The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, May 08, 1952, Image 5

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The Church of God ( speaker
urch ews Rev. C. F. Helwig, Pastor [4:00 pm. Jr. CoE
Sunday, May 11 7:15 p.m. Evening Service


Youth Fellowship
Evening Service,
of Tomorrow and Counseling with
Couples Before Marriage. and has
lad institutes of this nature in col-

[ns HELWIG HOSTESS The Bulletin,

| Mrs. C. F. Helwig was hostess to

Mount Joy. Pa., Thiirsday, May“ 8, 19525

9:30 am. Sunday School Tuesday > [leges and churches from coast to |
NEWS PERTAINING TO ALL 10:30 am. Mother's Day Services 7:30 p.m. Seraph Choir Warven D. Bowman, Pres of | coast. After a notable pastorate in| King's Daughters Bible Class of,
THE CHURCHES IN MT. joy | Chan of the Men of he Sunday wild pan. Seraph Choir. pride water College, will preach at | He p Chute of | |the Church of God, which met on WE SPRA Y—
Schoo » gue speaker w | S, > p ) S
AND THE ENTIRE SUR- | Prof Ee io le. iid {6:30 pan. Cherub Choir ops worship Boyce D., | se wh 1 as ‘the Preside an Bi ie Tuesday ‘night. WwW 11
ROUNDING COMMUNITY, | 7:30 pm. Evening Worship. | 7:30 pm. Midweek Service. + ater College, Bridgewater, Va. Devotions were followed by the Exterior Cellar alls
a. | Monday | Thursday | I —— | business meeting and then refresh- - .
Calvary ‘Bitte Church 0 Dae Sunday School Boacrd| 7:80 pam Nous Meeting “Sunday, SL. Luke's Episcopal Church | ments served to the following: With Waterproofed Colas Asphalt oil
Rev. W. L. Wilson Jr. Pastor | | n* Street ir 3 ” Ry AY 2 Riess Vier Mrs. Irvin Kaylor, Miss May CONTACT
Sunday, May 11 | "7:30 2 br ver melita The Washington Street hurch of , Elizabeth- | Sry Vey muth, UPL | Shreiner, Mrs. Elsie Grove, Mus,
9:15 a. m. Bible School Chutreh OF The Brethren | own. of Master of Arts and Doctor ! 7:00 am. Holy Communion, Blanche Parson, Mis. Mary Walker, WOLGEMU I H & MAR i IN-
MNizahe » 5 as 4 8 § Cl . . .
10:30 a.m. Morning Worship Glosshrenner Evang=lical Elizabethtown, Pa. [ of Philoscphy from | University | 11:00 a.m. Holy Communion | Miss Emma Shookers, Mrs. C. R
Sermon: Ge I's Ideal Mother United Brethren Church Rev. Nevin H. Zuck, Pastor ) 11 years 3:00 pm. Fiftieth Anniversary of | Charles, Mrs. Garth Snyder, Murs 212 West High Street ELIZABETHTOWN, PA,
. 70 p.m, Frayer Felon hip Rev. John I. Gable, Pastor Sunday, May 11th lo college facultie that Jin st Fpsicopalian Service in Mt. | George Reigle, Mrs. Ellen Linde- PHONE 149
: aU pm Vi relist Service. < lav, M: 11 6:30 a. v veh ‘School E |
Sel mon: White Throne Tl, went, | 9:30 fy Bn School Be WN I Sehool; RB. Ee g Deva Re "| Monday muth, Mrs. Rete Bamhatt, Miss jut
Wednesday 10: 30 am. Morning Worship. 10:30 a.m. Morning Worship, 3 Pa. _ 7:30 pm. Adult Study Class. | Anna Hoffer and Mrs. Eli Smeltzer,
8:00 p.m. Midweek Prayer Service | Mothers Day: Mrs. O. T. Ehrhart! Sermon: The Glory of a Christian » Builders | Justday Ato] | yo
| 3:00 p.m. Acolytes. y NE
ey JOHNNY AND LUCILLE, Oldsmobile’s | pl am, Holy Communion, [POR JUL
Th singing sweethearts, invite you to riday . A Day Camp was planned at the
1 Lowry TE ent ARTY {6:00 pm. - Instruction 6-7-8. | bi-monthly meeting of the Mt. Joy-| CHOCOLATE, AVE & DONEGAL ROAD MOUNT JOY RL
7 try that thrilling “Rocket Ride! 6:30 p.m. Instruction 9-10-11-12 {
— j ae . “| Florin Girl Scout Neighborhood re-
its TT 7:30 pam. Evening Worship. The Mount Joy Ministerial As-
1 Sy Moth { Daugl sociation announces that a Daily
| biol p.m. Mothers anc aughters Vacation Bible School will be con-

...Take the Wheel |

| You hear it everywhere . . . people raving about Cldsmobile’s new “Rocket”!

