2—The Bulletin, Mount Joy, Pa., Thursday, April 24, 1962 The Mount Joy Bulletin Juno. E. Schroll, Editor and Publisher ESTABLISHED JUNE, 1901 ( ———— Published Every Thursday at Ne. | #-11 East Main St, Mount Joy, Pa.! A communist is the slave of his | ideology. Communist doctrine holds | that any lie or deception is both | justified and necessavy if it will ad- | wer 2% (vance the end of world communism Three Months . 80 | —which means world enslavement. | 05 | That goes for the communist teach- | Bample Coples caren | er as well as any other followers of | Mars, Lenin, and Stalin, And the | jg ot Bote 1M. 0, 2 Sn, ter under the Act of March 3, 1879, | dangerous of all—for he poisons Bingle Copies Member, Bi pay | | canmot tell a subtle lie from a pro- found truth. Publication Day, Thursday ' | Every state should have a law on Copy for a change of advertising | ie Feinberg model. Communism in | should b Jeach this fii Tuesday | the schools must be ruthlessly We will not guarantee insertion o any advertising unless copy reaches | stamped te Le the office not later than 9 a. m. preceding day of publication. | EARN COMMISSIONS IN Classified ads will be accepted to | | MARINE. CORPS THIS SUMMER | | | ors Assoc. | | the right hand. { reel Me in | Harry G. Hauenstein was ap- Patronize Bulletin Advertisers ’ nc | and betrays unformed minds which | 3 a m + RY Master Sergeant Charles H. Lnych | of the Marine Corps Recruiting E D 1 T O RI A | Subst ation at Old City Hall, Lan- | that Lan- | | caster, announced today + + * "| caster area male college graduates Some people certainly get wild | and seniors will have an opportun- ideas. Here's an illustration: Tt was | [ity to earn commissions in thé Ma- reported at Loncaster that a grey | rine Corpse this Summer. fox was wrapped in a barrel An | By June 1'the expanding Marine investigation disclosed that some | 0 will enrol] a total of 1000] one had discarded an old fur piece {officer candidates, beginning their in a trash barrel. | training July 14 at the Marine | “ed | Corps School at Quantico, Virginia. If you want to play ball on Dis- Married or single college gradu- | trict Attorney John W. Bevers between 20 and 27 years old | team, you gotta come out to {are eligible for the program. Seni- | tice. #e made that fact plain ® iors who will graduate at the end the 91 constables, many of whom of the current semester also are el- | refuse to serve warrants or execn- | igible, but must apply before the tions. June 1 deadline. Mr. Beyer has called a meeting of | Married men will receive family | all these officials. at which time he, | allowances as soon as their candi- | proposes “laying down the law” to, | date training begins. them. They will be: given the ulti | Candidates successfully matum of “either performitie thet |; the 10-week training duties or resigning.” | fA be John made it plain that he does- | 4. 06 in the Marine Corps Re- n't want bench warmers on the Following this they will re- complet | course { { host to the American Legion Auxil- | i @ commissioned second lieu- | | linger farm, E-town roster or drawing salaries and that ceive five additional months of spe- | is precisely as it should be. | cialized officers’ training, es | the Quantico Base, NATIONAL PASTIME { ed 35 miles south of Washington, D. Everybody kicks about high prie- | C. es. It's become a national pastime.