The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, May 22, 1952, Image 2

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Bulletin, Mount Joy, Pu.. Thursday, Way 2a 1952 | NN WREST i FOOD AND Sour PALE [ointment stairs E
| sale will be held at the Elizabeth- rn v8
e oun oy u etin Ep of — | BOX own Mather, Plats May wy by ARMS | RONG’S 2-qts. Sealtest Ice Cream I
the Mothers of the Florin and May-
Jno. E. Schroll, Editor and Publisher LONG ACO { by DILL GIVENS I'l town Sixth grade pupils, : E 1 8 i E (| T | 90¢ A



ESTABLISHED JUNE, 1901 oes " Si | KYW Farm Director I'l The proceeds will be used to help | y MAY 24
a \ " Arane veck' , 4 . MAY 11 TO MAY 2
Published Every Thursday at No. need we ever fear a shortage of W, B. B, R. D \ : Bag ¢ week's ay for Wp 8 Oo (@) +4 hd
‘#-11 East Main St, Mount Joy, Pa. id tun 0 y. a lverson, Pa mately forty pupils at Camp Swat | .
| BB wt Ruin a, A ) oy liquid fuels, ea rs 0 We have noticed that ong off ear Bethel, Pa |
® ® 0 wa like to chew n (| ara near selnel, a, { P
Subscription, per year .. $2.00 ree NEVA We Hot vent Her Father th neon Wess so
\ - tw ts when ret Ne 101 wot > 3.5436
Six Mons, ny CON TROLS THAN May 18, 1932 nibble on hay. Do you have any FOOD SALE SATURDAY ATR FE PHONE 3-5436 90-2 mM
1 ths TG \ t eat h | " ‘ x ' A
het pa ~ : yr The Annual Class Day exercises bij } The Junior Class of M. J. H. S.|
Single Copies ............. 05 The worst drought in its 99 vears | ’ Ans When | . . ; - ws - er
Bample Cops ......... FREE ol histor is bein sullered by the | vere held at Maytown High School prefer twill have a Food Sale at Fitus | -
——————— fal ye Rl by Res 1 y the and there are nineteen in the grad- BR chow on 1 pate or | Rutt’s Insurance Agency Saturday |
Entered at the Postoffice at Mt. oo i" a ag ne h A uating Class. eralls va | morning, May 24. The sale will be- | LINOLEUM |
S - | large ingle beef-producing oper- : : |
Jo Pe the Act of March 3, 1879. Aion i te Uriel es ol The Hill Kid and his boy {riend av: wy £30 AL: 8:0, | ON 3 MEALS
ne mm | — th nti Ww Id It from the South Mountain gave a aay as v 9% 1 Thomas Kear is president of the ASPHALT TILE
ps ¢ € re orig, S M > §ig tha ne ~ : |
: Member, Pennsylvania : Newspaper tH has heen: from free open air concert at the Ira | ok ing phos class. Nancy Swanson is chairman | RUBBER TILE p!
