The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, May 01, 1952, Image 6

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Tile & Linoleum Co. |
eee tlic Bulletin, Mount Joy. Pa., Thurs dav. Mav 1, 19
| nN now a lo Factory Represen.
for the lovely Dress line

ow you these now
Ms Be | Dr H.C Killheter
Mh. Mt he N y MANHEIM
- +} 163 S. Charlotte St.
| Telephone
| Mon. & Wednes. 9 5:3
H li Tues Sat SP.
or Fol
erg nl
E. High St
Funeral Home

Telephone 24.F
23 W. Main St. Mount Joy neon ee ———
Funeral Director
BROILER CHICKS Perfect Fi ooring
— Rubber Tile — the perfect
@ H EAVY DARK floor {or any room in the
BROILER CHICKS house, Resists damage dae
to water, spilled food, cte
and years of
us today!
{ives years
Place your order now Servite. 1
for free delivery.
Musser Leghorn Farms
Mount Joy
Tile & Linoleum Co.

MOUNT JOY. PA. Phone 3-1911
I Or every da & evening
—— — - except Ww I 1esday
Electric W Id 38 W. MAIN ST. MT. JOY
and Gas € mg —
Also Specialize On
Auicmobile and Truck Welding
Cover’s Welding Shop
MT. JOY, PA. Phone 23-5931
Delta and Marietta Streets

A famed service watch has donned
civilian dress! The new de luxe model

with 14 kt. gold bezel contains the f

same trustworthy movement that dis
the war-time Sea Hawk.
17 Jewels $71.50, Tox included

rom 540
Adam H. Greer
87 East Main
true facts

Phone 22-4121


Windows are washed without
removing your screens. When
unlocked screen is flexible!
(Eliminates clumsy, bulky
Arame screens.) Sill is free
from mechanical obstructions.
Exclusive tension lock firmly
holds screen tight. No sagging
- keeps out insects!
as low as
All aluminum —~never
rusts! Never needs |
painting like wood frames do. |
to install, Sizes for every
window—costing less than old-
fashioned wood frame screens.
Stehman Bros.
Salunga, Pa.

Open every day & evening except
Phone 3-3492
Mount Joy
fl Sill En NEN SE Ras i LESS ERE SR
how Down’
way gives the
about why the

| be:

Gamber, |
Mrs. G
on Saturday. {
— ©
Ford-Ferguson Court
lage Finally Settled |
Mr. and Mr Howard
attended the wedding of am-
's nephew,
9th, 1952, the
Court for
m April
States District
ern District of
York entered a
judgment, with the ccnsent



indoor Workers More Likely
To Vive Visien


sign of this

Mr Yes Jan nr 3 Tos 3 2
Mr. Abr Weaver, Mount Joy,| disease. Sometimes it ro
visited Mir. and Mrs. Victor Snyder | other “look-alike” diseases
on Sunday | i a ip Q: Once iden-
Visitors of Mr. and Mrs. John | I tified, what pre-
| Miller were Mr. Sidney Lentz, of] a =, sh ould
i a he taken?
Lancaster, Mr. Russell Weidman gh 5
: {
and family, Marietta Pike 4 d quaran
Mr. Daniel Geltmacher visited| tine n be applied
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Keith, Lititz; immediately to wep: it i
R. D. on Sunday | spreading. Immediate vaccin
nT : | isol of : (
On Monday evening. Rev. and] ¥9 Oya hogs,
7 disp of ca cleanii
Mrs. R. H. Arndt, Mrs. Hany Wea- :
3 ted the| disinfecting of pens are impo
ver and Janet Witmer attended the |
di "ma {1 53 What steps can be tak
“Ma was filme
film “M exa hh y Billy future outbreaks?
Graham, at the McCaskey High
: | In areas whe th
School, Lancaster t ne a problem. m
Visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob! orities 1 mmend that pi
| Eth, du the past week were | vaccing ted as soon as
| Mrs. Mary Lucas, Mt. Joy R. D. and | ter farrowir
Miss Gladys Weitcamp, Wrights -1 NOTE-Due to st limit
| : oo 1 a ion ot
this colin
As people move indoors from out
of doors to do their work, and as
the occupatic CCC ore