| Master Sergeant Lynch said that We compare what something or|the necessary applications form: other cost years age with what it} are available at the recruiting sta- costs today and eur wath rises. | tion. He stated that it would be ad- All of this is natural. But we'd! visable for prospective candidates get a mich clearer picture of the| to apply as soon as possible. price situation if we'd relate it to It was also announced that mem- the changes that have taken place | bers of organized or volunteer Ma- in the average man’s earhing and | rine Co mps Reserve units may apply buying power. After all. the mere) if they meet the requirements, dellars-and-cents price of a com- TT Tey modity isn’t the whole story by al long shot. ¥Far more important is; Vote Was Light how much working time we must spend to earn money to buy it. According to the Monthly Review of the Bureau of Labor | (From page 1) | D—Herbert Smith, 5; Labor | Snortle,, 3. Springfield District Susan H. Statistics, food purchasing power R—C. H. Martin, 150; Maude | in the United States has increased | Buller ae. ! N Ne rig. 2: mare: ta Jessen’ shee wr Frac. al Nentwig, 2; France start or jar II. Fe prices : hi 1 WEST DONEGAL TWP. less than doubled while hourly] FO Tot Ruth L earnings more than doubled before Metzler, 250. 1949. And between 1949 and 1950 DC. A. Ricedorf, 15; food purchasing power rose nearly | H. Dimeler, 15. five percent because prices dropped | EAST HEMPFIELD TWP, about 3 percent and earning rose a- | Landisville District bout 1!» percent. [ot Chatles D. Mease, 332; enck, 330 The price of meat comes in for a| D—Jay Dombach, 4; lot of eriticism. so it's significant to Minnich, 1; Dorothy Dombach, 1: chart what has happened in its; Mrs. Lester Erb, 1; Mrs. case. In June, 1951, Margaret Ann I the average| Myers, 1; Mrs. Ralph Snavely 1. worker spent 254 minutes earning MOUNT JOY TWP. the price of a pound eof sliced bacon | Lower District ix months later it took him 23.1 | Se page Y. Kline, 76; Ruth E SEX . 2! welkert, minutes. Pork chops required 29.2," 5 1 © Eichler, 4: minutes of work in June and only | Liggens, 8. 274 minutes six months later. Since | Milton Grove District then, the wage earners’ meat buy-| R-—J. M. Berrier, 49; ing power has tendered to increase | E. Perrier, 50. Frances also ab which is locat- | Mary K.| Catherine | D—Bernard Thome, 1; Mrs. Geo. | still further because of seasonal | bo 4 1 softening of prices combined with | Upper District continuing high wage levels. { R—Lester Weidman, 125: Lela K. Our average purchasing Coble, 121. I isen in many other commodity D—Charles Goodhart, 1; Ruth fas Fis on Goadhart, 1; Virginia Cassell, 1. ficlds besides food. The typical fam- ily can huy more goods today than WP. { Newtown District it ever could befare. R—J. L. Swarr, 50; Jean S. Isler, oo 0 61. MAKE IT NATIONWIDE t D-—None. Some time age, the state of New Sporting Hill District RAPHO TWP. R—El H Ks 58: Er- York passed what is known as the) “or Shenk. 