Ow dhe Bulletin Yount sy, a., Thursday. May 13, Joi ‘The Local News Seniors In NY City The Past Week Very Brieflv Told FUR STORAGE CLEANING GLAZING - REPAIRING You Phone — We Call ® ALSO ALL KINDS LAUNDRY 2 a Ta TRE LT A A. mE, Brook's Dry Cleaning | PHONE MT. JOY 31-4151 11-if a Operators WOMEN «GIRLS WANTED to Sew Children’s Garments ® Learners Taken New Holland Boro contemplates hiring a boro manage Property damase thruout the county from Sunday's storm is ¢ | timated at $100,000 The average price paid for the 1651 Lancaster County tchacco crop was 20 cont pound A full barrel of gascline was ! stolen from in front of the Reading Railrcad Station at Lititz Union painters at Lancaster re- fused a 10 cents an hour increase | in pay. They want a gua:ter A Chester, common ending for Eng- lisa town names, comes from the Reman word cister, meaning camp, sing: many were originally Reman can site I am now a local Factory Represen tative for the lovely Dress line FASHION FROCKS (From page 1) Queenshorough Bridges That evening was spent at Radio ity where the class saw the movie “Singing in ~~ he Rain” followed by featuring the large Ra- program dio City organ, the Radio City or- chestra, a fashion show, the Rock- ets precision dancers, and several other singing and dancing num- bers will standing staging and ighting effect The agenda for the second day | included shopping in the morning | and Circle Beat Trip around Manhattan 1sland in the afternoon. | Innumerable important places and buildings w pointed out and a brief history of each was given covet a leudspeaker on the boat. On the second evening the class toured NBC where they aw Qa “soap opora’ enacted while a tap: recording was made and the sed- tinz and several actors in dostume for dress rehearsal for a television show. One ol the most interesting | parts of this tour was the demon- stration of how realistic sound ef- | will gladly show you these new | styles—without obligation. Call at my home or | will call at yours, which ever you prefer MRS. JAY BIESECKER EAST MAIN ST.. FLORIN Ph. Mt, Joy 2.4519 15.13p ’ For Athlete's Foot Use T-1-L fer 3 to 5 days. I not pleased, your 40¢ back. Watch the old, tainted skin sloran off to Le rvepiaced by kealthy skin, Get instant-dvying I-4-L fem amy Now at slaan's Pharmacy. 20-3 'Dr.H.C.Killheffer ® Steady Work ; Optometrist @ Good Pay MANHEIM ( 163 8S. Charlotte St. | Telephone 5-3276 | {3 ] Wan. & Wednes. 9 ee | Tues, Fri, Sat. 7.9 P. M, ! © reen erg i Tues. Fri. Sat. 9:30-1:00. 2.5 P. M : {37 NORTH POPLAR STREET ELIZABETHTOWN, PA. | ELIZABETHTOWN | 15 E. High St. | 3 16-1f RJ Toy 24.F | otis otto gl SN a ——— We are Privileged to Announce ur as an AUTHORIZED KEEPSAKE JEWELER GENUINE REGISTERED Keepsake tt "DIAMOND RIN Gold Medal Award for ‘exquisite design and brilliant fashion styling.’ ’ CASTLE Ring Also $125 Wedding Ring 87.50 JONQUIL Ring V/edding Ring 62.50 HEATHER Ring REX Ring Also $100 to 2475 and in Wedding Ring { platinum $300 to 3450 125.00 Wedding Ring 12.30 teed high quality. The “The beauty of Keepsake diginonds, bas been enhanced in that are lovely in design.” FASHION ACADEMY Winner of the Fashion Academy GS Se 3.1 So Xo atl olla i oday, more than ever, Keepsake is the diamond ring most wanted and admired. Not only for “gold medal” styling but for guaran- words “guaranteed reg- istered perfect gem” appearon every Keepsake Tag. See...our award-winning Keepsake collection, now on display. CLYDE M. TRIPPLE JEWELER 111 EAST MAIN STREET MOUNT JOY, PA. fects are achieved over the the radio by use of unusual objects and nt:ivances. Several of unique C { keep to themselves, the cless members and chaperon appeared on television within the studio for the other class members to se