he Bet



1%. to 20 ailc la-
all parties, which ended four yea borers, policemen
of litigation between Harry Fer-| men, hunters, locomot ‘emen |
j guson, inc. and Ford Motor Com- | and engine die nen.
| pany and others. It was ordered | 20% to 40 roofers, cement
and adjudged that: | workers, tehe hotel employ-
The sum of $3.250000 shall be | °¢S: marble workers, domestic em
paid to Harry Ferguson, Inc. as piSyees. Bie sin
| royalties on four different patents: | re ais Jor i"
| that the Ford Moter Company shall | Prob b
not manufacture, atter December | smiths, foundry and chin
| 31, 1952, such tractors, and Dear- | workers.
| born Motors Corporation shall not | 60% to 80%-—bakers, housewives,
| sell any such tractors manufactur- , Musicians, tel graphers tool and
ed after Decemder 31, 1952, as have | a ined hah Dave oo
certain mechanical features as oar textile workers. 4 a
| ered by the patents. i 80% to 100% — ste nographer rs,
i It was ordered that the Ford Mo- | teachers, draftsmen, physicians
| tor Company shall have a period | dentists, clergymen, lawyers, jews
of time, expiring not later than Oe-| e'¥y and watchmakers, tailors,
cember 31, 1952, in which to make | barbers, engravers.
the changes in its line of tractors. the Institute points
i out, ophthalmic science can cor-
All other claims and counter | rect ie srs int So
| claims were dismissed and with=-| cases. So both indoor and outdoor
| drawn on the merits. | workers can have seeing comfort |
I The settlement between the two | and efficiency.
| companies resolves the issues inj ———————————
thelr entirely, i | U.S. Coal Fields
{ Prior to the court decision the!

machinery had cer- |
features protected |
under Ferg
to the court arguments.
uson patents according
Everybody reads newspapers but

NOT everybody reads circular ad- |
vertising left on their door step |

Oh! The Boss Said
TO Grder Stationery
Before We Get Down f
To The
Last Sheet

Riso orn
Uncle S
the land in the U.
coal could be placed side by
| larger
France combined
Sam has 40 per cent of the
world's coal supply. If all
continuous and
it would sprawl over an area
than Great Britain, Eire,
Actually 31

and |
states |
S. underlain with |
massive |
and Alaska have minable coal de- |
posits. Nearly 242 trillion tons of all
types of coal lie sleeping in Ameri- |
can soil, roughly 16,000 tons for |
every man, woman, and child. Re-!
member, however, that only a little |
more than one trillion tons are |
“recoverable” coal, but even that |
is enough to last
hundreds of years.
hundreds and
Where are our
—— |)