5 5. Kauffman, 58: Er Feinberg Law, prohibiting employ- 1D _Clarence Klopp, 4: Lizie ment in the public schools of peo- | Brady, 2 ple whe advecate the overthrow of | Strickler's Schosl House District the government by force and vie- R—Harvey L. Zink, 49: Eleanor J The law. was obviously aim- | F255 2 ence. ic ‘ay. W y 4%" D—Ervin Smith, 1 ed at teachers who are communists Bitzer, 1. or party-line followers. However, a Union Square District great hue and ery was raised to the! R—Warren W. Kline, 97; Sara L. effect that the law violated the con- | 2 : —-Eugene stitutional guarantee of free speech. | 6. and the matter was taken into the en ell renee courts, Now the Supreme Court, A HIVE OF BEES STOLEN has ended the legal controversy, by NEAR MASTERSONVILLE declaring the law constitutional. George DePugh, of Avon, Leba~ it is difficult to see how any non County. reported to the State Witineyer, 4; Mary Mrs. George | thinking person with the interests | Police the theft of a bee-hive from | of a free America at heart can do| his premises near Mastersonville, other than enthusiastically applaud | in Lancasier County. He said his | this verdict. One of the primary | loss was $25. goals of communism is the utter] DeFugh, police learned, had a | destruction of free speech and ail | colony of bee-hives on a property | the rest of the basic freedoms—as | adjoining the farm of Ralph Niss- | witness Poland, Czechoslovakia and | ley, in Rapho township, and upon | the ether Iiwn Curtain countries, | checking found that one of the | no less thas the Soviet Union itself. | hives had been removed. J coal prices since { income | wiches. Harold | INRA PRA CONTRACT FOR A NEW WAREHOUSE BUILDING ANSWER THE “CALL OF THE DRUM” TO THE GOOD NEWS CLUB MISSIONARY RALLY Sunday Afternoon, April 27—2:30 D.S.T. McCASKEY HIGH SCHOOL AUDITORIUM H APPENINGS Contracts for the construction of | new warehouse buildings at the —of — | Marietta Transportation Corps De- | LONG AGO | pot have been awarded to a Har- | | risburg contractor, a) SE | The project, valued at an dod $676,000, was awarded to H. B. 20 Years Ago { Alexander & Son. Construction of | the open storage warehouse is ex- | pected to require | complete. seven months to David Brayman has opened a TW CU — 10 EAST MAIN STREET, MOUNT JOY, PA. 8 ROOM FRAME HOUSE NOW VACANT. FOR SALE The Old Kern Property Adam H. Greer, Realtor new fruit store in the John Engle | i property, East Main Street. Everybody reads newspapers but | — Earl Shelley, | NOT everybody reads circular ad- berich-Payne a finger on | vertising left on their door step. employed at Ger- injured pointed a member of the Legisla- | | tive conynittee of the Pa. Supeivis- ° SIMON P. NISSLEY { MARY G. NISSLEY FUNERAL DIRECTORS Mount Joy, Pa. A locust tree 80 ft. high, 15 ft in | | circ. and over 200 years old was cut | down in the park at Columbia. We had a light snow fall April 12. | F. H. Baker is advertising new pril 1st ese i I Crushed Stone of all Grades Transit Mixed Concrete ously injured when he fell off oy ago $375 wagon, ; : The Landisville Post Office lease | $145 F ARMERS:— was extended five years. [ ~doy ) ; . On and after May 2nd dressed | Finishes — Walnut, Mahogany, “Try Our Light Weight Concrete poultry must be sold. only hy the | Blond stu Jape: For Chicken House Floors’ pound by a designated price per lb. | Mrs. Clarence Newcomer was | ACCORDIANS ary. Birthday surprises were honor of Mrs. Cyrus Jeannette Hipple and Mrs. 120 Bass, $195 up \ Hostetter, | Tonetti 4 Paridoni - Atlas LITITZ, PENNA. Phone 6-2211 OPEN EVES TILL 9 14-4 George held in De ots Eggs 13-14c; Butter 22, MUSIC SHOP lard, Te | DAVID HESS Mills, Pa. 10 years, A hunter of Miners may not hunt in Pa. for because he carelessly shot his com- | panion. { hetween | iy employ- | EE . | pe “a i - Fr Aaron Hol- a mito | He ——— — | MARIETTA FIRM AWARDED | $100.006 NAVY CONTRACT 106 N. Market