Matic Drive, GM Hydraulic Steering, Autron
and white sidewall tires (when available) optional at extra cost.
Equipment, accessories and trim subject to change without notice.

St. Mark's
! Evangelical United Brethren
{ Church
Ezra H. Ranck, Pastor
Sunday, May 11th
| 9:00 am. Sunday School
{ 10:15 am. Morning Worship
| Dedication of children by Holy
{| Baptism; Any parents who haven't
| already arranged with the pastor
| for the baptism of their children
| may do so before Sunday.
supper and meeting, sponsored: by"
| the “oe Society of World Ser-
vice, Miss Ruth Hershey of Lancas-
| ter, will be the speaker.
[ 3 Wedne sday
7:30 p.m. The Local Conference
(formerly Quarterly Conference.)
| Thursday
6:45 pm. Children’s Choir re-
| hearsal.
7:30 pm. Dorcas Society meeting
| at the home of Mrs. Charles Latch-
| ford.
{ 8:00 pm. Senior Choir rehearsal.

! Mt. Joy Mennonite Church
Bishop Henry Lutz, Amos Hess,
Henry Garber, Henry Frank,
Sunday, May 11th
9:00 a. m. Sunday School
| 10:00 a. m. Church Service.
7:30 p.m. Friday, Prayer meeting |
| and Bible Study.


cently at the local Girl Scout
rooms. The camp will be held on
June 24 to 27 at “The Cove”, north
of town. Mrs. Robert Hawthorne
will be general director and site

chairman will be Miss Elsie Lefev-

ducted by the Association in June
for a two week period, June 9-20.
There will be morning sessions
only. Pupils aged 4-14 are invited
[ to attend.

i od
Saturday, May 10th a Rummage
sale under the auspices of the Boy
Scouts will be held at the Scout
Anyone having articles for the
sale please contact a scout,
AQ rs
A worship service was held’ Sun-
day morning at Donegal Presbyter-
iaa church in charge of the Rev.

Harlan C. Durfee, pastor of the| New Cycla-matic Frigidaire foed freezer and refrigerator
Donegal and Mount Joy churches.
etl CI

combination, just introduced, features shelves that glide out
on nylon rollers for easy access, hendy storage space om