Ih 2
ee fe
| bi 50! do: aa


v0 |
Mr. and Mrs. John Wittel, Florin, {
visited Mr. and Mrs. Vietor uesiion Lucky
ler on Sunday | J
Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie
Abram Gamber were Mr. and Mrs. pe Hi
nr Uschi: . " NTH
Guy Winters and family of Man- BY dH | By Helen Langworthy
heim, Mr. and Mrs. Salem Gamber American Foundation a
’ . | For Anima! Heal
wd daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Schuy- | of Mimal Health MHEY CALL ME Lucky Leslie
ler Camber of Columbia R. D { ! not because I'm so lucky but bee
Visitors of Mrs. Katie Moore and | € e of my ife Celia nd her
y r ta nr) ©
Me. and Mrs. Maurice Frysinger W H. A A BOUT T phobia , lots of people beliey
hing the woake at My » vo in luck, ns and that stuff, But
during the week-end were: Mr. SWINE ERYSII Ei A ile roa ty Re or
ne VI Daniel Brubaker, Mi Q: How serious a problem is | before vou'd fin | an the equal
Frank Rah Mi tay Myers, Mt. swine erysipelas? of my Celia for ideas on luck, It'
Joy and Mis, Austin Rhen, Lancas- A: It's one of our worst swine | not ordinary garden variety luck
te | diseases, It has now spread to -— that Celia talk
Visitors during the past week at | svery ate and a kee $s animal loss - Minute a t i r - t
the home « } ny » 11 8 OL millions of dollars tai our leat clover
the home of Rev. and Mrs. R H. | : : : a Fiction NCW &
Arndt were Miss Mary Lefever, Q: Why is erysipelas hard to > ‘ fect. O
tral? i { f
Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Lefever, Mr. and control? ta ! 3 trone for cky
y A: Because it is very con ious
Mrs. Havard Johnston, Lancaster, ! AL Bera : lo her bi q ©
| <i om Mien vit) her d For :
Mrs. Martha Fogie and son Rich-| Bnd easily confused with other d i fair nur nd 6
. Cases, v by wit} \ t
ard visited Mr. and Mus. arvey : you skid b Ha x¥
d visited Mr. anc Irs. Harvey, Q: Does it af 8 o | {ands clenched
| Barton, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred At-| poet only hogs? ns ~ { / ‘e . ,
land and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Jones, A: No i believes if you have 2
Columbia, on Tuesday | las has been re. ZZ \ iy going Bong : 1
: { . « once, then if 1 re
Mr. and M:s. Jacob Erb . visited | ported in colts, tA \ |: : If C
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Brosey, Sil- | €alves, turkeys, Soma on diamond
Q q | | sheep, and even {/
rer Spring, $ la it t
ver Sp ng HA y ; | parrots, Human bein also |, i
Mr. Victor Snyder is on the sick | contract it, ‘so every precaution x I h
list, [should be taken in handling in next month
ext month, cor
visito's of Mr. and Mus. | fected animals. In man, the dis- don tl me 1
ie . alin on the same ri
Aristice Wittle were Mrs. Ragner| ase is called erysipeloid. [if th un was bl
Hallgren and son. John Bowman. of Q: What are the symptoms of [ find yy. The queer part of it
! swine ervsinelas® ‘a1
Mt. Joy, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wit-| SWine erysipelas? —Celia would.
| mm y inelirrd Ph y y
tic and daughter Judy, Columbia, | J I'hey nei eo scaly and | When we were marri
and Mr. Charles Wittle, Columbia | Stoughing Los Soli 1 1011S, | ynpleasant days of "43, ve
R. D arched backs, lameness, hich \ fre the 15th of one
: qi and unwiilingne to move unless | puxt We t each other for
Rev. R. H 'ndt preached lor forcibly aroused. In the
the morning and evening worship! ease many pigs may die {
services t the Kinderhook Evan.! chronic disease, pigs which oe
Cong. Church. in the absence of] 8re unthrifty, and unprofitable for |
| mark i
the pastor, this past Sunday. J TH rket.
Master Robert Witmer spe ent! Q: If the herd is infected, what |
Sh Si can be done? {
Sunday with his mother, Mrs. Paul |
. accurate dinenosic shoul
Witmer, Marietta | Al An accural diagnosis should |
i | be obtained at the fi

But Celia
that's the
said, “The
day for luck.”

ars, Celia and 1. If I'd
we'd have | ma
But Cel I'h
lav {. Fuen
e 1
I'o this
ime aus Ie
1 ‘on the 7th, An }
Take our son—the doctor said

David would be born on June
26th, Celia said she chose July
3rd, The doctor snorted,
“Choose!” But David was born
on the 3rd of July at 7 o’clock—
just like Celia had predicted.
Her strongest belief is that things
s 2 big train
and chick-

el ide of 2 months, I thought
it Celia said there would be
n le ca down with the
mumps on the 6th. If we have -
clea nigh a
I'( , Celia ax a batch of «
{ 1 wa or mieone ( p 1
withou i Th vs do!

as th J
e crew w { be th 12h on the
6th. I was one of the last taken on.

The 6th was coming and I had a

who was going to get
ssal slip in their pay
envelope, Celia id she would
to think of son Ha! We both
(new we were in the dark.
Early the mo that fateful
day David woke h a terrific
stomach ache. Two hours later he
went to the hospital for an appendi-

operation. I know, operations
en't unusual. But it
number cne—of three. At breakfas
cur toaster popped sparks and
smoke instead of toast.
st of 1¢
thinking to her-
red about the low c«
ut I knew

he was
second trouble.’
Like they had gone into deep
mourning, that's the way the of
fice force looked, | tried to wrile

up orders like it was just any
day, instead of the 6th. Celia
telephoned to say she had
dr d her wrist watch and
broken it. Now why was a trivi-
al think like that worth a tele-
phone call! Women!