Hurrying by subway to the In- ternational Theatre, they then saw the television production of th Jame Melton program Moving | cameras, the raising and lowering of whole sets, and swinging micro- phenes held the audience's atten- | tion along with Melton singin and the actin: of guest star Law- rence Nesbit. Many were surprised to find that television performers don't memorize their lines, but read them from large cards held in font of them during the perform- ance, The morning of the last aay was spent at the Statue of Liberty | traveling to and from it by boat nd « the lecng narrow stair: within the statue to tne crown. the afternoon, th class] Planitarium where a weather was given by the realistic re- producticn of a storm. a sunvise, a rainbcw, and the stars in the sky, ete. More Mount Joy residents now know just which stars are ‘the| North Star, the Big Dipper, the | Seven S as well as the cause | of a rine und the moon, the] Aurcra, et 1 rseult of this trip. | After their last of the excellent! meals at the New Yorker, the stu- | dents started home at 7:00 p. m. F-iday evening, arriving in Mt. Joy | . | at about 1:02 a. m. Saturday morn- | ing etl OY ree ee MICHAFL PRICIO HEADS { JR. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Michael Pricio was installed as president cf the local Junie: Cham- ker of Commerce banquet in the Legion Hon day night. installed rt Tyndall, | Leitner was vice president, Robe ond vice president; James Stch- man, Gerald Hostetter, Lewis Rutkay an Charles Ruhl, directors for one year. The Rev Keiser, recto: of St. Luk Episcopal Church, was he guest speaker and the Rev. Las= ter Kode: gave the invocation. Past president and vice were to president Rutkay, pins Lewis | and Ammon Hoffer by Ray Oatman Lititz, the past state executive vice president, © | TO STREAMLINE | ment program this year by | ating ‘the valedictorian COMMENCEMENT Millersville State lege will streamline its Col- commencea- Teaches elimin- | and salu- | { in its his- atcrian for the first time SIMON P. NISSLEY MARY G. NISSLEY FUNERAL DIRECTORS Mount Joy, Pa. LOWEST PRICES OF YEAR ON | ‘blue goal A Rei. THE SOONER gu § YOU ORDER } THE MORE YOU SAVE! LSE BUY NOW AND SAVE! It’s really foolish to wait because fuel prices always go up in the fall moaths. Save rime, worry, and money. PHONE US TODAY! WOLGEMUTH BROS., Inc. Ph. Mt. Jey 3-9551 FLOKIN, PA. | ) America’s Finest Anthracite [4 | cholera? ® | have scrum | overfed. | NOT everybody reads circular ad- | SEWING MEN WANTED: Lancaster Leaf | Phone 3-3961. 7-tl | { | The Week During € ee [FOR INTERIOR DECORATING: | | (From page 1) | Call Earl C. Brubaker, Florin, Pa! | ’ 29-1{ | Front St, Marietta, reported to the | Phone Mt. Joy 344949. 39-4 state police that he was the hit-run | ANTIQUES: Will pay high prices | auto | for antioues of any deserintion. Mr, | aso; | Hart, 161 N. Charlotte St, Man | 3521, driver who side-swiped an REPARED BY ive wy Tony J. 8 | > | a oy bv n by Te ny ’ meltze | heim, Pa. Phone 407. 2-24-11 For Animal Health Pari St, Elizakethtown on Route | 290 in Flo in | ELECTROLUX SERVICE AND { NA olice he was “un- | SUPPLIFS and Good Used Clean- | Frecht told police he was un- ers. Call Jay Koser, Mount Joy. lable to sleep a wink all night,” | phone 35-9542. 47-tf | WHAT ABOUT HOG CHOLERA? Q: How to stop, | | evi | AUTOMOBILE PARTS for Sale, 1| | buy old cars, all kinds of scrap iron stove wood. Guv D | his {iilure over and the morning to learn the identity of the] and worrying scanned newspapers ; dangerous is hog chol g also sell era? ister 4 wads. awl ariver of the other car. He then re- | Spittler, Phone Mt. Joy 3-5573. 