Pehle Assbeition 85 000 to wound 60,000 because of Newcomer Service Station on Fast | phorous in he | of the Food Sale. CORK TILE A DAY AT A &
— —— a9, ar wy real p |
. + an Main St dict. Veterinarian: | = ASPE | : : :
Publicaticn Day, Thursday a dry spell which is now in its Jrd sxblain tha’ J With breakfast, lunch and dinner to serve 365 times a year It will really
: | Mrs ste loberts mterta ad | exp in 3 | to shop f IL these aot A&P. Stop in and round vp the money:
Copy for a change of advertising year. In the lust year alone the Mrs. Lester Ro 1 s en ot ined phosphorous { PRINT 1000 ENVELOPES LINOLEUM TILE ARAN A a or Al G
should reach this office Tuesday. | ch owners have spent $1,000,000 the Young Ladies’ Bible Class of ciency should also be suspected Like Last Time. |
‘We will not guarantee insertion of the Lutheran Church at her home | cattle chew on stones, wood or 1h Got A Sample? i WE ALSO SELL
any advertising unless copy reaches | on emergency measures. on MavieHa Street bish. In fact, whenever eattle show © | FINE! | :
the office not later than 9 a. m.| Yet, bad as such a drought is, n oN al : I Il start: a| king for any indigestible, | | ARMSTRONG’S QUAKER of
preceding day of publication. said Robert J. Kleberg, the ranch's | Se 1c Dan a tr a good idea to che ip on the phoo- | { RUGS AND
Classified ads will be accepted to | | mesident, government wice con= system of day and night shifts. { phorous intake of the he rd. If ‘his 4 VERING ate
Pe a publication day. | trols ALE eve Nn Worse ho it comes| Carl Droran moved his fami- | deficiency 1s disco il A | | FLOOD Cove 3 el
are eve se whe py leven! yal ox
SR (0 gaps es [to reduc ing the nation’s meat sup ly fromy Rheems to the hotse va- hy rn x Of _ Ys * we | Mount Joy ch
ducing the ng S mei wih . i » ration, Of ise, ‘the
T : ated by Clayton Stauffer w devel lameness, become poor | Til Li | C ste
lies. And controls, he added, fall © .] | may develop amends, become | | | 1e & mnoieum 0. J
E D 1 0 R I A L jl the small HM wd feeders John L. Schroll, Chief Hose Di-| producers, bear fewer calves, and jist | Phone Us for Your | Open every day & evening i
: ers and feeders, pad oe . scone Sent nthrifty en every di e ¢
+ + + [on whom We depend for most of rector of Friendship Fire Co. ten ae! Bg bl ig oor PRINT ING | except Wednesday a5
{ p peng p v . Sim | war is problem ¢ Lo i e | . 35
It sounds queer to hear that the | guy meat. | dered his resignation to take effect| yrom—mus, D. C. 8, Prospect Park f 38 W. MAIN ST, MT. JOY Do
abs | . : . at once. Pa, Cpe Sl el et tees i —————— lio
Tennessee Valley Authority has let | Mp. Kleberg cited Argentina as . fond. Sots }
i &1 9% 190 4 : A very large and fine exhibition] @—I have found some vegenble |} sal
a contract amounting to $1.257.1204 ap example of the disruption con- Yaly args. ho) he 9 o eeds left from last year. Are the | : | an
y pl t . of Art was held on the first floor | ..,\", 1a Rk nA an,
for coal for its power plants. What | trols cause. That country historic 3 still goad : Ih : | a res
"has become of the wonderful water | ally has had beef in vast uantities of the Grade School in charge of Ans.—Vegetabe seed left over fiom | {i DON T | MANY ITEMS AT A & P ARE PRICED G5, Year | Today's we
es a cl i a "| Miss Esther High art supervisor. ne year to another should be tested: LOWER THAN A YEAR AGO Ago Price nit

power we once heard so much a- | Yet a short time ago the Peron gov- | for germination before
« a : ¢ plantin® Me |
: Mr. H. N. Nissly, cashier of the | : ! H | Elo
bout. ” ernment imposed two meatless | i N Nigel, « hie ih '¢ | vegetable seeds are good for threes to | WAIT UNTI L THE OLES i
{ Union National Bank, suffered in-| five ye: ars, provided they are stored in | 12-02 c Ww
' | 9 can 49¢ thi
oe 0 days a week—a measure made nec-
. Yous S | to his left arm in a fall and | 8 uniform, cqol fempcrature wher: | 5 O |
“Government in the United States | essary because controls that were | JULY to 8 i the Hunt ¢ is low. But there ore | H Ww p! c Box of
Hi 5 GUM AND LIFE SAVERS oof | 65¢ hg fist
» 20 ors
| requires the use of a sling.