Then the pay checks came. Mine
didn’t have a pink slip. I could have
danced on my desk top. I
home to tell Celia the )
and that her thoory





: : ( FOR SALE: 5 tons mixed hay IBALER TWINE FOR SALE - best
Conversion to Gas M. Herr. Phone Mt, Joy 3-4051 [quality baler twine manufactured
The ashes of wood and coal 17-2/10cally that competitive brands can
be converted into gas. Ar mt © af special pre-season
may be converted into gas o VEN WANTED: Lancaste; : Leal orice of $15.50 per bale. Arenel
vapor if it is heated to a sufficiently | Tobacco Co., North Market Street Farms Feed Mill, Shoemakersville,
high temperature. Since ashes con. | tobacco warehouse, Mount Joy, »P | Penna. 9-1f
| sist of a mixture of many coms- | Phone WE | ———
pounds, such as the carbonates of | _, 4 ee rca rr NOTICE, TO RFSIDENTS OF EAST
sodium and potassium, silica, ete. | FOR INTERIOR DECORATING: DONFGAT, TOWNSHIP SCHOOL
all with different boiling points, no { Call Earl C Flavin, Pa DISTRICT
particular temperature can be | Fone Mt. Joy 344949 39-4! A edt .
given as that which would have to | rr rector em, EE ET 0 All persons attaining the ade of
Le resehod 1) 0 Ini ANTIQUES: Will pay high prices years, or becoming res-
be PREG Th gh it would prov. | for antiques of any descrintion. Mr. of the School District, must,
ably be in ne ne 1borhood of Hart, 161 N. Charlotte St, Man- within twelve months of heceming
3000 d Fahrenheit. Some of | haim, Pa, Phone 407. 2.24-tf ~f age. or becoming a resident, no-
! i mn the he vould semen | (ify Henry B. Heisev, Assessor of
( ( ef a this | ELECTRC ns U X SERVICE Doneesl Township School Dis-
t rat tt d | SUPPLIES and Good Used Clean-|tviot, R. D. No. 1. Mount Jov, Pa.
i ere, Call Jay Koser, Mount Marietta #-3%12, of their
en a Phone 13-9542 17-4 becoming of age, or their establish
in - fa resid e > ctriet,
Stimulate your evriness by adver AUTOMOBIT E PARTS jor) “Sa le, 1 ne, Fr hoe J in ie Digicel
ising in the Bulletin buy old care, all kinds of WD Iron patie to the penalties prescribed
——————_ | ary]. nso sal] wove wood onl D.iby |
Spittler, Phone Mt. Joy 3-5573. 40-4 RAST DONEGAL TOWN-
SEWING MACHINES FOR SALE: Bv H. D. McMullen, Secretary
3 Vines or loss. minimom asc | New and used. Repairs for hirk & Shirk, Att neys. 18-3
Over 3 lines, per line ..... 10¢ makes of sewing machines. 1. y 5 A QA CYNE TN >
| Each add. insertion. per Hne Sc Binkley, 111 N. Market St, Eliza-|E A'S ! DX INF AL row NSHI1
JE MI 1 vn hethtown, Pa. Phone 215-1. 1-tf SCHOOI DISTRICT PER CAP-
‘OR SALE As wi wipe | er en ree - ITA TAX
oR Sy a gh le [MUSIC LESSONS on Accordian a
. - “1 Wielin. Piano. Trumpet, Clarinet, The School District of the Town-
FOR SALW: Mixed Alfalfa and | Mar'mba and other instruments. shin of East Donegal gives notice
Timot Neo rain. Harold Forwood. | Inquire abort our lesson wlan, In- thoi the Schoo! Board intends tn
Phone 3-341 Mt. Jov 8.1 | struments loaned for beginners. ndont a Resclution on May 29, 1952,
rt tt srt est nit ats. | TIOVIA Hots Music Shop, 106 7 n. m,, DST, at the Mavtown
FCR RENT acres of pasture land. | Market St. Elizabethtown, Phonel/€chool. levving a ner capita tax of
Call Mount Jov 3-495] 18 2 | 60: a-J. 15-14195.00 for the schoo! year 1952-53.