40-4 A 38 ou re J he ported the accident to state police. | killer; causes losses running into FOR SALE: LEGHORN BABY sa he oe ‘osecuted | Police said he will be prosecuted CHICKS. P.O.P. sired. Penna. 1. 8 many millions of dollars annually, ' ; Be ilure S » scene of] Q: Why is cholera so danger | for failure to stop at the scene of | clean. A. C. Mayer, Phone ous? jan accident 3-9826, Mount Joy, Per. 49-tf | A: The virus of cholera is ex. Reckless Driving — - tremely contagious and one of the | yea, P. McMillan, Maytown, | FOR SALE: ~uncheonette “and | most deadly of all in the field of : | Novelty Shon in northern Lance. | | was prosecuted by state police on a| ~ . : swine diseases. ; S11 County, stock and enuin. Priced | hee Q: How is the | reckless driving charge after his |vight for quie' sale, Good reason | Tl virus spread? | auto stuck the rear of another car | for selling, Call Mount Joy 3-955. | v | —L1- > A: In many |in Newville [ 18-4 | J ‘ [ = ry ways. It may be Police identified the other opera- a - Nh wee olice identified the other opera- | pup Garaninms, inching rh; 3 Spread hy CON. | 4 s George W. Dimeler Jr, Eli- | ; or, . 1 nat d feed j tor as Gorge W meler Jr, Ki- | Woenmeh and Pansv, Morntain Pinks. aminate p " . v Ala I 093 arbage zabethtown R1. The accident oc- Red and White. Large Cabbase and | a )ags, garbage, : lp : | : Dimeler | Tomato Plants. Also Pansies. Ac- ta urred at 433 p.m. as wagon and truck wheels, or on the | * ne fp ty Tn ped for traffic in front of him |S frem Lancoster County Farm s of visitors. Even biting flies | StO] Di 3 hoes Diner. 19-3p | may spread it. iand was struck by the MoMIlan | eer A | Q: What are the symptoms of | Considerable damage was | FOR SALT: b'ne silk print $3.50; | 2 spring coats, $3-85, licht blue vn- | lined suit 87: white cotton dress $2. | hae to match 25¢: black dress $4.00, | green dress hlouse $1; pink & black | drecs $5. All like, new, small sizes. | Call 3-9661 Mt. Joy. 19-tf reported to strikes without - their appetites, become weak ret wobbly on their car. tno A, 76 A: Usually it warning. Pigs lose and depressed, § feet, and may scour. There is no cure. Sick pigs usually die within (From page 1) 4 to 7 days. Very few, if any, re | University Law School. He was ad- cover, 4 mitted to the Lancaster County Bai : Wik Bg fie farmer do to |. 3 Q: 3 nt an o> Ia r in 1505 and lived in Lancaster un- prevent cholera losses? “on J > y A: Vaccination in advance is the til 1933. ok i aay a b only preventive Pigs should be Hiprle was the last surviving | Le ig Tile Stine: y pm 1 . 8! LCi > 8 os vaccinated around weaning time charter memk-r cof tae Ht. Luke's NT. JOY THE & LINOLFUM CO. ! Only healthy pigs should be vac | Episcopal parish, here, which was Mt. Joy, Pa. cinated, so a general physical | joorporated in 1905, and was an a veterinarian al- check-up by a vi 9 active member and vestryman of ways recommended before vacci | is] nation. the parish for many years. He was ‘ Q: Are there a ns=mber of the Men's Club of | 20-tf | any other pre |the parish, the Lancaster County i ? Sov Resnick | NOTICE: If you are troubled with cautions. Bar Association, member and past |p : A: Yes. Vacei i Poison Ivv. Oak. Sumac and other } nated pigs should | Too oT of Asahara Lodge 298, I. minor skin irritations you need | «A, / he | ot a lean | and AM, Marietta. He also was a! Doctors Prescription No. 700-084 A / a | » Kei nn ciea i) oy Ts tks io Sie = JAAN ™ quarters and 30-year member of Zeta Chapter, for immediate relief. It satisfies. ranges away from old yards Pies | Chi Phi fraternity of Frankiin and Sold al 21 Mt. Jov St, Mount Joy, a aE : a Pa, Kreamer Pharmacy, Elizabeth- | should be watched so that they | Marshall College. | town. Pa 19-tf | do not pile up or overcrowd at Born in Marietta, his parents | i night. Ample drinking water and |. the lute Oristus A: ahd Sarah FOR SALE: On Donegal Springs | shade should be I in hot Gallacher Hi © ee ’ Road. Two story house. 