today is writing industry-union | first imposed in 1926 and have been The : al tt of the M , | exceptions, such as onions and per- |
contracts, In Russia, government | made tougher since have material- | Ns ins | oy: a al was (1 1 MOTHS ARE-CHOOSY ABOUT WHERE THEY Il on
+ 1 | ary JAS D 4 ger mati ) 1 see 1s to sow | |
of course, in the way the two gov- | Kicherg said, “The imposition of all | 7° 82 WHY “ROL BES | ihe temperature + about 75 © THAT ARE DIRTY AND GREASY. |
ernments go about it. But the prin- | sorts of artificial controls disturb | a 4 Gk 2 i Ay = i (| degrees and u the soil mol #5. Hf OLEOMARGARINE NUTLEY > ute
ciple in tho same. This is a danger- | the eyele planning and confidence] MF: and Mrs. Roy Ament” and | way of te 1 El to piace it (1 DRYCLEANING DESTROYS MOTH LIFE IN 1
* ‘ous situation, For government has | of the produced,” and, as an in- family fre a wedding reception | between 1 of moist clot (4 ANY STAGE OF GROWTH. STRAWBERRY PRESERVES 12-02 kane
abandoned its traditional and prop- | ¢vitable result, producti aes at their home in honor of Mr. and | From-—My if | OLD VIRGINIA jar Wa
aba Jon Ni a 2 ok e ron Jos ue ion sags. Mrs. Clyde Lutz, Strasburg. o-—-whnat SEND US YOUR WINTER GARMENTS FOR EX- LANG'S FRESH quart Lar
od OIC (C J A p 8 r oO "ke . i ju 3 3H) | iss
er Ix i Ie ee ti | tly In Lhe ree mar of 1S the The five winners ih the Bottle | fal for k Hi B | PERT CLEANING BEFORE YOU PUT THEM | Pl KLE CUCUMBER STYLE jar
undertaken the job of bargaining,” | producer assured of a price which Ans.—The €ver- o IR! | -
jos . | Cap Contest, conducted by C. M. FE writ: ss { AWAY ! | 3 ——
® 0 + | will honest] flee 3 pa . : J | beetle will goon be De u | 8! ' | PE oLD 28.02 J
4 | will honestly reflect the economic Cooloy Hobert Ei : i | | FER VIRGINIA
D STORY bo ato : ; 4 oley > 3 y | most effective material for killing |}! Te can
SAME OL conditions of the moment, whether wood Zink, Harry Yost, Jr, Ida Japanese beetles 1s DDT. Though ob- [ - . . : F
(When one attempts. to build a that price be high or low. Only in| tainable in many forms, I recommend
Py an | : Sprout and Jeannette Potter. {
house, make a repair job or any | the free market can the law of | © UD leer | the use of a wettable powder as the |§|
thing of that sort, the completed job | supply and demand—the natural | ii Bective meal ot gn ion. | §| 4 e S
. 2 FOR ma you prefer, you might also try lea
invariably us one Jose) to nl law which governs all sound eco- | 0 u ” ecor arsenate, rotenone or lime. One word
third above the estimated cost. | nomic activity — function to the | al y | of caution, the preparations are poi- |
sonous to human beings and mals, FUR and WOOLEN STORAGE
so be careful in using and storing.

It is well to hear this in mind at| henefit of producer and consumer (From Page. 1
» > nother | : i » free marke!
any and all times. Here is a | alike. And only in the free market | and the Ladies’ Bible class of |
illustration. The boro of Lititz vot-| can we ¢ have continued | ihe Sunday School. THere SUIVIVE | erm.