St., Elizabethtown, Pa. Everybody, Everywhere, Reads The Bulletin GC. Robert Fry PA. Passenger trolley cars here and Lancaster, the past, we now have bus service. | Pinchot added 832 state ees the last 14 months A smoke house and were destroyed on the are a thing of | wood. shed | MANHEIM R. D. 2, Machineeraft., Inc, Marietta, . we men mies «0 ones |l Ar Compressor Work Rodis contract of $100,000 on the basis of | ass : bids, it was announced Monday. | Rock Drilling, Concrete Breaking, Etc. and Work on the contract for making . oe aydraulic valve gat Rs, is to ste t May . . Trees pe Excavating and Grading rls is procurement « Removed Cellars, Trenches, Etc. Wiene is vice president and general manager At Montreal, Canada, some families are PHONE MOUNT JOY 13-4753 feeding children canned dog food in sar Lets get down to brass tacks the PLAIN HARD FACTS You pay less Here's why a Chevrolet truck means to buy! dollars-and-cents savings! You save on cost per mile! and casy. Fast, quiet Synchro- Mesh transmission that eliminates double clutching. Roomy cab with five feet of hip room, ventipane windows, and seats with double- deck springs. Come in and let us show you. A 5 Size up the four facts why a Chev- rolet truck cuts down your hauling or delivery costs. But there's more to it than that. It’s the greatest truck to drive you ever got your hands on. Easier You get the right truck for the job! Ball-Gear Steering. Clutch smooth aN Your truck investment is safer! RUGGED and thrifty wo! in demand i in value in sales / {Continuation of standard equipment and trim dilusteated is degendent on availability of material § NEWCOMER MOTORS Inc; Pa. Mount Joy CHILDREN'S CHORUS. IN COSTUMES OF FORFIGN LANDS lla Bible Quiz Missionary Story Ylice: Dome 4-307 COLUMBIA, PA, Resideties 4-307 EVERYONE WELCOME 17-2 EIS APPLE JUICE nisi i PCGST'S SUGAR CRISP =r be DEL MONTE PEAS Whur 3 PEACHES «co ny DATE & NUT BREA WEEK CROSSE & BLACKWELL 8-02 REDUCED PRICE!" cans NDER GREEN SPEARS ASPARAGUS FLORIDA THIN SKIN—54.SIZE GRAPEFRUIT FRESH CUCUMBERS: oa sce sen (1 SPINACH crosses ao rmmneo 10 co GRASS SCED OXFORD PARK ( : ¢ BROCCOLI CUTS ses A BEST PURE LARD i CAMPBELL'S "wr 21: 23 27 or IOKA PEACHES wus 9 wa ROSEMONT APPLE SAUCE 3 us OUR OWN TEA BAGS mci 2 soem wm CLEANSERS oo» sas vse mo 2 i» Worthmore Candy Sale! ( 0 GUM RINGS ( NONE PRICED HIGHER ORANGE SLIGES _____. BLACK KEWPIES _____ SPICE DROPS ____ SPICE STRINGS ______ ASSORTED GUM SLICES SPEARMINT LEAVES _ Lt REDUCED 1'4-lb, BORDEN'S CHEESE SPREAD "usr "x BRY MILK SOLIBS = cus 35 BRIGHT SAIL SOAP FLAKES nas. HORMEL SPAM The RAISIN BREAD SALE SPANISH BAR . nis... ol WORK GLOVES pair : DANN SSS © SWIFT'S BROOKFIELD CHEESE SPREADS 2: Ake Big Pickle Sale! “AMILY CHOICE SWEET PICKLES == BARONESS FRESH FRESH “UCUMBER KOSHER PICKLES 99 MOUNT JOY, 12-01. JANE PARKER A REGULAR 21c loaf Choice of a ioties PIMENTO LISH, PINEAPPLE OR OLIVE PIMENT NINN 8% East Main St. All prices in this ad effective through Saturday, April 26th ND SPECIAL! CALIFORNIA | 2 os 33: 5 i 29c Your Choice PACKAGE C EACH Your Chotce } 20° 15¢ 35 31: 39° ’ Qc 14¢ i $1.89 Tle 29: 49° 23 ade 33° 20¢ 41 15¢ 19 PA. sey ERNE ee... Im CO! ric her yex acy tilt wa sui 1 cn at . Wal Lan Pau the On, | alo) Val ed ¢ mile Cou OF | slate elect: roof, watra 1 prem 1 befor John on r secti mow’ } -5 4 bul large chick Rang drum tools, Livin walni sion Porta one J rocke slice crates Ly th les nc S made No J. H. Hersh