5 rooms & | weather iagher Surviving are his | hath, attached garage. Combination NOTE—Due to space limitations, | V1 Esther Matilda Brown Hipple, | storm windows. Lot 60x200. Quick | general questions cannot be han. | daughter of the late Hon. Thomas | Call Mt. Joy 3-4898. | genera uestions inn at {in oh Tot) dled by this column. | 3. B. Biogwn. 1:30 to 9 P. M. 17-1 Alsc surviving ate these children, | MUSIC TLFSSONS on Accordian, | w | | Dr. John. A. Hipple Jr. Chevy | Violin. Piano. Trumpet. Clarinet, | Farmer 7 5 i} | Chase. Md.: Mrs. Mary H. Braught, | Marimba and other instruments. | i : 1 ros +. | Inquire abont our lesson plan. In- | hom Esther, wife of J. Elias | ctruments Inaned for heginners. | and Elizabeth, wife | David Hess Music Shop, 106 North | Fritz, Lancaster; 0 Merlin Humph ies, Reading; | Market St, Elizabethtown, Phone | Eom and 11 grandchildren. | 605-J. 15-1 | eF Funeral services will be held in| the Episcopal Church Friday morn- | . : Sr ed Es . eo M h { Antiques Restored | ing with interment in the Mount . . i Furniture Refinishing LENHERT CABINET SHOP Marietta, Pa. PREPARED AY American Foundation 7 ce Ho For Anima: Health Joy cemetery ——— | BEATE END3 LONGEST | | MARRIAGE ON CO. RECORD { Phone 6-2581 Collect 7 Al n Tre | WHAT ABOU | Death Monday ended the Yo) Call For and Delivery | CALF SCOURS? |muiage on | i record in Lancaster | { Q: Is there more than one type |county. Mr. and Mrs. James M. | 8-tf | of calf scours? Prepst, Klinesville, were married | Typewriters, Add. Mach’s.,, Cash | A: Yes, there is an infectious | 67 years March 24th. He died Mon-| Registers. Check Writers, Safes, | type, and i n-infoctio | day. New & Used. J. M. Engle, 411 East | ype, ant a nom-miectious type. ———— High St, E-town. Ph. 14]. 8-18-tf | Q: What causes infectious is Ne: ay hee aro NS ————i———— | JCINED THE U. S. NAVY NEW & USED CARS | py James Donald Mateer, 18. 363 N.| 1948 Packard Sedan, R&H A: Infectious scours, often called | | : : "| 1947 Frazier Sedan, R&H. OD. white scours, is caused germs | Barbara Steet, this boro, has en- 1947 Chevrolet Sedan, R&H | that are amon to many farm | Isted in the U. S. Navy. He was| 1916 Packard Sedan, R&H. | lots and buildings { cent to Bambridge, Md. 1939 Packard Sedan, R&H. PACKARD GARAGE ! QO: How fast Teer nNE > 5 ! does calf scours | % ry 1 | 221 N. Hanover St., | develop? C lL A S S | IX | E 1) Phone 469-W 51-tf A: A calf which | CUSTOM MADE J | . . . TX SY Te Yay i 3 lines or less, minimum 35¢ | NN _~ scems to be weil [9 3 © minimum LL... G0 Mm TN in: the morning 3 lines, per line .......... 10c { lll may be Each add. insertion, per line .... 8c | | fo Praga ali, OE vias : ee om | ve ir en First, | FOR SALE: Nice baled hay. Joseph | For Free Estimate Phone 4-8101 the calf is listless and has o ap- 20-1p COLUMBIA, PA. | Breneman, Mount Joy. petite. The next symptom is i Ee the animal may [FOR SALF: Sweet Potato Plants.| HALDEMAN'S Upholstery Shop After that, collapse within a few hours. { Grece V. Engle, 233 Marietta Ave., 18-9t i Mount Joy. 2)-2 op Foy tis primarily a problem | —— "| HELP WANTED SPARE TIME | young FOR SALF: King Alto Saxophone, | $400 MONTHLY POSSIBLE — We | A: Yes, chiefly animals less than | good condition. 153 New Haven St, | will select a reliable person in this | one month old. The older calves | Mount Joy, Pa. 20-1p | are to refill and collect money NTT our NEW AUTOMATIC | scour, too, but the chances of FOR SLE: Haywood Wakefield | MERCHANDISE gaoler. Like new. Used one wear. |M ACHINES. No selling. Person | Mount Joy 3-5959. 