ed a bond issue of $1,800,000 to in- | ee eee oi NAC bs Ee, He i
stall a sewage system. Now it must | | three children: Hore io}, of | r Sire 8 for 90.
float an additional bond issue of | ‘School A nd H Adam 1. Dundore, Liancagiet: Heh %. Higher
$140,000 to complete it. | ome | ry F., at home; and Mrs. | { FLORIDA VALENCIA ah sas Mc
ooo | (From page 1) D. Houghton, Lancaster; also Shree | 29°
Quite recently the Pennsylvania | a bus to take the School Patrol RL SN nO ges, MA 0 Y | ORANGES NONE PRICED HIGHER dozen
Fish Commission decided to net] 4 roller skating party to York. Mrs. | tis an i iy oe U, 5. NO. 1 (NONE PRICED HIGHER) 4 ia kK
shad in the Bay and transport them | Thomas, chairman and the 6&f h| o ; or | ' ) 25
ach of the three grade Mothers were in shige of| C0 C0 Coles, Alletoun. | MANHEIM R. D. 2, PA. YELLOW ONIONS 3 moc
dams in the Susquehanna river in| pefreshments. ‘ pa AL:
an effort to revive shad nin The group made plans to hold] | Mrs. Harry a i SOLID SLICING (NONE PRICED HIGHER) -, % ok
once so popular and profitable. | an old-fashioned festival on the | Jes oe v 2 . FRESH TOMATOES 2 Cos 33c
Each shad “planted” Was tagged | school grounds, Priday evening, | 0 ary oO. 1 eweon er, 7 ». hver | A c WwW k sn be
with a request, plus a fifty cent| June 20. Committees arc, 5, payin, died at 4:30 p.m. on Ir om P ressor or Rocks SNOW CROP FROZEN (LAST YEAR'S PRICE.....2 cant
premium to fishermen to report General Chairman. Benjamin R.| | We nesday the Lancagor Gen | R k ye . : $01 25° 9x1
catches. In that manner only would! Funk; Festival Treasurer, Torus eral Hospita il where she i been | oC Drilling, Concrete Breaking, Etc. d ' ORANGE JUICE 2 cans hott
the Commission be able to learn the| Mariner, Charles Eby, Asst. Mem- | patient or four days. Born ing an j {snow crop Frozen
result of its efforts. bership Table: Re vo Elmer Keiger, | Conestoga Twp, she wes a daugh-| ~ 5.5% 8 Tye
As conclusive evidence that all! Chairman, Mrs. Henry G. Bucher, | tof of Be inte Aldvs an Sian EF : : Trees | A LEMONADE 2 cans 27 fre
fish are not usual “poor fish” so| Mrs. Charles Thy: Publicity and Benedict Wartel and was a member X cavati n g and Grad i ng 2 ATALANTA SE of
frequently referred to, within sev-| Signs: Warren Yoiey. Chniriinn. o the Maviown and Removed JANE PARKER'S SLICED 1-1b ¢
eral days after its truck trip to the) Joseph Shaeffer, James Phillips, | Reformed Church. She Was & jor- Cellars, Trenches, Etc. WHITE BREAD .» up fo 4G on 8 I-1b Loaf) 1 5 kno
lake above Conowingo Dam; Mr. Mrs. Charles Heaps; Lighting: Chas. gr In Hw Coney mg Gens ANN 12-01 24.01 8 Wal
White Shad was hecked by a fish- | Fberscle, Chairman, George Nau- or soho) al lush April 8 she and PEANUT BUTTER jar 29 jar b5 Lan
at Perry Point, Md. That! man, Christ Cover; Sound Equip- gr Ruban : they Se PHON E MOU NT JOY AZP PURE
tagged shad found its way back in-| ment: Morrell Shields, Chairman, | wadding smiiversiey. In additien to 34753 GRAPE JUICE CONCORD Sui 31 Sa
ta the mouth of the Bay within a Samuel Harnish. Transportation & [hor pall Me noel hy al i E C