1t Now you ean learn for yourself what all the excitement is about. Now you Church of tl rethre {
d can drive Oldsmobile’s special “Rocket” show car! Test the flashing | Earl hu He Breduen . OVER $53 MILLION WORTH door, and a new kind of safe, consiani cold called Levelcold.
i aKer, piaer arge |
i 160-horsepower action of the new “Rocket” Engine! Try the swift, smooth ! John Herr, Supt. 8 OF GOODS IS STOLEN Upper compartment is mero-zone food freezer. completely;
response of Hydra-Matic Super Drives! Find out about effortless GM Sunday, May 11 More than five million dollars | insulated and sealed from rest of cabinet. Cycla-matic de-
| Hydraulic Steering * and the amazing Autronie- yer! To get the facts, get 9: 0 a. m. Sunday School worth of goods have been stolen| frosting in refrigerator section automatic aily controls hu~
behind the wheel—of Oldsmobile’s Super “88! op waiting for you! | 10:13 21 Shue): from the U. S. Army in Korea and midity and banishes frost before it collects,
hi First Presbvteris ‘hure | gone into the Korean black market. "
5D W(X OME 1 1] NOR I M ] P Rev. Harlan Pastor | Builctin Ads Pay Big Dividends. | OPEN EVENINGS —— UNLIMITED PARKING
NE MER MOTORS Inc., ount Joy, Pa. | sui MH HL pn TRAP SL
; p:45 a. m. Morning Worship . |}
em pi 6:30 p.m. Westminster Fellowship |
7:30 pm. Evening Worship 3
Sermon: The American Home -
WILL: i Televised or Christianized?
Trinity Evangelical Cong. Church
Rev. Q. A. Deck, Pastor
Sunday, May 11 ®
= | Mother's Day Program 9
9:15 a. m. Sunday School. S n A
The Lesson taught from the Plat
form by Rev. A. R. Kratzer, Supt
REDUCE CHORE-TIME Have water “delivered by your automatic electric water of the Myerste wn and Herndon
> Church Home » . gm .
system and save hours of bucket-carrying hand labor every day. 11:30 am. Worship with sermon i
it a ain Clothing Specials
ager. * |
- :30 p.m. Worship
Sermon by the Pastor
INCREASE PRODUCTION Milk, egg and meat production increase on farms where "Newtown E. U. B. Church New S ring Coats
plenty of water is provided 24 hours a day! & ey. 0. B Bud, Pastor p
sunday, May 11 J ;
9:00 am. DST. Sunday School. Entire Stock Reduced 209%
ind Mother's Day Frogram
y 7:20 pm. DET. services
{ Thursday 17 20 to 43 20
: | 7:30 pm. DST. Christian Endeay- 4
IMPROVE SANITATION Public Health records show that running water in the 0 Ty seeking,
: ses ene’ . . 4 YE a Regularly $21.50 to $34. Lovely new coats beau=
home improves health conditions as much as 500,. And running hot water in bd vet tifully tailored and detailed in quality fabrics
the milk house and for sr cleanine i romotes sanitats z verybody reads newspapers bu gabardines, trico sheen, wool crepes and Ver-
: ilk house and for other cleaning jobs, promotes sanitation and profits, | NOT everybody reads circular ad- | cona crepe, in black, navy, soldier blue, and
| Ni coe 20 a 1
. vertising left on their door step. gicey. Sizes 10 to 20 and 31%2 to 49%.
= The Right Tonic Ready-Made Dresses
ADD CONVENIENCE Water under pre e 2s possible : > /
A)| pressure makes possible all the conveniences of for an undersized | $7 31 $9.31
city water .automatic electric dishwashers, clothes washers, water heaters water su I :
and other time-and labor-saving appliances. pp y! Regularly $8.95 & $10.95
Two groups of lovely dresses, neatly made of
non-crushable voiles and crepes in plain colors
and small figured fabrics
AFFORD FIRE PROTECTION Water under pressure with an ever-ready hose and Plain Bonnets $2.49 b $4.3
: : : ‘ . 3% i Regularly $298 to $4.98. Made of a variety of
outlet provides you with your own ‘home fire department”! Remember, the | Row mutelase; Jmyported laces, and
first 3 minutes are ail-important in fighting fire. ..and water under pressure | cello cloth. Buckram frame and wire fram:
i 3 styles. Also soft turbans.
gives you a fighting chance. |
Prayer Coverings 4 for $1.31
Regularly 39¢ each. These coverings are made
of our weil known quality Hager net and fine
. Jay sts. Can be dry cleaned
PAY BIG DIVIDENDS Hours saved for other farm and home duties saves money. . » yon mn Can be dry cieanec
higher production means better income. ..well-watered stock mature faster. .» Dress Materials 5dc to $1 79 yd
these factors plus safety, convenience, sanitation, health and protection add Huvs plenty. of running. water, tor : ;
: . , op : peok-load demand! Let us estimate Regularly 74¢ to $1.98 yd. Remarkable low pric-
| up to just one thing you can’t afford to be without an automatic water your present and future water | es on beautiful bemberg, rayon and nylon
syste ee y » PP&L Far lepresentative or v . » »aler av al needs — and install the right sheers in neat figures and patterns lovely
system. See your PP&L Farm Representative or your local dealer today about Myers Water System to meet them. colors. for cool Summer dresses.
the water 5 ! You'll be set for years of full- > y
ne water system you need! capacity, care-free water service. ’
i i svn Men's Plain Suits
$42.25 to $53
Regularly $43.75 to $62.50. These suits are our
fine quality all wool Worsted, in oxfecrd grey,
blues, bankers grey. A full line of sizes, in-
i cluding shorts and stouts in both sack and
AND OWNED BY 73,600 44 1 INVESTORS, H. S. Meckley & Sons ' rah -
15 West Main Street HAGER S PLAIN CLOTHING DEPT i Second Floor
MOUNT JOY, PA. | iz 2 EA a,
= i
| \
a AR i Etienne A BM A a AL A A am a a a a he Lt ~ on a rs RAG 78-7 Tih TT TTR An Cn A Tm Pn a a
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