20-1 | selected can net up to $400 montn- | survival are somewhat better, Q: What can an owner do if an outbreak of scours starts? —— eee | 7 Ci “4 . , As A oh Aor nbs should ob FOR SALE: Lot of outgrown coats | ly, and nore, depen 2 on How A: A veterinarian should be | Nr : | many units serviced. To qualify, called promptly. The calf should and Sree reasonable, sizes 9 to applicant must have car, reference, > 16. Call 218J2, E-town. 20-1 sy bi 4 and minimum of $600 working cap- ital. For immediate interview, wiite full details. Include phone, be isolated, and the stables disin- fected to safeguard other calves. WANTFD TO RENT: A barn in or Q: What about treatment? | to Joy. Call Mount Joy giving | 3! Tova ee ny ae : 29.1 | age, address, etc. Write to P. O.| Ai It is a waste of money to | | Box 4026, Jennings Branch, St. | give drugs unless the basic cause | FOR SALE: 3 Adirondack lawn | Louis 20, Mo. 20-2p | is first determined. The veterina- rian may recommend serums, sulfa | chairs. Freshly painted. All 3 for 4 3 [FOR SAL: 2 used overhead gar-| principal of schools, Maytown, and healthy calf. See that the calf is born in clean, well-ventilated quar- ters on clean bedding and obtains colostrum milk. On infected farms administered soon af- Be sure that young fed properly, but not | ize doors, 7 ft, high for 8 ft. open-| will be presented for final adoption 3-5511. Clyde E. at the boa:d meeting on May 29th. 19-2p | All persons attaining the age of Hi : _— TN | twenty-one years, or becoming res- ey fh os Bi | within twelve months of becoming | Re, ~* | of age, or becoming a resident, no- | FOR SALE Timothy : Mawar | tify Henry B. Heisey, Assessor of | | mixed. Martin phot a Clove: | East Denegal Township School Dis- | 19-2p | trict, R. D. No. 1, Mount Joy, Pa., | a te pT | Telenhone, Marietta 6-3312, of thei | FOR SALE" 1950 Norge Refriger- becoming of age, or their establish- | ator, 8 cu. ft. Call Mt. Joy 3-5281. |ine¢ a residence within the District, Michael Ciood. 1S-tf | and failure to do so will submit the | parties to the penalties prescribed MACHINES FOR SALE: | by law. { New and used. Repairs for all EAST DONEGAL TOWN- | makes of sewing machines. J. V.| SHIP SCHOOL DISTRICT, : ol | 111 N. Market St. Bliza. | F,; H. D. McMullen, Sec'y atronize Bulletin Advertisers. bethtown, Pa. Phone 216-J. 1-tf | Shirk & Shirk, Attorneys 20-3 ings. Call Gerberich. Mt. Joy birth. are ter calves NOTE to s e limitations, general questions cannot be han- | dled by this column. A —— Everybndy reads newspapers bur | vertising left on their door step. — a — [ ner ecanity | ngh of | “hot its Schrol Board intends to o- | "erized | 20-3 BALER TWINE FOR SALE - best manufactured . Auto Accidents | Tobacca Co., North Market Street, | quality baler twine tobacco warehouse, Mount Joy, Pa. | locally that competitive brands can not excel, at special pre-season price of $15.50 per bale. Arenel Farms Feed Mill, Shoemakersville, Penna. 0-tf PIANOS Rent a piano, $8.00 per month, Rental applied on purchase price. New and ucad, Spinet ctyle pianos. DAVID HESS MUSIC SHOP 106 N. MARKET STRFET ELIZABETHTOWN, PA. 19-tf EAST DONFGAL TOWNSHIP SCHOO. DISTRICT PER CAP- ITA TAX The School District of the Town- shin of East Donegal gives notice thai the Schoo! Board intends to adont a Resclution on May 29, 1952, ot 7 nn. m, DST, at the Mavtown levving no per capita tox of €5.0) for the schoo! vear 1952-37. on ench adult resident of said School District, under the provi- sions of tha Act of 1947. P.L. 1145, as emended. in addiiion to the $5.00 tov authorized under the Public School Code of 1949. Tmn-sition of this tax. from which it is estimated that $10000.00 an- nual revenu~ will be derived. is ne- cessitnted because of increased school cost. “nd berance of per ~avita ia¥. under the Public School Cede iv limited to $500, which would he inequitable to property owners ky the increased costs to 1. co'lected from increzged real* es- tate taxec entirely. FAST DONEGAT, TOWN- SHIP SCHOOL DISTRICT. Bv H. D. McMullen, Secretary Shirk & Shirk, Attorneys. 