few days. but just how it got past| Ccnstruction: Arthur Schneider, grandson ond {ese ; brodiess and] CORN SOLON SHON STYLE 2 Tx 33

that hydro-electric dam or thru] | Chairman, Henry Schreider, Btwn Sa ad Nee roma . Ee SECTION
those turbines will in all likelihood | D. W: ilters, Charles Becker ar Cape Pall, both of Latcuster: Mis. Ch : | GRAPEFRUIT ARP FANCY 2 us 27
, Charles x:
4 a Siefert, Maytown; : A
remain a mystery. Buchenauer, Joseph Buchenauer. | Arta Sefer Maytown ind dus :
® 2 0 { Erie Olsen, Oliver Mateer. ih 2 he MAYONNAISE FL '3 t+ 67" the
FREEDOM AND PLENTY Milk Bar (Cold Drinks); Clyde) services Sunday | ahier 1 KRAFT, SCALOReR' jar the
A 1 A Milk Bs: ol rinks): vde,| i” rts : .' UO
GO TOGETHER Brill, Chairman, Charles Wolge- Bon Yih Ton in the Union MAYONNAISE ANN pint 2 c quart 49
The American oil industry is 93 muth, John Toppin, Mrs. John Top- | : BY ry : | PAGE jar jar
years old and for the latter third of pin, Mrs. Robert Brown, Mrs. Roy | parnh: wt, Mrs. Jay Miley, Murs Paul | GOLDEN CORN Ream "VLE 2 pro 25° fire
s. Jay Miley, Mrs. Paul | cans
that time pessimists have been pre- | Packer, Mrs. Sara West: Iuloo F
, Mrs. Sar: st; Ig deel i Mis. D i |
a son, Mrs. thy Beamen- | |
dicting that our oil supply could| Cream): James Prine Anderson rs rotn) i ' 8! 0
» : ies Poel, Chairman, | derfer, Oliver Mateer, Henry Sch- | Il C R D BEE HASH SUNNY ty 29° In >

last only a few years at the st. | Robert K > vs. Dovie Drie ' :
os ey hr ol ay Done, neider, Ws. 0 chunky, Mus WHEREAS: The annual sale of Suddy Poppies by the Veterans of 1}
Jad as e: | Kamp, Mrs. 1aries rsole, Mrs CY ANS. ss 4 Fraverd] : : x 19- c
country had (nly 8.500.000.0600 bar- | Ciinton Eby, Mrs. Bernard C. Kear a a Lane, J. imi Naugle, Foreign Wars of the United States, an organization chartered by the Congress, SHER-VIC TOMATOES 2 cons 25
id Ei RR i iam a © Eh Mrs. J. Freeman Naugle and Mrs. toa : § fi
rels of proven recoverable reserves Mrs. Catherine Wintermeyer; Punch | Rose Ramsey ka | bas been officially recognized and endorsed by the President of the United VELVEETA or Jb c bui
left. Since then we have produced | Bowl: Mis. Robert Walker. Chatre | | Stet d the V Admini j ih CHED-O-BIT 2 loaf 89 py
nearly 35.000,000,000 barrels of man, Mis. Joseph Sheaffer, Mrs. J. ! i on S Yelorons and | 3 he
crude and still have 32.000,600.000 | N. Newcomer, Mrs. Nedra Rohm | BANQUET CHICKEN Yor i 59 Roc
barrels of proved reserves under-!Sugar and spice (Cake & Candvy. TAKE STEPS WHEREAS: The proceeds of this worthy fund raising campaign are 1 Cooked can . ‘ Roc
ground. That's nearly nine times Mrs. Warren Foley, Chairman, Mrs! | TO BUSINESS Py } used exclusively for the benefit of disabled and needy veterans, and the wid- 1) CRANBERRY SAUC oA 2 16.02 35¢
as much oil as was thought to ex- | Thomas J. O'Connor, Mrs. Eric Ol i
Mrs. - | ows
iot jst 27 years am Wis, Lire Me sor SUCCESS AD. ws and orphans of deceased veterans, and | ZA-REX PURE RUT FLAVORED SYRUP pint 29¢ 100]
The oil we don’t yet know about Gates, Mrs. Norman Hei Mus. | ia i oils fire