- - re tn eee. (0) adult resident of said
FOR SALE: BABY CRIB, new, School District, under the provi-
ver used, price $15.00. Phone ! sions of the Act of 1947. P.L. 1145,
Mount J | Antiques Restored ss mended, in addition to the $5.00
i Furniture Refinishing|ner eanitq tax authorized under
Sp iece Living Room Suite, ir good | ES IY 7 TH EY the Public Schoo! Code of 1949.
ore 0 Mrs. H. S. Ginder, CABINET SHOP Imposition of thie tax fram which
Bread St. Iandisville, P: 18-1p Marietta, Pa. it is estimated that €1000000 an-
np _— . 3) 10% nul revenue will be derived, is ne-
HFLP WANTFD A truck diver. Phone #281 oll : because of increased
H nd, Inc. 6-0301 Marietta Call For and Delivery school cost, md berance of per
18-1 wita rax. under the Pohlie School
©v DWNT. . 8-tf Cede i: limited 1n $5.00, which
¥N'T 7 room Farm Fanant - eee eee would. be inegnitable to property
House. No c« ences. In vicini- Typewriters, Add. Mach’s, ba ihe increased costs to I
\ Donezal Jox 85, Mount | Register Check Writers, Safes. collected from incressed real es-
! D. L 18-2 | New & Used. J. M. 411 East tate taxes entirely.
RY or = | Fiz St, E-town. Ph. 14]. 8-18! FAST DONEGAT. TOWN-
Ah . Pe =n WER | A Sc wissen SHIP SCHOOL, DISTRICT
: h. aug Tra NEW & USED CARS Bv H. D. McMullen. Secretary
a i mets 0, hx I NO 11950 Pontiac Sedan, R&H & Hydro. Shirk & Shirk, Attorneys. 18-3
: one ( *hene Mt 1 19'8 Plymouth Sedan R&H I.
| Jo bd 15-P 11948 Packard Sedan, R&H MOUNT JOY SCHOOL,
FOR SALE: 1950 Norge R 1947 Ch vrolet Sedan, R&H PER CAPITA TAX
stor. 8 ou. Call Mt. . . 1946 Packard 6 Sedan, R&H The School District of the Bor-
Michnel Cood | PACKARD GARAGE ngh of Mount Joy gives notice
————— — (221 N. Hanover St. E-town ‘hat its School Board intends to a-
| "OR SALE: A Spartan one-snoed Phone 469-W 51-tf|3°n¢ a resclution on Mav 29, 1952
Re tv wi i nd radio € mbi- | eee 6:00 p. mr. standard time, at
Ph $50. Phone 3-6456.| FOR SALE: Asphalt Tile for kiteh- Mq¢ "it Joy Gr de Schoo] Lil ling),
Bishot 17-1f | en, bathroom or basement. Install levying rer tax of $3. for
- | it yourself. 5¢ each. We rent cut-ithe scheol vear 1952-53 on each a-
LK Sars Luncheonette nd | ters. Mt. Joy Tile & Linoleum Co. |dult resident of said School District
| Novelty Shon ir ywthern Lane, | Mt. Joy. Phone 3-3492. Open eve-|under the provisions cf the Act of
loonie: stoce 2 aso «od | ings 197, P. L. 1145. as amended. in ad-
| vicht | Good Sm eens | Vit joy ty the $5. ner capita tax au-
I (al Jov 1648 Plymouth 2 dr. Sdn. ext. clean. under the Public School
> 18 one owner car. low mileage. “ode of 1949. Imposition of this ad-
i - - 11842 Ford Club Coupe, very nice. 'ditional tax (from which it is es-
FCR SAI 1 left con sink. all {19 Ford 2-dr. Sedan, clean imated that $8.630. annual revenue
f \ one 0-90]. <tone-lined hot | 1922 Plvmouth Sedan, good low will be derived) is necessitated be-
vate tank Fiwin KE. Rutherford. priced car. use of inerezsed schoo! costs:
103 W it St farietta. Phonel — —— = &= bre #0 the per canfia tex suthor-
- Bt; Mark Pion WANTED: 25 clean cars. goodiized under the Public School Code
prices paid i's Imiied ty 85.: snd hecause it
\Ty sin thanks ta evervone for JOHNSONS ‘would be irequitable to property
ca ers, e'e., that 1 - QUALITY USED CARS where tg eolleet the ent're «unount