18-3 MOUNT .10Y SCHOOL P¥R CAPITA TAX School District of the Bor- Mount Joy «ives notice The a resclution on Mav 29, 1952 it 6:00 p. m. standard time, at { Movat Joy Grade Schoo) billing), lavying » per conita tax of $5. for the scho~l vear 1952-33 on each a- dult resident of said School Distrief mnder the provisions of the Act of J 11947, P. L. 1145. as amended. in ad- litinn to (he $5. rer capita {7x au- minder the Public School (nde of 1949. Tmposition of this ad- ditional tax (from which it is es- timated that $8.630. annual revenue will be derived) is necessitated ke- rouse of inere-sed school costs: Fecauce the mer canita tax author- ized under the Public School Code is limired 1» $5.: and because it would be inequitable to property owners to collect the entire amount nf eaid increased costs in the form | of increased ren] estate taxes. MOUNT JOY BOROUGH SCHOOT, DISTRICT. 18-3 Bv A. D. Sciler, Secretary. SFALED BIDS fcr resurfacing B~~cueh tennis courts and aprons, will be received hy ' William F. Rrian, Se~retary of Borough Corn- ei! np te 7 p. m. EDST, Jun» 2, 1952. Pide will be opened at the Porough Ho ot 7:30 P. M. FDST on June 2, 1952. Specifications will be furnish- e! upon reguest. Borouch Council reserves richt te reiect any o- all bids. BOROUCH OF MOUNT JOY William F. Brian, Secretary the EXFZUTRIX. NOTICE Fstote of Lizzie Z. Hershey, de- reased. late of Manheim Township, Lancaster’ County, Penna. Letters - testamentary on said Estate having been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted thereto are requested to make im- mediate payment, and those having claims or demands the same will present them without delay to the undersigned. MARY HERSHEY MARTIN 1116 Crest Lane, Lancaster. Pa. Louis S. May, Att'y ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Estate of Ada Souder Gish, de- ceased, late of Mount Joy Borough, 20-6 Lancaster County. Penna. Letters of Administration on said esate having heen granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted thereto are requested to make im- | mediate pavment, and those having claims or demands aeainst the same, will present them without delay for cettlement to the undersioned. UNION NATIONAL MT. JOY BANK Administrator, Mount Joy, Pa. | Arnold. Bricker & Beyer Attorneys 20-6 For Mother - Hollvwood “Wrap-a- rounds”. wear as dress or apron. For BABY : Boucle Snits, dresses, Cotton knit sweaters, Bibs. Blank- DISPENSING | ets. Need a gift for the NEW BABY? VISIT the » MARGARET JEAN SHOPPE 19 W. St., Mt. Joy, Pa. Phone 3-9373 Veilings Buttonholing Alterations 37-tf NEW HENRY J's $200 less than list price. Never titled. 1949 KAISER SEDAN clean and under ceiling. I need used cars from 1941 up. Will trade and finance. STALEY'S GARAGE FLORIIN, PA. Phone Mt. Joy 3-5951 13-tf HERE IS A REAL OPPORTUNITY NOW'S the time to invest in MUSSER ® HEAVY WHITES ® HEAVY WHITE CROSS ® ROCK RED CROSS MAKE 1952 YOUR BEST YEARS YET WITH MUSSER LEGHORNS MUSSER LEGHORN FARMS MOUNT JOY, PA. Phone wa 0% o% 2% 4 ooo LW) 9, boo 0 0, LR) hd bode Poo Lo 0% FN 9, "a" 0 0 0.0 20 ede ole oe 2000430020 20 420 420 9, 9, ede ideale 9. 9 4% 9% 0 0 0 OS 9 0, 6 9%, Ou 0. 0 $000 09029, 9. 9. a? D, So ° > oO v A RS 0. 0. 0 ® 6 " aa Oo +9002 oso * 9, 0 Arado dd od O47 9 & 206% + 00 04% 0 0p 09 44 9. 00 0. Sa Xe Xa > CX &, 4 206} +, > 7 - 9. $0, 00.0 0.0 0 0 0.0 20 030 030 030430 030 43043 o>. 0 0 (SOG 00000, ¢ $0. 0 $00 00, Bates re <>