will keep us runniug many. deciles] Rath Alles, Mrs Ctr Dat | WHEREAS: The asic: purpose of the annual sale of Buddy Poppies by | CHIFFON FLAKES SOAP 2? pkg 39: adi
after the most recently estimated ' Mrs. Henry Schneider. Sh | the Veterans of Foreign Wars is eloquently reflecied in the desire to "Honor Ly SAL wii elec
tie of exhaustion has been passed | Snack Bar (Sandwiches): Lester! [Vv OH, GRACE, SOME CF a1 The Dead By Helping the Living;" therefore, if! > con
es | Hostetter, Gen. Chairman, . Mrs.| | que gest BARGAWS | |i | Special Offer! Me
escarch and technoligy the keys ' Lester Hostetter Asst. Barbecue J i p Tw
; ¢ 2) ys; L Ass Barbecue I, Char . Figh, 3 1 |
which will release as yet undream- | Sandwich Commitiee: Mrs. Clyde IN THE PAPER TODAY / 1 ; Cha les k i Bufyess of the Towns of Mount Joy, do hereby rec- | SAVE 5c ON A 3.LB. CAN OF wid
oy of 2 ia fel. Every | Bil, cliaitman, Mrs. Benj. Funk, LET!s GO SHOPPING! \ ognize the patriotic merits of this cause by urging the citizens of this com- 1} corr
phase o e oil business from well | Mrs. Bruce Pennell, Mrs. R. M ! EET | munity to contri i
4 ash «RM. ribute genercusl ts p > 52
surveying and drilling to refining | Thome, Mrs. Marion Nissley, Shif. LLM ; Y g y to iis support through the purchase of Buddy ny
methods and the making of liquid | ter Sandwich Committee: Mrs i} Poppies, on the day (or days) set aside for the distribution of these symbols Covi oh
fuels from other sources is con-| Chas Buchenauer, Chrm. Mrs he f of loyalty in this city, T ur 1 otic citi | Ee ero ae) attached to aL
stantly boing 3 ail ihe | Phillis. Wic ors a IS. Jas, yaity ity, ge all patriotic citizens to wear a Buddy Poppy os (1 es 3b Saini fo wich
tly g Hmprove rough the lips, Mrs. “Arthur Schneider } t id § : : { can
adoption’ of new. techniques, tools | Mrs. William Bring. Mis. Sa: mute evidence of our gratitude to the men of this counry who have risked i, of ou your mor
and materials. A recently develop | Maxwell, Mrs. Arthur Sprecher. their lives in defense of the freedoms which we continue to enjoy as American kept Years “$5503 1" coupon) fron
ed process makes possible the com- | Hot Dow Sandwich Committee: | { citizens. (1 sum
mercial production of oil trapped in| Mrs. Robert Stoner, Chim. Mus. | : . :
solid rock. This single development | Howard Brown, Mrs. Geo. Bair and | \ : 1 87 East Main St. MOUNT JOY, PA. I]
has added over 1,000,000.000 baivels | Mrs. Oliver Mateer. Coffee Com. | ih Signed: :
to. our proven reserves of recover- [ mittee: Mrs. Edward Brown, Chim. nn Nod Nj a
able oil. Mrs. Lois Stehman, Miss Yenc | hs ; . C L FISH i ;
Just as long as there remains a Heisey, Miss Irene Ibach. | } : Be | El
reasonable chance to wake a fair | Entertainment Committee (Amy- urges Rict
ides} cori 9 FeLi | { c ic
WOR: Hen will take the risks in- | usements - Cake Walks, etc), C. J. | | We write
volved in developing new sources | Chunko, Chrm: Fish Pond, Charles | | and Print June
of oil and new and better ail pro- | Heaps, Chim; Music, Geo. Houck, | uk | n n THE
ducts. Only if centralized political { Chrm; Committee Members: Jay | J lL - en a es ES 3 a lL RY Le | Your Ads Mousey | Evi