1 ny ospite ion | £47 W. Main St! Mt. Joy. aid increased cests in the form
t] Mrs. Carl Germ increnced real esiate taxes.
—- — EA — -— |For Mother - Hollywood “Wrap-a-| SCHOOT. DISTRICT,
FE THI FW VITWMASTER | rounds”. wear as dress or apron. 18-3 By A. D. Sciler, Secretary.
thi-d Dimension Parsonal Camera, |For BABY - Boucle Suits, dresses, mtr ses
rst at hs Proiectors $9.95 | Cott n knit sweaters, Bibs! Blank- MOUNT JOY BOROU GH SCHOOL
ewe 200). New re<ls 3 fo $1.00. (ets. Need a giit for the NEW BABY? PISTRICT BUDGET AND PER
tor Kilahr Ca Shop, Middle- | VISIT the CAPITA TAX NOTICE
—— eee —— [19 W. Doneoal St. Mt. Jov, Pa.! The provosed 1952-1952 budgei
FOR On Donegal Springs Phone 3-9373 i of Mount Joy Borough School Dis-
Road. Twe story house. 5 rooms & | Alterations Veilings Buttonholing trict 1: available jor public insvec-
bath, attached garage. Combination 97-tf tion during school hours at Mount
orm windows. Lot 60x200. Quick rere ——— Joy High School building, Mount
wssession. Call Mt. Joy 3-4898, "SEALED BIDS ON ROAD OIL | Toy. Po. and will be presented for
36 to 9 P.M 17-tf AND STONE final adoption at a schoel board
- erm re Senled Bids will be received by meeting at Mount Joy Grade Schoo]
FOR SALF: 28 ft. Trailer with William F. Brian. Secretary of at 6:60 n. m. (standard
lot, 69x40x58, located in| Mcunt Joy Borough up until 7:00 time), May 26, 1952. :
1 Phone Mt. Joy 32-4863 be-!pP. M. May 5, 1952 for the 1952 sea-| Persons becoming inhalitants of
tweel to 7 p.m 17-2 | son's requirements on Penna. 2 said school district or ttaining the
ry il ye is | Liquid Asphalt or Penna. F-3 of 21 years Bre ra.
FO NY SALE LEGHORN BABY phalt Fmulsion Oil in truck loads|”uired by law, within 12 months.
HY KS. ROP. sired. Penna. U. 8 | to borough streets under hereafter. to notify the
nl lorum clean. A c Mayer, Phone | yy essure and stone to be applied at {George Brown, of nn x Main
31-0826 \ YU A490 SIV : > ino “ a ras a DS 2S, and
0826, Mount Joy. I 19-14 Te ig ii wie pe 'IPaul Hitple, of Marietta St. for
FOR SALX. 1 Corduroy Dress $2] 5210p oh of anc price per on Ofwest Ward residents) of such ac-
, > 4 stcne. Certified analysis of material et atts
1 red dress $250; 1 Vue | he furnished must accompany isin of residence or attain.
ilk bine dress $3.: two | iad ment cf age. Aides penalty of pay-
nn } & $5:light | e un- . . < Si ment of a adcubled per caplia lax.
Js whit hie Fs €ouncil Fos the right to re- MOUNT JOY BOROUGH
: ad h 2 black dre ki a runt Joy SCHOOL. DISTRICT,
( 1 > : ( 3 JO) 9 y Seiler, Secretary
th ol rH i "116-3 William F. Brian, Secretary 13-2 By AD. Seller, Secretary
Rn ite 3 coy — RFYUEST FOR BIDS
hs yay 3 mall slo &9 NEW HENRY J The Mount Jov Borough Authori-
soll ea —— $20) less i price. Never 4, yi accept bids for supplying
: itled. : ; lap
LADIER, work for vourself. full or a |the following materials for
part time. earning liberal profits, | RA SEDAY the im»rovement of the Water Dis-
selling CLINICO HYGIENIC POW- | clean ang anger get Ihe. tribution System in Meares Joy
CTR. This nroduet is already es- | 1 need used cars from 1941 up. | Borough:
: a | Will trade and finance. %- Linanl 4 oe
and highly recognized by | Aprox. 14¢0 lineal feet of 6 in.

