarter ending June Bo . ———— 0 y uns me Spy rac ers Ibs C
en ell Fe eee


|B A Er Se Tr EEE TI SY, |

The potato shortage was caused
by the “blundering incompetence”
of the Office of Price Stabilization,
says Sen. Edward Martin (R-Pa.)
In a transcribed broadcast
Keystone state radio stations Mar-
tin, former governor of Pennsylva-
nia, said, the OPS "had been warn-
ed that-its “stupid price ceiling”
policy would result in ‘production
of less potatoes.
Martin Said ' his mail “reflects | the Association to every person | lightful, cated show a EATS GAMES AMUSEMENTS |
rid : ; in a pair of erow’s feet to} Miss Sanders. and: theirest- of the | |
anger,’ indignation, bitterness and, turning in a pair of crow’s feet to : | ADMISSION 50c |
iain 1 t + th situa~ | William Fackler, of this place Gretna company have been work- | PHONE 3-9094 RIOUNT JOY, PA.
piain puzzlement over this situa [a 67/01 ni pia ing hard with Director Chgules| PARKING FREE CHILDREN UNDER 12 FREE |
rt ree:
Bulletin Ads Pay Big Dividends.

A ground ‘heg contest has been
planned 2s a feature of the regular
meeting of the Mount Joy Sports-
Five pr In
event of a tie, the prize money will

zes will be given,

be divided.
At the present a fish con-
for the
the various classes.
test is being conducted
largest fish in
fAssociation dues must. be paid be-
fore July 1 to be eligible :to enter
the contests.
A shot gun shell will be given by
Stimulate your business by adver
lising in the Bulletin.
Asscciation Tuesday evening. |
the |
Talented, good-looking Miss Lee
{ Sanders has been cast in the role
| of Anne Rogers in the sparkling
“Goodbye Again”
| opened the 1952 season at the Gret- |
ra Playhouse, Mt. Gretna, Thurs- |
| day night, June 12th. |
{ Her first role at the Gretna Play-
[ house finds her appearing as the
| comedy, which
| Bixler, a. popular lecturer who gets
| involved
[ : ;
sweetheart now married. It's a de-
with a former college

Coghlan for the opening on Thw%-
j day night,
i Everybody
The Engfords
Another Sensational European Act.

Reyton & Raye
Something for the Kids “from 6 to 60”

Rheem's favorite Show Orchestra

In This Locality Reads The Bulletin!

Cr RTO- rics 25¢
SI 205 2 25
Beef Cube Steaks » $1.00
Visit Our Self-Service eat Dept.

EFFECTIVE JUNE 12. 13, i4. 1952 :