thoueands in this area. Please write
far fall rartienl ig samo'es



Blond, weany, Walnut, and |
Maple. nall S»oinets. Used Spin- |
et and cut-downs. The names,
Christian & Son, Auto-Clayer, |
Stodart, L
beil, Guibr:
Kohler, and Camp-


Dcmestic and imvorted materials
from The Fnelish Shops of New
York. Over 70) i to choose

fr om.

coal fields? First, in the rich Ap- | Lak Jib dr SE TTT
palachian plateau, running from Yak ol Me Gi $ sie Wi ANTE Young man with know-
northern Pennsylvania to northern | = a ow = | Jodie of Country Bani operations.
Alabama, and covering both these | But do you now s< r fun No Saturday work except on rare
states and Virginia, West Virginia, | She she drepped it. J Po TO healt! hosbitalizatior
Kentucky, and Tennessee. There | * il i bang an. na
re Sr 3 inois i of 1 in ne |}
are other fields in Illinois, Ohio, | i Write P. O. Box 85. Mt. Joy. 16-4
Indiana, lowa, Missouri, Kansas, rer epee Sx ———————
and Oklahoma; and further west | CUSTOM MADE
in North Dakota, Montana, Colo- | r
rado, New Mexico, Utah, and Wyo- | a - i A w N I N GS oi
ming. The Pacific Coast state® of A | For Free Estimate Phone 4-8101
Washington has coal reserves es- | Bob Hope has the right idea. He | COLUMBIA, PA.
timated at 32 billion tons. he ” Ss g ashi 3 Cy a=
says he "loves to go to Washington, HALDEMAN'S Upholstery Shop
just to be near his money.

Phone Mt. Joy 3-5951
7207 lineal feet of 8
10500 lineal feet
| Cast Iron Pipe;
in.Chst Iron Pipe;
of 12 in. Cast Iron Pipe: aporox.
vouvnds of Cast Iron Fittings;
| a 700,000 gal. Stand Pipe or 1 1.-
HERE IS A REAL 1600.09 gal. Stand Pine; 1 - 350,000
[ ™ 1 ” ‘1. Stand Pipe or 1 - 970,000 gal.
1 , : . 5 Rids for the construction of the
N > 1 > res .
NOW'S the time to invest in cllowins items of work will also be
Cast Iron Pipe;

1400 lineal feet of 6 in.
7200 lineal feet of
HEAVY WHITES R in. Cast Iron Pipe; 10500 lineal
® HEAVY WHITE CROSS |feet of 12 in. Cast Iron Pipe; plac-
ROCK r~ o ing 17 Gate Valves; Installing 300
ROCK RED CROSS vounds Cast Iron Fittings: install-
MAKE 1832 YOUR BREST YEARS [ing 15 Cut-in Sleeves and Valves;
YET rn | Bids will be received for furnish-
MUSSER LEGHORNS ing the following labor and/or
‘auipment: x
MUSSET Rental of one-half cu. yd. Bac
Used {Hoe; U-License Truck; 105 Cu. ft.
Compressor ; supplying skilled,
3-4911| <emi-skilled and common labor;
43-1! Bids will also Le received for
renovating and altering the present
| Water Stand Pipe located at Don-
egal Street.
For detailed

FACTORY DAMAGED | specifications and
olans governing the supplying of
SHOES FOR S SAL E [th= above listed items address re-
AT MY HOME (quest to J. A. Michels, Registered
. & | Professional Engineer, Dallastown,
\lso Cancellations and Samples (R. D. 1, Penna.
BARBARA STREET | Bids will b= opened publicly at a
| meeting of the Mount Joy Borough
| Authority to be held at the Gerbe-
|rich-Payne Shoe Company Offices
{at Mount Joy, Penna. at 8:00 P. M.
DST on May 13, 1952.
Mt. Joy Borough Authority
210 S.
Bargain Prices Boys 21% -
intents 6's - 8
| Little Gents & Misses 85 - 3